Danfoss BC361182897748en VACON NXP Air Cooled User Manual

June 16, 2024


Danfoss BC361182897748en VACON NXP Air Cooled


Product Information


  • Document code: DPD01573C
  • Date edited : 7.12.2016


The requirements for braking
In order to safely and efficiently brake, the AC drives brake resistors have specific requirements that need to be met.

Brake components
The brake resistors are one of the key components used in the braking system. They work in conjunction with the brake chopper to control and manage the braking process. Refer to Figure 1 for the basic connection of the brake components.

Classes of use
There are four different classes of use for the AC drives brake resistors:

  1. Partial use (most typical): The process requires regular or irregular rapid decelerations, stops, or reversings.
  2. Continuous use: The motor continuously brakes with constant torque.
  3. Combination use: The motor continuously brakes with variable torque.
  4. DC-link voltage smoothing: The brake resistor smooths overvoltage spikes from the supply.

Other resistors
There are additional types of resistors available for specific applications. Please refer to the product documentation for more information.

Power rating of standard resistors
The power rating of the standard resistors depends on the specific model and voltage range. Refer to the product documentation for detailed power rating information.

The AC drives brake resistors are designed to operate in a specific environment. Ensure that the operating conditions meet the specified temperature and humidity ranges to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the resistors.

Thermal protection for the LD resistors
The AC drives brake resistors are equipped with thermal protection to prevent overheating. This feature ensures safe and reliable operation even under demanding conditions. Refer to the product documentation for more information on thermal protection mechanisms.

Choosing a Brake Resistor

Choosing the right brake resistor is crucial for the overall performance and safety of the braking system. Consider the specific requirements of your application and select a brake resistor that meets those requirements.

Sizing principles
The sizing of the brake resistor depends on various factors such as motor power, braking torque, and duty cycle. Consult the product documentation or contact our local support for detailed guidance on sizing the brake resistor for your specific application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use the AC drives brake resistors for continuous braking?
A: Yes, the AC drives brake resistors can be used for continuous braking. However, it is important to ensure that the power rating of the resistor is suitable for the continuous braking torque requirements of your application.

Q: Are the brake resistors compatible with all AC drives?
A: The brake resistors are designed to be compatible with a wide range of AC drives. However, it is recommended to consult the product documentation or contact our local support to ensure compatibility with your specific AC drive model.

Q: How do I connect the brake resistors to the AC drives?
A: The connection of the brake resistors to the AC drives may vary depending on the specific model and configuration. Refer to the product documentation or contact our local support for detailed wiring instructions.


The requirements for braking
When you want to slow down a running asynchronous motor fed by an AC drive it turns into a generator, feeding energy back into the AC drive. The energy increases the voltage in the DC-link. The AC drive compensates for this increase by increasing the output frequency, decreasing the instantaneous slip and increasing the motor load.

The deceleration is, in this case, dependent on the power losses in the converter and in the motor. This is usually sufficient in most cases, for pumps, fans, conveyors etc. where the kinetic energy in the load is small or the braking time is not critical. When you have to brake the motor faster than the losses allow, you have to use an external brake resistor for energy dissipation together with an internal, factory-mounted brake chopper. The extra energy from the load is turned into heat in the brake resistor. Applications where dynamic braking is usually needed include centrifuges, cranes, some conveyors and AC drives requiring very fast reversing.

Brake components
The brake chopper is an extra IGBT mounted into the NX AC drives at the time of manufacturing. Smaller AC drives (FR4 to FR6 and MF4 to MF6) contain it as standard. If the DC link voltage increases too much, the brake IGBT turns on and discharges the capacitors through the brake resistor. The brake chopper in the NX AC drive ranges is rated for continuous AC drive rated power.

The brake resistor is an external, low impedance resistor. In order to achieve the correct power handling capacity for a specific application, resistors can be connected in series and parallel, keeping within the limits in Table 7.


Figure 1. The brake components and their basic connection

Classes of use

  • Partial use (most typical)
    The process requires regular or irregular rapid decelerations, stops or reversings.

  • Continuous use
    The motor continuously brakes with constant torque.

  • Combination use
    The motor continuously brakes with variable torque.

  • DC-link voltage smoothing
    The brake resistor smooths overvoltage spikes from the supply.


Standard resistors for partial use
Brake resistors for partial use for the NX ranges for 208-240V, 380-500V and 525-690V supply voltages can be chosen from the tables below.

