VENTURA COUNTY Driving Under The Influence Program Services Instructions

June 16, 2024

VENTURA COUNTY Driving Under The Influence Program Services Instructions


Ventura County Behavioral Health RFP Summary

Purpose of RFP and Introduction

Ventura County Behavioral Health (VCBH), a Department of the County of Ventura, invites proposals from qualified applicants to provide Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program Services. DUI programs are education and counseling programs licensed by the State of California and mandated for persons convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. VCBH will endorse selected DUI applicant(s) to the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) for licensure. After licensure by the DHCS, VCBH will contract with the DUI provider(s).

DUI programs enable participants to consider at-risk attitudes and behavior, learn healthy lifestyle changes, and reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol and/or other drugs. Persons convicted of a DUI offence must complete a DUI program licensed by DHCS to maintain or re-establish their driver’s license; however, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) makes the final determination based on the driver’s circumstance and driving history.

The DUI Program will assist clients in completing the court-ordered and DMV requirements and help reduce future DUI citations. VCBH intends to select and recommend one or more Bidders to provide first and multiple-offender DUI Programs in Ventura County. The selected bidders will be those bidders whose response conforms to the RFP and meets the County requirements. Although it is preferable to contract with one (1) bidder that can provide DUI programs in East and West Ventura County, more than one bidder may be selected in order to provide services in all geographical areas. West County would include Oxnard, Ventura, Fillmore and Santa Paula and East County would include Simi Valley, Moorpark and Thousand Oaks.


The terms Bidder, Vendor, Respondent or Proposer may be used interchangeably in this RFP to designate an organization interested in responding to this RFP. The terms RFP, RFP Solicitation, or Solicitation refer to all proposal documents and related addenda produced by VCBH and provided to prospective bidders. The terms Successful Proposer, Successful Respondent, Successful Contractor, and Contractor may be used interchangeably in this RFP and shall refer exclusively to the organization with whom VCBH enters into a contract because of this RFP.

VCBH Background

VCBH is the public authority at the County level that is responsible for mental health and substance use treatment, prevention, and education services. As a public agency, VCBH is responsible for assisting many of the County’s most vulnerable residents. VCBH provides leadership, coordination, and oversight of prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support services for the following populations: adult, perinatal and adolescents.

VCBH is committed to providing comprehensive mental health and substance use services and ensuring that a full continuum of care is available for our clients. VCBH strives to ensure that the mental health and substance use disorder services that are provided to our clients are consumer driven, integrated, recovery oriented, and culturally competent.

  1. First offender DUI Programs:
    • Wet and Reckless;
    • Three-month;
    • Six-month; and
    • Nine-month
  2. Multiple offender DUI Program: 18-month.

The County Board of Supervisors, working with the County Substance Use Services Administrator, determines the need for DUI Programs and recommends applicants to the State for licensure. DHCS Behavioral Health Licensing and Certification Division licenses and performs complete monitoring on all DUI programs in California. Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations provides the legal framework for these programs. Ventura County is currently seeking DUI Program providers to replace current county operated DUI programs in Ventura County.

Target Population Backgrou

In 2022, Ventura County had an estimated population of 847,947, a 3% increase from 2010. The median household income for 2022 was $94,150 (in 2021 dollars). However, 8.9% of people in the County are at or below the poverty line. Thirty-nine percent (39

f households speak a language other than English as their primary language, with 30.3% of households speaking Spanish as their primary language at home.

Age Group

  • 17 years of age and under: 22.1%
  • 18 to 65: 60.6%
  • 65 and over: 17.3%


  • Caucasian/White: 44.1%
  • Hispanic/Latino: 43.3%
  • African American: 1.7%
  • Asian/Pacific Islander: 7.3%
  • Mixed or other: 3.7%

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program Services Adult Population Information

The Ventura County DMC-ODS SUD adult population that is to be served by this DUI service program includes clients predominantly eighteen (18) years of age and older. For the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, VCBH served 3,612 unique clients, which represents approximately 0.04% of the overall Ventura County population. The demographics of the VCBH DUI adult client population are:

Age Group

  • 18 to 64: 97.3%
  • 65 and over: 2.7%


  • LatinX: 49.5%
  • Non-LatinX: 23%
  • Other: 2%
  • Unknown: 25.5%

Primary Language

  • English: 82.6%
  • Spanish: 17.2%
  • Other: 0.2%


  • Female: 22%
  • Male: 78%


To assist VCBH in determining the potential cost of a bidder’s services, bidders must use Attachment “A” to submit budgets and supporting schedules that respond to the staffing guidelines, training, supervision, management, and services detailed in this RFP. Respondents are to submit two (2) budget proposals that respond to the requirements detailed in this RFP, and which cover a seventeen (17) month period with the option for one additional one- year extension.

  • a. The first year one budget is for the five (5) month period of February 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. VCBH recognizes that the selected provider will need to conduct various start-up activities in advance of and in preparation for program services delivery, therefore, the year one budget should include a start-up budget and an operational budget. Both a start-up budget and regular operational budget template are provided in Attachment “A”.
  • b. The second year two budget is for the twelve (12) month period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and should reflect a fully operational services budget. Expenses are to detail staffing, direct operational expenses, and indirect expenses.
  • c. Indirect expenses are not to exceed 15% of direct expenses and should include the type of expenses that are not tied to the direct provision of client services.
  • d. For each budgetary line item, in the cost assignment explanation column of the budget tab of Attachment “A”, include a description of the item, your calculations, annual amount, and any additional information that justifies the expense.
  • e. See Attachment “A” for the applicable schedules.


