FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel User Guide

June 1, 2024

FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel


This document is the Installer Manual for MARINE PANEL REF. 1455, version V03.10.
It includes installation and programming instructions.

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Residents can access to their corresponding entrance by passing their authorized Mifare identifier. The door will open and release the lock.
The Mifare identifier data has to be added through FERMAX MEET MANAGEMENT software. Maximum 100.000 identifiers.

By means of their WIEGAND connection (output) it is possible to integrate this Mifare reader in third party Access Control Systems.It is also possible to integrate third party readers using WIEGAND protocol with the MARINE panel so the Wiegand output of the reader can be validated by the MARINE panel.


For programming of the MARINE panel, access is required through a PC via a web browser. Preferably use Chrome browser.
The PC must be connected to the same LAN as the panel and configured with an IP address in the same range.The MARINE panel default IP address is
Type the IP address of the panel in the address bar of the browser.An identification form will appear.

The default identification data are:
• User name: admin
• Password: 123456

A web page will appear with the different programming sections:

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The section DEVICE providestechnical information regarding the equipment, as a reference.

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  • FERMAX MARINE PANEL: Device type
  • FIRMWARE: Version of the installed firmware
  • DEVICE: Type and panel number
  • MAC: Panel MAC number
  • IP: IP address assigned to the panel

The section GENERAL allows the configuration of the identification parameters of the MARINE panel within the installation.
It allows time and date configuration.

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TYPE : Select the identification parameters of the panel. There are some other parameters related, depending on TYPE selection:

General Entrance Panel
Panel installed in one of the main entrances to a condominium.

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  • DEVICE NUMBER: Number assigned to the general entrance where this panel is installed (1-9000). In the case that there is one entrance only, leavethe default value1.
  • DEVICE TAG: Text to be shown in the monitor and guard unit.

Block Panel Entrance
Panel installed in a single building or in a block of a condominium

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  • BLOCK: Number assigned to the block where the panel has been installed (1-999). In the case of 1 single block, leave the default value: 1.
  • DEVICE NUMBER: Number assigned to the block entrance where this panel is installed (1-99). In the case that there is one entrance only, leave the default value: 1.
  • DEVICE TAG: Text to be shown in the monitor and guard unit.

Way Panel
For a single house or apartment. It can only call to a unique apartment

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• BLOCK: Number assigned to the block where the house or apartment belongs (1-999). In the case of single apartments or houses, leave the default value:

  1. • APARTMENT: Apartment number where this panel is installed. (0001-9899)
    • DEVICE NUMBER: Number assigned to this panel (1-9). In the case that there is one panel only, leave the default value 1.
    • DEVICE TAG: Text to be shown in the monitor and guard unit.

LANGUAGE : Select the desired language in the dropdown options.

Default option is ENGLISH.
Refresh the webpage after changing the language.

PANEL VOLUME: Select the desired value between 1 and 5. Default option is 4
The conversation volume is common for uplink and downlink.
VOICE SYNTH: Enables or disables the speech when door lock is released. If the speech is disabled,no speech in the panel will sound when the lock is released.
VIDEO RESOLUTION : In order to fit the different types of monitors. The default value 640×480
SIP DIVERT MODE: : This function is related to the SIP CALL function. Please refer to SIP CALL section for further details. The following options available:
PARALLEL CALL: When the panel calls the resident, the monitor and the MEET ME call divert APP will ring at the same time. Once a terminal answer, the call in the other terminals stop ringing.
SEQUENTIAL CALL: When the panel calls the resident, the monitor will ring 30s. If no answer, the call will be diverted to MEET ME APP or other associated devices.


  • DIAL BELL TO CALL: The visitor presses directly bell button that will call the concierge.
  • DIAL NUMBER TO CALL: The visitor enters No. of concierge that show in the panel and press bell button will call the concierge.
  • NO CONCIERGE: No concierge information in the display.
  • CONCIERGES: The No.9901 to 9998 can be selected in the dropdown options, the selected concierge is available when the panel call concierge.
  • DATE FORMAT: : Format to show the date information in the screen.
  • DATE: Setting date manually (See note below).
  • TIME: Setting time manually (See note below).
  • TIME ZONE: Setting the time zone of panel. Select local time zone and save.
  • DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME: Shall be enabled for DST periods and disabled for winter time.

