NXP MR-CANHUBK344 Evaluation Board for Mobile Robotics Company Public User Manual

June 5, 2024

NXP MR-CANHUBK344 Evaluation Board for Mobile Robotics Company Public


  • Processor : Dual-core lockstep S32K344
  • Connectivity : 100Base-T1 Automotive Ethernet, 6 CAN FD ports
  • Features : SE050 Secure element with NFC, UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, GPIO
  • Supported Protocols: IEEE 1722, CAN FD/SIC, CAN FD/SCT
  • Support for NuttX RTOS, NuttX/PX4, and Zephyr RTOS

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Connecting the MR-CANHUBK344
    Ensure the board is powered off before connecting any peripherals. Connect the necessary cables to the 100Base-T1 Ethernet port and utilize the CAN FD ports for your CAN communication needs.

  2. Accessing GPIO and Communication Interfaces
    You can access UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, and GPIO through the JST-GH connectors on the board. Refer to the datasheet for pinout details.

  3. Software Support
    Visit the NXP webpage to download software examples for utilizing the features of the MR-CANHUBK344. Look for examples of applications such as IEEE 1722 CAN over Ethernet bridge and explore open-source RTOS support.

  4. Additional Resources
    For further documentation, code examples, and support specific to Mobile Robotics, visit the provided gitbook URLs.

Document information

Info Content
Keywords MR-CANHUBK344, S32K344, FS26, SE050, TJA1103, TJA1443,

TJA1463, TJA1153, CANHUBK3
Abstract| Hardware notes describing package contents, instructions, open issues, fixes, and limitations.

NXP Semiconductors

Revision history

Rev Date Description
0.1 05/30/2023 Initial version for MR-CANHUBK344

Contact information
For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com


MR-CANHUBK344 board is an evaluation board designed for mobile robotics applications and is based on Arm® Cortex®-M7 core S32K344 general-purpose automotive microcontroller featuring the latest in safety, security, and software support.

While targeted to mobile robotics applications the board can certainly be used for multiple purposes where automotive lockstep cores may be desirable:

  • A primary small vehicle controller
  • A safety domain controller,
  • A high specification “CAN FD node” board,
  • Bridging between 100Base-T1 and multiple CAN PHYsical interfaces.
  • Potentially as a BLDC motor controller.

Special notes on processor:
While the dual-core lockstep (DCLS) S32K344 is installed on this board, the same board may support an S32K324 where the Cortex-M7 cores operate independently as a dual independent core device. Additionally, the S32K35x (240Mhz/3 core) will also install in the same footprint with minor modifications. Both these ideas would require manual rework to a board to replace the processor.MR-CANHUBK344 includes one 100Base-T1 Automotive Ethernet and populates all six of the CAN FD ports available on S32K344. The feature set it provides is quite suitable for a wide variety of other applications. One example is experimenting with tunneling CAN over Ethernet using IEEE 1722 protocol. A software example is available for this on the NXP webpage for the device.
The 6 CAN ports are connected to three distinct types of NXP CAN PHYs, and allow for direct comparison between standard CAN FD, CAN FD/SIC (signal improvement CAN) and CAN FD/SCT (Secure CAN Transceivers)
Also on board is the SE050 Secure element with NFC (Near Field Communication) as well as UART, SPI, I2C, PWM and other GPIO accessible on DroneCode standard JST-GH connectors. In addition to the published S32K design studio example software application as an IEEE 1722 CAN over Ethernet bridge, please also look for opensource NuttX RTOS, NuttX/PX4 and Zephyr RTOS support on this board for general purpose applications in their respective opensource repositories.

