BenQ RP6504 LAN Protocol Software User Guide

June 17, 2024

BenQ RP6504 LAN Protocol Software



This document describes the hardware interface spec and software protocols of RS232 interface communication between Commercial Display and PC or other control unit with RS232 protocol. This set protocol allows users to assign the ID in the command to control the specific ID monitor. The set protocol contains two sections of command: Set-Function and Get-Function In this document, “PC” represents all the control units that can send or receive the RS232 protocol command.

RS232 pin assignment

  • Communication setting
  • Baud rate select: 9600bps (fixed)/ Data bits: 8 bits (fixed)
  • Parity: None (fixed)/ Stop Bits: 1(fixed)

Command message reference
PC sends to Monitor command packet followed by “CR”. Every time the PC sends a control command to the Monitor, the Monitor shall respond as follows:

  1. If the message is received correctly, it will send “+” (02Bh) followed by “CR” (00Dh).
  2. If the message is received incorrectly, it will send “-” (02Dh) followed by “CR” (00Dh).

Connections and communication settings
Choose one of the connections and set it up properly before RS232 control.

RS232 serial port connection

BenQ-RP6504-LAN-Protocol-Software-FIG- \(2\)

RS232 via LAN

BenQ-RP6504-LAN-Protocol-Software-FIG- \(3\)

Find the Wired LAN IP address of the connected display from the OSD menu and make sure the display and the computer are within the same network.

IP Protocol Port: 4660
Protocol Command Description

Item Description
Length Total Bytes of Message excluding “CR”
TV ID Identification for each of TV

TV ID is “01” for LAN control & RS232 control

Command Type| Identify command type, “s” (0x73h): Set Command

“g” (0x67h): Get-Command “r”

(0x72h): Reply Command

“+” (0x2Bh): Valid command Reply

“-” (0x2Dh): Invalid command Reply

Command| Function command code: One byte ASCII code
Value [1~3]| Three bytes ASCII that defines the value
CR| 0x0D

Set-function listing
The PC can control the LCD Monitor for specific actions. The Set-Function command allows you to control the LCD monitor behaviour in a remote sit through the RS232 port. The set-function packet format consists of 11 bytes.

Set-function description

Item Description
Length Total Bytes of Message excluding “CR”
TV ID Identification for each of TV

TV ID is “01” for LAN control & RS232 control

Command Type| Identify command type, “s”

(0x73h): Set Command

Command| Function command code: One byte ASCII code
Value [1~3]| Three bytes ASCII that defines the value
CR| 0x0D

Set-function format

Send: (Command Type=”s”)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Byte count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Reply: (Command Type=”+” or “-“)

Name Length ID Command type CR
Byte count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5

Example 1: Set Brightness as 76 and this command is valid. Send (Hex Format)

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x73 0x24 0x30 0x37 0x36 0x0D

Example 2: Set Brightness as 176 and this command is NOT valid.
Send (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type CR
Hex 0x34 0x30 0x31 0x2B 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x73 0x24 0x31 0x37 0x36 0x0D
Name Length ID Command type CR
--- --- --- --- ---
Hex 0x34 0x30 0x31 0x2D 0x0D

Example 3: Set Balance as 50 this command is valid.
Send (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x73 0x39 0x30 0x35 0x30 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type CR
Hex 0x34 0x30 0x31 0x2D 0x0D

Example 4: Set Balance as 115 this command is not valid.
Send (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x73 0x39 0x31 0x31 0x35 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type CR
Hex 0x34 0x30 0x31 0x2D 0x0D

Set-function table

Set Function| Len| ID| Cmd Type| Cmd Code


| RS232 (ASCII Bytes)| LAN (ASCII Bytes)
Power| 8| 1| s| 21|  | 000 :Monitor Off (Blacklight off


001 : On| 001 :Monitor On (Blacklight on +

last status)

