VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

Connecting Adapter Between PCs
Instruction Manual

Operating Instructions
Interface adapter between PC and communication-capable VEGA instruments
Wired interface adapter with connection box USB – HART/I²CVEGACONNECT
Connecting Adapter Between PCs - VEGAMET

 About this document

1.1 Function
This instruction provides all the information you need for mounting, connection and setup as well as important instructions for maintenance, fault rectification, the exchange of parts and the safety of the user. Please read this information before putting the instrument into operation and keep this manual accessible in the immediate vicinity of the device.
1.2 Target group
This operating instructions manual is directed to trained personnel. The contents of this manual must be made available to the qualified  personnel and implemented.
1.3 Symbols used
Document ID

This symbol on the front page of this instruction refers to the Document ID. By entering the Document ID on you will reach the document download.
Information, note, tip: This symbol indicates helpful additional information and tips for successful work.
Note: This symbol indicates notes to prevent failures, malfunctions, damage to devices or plants.
Caution: Non-observance of the information marked with this symbol may result in personal injury.
Warning: Non-observance of the information marked with this symbol  may result in serious or fatal personal injury.
Danger: Non-observance of the information marked with this symbol results in serious or fatal personal injury.
Ex applications
This symbol indicates special instructions for Ex applications. List The dot set in front indicates a list with no implied sequence.
Sequence of actions
Numbers set in front indicate successive steps in a procedure.
This symbol indicates special instructions for disposal.

 For your safety

2.1 Authorised personnel
All operations described in this documentation must be carried out only by trained, qualified personnel authorised by the plant operator.
During work on and with the device, the required personal protective equipment must always be worn.
2.2 Appropriate use
The instrument is an interface adapter for connecting a Windows PC to communication-capable sensors. You can find detailed information about the area of application in chapter ” Product description” .
Operational reliability is ensured only if the instrument is properly used according to the specifications in the operating instructions manual as well as possible supplementary instructions.
For safety and warranty reasons, any invasive work on the device beyond that described in the operating instructions manual may be carried out only by personnel authorised by the manufacturer. Arbitrary conversions or modifications are explicitly forbidden. 2.3 Warning about incorrect use
Inappropriate or incorrect use of this product can give rise to application- specific hazards, e.g. vessel overfill through incorrect mounting or adjustment.
Damage to property and persons or environmental contamination can result.
Also, the protective characteristics of the instrument can be impaired.
2.4 General safety instructions
This is a state-of-the-art instrument complying with all prevailing regulations and directives. The instrument must only be operated in a technically flawless and reliable condition. The operator is responsible  for the trouble-free operation of the instrument.
When measuring aggressive or corrosive media that can cause a dangerous situation if the instrument malfunctions, the operator has to implement suitable measures to make sure the instrument is functioning properly.
During the entire duration of use, the user is obliged to determine the compliance of the necessary occupational safety measures with the current valid rules and regulations and also take note of new regula- tions.
The safety instructions in this operating instructions manual, the national installation standards as well as the valid safety regulations and accident prevention rules must be observed by the user.
For safety and warranty reasons, any invasive work on the device beyond that described in the operating instructions manual may be carried out only by personnel authorised by the manufacturer. Arbitrary conversions or modifications are explicitly forbidden. For safety reasons, only the accessory specified by the manufacturer must be used.
To avoid any danger, the safety approval markings and safety tips on the device must also be observed.
2.5 Safety instructions for Ex areas
For applications in explosion-proof areas (Ex), only devices with corresponding Ex approval may be used. Observe the Ex-specific safety instructions. These are an integral part of the operating instructions and are enclosed with every device with Ex approval.

Product description

3.1 Configuration
The scope of delivery encompasses:
Scope of delivery
3.1 Configuration
The scope of delivery encompasses:

  • Interface adapter VEGACONNECT 4
  • Connection box with two connection cables
  • USB cable type A to type C
  • HART resistance
  • 2 x suspension catch
  • Magnetic pen
  • Bluetooth USB adapter
  • Documentation
    – This operating instructions manual
    – Ex-specific ” Safety instructions” (with Ex versions)
    – If necessary, further certificates

Constituent parts
VEGACONNECT consists of the following components:VEGACONNECT Connecting
Adapter Between PCs - Configuration VEGACONNECT