NXP HoverGames contest uses these and other boards which are intended to work together. You will find other code examples, additional links, and “Engineering Notebook” style documentation specific to Mobile Robotics team at the following gitbook URLs:


  • IEEE 1722 Layer 2 transport protocol working group for time-sensitive streams
  • 100BASE-T1 Full-duplex single twisted pair Ethernet
  • BEC Battery Eliminator Circuit (power rail for servos and ESCs)
  • BLDC Brushless DC (motor)
  • CAN Controller Area Network 1Mbps “classical CAN”, although may sometimes be inclusive of CAN FD
  • CAN FD CAN Flexible Data rate (up to 8Mbps)
  • CAN SIC CAN FD using Signal Improvement CAN PHY
  • CAN SCT CAN FD using Secure CAN Transceiver
  • ESC Electronic Speed Controller
  • FMU/VMU Flight/Vehicle Management Unit
  • IMU Inertial Measurement Unit (Combination of accelerometer, Gyro, Magnetometer)
  • JTAG Joint Test Action Group, interface commonly used for software debugging
  • KB 1024 bytes
  • MAC Media Access Control, a MAC address is a so-called PHYsical address.
  • Mbps Million bits per second (106 bits/s)
  • NFC Near Field Communication
  • PCB Printed Circuit Board
  • RTK GPS Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (Precision GPS Module)
  • SDK Software Development Kit


The MR-CANHUBK344 comes as a kit that includes the items specified on the packing slip documents. Note a reduced kit is also expected to be made available. In the full version the following hardware components are included:

  • Hardware
    • MR-CANHUBK344 board
    • DCD-LZ Programming Adapter board.
    • This is an adapter board that gives access to a console UART atthe same time as a SWD debug connector.
    • USB-UART adapter cable (attaches to DCD-LZ)
    • Power adapter cables
    • Including JST-GH to commonly use red JST-SY connector,barrel connector, XT-60 LiPo battery connector.
    • 6x CAN cables
    • 6x CAN Termination boards
    • 1x 100Base-T1 “two wire” Ethernet cable using JST-GH connectors
    • Note automotive applications will specify alternative connectortypes. You may wish to fabricate an adapter cable.
    • Generic JST-GH cables for UART/SPI/I2C used for customizing to yourspecific needs.
    • Small 0.91” OLED display
    • NFC antenna connected to Secure Element.

The JST-GH connectors will follow the DroneCode pinout Standard where one exists for that type of interface. Otherwise confirm the pinout using the schematics.
The JST-GH connectors are intended to will work directly with other Mobile Robotics boards such as NavQPlus, UCANS32K1, RDDRONE-BMS772, MR-BMS771, and RDDRONE-FMUK66, RDDRONE-FMURT6, or MR-FMURT1176. NOTE That the intent with these DroneCode cables and particularly with the Generic UART/SPI/I2C 4/6/7pin cables is that you may cut or otherwise adapt them to attach to your specific interface requirements


Table 1. Changes

Item Description
xxx xxx


Table 1 Limitations

Item Description
xx xx Limitation: xxx.

Impact: xxx.

Main components

This compact board includes components that are briefly described in this section. More detailed documentation on each of these individual components is available on their respective NXP.com webpages on-line.

The S32K344 is an Automotive General Purpose MCU of NXP Semiconductors. Figure 1 gives the block diagram of this chip. The software discussed in this document is running on the Lockstep Arm® Cortex®-M7embedded in this chip.


The FS26 is the ‘Safety System Basis Chip with Low Power Fit for ASIL D’ of NXP Semiconductors. Figure 3 gives the block diagram of this power supply chip. This part is sophisticated and is capable of additional complex configurations than implemented here, however in this design it primarily allows for a compact power supply design and high input voltage. Normally the FS26 is connected through SPI to the S32K344 and implements a challenger window watchdog. Sending challenges to the through SPI S32K344 as the window watchdog when the response is invalid or not during the timing window the FS26 will reset the S32K344 MCU. In included sample code, the challenge watchdog functionality has not been implemented. Instead during startup of the S32K344 the sample application sends a request to the FS26 to disable the watchdog functionality thus avoiding resetting the S32K344 while running sample applications.

Note on PMIC and board power up sequence
The FS26 onboard PMIC by default implements a challenger window watchdog that will reset the S32K344 MCU continuously if the challenge is not handled in software. To avoid this, the FS26 must be put into debug mode. This is done by removing the JP1 and then supplying exactly 12.0V on P27 or P28 and then inserting the JP1 jumper.

