intertek Raw Honey A layer of white foam Honey User Manual
- June 5, 2024
- Intertek
Table of Contents
Recently, we were asked about the white bubbles that sometimes appear on the surface of our honey jars.
The honey foam may be one of the most surprising things about the appearance of raw honey.
Raw honey will crystallize over time and will usually have a slight layer of white foam on the surface, marble-like swirling, or white spots on the upper sides of the jar. This is caused by air bubbles that have risen to the top. It is a sign that the honey has been packed without heating.
White foam is often greeted with the words: “What’s that white stuff on the top”? If you find the white foam in your honey jar, consider yourself lucky.
Honey foam is delicious. It is light, flavorful, and packed with air bubbles that have trapped some of the wondrous stuff that is in raw honey: pollen, propolis, wax, and, of course, raw honey.
What you’re looking at is ‘honey foam’, which is a result of the tiny air bubbles in the honey escaping to the top. This is due to air bubbles trapped in the honey during processing and packaging. When the packaged honey rests, the air bubbles work their way up to the top of the container, creating the foam.
For more information, please Google up!!
Why does some honey crystallize or solidify and some don’t?
The granulation of honey is called crystallization. All kinds of honey crystallize/ solidify/ freeze over time. Quite often when honey crystallizes it’s assumed by many that it’s adulterated or not pure. Ironically, just the opposite holds the truth that crystallization is a natural phenomenon in raw honey. Depending on plant origin, honey may either crystallize faster or remain liquid for a long time. Honey from the flowers of Ajwain, Tulsi, Sidr, Fennel, etc. crystallizes quite slowly and can stay liquid for several years without any special treatment whereas honey from Mustard, Coriander, Dill seed, etc. flowers crystallizes quickly within a month from harvesting. “How fast”, “how much” and “why honey crystallizes” involve a number of factors.
The main reason is how much glucose versus fructose was in the nectar that bees used in making honey. Honey contains a variety of natural sugars including glucose, fructose, sucrose, and maltose. Glucose and fructose are the reason that the honey tastes sweet, but it is glucose that influences crystallization. Over time the glucose molecule crystallizes. Once this happens, the first crystal acts as a seed, creating more crystals and filling the whole container.
Raw honey crystallizes faster than processed honey. Raw honey also has 300 substances like amino acids, minerals, proteins, etc. They all affect the crystallization process. Tiny molecules of pollen, propolis, and wax can also serve as a building point for crystals to start off.
Seasons also play a significant role. The process of crystallization begins as soon as they leave 35° Celsius, which is the average temperature of the hive. On cold days honey crystallizes faster while in summer this process slows down.
The honey is still perfectly fine to eat to revert it back to its liquid form, all that’s required is the immersion of the honey jar in warm water for a few minutes.
Why does honey vary in taste, smell, color, thickness, and texture?
I have been asked quite often, “I am a villager, I have harvested and tasted pure honey many times but your honey is very different. Why?”
Every plant has a special kind of nectar in its flower. Bees make honey from this nectar which has its own unique properties. Characteristics of honey-like taste, smell, color, thickness, texture, and tendency of crystallization completely depend on this nectar. We have to migrate our bees according to seasons and we can’t get the same flowers or crop every time. So, with every harvest, we get a completely different type of honey. Thus, it’s not at all possible for us to produce the same quality of honey every time. Actually, it’s not possible for anybody who practices ethical beekeeping. In fact, there are more than 300 unique types of honey available in India. Honey color ranges from nearly colorless to dark brown, and its flavor varies from delectably mild to distinctively bold, depending on where the honey bees buzzed. As a general rule, light-colored honey is milder in taste and dark-colored honey is stronger.
Depending on its nectar source, honey can be floral, fruity, smoky, woody, spicy, nutty, or earthy. It can smell fresh as grass or pungent like aged cheese. It can look nearly clear as water or dark as molasses.