  1. USB cable type A to type C
  3. Connection box with storage space
  4.  I²C bus cable
  5.  HART cable with 2 mm pins
  6.  2 x suspension catch for cable with 2 mm pins
  7.  Bluetooth USB adapter
  8.  HART resistance
  9.  Magnetic pen

On the back of the connection box there is a fold-out hook to hang the device on a pipe, for example, if there is no place to put it. In addition, two magnets are embedded in the housing to attach the connection box to ferromagnetic objects.VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -

  1. Fold out hook for hanging the VEGACONNECT
  2. Magnets for attaching to metallic objects

Type label

The type label contains the most important data for identification and use of the instrument:

  • Instrument type
  • Information about approvals
  • Technical data
  • Serial number of the instrument
  • QR code for device documentation
  • Manufacturer information

Documents and software

Move to ”” and enter in the search field the serial number of your instrument.
There you can find the following information about the instrument:

  • Order data
  • Documentation
  • Software

Alternatively, you can find all via your smartphone:

  • Scan the QR-code on the type label of the device or
  • Enter serial number manually in the VEGA Tools app (available free of charge in the respective stores)

Application area
3.2 Principle of operation
VEGACONNECT is a wired interface adapter for connection of communication- capable VEGA instruments to the USB interface of a PC with Windows operating system. It can also be used as a universal HART modem for HART sensors from other  anufacturers. An adjustment oftware such as PACTware with VEGA DTMs is required for parameter adjustment of these instruments.
The VEGACONNECT can be connected to all communication-capable VEGA instruments with respective interface. All currently available electronics versions are supported.
Connection cable, adapter and terminals for connection to the dif- ferent instrument series are attached to all VEGACONNECT. These adapters can be kept in the storage space of the connection box.
Bluetooth USB adapter
The Bluetooth USB adapter enables the wireless adjustment of VEGA  option integrated in the sensor or an instrument with integrated Bluetooth function are required. In this case, the VEGACONNECT is not used, here the connection box is only a preserving possibility for the Bluetooth USB adapter. You can find further information of this application in the operating instruction of PLICSCOM or the instrument with integrated Bluetooth function.
Magnetic pen
The magnet pen enables the adjustment of the buttons of a Bluetooth- PLICSCOM with closed housing lid with inspection window. In this case, the VEGACONNECT is not used, here the connection box is only a preserving possibility for the magnet pen. You can find further information of this application in the operating instruction of PLICSCOM.
Functional principle
The interface adapter is connected via the USB interface to a PC. It converts signals and protocols of the USB interface into the appropriate signal/protocol of the connected instrument.
Voltage supply
The voltage supply is provided via the USB interface of the PC.
3.3 Adjustment
The adjustment is carried out via a Windows PC with a parameter adjustment software such as PACTware with respective DTM. There are no adjustment elements on the instrument itself.
3.4 Packaging, transport and storage
Your instrument was protected by packaging during transport. Its capacity to handle normal loads during transport is assured by a test based on ISO 4180. The packaging consists of environment-friendly, recyclable cardboard. For versions, PE foam or PE foil is also used. Dispose of the packaging material via specialised recycling companies.
Transport must be carried out in due consideration of the notes on the transport packaging. Nonobservance of these instructions can cause damage to the device.
Transport inspection
The delivery must be checked for completeness and possible transit damage immediately at receipt. Ascertained transit damage or concealed defects must be appropriately dealt with.
Up to the time of installation, the packages must be left closed and stored according to the orientation and storage markings on the outside. Unless otherwise indicated, the packages must be stored only under the following conditions:

  • Not in the open
  • Dry and dust free
  • Not exposed to corrosive media
  • Protected against solar radiation
  • Avoiding mechanical shock and vibration

Storage and transport temperature

  • Storage and transport temperature see chapter ” Supplement –
  • Technical data – Ambient conditions”
  • Relative moisture 20 … 85 %


4.1 Connection to the PC
First install the software package ” DTM Collection” before connecting the VEGACONNECT to the PC.
An USB interface (1.1/2.0/3.0) is compulsory for connection of VEGACONNECT to a Windows PC. The connection is provided with the supplied USB cable. Voltage supply of VEGACONNECT is provided via the USB interface.
DTM Collection
To operate the VEGACONNECT, a suitable Windows driver is required, which is included in our software package ” DTM Collection”.
This software package can be downloaded free of charge from our homepage. To ensure the support of all device functions, you should always use the latest version.
When installing the driver package ” VEGA-DTM for Communication”, the suitable instrument driver is installed automatically. When connecting VEGACONNECT, the driver installation is finished automatically and is ready for operation without a restart.
VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -Electrical