Now the reset LED D24 should no longer blink and the S32K344 will not be reset continuously by the FS26.

Board connections

The MR-CANHUBK344 board includes a variety of connectors to permit access to the on-chip interfaces. The intended application space is mobile robotics, which mostly defined the DroneCode JST GH connectors and pinouts. Where an interface did not have a formal DroneCode standard, a typical derivative pinout was used. To support power input directly from a battery, a wide input voltage range is supported from 5V to 40V. The 100Base-T1 2-wire Automotive Ethernet interface uses the latest TJA1103 Ethernet Phy. Also included is a SE050 secure element for authentication into the system and also NFC interface into the board.

Evaluation Board Block diagram

Power Input Connectors
P27: Power is normally applied at the 5-pin JST-GH connector P27

Figure 5: P27 Power input connector

pin # signal specification
1 Power+ +5 to +40V
2 Power+ +5 to +40V
4 Power (GND) 0V
5 Power (GND) 0V

P28: Alternatively, power may be supplied at the two-pin header P28 located directly below P27

Figure 6: P28 Alt Power input connector

pin # signal specification
1 Power+ +5 to +40V
2 Power- (GND) 0V (GND)

CAN Connectors
There are six independent CAN FD capable CAN busses each with two connectors. The dual connectors are only for convenience in forming a bus and or plugging in a can termination board.

Figure 8: CAN interface chip assignment

BUS name CAN PHY Type
CAN2, CAN3 TJA1463 CAN SIC (Signal Improvement)

(Secure CAN Transceiver)

Connectors P12 through P23 are the CAN connectors. For each “CANx” bus connector the pinout is as follows (where x = BUS number 0 to 5):

Figure 9: CAN Connectors Pinout

pin # signal specification
1 5V4 5.4V output
2 CANx_H 5.0V
3 CANx_L 5.0V
4 GND 0V

Pin 1 of each CAN connector is available to supply 5V to externally connected CAN devices. This optionally may be used to supply limited power to a CAN peripheral. A blocking diode prevents powering the CANHUBK344 from the CAN BUS

Termination :
A CAN bus usually requires 60 Ohm termination at both ends of a CAN bus. This may be accomplished using one of the included CAN-TERM boards. Each can bus connects to TWO identical connectors labelled A and B. This is to allow for daisy chain wiring and multiple drops along a can bus. Should the MR-CANHUB344 be the end of the CAN bus and require termination, then termination may be provided by plugging in a termination board or populating (soldering) the normally unpopulated termination resistors directly on the board.

CAN SIC Termination
Note that the CAN SIC PHYs are able to operate with stub connections and potentially a single or central termination. The signal integrity should be validated against your specific system configuration.

P9 – 100Base-T1 Ethernet Connector

P9 is a two pin JST-GH connector provides the 100Base-T1 “two wire” Ethernet connection. The connection can plug directly into a MR-T1ETH8 network switch or other mobile robotics boards such as NavQPlus or FMURT6. You may need to create a simple adapter cable to adapt to other systems (such as automotive devices) which have 100Base-T1 Ethernet. Automotive 100Base-T1 Ethernet uses two wires to provide full duplex 100Mbps Ethernet signaling without the need for large or heavy magnetics like 100Base-TX Ethernet. The signals are capacitively coupled and there is a simple filter network before external signals reach the PHY. The Yellow LED (D88) on the backside of the PCB indicates the link status. Flashing indicates there is a link.