For the NX_5 range we have predefined two ranges of brake resistors, one for heavy duty and one light duty. The heavy duty resistor is sized for a 3-second full power braking with a 7-second ramp to zero. The light duty resistor is rated for a 5-second ramp from full power to zero. See Figure 2.


Figure 2. Heavy and light duty braking definitions.


Figure 3. Peak and average power definitions.

380-500V range

Light duty| Ener gy [kJ]| Aver age power [kW]
Type code| Resistance| 5 sec ful l torque braking| 1 pulse/2 min
BRR 0022 LD 5| 63| 28| 0.24
BRR 0031 LD 5| 42| 42| 0.35
BRR 0045 LD 5| 21| 84| 0.71
BRR 0061 LD 5| 14| 127| 1.06
BRR 0105 LD 5| 6.5| 273| 2.28
BRR 0300 LD 5| 3.3| 547| 4.56
BRR 0520 LD 5| 1.4| 1270| 10.6
BRR 0730 LD 5| 0.9| 1975| 16.5
380-500V range
Heavy duty| Ener gy [kJ]| Aver age power [kW]

Type code

| __


| 3 sec ful l torque

decreasing to zero in 7s

| __

1 pulse / 2min

BRR 0022 HD 5| 63| 73| 0.61
BRR 0031 HD 5| 42| 110| 0.91
BRR 0045 HD 5| 21| 220| 1.83
BRR 0061 HD 5| 14| 330| 2.74
BRR 0105 HD 5| 6.5| 710| 5.9
BRR 0300 HD 5| 3.3| 1421| 11.8
BRR 0520 HD 5| 1.4| 3300| 27.4
BRR 0730 HD 5| 0.9| 5132| 43

Table 1. Brake resistors for the vol tage range 380-500V

Choose the resistor for al l types of AC dr ives (NXL, NXS and NXP) according to the table below:

Unit| Enclosur e


| Light duty

r esistor

| Heavy duty

r esistor

NX_ 0003 5

NX_ 0004 5

NX_ 0005 5

NX_ 0007 5

NX_ 0009 5

NX_ 0012 5




BRR 0022 LD 5


BRR 0022 HD 5

NX_ 0016 5

NX_ 0022 5

| FR5| BRR 0022 LD 5| BRR 0022 HD 5
NX 0031 5| FR5| BRR 0031 LD 5| BRR 0031 HD 5
0038 5

NX_ 0045 5

| FR6| BRR 0045 LD 5| BRR 0045 HD 5
NX 0061 5| FR6| BRR 0061 LD 5| BRR 0061 HD 5
0072 5

NX_ 0087 5

| FR7| BRR 0105 LD 5| BRR 0105 HD 5
NX 0105 5| FR7| BRR 0105 LD 5| BRR 0105 HD 5
0140 5| FR8| BRR 0300 LD 5| BRR 0300 HD 5
NX 0168 5| | |
0205 5| FR8| BRR 0300 LD 5| BRR 0300 HD 5
NX_ 0261 5

NX_ 0300 5

| FR9| BRR 0300 LD 5| BRR 0300 HD 5
NX_0385 5

NX_0460 5

NX_0520 5




BRR 0520 LD 5


BRR 0520 HD 5

NX_0590 5

NX_0650 5

NX_0730 5




BRR 0730 LD 5


BRR 0730 HD 5

NX_0820 5

NX_0920 5

NX_1030 5




2 x BRR 0520 LD 5


2 x BRR 0520 HD 5

Table 2. Brake resistors used with AC drives

  • Light duty resistor :IP50 with direct wire connection, BRR0022 LD5 has a thermal protection as option.
  • Heavy duty resistor :IP20/21, connecting box, thermal protection as standard.

208-240V range

Light duty| Ener gy [kJ]| Aver age power [kW]
Type code| Resistance| 5 sec ful l torque


| 1 pulse/2 min
BRR 0025 LD2| 30| 12.55| 0.10
BRR 0031 LD2| 20| 18.8| 0.16
BRR 0061 LD2| 10| 38| 0.31
BRR 0114 LD2| 3.3| 114| 0.95
BRR 0205 LD2| 1.4| 269| 2.24
208-240V range
Heavy duty| Ener gy [kJ]| Aver age power [kW]


Type code

| __



| 3 sec ful l torque decreasing to zero in

7 sec

| __


1 pulse / 2min

BRR 0034 LD6| 30| 32.6| 0.27
BRR 0031 HD2| 20| 49| 0.41
BRR 0061 HD2| 10| 98| 0.81
BRR 0114 HD2| 3.3| 297| 2.47
BRR 0205 HD2| 1.4| 699| 5.81