Each and every batch of INDIGENOUS HONEY is tested by all advanced laboratory parameters suggested by FSSAI in “ Intertek laboratory (Germany), Export inspection agency-laboratory (Mumbai) CALF NDDB laboratory (Anand)”. Here is the NMR and TMR report of your honey jar with Batch no. and lot no. of your honey jar is OIHW/H/04/21 and BHP OS-023 respectively. You may cross verify them with the report below and with the laboratory also. To download each laboratory report, there is a QR code on your honey jar which you can scan or you can visit our website also.
Total Quality. Assured.
ANALYSIS REPORT No. 2108110308| DATE: 11.08.2021| PAGE 1 /1
E-Mail: Intertek Indian
Primitive Corporation
11, Madhav Park Industrial
Veraval-Somnath bypass road
362266 Veraval
Our reference no. | P12108060234 |
Product | Honey |
Sample description / Batch | **FS-210731017-Indigenous Honey (CerUfled Organic |
Wild Honey)-Batch
No: OIHW/H/04/21, Lot No: BHP OS-023, PKD DATE: AUG-21, EXP DATE:
JAN-23, Mfg by. Primitive Corporation, Sample collected by Intertek
Sample received on / transported by| 06.08 2021 via Parcel service
Seal: sealed plastic bag 141282
Sample temp. when received/stored| RT
Packaging/Quantity| Glass, twist off /530g Start/End of
analysis:** 10.08.2021/11.08.2021
ANALYSIS REQUESTED: Honey profiling by NMR (101750)
| Result|
NMR profile| typical| PM DE01.3082019-02 (a)¹
Indications for adulteration| no| PM DE01.3082019-02 (a)¹
Geographical origin| confirmed| PM DE01.3082019-02 (a)¹
(a) : accredited method. (na) : not an accredited method. (1) Broker Honey
Profiling 3.0 .1/expert assessment
This document may only be reproduced in full.
The NMR profile is typical for honey. There were no deviations detected
according to reference database entries. Regarding the examined parameters the
sample corresponds to the legal regulations (Council Directive 2001/110/EC
dated Dec. 20th. 2001 relating to honey;
Article 1 in connection with Annex II).
The proposed geographical origin of ″India″ could be confirmed after applying
statistical classification models and expert assessment.
Daniel Schaal
Responsible Scientist. MSc Biochemistry
Total Quality. Assured.
ANALYSIS REPORT No. 2108110258| DATE: 11.08.2021| PAGE 1 /1
E-Mail: Intertek Indian
Primitive Corporation
11, Madhav Park Industrial
Veraval-Somnath bypass road
362266 Veraval
Our reference no. | P12108060234 |
Product | Honey |
Sample description / Batch | **FS-210731017-Indigenous Honey (CerUfled Organic |
Wild Honey)-Batch
No: OIHW/H/04/21, Lot No: BHP OS-023, PKD DATE: AUG-21, EXP DATE:
JAN-23, Mfg by. Primitive Corporation, Sample collected by Intertek
Sample received on / transported by| 06.08 2021 via Parcel service
Seal: sealed plastic bag 141282
Sample temp. when received/stored| RT
Packaging/Quantity| Glass, twist off /530g Start/End of
analysis:** 10.08.2021/11.08.2021
ANALYSIS REQUESTED: Trace marker – rice syrup (TM-R) (101605)
Parameter | Result | Unit | Method |
TM-R | n.d. | ppbw | DIN EN 15763 mod. (a)¹ |
Limit of quantification: 15 ppbw
(a) : accredited method. (na) : not an accredited method. (1) 2010-04
This document may only be reproduced in full.
An unauthorized addition of rice syrup was not detected in the investigated
Dr. Martin Schubert
Responsible Scientist. Certified Food Chemist
Total Quality. Assured.