The RFP schedule is provided below (this schedule is subject to change):

Issue RFP : August 11, 2023
Bidder Registration: August 18, 2023
Bidder Questions Due to VCBH : August 25, 2023
Bidder Question Responses Released : September 1, 2023
Proposals Due by 5:00   p.m: September 22, 2023
Contractor Selection/Notification : November 10, 2023
Board of Supervisors Approval Received: December 19, 2023
Notice to Proceed: December 19, 2023

Intent to Bid

Each bidder is responsible for indicating their intent to bid by August 18, 2023, through the Ventura County Bonfire system at:

To be able to submit a proposal, your organization must indicate its intent to bid.
Any RFP addenda, Questions and Answers, or updated information will be made available through the Bonfire system.

RFP Questions

It is the responsibility of each bidder to ensure that they are clear on the proposal requirements. Please use the Message section of the Bonfire System project page to submit your questions to VCBH by August 25, 2023. No additional questions will be accepted after this deadline. VCBH will answer bidder questions requesting clarity on the RFP requirements by September 1, 2023. The questions and answers will be made available on the Bonfire System under the Messages Section (see Public Notices) at:

Bidder Eligibility and Qualifications

To be deemed eligible and qualified to submit a proposal of qualifications, a respondent must demonstrate in their proposal that they meet the following minimum requirements by the deadline that is specified to submit a proposal. A respondent that does not demonstrate that they meet these minimum requirements will be considered nonresponsive and will not be eligible for evaluation and consideration for award of the agreement.

California Secretary of State Business Entities Search

Business entities registered with the California Secretary of State as a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership must have an active status designation on the California Secretary of State Business Entities Search website. VCBH will not review a proposal submitted from an entity that has any other status designation. VCBH plans to use the following link to verify a business entity’s status: Each respondent should verify their status designation prior to submitting a proposal of their qualifications. If a respondent’s status requires correction, this correction must be made prior to the submittal of their proposal of qualifications.

Suspension and Debarment and Exclusion

To be eligible to submit a proposal, a bidder must not be listed as an ineligible person on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s List of Excluded Individuals/Entities from federal programs. The Office of Inspector General defines an ineligible person as any individual or entity that is currently excluded, suspended, debarred or otherwise ineligible to participate in the federal health care programs. They are also defined as any individual or entity that has been convicted of a criminal offense related to the provision of health care items/services and who has not been reinstated in the Federal health care programs after a period of exclusion, suspension, debarment, or ineligibility. VCBH will not review a proposal submitted by an individual or entity on the list mentioned above.

VCBH plans to use the following link to identify individuals and entities that are not eligible to contract with VCBH: Each bidder should verify that they are not on the list prior to submitting a proposal by using the link above or the bidders sanction check provider. If a bidder is erroneously listed on the sanction list, they will be responsible for correcting the error prior to the submittal of their proposal.

VCBH requires that all potential contract entities self-disclose any pending charges or convictions against them or any individual with their organization for violations of criminal law, any sanctions, and any disciplinary actions by any federal or state law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, or licensing agency (including exclusion from Medicare and Medicaid programs).

If a contractor and/or individual within the contractor’s organization becomes an ineligible person after VCBH has executed a contract with the entity/individual, the contractor/individual shall be removed from any responsibility and involvement with the VCBH contracted obligations that are related to federal or state health care programs/funding.

Vendor Required Experience

Ventura County is soliciting bids for qualified vendors to provide DUI services. In their proposals, respondents will need to detail services they have provided that are similar to the services outlined in this RFP without a plan of correction or agreement failures.

Vendor criteria include the following:

  • Bidder must have at least two (2) or more years of demonstrated experience providing alcohol and drug treatment or DUI program services (organizational or staff experience).
  • Bidder must have a physical facility suitable for in-person DUI services located in Ventura County. This facility must have the capacity to accommodate up to thirtyfive (35) individuals for education sessions and up to fifteen (15) individuals for group counseling.

Those agencies that meet all the following criteria are eligible to submit a proposal in response to this RFP:

  1. Must be a responsive proposer whose bid or proposal complies with all requirements of the RFP.
  2. Subcontracting any portion of the work is not permitted.
  3. Have ability to submit, meet, and abide by any applicable state, Federal, and county laws, statutes, and regulations and familiarity with California Code of Regulations (Title 9).
  4. Staff providing services must have appropriate licensure/certification from the State approved licensing bodies.
  5. Must have the ability to comply with rigorous data collection, reporting, and audits, with the capability to implement program changes based on findings.
  6. Must possess or obtain DUI certification from Department of Health Care Services within three (3) months of being awarded a contract.

Bidder Bonfire Support

Any technical questions or issues related to the use of the Bonfire system may be sent to [email protected].


Submittal Deadline

Completed proposals should be submitted through the Bonfire system: no later than 5:00 p.m., September 22, 2024.

Bidders are allowed to submit more than one proposal with different methods of meeting the RFP requirements. If a bidder submits more than one proposal, one proposal must be marked “Base Proposal” and the others shall be marked “Alternate Proposal 1”, “Alternate Proposal 2”, etc. Each base proposal and alternate proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of this RFP.

Bidders are responsible for making certain their proposals are received on or before the proposal submittal deadline. The receiving time in the Bonfire System will be the governing time for acceptability of proposals—no late submittals will be allowed

Proposal Response

Bidders must submit their proposals and all required information and forms by the submittal deadline. Proposals failing to provide complete information may be deemed non-responsive. Bidders should keep copies of their submittals for future reference.

Modification of Proposals

If a bidder wishes to make modifications to a proposal that has already been submitted to VCBH through the Bonfire System, they must withdraw the proposal to make the modifications. All modifications must be made and submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of this RFP. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that modified proposals are resubmitted through the Bonfire System before the submittal deadline. Proposals cannot be changed or modified after the submittal deadline.

Opening of Proposals

Proposals will not be opened publicly. However, a list of the names of the organizations that submitted a proposal will be available within a reasonable time after the submittal deadline. Proposals will be made public and may be inspected at the time of award.

Examination of the RFP

Bidders should carefully examine the entire RFP, any addenda thereto, and all related materials and data referenced herein or otherwise available to the bidder.