Table 3. Brake resistors for the vol tage range 208-240V

Choose the resistor for the AC dr ive (vol tage range 208-240V) according to the table below:

Unit| Enclosur e size| Light duty r esistor| Heavy duty r esistor
NX_ 0003 2

NX_ 0004 2

NX_ 0007 2

NX_ 0008 2

NX_ 0011 2

NX_ 0012 2




BRR 0025 LD 2


BRR 0034 LD6 *

NX_ 0017 2

NX_ 0025 2

| FR5| BRR 0025 LD 2| BRR 0034 LD6 *
NX 0031 2| FR5| BRR 0031 LD 2| BRR 0031 HD 2
0048 2

NX_ 0061 2




BRR 0061 LD 2


BRR 0061 HD 2

NX_ 0075 2

NX_ 0088 2

NX_ 0114 2




BRR 0114 LD 2


BRR 0114 HD 2

NX_0140 2

NX_0170 2

NX_0205 2




BRR 0205 LD2


BRR 0205 HD2

NX_0261 2

NX_0300 2

| FR9| BRR 0205 LD2| BRR 0205 HD2

Table 4. Brake resistors used with AC dr ives

  • = Thermal switch (OT1) optional .

    • Light duty resistor : IP50 with direct wire connection.
    • Heavy duty resistor : IP20/21, connecting box, thermal protection as standard.

525-690V range

Light duty| Ener gy [kJ]| Aver age power [kW]
Type code| Resistance| 5 sec ful l torque


| 1 pulse/2 min
BRR 0013 LD 6| 100| 34| 0.28
BRR 0034 LD 6| 30| 113| 0.94
BRR 0052 LD 6| 18| 188| 1.6
BRR 0100 LD 6| 9| 376| 3.1
BRR 0208 LD 6| 7| 484| 4.0
BRR 0416 LD 6| 2.5| 1355| 11
BRR 0590 LD 6| 1.7| 1993| 17
| | |
525-690V range
Heavy duty| Ener gy [kJ]| Aver age power [kW]


Type code

| __



| 3 sec ful l torque

decreasing to zero in 7 sec

| __


1 pulse / 2min

BRR 0013 HD 6| 100| 88| 0.73
BRR 0034 HD 6| 30| 294| 2.4
BRR 0052 HD 6| 18| 489| 4.1
BRR 0100 HD 6| 9| 978| 8.1
BRR 0208 HD 6| 7| 1258| 10
BRR 0416 HD 6| 2.5| 3523| 29
BRR 0590 HD 6| 1.7| 5181| 43

Table 5. Brake resistors for the vol tage range 525-690V

Choose the resistor for the AC dr ive (vol tage range 208-240V) according to the table below:

Unit| Enclosur e size| Light duty r esistor| Heavy duty r esistor
NX_ 0003 6

NX_ 0004 6

NX_ 0005 6

NX_ 0007 6

NX_ 0010 6

NX_ 0013 6




BRR 0013 LD 6


BRR 0013 HD 6

NX_ 0018 6

NX_ 0022 6

NX_ 0027 6

NX_ 0034 6




BRR 0034 LD 6


BRR 0034 HD 6

NX_ 0041 6

NX_ 0052 6

| FR7| BRR 0052 LD 6| BRR 0052 HD 6
NX_ 0062 6

NX_ 0080 6

NX_ 0100 6




BRR 0100 LD 6


BRR 0100 HD 6

NX_ 0144 6

NX_ 0170 6

NX_ 0208 6




BRR 0208 LD 6


BRR 0208 HD 6

NX_0261 6

NX_0325 6

NX_0385 6

NX_0416 6




BRR 0416 LD 6


BRR 0416 HD 6

NX_0460 6

NX_0502 6

NX_0590 6




BRR 0590 LD 6


BRR 0590 HD 6

NX_0650 6

NX_0750 6

NX_0820 6




BRR 0416 LD 6


BRR 0416 HD 6

Table 6. Brake resistors used with AC dr ives

  • Light duty resistor :IP50 with direct wire connection.
  • Heavy duty resistor : IP20/21, connecting box, thermal protection as standard.

Other resistors
If other types of resistors are used, make sure that the resistance is higher than the minimum resistance defined. The power handl ing capacity must be sufficient for the appl ication.