ANALYSIS REPORT No. 2108120377| DATE: 12.08.2021| PAGE 1 /1
E-Mail: Intertek Indian
Primitive Corporation
11, Madhav Park Industrial
Veraval-Somnath bypass road
362266 Veraval
Our reference no. | P12108060234 |
Product | Honey |
Sample description / Batch | **FS-210731017-Indigenous Honey (CerUfled Organic |
Wild Honey)-Batch
No: OIHW/H/04/21, Lot No: BHP OS-023, PKD DATE: AUG-21, EXP DATE:
JAN-23, Mfg by. Primitive Corporation, Sample collected by Intertek
Sample received on / transported by| 06.08 2021 via Parcel service
Seal: sealed plastic bag 141282
Sample temp. when received/stored| RT
Sampling : Intertek
Packaging/Quantity| Glass, twist off /530g Start/End of
analysis:** 11.08.2021 / 12.08.2021
ANALYSIS REQUESTED: 13C Isotope Analysis by EA/LC-IRMS (C4/C3-Sugars) (101158)
Parameter | Result | Unit | Method |
Protein | -25.58 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.026:2020-09 (a)¹ |
Honey | -25.6 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.026:2020-09 (a)¹ |
Fructose (F) | -25.34 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
Glucose (G) | -25.79 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
Disaccharides | -27.17 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
Trisaccharides | n.a. | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
Oligosaccharides | n.a. | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
Delta d13C (F-G) | 0.45 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
Delta d13C (max.) abs. | 1.83 | d13C(%o) | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² |
C4-Sugar Content | 0 | % | PM DE01.026:2020-09 (a)¹ |
F/G Ratio | 1.35 | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)² | |
Portion of Disaccharides | 4.29 | % | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)³ |
Portion of Trisaccharides | n.d. | % | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)³ |
Portion of Oligosaccharides | n.d. | % | PM DE01.094:2020-02 (a)³ |
LC-IRMS is not an official method for F/G ratio; n.a.: not analyzed; n.d.: not detected < 1.0 %; d13C value in permil. vs. V-PDB standard
Delta d13C (F-G): not more than +/- 1.0 %o
Delta d13C (max.) of individual d13C values: not more than 2.1 %o abs
C4-sugar content: <= 7.0 %; portion of oligosaccharides: n.d.
(a) : accredited method. (na) : not accredited method. (1) AOAC 998.12:2013
(2) Apidologie 39/5 (2008) 574-587
(3) Apidologie 39/5 (2008) 574-587; % related to total sugars.
This document may only be reproduced in full. The results are given herein
apply to the submitted sample only.
to be continued… Total Quality. Assured.
ANALYSIS REPORT No. 2108120377| DATE: 12.08.2021| PAGE 2 /2
E-Mail: Intertek Indian
Foreign sugars were not detected. Regarding the examined parameters, the
sample meets the requirements for unadulterated honey (Council Directive
2001/110/EC of 20 Dec 2001).
Andrea Lutze
Technical Expert
Total Quality. Assured.
ANALYSIS REPORT No. 2108100037| DATE: 10.08.2021| PAGE 1 /1
E-Mail: Intertek Indian
Primitive Corporation
11, Madhav Park Industrial
Veraval-Somnath bypass road
362266 Veraval
Our reference no. | P12108060234 |
Product | Honey |
Sample description / Batch | **FS-210731017-Indigenous Honey (CerUfled Organic |
Wild Honey)-Batch
No: OIHW/H/04/21, Lot No: BHP OS-023, PKD DATE: AUG-21, EXP DATE:
JAN-23, Mfg by. Primitive Corporation, Sample collected by Intertek
Sample received on / transported by| 06.08 2021 via Parcel service
Seal: sealed plastic bag 141282
Sample temp. when received/stored| RT
Sampling : Intertek
Packaging/Quantity| Glass, twist off /530g Start/End of
analysis:** 09.08.2021 / 10.08.2021
ANALYSIS REQUESTED: Screening for specific marker – rice syrup by LC-MS/MS (SM-R) (101604)
Parameter | Result | Unit | Method |
SM-R (rice syrup) | negative | PM DE01.190:2012-09 (a)¹ |
(a) : accredited method. (a) : not an accredited method. (1) Inhouse procedure
This document may only be reproduced in full. The results are given herein
apply to the submitted sample only.
The result does not indicate an unauthorized addition of rice syrup in the investigated honey sample.