If the installation has FERMAX MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, the date and time of panel will synchronize automatically with the management software. If the panel has access to Internet, the date and time of panel will also synchronize with internet time server.
If the installation has no FERMAX MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE the installer can set date, time and time zone manually. Do not use the GMT (TIME ZONE) adjustment in this case. GMT is usable only when the time is automatically taken from internet or

Date and time are not saved after power loss, unless there were internet or managament software in the installation. However, the time zone, date format and daylight-saving time can be saved anyway.
Pay attention to the SAVE button related to panel settings or date/time settings since are different and independent.

Allows the configuration of the different parameters of the LAN network

  • IP: IP address to be assigned to this panel.
  • MASK: Subnet mask corresponding to the LAN
  • GATEWAY: LAN gateway
  • DNS: DNS server address. In case of doubt, we recommend using the default value
  • SOFTWARE IP: IP address of the PC where the MEET Management Software is installed (if any).
  • SOFTWARE PIN: PIN ACCESS code for the Management Software control. The default setting is 123456. Indicate the corresponding parameters and click SAVE to confirm.

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NOTE: The MEET system uses static IP addressing. This ensures that each device has a unique IP address in the same installation.
If a device has an IP address already assigned to another device on the network, an “IP CONFLICT” prompt will appear in the panel screen, along with the MAC of the conflicting device.
Both devices will not work properly until this issue is resolved.

This section allows some programming related to the access control functionality of the panel.

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  • DOOR RELAY TIME: for lock-release relay remains active (1-9s optional).
  • OPEN DOOR DELAY: The time that the “open the door” command has been sent and the relay is not activated. The relay will active after the DOOR DELAY TIME be set. Open door relay is useful when the door is not near to the panel, the visitor has time to reach the door.(0-9s)
  • EGRESS BUTTON: The egress button will function if the EGRESS BUTTON option is enabled. The panel relay and Ref.1490 will be actived if the egress button is enabled.
  • DOOR OPEN ALARM: An alarm will trigger if the door is opened after the programmed DOOR ALARM time. Options: Disable, 30s, 60s, 120s, 180s and 250s.
  • DOOR FORCED ALARM: An alarm will trigger if an abnormal way to open the door has been detected, for example because there has not been any previous “open the door” command.
  • REF.1490 2 RELAY: It activates or deactivates the 2 relay module performance.
  • REF.1491 4 RELAY: Only available in panel programmed as PANEL 1. It activates or deactivates the additional relay performance.

A module Ref. 1491 (4 relay module) must be connected to the RS485 port of the panel No.1. See INSTALLATION section for further details.

  • 1-4 DOOR RELAY TIME: Time that the corresponding additional door relay is active (1-9s optional).
  • 1-4 OPEN DOOR DELAY: The time that the “open the door” command has been sent and the relay is not activated. The relay will be active after the DOOR DELAY TIME set. Open door delay is useful when the door is not near the panel. ( 0-9 s)

REMARK : This delay time will not apply to the EXIT BUTTON door lock release that will be always immediate.

ADMIN CARD: Admin/master card ID registered to enrol additional prox cards. This option is useful when there is not MEET MAGEMENT SOFTWARE available.

When there is no management software, enter 0000 if you do not know the ID of the admin card. The first MIFARE prox card detected by the reader will act as admin/master card. The card of the residents can be added afterwards. To program user cards, present the admin/master card previously created on the card reader. The panel will enter in cards program mode. All the cards presented from now on will automatically updated in the panel and may be used to open the door.
If there are not more cards to program, after two minutes the panel will exit program mode.

There is not possible to deregister cards programmed by this method. Use the FERMAX MEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE for full operational possibilities.
DISARM BY CARD: When an already programmed user card is presented to the reader, and it has been previously assigned to a monitor, the alarm system of the corresponding apartment will change to HOME mode.