Bidders shall be presumed to be familiar with all specifications and requirements of this RFP. Failure or omission to examine any form, instrument or document shall in no way relieve bidders from any obligation with respect to this RFP.

Proposal Validity
Proposals submitted hereunder shall be firm for one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the due date and through the initial seventeen (17) month period of operation.

Proposal Content/Format
To be considered responsive, proposals should address all items identified in this RFP. Proposals should be prepared in such a way as to provide a straightforward and concise discussion of the bidder’s ability to provide the services described in this RFP and meet the needs of VCBH.

Please note that some RFP questions require that the bidder provide a detailed response and/or attachments. Failure to provide a complete response may be grounds for the rejection of a proposal. Emphasis should be concentrated on conformance to the RFP instructions, responsiveness to the RFP requirements, and on completeness/clarity of content.

In order to facilitate the evaluation and comparison of all submitted proposals, bidder proposals should be submitted in the format described in this RFP. Specifically, each section and all attachments should be clearly labeled. Format instructions must be adhered to; all RFP requirements and requests for information in the proposal must be responded to; all requested data must be supplied. Failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for rejection.

Costs Incurred in Responding
VCBH will not pay any costs incurred in proposal preparation, presentation, demonstration, or negotiation. Nor does VCBH commit to procure or contract for any services. All costs of proposal preparation shall be borne by the bidder. It is understood that all proposals, inquiries, and correspondence relating to this RFP and all reports, charts, displays, schedules, exhibits, and other documentation will become the property of VCBH when submitted to VCBH and may be considered public information under applicable law. VCBH assumes no liability for any costs incurred by bidders throughout the entire selection process.

VCBH will issue written addenda to make changes, additions, or deletions to this RFP. Addenda will be sent to all known bidders that complete an intent to bid within the Bonfire System and said addenda will be made available through the Messages Section (see Public Notices subsection) of the Bonfire System at:

It is the responsibility of each bidder to ensure that VCBH has their correct business name, address, and contact information on file in the Bonfire System. Any prospective bidder who obtains a copy of the RFP documents from any other source other than the Bonfire System is responsible for advising VCBH that they have said documents and that they wish to receive subsequent Addenda.

Confidential and Proprietary Data
All materials received relative to this RFP will be kept confidential, until such time an award is made, or the RFP is canceled, at which time all materials received will be made available to the public. All received proposals will be subject to the California Public Records Act, Government Code §6250. Under the California Public Records Act, VCBH may be obligated to provide a copy of any and all responses to this RFP, if such requests are made after the agreement is awarded.

One exception to this required disclosure is information which fits within the definition of a confidential trade secret (Government Code section 6254(k)) or contains other technical, financial, or other data whose public disclosure could cause injury to the bidder’s competitive position. If any bidder believes that information contained in its response to this RFP should be protected from disclosure, the bidder must specifically mark the pages of the response that contain the information. The County will not honor any attempt by the bidder to designate its entire proposal as proprietary.

Commitments, Warranty, and Representations
The proposal submitted in response to this RFP will be included as part of the final agreement. Bidders are cautioned that if an agreement is awarded as a result of this procurement process, any written commitment by a bidder within the scope of this procurement shall be binding upon the bidder whether or not incorporated into an agreement document. Failure of the bidder to fulfill any such commitment shall render the bidder liable for liquidated or other damages due to VCBH under the terms of the agreement. For the purpose of this procurement, a commitment by a bidder includes:

  • Any modification, affirmation, or representation as to the above, which is made by a bidder in or during the course of negotiation.
  • Any representation by a bidder in a proposal, supporting document, or negotiations about the services to be performed (regardless of the fact that the duration of such commitment may exceed the duration of the agreement).

Proposal Validation/Evaluation/Award

Proposals will be checked for the information required to conform with this RFP. The absence of required information may be cause for rejection.

The successful bidders shall be chosen in accordance with, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  1. Proven Performance
    Bidder’s background, experience, and organizational stability will be assessed. The evaluation will focus on each bidder’s record of successful service and support to accounts of comparable size and environment. The ability of the bidder will be evaluated in terms of technical resources, staffing, and staff experience. Client references will be contacted, and their responses will become a part of the award/review process.

  2. Compliance with Contract Terms and Conditions
    The ability of the bidders to meet and abide by the contract terms and conditions set forth in the attached agreement without requiring modification to the agreement.

  3. Support
    Emphasis will be placed on each bidders’ ability to service and support the needs of VCBH and the clients/families VCBH serves. Bidder’s organizational structure, staffing plan, and method for meeting the requirements of this RFP, in the most efficient manner possible, will be an important consideration.

  4. Requirements/Specifications (plan and approach)
    Proposals will be evaluated on the following: general quality and responsiveness to the terms, conditions, and time of performance, completeness, and thoroughness, grasp of the work to be performed, approach to be used, and ability to meet the requirements/specifications outlined in this RFP.

  5. Cost
    The proposals will be evaluated on the basis of each bidder’s reasonableness of cost.

Using the evaluation criteria described above, proposals will be evaluated and scored on the basis of a 300-point scale, using the assigned weights listed below:

Evaluation Criteria Point Value
1. Organization Profile and Qualifications 40
2. Staff Recruitment, Qualifications and Productivity 40
3. Program Approach and Work Plan 100
4. Cultural Competency 20
5. Quality Assurance and Performance Measurement 20
6. Budget Request 60
7. Technical Assistance 20
Total 300

Contracts will be awarded to the bidders offering the most advantageous proposal after consideration of all evaluation criteria set forth herein. The criteria are not listed in any order of preference. VCBH will establish an Evaluation Committee that will be responsible for evaluating all proposals received in accordance with the evaluation criteria. The  Evaluation Committee may also:

  • Contact and evaluate the bidder’s and any subcontractor’s references
  • Contact any bidder to clarify any response
  • Contact any current users of a bidder’s services
  • Solicit information from any available source concerning any aspect of a proposal
  • Seek and review any other information deemed pertinent to the evaluation process.

