SAP Business Network Supplier User Guide

June 1, 2024

SAP Business Network Supplier


Product Information

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing is a comprehensive tool for managing and creating invoices within the SAP Business Network ecosystem. It provides detailed guidance on invoice creation, compliance, standard fields, document statuses, invoice rules, and digital signature processes.


  • Product Name: SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing
  • Supported Platforms: SAP Business Network, SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing, SAP Ariba Commerce Automation, SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing

Product Usage Instructions

Invoice Creation:

To create an invoice using SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing, follow these steps:

  1. Access the system and navigate to the invoice creation section.
  2. Select the type of invoice you want to create (e.g., standard invoice, draft invoice).
  3. Fill in the required invoice header and line item fields.
  4. Review the invoice for accuracy and compliance with contract-based rules.
  5. Submit the invoice for processing.

Digital Signature Process:

For invoices that require a digital signature, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you meet the prerequisites for digital signing.
  2. Complete the digital signing agreement or mandate process as needed.
  3. Sign the invoice digitally using the provided tools.


  • Q: What types of invoices can be created using SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing?
    • A: You can create standard invoices, draft invoices, and contract-based invoices using the tool.
  • Q: How can I ensure my invoices comply with contract-based rules?
    • A: The system provides guidelines and checks to help you ensure compliance with contract-based rules during invoice creation.


© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

PUBLIC Document Version: 2402 ­ 2024-02
SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing
SAP Business Network SAP Business Network for Supply Chain SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing SAP Ariba Commerce Automation SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Content

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing

This guide is for SAP Ariba users responsible for creating, editing, monitoring, and approving invoices. This guide applies to:
· SAP Business Network · SAP Business Network for Supply Chain · SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing · SAP Ariba Invoice Management · SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing
Related Guides
Creating and Managing Invoices, Credit Memos, and Debit Memos SAP Business Network for Supply Chain Integration and Configuration Guide

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing



Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing
SAP Business Network Invoicing [page 10] SAP Business Network Invoicing–Buyer’s Perspective [page 14] SAP Business Network Invoicing–Supplier’s Perspective [page 16] Invoice Creation Process [page 19] Invoice Validation [page 21] Additional Resources About SAP Business Network Invoicing [page 21]

SAP Business Network Invoicing

SAP Business Network is a hosted service that enables a company to form relationships with their suppliers and conduct order and invoicing transactions over the Internet. Buying organizations use SAP Business Network to find suppliers from which they want to purchase products or services and invite suppliers to form trading relationships. After a supplier has been enabled on the SAP Business Network, the buying organization can view any public catalogs the supplier has created or receive customer-specific catalogs from their suppliers. Buyers can then place orders, and suppliers in turn can create order-based invoices. If the buyer allows, suppliers can also create invoices that are not based on a purchase order or enable a supplier to punch into the buyer’s invoicing system to create contract-based invoices. Buyer customers use one of the following invoicing solutions to connect to the SAP Business Network:
· An SAP Ariba cloud solution: SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing or SAP Ariba Invoice Management · An SAP Ariba on premise solution: Ariba Buyer with the Ariba Invoice module · SAP Business Network Commerce Automation, which connects an external ERP to the SAP Business Network
to exchange cXML documents via one of the supported SAP Business Network adapters. Through SAP Business Network, buyers and suppliers can seamlessly integrate their invoicing processes on a single network.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing

Figure 1: E-Invoice: Architecture and Services
Suppliers can either create invoices online in their SAP Business Network account or submit them electronically from their external system via cXML or EDI. If suppliers create invoices online, then the account administrator can assign specific roles to users that allow them to view purchase orders and create invoices.
All invoices regardless how they are submitted to SAP Business Network are validated against the specific buyer’s invoicing rules. Invoices that fail that validation are rejected. Only after they are accepted by SAP Business Network are they then digitally signed (if required based on the From and To country on the invoice).
Once the invoices are validated and signed, they are downloaded to the buyer’s invoicing system for review and approval. If the buyer finds a discrepancy (e.g. between the expected and actual tax amount or a line item invoice to purchase order mismatch) they can then dispute or reject the invoice and require the supplier to resubmit a corrected invoice.

Related Information SAP Business Network User Permissions [page 17]

SAP Ariba Security Practices

The SAP Ariba solution components support general commercial good security practices that ensure confidentiality, security and integrity of the business system. SAP Ariba’s current audit report is the WebTrust ( ) seal. SAP Ariba is audited against this standard every six months by an external independent auditor for its cloud solutions including the SAP Business Network.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing



The certification provides reasonable assurance that, based on the AICPA/CA Trust Services Criteria for Security Confidentiality, Availability and Processing Integrity Criteria:
· the systems are protected against unauthorized access (both physical and logical); · the systems are available for operation and use as committed or agreed; · the system processing is complete, accurate, timely and authorized; · information designated as confidential is protected as committed or agreed; and · SAP Ariba has complied with its commitments regarding security, availability, processing integrity, and
SAP Ariba ensures the integrity of invoice data transmitted between SAP Business Network and the SAP Ariba invoicing solutions through Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Invoicing Prerequisites
The enablement for invoicing in SAP Business Network is a buyer-driven process that follows these steps:
1. If the supplier does not have an account on the SAP Business Network, they either create an account in SAP Business Network or take ownership of an account that the buyer has pre-enabled for them. No matter how a supplier starts using the SAP Business Network resources, they first must register and accept the Terms of Use. Acceptance of the Terms of Use is required for all users of a supplier account, regardless if they are the account administrator or a user of the supplier company granted access to the account. The Terms of Use for suppliers is available for review on on the bottom of the page.
2. The supplier and buyer establish the trading relationship.
Steps 1 and 2 are recorded with a date (“Network TC Acceptance Date” and “Relationship Status-Last Update”) and can be downloaded as part of the buyer side “Supplier Account History” report.
3. The buyer configures their SAP Business Network account to accept invoices from the supplier and specifies specific invoice rules that the supplier- submitted invoices must adhere to. By default, these rules govern invoices from all suppliers, however buyers can override these rules for specific groups of suppliers or by country/region.
4. The supplier reviews the buyer-specific invoice rules under “Customer Relationships” details in the supplier account.

Invoice Rules

Buyers must specifically allow authorized suppliers to create invoices using the SAP Business Network user interface or to transmit them from their own back end system through the SAP Business Network. If a buyer has disabled the invoicing feature for some suppliers, then those suppliers will not have access to the invoicing functionality when reviewing the buyer’s purchase orders and they will not be able to enter non-PO invoices for those buyers. If attempts are made by a supplier to send automated invoices using cXML or EDI, those invoices will be automatically rejected.
After a supplier is authorized to send invoices electronically to a buyer, those invoices will be validated against the buyer’s configured invoice rules. The rules established on the SAP Business Network require that suppliers



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing

and buyers exchange invoices and invoice status updates that contain the specific content for a wide range of requirements, including VAT compliance. When a supplier user creates invoices in the SAP Business Network user interface, the fields and validations available to them on the user interface are controlled by the invoice rules that the buyer has configured. If they send invoices through cXML or EDI, the same invoice rules apply and invoices that don’t fulfill the specific criteria set forth by the invoice rules will be rejected.
Testing the Invoice Process
Test accounts are free SAP Business Network accounts that allow buyers and suppliers to test purchase order and invoice exchange (routing, creation, and processing). These test accounts enable transaction partners to send and receive test purchase orders and invoices without the risk of actually shipping products or disrupting production transactions.
Test accounts provide a safe way for new and existing buyers and suppliers to exercise SAP Business Network. New buyers typically spend several days testing their procurement systems and SAP Business Network configurations. Similarly, new suppliers spend several days testing their order receiving system and SAP Business Network configurations. Buyers and suppliers also use test accounts when testing their new trading relationships.
Both buyers and suppliers use test accounts, not production accounts, for this testing. When they are confident that the purchase order and invoice processes are working, they switch from their test accounts to their production accounts.

Routing and Assigning an External Invoice for Test Accounts

SAP Business Network provides continuous test environment support to perform your testing activities without interruptions. You as a buyer or supplier can configure the Tax ID in your production account only once, and the test account will be able to use the same tax ID to perform your testing activities. Thus, you can use both the accounts concurrently.
SAP Business Network also routes and assigns external tax invoices to the respective production and test accounts across all inbound channels.
Within the SAP Business Network system, the Tax IDs of both the supplier and buyer test accounts are appended with -T. This enables the system to identify the buyer and supplier account type as a test or production account. As a result, the invoice coming from a supplier’s test account is routed to the buyer’s test account. Similarly, an invoice coming from a supplier’s production account are routed to the buyer’s production account.
This solution is for internal purposes only. The invoices received or sent from SAP Business Network system do not contain -T with the tax ID.
Based on this solution, the inbound channels of the system are handled in the following ways:
· Email channel
Suppliers and buyers can use the following email IDs exclusively to send and receive external tax invoices to and from the respective accounts.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing



Email invoicereceiver-

Account type Production Test

Ensure that you use the relevant email ID to send an invoice to the required account.