Connector P9: Figure 13: P9 100Base-T1 “two wire” connector

pin # signal specification
1 T1-P(N) Polarity is automatically negotiated
2 T1-N(P) Polarity is automatically negotiated


  1. P2 – UART0, P5 – UART1
    These two S32K3 LPUARTs follow the DroneCode 6 pin UART standard. Pin 1 is able to supply limited 5V power to an external device such as a GPS module or sensor.
    Figure 14: P2 UART 0 and P5 UART 1 pinout**** pin #| signal| specification
    1| 5V| (Optional) Limited 5V Output
    2| TX| 3v3
    3| RX| 3v3
    4| CTS| 3v3
    5| RTS| 3v3
    6| GND| 0v (GND)
  2. P24 – UART9/10, P25 – UART 13/14
    Connectors P24 and P25 are also 6 pin JST-GH. However, they are not fully compliant with the DroneCode standard since pins 4 and 5 are repurposed to be a second UART channel instead of the handshaking lines RTS/CTS. The pinouts are shown below.

Figure 15: P24 UART9/10 pinout

pin # signal specification
1 5V (Optional) Limited 5V Output
2 TX (UART9) 3v3
3 RX (UART9) 3v3
4 TX (UART10) 3v3
5 RX (UART10) 3v3
6 GND 0v (GND)

Figure 16: P25 UART13/14 pinout

pin # signal specification
1 5V (Optional) Limited 5V Output
2 TX (UART13) 3v3
3 RX (UART13) 3v3
4 TX (UART14) 3v3
5 RX (UART14) 3v3
6 GND 0v (GND)
--- --- ---

I2C Interfaces: P3 – I2C1
I2C1 interface connects to the outside via a 4 pin JST-GH as well as internally to the SE050 Secure Element. Note that there is also a second I2C bus described in the next chapter that comes from the SE050 itself.

Power output supply on I2C connectors:
The I2C1 and I2CSE interfaces include zero-Ohm resistor jumpers which can be used to select 5V (default) or 3v3 output on pin one. Note that the PWR output is intended for limited current supply and the overall power supply draw for external peripherals must be considered.

Figure 17: I2C1 pinout

Pin Signal Specification
1 PWR 5V output default (3v3 optional)
2 SCL 3v3
3 SDA 3v3
4 GND 0v (GND)

P11 – I2CSE
P11 is a I2C bus which is from the SE050 Secure Element device. It can be used for special applications such as encrypted sensor data. Refer to the SE050 datasheet for detailed information on how this may be used.

Figure 18: I2CSE (Secure Element)

Pin Signal Specification
1 PWR 5V output (optional)
2 SCL 3v3
3 SDA 3v3
4 GND 0v (GND)

P4 – I2C0 OLED Interface
This connector is for attaching the included I2C-connected 0.91 OLED display. These OLED displays use an SSD1306 type controller and information about their use is commonly available from online sources. Note that the pinout does not follow a standard, but most of them use the pinout chosen here. Please double check the pinout and orientation should you replace or use an alternative similar display.

Figure 20: I2C0 OLED display Pinout

Pin # Signal Specification
1 GND 0V (GND)
2 VCC 5V default (3v3 optional using R25)
3 I2C0 SCL 3v3 (w/ 4K pullup on signal line)
4 I2C0 SCK 3v3 (w/ 4K pullup on signal line)

SPI Interfaces: P1A – SPI1, P1B – SPI2
Two independent SPI interfaces are available and follow the DroneCode connector standard for a SPI port. Two independent chip selects available on each connector using a JST-GH 7 pin connector.

Figure 21: SPI interface(s) pinout

Pin # Signal Specification
1 PWR 5V
2 LPSPIx_SCK 3v3
5 LPSPIx_CS0 3v3
6 LPSPIx_CS1 3v3
7 GND 0V

P26 – Pixhawk V6X IMU
This is a custom connector for attaching an Intertial Measurement Unit (IMU) board from a Pixhawk V6X FMU module. It is included in the design for testing purposes only, this IMU board is not readily available from NXP. The Pixhawk design is opensource and may be obtained from Linux Foundation Dronecode.org. It may also be possible to buy this module directly from the manufacturer – Holybro. For more general investigation of IMUs please note the NXP Mobile robotics team may have adapter boards (or designs to share) that plug on top of the MR-CANHUBK344 and provide typical IMU components and connector interfaces such as RTK GPS connectors like those needed for a full FMU/VMU (Flight/Vehicle Manangement Unit)

Programming connectors
Two programming connectors are provided. The traditional ARM 10 Pin JTAG/SWD and a “DCD-LZ” Drone code Debug connector. Note also that the 10-Pin JTAG/SWD may be removed and replaced with a larger connector giving full access to the TRACE debug pins.

