WAVE SPIRITW1 RC Aircrafts Such As Helicopters Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024

WAVE SPIRITW1 RC Aircrafts Such As Helicopters

Product Information


  • Stabilization system for R/C aircraft
  • Combines control unit and receiver
  • Spirit GT hardware and Spirit Wave receiver
  • 20-bit IMU Sensor Performance-line ARM F7 processor
  • Precise pressure sensor for Altitude measurement
  • Dedicated Memory Chip for detailed logging
  • Spirit Wave 2.4Ghz full-range telemetry receiver
  • 30+ channels available
  • 300 Hz transmission
  • BEC Voltage measurement

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the Spirit W1 unit, please ensure the following:

  • Read and comply with all safety notes mentioned in the user manual.
  • Check the manufacturer instructions for your R/C model and comply with local laws.
  • Perform pre-flight inspections to address any mechanical or electrical concerns.

Radio Preparation:

If using a Spirit Wave radio:

  1. Follow the setup instructions provided in the Spirit Wave radio manual.
  2. Ensure the Spirit W1 unit is easily bound with the Spirit Wave radio.

If using a non-wave radio:
Refer to the standard Spirit manual for setup instructions (https://manual .spirit-system.com/index.php?title=Manual).

Mount the Spirit W1 unit on your R/C model following these steps:

  1. Ensure the model is securely mounted on a stable surface.
  2. Attach the Spirit W1 unit to the model using appropriate mounting hardware.

Connect the necessary wiring for optimal performance:

  • Ensure proper servo wiring and power supply connections.
  • Connect telemetry sensors for enhanced monitoring.
  • Configure ESC telemetry and Spirit Governor if applicable.

Bind the Spirit W1 unit with your radio using the following steps:

  1. Follow the binding instructions provided in your radio manual.

Configure the Spirit W1 unit for your desired flight experience:

  • Configuring Spirit from Radio: Follow the instructions in the user manual to set up the desired parameters using your radio.
  • Configuring Spirit from Computer: Connect the Spirit W1 unit to a computer and use the provided software to configure advanced settings.

FCC Declaration of Conformity: The Spirit W1 unit complies with FCC regulations. For more information, refer to the declaration provided in the user manual.



  1. Are R/C models like helicopters safe to use?
    R/C models are not toys and require careful handling. It is essential to follow all safety instructions, comply with local laws, and perform pre-flight inspections to ensure safe operation.

  2. What precautions should I take when flying an R/C model equipped with the Spirit W1 unit?
    Always prioritize safety by avoiding flying near people, animals, or private property without proper authorization. Choose safe locations to minimize potential damage in case of unexpected incidents. Do not fly damaged models or models exhibiting abnormal behavior or excess vibrations.


  1. Is the Spirit W1 unit an autopilot?
    No, the Spirit W1 unit is not an autopilot. It is designed to enhance the flight experience and improve the stabilization of R/C aircraft. It requires the user to know about flying R/C models.

  2. Can I use R/C simulators for training before using the Spirit W1 unit?
    Yes, we highly recommend using R/C simulators designed for training purposes to gain experience and improve flying skills before the first flight with the Spirit W1 unit.

Spirit W1 is a stabilisation system for R/C aircraft such as helicopters and planes featuring a control unit and receiver in one extraordinary packageǃ

  • It combines the best available technologies from both worlds to offer cutting-edge experiences.
  • In other words, Spirit W1 consists of Spirit GT hardware and Spirit Wave receiver.

Part List

Control part

  • Top-notch 20-bit IMU Sensor
  • Performance-line ARM F7 processor
  • Precise pressure sensor for Altitude measurement
  • Dedicated Memory Chip for detailed logging

Receiver part

  • Spirit Wave 2.4Ghz full-range telemetry receiver
  • Full-featured 30+ channels available
  • Blazing fast 300 Hz transmission
  • High interference immunity
  • BEC Voltage measurement

Spirit W1 can be easily bound with all Spirit Wave radios. It can be used also with all third-party external receivers known to work with Spirit units. This will allow an easy transition from previous systems, while Wave radio can be linked anytime later. The following pages are covering the setup of your Spirit Wave radio and W1 unit to prepare everything for the first flight. When the W1 unit is used with a non-Wave radio you can proceed according to the standard Spirit manual (https://manual.spirit- system.com/index.php?title=Manual).


