WOLFVISION vSolution Cynap Pure Receiver Network Integration Installation Guide

June 16, 2024

WOLFVISION vSolution Cynap Pure Receiver Network Integration Installation


Product Information

The vSolution Cynap Pure Receiver is a network integration device manufactured by WolfVision GmbH. It is designed to connect to an existing company network and provide network services. The device is equipped with LAN/Ethernet settings, allowing for easy integration into the network infrastructure. It supports various authentication methods, encryption protocols, and network configurations to ensure secure and reliable connectivity.

Product Usage Instructions

1. Basics

Before starting, check the existing infrastructure and define the required equipment and settings.

Various examples in this document show the different ways in which Cynap Pure Receiver can be integrated into the network.

When connecting Cynap Pure Receiver to LAN and WLAN at the same time, please use different IP ranges in order to prevent address conflicts.

The listed IP addresses are only examples.

Cynap Pure Receiver can be treated as a standard network device and it is as secure as the supporting network. Cynap Pure Receiver cannot be considered as a router, switch or firewall. Communication to other networks and access must to be controlled using your existing equipment (firewall, router, switch and so on).

By default, the built-in access point is enabled, SSID and password are the serial number of the unit (inclusive leading zero, e.g. 0106406).

2. Glossary

This glossary will assist you in setting up the network correctly. Please note that in order to connect Cynap Pure Receiver to an existing company network, some information from the local administrator is required.

2.1. LAN / Ethernet settings

Priority Interface Access


The higher prioritized interface (value = 1) will be used for

network services first. Ensure that the value is different from the WLAN interface priority.




Cynap Pure Receiver will get all network settings automatically from the DHCP server in the existing network.

Switch it to OFF to set the static addresses manually.

IP address


Unique address in the network, i.e. The IP

address of Cynap Pure Receiver can for example be set to

Subnet mask


Available IP addresses can be limited. A commonly used subnet mask would be



Defines the IP address of the server / connection to other networks (such as the internet). When Cynap Pure Receiver is directly connected only to a PC, then enter the IP address

of the PC.

Name server 1 / 2


Input the IP address of the preferred Domain Name System

(DNS). This Server translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses.



Login credentials to connect Cynap Pure Receiver in a protected network. (IEEE 802.1x).

Anonymous Identity


The identity to be used on an unencrypted session before Identity is being validated on an encrypted session.



Allow authentication according to IEEE 802.1X. Enter valid login data to connect.

Authentication Method


Supported are PEAP with MSCHAPv2 and TTLS-PAP

Root Certificate


Only root certificates are supported, load the certificate by using the Web Interface through the WLAN interface.

Allowed certificates: Base-64-coded X.509 encoded DER certificate
• Privacy Enhanced Mail with common file extension .perm Base-64-coded X.509 encoded DER certificate certificate stored between 2 tags: “—Begin Certificate—“and” ——End Certificate—–“

2.2. WLAN settings – infrastructure (Cynap Pure Receiver acts as client)
Use the access point list to check the currently available access point and its signal strength.

Mode OFF


Disable Infrastructure


Mode Infrastructure


Enable Infrastructure, Cynap Pure Receiver can be connected as client to an existing access point.



By default, Cynap Pure Receiver uses the 2.4GHz and 5 GHz frequency band. The frequency band used can be limited to

either 2.4GHz or 5 GHz. This setting is not available in BSSID mode.

Priority Interface Access


The higher prioritized interface (value = 1) will be used for network services first. Ensure that the value is different from the

LAN interface priority.

BSSID On / Off


Use the button to toggle between SSID and BSSID mode.

With BSSID (Basic Service Set Identification), the used access point will be fixed and Cynap Pure Receiver will connect to the defined access point only. Access point hopping, which is available in SSID mode (Service Set Identification), will be




Defines the network name in plain text for easy identification of the WLAN network. Check existing WLAN infrastructure to get SSID.

Following characters are supported:

– AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuV vWwXxYyZz

– 0123456789

– _-:$& ()



Defines the network name in plain text for easy identification of the WLAN network. Check existing WLAN infrastructure to get

SSID. This setting is available in SSID mode only.

Subnet mask


Available IP addresses can be limited. A commonly used subnet mask would be

Gateway IP


Defines the IP address of the server / connection to other networks (such as the internet). When Cynap Pure Receiver is directly connected only to a PC, then enter the IP address of the


Name server 1 / 2


Input the IP address of the preferred Domain Name System

(DNS). This Server translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses.



Defines encryption for safe network traffic. All connected units must use the same algorithm (None, WEP, WPA2, WPA2 Enterprise).

WEP allows passwords with length of 13 characters (128 bit WEP).

WPA2 allows passwords with a length of 8 ~ 63 characters. Use special characters carefully, not every third party can handle it.

When using WPA2 Enterprise, load the certificate by using the Web Interface through the LAN interface.




Login credentials to connect Cynap Pure Receiver in a WPA Enterprise protected network.