  • CARD READ PROMPTS : If disabled, no visual/sound prompts will happen when a prox card is used on panel’s reader.
  • GUEST CODE: Guest code function can be enabled or disabled. The panel needsto be connected with a module Ref. 1494 GUEST CODE MODULE to a third-party Access Control System. See INSTALLATION section.
  • WIEGAND: Protocol used for Wiegand transmission through the REF.1494 GUEST CODE MODULE(BURST or 26 BITS). Enter available parameter depending on the third-party Access Control System
  • FACILITY: Enter available parameter depending on the third-party Access Control System.
  • QR CODE: Enable or disable QR code function
  • WIEGAND: Protocol used for Wiegand transmission (26 BITS or 34 BITS). Enter available parameter depending on the third-party Access Control System
  • SITE CODE: The panel will verify the site code of QR if the SITE CODE is enabled.The SITE CODE of QR must be same as filled in.
  • ACCESS PIN : To enable or disable the activation of the relay for ACCES PIN code.
    UP to 8 different PIN codes per panel.PIN length between 4 to 6 digits.

Use this setting to enable or disable the FACE RECOGNITION function of the panel.
System supports up to 6.000 faces.

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  • FACE RECOGNITION: Enable or disabled face recognition function.

  • AUTO ACTIVATION: Enable or disable auto activation function of QR code or face recognition. If enabled, wait 15 seconds for any process to end.

  • MODEL: 5.0 and 6.0
    The FERMAX MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE V01.05 is required for programming and managing the photos of the authorized faces if the model is 5.0.
    The FERMAX MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE V01.06 is required for programming and managing the photos of the authorized faces if the model is 6.0.

  • LIVENESS DETECTION: Enable or disabled LIVENESS DETECTION function.

  • SIMILARITY: High, medium and low options. Default is low.

MEET panel face recognition function is based on a bidimensional face identification, with the ability of differentiating among photos or live faces in certain conditions.
This technology can be used to open doors but cannot guarantee the highest security level or 100% accuracy of liveness detection.
If face recognition is enabled, RTSP video streaming will not be available.

The block panel will show lift dispatch if the LIFT funciton is enable .

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  • LIFT DISPATCH: Enable or disable LIFT DISPATCH function.

  • WAITING TIME: This time will define the maximum time that the message “Please wait for lift dispatch” will be shown on the display.
    The WAITING TIME need be extended based on the delay time of receiving the signal from the elevator to the MEET 32 input module. If the signal is not received within this time on the MEET 32 input module, then the “Please wait for lift dispatch” information on the panel will disappear and a message of “Lift dispatch failed” will be displayed.

  • NUMBER OF INPUT PORTS: Only available in panel programmed as PANEL 1. according to quantity of lift and block panel , then select number of input ports.

The monitor can switch to IP CCTV camera video during a conversation. This function allows to configure IP CCTV cameras using RTSP protocol to be displayed as an auxiliary camera to provide different view angles from the door or related areas.

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NUMBER OF CAMS: Sepect up to 4 different cameras.
CAMERA 1, 2, 3 and 4: IP camera name.

URL: -> rtsp://user:password@Ip_adress_of_camera
user: password -> for cameras that require a username and password for connection.
Depending on the brand/model of camera, other URL different than the one above would be required. Check the IP camera technical documentation.

This option allows to configure MARINE panel to use SIP functionalities, such us call divert to smartphone using the FERMAX MEETME APP or allows the panel to operate with a third-party SIP systems or terminals using SIP protocol instead of FERMAX MEET protocol.

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Configuration for smartphone call divert, using FERMAX MEET ME APP
Configure the SIP parameters as explained below, if the divert function to smartphone, through the FERMAX MEET ME server is used.

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  • ENABLE SIP: Select this box to enable SIP functions.
  • SEARCH SIP STATUS: this button appears when enabling SIP function, shows SIP REGISTERED if the panel register successfully or SIP REGISTER FAILED if the panel register unsuccessfully.
  • SIP SERVER: Use the FERMAX MEET server ->sip: sip.fermax.com.
  • DOMAIN: Indicate the server domain ->sip.fermax.com.
  • OUTBOUND: Not necessary. Leave it in blank.
  • STUN IP: Not necessary. Leave it in blank.
  • STUN PORT: Not necessary. Leave it in blank.
  • H.264: Leave the default value: 102.
  • SIP USER, SIP PASSWORD: Indicate the user and password of the FERMAX MEET ME license assigned to this panel. They are indicated in a label attached in the front of the panel.

