VEGAPULS Air 42 Radar Sensor for Continuous Level Measurement Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

VEGAPULS Air 42 Radar Sensor for Continuous Level Measurement

Operating Instructions
Radar sensor for continuous level measurement
Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology
Document ID: 64579


1 About this document ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 1.1 Function …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 1.2 Target group ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 1.3 Symbols used……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2 For your safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 2.1 Authorised personnel …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 2.2 Appropriate use…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 2.3 Warning about incorrect use………………………………………………………………………………… 5 2.4 General safety instructions ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 2.5 Lithium cells ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 2.6 Country of use…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
3 Product description ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 3.1 Configuration…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 3.2 Principle of operation………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 3.3 Adjustment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 3.4 Packaging, transport and storage……………………………………………………………………….. 10 3.5 Accessories…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
4 Mounting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 4.1 General instructions …………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 4.2 Mounting instructions ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
5 Access protection…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 5.1 Bluetooth radio interface …………………………………………………………………………………… 17 5.2 Protection of the parameterization………………………………………………………………………. 17 5.3 Storing the codes in myVEGA ……………………………………………………………………………. 18
6 Setup – the most important steps…………………………………………………………………………….. 19
7 Operating modes, activate, device functions……………………………………………………………. 21 7.1 Operating modes……………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 7.2 Activate ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21 7.3 Network Join, measurement function ………………………………………………………………….. 22 7.4 Single measurement ………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 7.5 Localization …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23 7.6 Deactivate ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24
8 Transfer measured values and data to the cloud ……………………………………………………… 25 8.1 Communication basics……………………………………………………………………………………… 25 8.2 NB-IoT/LTE-M – VEGA Inventory System …………………………………………………………….. 25 8.3 LoRa-WAN (Fall back) – VEGA Inventory System ………………………………………………….. 26 8.4 NB-IoT/LTE-M – VEGA Cloud …………………………………………………………………………….. 26 8.5 LoRaWAN – private networks …………………………………………………………………………….. 27
9 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)……………………………………………………………….. 28 9.1 Preparations……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28 9.2 Connecting……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 9.3 Parameter adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………. 29
10 Setup with PC/notebook (Bluetooth) ……………………………………………………………………….. 31 10.1 Preparations……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

10.2 Connecting……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 10.3 Parameter adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………. 32
11 Operate via VEGA Inventory System (mobile radio) …………………………………………………. 34
12 Menu overview ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35
13 Diagnostics and servicing ………………………………………………………………………………………. 38 13.1 Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 13.2 Rectify faults……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38 13.3 Status messages according to NE 107 ……………………………………………………………….. 39 13.4 Treatment of measurement errors ………………………………………………………………………. 41 13.5 Replacing lithium cells………………………………………………………………………………………. 45 13.6 Software update ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46 13.7 How to proceed if a repair is necessary……………………………………………………………….. 46
14 Dismount………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 47 14.1 Dismounting steps……………………………………………………………………………………………. 47 14.2 Disposal …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 47
15 Certificates and approvals………………………………………………………………………………………. 48 15.1 Radio licenses…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 48 15.2 EU conformity………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 48 15.3 Environment management system ……………………………………………………………………… 48
16 Supplement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 49 16.1 Technical data …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 49 16.2 Radio networks LTE-M and NB-IoT …………………………………………………………………….. 53 16.3 Radio networks LoRaWAN – Data transmission ……………………………………………………. 53 16.4 Dimensions …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 56 16.5 Industrial property rights……………………………………………………………………………………. 57 16.6 Licensing information for open source software ……………………………………………………. 57 16.7 Trademark ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57


Safety instructions for Ex areas Take note of the Ex specific safety instructions for Ex applications. These instructions are attached as documents to each instrument with Ex approval and are part of the operating instructions.
Editing status: 2021-05-19