  1. P6 – DCD-LZ
    This is an JST-GH connector from DroneCode Standard which combines the SWD and Console UART into a single connector. The -LZ version of the spec also adds an RST pin.

  2. P26 – ARM 10 Pin JTAG/SWD
    This is a 10 pin 0.50” space JTAG with the standard pinout used by standard Arm® debuggers. Ensure pin 1 on the PCB silkscreen is aligned with pin 1 on the debugger.

SW1, SW2 User buttons

  • Two user programmable buttons are available for use.
  • These buttons are configured as pull-downs and are active high when pressed. The buttons are filtered with a pi filter to minimize transient effects.
  • There are multiple options for which pin functions mapped and are generally assigned to PTx/GPIO but note that SW2 does allow mapping to WKPU37 (wakeup) signal on the MCU and SW1 does allow mapping to CMP0 (comparator) signal on the MCU.
  • These pin mux settings could be configured for interesting software use cases.

P10 – NFC Antenna
This two-pin connector is suitable for an ISO-14443 NFC antenna system. One is provided in your kit from AMOTECH

PWM and GPIO headers P8A P8B
These 0.100” pin headers are available for experimentation with PWM signals and other GPIO.

  1. RC-PWM
    RC-PWM refers to radio control hobby style PWM signals. These are pulses between 1000 and 2000 msec. (The PWM channels that drive these pins are capable of faster and high-resolution timing and could be configured to drive a BLDC motor Gate driver directly.)

  2. P8A, P8B connectors
    P8A has intentionally been physically configured with the center pin as a common BEC power rail and the left pin as GND to allow RC hobby style RC servos or ESCs to plug in directly. Often one of the RC devices such as an ESC, can actually supply 5V BEC power to the other servos. An actual separate RC BEC may also be plugged in to provide independent power to the RC devices. Refer to the schematics for further details. Note that there are no actual constraints on the PWM signal timings from the MCU.

P8B includes access to SPI4 interface, ADC channels and eight GPIOs. Reminder that these pins also will have alternative pin map assignments available. The ADC channels may be considered for use in motor control applications.

R84 – Analog Potentiometer
R84 is a 10K potentiometer between 3V3 and GND and is connects to the net named ADC_POT0. This net then connects to pin 11 – PTE13/ADC1_S19. The potentiometer was included for board test validation and can be repurposed for any user intent.

Board status LEDs

The MR-CANHUBK344 has various LEDs to indicate status as shown in Figure 6. Under normal circumstances, the state of the LEDs should as indicate in the table below.

Figure 32: Onboard LEDs description

Dxx LED Name Normal State Description
D24 RESET_K3 Off Indicates if the S32K344 is in reset
D25 P1V8_TRK2 On Indicates FS26 SBC 1V8_TRK2 status
D26 P3V3_TRK1 On Indicates FS26 SBC 3V3_TRK1 status
D28 P3V3_LDO2 On Indicates FS26 SBC 3V3_LDO2 status
D29 P3V3_LDO1 On Indicates FS26 SBC 3V3_LDO1 status
D30 VBATP_SW On Indicates VBAT status
D34 V15_MCU On Indicates FS26 SBC V15 status
D43 P5V4 On Indicates FS26 SBC P5V4 status
LED1 RGB Status led Green Controlled by the software, green indicates

normal operation, blue indicates initialization, red indicates that an error has occurred.

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NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2023. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com Date of release: Feb 24, 2022 Document identifier: User Manual


Q: Can I use the MR-CANHUBK344 for applications other than automotive?
A: Yes, the board’s feature set makes it suitable for a wide variety of applications beyond automotive use.

Q: How can I access the example software for tunnelling CAN over Ethernet?
A: The software example is available on the NXP webpage for the device. You can download it from there.


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