Configuration for SIP server integration
Configure the SIP parameters as explained below, for the cases where the MARINE panel works as an extension of a SIP server.
Contact with the SIP server administrator to get some of the information required in this section.

  • ENABLE SIP: Select this box to enable SIP functions.
  • SEARCH SIP STATUS: this button appears when enabling SIP function, shows SIP REGISTERED if the panel register successfully or SIP REGISTER FAILED if the panel register unsuccessfully.
  • SIP SERVER: Indicate the sip SERVER address. Format ->sip: IP_SERVER.
  • DOMAIN: domain of the SIP server or IP address.
  • OUTBOUND: Not necessary. Leave it in blank.
  • STUN IP: domain of the SIP server
  • STUN PORT: Used for the configuration of Internet SIP server-based installations. It is usually port 5060. Check with your network or SIP server administrator.
  • H.264: Depends on the SIP SERVER. In the case of doubt, leave the default value.
  • SIP USER, SIP PASSWORD: Indicate the user and password that this terminal is programmed in the SIP server.

This option allowsto generate calls to smartphone devices in the cases where it is nota MEET monitor associated in the installation. A FERMAX MEET ME licence Ref. 1496 is required for each apartment
The call can be received in 8 smartphones simultaneously.
Furthermore, it is also possible, to generate simultaneous calls to several devices MEET and/or third-party SIP devices as well,using SIP protocol instead of FERMAX MEET protocol.
A.CSV file containing the associated number and the information of the diverted device or devices must be updated in the panel.

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The operation procedure to generate and update the .CSV file is as follow:

  1. Select EXPORT to generate a blank.CSV table, an save it in your PC.
    Rename this table as your choice or leave the default name (MEET CALL DIVERT PXXX-YY.csv), where XXX is the BLOCK NUMBER and YY is the device number assigned to this panel).

  2. Use Microsoft Excel / Notepad or Notepad++ (recommended) to open the created file.
    It will look like:FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel 18

  3. The first cell (A1) has the content: APARTMENT, the second cell(B1) has content: NUMBER, Do not change it.

  4. Use the following cells (A2, B2 A3, B3, A4, B4 etc.) to fill in the data of the apartment and number of devices to divert.
    Depending on the type of call, the format of the data is different:

    • In the case of a call to a FERMAX MEET ME LICENCE:
      APARTMENT, sip: [email protected] where XXXXXXX is the licence username and APARTMENT is the number to be dialled in the panel

    • In the case of a call to a MEET device in the same installation:
      APARTMENT, sip:XXX@IP_DEVICE where XXX is any identifier of the device and IP_DEVICE is the IP address to the MEET monitor to call. It is possible to generate a P2P SIP call without the identifier as follows: sip:IP_DEVICE.

    • In the case of a call to a third party SIP device (through a SIP server):
      APARTMENT, sip:user@IP_SIP_SERVER where user is the identification user that the called device has been programmed in the SIP server, and IP_SIP_SERVER is the SIP server IP address.

    • It is also possible to assign multiple and different divert formats to the same apartment (for example a call to a third-party SIP device anda smartphone device as well).
      Use the corresponding format explained above, using the same row but different column for each format. See example below.

  5. Once the table has been finished, save it and import to the panel. For this, click on “Choose file”, select the file to import and click on IMPORT button.
    Wait for a few seconds until a pop-up message “UPLOAD SUCCESSFUL” appears.
    Note : The maximum number of SIP Calls in the listing is 1000.

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In this example:

  • Apartment 170 generates a call to the monitor IP the same installation.
  • Apartment 171 generates a call to the smartphone with FERMAX MEET ME licence 0103283.
  • Apartment 645 generates a call to the monitor IP in the same installation.
  • Apartment 180 generates a call to the SIP device 1234 of the SIP server with IP
  • Apartment 181 generates a call to the SIP device 1234 of the SIP server with IP and to the smartphone with FERMAX MEET ME licence 0103283.
  • Apartment 182 generates a call to the SIP device 1234 of the SIP server with IP and to the monitor IP in the installation.
  • Apartment 183 generates a call to the SIP device 1234 of the SIP server with IP and to the monitor IP in the installation and to the smartphone with FERMAX MEET ME licence 0103283.

