AJAX W127165103 Systems Fire Protect Plus User Manual

June 1, 2024

W127165103 Systems Fire Protect Plus

Product Information


  • Model: FireProtect Plus
  • Functionality: Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector
  • Detector Lifespan: Up to 7 years
  • CO Concentration for Alarm:
    • – 0.003% (30 ppm) within 120 minutes or more
    • – 0.03% (300 ppm) within 3 minutes

Product Usage Instructions

Functional Elements

  1. Siren hole

  2. Light indicator (acts as the sensor and Test button)

  3. Smoke chamber hole with the temperature detector behind the

  4. SmartBracket attachment panel

  5. Power button

  6. Tamper button

  7. QR code

Operating Principle

The FireProtect Plus detector uses an optocoupler with an
infrared emitter and a photodetector in the smoke chamber to detect
smoke. When smoke enters the chamber, the photodetector detects it
by the infrared beam distortion.

The detector will notify you in case of failure or when the CO
concentration reaches dangerous levels. It will activate a built-in
buzzer and light indicator for alarms.

If a dangerous CO level is detected, the alarm will sound, and
notifications will be sent to both the user and the security

Connecting to the Ajax Security System

  1. Install Ajax app following hub user guide and create an

  2. Add the hub and create at least one room.

  3. Check hub’s internet connection and status in the Ajax

  4. Only users with administrator rights can add devices to the

  5. Select Add Device in the Ajax app, name the device, scan or
    type the QR Code, and select the location room.

  6. Switch on the device to pair it with the hub.


How long does the FireProtect Plus detector last?

The lifespan of the FireProtect Plus detector is up to 7

How does the detector respond to carbon monoxide levels?

The detector generates an alarm if CO concentration reaches
specific levels within certain timeframes. It also stops notifying
when CO levels drop below a certain threshold.

How can I turn off the siren of the device?

You can turn off the siren by pressing the Ajax logo on the
device lid, using the Ajax app, or through the KeyPad/KeyPad Plus
if Interconnected Fire Detectors Alarm feature is enabled.

FireProtect Plus User manual
Updated May 29, 2023
FireProtect Plus is a wireless indoor re detector with an in-built buzzer and a battery, ensuring up to 4 years of autonomous operation. FireProtect Plus can detect smoke and rapid temperature increase. FireProtect Plus additionally can alert of dangerous CO level. The detector also can work independently of the hub. Connecting to the Ajax security system via a secured Jeweller radio protocol, FireProtect Plus communicates with the hub at a distance of up to 1,300 m in line of sight. The detector can be a part of third-party security systems, connecting to them via the uartBridge or ocBridge Plus integration module. The detector is set up via the Ajax apps for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. The system noti es the user of all events through push noti cations, SMS, and calls (if activated).

FireProtect model without built-in carbon monoxide (CO) sensor also available for purchase.
Buy re detector with carbon monoxide sensor FireProtect Plus
Functional Elements
1. Siren hole 2. Light indicator (acts as the sensor and Test button) 3. Smoke chamber hole with the temperature detector behind the net 4. SmartBracket attachment panel 5. Power button 6. Tamper button 7. QR code
Operating Principle



The device detects smoke with an optocoupler which consists of an infrared emitter and a photodetector placed in the smoke chamber. When smoke enters the chamber, the photodetector detects it by the infrared beam distortion.

When smoke penetrates the detector chamber, it distorts infrared light between the emitter and photoelectric receiver. This distortion triggers a smoke alarm. When the temperature exceeds 60° or rises by 30° during 30 minutes (not necessary to reach 60°), the detector registers temperature increase, which triggers a re alarm.

The life span of the FireProtect Plus detector lasts up to 7 years. In the event of a detector failure, you will receive a corresponding noti cation — it will need to be replaced or submitted for comprehensive diagnostics.