Hauke Zinow
Responsible Scientist, Certified Food Chemist
Intertek Food Services GmbH Olof-Palme-Strafie 8
28719 Bremen, Germany| Tel.: +49 421 65 727 1
Fax: +49 421 65 727 222| Sitz Bremen
Registergericht Bremen, HRB 28046 USt-IdNr. DE 185128973| Reinhold Gehling|
Durch die DAkk5 nach DIN EN 150/IEC 17025 akkreditiertes PrOflaboratodum.
Die Akkreditierung gilt fur die in der Urkunde aufgefarten Pnifverfahren.|
E-3, MIDC Area, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 093, INDIA
Phones: (+91) 22-28369868, 28363401
Report No.: COMM/NMR/2108/387…………….. Date: 13.08.2021……………… Page:1/1
Name & Address of Processor/Customer/ Exporter| M/s. Primitive Corporation
11, Madhav Industrial Park Opp, Poddar International School, Veraval
Somnath Bypass Veraval — 362266. Dist Gir Somnath, Gujarat (India)
EIC Approval No.|
Covering Note/Reference No. & Date| —
Invoice order/Purchase order no. Contract No| —
Date of sampling & Sample code| —
Date of sample receipt| 5/8/2021
Condition of the sample (receipt)| Satisfactory
Details of samples
Type & Nature of Product| Honey
Type of Packing| —
Batch/Code No.| OIHW/H/04/21 / BHP OS-023
Grade / Brand/Varieties| Indigenous Honey Certified Organic Wild Honey
Production Date| AUG 2021
Expiry Date| JAN 2023
Sampled drawn or Submitted by| Customer
Consignment intended for export to| —
Consignee Name & Address| —
Result of Analysis
Date of start of the analysis| 9/8/2021
Date of completion of the analysis| 12/8/2021
Result summary:
Sr. No.| Parameter tested| Result| Status| Analytical
Method| Test Method| Reference Protocol
1| Origin Criteria determination| Indian| Consistent| NMR| EIA/MUM /LAB/
NMR/SOP| As per Bruker Global NMR data base
2| Detection of Sugar syrups| Not Adulterated| Compliance| NMR| /110
E-3, MIDC Area, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 093, INDIA
Phones: (+91) 22-28369868, 28363401
Report No: COMM/NMR/2108/387| Date. 13.08.2021| Page; 2/2
Quantitative Analysis:
Sr. No.| Parameter tested| Unit of Measurement| Result|
LOQ| Limit Compliance
*Criteria ()| Analytical
Method| Test Method| Validation Protocol**
1| Glucose + Fructose| g/100gm| 80.8| 20| ≥ 60 g /100 gm| NMR| EIA/MUM /LAB/NM
R / SOP/110| EUDirective 2001 /110/EC
and Codex Alimenta rius
2| Sucrose| g/100gm| < LOQ| 0.5| ≤ 5 gm /100 gm
3| 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF)| mg/kg| 79.0| 5| ≤ 80 mg/kg
4| Fructose Glucose ratio| —| 1.34| —| 0.85 — 1.95
5| Chemical shift observation (Signal Deviation in sugar profile)| —| No| —| —
Interpretation: 1) The above parameter comply the requirement as per compliance criteria.
Authorized by
Dr. Neeraj Praphulla Awasthi
Assistant Director
- This test report refers only to the particular samples submitted for testing.
- The report is in full or in part. shall not be used for advertising or any other purpose
- Sample submitted by Customers/EIAs
- The interpretation of results is based on various relevant parameters.