· Manual upload/CFDI upload
In this scenario, buyers establish a relationship with the supplier and perform vendor upload activity as a prerequisite. Now, during this activity, the buyer must:
· Append -T to the supplier Tax ID to indicate the supplier’s profile as a test account. · Create and upload a separate file for every supplier with a test account and a production account. · Suppliers using the SAP Business Network, must have configured the Tax ID in your production account
through vendor upload functionality. When a supplier sends an invoice to the SAP Business Network, the system considers the type of account into which the supplier has logged in. Using the Vendor ID and Tax ID (with or without -T) mentioned in the vendor details, the system determines whether to process the invoice to the buyer’s test or production account.
Ensure that you as a buyer have a method to route the invoices received in your SAP Business Network test or production account to your ERP system.
For example, if you upload the vendor details, you can use Tax ID and Vendor ID as unique identifiers, and determine the account of the external invoice.
· Buyer to have the Tax ID configured in your SAP Business Network buyer account. Contact your admin to
configure the Tax ID.
· Buyer to have an SAP Business Network test account in your system.
A misconfigured SAP Business Network supplier or buyer account will not be able to process the invoice because the system will not be able to find appropriate buyer or supplier account to assign the invoice.

Related Information Using Test Accounts on SAP Business Network

SAP Business Network Invoicing–Buyer’s Perspective

After a trading relationship has been established with a supplier in SAP Business Network, buyers can download customer catalogs from their suppliers and then use their procurement application to generate purchase orders.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing

Procurement applications send purchase orders to SAP Business Network, which either stores them for suppliers to pick up or routes them to suppliers through one of several protocols. Suppliers can respond with order confirmations, ship notices, and invoices.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to allow invoicing by setting invoice rules. By enabling the appropriate invoice rules, buyers can allow suppliers to:
· Create standard invoices against purchase orders. · Create non-PO invoices and credit memos. · Create invoices against contracts by accessing the customers’ contract collaboration sites.
SAP Business Network automatically routes purchase orders to suppliers through cXML, email, fax, or EDI. Working with an SAP Ariba representative, buyers can also customize the SAP Business Network supplier user interface to allow suppliers to upload invoices in CSV (comma-separated value) format. Suppliers specify their preferred order routing method, and SAP Business Network takes care of the format, protocol, and delivery details.

Related Information Invoice Rules [page 112]

Viewing Invoices
While buyers can view their suppliers’ invoices on SAP Business Network, most buyer users review and approve the invoices in their own invoicing solution. Generally, an account administrator might need to review invoices that for some reason cannot be downloaded to the buyer’s invoicing solution and then resend stuck invoices after resolving the issue.
The Invoices page and invoice-based workbench tiles show details about each invoice, including columns showing the invoice routing method, origin, and source document (or order type). The transactions list can be configured to show failed invoices, show or hide columns, group transactions by column, export tables to spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel, and control the number of transactions displayed (the default is 100).
Buyer users can also use the cXML Viewer at to upload a file containing the cXML invoice to generate a human-readable representation of the actual invoice data.

Editing Invoices Sent from an Invoice Conversion Service

SAP Ariba invoice conversion services (ICS) solutions facilitate conversion of paper invoices to an electronic format using a process that includes validation. An invoice conversion service provider receives paper invoices on behalf of the buying organization and converts them to an electronic format for posting to SAP Business Network. Invoices sent from such service providers are labeled ICS Paper Invoices on SAP Business Network.
Buyers who subscribe to an ICS solution can edit and resubmit unassigned invoices on SAP Business Network. An unassigned invoice is an ICS invoice with an unknown supplier, which means SAP Business Network either did not find a purchase order matching the invoice or cannot verify the supplier ID.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing



Buyers can also edit and resubmit ICS invoices rejected by their SAP Business Network invoice rules or by their invoicing application.
Related Information SAP Business Network Guide to Invoice Conversion

SAP Business Network Invoicing–Supplier’s Perspective
Suppliers in SAP Business Network have two options for generating electronic invoices:
· manually, using the Generate Invoice feature provided in SAP Business Network · programmatically, using cXML or EDI
To generate invoices manually, suppliers do not need to do any special setup once buyers are prepared to receive invoices. Suppliers can generate invoices and credit memos online in their SAP Business Network account, or use their own systems to generate cXML or EDI invoices and route them through SAP Business Network. To generate invoices programmatically, suppliers must work with buyers to understand their special requirements for invoice configuration. Also, suppliers must ensure that the date format conforms to the ISO 8601 standard supported by SAP Business Network.
For more information about supplier account configuration for cXML or EDI, see Configuring Document Routing.

Invoice Routing Methods
Suppliers must configure their SAP Business Network account to choose the routing method for invoices. The account administrator or users with the cXML Configuration permission (only for suppliers using cXML), or the Transaction Configuration permission can set routing methods for invoices. EDI order routing requires activation by SAP Ariba Support. Payment remittance options include online, cXML, or email.

Invoice-Based Workbench Tiles

Create custom invoice-based workbench tiles to more easily find and take action on your invoices.
Invoices is the most basic tile for users who manage invoices. Invoice-based tiles contain invoices and the list view displays information such as customer, invoice number, reference document, invoice amount, and status. On the workbench, depending on your customer’s transaction rules, your user permissions, and document status, you



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing

can view the invoices and any referenced documents, create line-item credit and debit memos, and edit or copy invoices.
The workbench offers the following invoice tiles:
· Invoices · Rejected invoices · Invoices pending approval · Invoices pending payment · Invoice Conversions · Invoice Conversions · Draft Invoice Conversions for Review · Draft invoices · Paid invoices · Overdue invoices (Approved) · Overdue invoices (Not approved)
You can filter invoice tiles on values such as Customers, Invoice number, Order number, Creation date, Invoice status, Invoice type, Routing status, Min amount and Max amount (with Currency), External invoice number, Payment net due date, From country, To country, Status change date, Approved date, Rejected date, and Paid date.

Related Information
The Workbench Workbench Tile Reference Customizing Tiles on Your Workbench Filtering Workbench Tiles Customizing Workbench Columns

SAP Business Network User Permissions

Supplier organizations who are authorized to send invoices from their SAP Business Network account can enable their users with the following permissions for invoice transactions:

Permissions Inbox Access
Outbox Access

Allows Users To…
Work with incoming transaction documents. This includes reviewing purchase orders, generating one-time purchase order reports, creating order confirmations and ship notices, reviewing notifications, and downloading transaction audit report.
Work with outgoing transaction documents. This includes reviewing invoices including invoices eligible for auction, canceling invoices, generating one- time invoice reports, and searching for specific invoices.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing



Permissions Invoice Generation
Contract Access Transaction Configuration Routing Overrides
cXML Configuration Invoice Report Administration

Allows Users To…
Create invoices against purchase orders routed to SAP Business Network, against purchase orders not routed to SAP Business Network, and/or against contracts. Customers can enable any or all of these invoicing types. Grants access to this area:

Invoices Invoices
A user assigned to this role must also have a relationship with a customer that accepts invoices. To assign this permission, the user must also have Inbox Access and Outbox Access permissions.
Access the SAP Ariba invoicing site for customers that support it, and review contracts and create invoices against contracts. Grants access to this area:

Orders Contracts
To assign this permission, you must also assign the Inbox Access permission.
Configure the account for electronic transactions. This includes specifying requirements and/or preferences for routing and responding to purchase orders, order request messages, cancel orders, order response documents, and invoices.
Grants access to these areas:

Account Settings Settings Electronic Order Routing and Settings Electronic Invoice Routing

Account Settings

Override document routing method settings for incoming documents by the buying organization or customer group. This permission is available for Business, Integrated, and Enterprise Package Members only.

Grants access to this area:

Account Settings Customer Relationships (Override Routing link only)
To assign this permission, the user must also have the Customer Administration permission.
Configure the SAP Ariba account for cXML transactions, including specifying the cXML version supported, the authentication method, profile URL, punchOutSetupRequest URL, and pricing updates.
Grants access to this area:

Account Settings Settings Electronic Order Routing cXML Setup Note: Users also need the Transaction Configuration permission to access this area. Create, delete, modify, run, and download invoice reports. Grants access to this area: Reports (invoice report type only)



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing

Invoice Creation Process
Use the following diagram to understand the workflow of how an invoice is created and then managed by SAP Business Network, the supplier, and the buyer throughout its lifecycle:

Figure 2: High-Level Invoice Creation Process

  1. Supplier Creates Invoice

A supplier creates an invoice in one of two ways:
· by posting a cXML (via HTTPS) or EDI message (via VAN or AS2), at which point the invoice data is directly
transmitted to the SAP Business Network, or
· by logging in to their SAP Business Network account and then using the Generate Invoice feature to create an
online invoice form (PO Invoice, Non-PO Invoice or Credit Memo). Alternately, a supplier can upload a CSV file with invoice data.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing



  1. SAP Business Network Validates Invoice
    SAP Business Network processes the invoice as follows:
    · The invoice data is converted into cXML; SAP Business Network validates it using buyer-specified and standard
    · If the invoice fails validation [page 21], it is rejected and SAP Business Network sends an email notification to
    the supplier.
    · Supplier reviews errors, corrects invoice data and then resubmits. · If required, SAP Business Network electronically signs the invoice and stores the signature along with a
    verification protocol.
    · The invoice is made available for download or is pushed to the buyer’s system.

  2. Buyer Receives Invoice
    The buyer manages the invoice within their invoicing solution as follows:
    · The buyer receives (or downloads) the invoice and begins the process of invoice reconciliation. · If errors occur, the Invoice History page displays the status and reason. · SAP Business Network tracks and logs status changes and sends notifications to the supplier.

  3. Supplier Reviews Invoice Status
    Based on the result of the invoice reconciliation, the supplier manages the invoice in SAP Business Network as follows:
    · The supplier reviews status updates. · In case of errors, the supplier corrects invoice data, which might result in credit notes and /or new invoices.