Mains voltage 208- 240 V, 50/ 60 Hz, 3~

Enclosur e size| Dr ive type| The minimum br ake resistance

(0 ]

| *Br ake power @405 VDC [k W]**
FR4| 0003| 30| 0.55
0004| 30| 0.75
0007| 30| 1.1
0008| 30| 1.5
0011| 30| 2.2
0012| 30| 3.0
FR5| 0017| 30| 4.0
0025| 30| 5.5
0031| 20| 7.5
FR6| 0048| 10| 11.0
0061| 10| 15.0
FR7| 0075| 3.3| 22.0
0088| 3.3| 22.0
0114| 3.3| 30.0
FR8| 0140| 1.4| 37.0
0170| 1.4| 45.0
0205| 1.4| 55.0
FR9| 0261| 1.4| 75.0
0300| 1.4| 90.0

Table 7. Specification for other types of resistors* When you use the recommended resistor types.

Mains voltage 380- 500 V, 50/ 60 Hz, 3~

Enclosur e size| Dr ive type| The minimum br ake resistance

(0 ]

| *Br ake power @845 VDC [k W]**
FR4| 0003| 63| 1.5
0004| 63| 2.2
0005| 63| 3.0
0007| 63| 4.0
0009| 63| 5.5
0012| 63| 7.5
FR5| 0016| 63| 11.0
0022| 63| 11.3
0031| 42| 17.0
FR6| 0038| 19| 22.0
0045| 19| 30.0
0061| 14| 37.0
FR7| 0072| 6.5| 45.0
0087| 6.5| 55.0
0105| 6.5| 75.0
FR8| 0140| 3.3| 90.0
0168| 3.3| 110.0
0205| 3.3| 132.0
FR9| 0261| 2.5| 160.0
0300| 2.5| 200.0
FR10| 0385| 1.4| 250.0
0460| 1.4| 315.0
0520| 1.4| 355.0
FR11| 0590| 0.9| 400.0
0650| 0.9| 450.0
0730| 0.9| 500.0
FR12| 0820| 2 x 1.4| 560.0
0920| 2 x 1.4| 630.0
1030| 2 x 1.4| 710.0

Table 8. Specification of brake resistors in 380-500 V * When you use the recommended resistor types.

Mains voltage 525- 690 V, 50/ 60 Hz, 3~

Enclosur e size| Dr ive type| The minimum br ake resistance

(0 ]

| *Br ake power @1166 VDC [kW]**
FR6| 0004| 100| 3.0
0005| 100| 4.0
0007| 100| 5.5
0010| 100| 7.5
0013| 100| 11.0
0018| 30| 15.0
0022| 30| 18.5
0027| 30| 22.0
0034| 30| 30.0
FR7| 0041| 18| 37.5
0052| 18| 45.0
FR8| 0062| 9| 55.0
0080| 9| 75.0
0100| 9| 90.0
FR9| 0125| 6.7| 110.0
0144| 6.7| 132.0
0170| 6.7| 160.0
0208| 6.7| 194.2
FR10| 0261| 2.5| 250.0
0325| 2.5| 315.0
0385| 2.5| 355.0
0416| 2.5| 400.0
FR11| 0460| 1.7| 450.0
0502| 1.7| 500.0
0590| 1.7| 560.0
FR12| 0650| 2 x 2.5| 630.0
0750| 2 x 2.5| 710.0
0820| 2 x 2.5| 800.0

Table 9. Specification of brake resistors in 525-690 V * When you use the recommended resistor types.

Power rating of standard resistors
The power handl ing capacity of the standard resistors as a function of the duty cycle is shown in Figure 4. The figure shows the relative power handl ing capacity at var ious duty cycles, i.e. compared to continuous 120 s braking.