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


1 About this document
1 About this document
1.1 Function
This instruction provides all the information you need for mounting, connection and setup as well as important instructions for maintenance, fault rectification, the exchange of parts and the safety of the user. Please read this information before putting the instrument into operation and keep this manual accessible in the immediate vicinity of the device.
1.2 Target group
This operating instructions manual is directed to trained personnel. The contents of this manual must be made available to the qualified personnel and implemented.
1.3 Symbols used
Document ID This symbol on the front page of this instruction refers to the Document ID. By entering the Document ID on you will reach the document download. Information, note, tip: This symbol indicates helpful additional information and tips for successful work. Note: This symbol indicates notes to prevent failures, malfunctions, damage to devices or plants. Caution: Non-observance of the information marked with this symbol may result in personal injury. Warning: Non-observance of the information marked with this symbol may result in serious or fatal personal injury. Danger: Non- observance of the information marked with this symbol results in serious or fatal personal injury.
Ex applications This symbol indicates special instructions for Ex applications.
· List
The dot set in front indicates a list with no implied sequence. 1 Sequence of actions
Numbers set in front indicate successive steps in a procedure.
Battery disposal This symbol indicates special information about the disposal of batteries and accumulators.



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

2 For your safety
2 For your safety
2.1 Authorised personnel
All operations described in this documentation must be carried out only by trained, qualified personnel authorised by the plant operator. During work on and with the device, the required personal protective equipment must always be worn.
2.2 Appropriate use
The VEGAPULS Air 42 is an autarkic sensor for continuous level measurement. You can find detailed information about the area of application in chapter ” Product description”.
Operational reliability is ensured only if the instrument is properly used according to the specifications in the operating instructions manual as well as possible supplementary instructions.
2.3 Warning about incorrect use
Inappropriate or incorrect use of this product can give rise to application- specific hazards, e.g. vessel overfill through incorrect mounting or adjustment. Damage to property and persons or environmental contamination can result. Also, the protective characteristics of the instrument can be impaired.
2.4 General safety instructions
This is a state-of-the-art instrument complying with all prevailing regulations and directives. The instrument must only be operated in a technically flawless and reliable condition. The operator is responsible for the trouble-free operation of the instrument. When measuring aggressive or corrosive media that can cause a dangerous situation if the instrument malfunctions, the operator has to implement suitable measures to make sure the instrument is functioning properly.
The safety instructions in this operating instructions manual, the national installation standards as well as the valid safety regulations and accident prevention rules must be observed by the user.
For safety and warranty reasons, any invasive work on the device beyond that described in the operating instructions manual may be carried out only by personnel authorised by the manufacturer. Arbitrary conversions or modifications are explicitly forbidden. For safety reasons, only the accessory specified by the manufacturer must be used.
To avoid any danger, the safety approval markings and safety tips on the device must also be observed.
The low transmitting power of the radar sensor as well as the integrated LTE- NB1, LTE-CAT-M1 or LoRa radio module is far below the internationally approved limits. No health impairments are to be expected with intended use. The band range of the transmission frequency can be found in chapter ” Technical data”.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


2 For your safety

2.5 Lithium cells
The power supply of the device is provided by integrated lithium cells in the housing. If the device is used as intended with the lid closed within the temperatures and pressures specified in the technical data, it is thus adequately protected.
Note: Please observe the specific safety instructions in the scope of delivery of the device.
2.6 Country of use
Selection of the country of use defines country-specific settings for transmission into the mobile radio network or LoRaWan. It is imperative to set the country of use with the respective operating tool in the operating menu at the beginning of the setup (see chapter ” Menu Overview”, ” Main Menu”, ” Radio Transmission” .
Caution: Operation of the device without selecting the country of use can lead to malfunctions and constitutes a violation of the radio licensing regulations of the respective country.



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

3 Product description

3 Product description

Scope of delivery

3.1 Configuration
The scope of delivery encompasses:
· Radar sensor · Integrated identification card for LTE (eSIM) (optional) · Magnet for activation · Information sheet ” Documents and software” with:
­ Instrument serial number ­ QR code with link for direct scanning
· Information sheet ” PINs and Codes” with:
­ Bluetooth access code ­ Identifier for LoRaWAN network (Device EUI, Application EUI,
App Key)
· Information sheet ” Access protection” with:
­ Bluetooth access code ­ Network access code (authentication/encryption for mobile
radio) ­ Emergency Bluetooth unlock code ­ Emergency device code ­ Identifier for LoRaWAN network (Device EUI, Application EUI,
App Key)
The further scope of delivery encompasses:
· Documentation
­ Safety instructions for lithium metal cell ­ If necessary, further certificates
Note: Optional instrument features are also described in this operating instructions manual. The respective scope of delivery results from the order specification.