Some advanced settings, such as quick dial and directory, can be selected in this section.

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  • QUICK DIAL: No function.

  • URL: No function.

  • ONU (GPON): Used in large installations based on SIP protocol (GPON) and in combination with the configuration of said installations.

  • MAPPING CALL: The installer can create a mapping call list. Mapping call codes can include numbers and letters (A-H). For block panels, 1-5 digits is allowed, for general entrance panel, 1-8digits is allowed.
    The visitor can call the apartment via mapping code only if this apartment has mapping code enabled, the visitor can call apartment via apartment number if this apartment does not have a mapping code.

  • WHITE LIST: the apartment can be called if the corresponding white list of apartment is Y (YES), otherwise, the apartment cannot be called.

  • DIRECTORY: MARINE panel allows to use a directory for calling the tenants. Visitors can select the tenant name from this directory and call directly without knowing the apartment number.
    A. CSV table with the name of the tenants and apartment numbers shall be created.

The operation procedure to generate and update the CSV file is as follow:

  1. Select EXPORT to generate a blank .CSV table, an save it in your PC.
    Rename this table as you wish or leave the default nameagenda.csv.

  2. Use Microsoft Excel / Notepad or Notepad++ (recommended) to open the created file. It will have a look like this:FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel 21

  3. The first cell (A1) has the content: APARTMENT, The second cell (B1) has the content: NAME, The third cell (C1) has the content: MAPPING CODE. The fourth cell (D1) has the content: WHITELIST(Y),
    Do not change it.

  4. Use the following cells (A2, A3, A4, etc.) to fill in the data of apartment name, user’s name, mapping code and whitelist, with the format “Apartment number”, “Name”, “Mapping code”, “Whitelist(Y)”. If Mapping or Whitelist is not used the format remains the same, all 4 commas are needed. Check with Notepad /Notepad++ that the format is properly kept as per the picture.FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel 22

  5. Once the table has been finished, save it and import to the panel. For this, click on “Choose file”, select the file to import and click on IMPORT button.
    Wait for a few seconds until a pop-up message “UPLOAD SUCESSFUL” appears.

REMARK : Do not use special characters such as “ – “ on the names or the upload process on the panel will not perform properly.

RESIDENT SEARCH: The visitor can search fastly tenanet via shortcut if the function enable.


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In the case of non-Latin alphabets(for example: Chinese, Russian / Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew etc.), the procedure is as follows:

  1. From the web server of thepanel, export the empty .CSV file.
  2. Open with Windows Notepad and copy the directory list of the CSV file in the notepad with the desired alphabet (Latin, Chinese, Russian / Cyrillic, Arabic, …).
  3. Save the file as .CSV / all files . / UTF-8
  4. From the panel´s webserver, import this file and wait for the message “file uploaded successfully” to be displayed.
    In the case of non-Latin writing systems, it is recommended NOT to use Microsoft Excel since there is a risk of altering the format of the directory file and that the content of the directory is not loaded correctly

It allows you to change the INSTALLER PIN code, to access both the installation configuration parameters through the monitor’s own screen and the configuration through a web browser.
Enter the current code, the new pin and confirm it.
The new password can have alphanumeric characters and has no limit on its length.
Finally, select SAVE.

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NOTE: Make a note of the new PIN at your convenience. If you lose or forget your PIN, you should contact FERMAX’s Technical Department to receive instructions regarding its recovery. All settings programmed into the monitor will be lost after recovery.

This function is not available in this version of Firmware V 03.10. It is recommended to deactivate it in the web server so that the icon does not appear in the lower part of the screen of the MARINE

Use this functionality to remotely reset the MARINE panel, or to return it to factory settings. In both cases it will ask for confirmation.

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RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS: The panel will automatically turn off and start up with the factory settings. We refer below the essential default parameters for your reference.