In case of alarm, the detector activates the built-in buzzer (the siren sound can be heard from afar) and blinks with the light indicator. When connected to a security system, both the user and the security company are noti ed of the alarm.
FireProtect Plus also responds to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO). The detector generates an alarm if CO concentration reaches:
0.003% (30 ppm) within 120 minutes or more;
0.005% (50 ppm) within 60 ­ 89 minutes;
0.01% (100 ppm) within 10 ­ 39 minutes;
0.03% (300 ppm) within 3 minutes.

Loss of consciousness is possible at a CO concentration of 0.1% lasting over 2 hours!

The detector stops notifying about the dangerous level of carbon monoxide when the concentration drops to 40 ppm (0.004%) within one minute. The siren of the device can be turned off using three ways:
1. By pressing the Ajax logo on the device lid (there is a touch button under the logo).
2. Through the Ajax app. In case of re alarm, you will see a pop-up message in Ajax app suggesting to turn off the built-in sirens.
3. Using the KeyPad / KeyPad Plus (if Interconnected Fire Detectors Alarm feature is enabled). To turn off the built-in sirens in case of re alarm, press the “*” button on the KeyPad / KeyPad Plus.
Please note that for this to work you need to priorly select Mute Interconnected Fire Alarm command for this button in the KeyPad/KeyPad Plus settings. If smoke and/or temperature levels do not restore to normal values, in 10 minutes, the FireProtect Plus turns on the siren again.
Connecting the Detector to the Ajax Security System Connecting to the hub
Before starting connection:

1. Following the hub user guide, install the Ajax app. Create the account, add the hub, and create at least one room.
2. Switch on the hub and check the internet connection (via Ethernet cable and/or GSM network).
3. Make sure that the hub is disarmed and does not update by checking its status in the Ajax app.
Only users with administrator rights can add the device to the hub
Pairing the detector with hub: 1. Select Add Device in the Ajax app. 2. Name the device, scan or type the QR Code (located on the detector body and packaging), and select the location room.
3. Tap Add — the countdown will start. 4. Switch on the device.

To make sure that the detector is on, press the on/off button — the logo will light up red for a second.
For detection and pairing to occur, the detector should be located within the coverage area of the wireless network of the hub (at a single protected object). The connection request is transmitted for a short time: at the moment of switching on the device.
If pairing with the hub fails, the detector operates autonomously; switch off the detector for 5 seconds and retry.
The detector connected to the hub is displayed in the list of devices in the app. The update of the detector status in the list depends on the device inquiry time set in the hub settings (the default value is 36 seconds).
Connecting to Third Party Security Systems
To connect the detector to a third party security central unit using the uartBridge or ocBridge Plus integration module, follow the recommendations in the manual of the respective device.
The smoke detector always operates in the active mode. When connecting FireProtect Plus to third party security systems, it is appropriate to place it in a permanently active protection zone.
1. Devices

2. FireProtect Plus Parameter
Jeweller Signal Strength Connection
Battery Charge
Lid ReX Smoke Temperature Threshold Exceeded Rapid Temperature Rise High CO Level

State Temperature of the device. Measures on the device processor and changes gradually.
Acceptable error between the value in the app and the room temperature — 2°C.
The value is updated as soon as the detector identi es a temperature change of at least 2°C.
You can con gure a scenario by temperature to control automation devices.
Learn more
Signal strength between the hub and the detector Connection status between the hub and the device Battery level of the device. Two states available:

Battery discharged
How battery charge is displayed in Ajax apps
The tamper state of the device — reacts to the detachment
Displays the status of using a radio signal range extender
Shows if smoke is detected The state of temperature threshold exceeded alarm The state of rapid temperature increase alarm The state of dangerous CO level alarm

Backup Battery Charge Smoke sensor Smoke Sensor Dust Level
Permanent Deactivation
Firmware Device ID

Backup battery level of the device
The state of the smoke detector
The dust level in the smoke chamber
Shows the status of the device: active, completely disabled by the user, or only noti cations about triggering of the device tamper button are disabled
Detector rmware version
Device identi er