The above relevant NMR parameters are based EU-Directive 2001/110/EC and Codex Alimentarius connected to the decision rule (EIA/MUM/LAB/P/
This certifies that:
Primitive Corporation
11, Madhav Park Industrial Area
Opp. Poddar International School, Veraval-Somnath Bypass Road
Veraval, Gir-Somnath, GJ 362266
is registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration pursuant to the
Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended by the Bioterrorism Act of 2002
and the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, such registration having been
verified as currently effective on the date hereof by Registrar Corp:
U.S. FDA Registration No.: | 15431407174 |
U.S. Agent for FDA Communications: | Registrar Corp |
144 Research Drive, Hampton, Virginia, 23666, USA
Telephone: +1-757-224-0177 • Fax:
This certificate affirms that the above-stated facility is registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration pursuant to the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended by the Bioterrorism Act of 2002 and the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, such registration having been verified as effective by Registrar Corp as of the date hereof, and Registrar Corp will confirm that such registration remains effective upon request and presentation of this certificate until December 31, 2021, unless such registration has been terminated after the issuance of this certificate. Registrar Corp makes no other representations or warranties, nor does this certificate make any representations or warranties to any person or entity other than the named certificate holder, for whose sole benefit it is issued. Registrar Corp assumes no liability to any person or entity in connection with the foregoing. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not issue a certificate of registration, nor does the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recognize a certificate of registration. Registrar Corp is not affiliated with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
144 Research Drive, Hampton,
Virginia, 23666, USA
Telephone: +1-757-224-0177 • Fax:
+1-757-224-0179 •|
| |
Certificate No. ORG/SC/2112/005104
Operator Name & Address
11, Madhav park industrial area, opp podar international school,
Veraval-Somnath bypass road, Veraval, Gir
Somnath, Gujarat-362266
This is to certify that the product(s) and area(s) of the mentioned
organization inspected by CERTIFICATION BODY Rajasthan State Organic
Certification Agency (RSOCA) are in accordance with the requirements of
the National Programme for Organic Production(NPOP), India, and the
National Organic Program(NOP) technical standards in the USA)
For the following process:
Handling/Processing Effective date of initial certification:
For the purpose of NOP, this certificate is valid until the certificate has been surrendered by the Operator or suspended or revoked by Certification Body Rajasthan State Organic Certification Agency (RSOCA). the NAB. The date of the annual update is on or before 25/09/2022
For the purpose of NPOP, this certificate is valid until 25/09/2022
This certificate is valid for those product(s) and area(s) that have been specified in the annex Certification Characteristics ORG/SC/21 12/005104 A.
The products and area of the operation have been certified to the “USDA organic regulations, 7 CFR Part 205”.
The validity of the certificate solely depends on the company’s continued compliance standard(s), which are subject to annual surveillance inspections, and on the status of our accreditation by NAB.
Rajasthan State Organic Certification Agency (RSOCA),
3rd floor, Pant Krishi Bhawan, Janpath, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302005,
Scope Certificate
Certificate No. ORG/SC/2010/002434
11, Madhav park industrial area, opp Poddar international school, Veraval-
Somnath bypass road, Veraval, Gir Somnath, Gujarat-362266
This is to certify that the product(s) and area(s) of the mentioned
organization inspected by the Rajasthan State Organic Certification Agency
(RSOCA) are in accordance with the requirements of
India’s National Programme for Organic Production Standards
(Considered equivalent to Council regulation (EC)No. 834/2007(Category A & F)
and Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance for unprocessed plant products originating
in India)
For the following process, Processing this Certificate is issued.
This certificate is valid from 19/11/2021 until 25/09/2022
This certificate is valid for those product(s) and area(s) that are specified in the annex ORG/SC/2010/002434 A.
The validity of this certificate solely depends on the continued compliance with the required standards and is subject to annual surveillance inspections.