  4. Ariba Archives Invoice
    After successful completion of the invoice reconciliation process, the invoice is scheduled for payment. Next, SAP Business Network manages the invoice as follows:
    · If configured, the buyer and supplier can archive their invoices in ZIP format. · Buyer and supplier can downloaded the archives manually or configure their SAP Business Network account to
    deliver them automatically using HTTPS post.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing

Invoice Validation
SAP Business Network validates invoices according to the buyer-configured rules and rejects invoices that do not pass validation. Invoice validation depends on how a supplier generates invoices:
· Online–SAP Business Network validates online invoices during data entry and displays onscreen messages
for any errors that must be corrected. SAP Business Network enforces validation of customer invoice rules by customizing the online display of editable and read-only content.
· cXML–SAP Business Network validates cXML invoices against the cXML DTD to ensure proper format and
syntax. If the invoice passes syntax validation, the supplier receives a cXML response with a 201 status. If the invoice fails validation, the supplier receives a 500 status and details of the errors. Then, SAP Business Network validates them against the buyer’s invoice rules.
· CSV–SAP Business Network converts CSV invoices to cXML. SAP Business Network will provide suppliers with
the necessary templates for formatting CSV invoices. SAP Business Network checks the CSV invoices against the buyer’s invoice format during the import process. If the invoice does not have the proper format, SAP Business Network issues a detailed error message. After successful import, SAP Business Network converts the invoices to cXML and validates them against the buyer’s invoice rules.
· EDI–SAP Business Network validates EDI invoices against the ANSI X12 or EDIFACT standard. If the invoice
passes validation, SAP Business Network issues a positive Functional Acknowledgement. If the invoice fails validation, SAP Business Network issues a negative Functional Acknowledgment with details of the errors. It then converts invoices to cXML and validates them against the buyer’s invoice rules.
Buyers can use purchase order control keys to override invoice rules. For instance, buyers can use control keys to allow their suppliers to create invoices directly from service orders without a service sheet.
Suppliers can review the rules that have been specified by the buyer for invoice transactions in the Customer Details page of their SAP Business Network account (Customer Relationships > Customer Details).

Additional Resources About SAP Business Network Invoicing

For more information about SAP Business Network and the invoicing features available to suppliers and buyers, refer to the following product documentation:
Available for buyer users:
· SAP Business Network Buyer Administration Guide · SAP Business Network Guide to Invoice Conversion · cXML Solutions Guide
Available for supplier users:
· Seller Account Settings and Profile Configuration · Configuring Document Routing · cXML Solutions Guide · Creating and Managing Invoices, Credit Memos, and Debit Memos

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Introducing SAP Business Network Invoicing



Invoice Creation

SAP Business Network supports the creation, validation, and routing of electronic invoices and credit memos.
These invoices are detailed statements of products delivered or services rendered, and associated charges for one or more purchase orders or contracts. SAP Business Network supports invoicing for material items (goods), general service items such as labor service items, lean service items also known as planned lean service items, limit service items also known as unplanned lean service items, and other service items that require a service sheet.
See the following for more information:
· For information about invoicing rules, see Invoice Rules [page 112]. · For more information on how invoicing rules affect the available fields in invoice forms, see SAP Business
Network Invoice Rules and Fields [page 309].
· For suppliers: For information about how to create and manage invoices, see the Creating and managing
invoices topics. Types of Invoices [page 22] Draft Invoices [page 24] Invoice Compliance for Contract-Based Invoices [page 25] Self-Billing Invoices [page 27] Invoice Creation Process [page 30] PDF Copy of Invoices [page 37] Invoice Archival Options and Delivery [page 42] Long Term Archiving of Tax Invoices [page 45] Support for PDF and Scanned Paper Invoices [page 47] Support for Ship Notice to Invoices [page 82] Support for Summary Invoices [page 85]

Types of Invoices

SAP Business Network supports the creation of the numerous types of invoices.

Invoice type



Also called purchase order-based, these are standard invoices routed through SAP Business Network that do not contain any service lines (lines that require a service sheet).



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Invoice type Service Lean Service Limit Service Limit Order Non-PO
Credit memo
Line-level debit memo

Another type of standard invoice, these are based on service sheets that suppliers create from service lines in service purchase orders routed through SAP Business Network. Service sheets and service invoices can include both services and material goods.
These are invoices routed through SAP Business Network. A single invoice can be created for all the Lean Service line items in a purchase order.
These are invoices routed through SAP Business Network. A single invoice can be created for all the Limit Service line items in a purchase order.
A Limit Order line item is defined as the fulfillment of a service or material delivery at a price limited by a predetermined amount within a time period specified by the buyer. These are invoices routed through SAP Business Network. A single invoice can be created for all the Limit Order line items in a purchase order.
These invoices reference purchase orders that were not routed through SAP Business Network. Non-PO invoices also allow suppliers to invoice purchase orders that have expired and been deleted, or to generate an invoice that does not have a corresponding purchase order. Non-PO invoices can be issued to a buying organization even if the supplier doesn’t already have an active trading relationship with the buying organization. In that case, the buyer provides the supplier with buyer customer code to allow sending a non-PO invoice (quick enablement through invoice).
A credit memo represents an amount owed to a buyer by a supplier, typically from an earlier transaction such as a purchase order or a contract invoice. The amount due is a negative number.
There are four types of credit memos: PO-based header level credit memos, PO- based line-level credit memos, non-PO credit memos, and dynamic discounting credit memos.
Line-level credit memos can be based on a change in quantity or a price adjustment (price decrease).
Line-level debit memos represent an amount owed to a supplier by a buyer from an earlier transaction. Line-level debit memos are always due to a price adjustment (price increase).

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



Invoice type Blanket purchase order based

A blanket purchase order (BPO) is a type of contract that buyers create that forms an agreement to spend a specific amount with a supplier for critical items or services. If the blanket purchase order is used to purchase specific items (item level BPO), and the customer has not enabled their invoicing site or the BPO for collaborative invoicing, then suppliers can create an invoice directly from the BPO the same way as they can from a regular purchase order. If the BPO is a customer catalog, supplier level or commodity contract, and the buyers are either not using an SAP Ariba invoicing solution, or are using an SAP Ariba invoicing solutions for which collaborative invoicing has been disabled, then suppliers can view the BPO, but must create a non-PO invoice with the contract ID as reference to invoice against the BPO.
Service sheet is not supported for blanket purchase orders in SAP Business Network.

Contract-based Self billing

A buying organization using an SAP Ariba invoicing solution can allow collaborative invoicing for suppliers. In that case, suppliers punch in to the buyer’s invoicing solution to either create the entire invoice in the buyer’s invoicing site, or they punch in to retrieve the contract information and add items from the contract to the invoice, but finalize the invoice in and submit the invoice from the SAP Business Network – just as a standard invoice. If suppliers create the entire invoice in the buyer’s invoicing site, SAP Business Network compliance rules do not apply, since the supplier is subject to the invoicing processes and rules configured for the buyer’s invoicing solution.
SAP Business Network can automatically transmit self-billing invoices to suppliers and buyers based on data in purchase orders, scheduling agreements, and goods receipts using an automated process.

Related Information
Invoice Compliance for Contract-Based Invoices [page 25] Self-Billing Invoices [page 27]

Draft Invoices

You can save invoices as draft versions to work on them at different times before you submit them. By default, SAP Business Network stores draft invoices for 50 days after the last time you edited them. Draft invoices can be edited, deleted, or submitted. SAP Business Network automatically deletes draft invoices 50 days after they were last edited. If the draft invoice is edited and saved again during this time period, the time limit resets to 50 days from the most recent edit date.
To open a saved draft invoice, go to Invoices Drafts



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Creating a Draft Invoice
You can start creating an invoice, and then save it to complete it in the next 50 days.
1. Do one of the following:
· For suppliers without SAP Business Network for Supply Chain: Choose Orders Purchase Orders . · For suppliers with SAP Business Network for Supply Chain: Choose Orders Orders and Releases .
2. Select a purchase order. 3. Click the Create Invoice button and select Save in the top right corner. 4. The message “Invoice is saved. The saved invoice will be kept until dd/mm/yy” is displayed. 5. Click Exit. 6. Select Save to save the draft invoice.
You can submit the draft invoice or edit it again within the next 50 days. If you edit it again, the draft is saved for 50 days from its latest edit date, rather than from the original edit date. You can edit a draft invoice more than once. If the invoice is not submitted or edited within 50 days from the last edit date, the draft invoice is automatically deleted.