The summary of evaluation scores will not be released until after award of the contract. VCBH will not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposals but will make an award in the best interests of VCBH after all factors have been evaluated. While VCBH intends to enter into contracts for these services, it will not be bound to do so. VCBH reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

VCBH shall be the sole judge of the successful offers hereunder. VCBH reserves the right to award the contract to bidders that might not have submitted the lowest total price and negotiate with any or all bidders. Bidders are advised that it is possible that an award may be made without discussion or any contact concerning the received proposals. Accordingly, proposals should contain the most favorable terms from a price and technical standpoint. DO NOT ASSUME that you will be contacted or afforded an opportunity to clarify, discuss, or revise your proposal.


Award will be by means of a written contract with the successful bidders. A Notification of Intent to Award may be sent to any selected bidder but does not obligate VCBH to award the contract(s) until the completion of the entire RFP process. Award is contingent upon the successful negotiation of the final contract terms. Negotiations shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure to competing bidders unless an agreement is reached. If negotiations cannot be concluded successfully, VCBH may negotiate with the next highest scoring bidder or withdraw the RFP. County Board of Supervisor’s approval is required for all agreements that exceed $200,000.

Contractors shall not commence work until a meeting is held between representatives of the contractor and VCBH. The meeting will be held at VCBH, at a time and date to be established.

Bidders may be invited to make presentations to VCBH, if needed.

Site Visits
VCBH reserves the right to schedule site visits to bidders’ facilities or current operational sites in order to assess the capability and ability of the bidders to fulfill their contractual obligations with VCBH.

Additional Information
If during the evaluation process, VCBH is unable to determine a bidder’s ability to perform, VCBH has the option of requesting any additional information that VCBH deems necessary to determine the bidder’s ability. The bidder will be notified and permitted five (5) business days to comply with any such request.

Errors/Defects in Proposals
If discrepancies between sections or other errors are found in a proposal, VCBH may reject the proposal. However, VCBH may, at its sole option, correct any mathematical errors in price.

VCBH may waive any immaterial deviation or defect in a proposal. VCBH’s waiver of an immaterial deviation or defect shall in no way modify the RFP documents or excuse the bidder from full compliance with the RFP requirements, if awarded a contract.

Rejection of Proposals
VCBH reserves the right to reject the proposal of any bidder who:


  • Previously failed to perform adequately for the County or any other governmental agency within the previous twelve (12) months.
  • Submits false, incomplete, or unresponsive statements in a proposal.
  • Is in default on the payment of taxes, licenses, or other monies due to County.
  • Submits a proposal that contains errors or discrepancies.

RFP Cancellation
VCBH reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any time, prior to the submittal deadline.

Protest Procedures
For a protest to be considered, the protest must be made in writing, signed by the bidder’s authorized representative, and delivered to the VCBH Contracts Manager at 1911 Williams Drive, Suite 200, Oxnard, CA 93036. The VCBH Contracts Manager reserves the right to refuse to hear protestors who have not followed the procedures listed below.

The following conditions apply to proposal protest:
a. Before Proposal Submittal Deadline. Protests of specifications, terms, conditions, or any other aspects of the RFP solicitation must be made before the proposal submittal deadline.
b. After Proposal Submittal Deadline. Protests of award must be made, no later than five (5) calendar days after the aggrieved party knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest.
c. Protest Content. All protests must include the following information:

  1. The name, address, and telephone number of the protestor.
  2. The signature of the protestor or protestor’s authorized representative.
  3. The RFP solicitation or contract number.
  4. A detailed statement of the legal and/or factual grounds for the protest.
  5. The form of relief requested.


  1. If the VCBH Contracts Manager can resolve the issue, there is no further action required.
  2. If there is no resolution, the issue will be referred to the VCBH Administrative Services Division Chief for review and resolution. If the issue is resolved, there is no further action required.
  3. If there is no resolution, the issue will be referred to the VCBH Director who will make a determination on the issue and render a determination. This determination will be final.


Scope of Work / Program Requirements
The goals of the DUI Program are as follows:
a. Assist clients in exploring their relationship with alcohol and/or drugs and the risks associated with these substances;
b. Promote modified drinking/drug use in high-risk situations such as while operating a vehicle;
c. Provide counseling and education to reduce the likelihood of a repeat DUI offense; and
d. Proactively help with alcohol and/or drug problems to make life affirming choices, and when appropriate, linking and referring to substance use treatment services (e.g., Withdrawal Management, Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, Residential, Recovery Support Services, Opioid Treatment, and other Medication for Addiction Treatment).

The DUI Program shall offer first and multiple offender programs.

Vendors must understand and be able to comply with rigorous data collection, reporting, financial and program audits. The DUI Program must submit timely quarterly financial statements (with total gross revenues), monthly payments to the County, and client enrollment reports to the County and DHCS within thirty (30) days of each quarter. VCBH will conduct at least one (1) on-site program audit bi-annually.

The DUI Program must be licensed by DHCS within three (3) months of contract start date to offer first and multiple offender DUI Programs and must provide services in accordance with County and DHCS standards, including Title 9. The DUI Program resulting from this award will not be allowed to move locations or facilities without the express and written permission of both the County Substance Use Administrator, and DHCS. Vendors shall comply with County and DHCS standards, which include the following:

  1. The DUI Program shall require a participant enrolled in a Wet and Reckless first offender program to complete twelve (12) hours of educational sessions, provided in accordance with Title 9, Section 9852.