002 : Standby (or android off)| 002 : Standby (android off)
003 : Reboot| 003 : Reboot
Video Source| 8| 1| s| 22| 000 : VGA| 000 : VGA
001 : HDMI1| 001 : HDMI1
002:     HDMI2| 002:     HDMI2
021 : HDMI3| 021 : HDMI3
022:     HDMI| 022:     HDMI
007: Display Port| 007: Display Port
051 : Type-C1| 051 : Type-C1
052 : Type-C| 052 : Type-C
101 : Android| 101 : android
102 : OPS| 102 : OPS
108 : Wi-Fi Source| 108 : Wi-Fi Source
Contrast| 8| 1| s| 23| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Brightness| 8| 1| s| 24| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Picture reset| 8| 1| s| 26| 000 :| 000 :
Language| 8| 1| s| 32| 000: English| 000: English
001: Français| 001: Français
002: Español| 002: Español
003: 繁中| 003: 繁中
004: 简中| 004: 简中
005: Português| 005: Português
006: German| 006: German
007: Dutch| 007: Dutch
008: Polish| 008: Polish
009: Russia| 009: Russia
010:Czech| 010:Czech
011:Danish| 011:Danish
012:Swedish| 012:Swedish
013:Italian| 013:Italian
 |  |  |  |  | 014:Romanian| 014:Romanian
015:Norwegian| 015:Norwegian
016:Finnish| 016:Finnish
017:Greek| 017:Greek
018:Turkish| 018:Turkish
019:Arabic| 019:Arabic
020:Japanse| 020:Japanse
021: Thailand| 021: Thailand
022: Korean| 022: Korean
023 : Hungarian| 023 : Hungarian
024 : Persian| 024 : Persian
025 : Vietnamese| 025 : Vietnamese
026 :     Indonesia| 026 :     Indonesia
027 :     Hebrew| 027 :     Hebrew
Sound Mode| 8| 1| s| 33| 000 : Cinema| 000 : Cinema
001 : Standard| 001 : Standard
002:     Sports| 002:     Sports
003 : News| 003 : News
Volume| 8| 1| s| 35| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Mute| 8| 1| s| 36| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
Balance| 8| 1| s| 39| 000~100| 000~100
Sound reset| 8| 1| s| 3B| 000| 000
Reomte comtrol command| 8| 1| s| 40| 000 : Vol +| 000 : Vol +
001 : Vol –| 001 : Vol –
010 : Remote up| 010 : Remote up
011 : Remote down| 011 : Remote down
012 : Remote left| 012 : Remote left
013 : Remote right| 013 : Remote right
014 : Remote OK| 014 : Remote OK
020 : Remote Menu Key| 020 : Remote Menu Key
022 : Remote Exit| 022 : Remote Exit
031 : Blank| 031 : Blank
032 : Freeze| 032 : Freeze
IR Control| 8| 1| s| 42| 000: Disable| 000: Disable
001: Enable| 001: Enable


| 8| 1| s| 43| 000: Disable| 000: Disable
001: Enable| 001: Enable


| 8| 1| s| 45| 000: Disable| 000: Disable
001: Enable| 001: Enable
Screen Reset| 8| 1| s| 7F| 000| 000
All Reset| 8| 1| s| 7E| 000| 000
Picture Mode|  | 1| s| 81| 000: Standard| 000: Standard
001: Bright| 001: Bright
002 : Soft| 002 : Soft
003 : ECO| 003 : ECO
005: Custom 1| 005: Custom 1
006: Custom 2| 006: Custom 2
007: Custom 3| 007: Custom 3
Saturation| 8| 1| s| 82| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Backlight| 8| 1| s| 84| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
DCR| 8| 1| s| 85| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
Color Temp| 8| 1| s| 86| 000 : Cool| 000 : Cool
001 : Normal| 001 : Normal
002 : Warm| 002 : Warm
Ambient Light


| 8| 1| s| 95| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
RTC Year| 8| 1| s| 98| 000 ~ 099| 000 ~ 099
RTC Month| 8| 1| s| 99| 001 ~ 012| 001 ~ 012
RTC Day| 8| 1| s| 9A| 001 ~ 031| 001 ~ 031
RTC Hour| 8| 1| s| 9B| 000 ~ 023| 000 ~ 023
RTC Minute| 8| 1| s| 9C| 000 ~ 059| 000 ~ 059
Power Save| 8| 1| s| A9| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: Low| 001: Low
002: High| 002: High
Switch on Staus| 8| 1| s| AB| 000 : Power Off| 000 : Power Off
001 : Force On| 001 : Force On
002 : Last Status| 002 : Last Status
On/Off Timer| 14| 1| s| E0| Byte1~Byte9