Anonymous Identity


The identity to be used on an unencrypted session before Identity is being validated on an encrypted session.

Authentication Method


Supported are PEAP with MSCHAPv2 and TTLS-PAP

Root Certificate


Only root certificates are supported, load the certificate by using the Web Interface through the LAN interface.

Allowed certificates:

Base-64-coded X.509 encoded DER certificate

certificate stored between 2 tags: “—Begin Certificate—“and” —

—End Certificate “

Signal Level Limit (dBm)


Defines when Cynap Pure Receiver start to search for another access point with the same SSID in your infrastructure (WLAN roaming). Monitoring the current signal level to prevent too low values. Lookups could interrupt the network connection shortly and every lookup will be counted (Reconnect Counter (Low

Signal Level).

Signal Level


Shows the current strength of the WLAN signal in dBm.

Reconnect Counter (Connection Loss)


Counts every connection loss, e.g. when the selected access point would be powered down.

Reconnect Counter (Low Signal Level)


Counts every lookup then the measured signal falls below the user defined signal level limit.

  • * root certificate (CA) with common file extension .crt Base-64-coded X.509 encoded DER certificate
    • Privacy Enhanced Mail with common file extension .perm

2.3 Date and time (General Settings)

Time source


Cynap Pure Receiver has a built-in battery-buffered RTC clock (Real Time Clock). Settings will only be lost if the battery is empty. To eliminate the risk of incorrect time stamps, Cynap Pure Receiver can be synchronized to an external time server.

Select external and input a valid IP address or URL of a NTP time server.


2.4 Host name (General Settings)

Host name


The Host name can be changed in the settings under general settings. The host name can be useful for network

administrators to see the device name in plain text in the list of clients. Please note, this host name is not automatically listed in the DNS list, and therefore cannot be used in a browser without DNS registration


2‌.5 LAN / WLAN port

The LAN port enables integration of Cynap Pure Receiver into an internal network. Administrators of a large number of Cynap Pure Receiver systems can use the LAN port to control, support and update all of their units from their local desktop PC.

The list of applications for the Cynap Pure Receiver LAN port is constantly increasing. It can be used for controlling, capturing still images, viewing live video streams, firmware updates, adjustments, menu settings and for maintenance purposes. Some features are only supported when using vSolution Link software.

The following protocols are supported: TCP/IP, IGMP, RTP, RTSP, UDP and ARP. Supported (tested) internet browsers are: Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. By default, DHCP is activated to receive all network settings automatically from the DHCP server.

Hint – WLAN:

To ensure optimal performance of supplied remote control (optional), prevent channel 13 in the band of 2.4 GHz. Switch Cynap Pure Receiver to standby closes all connections.

2.6 Proxy settings

To increase security level, use a proxy server to control HTTP and HTTPS traffic from Cynap Pure Receiver. Built-in access point and other local services are not controlled. To take effect the new settings, Cynap Pure Receiver will reboot automatically.

Proxy enable


Enable or disable proxy functionality to control HTTP and HTTPS traffic (other services and built-in access point are not controlled). Please note, using a Proxy server may block

vSolution Link Pro functionality.




URL of the proxy server in your network, like (or DNS name up to 256 characters, no space between the

characters). DNS server not required, when using IP addresses.

Host Port


Port, set the used network port to connect to your proxy server.



Allows authentication with username and password.



Input the username according to your proxy server settings.



Input the password according to your proxy server settings.

2.7 Security

Admin password

Defines the necessary password for administrator access. This login data is needed to change the Ethernet Mode, and an existing administrator password. Using the login data, an administrator can connect to Cynap Pure Receiver at any time. The default password is “Password”. Remember to make a note of any changed passwords!

Login Security

Accessing Cynap Pure Receiver can be protected by authentication (admin, moderator, PIN or LDAP user).

To prevent unauthorized access to the settings, the credentials needs to be entered whenever you start a new session or when logged out previously.

Network Security

Accessing Cynap Pure Receiver can be limited to secure connections only (https). Please note, the accessing application needs to support SSL / TLS (e.g. the most modern browsers are supporting HTML5 and SSL /TLS).

Wolfvision support access can be prohibited by disabling SSH.

LAN Security

When using wired network, use authentication (IEEE 802.1x) to maximize security. When using certificates, load it busy using the Web Interface.

WLAN (WiFi) Security

When using wireless network, use encryption to maximize security. Cynap Pure Receiver complies with following standards:

  • WEP
  • WPA2
  • WPA2 Enterprise (IEEE 802.1x)


  • WEP allows passwords with a length of 13 characters (128 bit). WPA2 allows passwords with a length of 8 ~ 63 characters.
  • Use special characters carefully, not every third party device can handle them. When using WPA2 Enterprise, load the certificate by using the Web Interface.
  • When using the built-in access point, the security settings will be handled automatically. When starting a new presentation, the SSID and also the password will be changed.