  2. The DUI Program shall require a participant enrolled in a three (3) month first offender program to complete the following:

    • Twelve (12) hours of educational sessions, provided in accordance with Title 9, Section 9852.
    • Ten (10) hours of group counseling sessions, provided in accordance with Title 9 Section 9854.
    • Eight (8) additional hours of program services, consisting of educational sessions, group counseling sessions, or a combination of the two, at the option of the DUI Program and as approved by the County alcohol and drug program administrator.
    • A minimum of three (3) face-to-face interviews, provided in accordance with Title 9 Section 9858.
    • The DUI Program shall conduct the initial face-to-face interview within twenty-one (21) days of enrollment, and the second face-to-face interview at the mid-point of the program. The final face-to-face interview shall serve as the exit interview. At the DUI Program’s option, more than three face-to-face interviews may be provided so long as the participant is not charged for the additional face-to-face interviews.
    • Any additional County requirements approved in accordance with Title 9, Section 9860.
  3. The DUI Program shall require a first offender with a court-ordered duration of participation to participate in the program for six (6) months or longer as ordered by the court. During that time, the DUI Program shall require the participant to complete the following:

    • A minimum of twelve (12) hours of educational sessions in accordance with Title 9, Section 9852.
    • A minimum of twenty-eight (28) hours of group counseling sessions in accordance with Title 9, Section 9854.
    • A minimum of four (4) face-to-face interviews in accordance with Title 9, Section 9858.
    • The DUI Program shall conduct the initial face-to-face interview within twenty-one (21) days of enrollment and shall conduct one face-to-face interview at the end of the second month, and one at the end of the fourth month. The final face-to-face interview shall serve as the exit interview.
    • Four (4) additional hours of program services, consisting of educational sessions, group counseling sessions, face-to-face interviews, or a combination of the three, at the option of the DUI Program and as approved by the County Substance Use Continuum of Care Director.
    • Any additional County requirements approved in accordance with Title 9, Section 9860
  4. The DUI Program shall require a first offender with a court-ordered duration of participation to participate in the program for nine (9) months or longer as ordered by the court. During that time the DUI Program shall require the participant to complete the following:

    • A minimum of twelve (12) hours of educational sessions in accordance with Title 9, Section 9852.
    • A minimum of forty-four (44) hours of group counseling sessions in accordance with Title 9, Section 9854.
    • A minimum of five (5) face-to-face interviews in accordance with Title 9, Section 9858. The DUI Program shall conduct the first face-to-face interview within twentyone (21) days of the enrollment and one (1) interview every other month thereafter and shall conduct the final face-to-face interview as an exit interview at the end of the program.
    • Four (4) additional hours of program services, consisting of educational sessions, group counseling sessions, face-to-face interviews, or a combination of the three as approved by the County Substance Use Services Administrator.
    • Any additional requirements approved in accordance with Title 9, Section 9860.
  5. The DUI Program shall require a participant enrolled in an eighteen (18) month multiple offender program to complete the following:
    a. During the first twelve (12) months of participation, the DUI Program shall require the participant to complete a core program consisting of:

    • Twelve (12) hours of alcohol and other drug related educational sessions in accordance with Title 9, Section 9852.

    • Fifty-two (52) hours of group counseling sessions in accordance with Title 9, Section 9854.

    • One (1) face-to-face interview every other week from the initial date of enrollment until completion of the educational and group counseling sessions required above. In either instance, the DUI Program shall require each participant to attend a minimum of twenty-four (24) face to fac interviews. Faceto-face interviews shall be provided in accordance with Title 9, Section 9858. If the participant takes longer than twelve (12) months to complete the educational and group counseling sessions, the DUI Program may charge for any additional face-to-face interviews provided based on the approved unit of service fee for face-to-face interviews.

    • Any additional County requirements approved pursuant to Title 9, Section 9860
      b. During the last six (6) months of participation in an eighteen (18) month program, the DUI Program shall require the participant to complete a community re-entry phase, consisting of participation in self-help groups, employment, family, and other areas of self- improvement.

    • The DUI Program shall monitor the participant’s progress during the community re-entry phase.

    • The DUI Program shall provide no more than six (6) hours of monitoring.

    • The DUI Program shall not allow the participant to begin the community reentry phase until the participant has completed the core program requirements.

  6. The DUI Program shall conduct intake interviews before program participation begins. These interviews should include, but not limited to the following: completion of intake forms; review and completion of a participant contract; written schedule of program activities; times and locations; explicit discussion of abstinence as the desired goal for the duration of the program; and establishment of a participant case folder

    • Dismissal of clients: In accordance with Title 9, Section 9886, the DUI Program shall dismiss any participant who:
    • Fails to participate in required program activities within twenty-one (21) days of transfer to another DUI Program licensed by DHCS;
    • Fails to maintain program sobriety in accordance with Title 9, Section 9875;
    • Fails to comply with DUI Program rules;
    • Fails to comply with any DUI County requirements that have been established by the County Substance Use Services Administrator and approved by the DHCS in accordance with Title 9, Section 9860;
    • Fails to attend program services for twenty-one (21) days or longer without obtaining a leave of absence in accordance with Title 9, Section 9876.5 (this does not apply to multiple offenders in the last six (6) months of the eighteen (18) month program);
    • Exceeds the number of absences allowed under Title 9, Section 9876(d);
    • Fails to resume attending program activities within twenty-one (21) days of the scheduled return from a leave of absence;
    • Is physically or verbally abusive or acts in a threatening manner to DUI Program staff or DUI Program participants; or
    • Does not comply with any other rule as established by the County Substance Use Services Administrator.
  7. Notification of dismissal: In accordance with Title 9, Section 9886, if applicable, the DUI Program shall notify the court of conviction if a client is dismissed from the Program and notify the DMV that the participant has been issued a Form DL107.

    • Reinstatement of participants: In accordance with Title 9, Section 9866, DUI Program shall give credit for services attended prior to dismissal if:
    • The dismissal occurred less than two (2) years prior to re-enrollment; and the DUI Program that provided the services verifies in writing that the services wereprovided to the participant,
    • The participant has been granted an approved leave of absence by the County Substance Use Services or designee, or
    • The participant can verify the reason for the absence was treatment in a residential substance abuse program, or incarceration.