(1)  Byte1: Decide which Timer is selected, and its enable/disable setting.

Byte1[3:0]=0x1~0x07. There are totally 7 Timers, this value is used to decide which Timer is selected. Byte1[7]: Reserved, should be 0. Byte1[6]: The Timer is enable or not. Byte1[6]=1 means enable.

Byte1[5]: The On Timer is enable or not. Byte1[5]=1 means enable. Byte1[4]: The Off Timer is enable or not. Byte1[4]=1 means enable.

(2)  Byte2: The Day of the On/Off Timer. bit0 for Sunday, bit1 for Monday, bit2 for Tuesday, bit3 for Wednesday, bit4 for Thursday, bit5 for Friday, bit6 for Saturday, bit7 for Everday.

(3)  Byte3: The Hour of the On Timer. Byte3=0x00~0x17.

(4)  Byte4: The Minute of the On Timer. Byte4=0x00~0x3B.

(5)  Byte5: The Hour of the Off Timer. Byte5=0x00~0x17.

(6)  Byte6: The Minute of the Off Timer. Byte6=0x00~0x3B.

(7)  Byte7: Select the Video Source.

0x00=VGA, 0x01=HDMI,

0x02=HDMI1, 0x15=HDMI2,

0x33=Type-C 0x65=Android, 0x66=OPS, 0xFF=Default (Other values are reserved.

(8)  Byte8~9 are reserved, and

should be 0x00.

| Byte1~Byte9

(1)  Byte1: Decide which Timer is selected, and its enable/disable setting.

Byte1[3:0]=0x1~0x07. There are totally 7 Timers, this value is used to decide which Timer is selected. Byte1[7]: Reserved, should be 0. Byte1[6]: The Timer is enable or not. Byte1[6]=1 means enable.

Byte1[5]: The On Timer is enable or not. Byte1[5]=1 means enable. Byte1[4]: The Off Timer is enable or not. Byte1[4]=1 means enable.

(2)  Byte2: The Day of the On/Off Timer. bit0 for Sunday, bit1 for Monday, bit2 for Tuesday, bit3 for Wednesday, bit4 for Thursday, bit5 for Friday, bit6 for Saturday, bit7 for Everday.

(3)  Byte3: The Hour of the On Timer. Byte3=0x00~0x17.

(4)  Byte4: The Minute of the On Timer. Byte4=0x00~0x3B.

(5)  Byte5: The Hour of the Off Timer. Byte5=0x00~0x17.

(6)  Byte6: The Minute of the Off Timer. Byte6=0x00~0x3B.

(7)  Byte7: Select the Video Source.

0x00=VGA, 0x01=HDMI,

0x02=HDMI1, 0x15=HDMI2,

0x33=Type-C 0x65=Android, 0x66=OPS, 0xFF=Default Other values are reserved.

(8)  Byte8~9 are reserved, and

should be 0x00.

WOL| 8| 1| s| F0| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
Image Noise


| 8| 1| s| F1| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
EDID| 8| 1| s| F2| 000 : EDID 1.4| 000 : EDID 1.4
001 : EDID 2.0| 001 : EDID 2.0
Air Ionizer| 8| 1| s| F5| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
Sleep mode| 8| 1| s| F6| 000 ~ 240| 000 ~ 240

Get-function listing
The PC can interrogate the LCD Monitor for specific information. The Get- Function packet format consists of 5 bytes which are similar to the Set- Function packet structure. Note that the “Value” byte is always = 00.