Figure 4. Relative power rating of standard resistors

| Power at differ ent duty cycles based on a 120 sec cycle
| __

100% ED

| 60%


| __

40 % ED

| __

25 % ED

| __

10 % ED

| __

5 % ED

| kW| | | | |
BRR 0025 LD 2| 0.10| 0.17| 0.26| 0.42| 1.0| 2.1
BRR 0031 LD 2| 0.16| 0.26| 0.39| 0.63| 1.6| 3.1
BRR 0061 LD 2| 0.31| 0.52| 0.78| 1.3| 3.1| 6.3
BRR 0114 LD 2| 0.95| 1.6| 2.4| 3.8| 9.5| 19.0
BRR 0205 LD 2| 2.2| 3.7| 5.6| 9.0| 22| 45
BRR 0022 LD 5| 0.24| 0.39| 0.59| 0.94| 2.4| 4.7
BRR 0031 LD 5| 0.35| 0.59| 0.88| 1.41| 3.5| 7.1
BRR 0045 LD 5| 0.71| 1.2| 1.8| 2.8| 7.1| 14.1
BRR 0061 LD 5| 1.1| 1.8| 2.6| 4.2| 10.6| 21
BRR 0105 LD 5| 2.3| 3.8| 5.7| 9.1| 23| 46
BRR 0300 LD 5| 4.6| 7.6| 11.4| 18.2| 46| 91
BRR 0520 LD 5| 11| 17.6| 26| 42| 106| 212
BRR 0730 LD 5| 16| 27| 41| 66| 165| 329
BRR 0013 LD 6| 0.28| 0.47| 0.71| 1.13| 2.8| 5.6
BRR 0034 LD 6| 0.94| 1.6| 2.4| 3.8| 9.4| 18.8
BRR 0052 LD 6| 1.6| 2.6| 3.9| 6.3| 15.7| 31
BRR 0100 LD 6| 3.1| 5.2| 7.8| 12.5| 31| 63
BRR 0208 LD 6| 4.0| 6.7| 10.1| 16.1| 40| 81
BRR 0416 LD 6| 11| 19| 28| 45| 113| 226
BRR 0590 LD 6| 17| 28| 42| 66| 166| 332
BRR 0031 HD 2| 0.41| 0.68| 1.0| 1.6| 4.1| 8.1
BRR 0061 HD 2| 0.81| 1.4| 2.0| 3.3| 8.1| 16.3
BRR 0114 HD 2| 2.5| 4.1| 6.2| 9.9| 25| 49
BRR 0205 HD 2| 5.8| 9.7| 14.5| 23| 58| 116
BRR 0022 HD 5| 0.61| 1.02| 1.52| 2.44| 6.1| 12.2
BRR 0031 HD 5| 0.91| 1.5| 2.3| 3.7| 9.1| 18.3
BRR 0045 HD 5| 1.8| 3.0| 4.6| 7.3| 18.3| 37
BRR 0061 HD 5| 2.7| 4.6| 6.9| 11.0| 27| 55
BRR 0105 HD 5| 5.9| 9.8| 14.8| 24| 59| 118
BRR 0300 HD 5| 11.8| 19.7| 30| 47| 118| 236
BRR 0520 HD 5| 27| 46| 69| 110| 274| 549
BRR 0730 HD 5| 43| 71| 107| 171| 427| 854
BRR 0013 HD 6| 0.73| 1.2| 1.8| 2.9| 7.3| 14.6
BRR 0034 HD 6| 2.4| 4.1| 6.1| 9.8| 24| 49
BRR 0052 HD 6| 4.1| 6.8| 10.2| 16.3| 41| 81
BRR 0100 HD 6| 8.1| 13.6| 20| 33| 81| 163
BRR 0208 HD 6| 10| 17.4| 26| 42| 105| 209
BRR 0416 HD 6| 29| 49| 73| 117| 293| 586
BRR 0590 HD 6| 43| 72| 108| 172| 431| 862

Table 10.


Sur face temper ature of the resistor box <80º C
Maximum ambient temper atur e 30º C
Pr otection class IP20, IP21, IP50

NOTE! On mounting the resistor package, note the high sur face temperature (up to 200 C). The mounting sur face must be non- flammable and there must be sufficient free space around the resistor (100 mm).

The resistors are designed for natural convection cool ing in a free space. Ensure sufficient ventilation of the area.

Thermal protection for the LD resistors
There are two different over temperature sensors in use – one for the resistors with a smooth sur face and the other for the ones with cool ing fins. The larger steel plate resistors have a thermal supervision buil t in as standard.

OT1 – for brake resistors with cool ing fins


Figure 5. Thermal supervision OT1

This is intended to be mounted on the lower (connector ) end when the resistor is mounted ver tical ly. It is screwed onto the fins.

BRR 0114 LD 2 BRR 0031 LD 5 BRR 0034 LD 6
BRR 0205 LD 2 BRR 0045 LD 5 BRR 0052 LD 6
BRR 0061 LD 5 BRR 0100 LD 6
BRR 0105 LD 5 BRR 0206 LD 6
BRR 0031 HD 2 BRR 0300 LD 5
BRR 0061 HD 2 BRR 0013 HD 6
BRR 0114 HD 2 BRR 0022 HD 5 BRR 0034 HD 6
BRR 0205 HD 2 BRR 0031 HD 5
BRR 0045 HD 5
BRR 0061 HD 5

Table 11.Types

This thermal supervision is designed for the resistors with a smooth surface. The thermistor is placed beneath the clip and the clip clipped onto the resistor sur face.

