YAMAHA CS15D Dual Channel Synthesizer Owner’s Manual

June 16, 2024

YAMAHA CS15D Dual Channel Synthesizer

Product Information

  • Model: [Insert Model Name]
  • Dimensions: [Insert Dimensions]
  • Weight: [Insert Weight]
  • Power Source: [Insert Power Source]
  • Maximum Load Capacity: [Insert Maximum Load Capacity]
  • Operating Temperature: [Insert Operating Temperature Range]

‘Thank yuu for your purchase of the YAMAHA SYNTHESIZER CSISD, Provided with a total of 29 preset tones divided into two channels, plus one manual-<cuntrol channel, the CSLSD ix particularly designed ¢o provide improved seal-tune performing properties while retaining its originality as a synthesizer, Please rend Chis Owner’s Manual carefully to bring out the full potential of the CSESD, making use of its many features.

Points of attention

Points of attention

Avoid pieces subjected to direct sunlight, high humidity, or dust. Never use the synthesizer near fire over hoat-producing objects, (such as on the top of a power amplifier), as it will cause cabinet deformation

When cleaning the set, do not wipe the panel or keyboard with thinner or other cleaning liquids, as this may cause stains and discoloration. Use always a volt and dry piece of cloth.

Connections to en amplifier or other equipment must be made correctly and with due care, as wrong connections may lead to damaging the synthesizer or amplifier.

The volume level shoufd be set with care. Applications of excessive input may cause damage to the amplifier or speakers,

Points of attention

Product Usage Instructions

1. Initial Setup
  1. Unpack the product and ensure all included accessories are present.
  2. Read the user manual thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the product.
  3. Connect the power source to the device and plug it into a suitable power outlet.
2. Basic Operation

To start using the product, follow these steps:

  1. Press the power button to turn on the device.
  2. Use the control panel or remote control to navigate through the menu options.
  3. Select the desired settings by pressing the corresponding buttons.
  4. Confirm your selections by pressing the “OK” or “Enter” button.
3. Maintenance and Care

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of the product, please adhere to the following maintenance guidelines:

  • Regularly clean the device using a soft, dry cloth to remove dust and debris.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the product’s surface.
  • Keep the product away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and moisture.
  • Refer to the user manual for specific cleaning and maintenance instructions.



The synthesizer should be installed so that it is separated by a sufficient distance from a radio, television set, or the like, When played near such electrical equipment, it may become the cause of erroneous operations, noise generation.

Insert the plug into an AC outlet. Power consumption of the CS15D is 25W.

2. LINE OUT 1, 2/MIX

These are output terminals used for connecting the synthesizer to the amplifier, or other equipment.
“41 feeds out the sounds of Ch-1, ““2/MIX” feeds out sounds produced from the mixing of Ch-1 and 2 when no jack is inserted into ‘’1”; it also feeds out those sounds of Ch-2 alone when a jack is inserted into “1.

  • When making connection to an amplifier, take special protective measures with regard to the speakers, such as, switching off the amplifier’s power switch, or by turning down its volume.


These terminals are used for feeding in to, or out from, another synthesizer such data as: (1) the voltage indicating the pitch of the keys that are being played (CONTROL VOLTAGE); and, (2) voltage data indicating the timing for playing and releasing the key (TRIGGER).

By connecting them to another synthesizer, contro! of multiplex systems can be effected from a single keyboard. For further details, please refer to Page 15.

  •  Connections should be made most carefully, as it may lead to such serious troubles as damaging the power amplifier, or speakers, when the connector cord for connection to the amplifier is connected to these terminals by mistake.


Phones jack is used for connecting the headphones. Mixed sounds of Ch-1 and Ch-2 will be fed out.

OPERA Tl ONS/To Produce Sounds

On completion of connections, check them to confirm that no mistake has been made. Now, as we shall describe the functions of the control for each block, operate them yourself while listening to the sounds to confirm the functions.

Turn on the POWER switch.

1. POWER (Power switch)

The power switch is located at the back next to the power cord. Flip this switch up. This will cause 7 power to turn on and the indicator on the upper right side of the control panel to light up.

Preliminary Operations

In order to confirm that connections have been made properly, you should now produce the sounds yourself.
In preparation for this, the block adjacent to the keyboard should be set as shown in the following drawing.

Preliminary Operations

The next step is to select a voice with the VOICE SELECTOR. Let us, for sake of convenience, select the voice at the left end. Set it as shown in the following drawing. With this, preparations have been completed.