  1. USB connection of the PC
  2. USB cable type A to type C
  3. Connection box with VEGACONNECT 4

4.2 Connection of the sensor/controller
The VEGACONNECT can be connected to almost any communication-capable VEGA instrument via different ways. VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -
Connection possibilities

  1. Connection by insertion into a plics sensor
  2.  Connection to 600 series controllers (I²C interface)
  3. Connection to the 4 … 20 mA cable (HART protocol)

Connection by insertion into the sensor
The VEGACONNECT can be inserted directly into all instruments of the plics series. In this case, the VEGACONNECT is removed from the connection box and inserted ito the plics® instrument instead of the display and adjustment module.
Connection via HART
The connection via the sensor cable can be made with any HART device. Depending on the power supply/processing system, an additional HART resistor is required. The supplied HART resistor can beused for this purpose (for details see ” Connection examples  – Connection via HART interface”).
Connection via I²C bus
The VEGACONNECT can be connected to the I²C bus interface of all series 600 controllers (for details see ” Connection examples – Connection via I²C interface”).

 Connection examples

5 Connection examples plics® sensorVEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter
Between PCs - senso

  1. USB cable for connection to the PC
  2.  plics® device

HART sensor with VEGADIS 81VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -
Insertion into

  1. HART sensor
  2. VEGADIS 81
  3. USB cable for connection to the PC

HART sensor with VEGADIS 82VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between
PCs - Insertion into VEGADIS 12

  1. HART sensor
  2. VEGADIS 82
  3. USB cable for connection to the PC
  4.  Processing system/PLC/Voltage supply

5.2 Connection via HART interface
HART communication
If the resistance of the connected processing system is less than 230 Ω, the digital adjustment signal is extremely damped or short-circuited. Digital communication with the PC is then no longer possible.
With low impedance processing systems, a resistance of at least 230 Ω must be integrated into the 4 … 20 mA connection cable. The connection of VEGACONNECT can be either carried out in parallel to the sensor or via the resistor.
A HART resistor is already integrated in some controllers. These devices have additional connection sockets for direct connection of the 2 mm pins.
When using VEGAMET 624/625, VEGASCAN 693 controllers, the connection cannot be carried out via the sensor cable. The parameter adjustment of the controller as well as of the sensor can be carried out via the I²C connection sockets.
HART sensor on a PLCVEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs - HART

  1. HART sensor
  2. HART resistance 270 Ω (optional depending on processing)
  3. Connection cable with 2 mm pins and terminals
  4. Processing system/PLC/Voltage supply

The VEGACONNECT is connected directly via the 2 mm sockets of the supplied HART resistor. Alternatively, the VEGACONNECT can also be connected in parallel to the sensor (dashed line).
HART sensor with VEGATRENN

VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs - HART sensor

  1. HART sensor
  2. Connection cable with 2 mm pins
  3. VEGATRENN 141, 142, 151, 152

HART sensor with VEGAMETVEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -

  1. HART sensor
  2. Connection cable with 2 mm pins

5.3 Connection via I²C interface
Controllers 600 series
VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -

  1. Sensor
  2. I²C connection cable
  3. VEGAMET/VEGASCAN 600 series

Communication with the sensor is carried out also via the front I²C interface of the controller. The connection of VEGACONNECT directly to the 4 … 20 mA sensor cable is not possible.


6.1 Adjustment
The use and operation are described in the operating instructions of the corresponding sensor/controller and its online help.VEGACONNECT Connecting
Adapter Between PCs - online help Information:
You find the VEGACONNECT DTM in the device catalogue under the group ” Driver”. When adding a HART sensors, the window ” Channel  selection” appears in addition in which you have to select the connection (connection via HART or I²C).