Fees For Program
The DUI Program may charge program fees and a down payment amount to program clients. These fees must be approved by VCBH Substance Use Services Administrator and DHCS and may not exceed the following:

Down Payment Total Program Fees
$ 367.00 $ 367.00
$ 400.00 $ 1,128.00
$ 400.00 $ 1,883.00
$ 400.00 $ 2,488.00
$ 450.00 $ 3,579.00

No payment or contributions will be made by the County to the awarded Contractors to offset program costs.

In accordance with Title 9, Section 9879, the selected DUI Program is required to provide financial assistance services to persons who can document an inability to pay the program fee. The DUI Program must conduct a financial assessment when requested at any time during program participation within five days of written request by the client. If the client qualifies for financial assistance, the DUI Program must offer an extended payment schedule, or allow the client to pay a maximum fee of no more than $5.00 per month for each month of documented eligibility for financial assistance. The financial assistance services available must be prominently displayed in public facing marketing materials (e.g., brochures, website, etc.) as well as prominently posted for clients to see in the DUI Program’s facility itself.

Pursuant to Title 9, Section 9878(g), the DUI Program may also charge for the following additional services:

  • Leave of absence;
  • Returned check (excluding bank charge);
  • Missed activity;
  • Reschedule;
  • Transfer-out (excluding transfer of non-enrolled participants and administrative referrals);
  • Transfer-in;
  • Reinstatement;
  • Duplicate DL101 (research);
  • Late payment fee; and
  • Alcohol/Drug Screening (positive result).


Program profit or surplus shall not exceed ten (10) percent of gross revenue from fees per annum.

State law requires licensed DUI programs to be funded entirely through participant fees. The County of Ventura is responsible for the local administration and monitoring of the DUI Program(s) to ensure program and fiscal integrity. The contract provider shall pay the County administration and monitoring fees. The approved fees are

  • $25.00 for participants enrolled in the Wet Reckless (SB1176),
  • $25.00 for participants enrolled in the First Offender [i.e., Three (3) Month AB541), Six (6) Month (AB762), and Nine (9) Month (AB1353)] programs; and
  • $50.00 for participants enrolled in the Eighteen (18) Month (SB38) Second and Subsequent Offender programs.

Program and Reporting Outcomes Requirements
Quarterly reports shall include, at a minimum, the following data for each DUI program type

  • Number of new enrollments per quarter
  • Amount of program fees collected per quarter
  • Amount of ancillary fees collected per quarter
  • Amount of refunds issued per quarter
  • Quarterly total terminations for noncompliance
  • Quarterly number of reinstatements by court
  • Quarterly number of transfers from other programs
  • Quarterly number of transfers to other programs
  • Quarterly number of completion certificates issued
  • Quarterly number of active participants paying $5.00/month

The DUI Program shall maintain records of the current and previous fiscal year program cost, budget, revenue, and expenditures.

Staff Requirements

By the time of DUI Program start, DUI Program staff must meet the following requirements, in accordance with Title 9, Section 9849:

a. DUI Program Administrator requirements: The DUI Program Administrator shall have the following minimum experience and/or education:

  1. Two (2) years of experience providing alcohol and/or other drug treatment or recovery services;
  2. One (1) year of experience supervising personnel; and
  3. One (1) year of experience managing an accounting system or preparing or directing the preparation of budgets or cost reports. Satisfactory completion (grade C or higher) of two (2) college-level courses in accounting may be substituted for the one (1) year of experience required.

b. Education Staff requirements: DUI Program Staff who conduct educational sessions shall have the following minimum experience and/or education.

  1. Two (2) years of experience in providing alcohol and/or drug education and information to persons with alcohol and/or other drug programs in a classroom setting; or
  2. Meet the staff qualifications required in Section 9846(c) or Section 9846(f).

Counseling Staff requirements: DUI Program Staff who provide counseling services shall be licensed, certified, or registered to obtain certification as a Drug or Alcohol Counselor.

RFP Proposal Questions and Budget Request
Bidders responding to this RFP shall demonstrate their ability to implement, manage, and evaluate the performance of the program described in this RFP. Proposals shall include a response to the following areas of interest/question

Organization Profile and Qualifications (Limited to 2 pages of text)
Bidders must provide an organization profile. The profile must include the following information:

a. Company name, address, and telephone number. Please ensure that you provide your company’s legal entity name.
b. Organization ownership. If incorporated, the state in which the organization is incorporated and date of incorporation.
c. Location of the organization’s offices.
d. Location of the office servicing any California contracts.
e. Number of employees both locally and nationally.
f. Location(s) from which employees will be assigned to the DUI Program.
g. Name, address, and telephone number of the bidder’s point of contact for the contract that results from this RFP.
h. Organization background/history.
i. Experience, qualifications, and length of time operating the type of services described in this RFP. Please provide a description of the type of services that were provided, including the number of staff, location of services, and date the services were provided. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience providing the type of services described in this RFP is required to submit a proposal.
j. The bidder must also include a complete disclosure of any alleged significant prior or ongoing contract failures. Disclosure of any alleged significant prior or ongoing plan of correction and contract failures, any past or pending civil or criminal litigation or investigations which involve the Bidder or which the Bidder has been found guilty or liable. VCBH also requires that all potential contract entities self-disclose any pending charges or convictions against them or any individual with their organization for violations of criminal law, any sanctions, and any disciplinary actions by any federal or state law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, or licensing agency (including exclusion from Medicare and Medicaid programs). Failure to fully comply with this provision may disqualify a proposal.

VCBH reserves the right to reject any proposal based upon the bidder’s prior history with the County or with any other party based on their prior unsatisfactory performance, criminal, adversarial or contentious behavior, significant failure(s) to meet contract milestones, or other significant contractual failures.