2. LINE OUT (Output switch)
Turn on the switch, This will cause connection between the amplifier and the synthesizer.
This switch should be positioned “OFF’ when, for example, you are creating sounds while using the headphones.


VOLUME (Volume control)

Turn up the volume. Now the synthesizer can be played by working the keyboard. The volume of the amplifier-side should be adjusted at the same time.


The CS15D covers three octaves with 37 keys.

  • When 2 or more keys are depressed simultaneously, priority will be given to the higher-pitched key so that only its sound will be fed out. (Being a mono phonic synthesizer in which priority is given to the higher tone.)
  • When the keyboard is played with the unit set in this condition, the performance will be a dual-tone (clarinet and WOOD WIND 1) performance.
  • In the case that no sound comes out, check to see whether connections are correct, whether the amplifier has been operated in the correct manner, and whether the amplifier and speakers are connected properly.

4. OPERATIONS /To change Pitch

Such controls as TUNE /DETUNE/PITCH Bend Wheel are provided to change the pitch.

To change Pitch


This is a tuning control used for tuning the pitch with that of another musical instrument when performing joint performances. When tuning the pitches, be sure to confirm that the PITCH Bend Wheel is at the click-stop position.

  • The tuning control is to be used with the mixing lever of the VOICE SELECTOR slid to the upper side, and after selecting the sounds of Ch-1.
  • For the synthesizer, it takes about 15 minutes following power switch-on for the pitch to perfectly stabilize. For this reason, tuning is to be performed after more than 15 minures have passed from the time of power switch-on.


This is a control used for tuning the pitches of Ch-2 alone. It is possible to gain a chorus effect by producing a slight deviation in the pitches of the two channels, or to create a harmony effect by setting the pitches apart by the third or fifth.


7. PITCH (Pitch Bend)

The PITCH bend wheel is to be used when the player wishes to change the pitch temporarily during performances. Normally, it is set to the click-stop position at the center. It is used, for example, to change the pitch accarding to the rhythm played by the keyboard, and then is swiftly restored to the former click-stop position during rests between sounds.

The range in which the pitch can be changed is + one octave.


When the pitch of Ch-1 is set so that it deviates from the pitch of Ch-2 by the major third, or perfect fifth, the sounds will be given an increased depth by the harmony effects.


PITCH BEND is used, for example, to create a pitch-changing effect at the point where the tone starts in guitar choking, or in harmonica performances, It is also used for slur performances: while depressing the key with the right hand, the wheel is controlled with the left.


The operation to give a periodical variation to the sounds is known as modulation. Modulation consists of 4 factors the speed of variation, method of variation, the object of variation, and the intensity of variation; each is set by individual controls.

To confirm the effects of modulation, the 4 controls related to modulation are to be first set as illustrated in the following drawing.


*The mixing tever of the VOICE SELECTOR should be positioned either to Ch-1, or to Ch-2.
This is necessary to prevent ‘‘beat’’ from generating when a deviation occurs in the pitches of two sounds, “‘beat’’ being difficult to tell apart from modulation.



This wheel functions to control the intensity of modulation. The more the dented portion of the wheel is turned upward, the more intense the modulation will become.

The intensity of modulation can be controlled as desired while playing the keyboard.

Here, it is to be set to the position where the strongest modulation will be applied.


This is a switch used for selecting which black of the three blocks (VCO, VCF, or VCA) modulation is to be applied. When the switch is positioned to “VCO”’, the oscillating frequency will periodically change. Generally, it is used to create a VIBRATO effect.

When set to ‘’VCF’’, it will cause the tone to vary periodically. This is used in general to create a GROWL, or WAH-WAH effect. When set to “VCA”, it will cause the volume to vary periodically. It is general used to create a TREMOLO effect.

Change this switch over and confirm the condition in which the sound changes.


This is a switch that determines the mode in which  modulation varies. When this switch is positioned to “So natural variations will be obtained; such musical effects including VIBRATO, GROWL and TREMOLO described in 8 . At other positions the variations will be those inherent to the synthesizer.

’L : Change the switch over to this position and see how the sounds change. As the form “ FL” indicates, rapid variation will be repeated.

S/H: When positioned to ‘’S/H”’, irregular variation will be repeated.

REPEAT: Uniike the other three functions, REPEAT is effected by controlling the modulation signal, which, in turn, controls the TRIGGER signal that causes the EG to start up. Accordingly, it enables intermittent sounds of a period determined by the SPEED control to be produced while the keyboard is being played. (Continued)

At the same time, it is possible to modulate the VCO, VCF and VCA blocks with the S/H form using the MODULATION SWITCH 8 and MODULATION WHEEL9.