Item Description
Length Total Bytes of messages excluding “CR”
TV ID Identification for each of TV

TV ID is “01” for LAN control & RS232 control

Command Type| Identify command type, “g” (0x67h): Get Command
Command| Function command code: One byte ASCII code
Value [1~3]| Three bytes ASCII that defines the value

NOTE: To get backlight senor, thermal sensor, and ambient sensor, you need four bytes ASCII that defines the value and the length is 9.

CR| 0x0D

Get-function description

Get-function format
Send: (Command Type=”g”)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Byte count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Reply: (Command Type=”r” or “-“)
If the Command is valid, Command Type =”r”

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Byte count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5 6 7 8 9
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

If the Command is Not valid, Command Type=”-”

Name Length ID Command type CR
Byte count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
Bytes order 1 2~3 4 5

Example 1: Get Brightness and this command is valid.
The Brightness value is 67.
Send (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x67 0x62 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x72 0x62 0x30 0x36 0x37 0x0D

Example 3: Get Balance from and this command is valid.
The Balance value is 32.
Send (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x67 0X39 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x72 0x39 0x30 0x33 0x32 0x0D

Example 4: Get Balance, but the Balance command ID is an error and it is NOT in the command table.
Send (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x67 0XD7 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name Length ID Command type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
Hex 0x38 0x30 0x31 0x67 0XD7 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x0D

Example 5: Get Operation time from the system and this command is valid.
The System Operation time value is 1786 (ASCII code).

Send (Hex Format)

Name| Length| ID| Command type| Command| Value1| Value2| Value3| Value4| Value5| CR
Hex| 0x38| 0x30 0x31| 0x67| 0X76| 0x30| 0x30| 0x30| 0x30| 0x30| 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name| Length| ID| Command type| Command| Value1| Value2| Value3| Value4| Value5| CR
Hex| 0x38| 0x30 0x31| 0x72| 0x76| 0x30| 0x31| 0x37| 0x38| 0x36| 0x0D

Example 6: Get CO2 Value from System and this command is valid.
The lux value is 786 (ASCII code).
Send (Hex Format)

Name| Length| ID| Command type| Command| Value1| Value2| Value3| Value4| Value5| CR
Hex| 0x38| 0x30 0x31| 0x72| 0x76| 0x30| 0x31| 0x37| 0x38| 0x36| 0x0D

Reply (Hex Format)

Name| Length| ID| Command type| Command| Value1| Value2| Value3| Value4| Value5| CR
Hex| 0x38| 0x30 0x31| 0x72| 0xAB| 0x30| 0x30| 0x37| 0x38| 0x36| 0x0D

PC Get-function command to IFP

Get Function| Le n| I D| Cmd Typ e| Cmd Code (Hex


| RS232| LAN
Model Info| 20| 1| g| 20| (1)  Input value: Byte1 – Byte2 – Byte3…Byte15 Byte2~Byte11=0x00

Byte1=0x01: Get Customer Name Byte1=0x02: Get Customer Model Name

Byte1=0x04: Get Scaler Firmware Version

Byte1=0x05: Get LAN Firmware Version

Byte1=0x06: Get Serial Number

(2)  Return value: Byte1 – Byte2 – Byte3…Byte15

The Byte1 value at the return value should be the same as the value of Byte1 at input value.

Byte2~Byte15 should be ASCII format.

Ex: If Customer=Generic, Byte1=0x01, Byte2=’G’, Byte3=’e’,…Byte8=’c’, Byte9~Byte11=0x00.

Ex: If the Scaler Firmware Version=1.02, Byte1=0x03, Byte2=’1′, Byte3=’.’, Byte4=’0′,

Byte5=’2′, Byte6~Byte11=0x00.

| (1)  Input value: Byte1 – Byte2 – Byte3…Byte15 Byte2~Byte11=0x00

Byte1=0x01: Get Customer Name Byte1=0x02: Get Customer Model Name

Byte1=0x04: Get Scaler Firmware Version

Byte1=0x05: Get LAN Firmware Version

Byte1=0x06: Get Serial Number

(2)  Return value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


The Byte1 value at the return value should be the same as the value of Byte1 at input value.