• BLOCK: 1


• IP:
• DNS:

Any other parameters (sip, IP cameras, concierges, etc.) that have been configured will also be lost.
REBOOT DEVICE: The panel will automatically turn off and start up keeping all the programming parameters.
When resetting, the device will lose connection with the PC. Refresh the website after about 60 seconds to resume the connection.


The screen of the MARINE PANEL is interactive, so its performance depends on the call process or selected function.
When someone stands in front of the panel or press button, a standby interface is shown. This standby interface loop playback, depending on the programming settings.

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It is also possible to select one of the available function icons via shortcut or menu. These icons have to be enabled by the installer.
See WEB BROWSER PROGRAMMING section for further details.

Numerical keypad
Apartments can be called only with numbers.
To call an apartment, dial apartment number and press the bell button.
It is also possible to enter shortcut button or access menu and use the available icon functions (access code, face recognition, etc.), , enter A0 to enter access code ,enter A7 to enter guest code,enter A8 to directory.

On screen information
It is possible to get basic information on the equipment configuration through the screen.

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If the keypad is not used and nobody is in front of the panel, the display turns off after 1 minute for energy saving.

Depending on the programming and capabilities of the installation, some icon functions will be available in the menu.

Up to 4 icons will appear on the screen. If there were more than 4 functions available, use the arrow button to make visible the hidden ones.
The utility of each icon is explained below. Select the corresponding icon and press B button to use the associated function.

Users can be identified by means of facial recognition.

Press arrow button and access to menu, select this icon via arrow button, then press “B”. Alternatively press AA when the panel is standby. The face recognition interface will appear.
Users should stay for a few seconds in front of the panel.
If the user´s face has been programmed and the system recognises him, the door will open.

NOTE : Face recognition requires previous programming by means of the FERMAX MEET MANAGEMENT Software.

QR CODE icon
This option allows users to open the door by means of scaning a QR code that has been provided to him, for example to get access during a certain day.

The panel shall have installed a GUEST CODE MODULE Ref.1494, as explained in the INSTALLATION section. A third-party Access Control System is required.

It allows to use a directory for selecting and calling an apartment searching the owner´s name. Press arrow button and access to menu, select this icon via arrow button, then press “B”. Alternatively press A8 when the panel is standby. The agenda interface will appear.
Select apartment via arrow button, then press bell button.

It is possible to search a name, press the number which contain the initial character and it will filter the names which their first character matches.
A programming is required. See WEB BROWSER PROGRAMMING section for further details.A programming is required. See WEB BROWSER PROGRAMMING section for further details.

This option allows users to open the door by means of entering a PIN code that has been provided to him, for example to get access during a certain day.
Press arrow button and access to menu, select this icon via arrow button, then press “B”, or press “A7 “when
the panel is standby,the Guest Code interface will appear, users shall enter the valid guest code followed by “B” to open the door.
If a wrong code is entered the panel will show an INVALID CODE message.

The panel shall have installed a GUEST CODE MODULE Ref.1494, as explained in the INSTALLATION section. A third-partyAccess Control System is required.


This option allows users to open the door by means of entering an access code. Length of the access code could be between 4 to 6 digits.
The panel admits up to 8 different access codes, that must be programmed by the installer.
Press arrow button and access to menu, select this icon via arrow button, then press “B”, or press “A0 “when the panel is standby, the Access code interface will appear. Users shall enter the valid Access code followed by “B” button to open the door.
If a wrong code is entered the panel will show an INVALID CODE message



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The MARINE panel is connected to the installation by means of connectors: Ethernet for LAN connection and MOLEX type connectors for other connections (power supply, RS-485, etc.). A bag containing the corresponding female connectors with their cables comes with the panel.

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  • POWER INPUT: 12 Vdc power supply for the cases where no LAN PoE is available.

  • OUTPUT: Electric lock control relay output.
    • NC: Normally closed contact
    • NO: Normally opened contact
    • C: Common
    NOTE : NC & C contacts are internally duplicated EX PROXIMITY (external proximity reader).