  • In the case of sounds which are slow to start up, the volume may become markedly small, or no sound at all may be heard when the SPEED control is set at too fast a speed. This is due to the reason that the sound fails to start up fully during the REPEAT period.

NOTE: Principle of S/H

In reference to S/H. modulation is performed by an electrical circuit (Sampling and Hold) that reads (samples) the value of the noise wave form at a certain moment, and then holds this value until the next value is sampled.


This is a control that determines the speed at which modulation is to be changed.
By changing the speed, the way in which the modulation effect appears will differ considerably.
Now, the functions of SUSTAIN, PORTAMENTO and BRILLIANCE will be described. These controls are unrelated to the other controls, each having independent functions.


This control is used to control resonance during the period from KEY-OFF to the point the sound fades away. The preset tones of the VOICE SELECTOR contain resonance that has been preset. It can be freely controlled, however, to meet ones taste, and according to the details of the number that is being performed. When the control is positioned to “S’’, resonance of a length equa! either to the preset tone or to the length set manually can be created. The control should be normally set to “’S” when creating manual voices.


PORTAMENTO denotes that effect in which the pitch, starting from the previously played key, undergoes a smooth variation unti! it reaches the pitch of the next key to be played. Confirm this by sliding the lever toward the L-side. Normally, it is positioned to the S-side.


This lever is used for controlling the tone. It works upon the VCF, making the sound more brilliant and harder the more the lever is moved toward the +” side, and softer, the more the lever is moved toward the ’’—” side.

It is a convenient lever that can be used to alter the preset tones to such that meets ones taste, and to change the real-time tone so as to match it with the movement and rhythm of the number that is being played.

  • When this lever is moved to the end of the “”—”‘ side, the volume may drop markedly depending on the preset tone, or sounds may cease to come out. This is because the VCF has cut off even the foundamental tone. In this case, the lever, if lowered while playing the keyboard, can be used as a fader.

OPERATIONS / Voice SeLector

This block is used for sclecting the preset voices, or the manual voices.

Voice SeLector

15. VOICE SELECTOR buttons

When no button has been depressed, the tone at the left end will be selected. In the condition where 2 or more buttons have been simultaneously depressed, priority will be given to the voice at the right end and that voice will be selected.

16.  MIX (Mixing lever)

This lever is used for selecting either Ch-1 or Ch-2, or for balancing the volumes of the two channels.


When the MANUAL button of Ch-2 is depressed, it permits voices created at the MANUAL block to be selected.


The 29 preset tones, too, have as a rule been created in the same manner as voices created at the MANUAL block, that is, by setting the controls of the MANUAL block. At the MANUAL block, various voices, including those being preset, can be freely created by controlling the MANUAL block controls.

Largely divided, the MANUAL block can be grouped into three blocks: the VCO, VCF and VCA blocks. These blocks correspond respectively to the three factors characterizing sounds, that is, pitch, tone and volume. The blocks are prefixed with “VC” to indicate that the factors are voltage-controlled.

The VCO block, consisting of sawtooth waves ( Mh. ) and square waves (‘1 ), is a block that functions to oscillate sound sources that have a large number of harmonics and noise corresponding to the pitch of the key. The VCF is a block capable of freely changing the portion of the harmonics to be removed and that to be left (known as the cut-off frequency). Meanwhile, the VCA block has the functions of giving a transient change to the volume from the point the voice starts up to the point it fades away.

The following describes the functions of the controls for each block. Set the CS15D in the manner shown in the following drawing so that sounds will be produced the moment the keys are depressed.

Other controls should be set to the positions shown on Page 5, so that effects such as modulation will not be created.



If you encounter any issues with the product, please refer to the troubleshooting section in the user manual. If the problem persists, contact our customer support for further assistance.

Warranty Information

This product is covered by a [Insert Duration] warranty. For warranty claims and information, please refer to the warranty card included with your purchase or visit our website.


Q: How do I update the software of the product?

A: To update the software of the product, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the product to a stable internet connection.
  2. Navigate to the settings menu and select “Software Update.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the latest software version.
Q: Can I use the product with other devices?

A: Yes, the product is compatible with various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Simply connect your device to the product using the provided cables or through wireless connectivity options.

Q: What should I do if the product stops working suddenly?

A: If the product stops working suddenly, please try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check if the power source is properly connected and the outlet is functioning.
  2. Ensure that all cables are securely connected to the appropriate ports.
  3. Try resetting the product by turning it off and on again.
  4. If the issue persists, refer to the troubleshooting section in the user manual or contact our customer support.


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