Invoice Compliance for Contract-Based Invoices

This feature is only available to buying organizations that use either SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing or SAP Ariba Invoice Management as their invoicing solution. In addition, buyers must configure their invoicing solutions and their SAP Business Network account to allow suppliers to create compliant contract invoices.
This feature is also available as an optional add-on to buyers using SAP Business Network Commerce Automation. In that case, contract agents use the SAP Ariba site to define the contracts, and suppliers punch in to the contract site to retrieve information about the contract and add items from the customer catalog to the invoice, but the invoice is routed directly to the buyer’s ERP system.
Invoice Compliance for Contract-based Invoices allows suppliers to create contract-based invoices on the SAP Business Network:
· Suppliers initiate and finish a contract-based invoice on SAP Business Network using an already familiar user
interface and process.
· Suppliers access the buyer’s invoicing site transparently to retrieve the contract and add items from the
customer catalog.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



· The appropriate invoice rules are applied when the invoice is submitted to ensure that the final invoice
complies with the buyer’s invoicing rules. This means errors on invoices are detected before the buyer receives the invoice, which facilitates improved electronic invoice and payment processing.
· For countries that require a digital signature, the invoice is digitally signed if the buyer account has been
enabled for digital signing.
Workflow Overview for SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing and SAP Ariba Invoice Management [page 26] Workflow Overview for SAP Business Network Commerce Automation with SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing [page 27]

Workflow Overview for SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing and SAP Ariba Invoice Management

The following describes the workflow between suppliers on SAP Business Network and the buyer’s SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing or SAP Ariba Invoice Management site:
1. Suppliers initiate the contract-based invoice creation from SAP Business Network by selecting the customer for which they are creating the contract- based invoice. If the customer has multiple procurement applications, they select the business unit address whose contracts they want to access by the Bill To address ID and the contact person.
2. SAP Business Network automatically transfers the supplier user to the buyer’s SAP Ariba invoicing site, where the supplier user selects the contract and enters the invoice number, invoice date, and the Sold To Email (email of person who requested the goods or services). Depending on the contract specification, the Sold To Email address might be defaulted from the contact person on the contract.
3. The supplier user is then returned to the familiar Create Invoice page to enter additional invoice header information.
4. To add items to the invoice, the supplier user is again transferred to the buyer’s SAP Ariba invoicing site to select the items from the customer catalog. If allowed, they can also add non-catalog items.
5. Depending on the contract configuration, the supplier might enter accounting information. 6. The line items are validated against the contract line items, and the contract’s pricing terms are applied. If any
discrepancies are found, the supplier receives an error message to correct the information. 7. The supplier user is returned to SAP Business Network. 8. To make changes to the items on the invoice, the supplier user is transferred back to the buyer’s SAP Ariba
invoicing site. If allowed, the supplier user can change the unit price on the invoice. This effectively overrides the pricing terms defined in the contract for the item. For example, if a customer catalog level contract is defined with a 10% discount for all items, and the supplier changes the unit price of an item on the invoice, that price will be the final price used on the invoice. 9. On theSAP Business Network, the supplier user completes the invoice by adding other header fields and adds any comments, attachments, tax, shipping or special handling line items either at the invoice header or at the line item level. 10. The supplier user can always return to the buyer’s site to retrieve additional items, change a contract header field such as the Sold To Email, or edit or delete existing line items on the invoice. They can also change the contract, which effectively deletes the current invoice and starts a new invoice. 11. When the supplier submits the invoice, SAP Business Network does a final validation against the buyer’s invoicing rules and sends the invoice to SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing or SAP Ariba Invoice Management. 12. In SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing or SAP Ariba Invoice Management, the invoice is reconciled and then approved for payment if no invoice exceptions are found or all invoice exceptions are resolved.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Workflow Overview for SAP Business Network Commerce Automation with SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing
1. Suppliers initiate the contract-based invoice creation from SAP Business Network by selecting the customer for which they are creating the contract- based invoice.
2. SAP Business Network transfers the supplier user to the buyer’s SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing site, where the supplier user selects the contract, enters the invoice number and invoice date, and specifies the requester (person whom the services or goods were sold to). Depending on the contract specification, the requester might be defaulted from the contact person on the contract.
3. The supplier user is then returned to the familiar Create Invoice page to enter additional invoice header information.
4. The supplier user selects the line items to be invoiced from the customer catalog. If allowed, they can also add non-catalog items.
5. Depending on the contract configuration, the supplier might enter accounting information. 6. The line items are validated against the contract line items and the contract’s pricing terms are applied. If any
discrepancies are found, the supplier receives an error message to correct the information. 7. The supplier user is returned to SAP Business Network. 8. If allowed, the supplier user can change the unit price on the invoice. This effectively overrides the pricing
terms defined on the contract for the item. For example, if a customer catalog level contract is defined with a 10% discount for all items, and the supplier changes the unit price of an item on the invoice, that price will be the final price used on the invoice. 9. On SAP Business Network, the supplier user completes the invoice by adding other header fields as well as any comments, attachments, tax, shipping, or special handling line items either to the invoice header or on line item level. 10. The supplier user can always return to the buyer’s SAP Ariba contract invoicing site to retrieve additional items or to edit or delete existing line items on the invoice. 11. When the supplier submits the invoice, SAP Business Network does a final validation against the buyer’s invoicing rules. If the invoice passes the validation rules, it is digitally signed (if required) and sent as a cXML invoice to the buyer’s ERP system.

Self-Billing Invoices

SAP Business Network can automatically transmit self-billing invoices to suppliers and buyers based on data in purchase orders, scheduling agreements, and goods receipts using an automated process called Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS).
The buyer creates a self-billing invoice in an external business system and sends it to the supplier over SAP Business Network.
The ERS/self-billing process supports the following features:
· An agreement is presumed to exist outside SAP Business Network between buyer and supplier approving the
usage of ERS/self-billing.
· The buyer transfers ERS/self-billing data from the ERP system to SAP Business Network and makes sure all
country/region-required mandatory content is included on self-billing documents.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



· If applicable, SAP Business Network adds country/region-specific signatures to the cXML self-billing document
based on the supplier’s location (country/region) and optionally creates a human-readable PDF based on the cXML data.
· A self-billing invoice is labeled “Self-Billing” in the user interface and in the human-readable PDF. · SAP Business Network sends signed self-billing invoices to the buyer’s account. · SAP Business Network sends signed self- billing invoices to the supplier’s account and notifies that supplier. · Suppliers can download self-billing invoices through their network accounts or optionally configure their
accounts to receive them through email.
· ERS/self-billing is available for the following countries/regions: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA.
· Based on the buyer’s and supplier’s configuration, self-billing documents optionally can be archived using the
SAP Business Network long-term document archiving feature.
To use this feature, a buyer must have an ERS/self-billing agreement in place with a supplier.
Workflow for Self Billing
SAP Business Network automatically transmits self-billing invoices to suppliers and buyers based on data in purchase orders, scheduling agreements, and goods receipts using an automated process called Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS).
The following describes the workflow for a self-billing process: 1. The buyer and supplier enter a written agreement on ERS/self-billing. 2. The buyer creates an order with the ERS flag in the buyer’s ERP, which sends the order to the supplier on SAP
Business Network. 3. Optionally, the supplier sends an order confirmation to the buyer. 4. Optionally, the supplier sends a ship notice to the buyer. 5. Outside SAP Business Network, the supplier ships material or provides services to the buyer. 6. The buyer creates a goods receipt in the ERP. 7. The buyer creates a self-billing invoice in the ERP, which sends it to SAP Business Network.
SAP Business Network makes the self-billing invoice available to the supplier through the user interface, cXML, and PDF. 8. Optionally, the buyer and supplier can archive the self-billing invoice.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Figure 3: Workflow Process for Self Billing

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



Invoice Creation Process
The following diagram shows the invoice creation process and interaction between the supplier, buyer, and SAP Business Network:

Process Point IP 01.1
IP 01.2
IP 02



Figure 4: Invoice Creation Process

What Happens

Related Information

Supplier posts a cXML (via HTTPS) or EDI message (via VAN or AS2) – the invoice data is directly transmitted to the SAP Business Network without human intervention.

· Standard Invoice
Field Reference [page 91]

Supplier logs into their account and uses either the online invoice entry form to create a PO-based invoice, a service invoice, a non-PO invoice, or a credit memo; or uploads a CSV file with invoice data.

· Standard Invoice
Field Reference [page 91]

Invoice data is converted into a cXML invoice message and validated on the SAP Business Network against the invoice rules defined by the buyer for the supplier, supplier group, or invoice country/region of origin:

· Invoice Rules [page
112] for a list of available invoice

· If invalid data is received the invoice is rejected and an email is sent

rules and recom-

to the supplier.

mendations for their


If the data passes all validations, the invoice creation process continues with step IP 03.2.


configuration Foreign Currencies

[page 33]

· Invoice Addresses

and Validation [page


· Value-Added Tax

(VAT) Compliance

Features [page 35]

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Process Point IP 03.1
IP 03.2 IP 04
IP 05
IP 06 IP 07
IP 08.2

What Happens

Related Information

Supplier reviews the error message and corrects the invoice data, for example by resubmitting online created invoices. Suppliers can edit a failed or rejected invoice and resubmit it to the buyer for approval instead of going through the PO flip process and re-entering data.

· Supplier product
documentation (Creating and Managing Invoices, Credit Memos, and Debit Memos)

SAP Business Network electronically signs the invoice and stores the signature along with a verification protocol. At this point the invoice is considered issued as a formal legal document and neither suppliers nor buyers can modify the invoice.

· Invoice Dates and
Date of Issue [page 31] · Invoice Creation
[page 22]

The buyer ERP system receives or downloads the invoice and reconciliation occurs. If there are technical errors, the reason and status is available in the invoice history and notifications are sent to the supplier.

· Invoice History
[page 34] · Notification Frame-
work [page 33] · Overdue Documents
[page 32]

The buyer ERP system sends the result of the invoice reconciliation back to the SAP Business Network to update the invoice status, including comments from the invoice reviewer.

· Routing Statuses
[page 107] · Document Statuses
[page 108] · Invoice History
[page 34]

SAP Business Network tracks and logs the status change and may send email notification to the supplier.

· Notification Frame-
work [page 33]

Supplier reviews status updates. If there are discrepancies or errors detected as a result of the buyer’s invoice reconciliation process, the supplier might have to correct the invoice by either submitting a credit memo or creating a new invoice.