Byte2~Byte15 should be ASCII format.

Ex: If Customer=Generic, Byte1=0x01, Byte2=’G’, Byte3=’e’,…Byte8=’c’, Byte9~Byte11=0x00.

Ex: If the Scaler Firmware Version=1.02, Byte1=0x03, Byte2=’1′, Byte3=’.’, Byte4=’0′,

Byte5=’2′, Byte6~Byte11=0x00.

Signal Status| 8| 1| g| 22| 000: Signal unstable| 000: Signal unstable
001: Signal stable (Active Sync


| 001: Signal stable (Active Sync


Treble| 8| 1| g| 37| 000~100| 000~100
Bass| 8| 1| g| 38| 000~100| 000~100
Balance| 8| 1| g| 39| 000~100| 000~100
Contrast| 8| 1| g| 61| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Brightness| 8| 1| g| 62| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Sound Mode| 8| 1| g| 65| 000 : Cinema| 000 : Cinema
001 : Standard| 001 : Standard
002:     Sports| 002:     Sports
003 : News| 003 : News
Volume| 8| 1| g| 66| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Mute| 8| 1| g| 67| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
IR Control| 8| 1| g| 68| 000: Disable| 000: Disable
001: Enable| 001: Enable


| 8| 1| g| 69| 000: Disable| 000: Disable
001: Enable| 001: Enable
Video Source| 8| 1| g| 6A| 000 : VGA| 000 : VGA
001 : HDMI1| 001 : HDMI1
002: HDMI2| 002:     HDMI2
021 : HDMI3| 021 : HDMI3
022: HDMI(front)| 022:     HDMI
007 : Display Port| 007 : Display Port
051 : Type-C1| 051 : Type-C1
052 : Type-C| 052 : Type-C
101 : Android| 101 : android
102 : OPS| 102 : OPS
Power| 8| 1| g| 6C| X| 000 :Monitor Off (Blacklight off


001 : On| 001 :Monitor On (Blacklight on +

last status)

002 : Standby (or android off)| X


| 8| 1| g| 73| 000: Disable| 000: Disable
001: Enable| 001: Enable


| 10| 1| g| 76| 00000 ~ 99999| 00000 ~ 99999


| 8| 1| g| 77| 000 : 16:9| 000 : 16:9
002 : PTP| 002 : PTP
Language| 8| 1| g| 78| 000: English| 000: English
001: Français| 001: Français
002: Español| 002: Español
003: 繁中| 003: 繁中
004: 简中| 004: 简中
005: Português| 005: Português
006: German| 006: German
 |  |  |  |  | 007: Dutch| 007: Dutch
008: Polish| 008: Polish
009: Russia| 009: Russia
010:Czech| 010:Czech
011:Danish| 011:Danish
012:Swedish| 012:Swedish
013:Italian| 013:Italian
014:Romanian| 014:Romanian
015:Norwegian| 015:Norwegian
016:Finnish| 016:Finnish
017:Greek| 017:Greek
018:Turkish| 018:Turkish
019:Arabic| 019:Arabic
020:Japanse| 020:Japanse
021: Thailand| 021: Thailand
022: Korean| 022: Korean
023 : Hungarian| 023 : Hungarian
024 : Persian| 024 : Persian
025 : Vietnamese| 025 : Vietnamese
026 :     Indonesia| 026 :     Indonesia
027 :     Hebrew| 027 :     Hebrew
Picture Mode| 8| 1| g| B1| 000: Standard| 000: Standard
001: Bright| 001: Bright
002 : Soft| 002 : Soft
003 : ECO| 003 : ECO
005: Custom1| 005: Custom1
006: Custom2| 006: Custom2
007: Custom3| 007: Custom3
Saturation| 8| 1| g| B2| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
Backlight| 8| 1| g| B4| 000 ~ 100| 000 ~ 100
DCR| 8| 1| g| B5| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
Color Temp| 8| 1| g| B6| 000 : Cool| 000 : Cool
001 : Normal| 001 : Normal
002 : Warm| 002 : Warm
Ambient Light


