GS1 GLNs Global Location Numbers User Guide
- June 1, 2024
- GS1
Table of Contents
GS1 GLNs Global Location Numbers
Apply for additional GLNs via MyGS1 where no administrative fees are charged and get access to your numbers within minutes. Processing of this manual form may take up to 48 hours and administrative fees apply.
Important Information
Note : This form will open in your browser. Please download and save
before you start to fill the form in electronically. This form needs to be
completed electronically using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download a free version
- If you need access to GS1 Identification Keys other than GLNs you will need to become a Full Subscription Membership Licence holder by completing the GS1 Australia Full Membership Subscription and Licence Application form, instead of this form.
- The GLNs, or any part of, issued by GS1 Australia cannot be used to create other GS1 Identification Keys such as Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCCs).
- Global Location Numbers (GLNs) can be used to identify any functional location, physical location or legal entity that has meaning within a business scenario. Typically GLNs are also used as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Addresses.
- GS1 Australia encourages potential applicants to read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Trade readily available on our website.
Section 1: Subscriber Details
Section 2: Contact Details
GS1 Australia Coordinator / Primary Contact: Individual responsible for allocating GS1 Identification Keys within your company.
GS1 Australia prides itself on the quality of our marketing material and, in accordance with our Privacy Policy, will only send you information we believe to be relevant to you. In accordance with the Australian Anti-Spam Legislation we respect that you may not want to receive this information. You can unsubscribe from any direct marketing material at any time, by either unsubscribing from that communication or by doing so in the Preference Management Centre, subject to that material not being considered essential to your role within the GS1 Australia Subscription Membership.
Section 3: Location(s)
Please complete the details below for each Global Location Number required if different to the primary address.
Physical Location
A site or an area within a site where something will be located. -
Legal Entity
Any business, government body, department, charity, individual or institution that has standing in the eyes of the law and has the capacity to enter into agreements or contracts. -
Any organisational subdivision or department based on the specific tasks being performed, as defined by the organisation. -
Digital Location
An electronic (non-physical) address that is used for communication between computer systems – EDI.
Location Types
Global Location Number Application – 1 (If you require more than 9 GLNs
please provide information as a separate attachment)
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 2
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 3
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 4
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 5
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 6
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 7
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 8
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 9
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Global Location Number Application – 10
GLN Type: Tick the appropriate function below
Section 4: Schedule of Fees
Your Subscription Membership and Licence and the Global Location Numbers may be terminated if your account is not paid annually or if you do not abide by the GS1 Australia specifications and guidelines. GLN packs are available to all GS1 Australia membership types.
NOTE : Fees are amended from time to time as per the Subscription Membership and Licence Agreement Terms and Conditions. Annual Fees are payable on a pro-rata basis to 30th June in the year of application and annually in full for each subsequent renewal year.
- Administrative fees do not apply for additional GLNs requested via MyGS1 All fees are exclusive of GST. Please add 10% for all amounts to calculate the GST inclusive fee.
Section 5: Signature Approval
Your GLNs will be sent to you upon receipt of your completed application form and payment of appropriate fees. The GLNs allocated to your company are exclusively for your use – you must not assign, license or allow their use by any other company/organisation. GS1 Australia reserves the right to authenticate your use of GS1 ID keys by checking with GS1 Australia and international services, and for services provided by third parties
I/We___ declare that I/We have
read, understand, and shall abide by, the Terms and Conditions of this
agreement and additionally the GS1 Australia Subscription Membership and
Licence Agreement as it applies to Global Location Numbers and the Terms and
Conditions and the GS1 Australia Terms of Trade available from the GS1
Australia website; and that the information provided by me as
the applicant, and in any accompanying documents, is true and correct in every
detail, and that when I no longer require these numbers, I will advise GS1
Australia in order for their issue to be cancelled.
Section 6: Payment Methods
Payment must be submitted with your application. To assist with efficient processing of your request, please provide payment using one of the options below. An invoice/receipt for payment will be sent to you with a confirmation email when your request has been processed.
Option A: Direct Debit Payment
- Download the Direct Debit form and provide with this application form.
- Direct Debit discounts will be applicable on all transactions where the Direct Debit facility is set up to debit a nominated account. The fee for this additional allocation will be debited from that account.
- Direct Debit via a nominated Credit Card will not attract the standard direct debit discount, however Credit Card processing fees will not be applied
Option B: Credit card Payment
- A credit card processing fee applies when paying by credit card, refer to our Terms of Trade. These fees will be applied by GS1 Australia when processing payment.
- If you wish to make a credit card payment over the phone, please call 1300 227 263.
Option C: EFT Payment
- To facilitate prompt account reconciliation please email your application along with a remittance advice detailing your company name and the invoice/payment details to our Customer Service team.
- GS1 Australia Bank Details
Bank National Australia Bank Account Name GS1 Australia Ltd. BSB No. 083 266
Account No. 69615 7718
Please return the completed form with payment to GS1 Australia.
GS1 Australia
Head Office, 8 Nexus Court, Mulgrave VIC 3170
Locked Bag 2, Mt Waverley VIC 3149
T 1300 227 263
ABN 67 005 529 920
GS1 is a registered trademark of GS1 AISBL.
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