1. Devices 2. FireProtect Plus 3. Settings

First eld Room


Dangerous CO Level Alarm

High Temperature Alarm

Rapid Temperature Rise Alarm

Alert with a siren if smoke is detected
Alert with a siren if temperature threshold exceeded

Device name, can be edited
Selecting the virtual room to which the device is assigned
If active, the detector alerts of exceeding the limits of carbon monoxide concentration
If active, the detector reacts when the temperature is 60°C and higher
If active, the detector reacts to rapid temperature increase (30° for 30 minutes or less)
If active, sirens added to the system are
activated in case of smoke alarm
If active, sirens added to the system are
activated in case if temperature threshold exceeded

Alert with a siren if rapid temperature rise detected Alert with a siren if CO detected Jeweller Signal Strength Test Smoke Sensor Self Test
Permanent Deactivation
User Guide Unpair Device

If active, sirens added to the system are
activated in case if rapid temperature rise detected
If active, sirens added to the system are
activated in case if CO concentration is dangerous
Switches the device to the signal strength test mode
Starts FireProtect Plus selftest
Allows the user to disconnect the device without removing it from the system.
Three options are available:
No — the device operates normally and transmits all events
Entirely — the device will not execute system commands or participate in automation scenarios, and the system will ignore device alarms and other noti cations
Lid only — the system will ignore only noti cations about the triggering of the device tamper button
Learn more about permanent deactivation of devices
A disabled device does not trigger an interconnected alarm of re detectors. But if smoke is detected, the built-in siren will sound
Opens the detector User Guide
Deletes device and its settings

Interconnected Fire Detectors Alarms Setup
The function activates built-in sirens of all re detectors if at least one of them is triggered. Sirens are activated within the hub­detector ping interval according to the Jeweller settings.

To enable Interconnected Alarms:
1. Open the Devices tab in the Ajax app 2. Select a hub 3. Go to its Settings by pressing 4. Select the Service item 5. Go to the Fire detectors settings menu and activate the Interconnected Fire Detectors Alarms option
Interconnected alarms are supported by FireProtect Plus detectors with rmware versions 3.42 and later. Please note that when you turn on the interconnected alarms, you cannot set the hub­detector ping interval (Jeweller settings) of more than 48 seconds.
6. If necessary, set the Delay of Interconnected Alarms from 0 to 5 minutes (in 1-minute increments). The option allows you to postpone the interconnected alarm for a speci ed period of time.
When this option is inactive, the interconnected alarm is sent to all re detectors within a minute.
The function works as follows:
1. One of the FireProtect Plus detectors detects an alarm. 2. Delay of Interconnected Alarms starts. 3. The built-in siren of the re detector informs the alarm. Users receive noti cations in the Ajax app (if appropriate noti cations are enabled). At the object, Ajax sirens are activated (if the corresponding settings are enabled).

4. An alarm con rmation event is sent to the monitoring station and security system users, and the system starts the interconnected alarm for re detectors if:
The interconnected alarm delay time has passed, and the triggered detector is still registering an alarm.



During the delay of the interconnected alarms, the triggered detector reports a different type of alarm (for example, the detector report the exceeding of the temperature threshold after a smoke alarm).



During the interconnected alarm delay, another re detector in the system raised an alarm.



To give more time to eliminate the cause of false triggering of the detector, the user can delay the propagation of the interconnected alarm for another 10 minutes:

Through Ajax apps.

By pressing the KeyPad/KeyPad Plus function button (in the interconnected re alarm muting mode).
By pressing the Button in the interconnected re alarm muting mode.
By eliminating the cause of the alarm ( re detectors at the facility no longer detect an alarm).
By pressing the touch button of the triggered re detector.
If a triggered detector does not return to a normal state within 10 minutes after the user postponed the interconnected alarm, another re detector reports an alarm, or a triggered detector reports an alarm of another type (for example, temperature and smoke), the system will send an alarm con rmation and activate interconnected alarm for re detectors.