| 8| 1| g| C5| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
RTC Year| 8| 1| g| C8| 000 ~ 099| 000 ~ 099
RTC Month| 8| 1| g| C9| 001 ~ 012| 001 ~ 012
RTC Day| 8| 1| g| CA| 001 ~ 031| 001 ~ 031
RTC Hour| 8| 1| g| CB| 000 ~ 023| 000 ~ 023


| 8| 1| g| CC| 000 ~ 059| 000 ~ 059
Power Save| 8| 1| g| D9| 000: Off| 000 : Off
001: Low| 001 : Low
002: High| 002 : High
Switch on Staus| 8| 1| g| DA| 000 : Power Off| 000 : Power Off
001 : Force On| 001 : Force On
002 : Last Status| 002 : Last Status
On/Off Timer| 14| 1| g| E0| Input value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


(1)  Byte1[3:0]: The Number of the On/Off Timer. There are totally 7 On/Off Timers, and this byte is used to selected which timer is going to be accessed.

(2)  Byte1[7:4] is reserved, should be 0.

(3)  Byte2~9 are reserverd, should be 0x00.

Return value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


(1)  Byte1[3:0]: Should retuen the same value as Byte1 at Input value. Byte1[7]: Reserved, should be 0. Byte1[6]: The Timer is enable or not. Byte1[6]=1 means enable.

Byte1[5]: The On Timer is enable or not. Byte1[5]=1 means enable.

Byte1[4]: The Off Timer is enable or not. Byte1[4]=1 means enable.

(2)  Byte2: The Day of the On/Off Timer. bit0 for Sunday, bit1 for Monday, bit2 for Tuesday, bit3 for Wednesday, bit4 for Thursday, bit5 for Friday, bit6 for Saturday, bit7 for


| Input value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


(1)  Byte1[3:0]: The Number of the On/Off Timer. There are totally 7 On/Off Timers, and this byte is used to selected which timer is going to be accessed.

(2)  Byte1[7:4] is reserved, should be 0.

(3)  Byte2~9 are reserverd, should be 0x00.

Return value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


(1)  Byte1[3:0]: Should retuen the same value as Byte1 at Input value. Byte1[7]: Reserved, should be 0. Byte1[6]: The Timer is enable or not. Byte1[6]=1 means enable.

Byte1[5]: The On Timer is enable or not. Byte1[5]=1 means enable.

Byte1[4]: The Off Timer is enable or not. Byte1[4]=1 means enable.

(2)  Byte2: The Day of the On/Off Timer. bit0 for Sunday, bit1 for Monday, bit2 for Tuesday, bit3 for Wednesday, bit4 for Thursday, bit5 for Friday, bit6 for Saturday, bit7 for


 |  |  |  |  | (3)  Byte3: The Hour of the On Timer. Byte3=0x00~0x17.

(4)  Byte4: The Minute of the On Timer. Byte4=0x00~0x3B.

(5)  Byte5: The Hour of the Off Timer. Byte5=0x00~0x17.

(6)  Byte6: The Minute of the Off Timer. Byte6=0x00~0x3B.

(7)  Byte7: Select the Video Source. 0x00=VGA, 0x01=HDMI, 0x02=HDMI1, 0x15=HDMI2, 0x33=Type-C 0x65=Android, 0x66=OPS, 0xFF=Default

Other values are reserved. 0xFF=Default. Other values are reserved.

(8)  Byte8~9 are reserved, and should be 0x00.

| (3)  Byte3: The Hour of the On Timer. Byte3=0x00~0x17.

(4)  Byte4: The Minute of the On Timer. Byte4=0x00~0x3B.