  • EX PROXIMITY (external proximity reader)
    • (WD0-WD1) Wiegand input/output
    • (+5V, -) 5 Vdc auxiliar output

  • Exit Button /Fire / Door Sensor. See NOTES.
    • (EXIT, -) Connections for indoor button
    • (F, -) Input for fire alarm & block doors unlock contacts
    • (DS, -) Connection for door opened sensor

  • RS485
    • Output for Ref. 1491/Ref. 9545 MEET LIFT Control Gateway, Ref. 1494 Guest code or Ref. 1490External
    Relay (*) Ref. 1490 works as an auxiliar relayin parallel with the panel´s relay.

  • RJ 45 Network
    • RJ-45 LAN or LAN PoE connection

EXIT, FIRE and DS require installer programming. See WEB BROWSER PRORAMMING for further details
EXIT button allows users to open the door from inside.
FIRE input in PANEL No 1 has to be connected to a fire output relay of a third-party fire alarm system. If a fire alarm is triggered, an alarm will sound in all the panels of the block, and all the doors will remain opened.
Installing a door open sensor in DS, an alarm sounds in the panel and concierge if the door remains opened during a programmed period, or the door has been forced as well.
The panel has an internal tamper button. If the panel is separated from the wall, an alarm is triggered in the panel, concierge and FERMAX MANAGENEMN SYSTEM (if exists).

Basic diagram using PoE Switch.
Use a power supply adapted to the electric lock voltage & current.

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Basic diagram using no PoE switch
Supply the panel by means of a FERMAX Ref. 4813 (12 Vdc 2A) power supply
Use a power supply adapted to the electric lock voltage & current. Do not power the panel and the electric lock from the same power supply.

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This module is necessary if you want to use the function of activating from the monitors additional relays (up to 4), for example to activate additional doors or gates.

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This installation has to be performed in the PANEL no. 1 of the corresponding block only.


| Power supply| 12 Vdc or PoE|
| Standby current (max.)| 290 mA|
| Working current (max.)| 490 mA|
| Display specifications| |
| Size| 4.3 inch|
| Format| 4:3|
| Resolution| 480272|
| Camera specifications| |
| Resolution| 1.280 (H)
720 (V)|
| Visual angle| 128º (H), 70º (V)|
| Minimum illumination| 0,5 Lux|
| Maximum conversation time| 120s|
| Door relay time| 1-9s|
| Door delay time| 0-9s|
| Door sensor time| 120s|
| IC cards| 100.000 cards|
| Face data| 6.000 faces|
| Operating temperature| -40~70 ºC|
| Relative humidity| 20%~80%, without condensation|


Sometimes it may be necessary or convenient to update a new firmware version because improvements or corrections have been incorporated into its operation.
FERMAX’s Technical Department periodically informs (through Communications, Technical Bulletins, etc.) about the release of a new firmware update, as well as the improvements incorporated.

Contact the FERMAX Technical Department if you wish to receive the corresponding update file.
The firmware update is performed via the MEET System Upgraded Tool V1.2.exe. The procedure for updating the firmware with the corresponding update file is as follows.
It is possible to update several panels at the same time, selecting the range of the corresponding IP addresses (all of them have to be sequential).

  1. Start the MEET System Upgraded Tool V 1.2.exe.

  2. Click on “…” button and browse the PC to find the corresponding .IMG update file.
    Up to 3 IMG files can be selected at the same time (for the case of the update has more than unique IMG file).

  3. Indicate the IP Range of the panels.

  4. Select Upgrade.

The new firmware will be installed, and the monitor will automatically restart.

FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel 38

Radio frequency module. Ec Declaration of Conformity: https://www.fermax.com/intl/en/pro/documents/technical-documentation/DT-13 -declarations-of-conformity.html

Radio frequency module:
Frequency: 13.56MHz / Maximum Power: 2,45mW

This device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Using an external element (PC/Tablet/Smartphone) connected to the network makes it possible to access the panel’s built-in camera via RTSP protocol with the following address: rtsp://admin:password@Panel_IP:8554/ch01
admin: admin
password: 123456 (Default), if it has been changed we will use the current password.
Panel_IP: Current IP address of the panel.

It is possible to access using VLC as in the image below:

FERMAX 1455 Marine Panel 39

For extended information, visit www.fermax.com
Contact : [email protected]


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