Diagnostics and servicing

7.1 Maintenance
If the device is used properly, no special maintenance is required in normal operation.
The cleaning helps that the type label and markings on the instrument are visible.
Take note of the following:

  • Use only cleaning agents which do not corrode the housings, type label and seals
  • Use only cleaning methods corresponding to the housing protection rating

7.2 Software update
An update of the device software is possible via the USB interface.
The following components are required:

  • PC/Notebook with PACTware/DTM
  • Current instrument software as file

You can find the current instrument software as well as detailed information on the procedure in the download area of our homepage.
Instruments with approvals can be bound to certain software versions.
Therefore make sure that the approval is still effective after a software update is carried out.
You can find detailed information in the download area on our homepage.
7.3 How to proceed if a repair is necessary
You can find an instrument return form as well as detailed information about the procedure in the download area of our homepage. By doing this you help us carry out the repair quickly and without having to call ack for needed information.
Proceed as follows in case of repair:

  • Print and fill out one form per instrument
  • Clean the instrument and pack it damage-proof
  • Attach the completed form and, if need be, also a safety data sheet outside on the packaging
  • Ask the agency serving you to get the address for the return shipment. You can find the agency on our homepage.

Recycling and disposal

8.1 Disposal
Pass the instrument on to a specialised recycling company and do not use the municipal collecting points.
Remove any batteries in advance, if they can be removed from the device, and dispose of them separately.
If personal data is stored on the old device to be disposed of, delete it before disposal.
If you have no way to dispose of the old instrument properly, please contact us concerning return and disposal.

 Certificates and approvals

9.1 Approvals for Ex areas
Approved versions for use in hazardous areas are available or in reparation for the device or the device series. You can find the relevant documents on our homepage.
9.2 Conformity
The device complies with the legal requirements of the applicable country- specific directives or technical regulations. We confirm conformity with the corresponding labelling.
The corresponding conformity declarations can be found on our homepage.
9.3 Environment management system
Protection of the environment is one of our most important duties.
That is why we have introduced an environment management system with the goal of continuously improving company environmental protection. The environment management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001.
Help us to meet these requirements and observe the environmental instructions in the chapters ” Packaging, transport and storage”, ” Disposal” of this operating instructions.


10.1 Technical data
Note for approved instruments
Note for approved instruments
The technical data in the respective safety instructions are valid for approved instruments (e.g. with Ex approval). In some cases, these data can differ from the data listed herein. All approval documents can be downloaded from our homepage.
Materials and weights

 Housing connection box PBT/PC Blend
Weight incl. cables/accessory 333 g (0.74 lbs)

Electrical data

Voltage supply from USB interface 5 V 500 mW
Max. power consumption  – HART – USB
Galvanic separation between  – I²C bus – USB

Ambient condition

Permissible ambient temperature -20 … +60 °C (-4 … +140 °F)
Storage and transport temperature -40 … +80 °C (-40 … +176 °F)

Electrical protective measures
Protection rating

Junction box IP20, NEMA TYPE 1

Connection cable
USB cable

 Connection to USB interface of the PC
 Cable length 200 cm (78 in)
Plug connection Plug USB-A – Plug USB-C
 Cable insulation min. 0.65 mm (0.256 in)
I²C bus cable
Connection to I²C bus interface
Cable length 30 cm (11,8 in)
Plug connection I²C bus plug

Cable with 2 mm pins
Connection to| CONNECT sockets, HART resistor/cable
Cable length| 150 cm (59 in)
Plug connection| 2 x 2 mm male connector

HART resistance

Resistor 270 Ω
Tolerance 5%
Power 1 W

Bluetooth USB adapter
Technical data see attached instruction manual
10.2 Dimensions
VEGACONNECT Connecting Adapter Between PCs -
Dimensions 10.3 Industrial property rights
VEGA product lines are global protected by industrial property rights. Further information see
10.4 Licensing information for open source software
Open source software components are also used in this device. A documentation of these components with the respective license type, the associated license texts, copyright notes and disclaimers can be found on our homepage.
10.5 Trademark
All the brands as well as trade and company names used are property of their lawful proprietor/ originator.

All statements concerning scope of delivery, application, practical use and operating
conditions of the sensors and processing systems correspond to the information available at the time of printing.
Subject to change without prior notice
© VEGA Grieshaber KG, Schiltach/Germany 2022
VEGA Grieshaber KG
Am Hohenstein 113
77761 Schiltach
Phone +49 7836 50-0


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