· Supplier product
documentation (Creating and Managing Invoices, Credit Memos, and Debit Memos)

Buyers and suppliers downloads the signed invoices and move them into their archives

· Invoice Archival Op-
tions and Delivery [page 42]

General Invoice Creation Compliance Features

Invoice Dates and Date of Issue

In some countries, the invoice is considered issued when explicit data-level methods have been applied for integrity and authenticity protection, for example, when the invoice is electronically signed. In such cases, receipt of the invoice by the buyer is not required to consider the invoice issued. In other countries, the invoice is considered issued only when it has become available to the buyer.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



In SAP Business Network, if digital signatures are applied to meet country /region-specific requirement, the point of invoice issue is the date and time of the invoice after the invoice has passed the business rules and after it has been digitally signed. The issue date, which is a timestamp on the document after it has been signed, is the date that matters in the parties’ relationship with tax authorities. Upon issue, the invoice may no longer be disposed of or altered and both supplier and buyer are responsible for guaranteeing its integrity and authenticity until the end of the storage period.
The invoice date is the date that matters in the relationship between the buyer and the supplier. For example, payment terms calculations are generally based on the invoice date.
As a best practice, SAP Ariba recommends that suppliers set the current date as the invoice date. Buyers can mitigate the risk of a different issue and invoice date by setting the rule Allow invoices to be back-dated the specified number of days to zero, which means that SAP Business Network will reject any invoice with an invoice date earlier than the current date. However, this might not be practical depending on the supplier’s backend system integration, where any significant delay in transmitting invoices might then mean that entire invoice batches are rejected by SAP Business Network.

Overdue Documents
For documents in the “Pending Queue” that SAP Business Network has not been able to post or that were not downloaded to the buyer’s invoicing system for more than three days, SAP Business Network sends an email notification that lists the unacknowledged documents in an email attachment to the buyer. After the buyer has removed those documents from the pending queue, they can resend them either manually or automatically. Deleting a document from the pending queue does not delete it from SAP Business Network.

Invoice Addresses and Validation

For invoice compliance, SAP Business Network allows buying organizations to use invoicing rules to specify whether values must be provided for the following addresses: Sold To, Bill To, From, Ship To, Ship From, and Remit To.
SAP Business Network invoices support up to six standard addresses:
· Issued By (the From address) · Customer (the Sold To address) · Bill To · Ship From · Ship To · Remit To
The Sold To and the Bill To addresses are usually the same, although Sold To is more important for VAT purposes. Buyers can require that SAP Business Network validate whether Sold To information on invoices matches Bill To information on purchase orders (or Sold To information, if available). This rule applies only to invoices against a single purchase order.
Buyers can also use invoicing rules to configure multiple Sold To addresses with address details, optional associated VAT ID and/or Sold To Address ID. Buyers can then establish business rules that validate the Sold



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

To on a supplier’s invoice against the list of Sold To addresses & VAT IDs. Buyers can specify that only Name, ISO Country, and VAT ID are used to validate the Sold To address or that the complete address is used for validation.
Foreign Currencies
SAP Business Network checks to see if invoice data uses a currency that differs from the currency of the Ship To address. In that case, a second currency for tax amounts and for the exchange rate can be stored in the cXML invoice. Only one exchange rate is stored per invoice and therefore the same Ship To country/region must be used on each single invoice. If Ship To details are provided at line item level, then as a best practice buyers and suppliers are advised to ensure that the country/region of the Ship To addresses and the Sold To address match on the purchase order or invoice. The cXML invoice supports a currency conversion rate field. For online invoice entry it defaults to the exchange rate from a daily Bloomberg feed (the rates are gathered by Bloomberg from multiple pricing sources). The exchange rate is used to calculate the tax amounts in the local Ship To currency and is stored as a second value in the cXML invoice. As some tax authorities require that the exchange rate is to be retrieved from locally published rates, users can update the defaulted exchange rate. Incoming invoice data (cXML, EDI or CSV) is validated if the tax information is specified in the currency of the Ship To information. If the tax information is specified at the invoice header level, and there are multiple Ship To countries at line item level, SAP Business Network does not validate local tax currencies.
Notification Framework
SAP Business Network can send automatic notifications by email when certain events affect the supplier and buyer account. Users can use these notifications to monitor activities and debug problems with their account and transmitted messages.

Invoice Notifications for Suppliers (Email and Online)
· An invoice is undeliverable or its status has been changed.

Invoice Rejection Reason Banner for Suppliers

· In the table of invoices in the supplier’s account, the invoice status is shown as Rejected for every rejected
invoice. When the supplier opens any rejected invoice, a notice appears at the top of the Invoice Detail tab summarizing the reason for the rejection. If the invoice was rejected by a buyer’s rule, the notice explains what the rule requires. If the buyer rejected the invoice manually, and wrote or chose an explanation for the rejection, the message shows the explanation. The supplier might then edit the invoice to comply with the buyer’s rules or requests, and might resubmit the invoice.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



· If the supplier tries to resubmit a credit memo, a message tells the supplier this is not allowed, and no response
button appears in the banner.

Invoice Notifications for Buyers (Email and Online)
An invoice has arrived or been updated by a supplier.
· Duplicate Invoice: A supplier sent multiple invoices with the same amount and date. · (Email only) Pending Queue: The buyer has documents onSAP Business Network that have not been able to
download to their system for more than three days.
· (via scheduled report) Failed Invoices: the reports contain information about failed or rejected invoices over a
maximum range of one week. The buyer can generate a report daily, weekly, or for any week specified. The report includes the reasons why the invoices failed or were rejected

Invoice History

The History page of an invoice reports the key moments and statuses in the life cycle of the invoice, such as:
· Date the invoice data is received · Timestamp for when the e-Signature and the From and To details are requested · Signature timestamp · Verification timestamp · Buyer receipt timestamp.
· cXML Invoice is pushed to the buying organization · cXML Invoice is added to the download queue (the buying organization uses a scheduled download) · Confirmation of successful (or failed) receipt by the buying organization. · Invoice status feedback (such as information, rejections, approval, payment status).
Each entry in the invoice history contains a comment explaining the action that was performed, an internal process and process ID that performed the change, and a timestamp. Depending on the action performed on the invoice, the comments field can contain additional status information, for example if the buyer system detected a discrepancy between the purchase order and the invoice that led to an invoice exception.
The following shows some examples of information tracked in the invoice history comment field:
Sample Invoice Receiving and Signing Comments
The invoice was successfully received.
Digital signature is requested for this document with From country DE and To country DE
This document has been digitally signed.
This document has been digitally verified.
Sample Invoice Status Update Comments
The invoice status has been successfully updated to Processing by



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

The invoice status has been successfully updated to Processing by . Description: Header Level Exceptions: Invoice Unmatched Ariba Invoice is unable to match a purchase order to the invoice of amount _119.00 EUR. The invoice status has been successfully updated to Approved by .

Value-Added Tax (VAT) Compliance Features
Law Reference for Exempt Trade
In most countries, a law reference and explanation is required for tax exempt trades. For example, in the EU invoices for all reverse charge trades need additional statements indicating that the liability for the payment of VAT is reversed to the recipients. In SAP Business Network, suppliers use the Tax Detail, Description, and Law Reference fields in the invoice to capture the explanation and law references.

Support for 0% VAT Tax Rate
Suppliers who submit invoices in SAP Business Network can indicate through the tax invoice entry field Exempt Detail if a zero percent VAT rate is zero-rated or exempt. Zero-rated goods or services are taxable, but the tax rate is zero. Exempt goods and services are exempt from taxation.
Buyers can control if Exempt Detail is a required or optional invoice field through an invoicing rule. To force suppliers to provide a reason for a zero percent VAT tax rate, buyers must enable the rule Require explanation for zero-rate VAT.

Fiscal (Tax) Representatives
When a supplier sells services or manufactured taxable goods in a country/region where they are neither established nor resident, they must appoint a fiscal representative who becomes jointly and severally liable for the supplier. In this case, the fiscal representative’s name and address must be included on the invoice. If the fiscal representative pays VAT in another EU member state, then their VAT identification number must also be included on the invoice. SAP Business Network provides standard invoice fields to capture this information.

Non-Domestic Trade

For non-domestic trade scenarios, all fields required on invoices for trade between two EU countries/regions (intra-EU trade) or for trade where at least one non-EU country/region is involved (cross-border trade) are available and covered by standard invoice fields.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



In both intra-EU and cross-border trade, buyers may be required to comply with a range of country/region-specific requirements. SAP Ariba recommends seeking the advice of a local tax expert when engaging in either of these practices.
The requirements for each of these scenarios are generally as follows:
Intra-EU Trade: When products or services are sold from suppliers in one EU country/region to a buyer in a different EU country/region, the supplier uses a zero-rate VAT on the invoice if the buyer can provide a valid VAT ID. The buyer, in turn, must then declare local VAT associated with their acquisition of products or services to the appropriate tax authority (reverse charge) and can then reclaim this amount, provided all tax requirements for tax reclaim are met. If services are purchased, the supplier is also required to clearly note, on the invoice, that the tax liability is with the buyer.
While digital signatures are required for domestic trade, for intra-EU trade the requirements for digital signing are more ambiguous. Therefore, SAP Ariba takes a conservative approach and signs based on both countries/regions the From and To country.
Cross-Border Trade: Invoices can also be exchanged for cross border trade of products or services that occur either from a supplier in an EU country/region to a buyer in a non-EU country/region, or vice versa. From a VAT perspective it is however more important to document the cross-border delivery and receiving of goods or services –the invoice builds only one part of the documentation. In cases of product trade a customs declaration is required and appropriate taxes and customs fees for import/export must be paid.