  • R/C models such as helicopters are not toys! It is necessary to check all the manufacturer instructions for the model, comply with local laws and perform pre-flight inspections of the model to address all possible mechanical concerns, electrical concerns and failures immediately.
  • Rotor blades and propellers rotate at high speed and can lead to serious injury to persons and property if not respected.
  • If you encounter any problems, contact your dealer or other experienced modellers.
  • Pay particular attention to your safety and the safety of others. Never fly amongst or over people, animals, or on private property without prior authorization from the property owner. Fly only in safe places where no additional damage is possible to other objects because the model can suddenly become unmanageable for various reasons, such as failure of electronics, mechanical failure, pilot error or radio interference.
  • Do not try to fly damaged models or perform repairs using damaged parts; always replace damaged parts with new ones. Never fly a model which exhibits abnormal behaviour or excess vibrations, this may cause unwanted flight characteristics or in-flight failures. Find the source of the vibrations and fix the problem.
    • Spirit W1 unit is not an autopilot, it is necessary to know about flying R/C models. The system is only designed to improve flight experience. We recommend using R/C simulators designed for training before the first flight.
    • The user takes full responsibility for any damage or injury caused while flying an R/C model equipped with one of our devices. The manufacturer can neither guarantee nor control the conditions in which the unit is being used.


  • To use Spirit W1 with Spirit Wave radio it is enough to create a fresh Model in the Model list.
  • Spirit W1 units can be used for Helicopters and Airplanes. Depending on this create according to model.

Model Creation

  1. Go to the Main Screen by tapping on the Home icon from where you can enter the Model Selection menu.
  2. Tap on the Create button and choose Yes.
  3. Then select Helicopter or Plane and enter Model Name if using Spirit W1.

By default Spirit W1 units are preloaded with Helicopter firmware. You can flash Spirit Aero firmware for free at any moment if you plan to use a plane.

Model Configuration

  • All Model-related settings are in the Model menu (Third icon at the bottom panel).
  • Depending on the Model type you selected during model creation this menu has differences. For helicopters, you will find their different menus than for planes.

Model menu pages
After binding with Spirit W1 you can find three menu pages in the Model Menu. If the Spirit unit is not detected only two menu pages are visible.

  • Spirit – Full integration and configuration of the Spirit Flybarless unit.
  • General – Receiver binding, Flight Modes, Throttle and Pitch Curves, Gyro gain and similar.
  • Miscellaneous – Theme for a particular model, Alarms, Logging and rest.

You can do the General settings at any moment even without the Spirit unit disconnected.


  • Correct mounting of the Spirit W1 unit plays an important role in the operation of your model.
  • Find a suitable location where vibrations are as low as possible – this is usually the same location shown by the manufacturer for mounting a gyro.

The unit must be mounted so that the unit is exactly perpendicular to each rotational axis. Depending on your preference and available space it can be mounted in eight different positions:

  • Horizontal (0°)
  • Horizontal (180°)
  • Horizontal (0° + inverted)
  • Horizontal (180° + inverted)
  • Vertical (0° – left side)
  • Vertical (180° – left side)
  • Vertical (0° – right side)
  • Vertical (180° – right side)

In case the unit is positioned so that connectors are facing forwards, select 180°, please. If the unit is mounted upside down, select the inverted option.

Mounting examples
In the following photo, the unit is mounted by double-sided adhesive tape to the frame of the model.

In order to better insulate against any vibrations from the model, it is necessary to choose the right double-sided mounting tape. The tape should limit any transmission of vibrations from the model to the Spirit which may produce undesirable flight characteristics. Vibrations may also be caused by incorrectly balanced blades, damaged bearings, bent shafts and other mechanical issues.

We recommend using supplied double-sided tape.


  • Spirit W1 is equipped with 2 full-range antennas. For the best signal reception, it is necessary to mount them properly at the model.
  • The ends of the antennas should be perpendicular to each other in all directions for optimal signal radiation.
    • Do not bend antennas more than 45° at a sharp angle. The bending radius should be more than 2 cm.
    • Do not cover antennas with any additional objects. Preferably direct visibility at any angle should be achieved.
    • Never pull the antennas. Antennas are replaceable and could be accidently disconnected making them ineffective.


Spirit W1 has support for 4x swashplate, 1x tail and 1x throttle servos.

  • It has also 2x independent telemetry ports which means you can attach directly two Spirit Wave sensors. Moreover, you can optionally connect a backup receiver.
  • Additionally, you can utilize ESC Telemetry and GeoLink GPS/GNSS module.
Servo wiring and Power Supply

According to the following diagrams, you can connect servos to the Spirit W1. If some of your servos do not 1520μs centre pulse, please connect the servo later during the Setup Wizard process.

  • CH1 and CH3 – Aileron/Pitch servo
  • CH2 – Elevator Servo
  • CH4 – Tail Servo
  • CH0 – Optional 2nd Elevator Servo

Depending on your model and selected Swashplate Type servos are wired differently. Wiring is described in the following sections and also in the Setup Wizard.

Elevator at the front
The elevator has a servo control push rod at the front part of the model – a swashplate push rod at the front.

  • CH1 – connected to the right servo (Pitch)
  • CH3 – connected to the left servo (Aileron)

Elevator at the rear
The elevator has a servo control push rod at the rear – a swashplate push rod at the rear.