Figure 6. Thermal protection and the holder for it

Thermal protection
The thermal protection in the resistors should be connected to the external Fault input on the AC drive.



When you choose the brake resistor for your AC drive, start from the requirements of the process/AC drive.

The choice of brake resistor is influenced by

  • the average braking power dur ing one cycle; this defines the power dissipation required of the brake resistor
  • the maximum power dissipation; this defines the instantaneous power handl ing capacity of the brake resistor and
  • the maximum cur rent of the brake IGBT; this defines the minimum resistance for the brake resistor .

VACON Technical Suppor t wil l assist you in all matters concerning braking.

Sizing principles
Al l rotating par ts contain kinetic energy. When the load is braked, the energy difference between the higher speed and the lower speed must be dissipated somewhere. Some of the energy is used in the losses of the motor and the AC drive, but the major ity must be dissipated in the brake resistor .

The energy of a load at speed n is given by the formula:

where J is the moment of iner tia of the load (in kgm2) and is the rotating speed of the load (in radians/s) In engineering units where n is the rotating speed (in 1/min) The difference between the energy at two speeds is thus  The average power required is where t is the braking time. If the load has a cycle with a total cycle time t c, the average power of the cycle is   The chosen resistor must be able to handle this power . If the braking time is longer than 1 minute, the resistor must be sized for the continuous braking power .

Calculating braking time
The time required to accelerate or brake a load can be calculated as follows:

The basic equation is: where T is the required torque. The time required to change the speed of a load is or the torque required to change the speed in time t is  The available torque consists of the torque generated by the motor Tmotor and the braking torque generated by the load and fr iction in it Tload. In many cases the fr ictional torque is sufficient to brake the load, it might even be too high, so the motor must dr ive the load even if the speed is slowing down. This torque required from the motor should be compared to the rated torque of the motor :  If the rated torque is higher , the motor can perform the required acceleration/deceleration.

**Calculating the moment of inertia

** The moment of iner tia as ‘seen’ by the motor consists of the motor iner tia plus the load iner tia, changed by the gear ratio as follows:

where g is the gear ratio, Jmotor is the motor inertia and Jload is the load iner tia. The ratio g is > 1 if the load speed is higher than the motor speed and < 1 if the load speed is lower than the motor speed. In many cases the moment of inertia of the motor is very smal l compared to the moment of iner tia of the load. Only in cases where the load turns very slowly (i.e. the gear ratio is low) the motor iner tia is significant.

The moment of inertia of typical shapes is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7.

The moment of inertia of a specific machine is often specified on the rating plate. Otherwise the manufacturer is responsible to give this information.

Sizing procedure:

\(19\) Danfoss-BC361182897748en-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(20\)

Figure 8. Speed profile of one dr ive cycle.

  • t1 = length of cycle
  • t2 = deceleration time
  • t3 = stop time
    • n1 = minimum speed of motor
    • n2 = maximum speed of motor

The relative power handling capability of the standard resistor ranges is shown in the figure below:


Figure 9.

Verify the following:

  • The chosen brake resistor type can handle the required power . (Note that as the brake IGBT cur rent is limited by the device, a resistance with a smaller impedance than the minimum specified for the AC drive cannot be used.)
  • If this is not the case, the resistor has to be sized specifically for the appl ication. In many cases a suitable combination of series and paral lel connection of standard resistances may be the solution, in others a special resistor must be defined and manufactured.

Internal resistors
The enclosure sizes FR4, FR5 and FR6 (380-500 V) can be equipped with an internal brake resistor as a factory option. The brake resistors are designed for a 2 second ful l torque braking from nominal motor speed to zero or a 1 second full power braking every minute.

Type code| Resistance

(0 ]

| Ener gy

2 s full tor que br aking [k J]

| Aver age power 1 pulse/ min

[ W]

NX_5 FR4| 120| 4| 45
NX_5 FR5| 55| 8.9| 100
NX_5 FR6| 30| 16| 175

Table 12.

Figure 10.