VAT ID Related Rules

The table below displays the invoice fields that are impacted by VAT ID related SAP Business Network invoices rules. Yes indicates that the field must always be provided; No indicates that the field is optional, but can be made required via invoicing rules or other conditions.

Requirement For Supplier VAT ID

Trade Type Domestic Yes

Intra-EU Yes

Cross-Border No

Related Invoice Rules
· Require supplier’s VAT
· Default Supplier VAT
ID can be specified in Supplier Profile
· Display text boxes for
buyer and supplier VAT IDs in invoice headers.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Requirement For Buyer VAT ID

Trade Type



Normally not, but Yes some countries do

Cross-Border No

VAT Details




VAT Amount in Local Currency Yes



Related Invoice Rules

· Require customer’s
· Default Company VAT
ID can be specified
· Display text boxes for
buyer and supplier VAT IDs in invoice headers.
· Require your compa-
ny’s VAT ID only for intra-EU trade.
· Require suppliers to
provide tax information in invoice headers or line items.
· Require suppliers to
provide VAT information in invoice headers or line items.
· Require VAT details
only for domestic and intra-EU trade.
· Require explanation
for zero rate VAT.
· Require supply date
when VAT is chosen as tax category.
Require tax amounts in local currency

PDF Copy of Invoices
SAP Business Network provides buyers and suppliers with a PDF copy of invoices, which is a fast and easy method to create human readable invoice copies in bulk if requested by a tax authority.
All EU countries and certain other countries require that taxable entities produce records in a human readable form for visual inspection to tax authorities within a reasonable time frame. The PDF invoice copy includes all invoice details as well as digital signature information. PDF invoice copy is an optional feature that requires enablement through SAP Ariba Customer Support.
The PDF rendering includes the text “Copy of Invoice – Not A Tax Invoice” to clarify to tax authorities, buyers, and suppliers that the cXML invoice remains the legal document.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



The SAP Business Network generates the PDF invoice copy in the language of the supplier’s locale (which is the preferred language configured for the account administrator). The following languages are supported:

· Brazilian Portuguese · Danish · Dutch · English · French · German · Greek · Hungarian · Italian · Japanese

· Korean · Norwegian · Polish · Romanian · Russian · Simplified Chinese · Spanish · Swedish · Traditional Chinese · Turkish

If the supplier’s locale is not supported for PDF invoice creation, SAP Business Network creates the PDF invoice copy in English.

To generate a PDF copy of invoice, the maximum size of the cXML invoice must be less than 1MB.
Suppliers can also create a PDF version of a submitted invoice in the SAP Business Network. For more information, see Invoice PDF Generation for Suppliers [page 41].

PDF Invoice Copy Availability
PDF invoice copies are available to suppliers and buyers as follows:

For Suppliers
If enabled for PDF invoice copy, suppliers can access a PDF invoice copy through the archival process as part of the archive invoice zip file. Suppliers can also create a PDF [page 41] version of a submitted invoice in the SAP Business Network.

For Buyers

Depending on the SAP Ariba invoicing solution, buyers have multiple options for PDF invoice copy enablement:
· Buyers can generate and access PDF invoice copies through the archival process as part of the archive invoice
zip file. This option is available to all buyers regardless of their installed invoicing solution.
· PDF invoice copy attachment is supported using the following Ariba invoicing solutions: · SAP Business Network Commerce Automation



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

· SAP Ariba Invoice Management · SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing
With SAP Ariba Invoice Management and SAP Ariba Contract Invoicing, an attachment to the outbound invoice reconciliation document includes a copy of the cXML tax invoice, PDF invoice copy of the cXML tax invoice, all supplier- provided invoice attachments, and the country/region-specific XML invoice (for invoices for Brazil and Mexico). By default, invoice reconciliation documents don’t include attachments, but customers can enable this functionality through SAP Ariba Customer Support.
· PDF invoice copy attachment is supported using the Ariba Network adapter for SAP NetWeaver or the Ariba
Network adapter for Oracle Fusion Middleware.
· With customization, PDF invoice copy attachments can also be utilized by Ariba Invoice on premise customers
and SAP Business Network Commerce Automation customers using a custom adapter.

Invoice Copy PDF Creation

If an SAP Business Network buyer account has been enabled to generate PDF invoice copies, PDF invoice copies are generated for the following supplier- submitted invoice types:
· Invoices submitted through EDI or cXML that are not self-signed by the supplier · Manually created PO-based or non-PO invoices · Invoices created through CSV import
PDF copies of invoices are not generated for the following invoices:
· Invoice Conversion Services (ICS) invoices · Supplier self-signed invoices
For these invoices, the provider or supplier is expected to include a PDF invoice copy as an invoice attachment if required.
In the archive invoice zip file, the file name for the invoice copy PDF file is concatenated from the following information:
· Invoice or credit memo date · Account ANID · Invoice or credit memo number · Invoice type · “From” and “To” countries (if the credit memo or invoice has been digitally signed)
Example: 2012_08_20_AN12345678910_INV_IN5689774-v1_eSigned_FromDE_ToFR.pdf
If PDF invoice copies are attached to invoices, a random file name is created for the PDF invoice copy attachment.
The PDF invoice generated by the SAP Business Network system, a new field InvoiceTitle is displayed under the Additional Information section. The value of the InvoiceTitle is Original / . This implies that the invoice is originally created in the SAP Business Network system.
In the cXML invoice, the InvoiceTitle is available as an extrinsic field.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



To meet the local regulatory requirements of Bulgaria, when an invoice is created in SAP Business Network, the title of the invoice is displayed as Invoice at the top-left corner. The PDF generated displays the InvoiceTitle field with the value Original / under the Additional Information section. This implies that the invoice is originally created in the SAP Business Network system.
In the cXML invoice, the InvoiceTitle is available as an extrinsic field

Generating and Sending Digitally Signed Custom PDF Invoice Documents to Buyers
In several countries, suppliers are required to send digitally signed invoices. Based on the requirements, SAP Ariba buyer administrators can configure SAP Business Network to receive either the digitally signed copies of the standard template invoices or custom PDF invoices. Once the configuration is done, after a supplier creates an invoice, SAP Business Network automatically generates digitally signed PDF invoices in custom format. Suppliers can also open and view the digitally signed custom PDF invoices, and if required, save them on their computers. The digitally signed custom invoice also contains an appendix section which lists out all the additional details of each line item.
Legal or Regulatory Flow
In several countries, legal profiles refer to supplier accounts registered with their respective tax authorities for electronic invoicing procedures. Legal profiles contain information to facilitate the legal flow of invoices. The Set Up Legal Profile check box is available to suppliers in such countries. SAP Business Network displays the Set Up Legal Profile check box only if the appropriate country/region is selected. To set up a legal profile, suppliers must provide legal profile information in the Additional Company Addresses section of their SAP Business Network Company Profile.
Legal profiles are also referred to as regulatory profiles in this document.

Legal Flow Requirements for Downloading Auto-Generated Invoice PDF Attachments

· For countries without a legal flow, the auto-generated invoice PDF attachment is not available for download in
the SAP Business Network buyer portal.
· For countries with a legal flow, for example Singapore, the auto-generated invoice PDF attachment is available
for download in the SAP Business Network buyer portal only if suppliers have already set up their legal profiles in their SAP Business Network supplier accounts.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Invoice PDF Generation for Suppliers
The invoice PDF generation feature enables suppliers to create a PDF version of a submitted invoice on the SAP Business Network. A PDF can be created for any type of invoice or credit memo. All fields visible on the user interface are included in the PDF, including fields added by buyer customization or country-based customizations. The Download PDF option is available in the header and footer of the invoice details page when an invoice is submitted. The following information is added to the PDF footer automatically:
· Username and last name of the PDF creator · Date and time when the PDF was created, including the supplier location time zone
The following terms are included on the invoice and credit memo PDFs when these documents are generated by suppliers based in South Africa:
· Standard Invoice / Tax Invoice · Credit Memo / Tax Invoice
Prerequisites To see the Download PDF option, the print option must be enabled.
Generating a PDF
You can create an invoice PDF and view it on SAP Business Network or you can save it.


1. Log into your SAP Business Network supplier account.
2. Choose Invoices Invoices . 3. Select the invoice for which you want to create a PDF. 4. Click the Download PDF link on the header or footer of the Invoice Details page. 5. Click Standard Template or Custom Template. 6. Do one of the following:
· To view the invoice PDF, click Open. · To download the invoice PDF directly to your downloads folder, click Save. · To download the invoice PDF to a location of your choice, click Save As.
When you save a PDF, a file name is generated automatically for the PDF file, using the following format: “invoice number.pdf”.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



PDF Invoice Copy Attachment to Invoices
In buyer accounts enabled for PDF invoice copy attachments to invoices, a PDF copy of the invoice data is automatically added as a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) attachment to the invoice cXML as follows:

Invoice Archival Options and Delivery

SAP Business Network can save invoices in zip format (twice a day, daily, every week, every two weeks, or every month) and store them for three months. For each specified invoice archival period, SAP Business Network waits for a 30-day period before it begins the archival process unless you want to archive invoices immediately. The 30 day lag time for archiving reflects the average time it takes for an invoice to complete the invoicing cycle.
For example: Using the Weekly option, the beginning date for the invoice archival is the date that you start archiving. If you start archiving on December 12, then the end date of the weekly invoice archival period is December 18. After seven days (December 19), SAP Business Network waits for a 30 day period to January 18 and then archives the invoices that were created between December 12 through 18.
Archived invoices are available for download from the Archived Invoices page. SAP Business Network can also send archived invoice files to the pending queue or automatically deliver them (via HTTPS) as soon as they are available.