  • CH1 – connected to the left servo (Aileron)
  • CH3 – connected to the right servo (Pitch)

Power Supply
Power Supply is a critical part of the model. For this reason, it is highly recommended to use a suitable BEC or battery that can handle used servos. Once wiring and setup are completed it is highly advised to perform the BEC test. If the test does not pass it is clear the power supply is inadequate and failure will occur.

BEC, Battery or Backup power supply should be connected always at THR, E1 and AUX ports.

  • THR – used for Throttle output and primary ESC/BEC cable for electric helicopters. For combustion helicopters, the THR port is used for the Throttle Servo.
  • T1 – used for Secondary BEC cable for electric helicopters (recommended for class 500+). For combustion helicopters, a T1 port is used for a Battery lead.
  • AUX – used for an Optional Power Guard system or an additional battery lead. Can output also channel data for controlling landing gear, lights, etc.
    • Do not connect any wire to the X pin. This pin is shared with the internal Spirit RX receiver. Only if using an external receiver this pin can be used!
Telemetry sensors

Spirit W1 is equipped with 2 separate inputs for Spirit Telemetry sensors. These sensors are compatible also with external Spirit RX receivers.

Available telemetry ports:

  • T1
  • T2

Please note these ports are not used for ESC telemetry or GeoLink module.

Spirit W1 is equipped also with an X pin at the T2/RPM/X port. This pin is used internally for communication with a built-in receiver. When using the Spirit RX receiver nothing should be connected to X pin.

Telemetry Sensor Wiring

T1 port
Connect the Sensor or Expander cable directly without any change.

T2 port
Connect Spirit Sensor cable in so that RED/BROWN wires are at the AUX port (or any other free powering port) and ORANGE wire at the bottom T2 pin. In case of a lack of free ports, please use a Y-cable.

The original connector must be modified so that two servo connectors are used.

Telemetry Sensor Data
You can set the display Sensor Data on the Main screen by opening and adding Widgets.

Spirit Telemetry

  • Besides Spirit Telemetry sensors you can also utilize the ESC Telemetry, GeoLink module and Spirit telemetry variables.
  • This means you can interface your ESC and display telemetry data such as Battery Voltage, Current, Consumed Capacity, Temperature, and RPM.
  • For more details about ESC telemetry please visit the linked guide.
  • Similarly, you can install GeoLink for measuring GPS position, Speed and other variables.

Binding Procedure

To Bind Spirit W1 with your Wave radio use supplied Bind plug.

  1. Insert the Bind plug at the SYS port and connect the Power supply to the Spirit W1 unit. You can connect BEC or 1-3S Battery at the THR, AUX, and T1 ports.
  2. Spirit W1 unit will start to blink with the Status LED periodically.
  3. Then power up your Wave radio.
  4. The radio will automatically bind to the receiver when using the new Model profile. You can also Bind anytime manually as described in the section above.
  5. After successful binding Spirit unit will stop blinking and will initialize. Then you can remove the Bind plug.

Manual Binding
You can Bind manually by going to the Model/Receiver menu. Press the Bind button after powering up Spirit W1 with a Bind plug.


All Spirit units can be configured through radio to the full extent without the usage of a computer. You can perform a full setup of the Spirit W1 and tune all flight parameters easily from the Model menu in the Spirit Wave radio.

Spirit Integration
All Spirit features are tightly integrated into the configuration interface. All changes related to the Spirit W1 unit can be done from there which means you do not need a computer for full model configuration. You can enter and close it anytime you wish.

It is highly advised to not enter the setup while flying!

Opening Spirit menu

  • To open Spirit setup you can proceed in the following way.
  • Tap at the Model menu and the very first page is all related only to Spirit parameters.

Spirit Settings interface

  • Spirit menu is almost identical to computer software called Spirit Settings which can be also optionally used.
  • You can easily change any parameter and changes are applied immediately. But to store any changes do not forget to Save the settings.

Click on the Save Settings in the Spirit menu to save all changes you have made in the Spirit W1 settings. Otherwise, after re-power changes are returned to the previous values.

Spirit setup

  • To prepare Spirit unit for flight it is necessary to go through Setup Wizard first. This process is required only once, always for a new model.
  • You can find the Setup Wizard in the Model/Base/Setup Wizard.
PC Configuration
  • Spirit W1 units can be configured through any modern computer. This will allow the best comfort and guidance through the entire setup process.
  • Spirit W1 is compatible with Spirit USB interface and can be connected and configured at any given moment. Please proceed according to our Configuration page which is common for all Spirit units.

FCC Compliance Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, according to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used per the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirements. To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, the distance must be at least 20 cm between the radiator and your body, and fully supported by the operating and installation.

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