5. If necessary, activate the Ignore First Alarm option. This setting is recommended for premises with potential sources of false alarms. For example, if the device is installed in a place where dust or steam can get into the detector.
The option functions as follows:
1. The detector reports a smoke alarm and activates the built-in siren. 2. The built-in 30-second timer of the detector starts. 3. If after 30 seconds the detector still detects a threat, an alarm is sent to the
hub. 4. Hub sends alarms to all users and to the Central Monitoring Station (CMS)
of the security company.
Setting the Residential re alarm system
Residential re alarm system is an Ajax system feature that de nes user and device rights to mute the interconnected alarms of re detectors.
If the feature is enabled, users can silence re alarms of triggered detectors only in the groups to which they have access. And Button, KeyPad, KeyPad Plus — the alarms only of those re detectors that are in the same group.
The feature is useful for objects consisting of several rooms and protected by a single hub. For example, for multi-apartment complexes where each at is a

group with at least one re detector installed. In this case, users can respond to the alarms of their groups without silencing the alarms of other groups.
The feature is available for Hub Plus, Hub 2, Hub Hybrid and Hub 2 Plus on OS Malevich 2.12 and later versions.
Learn more

Event Detector switching on Detector switching off Registration failed Smoke or temperature increase detected Battery low

Indication The logo lights up green for 1 second The logo blinks red three times and the device switches off The logo blinks green for a minute, then the device switches to the autonomous mode The siren switches on, the logo lights red during the re/smoke alarm
One short sound signal per 90 sec — main batteries low (CR2)
Two short sound signals per 90 sec — backup battery low (CR2032)

Smoke or CO detector malfunctions (contamination, need for recalibration)

Three short sound signals per 90 sec — both batteries low
One long sound signal per 90 sec

Performance testing
The Ajax security system allows conducting tests for checking the functionality of connected devices.
The tests do not start straight away but within a period of 36 seconds when using the standard settings. The test time start depends on the settings of the detector scanning period (the paragraph on “Jeweller” settings in hub settings).
Jeweller Signal Strength Test
Smoke Sensor Self Test
Attenuation Test
According to the requirements of EN50131 standard, the level of the radio signal sent by wireless devices is decreased during the test mode.
Detector Testing
Before installing the detector, check the smoke sensor. To test it, switch on the detector and press the sensor button (the logo centre) for a few seconds — the detector will test the smoke chamber with electronic simulation of smoke generation and then will switch on the siren for 6 seconds.
You will receive the noti cation in the Ajax app regarding the test result and detector status.

Selecting the Location
The location of the detector depends on its remoteness from the hub, and obstacles hindering the radio signal transmission: walls, oors, large objects inside the room.
The device developed only for indoor use.
If the signal level is low (one bar), we cannot guarantee the stable operation of the detector. Take all possible measures to improve the quality of the signal. At least, move the detector: even a 20 cm shift can signi cantly improve the quality of signal reception.
Check the Jeweller signal level at the installation location
If after moving the device still has a low or unstable signal strength, use a radio signal range extender. Install the detector at the ceiling in the highest point where hot air and smoke are concentrated in case of re.

If there are any beams at the ceiling, protruding by 30 or more centimetres from the ceiling level, install the detector between every two beams.
Where and how to install FireProtect Plus
Installation procedure
Before installing the detector, make sure that you have selected the optimal location that follows the guidelines of this manual!
1. Fix the SmartBracket panel on the ceiling using bundled screws. If you use any other attachment tools, make sure that they do not damage or deform the attachment panel.
Use double-side adhesive tape only for temporary attachment of the detector. The tape runs dry with time, which can cause falling, false triggering, and detector malfunction.
2. Put the detector on the attachment panel by turning it clockwise on SmartBracket. When the detector is xed in SmartBracket, it blinks with LED, signalling that the tamper is closed.
If the LED doesn’t blink after xing in SmartBracket, check the status of the tamper in the Ajax app and then the xing tightness of the panel. If someone detaches the detector from the surface or takes it off the attachment panel, the security system noti es you. Do not install the detector:

1. outside the premises (outdoors); 2. nearby any metal objects or mirrors causing attenuation or screening of the
signal; 3. at any places with fast air circulation (air fans, open windows or doors); 4. closer than a meter to the cooking surface; 5. inside premises with the temperature and humidity beyond the range of
permissible limits; 6. closer than 1 m to the hub.
Autonomous Use of the Detector
The detector can be used autonomously, without connecting to a security system.
1. Switch on the detector by pressing the on/off button for 3 seconds (the logo will light up green for 1 second) and conduct the smoke test.
2. Select the optimal location of the detector following the recommendations in the second part of the section Selecting the location of this manual.
3. Install the detector as described in the section Installation procedure.
In case of autonomous use, the detector noti es of the detected re/smoke with the siren sound and light of the logo. To switch off the siren, press the logo (there is a sensor button) or eliminate the cause of the actuated alarm.
Maintenance and Battery Replacement
Check the operational capability of the detector regularly. Clean the detector body from dust, spider web, and other contaminants as they appear. Use soft dry napkin suitable for tech equipment.
Do not use any substances containing alcohol, acetone, petrol, and other active solvents to clean the detector.
To a certain level, the detector ignores the dust in the smoke chamber. When the chamber becomes too dusty, the detector noti es the user of the need to clean

it via the app (and beeps every minute and a half). Such maintenance is compulsory for the detector to operate correctly.
How to clean up the smoke chamber
Pre-installed batteries ensure up to 4 years of autonomous operation. If the batteries are discharged, the security system sends the respective noti cations and the detector signal with a sound every 90 seconds:
if the main batteries are low — a single short signal; if the backup battery is low — two short signals; if both batteries are low — three short signals.

Keep new and used batteries away from children. Do not ingest battery, Chemical Burn Hazard.

How long Ajax devices operate on batteries, and what affects this Battery Replacement
Tech Specs

Smoke-sensitive element Temperature sensitive element Sound noti cation volume Alarm threshold at the temperature Tamper protection
Radio communication protocol
Radio frequency band

Photoelectric sensor Thermocouple 85 dB at a distance of 3 m +59° ±2° Yes Jeweller
Learn more
866.0 ­ 866.5 MHz 868.0 ­ 868.6 MHz

Compatibility Maximum RF output power Radio signal modulation
Radio signal range
Power supply Battery life Installation method Operating temperature range Operating humidity Overall dimensions Weight Service life

868.7 ­ 869.2 MHz 905.0 ­ 926.5 MHz 915.85 ­ 926.5 MHz 921.0 ­ 922.0 MHz Depends on the region of sale.
Operates independently or with all Ajax hubs, radio signal range extenders, ocBridge Plus, uartBridge
Up to 20 mW
Up to 1,300 m (any obstacles absent)
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2 × CR2 (main batteries), 3 V CR2032 (backup battery), 3 V
Up to 4 years
From 0° to +65°
Up to 80%
132 × 132 × 31 mm
220 g
10 years

Compliance with standards

Complete Set

1. FireProtect Plus. 2. SmartBracket mounting panel. 3. Batteries CR2 (pre- installed) — 2 pcs. 4. Battery CR2032 (pre-installed) — 1 pcs. 5. Installation kit. 6. Quick Start Guide.
Warranty for the Limited Liability Company “Ajax Systems Manufacturing” products is valid for 2 years after the purchase and does not apply to the preinstalled battery.
If the device does not work correctly, you should rst contact the support service — in half of the cases, technical issues can be solved remotely!
The full text of the warranty
User Agreement
Technical support: [email protected]

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