Make sure that your AC drive is equipped with a brake chopper . This is a factor y installed option! The brake resistor is connected to the DC+ and R– connectors on the AC drive. The minimum cable sizes are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. When you size the cables, note that the input fuses of the AC dr ive also protect this cable. Avoid running the brake resistor cable too near other cables. The recommended minimum distance to e.g. the control cables is 0.5 m.

NOTE! To connect the brake resistor , disconnect the AC drive from the mains. Wait a further 5 minutes before opening the AC drive cover . Perform measurements to ensure that no voltage is present on the DC and R- connectors. Read chapter Safety in the User Manual of your VACON® NX product.

Resistor| Cable and

ter minal

| Resistor| Cable and

ter minal

BRR 0025 LD 2| Integral AWG16| |
BRR 0031 LD 2| Integral AWG16| BRR 0031 HD 2| 6
BRR 0061 LD 2| Integral AWG16| BRR 0061 HD 2| 6
BRR 0114 LD 2| Integral AWG10| BRR 0114 HD 2| 16
BRR 0205 LD 2| 16- 50| BRR 0205 HD 2| 16- 50
| | |
BRR 0022 LD 5| Integral AWG16| BRR 0022 HD 5| 6
BRR 0031 LD 5| Integral AWG16| BRR 0031 HD 5| 6
BRR 0045 LD 5| Integral AWG16| BRR 0045 HD 5| 6
BRR 0061 LD 5| Integral AWG14| BRR 0061 HD 5| 16
BRR 0105 LD 5| 16| BRR 0105 HD 5| M8 / 3X16+16
BRR 0300 LD 5| 16- 50| BRR 0300 HD 5| M8 / 3X70+35
BRR 0520 LD 5| M8 / 3X95+50| BRR 0520 HD 5| M8 / 3X95+50
BRR 0730 LD 5| M8 / 3X95+50| BRR 0730 HD 5| M8 / 3X95+50
| | |
BRR 0013 LD 6| Integral AWG16| BRR 0013 HD 6| 6
BRR 0034 LD 6| Integral AWG16| BRR 0034 HD 6| 6
BRR 0052 LD 6| Integral AWG14| BRR 0052 HD 6| 6
BRR 0100 LD 6| 16- 50| BRR 0100 HD 6| M8/ 3X16+16
BRR 0208 LD 6| 16- 50| BRR 0208 HD 6| M8/ 3X50+25
BRR 0416 LD 6| M8/ 3X70+35| BRR 0416 HD 6| M8/ 3X70+35
BRR 0590 LD 6| M8/ 3X70+35| BRR 0590 HD 6| M8/ 3X70+35

Table 13.Cable sizing

M8 = M8 bol t on the resistor
Only two conductors of a normal three phase cable are needed. The shield of the cable should be connected at each end. The third, unused connector should be grounded by connecting it to ground at one end.

AWG Number Ø [In] Ø [mm] Ø [mm²]
6/ 0 = 000000 0.580 14.73 170.30
5/ 0 = 00000 0.517 13.12 135.10
4/ 0 = 0000 0.460 11.7 107
3/ 0 = 000 0.410 10.4 85.0
2/ 0 = 00 0.365 9.26 67.4
1/ 0 = 0 0.325 8.25 53.5
2 0.258 6.54 33.6
4 0.204 5.19 21.1
6 0.162 4.11 13.3
8 0.128 3.26 8.36
10 0.102 2.59 5.26
12 0.0808 2.05 3.31
14 0.0641 1.63 2.08
16 0.0508 1.29 1.31
18 0.0403 1.02 0.823
20 0.0320 0.812 0.518

Table 14.Cable sizes


VACON code

| __


| __

Enclosur e size

| __


| Cabl e


| __


| __

Pn [k W]

| Weight


BRR 0052 HD6| 18| FR7 / 16mm 2| M8 / 3X10+10| 20| 690 V| 4.0| 15

Wiring Connections

\(24\) Danfoss-BC361182897748en-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(25\) Danfoss-BC361182897748en-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-
\(26\) Danfoss-BC361182897748en-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(27\) Danfoss-BC361182897748en-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig-
\(28\) Danfoss-BC361182897748en-
VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- \(29\)


A| Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]|
B| Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]
C| Cable gland SH21, clamping range 18 – 23.5 mm
D| Connection Earth (PE)
1| Cable|
2| Screen braiding
3| Cable gland
4| Core
The connection cable to the br ake r esistor is to be scr eened/ ar moured. Always connect the scr een/ ar mour ing in both ends.