Automatic Delivery
Regardless of whether your organization chooses to utilize the HTTPS option for automatic delivery, archive invoice files continue to be stored for up to three months in the buyer’s account.
The URL for the archived zip file can be any URL where you want SAP Business Network to automatically deliver the archived zip files. You can specify a URL with an https prefix so that communication is encrypted. SAP Business Network uses the HTTPS post method to post the archived zip files to the location specified in the URL. You can authenticate an HTTPS post request based on the client certificate available for SAP Business Network. For a list of SAP Business Network’s trusted certificate authorities, see the cXML Solutions Guide.
SAP Business Network provides information about automatic delivery attempts in the Delivery Status and Delivery Date columns on the Archive Invoices page. If a delivery attempt of an archive fails, then SAP Business Network sends an email notification explaining the failure. As an alternative, users can check the status in the Delivery Failure Reason column of the Archive Invoices page.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Archive Zip File Contents
The archived invoice zip files created by SAP Business Network contain one or more of the following types of information:
· Raw invoice data in cXML format. (SAP Business Network invoices are structured based on the cXML Invoices
Document Type Definitions).
· A human-readable copy and invoice in PDF format (an optional feature that requires enablement through SAP
Ariba Support).
· A log file that indicates key dates for invoice processing by SAP Business Network, including signing and
verification-related events, start of processing at the receiver side, and approval and payment status.
· Any related attachment files. · An empty file with the naming convention “.anid”. This file is used by archive
providers to determine the partition in their document management system / e-Archive for loading the archive file.
· An empty file with the naming convention “_< STATUS

.txt”, where < STATUS >
shows the status of the invoice at the time of the archival.
The zip file uses the same filename structure as the history file, status file, and attachments. These meta attributes allow easy retrieval of archived invoices and provide the following data:
· Invoice or credit memo date · Buyer ANID / Supplier ANID (for the supplier download) · Invoice or credit memo number · CC’ed or invoice conversion (copied invoices) · “From” and “To” countries (if the credit memo or invoice has been digitally signed)
Under regulations detailed at the country/region level, all invoices issued and received by enterprises or service providers acting in their name and on their behalf must be archived for a defined number of years at the end of the calendar year in which the invoice was issued. This archive period also applies to all electronic signatures, certificates, and verification protocols.
The general requirement for an archive is to ensure that invoice data cannot be altered or removed. You can achieve this requirement by using special storage media (such as WORM technology = Write Once, Read Many) and applying a digital signature, which guarantees integrity (a proof that a document is unchanged) in combination with secure access rights to the storage location.
The certificate used for the digital signature might expire during the archiving period. This is not critical as the certificate only needs to be valid at signing, transmission, and receiving time. After the invoice has been archived, the certificate can expire because the validity of the certificate at the time of issue remains verifiable through the stored verification protocol. The integrity can always be confirmed through a cryptographic verification of the signature regardless of the validity of the certificate at the time of audit.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



Download Archived Invoices from the Pending Queue

You can choose to automatically send archived invoice files to the pending queue, facilitating secure download. If archived invoice files are sent to the pending queue, you can download them over an HTTPS connection from your external ERP system to the SAP Business Network using a GetPendingRequest and DataRequest pair. Only one archived invoice file can be downloaded per GetPendingRequest and DataRequest pair. When using a GetPendingRequest to query for archived invoice files in the pending queue, you must set the maxMessages value to 1 to prevent failure in the case of excessive attachment sizes. If you choose to send archived invoices to the pending queue, you cannot also have archived invoice files automatically delivered via HTTPS.

Example GetPendingRequest for Archived Invoice Files
<GetPendingRequest lastReceivedTimestamp=”2015-02-13T16:00:00-08:00″ maxMessages=”1″>

InvoiceArchive For additional information about archived invoices and the pending queue, see the SAP Business Network Buyer Administration Guide. Setting Invoice Archiving Options for Buyers Prerequisites The Allow suppliers to send invoices to this account rule must be checked in your SAP Business Network account.

1. Log into your SAP Business Network buyer account as an administrator. 2. Choose Administration Configuration . 3. On the Configuration page, click Default Transaction Rules. 4. Scroll to the Invoice Archival section and select your preferred archiving option. 5. Click Save Done .



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Setting Invoice Archiving Options for Suppliers


1. Log into your SAP Business Network supplier account as an administrator.

2. Click the Account Settings icon, and choose 3. Click the Tax Invoice tab. 4. Select the Configure Invoice Archival tab. 5. Choose your preferred archiving option.

Settings Electronic Invoice Routing .

6. Click Done Save .

Long Term Archiving of Tax Invoices

Long term archiving of tax invoices refer to electronic archiving of invoices for longer periods of time based on country/region-specific archiving policies and tax auditing procedures.
Each country/region has a defined retention time for archived invoices. Most countries/regions issuing taxcompliant electronic invoices collaborate with third party archive providers to retain their invoices for longer periods of time. Archive providers are required to store and retain the archived invoices for the time specified by the tax authority of their respective countries/regions.
SAP Business Network offers a long term archiving solution for tax invoices. Buyers and suppliers in countries/ regions that do not have their own archiving process can leverage SAP Business Network’s electronic archiving process to archive their tax invoices. SAP Business Network partners with third party archive providers to facilitate electronic archiving of tax invoices and allow tax authorities to access, monitor, and retrieve the archived documents during a tax audit.
To leverage SAP Ariba’s invoice archiving process during tax auditing, SAP Business Network provides the Tax Auditor role. An auditor or a user with Tax Auditor role can view, access, and search invoices during a tax audit. The Download Archive Document link on the Invoice Details page allows the user to download archived invoices directly from the archive provider’s portal. Suppliers and buyers can configure their account for long term invoice archiving. After the configuration, SAP Business Network automatically archives the latest invoices and users can manually archive the older invoices.
The following fields in the Search Filters pane allow buyers to filter the archived documents search criteria:
· Expiration Date Range · Archive Status
On the Invoice Details page the link named Download Archive Document allows users to download archived documents directly from the service provider’s portal.
The following describes the end to end steps to view, search, access, and download archived invoices on SAP Business Network:
1. Suppliers and buyers enable their account for long-term document archiving. 2. The Archived Documents and Download Status options are available to users.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



· For buyers, these options appear on the Quick links dropdown. · For suppliers, they appear on the … dropdown.
3. Account Administrator enables Archive Access permission to the relevant users.
Archive Access permission allows suppliers and buyers to access and download the archived tax invoices on SAP Business Network.
4. To view archived tax invoices:
· Buyers click Quick links Archived Documents in the Document Archive section. · Suppliers click … Archived Documents in the Document Archive section.
Use the Search Filters criteria to enable a customized search of archived tax invoices. To download the archived invoices, click the Request Download button. 5. To check the status of a download:
· Buyers click Quick links Download Status in the Document Archive section. · Suppliers click … Download Status in the Document Archive section.
For auditing purposes, account administrator creates the Tax Auditor role and provides Archive Access permission. This allows auditors to view, search, access, and download archived tax invoices.
You must enable your account for long-term invoice archiving. You must have Archive Access permission to access, view, search, and download archived tax invoices on SAP Business Network.
SAP Business Network supports the electronic archiving of invoices only. For a list of countries/regions supported for long-term invoice archiving, see the E-archiving country coverage page . SAP Business Network does not apply a digital signature to paper invoices or invoices generated from invoice conversion. Consequently, SAP Ariba invoice conversion services invoices aren’t archived as part of the SAP Business Network long-term archiving option.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Support for PDF and Scanned Paper Invoices
SAP Business Network offers two types of PDF invoicing solutions: Partner enabled solution that supports PDF invoices and the out of the box Intelligent Invoice Conversion that supports PDF and Scanned paper invoices. Suppliers can upload PDF or scanned paper invoices, depending on the solution, and SAP Business Network assists in processing and sending the invoices to customers.

SAP Partner Enabled PDF Invoicing
This feature provides suppliers with the ability to send invoice data to their buyers who have subscribed to PDF invoicing on SAP Business Network, by uploading or sending a PDF invoice as an attachment. An SAP partner (third- party service provider) extracts the invoice data from the PDF based on the partner enabled onboarding and buyer inputs. After that, a cXML version of the invoice is generated and sent to SAP Business Network, where it is validated against the business rules setup by the buyer. Suppliers can review the data before submitting the invoice to the buyer, or the invoice gets auto submitted to the buyer after successful validation.
For more information about this solution, refer to Support for PDF Invoices [page 47]

Intelligent Invoice Conversion
This feature offers suppliers a self-service guided onboarding to set up templates for extracting invoice data from PDF and scanned paper invoices, without requiring a buyer subscription.
In the initial release of this feature, suppliers can upload their PDF or scanned paper invoices, which is then processed using the templates to generate a cXML version of the invoice. The cXML version of the invoice is sent to SAP Business Network for validation against the buyer’s established business rules. Suppliers have the option to review the data before submitting the invoice to the buyer, or the invoice can be auto-submitted to the buyer after successful validation.
For more information about this solution, refer to About Intelligent Invoice Conversion [page 69]

Support for PDF Invoices

This SAP Business Network feature is applicable to:
· all supplier users who are eligible to use PDF invoices · all buyer users who are eligible for Enablement Services
Suppliers are eligible to use this feature when their main company address is in one of the countries/regions that support PDF invoicing and they have at least one buyer who is subscribed to use the PDF invoices.

SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



This SAP Business Network feature provides suppliers with the ability to send invoice data to SAP Business Network by uploading PDF invoices or sending them by email. An SAP Business Network partner (third-party service provider) extracts the invoice data from the PDF and then a cXML version of the invoice is sent to SAP Business Network, where it can be reviewed by suppliers. Uploading of PDF line item credit memo is also supported.
In order to send PDF invoices to SAP Business Network, the supplier must first complete an onboarding process allowing them to set up their PDF invoice extraction and conversion functionality with the partner.
The feature consists of the following subfeatures:
· Supplier Onboarding for PDF Invoices [page 52] · PDF Invoices Processing [page 52] · PDF Invoices – Line Item Credit Memo [page 53] · Email PDF Invoice Processing [page 53]

Enabling this feature
This feature is disabled by default. To enable it for the buying organization, the buyer’s Designated Support Contact must log a service request with SAP Business Network Support. As a result, the buyer will be subscribed to the PDF invoices functionality and once enabled, the feature will be available to all suppliers of the buyer, provided they meet the requirements to use this feature.

General information

· This feature is available for suppliers of enterprise or standard account. · This feature is appropriate for suppliers who send more than 100 invoices per year to their SAP Business
Network buyers. If suppliers send more than 1500 invoices per year, they should submit them electronically from their external system via cXML or EDI.
· The SAP Business Network partner, which extracts the PDF invoices, executes validations that are limited to
the data necessary to generate valid invoice cXML.
· The SAP Business Network partner may infer any missing data from the PDF in order to build a valid cXML
document containing the information required for a paper invoice.
· Purchase order invoices and non-purchase order invoices are supported. · Typically, it takes between 10 minutes and a couple of hours to receive the cXML after sending the PDF, but it
may take longer depending on volume.
· SAP Business Network may decline to activate this feature for a specific supplier at SAP Business Network’s
discretion, for example due to expectation of low volume or data quality concerns.
· The supplier is responsible for making sure that the extraction results are in line with the PDF content.
Suppliers should regularly review the extraction results using the draft invoice configuration, before submitting the invoice.
· SAP Business Network applies all buyer-specific invoice rules (default transaction rules, country-based rules,
and supplier group rules) for invoices submitted through methods of PDF uploading or email, in the same way that they are applied to invoices submitted through other methods available on SAP Business Network.



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

· To see the supported countries/regions and languages, refer to Supported Countries/Regions and Languages
for PDF Invoices [page 50]

· Buyers need to work with the SAP Team to provide the Project Initiation Document (PID) before activating the
PDF Invoices feature.
· Buyers have to request the activation of the PDF Invoices solution in their SAP Business Network account from
SAP Business Network Support.
· This feature is applicable to suppliers who have at least one buyer who has activated PDF invoices. · The supplier must successfully complete the supplier onboarding for PDF invoices. · The supplier must upload data PDF files, not scanned paper invoices. · The PDF files must be unique and must not contain the same data, for example, the same invoice number,
totals, and so on.
· The PDF files must have the same invoice layout. · One PDF file must contain a single invoice. · The PDF files must not be password protected. · All PDF files must be in one language. · If the email PDF invoice processing functionality is being used, then as part of onboarding the supplier must
register the email address for their organization from which they are sending PDF invoices.
· If the PDF invoices for LICM functionality is used, the supplier must have submitted an original invoice to SAP
Business Network.
· An invoice or LICM PDF must contain the fields listed in PDF Invoicing – Minimum Fields Requirement to
post to SAP Business Network
· Before enabling this feature and to ensure the functionality can be used, the buyer’s PO and suppliers PDF
invoice data must be 100% aligned (Eg. Unit of Measures, number of lines, etc.) as the partner is simply extracting the information present on the layout of the PDF invoice and not performing any data manipulation or enrichment.
· PDF invoicing supports no customization or enrichment and hence the invoice data required to be sent to the
buyer should be made available in the PDF Invoice.
· Suppliers are recommended to set the preferred timezone in their supplier Company Profile, to ensure that
the timezone is used for date related fields in the PDF invoice, else the default Pacific Standard Time (PST) is used.
· Unless there is a business requirement for suppliers to setup the preferred timezone based the country of
operation, it is recommended to set the timezone as GMT, so that the invoice dates extracted from the PDF invoice is not changed based on the set timezone.

· The maximum file size of one PDF is 2 MB. · Only material invoices are supported. Service invoices are not supported.
SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation



· PDF invoices feature does not support invoices referring to multiple POs. · PDF invoices feature does not support debit memos. · During onboarding the supplier cannot upload less than 5 or more than 10 PDF documents at a time. · Suppliers can upload up to 10 PDF documents in a single transaction for one buyer. · Suppliers can attach only one PDF document if they are sending PDF invoice through email. · Currently the following types of LICM are not supported:
· LICM generation from goods receipt note (GRN) return · LICM for return items – only for collaborative supply chain (CSC) customers · The file name must not contain any of the following characters: &, “, `, <, >. · The invoice number for each file must be unique. · All invoices being submitted for processing must be in the same layout as the sample files uploaded during
Supported Countries/Regions and Languages for PDF Invoices [page 50] PDF Invoices [page 52] PDF Invoice Workflows [page 54] Upload and Send PDF Invoices [page 63]

Related Information Workflow for PDF Invoices [page 54] Supported Countries/Regions and Languages for PDF Invoices
The PDF invoices functionality is currently available for limited countries and languages.

Supplier’s Address Must Be in One of the Following Supported Countries/Regions:

Country/Region Australia Austria Belgium Brunei Darussalam Canada Czech Republic Denmark

Invoice Generated cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Proforma with standard fields only Proforma with standard and country specific fields Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Country/Region France Germany Hong Kong India Ireland Italy Macao Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Poland Singapore Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand United Kingdom United States Vietnam

Invoice Generated Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice but with standard fields only. Signed cXML invoice Proforma with standard and country specific fields Signed cXML invoice Proforma invoice Proforma with standard fields only Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice cXML invoice Proforma with standard fields only Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Signed cXML invoice Proforma with standard fields only Proforma with standard fields only Signed cXML invoice cXML invoice Proforma with standard fields only

· India – Proforma invoices with fields mandated by the Indian Tax Portal will be generated for invoices that
were already registered with the Indian Tax Portal by suppliers through their procurement system.
· Germany – XRechnung is not supported.

The Following Languages Are Supported:
Dutch English French German
SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

Italian Spanish Swedish



PDF Invoices

Supplier Onboarding for PDF Invoices
This feature allows a simple online onboarding for suppliers using PDF invoices to send invoices through SAP Business Network. The onboarding process allows a supplier to set up their PDF invoice extraction functionality with a partner (third-party service provider) in order to send invoice data to SAP Business Network by uploading PDF invoices or sending them by email.
To onboard successfully, the supplier has to log in to SAP Business Network with a test account and upload at least five representative sample PDF invoices on SAP Business Network. The supplier needs to upload sample documents for each of the buyers they want to transact with. Then the partner sets up the extraction process for invoices sent by this supplier to the respective buyer and returns the onboarding status to SAP Business Network as part of the onboarding process.

Related Information
Workflow for Supplier Onboarding for PDF Invoices in the Test Account [page 56] Uploading Sample PDF Invoices [page 63]

PDF Invoices Processing
This feature provides suppliers with the ability to send invoice data to their buyers on SAP Business Network by uploading a PDF invoice. An SAP partner (third-party service provider) extracts the invoice data from the PDF. After that, a cXML version of the invoice is generated and sent to SAP Business Network, where it is validated against the business rules setup by the buyer. Suppliers can review the data before submitting the invoice to the buyer, or the invoice gets auto submitted to the buyer after successful validation.

Related Information

Workflow for PDF Invoice Processing in the Production Account [page 59] Uploading PDF Invoices [page 65]



SAP Business Network Guide to Invoicing Invoice Creation

PDF Invoices – Line Item Credit Memo
This SAP Business Network feature provides suppliers with the ability to send invoice data to SAP Business Network by uploading a PDF line item credit memo (LICM). An SAP partner (third-party service provider) extracts the invoice data from the PDF, and after that a cXML version of the LICM is generated and sent to SAP Business Network, where it is validated against the business rules setup by the buyer. Suppliers can review the data before submitting the LICM to the buyer, or the LICM gets auto submitted to the buyer after successful validation. This feature has the same functionality as the PDF invoice processing. However, instead of a standard invoice the supplier uploads a PDF LICM document to adjust errors in an invoice that has already been submitted to SAP Business Network.
The supplier must provide an invoice ID and invoice date in the LICM PDF to identify the invoice with which the LICM is associated.
Since LICM is a type of invoice, you can see how it is processed through the PDF invoices by referring to the following:
· Supplier Onboarding for PDF Invoices [page 52] · PDF Invoices Processing [page 52] · Email PDF Invoice Processing [page 53] Email PDF Invoice Processing
This feature offers an alternative submission method for suppliers to send invoice data to SAP Business Network through email with attached invoice PDF.
Note · The supplier must use the following To email address: pdfinvoice- · The email Subject must contain SAP Business Network buyer ID (ANID) of the buying organization on the
SAP Business


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