(5)  Byte5: The Hour of the Off Timer. Byte5=0x00~0x17.

(6)  Byte6: The Minute of the Off Timer. Byte6=0x00~0x3B.

(7)  Byte7: Select the Video Source. 0x00=VGA, 0x01=HDMI, 0x02=HDMI1, 0x15=HDMI2, 0x33=Type-C 0x65=Android, 0x66=OPS, 0xFF=Default

Other values are reserved. 0x0A=Network, 0x0B=USB Display 0xFF=Default. Other values are reserved.

(8)  Byte8~9 are reserved, and should be 0x00.

Network Setting| 14|  | g| E1| Input Value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


(1)  Byte1=0x00: IP Setup Mode Byte1=0x01: IP Address Byte1=0x02: Get Subnet


Byte1=0x03: Default Gateway

Byte1=0x04: Primary DNS Byte1=0x05: Secondary DNS Byte1=0x06: MAC Address

(2)  Byte2~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

Return value: Byte1 – Byte2 –

| Input Value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


(1) Byte1=0x00: IP Setup Mode Byte1=0x01: IP Address Byte1=0x02: Get Subnet


Byte1=0x03: Default Gateway

Byte1=0x04: Primary DNS Byte1=0x05: Secondary DNS Byte1=0x06: current

accessing network card MAC Address

Byte1=0x07: Ethernet (RJ45) MAC Addess

 |  |  |  |  | Byte3…Byte9

The Byte1 at the return value should be the same as the value of Byte1 at Input value. Byte2~Byte15 should be hex value format

(1)  If Byte1=0x00(IP Setup Mode) at Input value, the return value should be

Byte1=0x00 Byte2=0x00: Manual

0x01: DHCP

Byte3~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

(2)  If Byte1=0x01(IP Address) at Input value, the return value should be

Ex: IP


Byte1=0x01 (same as Byte1 at Input value)

Byte2=0xA9 (=169),

Byte3=0xFE (=254),

Byte4=0x51(=81), Byte5=0x26 (=38)

Byte6~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

(3)  If Byte1=0x02~0x05 at Input value, refer to (2)

(4)  If Byte1=0x06(MAC Address) at Input value, the return value should be

Ex: MAC address=00:22:64:7E:2C:82

Byte1=0x06 (same as Byte1 at Input value)

Byte2=0x00, Byte3=0x22, Byte4=0x64, Byte5=0x7E, Byte6=0x2C, Byte7=0x82

Byte8~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

| (2) Byte2~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

Return value: Byte1 – Byte2 –


The Byte1 at the return value should be the same as the value of Byte1 at Input value. Byte2~Byte15 should be hex value format

(1)  If Byte1=0x00(IP Setup Mode) at Input value, the return value should be

Byte1=0x00 Byte2=0x00: Manual

0x01: DHCP

Byte3~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

(2)  If Byte1=0x01(IP Address) at Input value, the return value should be

Ex: IP


Byte1=0x01 (same as Byte1 at Input value)

Byte2=0xA9 (=169),

Byte3=0xFE (=254),

Byte4=0x51(=81), Byte5=0x26 (=38)

Byte6~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.

(3)  If Byte1=0x02~0x05 at Input value, refer to (2)

(4)  If Byte1=0x06(MAC Address) at Input value, the return value should be

Ex: MAC address=00:22:64:7E:2C:82

Byte1=0x06 (same as Byte1 at Input value)

Byte2=0x00, Byte3=0x22, Byte4=0x64, Byte5=0x7E,

Byte6=0x2C, Byte7=0x82

 |  |  |  |  |  | Byte8~9 are reserved, should be 0x00.
WOL| 8|  | g| F0| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On
EDID| 8|  | g| F2| 000 : EDID 1.4| 000 : EDID 1.4
001 : EDID 2.0| 001 : EDID 2.0
Air Ionizer| 8|  | g| F5| 000: Off| 000: Off
001: On| 001: On


| 8|  | g| F6| 000 ~ 240| 000 ~ 240

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