NOTE! For proper per formance, the resistor sheets have to be ver tical .



VACON code| Ohm| Enclosur e size| Connection| Cabl e


| Vac| Pn [k W]| Weight


BRR 0105 HD 5| 6.5| FR7 / 16mm2| M8 / 3X10+10| 20| 500 V| 6.92| 17
BRR 0100 HD 6| 9.0| FR10/ 16 mm2| M8 / 3X16+16| 23| 690 V| 9.4| 20


A| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]

B| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]

C| ****

Cable gland M25, clamping range 18 – 23.5 mm

D| ****

Connection Earth (PE)

1| Cable|
2| Screen braiding
3| Cable gland
4| Core
The connection cable to the brake resistor is to be screened/armoured.

Always connect the screen/armouring in both ends.

NOTE! For proper per formance, the resistor sheets have to be ver tical .



VACON code| Ohm| Danotherm code| Enclosur e size| Connection| Cable [mm]| Vac| Pn [kW]| Weight [kg]
BRR 0300 HD5| 3.25| BRC 17 AT20 3R25 E726| FR8/ FR9| M8/ 3×70+35| 32| 500 V| 12.84| 30
BRR 0520 LD5| 1.4| BRC 17 AT20 1R4 E725| FR10| M8/ 3×95+50| 37| 500 V| 12.3| 30
BRR 0208 HD6| 7| BRC 17 AT20 7R E724| FR11| M8/ 3×50+25| 28| 690 V| 12| 30
BRR 0416 LD6| 2.5| BRC 17 AT20 2R5 E726| FR10| M8/ 3×70+35| 32| 690 V| 13| 30


A| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]

B| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]

C| ****

Cable gland M25, clamping range 18 – 23.5 mm

D| ****

Connection Earth (PE)

1| Cable|
2| Screen braiding
3| Cable gland
4| Core
The connection cable to the br ake r esistor is to be scr eened/ ar moured.

Always connect the scr een/ ar mour ing in both ends.

NOTE! For proper per formance, the resistor sheets have to be ver tical .



VACON code| Ohm| Enclosur e size| Connection| Cabl e [mm]| Vac| Pn [k W]| Weight [kg]
BRR 0730 LD 5| 0.9| FR11| M8 / 3X95+50| 37| 500 V| 19.2| 35
BRR 0590 LD 6| 1.7| FR11/ 50 mm 2| M8 / 3X70+35| 32| 690 V| 19.0| 35


A| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]

B| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]

C| ****

Cable gland SH40, clamping range 29 – 40.5 mm

D| ****

Connection Earth (PE)

1| Cable|
2| Screen braiding
3| Cable gland
4| Core
The connection cable to the br ake r esistor is to be scr eened/ ar moured. Always connect the scr een/ ar mour ing in both ends.

NOTE! For proper per formance, the resistor sheets have to be ver tical .



VACON code| Ohm| Enclosur e size| Connection| Cabl e


| Vac| Pn [k W]| Weight


BRR 0520 HD 5| 1.4| FR10| M8 / 3X95+50| 37| 500 V| 32| 90
BRR 0416 HD 6| 2.5| FR10| M8 / 3X70+35| 32| 690 V| 33.8| 90



| ****

Cable gland SH40, clamping range 29 – 40.5 mm

| ****


| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]


| ****

Connection Earth (PE)

Danfoss-BC361182897748en-VACON-NXP-Air-Cooled-fig- 49

NOTE! For proper per formance, the resistor sheets have to be ver tical .



VACON code| Ohm| Enclosur e size| Connection| Cabl e


| Vac| Pn [k W]| Weight


BRR 0730 HD 5| 0.9| FR11| M8 / 3X95+50| 37| 500 V| 49.9| 120
BRR 0590 HD 6| 1.7| FR12| M8 / 3X70+35| 32| 690 V| 49.7| 120



| ****

Cable gland SH40, clamping range 29.0 – 40.5 mm

| ****


| ****

Terminals for cable M8 torque moment 4.5 [Nm]


| ****

Connection Earth (PE)

1| Cable|
2| Screen braiding
3| Cable gland
4| Core
The connection cable to the br ake r esistor is to be scr eened/ ar moured. Always connect the screen/ ar mour ing in both ends.



Vacon Ltd Member of the Danfoss Group Runsorintie 7 65380 Vaasa Finland www.danfoss.com

Document ID: DPD01573C

Rev. C

Local contacts: http://drives.danfoss.com/danfoss-drives/local- contacts/


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