Staff Recruitment, Qualifications, and Productivity (Limited to 4 pages of text plus Resumes, Job Descriptions, and Salary Information)

In this section, the bidder shall respond to the following questions:

a. Describe how your organization will recruit, train, supervise, and retain staff that has experience assisting substance use consumers (especially consumers who are bilingual and/or multicultural) as outlined in the RFP.
b. Identify key staff and their position within the organization (use Attachment “C”). Specifically, identify those individuals that will be directly involved in meeting the dayto-day administrative requirements of the facility, supervising staff, and managing/overseeing the contract. Provide resumes, job description, and salary information for these staff members, plus Attachment “C”.
c. Provide a staffing plan, including the number, type, and qualifications of staff. Staffing must be sufficient to provide requested services.
d. If your organization plans to sub-contract work, indicate the name and address of the organization, type of work, and tasks they will perform. Identify the staff to be assigned, their position, qualifications, and representative experience.
e. Conduct criminal background record checks and receive fingerprint clearance from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for all employees, subcontractors and volunteers that work with, interact with and/or who have access to the residents.

Program Approach and Work Plan (Limited to 7 pages of text)

In this section, the bidder shall respond to the following items:

a. Describe your program implementation plan. Include information related to your startup budget, organizational transition timeline, implementation process, and training needs.
b. Describe how the proposed program will provide services as defined in this RFP. Please include details regarding all program/service components and goals. Pleasedetail how you will align services to coincide with service provision as detailed in Section 3.1.
c. Describe the classes and educational activities that will be offered to consumers. and the use of evidence-based curriculum.
d. Name and describe the curriculum and/or evidence-based program that your agency will implement. Describe how the curriculum and/or evidence-based program will reduce recidivism and increase safety for the community.
e. Describe your plan for service approach from engagement to discharge, include the array of services available; hours offered for each level of program; methods used to document group participation/ progress; methods to ensure participant has received and understood information presented; alcohol/drug testing policy and methods used; method for determining number of staff to participant ratio.
f. Describe your strategies to ensure continuity of care or care coordination in delivering seamless support during the discharge process to appropriate levels of care.
g. Describe your plan to ensure that your staff, County staff and Court staff interact, coordinate efforts, and function as one team to effectively provide services as defined in the scope of work.
h. Describe your plan for retention and ensuring a majority of clients complete the program.
i. Describe your safety protocols/procedures for clients who arrive at the DUI Program under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Include how you would utilize community resources.
j. Provide an example of your agency payment collection process; include the extended payment plan, the policy for waiving fees for eligible clients, the timing by which payments are due, the down payment and the method for determining a participant’s ability to pay.
k. Provide an example of your client rules and intake paperwork.
l. Describe your plan to pay State and County portion of fees.
m. Provide information on your facility and floor plan if available.

Cultural Competency (Limited to 2 pages of text)

In this section, the bidder shall:

a. Describe how their organization will work to establish a program that is culturally and linguistically competent (aligned to the population of Ventura County, as outlined in Section 1.5 of this RFP).
b. Describe any potential challenges to establishing a program that is culturally and linguistically competent and how these challenges will be addressed.

Quality Assurance and Performance Measurement (Limited to 4 pages of text)

In this section, the bidder shall:

a. Describe the administrative procedures and evaluation methods that their organization will use to gather, measure, evaluate, and monitor: (1) client satisfaction, (2) client goals and objectives, and (3) outcomes. Explain how these procedures and methods will lead to improved service delivery and program design.
b. Describe the supervisory and administrative structure that your organization will use to ensure that the services provided are of the highest quality.
c. Provide your plan for monitoring compliance with Title 9 (Division 4, Chapter 3) and the Health and Safety Code (Section 11836-11838.11).
d. Describe how quarterly Program and Reporting Outcomes Requirements as described in Section 3.1 will be collected and reported timely.

Budget Request (Limited to 3 pages of text, plus Attachment A)
To assist VCBH in determining the potential cost of a bidder’s services, bidders must use Attachment “A” to submit budgets and supporting schedules that respond to the staffing guidelines, training, supervision, management, and services detailed in this RFP. Respondents are to submit two (2) budget proposals that respond to the requirements detailed in this RFP, and which covers a seventeen (17) month period with the option for one additional one- year extension. The first year one budget is for the five (5) month period of February 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. VCBH recognizes that the selected provider will need to conduct various start-up activities in advance of and in preparation for program services delivery, therefore, the year one budget should include a start-up budget and an operational budget. Both a start-up budget and regular operational budget template are provided in Attachment A. The second year two budget is for the twelve (12) month period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 and should reflect a fully operational services budget. Expenses are to detail staffing, direct operational expenses, and indirect expenses (indirect expenses not to exceed 15% of direct expenses and should include the type of expenses that are not tied to the direct provision of client services). For each budgetary line item, in the cost assignment explanation column of the budget tab of Attachment “A”, include a description of the item, your calculations, annual amount, andany additional information that justifies the expense. See Attachment “A” for the applicable schedules.

VCBH reserves the right to adjust the cost and content of the actual program with the selected Bidder. By submitting an offer under this RFP, the Bidder warrants its agreement to the budget proposal. No additional charges/expenses will be allowed unless specified within the proposal response and budget.

Additional Amenities (Limited to 1 page of text plus attachments)
Please include copies of Ventura County DHCS DUI certification or application status, and proof of current or previous DHCS certifications.

Required Proposal Information
Please ensure that your proposal has the following information and structure:

  1. Cover Letter/Signature on Proposal (Limited to 1 page of text)
    A cover letter, which shall be considered an integral part of the proposal, shall be signed by the individual(s) who is/are authorized to bind the bidder contractually. The signature(s) must indicate the classification or position that the individual(s) hold in the bidder’s organization.
    The cover letter shall designate a person or persons who may be contacted during the period of evaluation with program/fiscal questions or contract issues. Include the contact’s name(s), type of questions/issues they can respond to, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address. The cover letter shall be on the bidder’s company letter head with the legal name of the company that VCBH would be contracting with.