Rajasthan State Organic Certification Agency (RSOCA),
3rd Floor, Pant Krishi Bhawan, Janpath, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302005
Government of India
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India License under the Food Safety and
Standards Act, 2006
Endorsement to License Number 10718045000170
Endorsement valid up to 22-12-2021
License valid up to 23-08-2024
SI.No.| Food Category| Food Sub-Category| Product (s)|
Brands (Variants)
1| 11 – Sweeteners, including honey| 11.5 – Honey| Honey| INDIGENOUS HONEY
2| 06 – Cereals and cereal products, derived from cereal grains, roots and
tubers, pulses, legumes, and pith or soft core of palm tree, excluding bakery
wares of food category 7.0| 06.1 – Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including
rice| Bean| INDIGENOUS
3| 06 – Cereals and cereal products, derived from cereal grains, roots and
tubers, pulses, legumes, and pith or soft core of palm tree, excluding bakery
wares of food category 7.0| 06.1 – Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including
rice| Pearl Barley (Jau)| INDIGENOUS
4| 06 – Cereals and cereal products, derived from cereal grains, roots and
tubers, pulses, legumes, and pith or soft core of palm tree, excluding bakery
wares of food category 7.0| 06.1 – Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including
rice| Wheat| INDIGENOUS
5| 06 – Cereals and cereal products, derived from cereal grains, roots and
tubers, pulses, legumes, and pith or soft core of palm tree, excluding bakery
wares of food category 7.0| 06.1 – Whole, broken, or flaked
grain, including rice| Maize| INDIGENOUS
6| 06 – Cereals and cereal products, derived from cereal grains, roots and
tubers, pulses, legumes, and pith or soft core of palm tree, excluding bakery
wares| 06.1 – Whole, broken, or flaked
grain, including rice| Rice| INDIGENOUS
| Form C
Government of India
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
The license under FSS Act, 2006|
License Number: 10718045000170
1. Name & Registered Office address of Licensee| PRIMITIVE CORPORATION
11, Madhav park industrial area, opp podar international school, Veraval-
Somnath bypass road, Veraval, Gir Somnath, Gujarat-362266
2. Address of Authorized Premises| 11, Madhav park industrial area, opp
Poddar international school, Veraval-Somnath bypass road, Gir Somnath,
3. Kind of Business| Manufacturer – General Manufacturing
Manufacturer – Vegetable oil and processing units
Trade/Retail – Retailer
Manufacturer – Exporter – Manufacturer
4. Dairy Business Details| No
5. Category of License| Central License
This license is granted under and is subject to the provisions of the FSS Act, 2006 all of which must be complied with by the licensee.
Place | FSSAI Mumbai | Designated Officer |
Issued On | 24-11-2021 (Modified License) | |
Valid up to | 23-08-2024 (For details, refer to Annexure) |
- Product Annexure
- Validity Annexure
- Non-Form C Annexure
- Conditions Of License
- Application for renewal of license can be filed as early as 180 days prior to the expiry date of License.
- You can file an application for renewal or modification of your License by login into FSSAI’s Food Safety Compliance System( with your user id and password or call us at 1800112100 **for any clarification.**
- This License is only to commence or carry on food businesses and not for any other purpose.
- This is computer generated license and doesn’t require any signature or stamp by authority.
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Office of the Joint Director General of Foreign Trade, Rajkot
Amruta Estate (Jasani Building),,4th Floor, M.G.Road,RAJKOT
Importer-Exporter certificate
Firm Name: Primitive corporation
Nature of Concern: Proprietorship
Address Line 1| Address Line2| City| District| State| PIN Code
11, Madhav park industrial area| opp podar international school, Veraval Somnath bypass road,| Veraval| GIR SOMNATH| GUJARAT| 362265 -
Name of the signatory applicant: Vadher Hansaben Prafullchandra
Date of Issue: 13/01/2019
Address of the Branch/Div./Unit if any: NA
Place: Veraval
Date of Last Modification: 04/10/2020
(Issued from File no. /[RJKIECPAMEND00001211AM21]/dated :04/10/2020)
Note: This is a system-generated copy. In case of any discrepancy, please approach the DGFT Regional Authority (RA) concerned within 2 working days from the date of last modification
(Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India)
11, Madhav park industrial area, opp podar international school, Veraval-
Somnath bypass road,
This is to certify that the firm is registered with the Agricultural And Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, as per the following particulars :
Product for which registered (Products details given overleaf): Manufacturer: 0407, Merchant: 0407
Date of establishment: 01-06-2018 00:00:00
Registration No.: 196736
Manufacturer Exporter /Merchant Exporter: Manufacturer cum Merchant
Name(s) of Proprietor/Partner (s)/Director(s): Hansen Vader
This certificate is issued subject to the conditions laid down in APEDA ACT
1985 (No. 2 of 1986) of this Authority.
This certificate is valid till: 06/05/2024
Date of Registration: 09/05/2019
This RCMC is electronically generated
Terms & Conditions are mentioned on the next page.
Date: 2021.01.17 19:47:29 +05:30
Reason: RCMC Certificate
Location: APEDA Mumbai
Signature of Registering Authority
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