3. ‌Network integration

The following example is showing a way to integrate Cynap Pure Receiver into your network infrastructure. The Cynap Pure Receiver can only be integrated into an existing vSolution Matrix. (Cynap Pro as main station is required)

Network integration

4. ‌vSolution Matrix (optional Feature Pack, Cynap Pro required)

The vSolution Matrix Feature Pack enables Network AV functionality with an optimized interface for touch screens. Network AV allows cost-effective installations by using the existing IP network infrastructure to transmit AV signals. Means there is no longer a need to maintain separate AV infrastructure for your e.g. huddle room (active learning classroom). This results in a straightforward installation with less hardware and reduced ongoing maintenance. You also have the flexibility to scale your setup up or down easily, as required to keep the huddle rooms effective. Every workstation, equipped with a vSolution Cynap, ensures intuitive and easy-to- use collaboration participative users. Contents can be simply forwarded between different screens by drag & drop. Please note that the multicast address must be unique in each network to prevent problems with streaming.


Maximum station


1 main station

40 client stations


Bandwidth Stream


40 Mbit/s



Approximately 50 milliseconds for 1080p30

IP Multicast Group Address Range



Streaming PortMulticast / Unicast Audio / Video





Wired, LAN 1 only



Layer 2 or Layer 3 with enabled IGMP Snooping

File Sharing



5. Firewall rules

Cynap Pure Receiver has firewall rules that must be adhered to in order to allow successful network communication with vSolution Matrix main station and the corresponding services to be used. To use services with user defined addresses and ports, be sure these are not blocked by your firewall.

Firewall rules

Firewall rules

Firewall rules

6. User interface

Cynap Pure Receiver can be controlled using any current standard browser. The user interface has been developed using the latest web programming standards, and this means that there is no need for additional add-ons or plugins such the Java Platform, in order to have full control of Cynap Pure Receiver. HTML5 technology only requires a browser that can handle JavaScript and WebSockets, and this has been state-of-the-art for the last few years.

You can also adjust the settings using the remote control (optional). The remote control uses the 2.4 GHz band. The remote control has a built-in gyro sensor and can be used as a digital laser pointer.
Cynap Pure Receiver can also be used in combination with room management systems.

Communication is possible via the Wolfprot protocol. More information about this protocol can be found in the support section of our website www.wolfvision.com .

The vSolution App allows smartphones / tablets (iOS, Windows, Android) to control Cynap Pure Receiver via network. More information about the vSolution App can be found on in the support section of our website www.wolfvision.com .

7. Hardware & OS

Cynap Pure Receiver uses a Linux operating system. The distribution is a WolfVision specific variant, which in addition to the Linux kernel contains only the individual libraries and packages required for the functionality of Cynap Pure Receiver. This operating system is efficient, secure and lean. The operating system is installed after the installation process, and every update is installed to a read-only partition that cannot be changed after the installation process. This feature and the strict separation of system and user data, such as pictures, videos etc. ensures a very high level of system security. The system structure is protected against any external access, and it does not require additional security programs (antivirus, firewall, etc.). The Cynap Pure Receiver system includes all viewer and software packages, and no additional licenses are required.

The current hardware specifications, connectors, delivery, and technical specifications can be found on our website www.wolfvision.com.

8. Administration

Cynap Pure Receiver can be managed using the vSolution Link Pro software.

With vSolution Link Pro software, administration tasks, like firmware updates, can be performed for multiple Cynap systems simultaneously. With this tool, you can also determine the state of you Cynap Pure Receiver system and sending a Wake-on-LAN (WoL) command. You can create, manage and distribute a settings profile to all Cynap systems using vSolution Link Pro software, and you can change the background wallpaper easily.

More information about vSolution Link Pro software can be found in the support section of our website www.wolfvision.com.

9. Index
















Adaptations for Cynap Pure Receiver

Ports adjusted, matrix section added, general changes etc.





– Addition Firewall rules


  • Manufacturer: WolfVision GmbH

  • Model: vSolution Cynap Pure Receiver

  • Address: Oberes Ried 14, A-6833 Klaus, Austria

  • Contact: Tel. +43-5523-52250, Fax +43-5523-52249, E-Mail:
    [email protected]

  • Website: www.wolfvision.com


Q: How do I connect the Cynap Pure Receiver to my company network?

A: To connect the Cynap Pure Receiver to your company network, you need to obtain the necessary LAN/Ethernet settings from your local administrator. Follow the instructions in section 2.1 of the user manual to configure the network settings correctly.

Q: What authentication methods are supported by the Cynap Pure Receiver?

A: The Cynap Pure Receiver supports authentication methods according to IEEE 802.1X, including PEAP with MSCHAPv2 and TTLS-PAP. Refer to section 2.1 of the user manual for more information on setting up authentication.

Q: Can I use self-signed certificates for authentication?

A: No, the Cynap Pure Receiver only supports root certificates (CA) with common file extension .crt or base-64-coded X.509 encoded DER certificates. Refer to section 2.1 of the user manual for more information on certificate requirements.


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