  2. Executive Summary (Limited to 1 page of text) Please provide an executive summary of your proposal that clearly shows that your organization is qualified to perform the services described in this RFP and that you fully understand the multiple components of the RFP.

  3. Response to the RFP Proposal Questions and Budget Request (Limited to 23 pages, plus supporting documents) Please provide a response to the RFP proposal questions that are listed in Section 3.2 of this RFP. Bidder’s responses shall address each item in the order given, identify each response by item letter, and include any attachments that are requested. Submit a full explanation of, and justification for, any exemptions or deviations.

  4. Financial Statement (Limited to 1 page of text plus supporting documents)
    Bidders must provide a current and prior year financial statement or their latest annual report. Bidders shall make a definitive statement regarding their financial ability to perform the requirements hereunder.

  5. References (Limited to 1 page of text) (see/use Attachment “D”)
    Bidders must provide a minimum of three (3) references from similar projects performed within the last three years. Information provided shall include:

  6. Organization name

  7. Project Manager name and telephone number

  8. Project description

  9. Project dates (starting and ending)

  10. Staff assigned to the project and who will be assigned to the VCBH contract per this RFP

  11. Dollar value of contract

  12. Business Continuity Plan (Limited to 1 page of text)
    Please provide a short description of the plans and procedures your organization has in place to keep operations running smoothly in the event that: (1) one of your key staff members is on vacation or is temporarily or permanently incapacitated and/or (2) a natural or man-made disaster occurs that disrupts operations and/or (3) disruptions to operations due to COVID-19.

  13. Bidder Understanding (Limited to 1 pages of text)
    Bidders may include an understanding of VCBH’s needs or any other information deemed necessary which may not be required in any other section of the RFP.

  14. Requirements (Limited to 2 page of text)
    Bidder shall state on a point-by-point basis whether proposal is in compliance with the requirements/specifications of the RFP (Section 3.3). A full explanation of and justification for any exemptions or deviations must be provided in this section.

  15. Compliance with County Standard Contract Terms and Conditions (Limited to 3 pages of text)
    Bidders shall review the standard contract (see section 4.1 and Attachment “B”) and state their acceptance of the contract terms as presented. Any comments, deviations, or exceptions to this contract must be provided in your proposal. Precise substitute wording must be offered in place of any section objected to. It is not sufficient to state merely that an exception is noted to a particular section. Deviations considered excessive by the County may reduce or eliminate a Bidder.

  16. Non-Collusion Affidavit (Limited to 1 page of text)
    Bidder proposals must include a signed Non-Collusion Affidavit that is provided in Attachment “E” (see section 4.6 for more information).

  17. DHCS Driving Under the Influence License Application (Limited to 1 page of text) Bidders shall review the DHCS Driving Under the Influence License Application Packet (see Attachment “F”) and state their understanding.

Compliance with VCBH Contract Terms and Conditions
The successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract with VCBH for the services described in this RFP. The County’s standard contract (see Attachment “B”) shall form the basis for any contract entered into hereunder. Please review the attached contract prior to submitting your proposal. Any comments or exceptions to this contract must be included in your proposal.

Insurance Requirements
The successful bidder shall acquire and maintain all insurances described in Section 9 of the standard contract (see Attachment “B”)

Permits and Licensing
Unless otherwise provided herein, the successful Bidder shall:

  • Obtain business license and incorporation documentation necessary for the performance of the agreement.
  • Pay all charges and fees necessary for the performance of the agreement.
  • Give all public notices necessary for the lawful performance of the agreement.
  • Obtain and maintain DHCS Licensing and Certification for DUI programs and comply with all DHCS requirements and monitoring activities.
  • Information regarding DUI Program Licensing can be found on DHCS’s website at:
  • An application packet (Attachment F) is also included for reference. Bidders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the State License Application to gain an understanding of what information is required by the State should their proposal be selected by VCBH.

Contract Term
VCBH will contract with the successful bidder for seventeen (17) months with the option for one additional one-year extension. Continuation of the contract is subject to the appropriation of funds for such purpose by the Board of Supervisors. If funds for such continued payment are not appropriated, VCBH may terminate the contract and contractor will relieve VCBH of any further obligation.

If there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the bidders, VCBH may refuse to consider proposals from participants in such collusion. No person, organization, or corporation under the same or different name, shall make, file, or be interested in more than one proposal for the same work unless alternate proposals are called for. A person, organization, or corporation that has submitted a sub-proposal to a Bidder, or who has quoted prices on materials to a bidder, is not thereby disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders. Bidders shall submit with their proposal an executed Non-Collusion Affidavit (see Attachment “E”).



RFP Attachment “A”
Budget Template

Excel Budget Template worksheet is available in the Bonfire System as Attachment “A” – Budget Template.

In Attachment “A,” include all budget information and describe how each line item on the budget is cost effective and provides value to the Driving Under the Influence program. Also, lay out the calculations and assumptions that were used to develop the units of service and the costs that justify the proposed budget.

RFP Attachment “B”
Standard Provider Agreement
Standard Provider Agreement is available in the Bonfire System as Attachment “B” – Standard Provider Agreement.

Driving Under the Influence Service RFP
Key Staff Listing template is available in the Bonfire System as Attachment “C” – Key Staff Listing.

Driving Under the Influence Service RFP
References template is available in the Bonfire System as Attachment “D” – References.

RFP Attachment “E” Driving Under the Influence Service RFP Non-Collusion Affidavit
To Be Executed By Bidder and Submitted With Proposal
Non-collusion Affidavit is available in the Bonfire System as Attachment “E” – Non- collusion Affidavit.

RFP Attachment “F”
Driving Under the Influence Service RFP
Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)
Driving Under the Influence License Application Packet
Driving Under the Influence License Application Packet is available in the Bonfire System as Attachment “F” – DHCS DUI License Application Packet.

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