Scope of this operating instructions

This operating instructions manual applies to the following instrument versions:
· Hardware version from 1.0.0 · Software version from 1.1.0
Note: Details of the hardware and software history can be found on our homepage.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


3 Product description
Constituent parts
4 5
3 2

Type label Application area

Fig. 1: Components of the VEGAPULS Air 42 sensor (Example version with compression flange DN 80)
1 Radar antenna 2 Compression flange 3 Contact surface for NFC communication or magnet 4 Cover 5 Ventilation

The type label contains the most important data for identification and use of the instrument.



AR – 222 226



LTE-NB-IoT, LTE-Cat-M1, LoRa IP66/67 PVDF MWP: -1…+2bar(-100…+200kPa) 15m D-77761 Schiltach


Device EUI E8E8B7000040BA20

Made in Germany s/n: 49789937



Fig. 2: Layout of the type label (example)
1 Product code 2 Field for approvals 3 Wireless signal outputs, frequency bands 4 Device EUI LoRa 5 Technical data 6 Bluetooth access code 7 QR code for device documentation

3.2 Principle of operation
VEGAPULS Air 42 is an autarkic radar sensor with radio technology for continuous, time-controlled level measurement on vessels and tanks.
The device is suitable for almost all bulk solids and liquids.
Depending on the version, mounting is carried out via:
· Compression flange for 3″, DN 80 · Adapter flanges


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


3 Product description

Functional principle

The measurement is carried out through a suitable nozzle opening on the vessel.
The instrument emits a continuous, frequency-modulated radar signal through its antenna. The emitted signal is reflected by the medium and received by the antenna as an echo with modified frequency. The frequency change is proportional to the distance and is converted into the level. The measured value is transmitted wirelessly as part of the data transmission.
The measuring cycle described above is time-controlled via the integrated clock. Outside of the measuring cycle, the device is in a sleep mode.

Measured value transmis- Depending on the availability of the radio networks, the device trans-


mits its measured values wirelessly to an LTE-M (LTE-CAT-M1) or NB-

IoT (LTE-CAT-NB1) mobile radio or a plant-side LoRaWAN network.

VEGA Inventory System

Voltage supply Activation Adjustment

Fig. 3: Wireless measured value transmission via mobile radio
The transmission or evaluation is carried out via an Asset Management System, e.g. VEGA Inventory System.
The device is supplied with energy by integrated, exchangeable primary cells. The lithium cell used for this purpose is a compact storage device high cell voltage and capacity for a long service life.
3.3 Adjustment
The device is activated contactlessly from outside:
· Via magnet · By NFC technology via smartphone/tablet with VEGA Tools app
The device has an integrated Bluetooth module, can be operated wirelessly using standard operating tools:
· Smartphone/tablet (iOS or Android operating system)

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology



3 Product description

· PC/notebook with Bluetooth USB adapter (Windows operating




Transport Transport inspection Storage
Storage and transport temperature

Fig. 4: Wireless connection to standard operating devices via Bluetooth 1 Sensor 2 Smartphone/Tablet 3 PC/Notebook
3.4 Packaging, transport and storage
Your instrument was protected by packaging during transport. Its capacity to handle normal loads during transport is assured by a test based on ISO 4180. The packaging consists of environment-friendly, recyclable cardboard. For special versions, PE foam or PE foil is also used. Dispose of the packaging material via specialised recycling companies.
Transport must be carried out in due consideration of the notes on the transport packaging. Nonobservance of these instructions can cause damage to the device.
The delivery must be checked for completeness and possible transit damage immediately at receipt. Ascertained transit damage or concealed defects must be appropriately dealt with.
Up to the time of installation, the packages must be left closed and stored according to the orientation and storage markings on the outside. Unless otherwise indicated, the packages must be stored only under the following conditions:
· Not in the open · Dry and dust free · Not exposed to corrosive media · Protected against solar radiation · Avoiding mechanical shock and vibration · Storage and transport temperature see chapter ” Supplement –
Technical data – Ambient conditions”


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


· Relative humidity 20 … 85 %

3 Product description


3.5 Accessories
Thw LoRa gateway receives via LoRaWAN the measurement and diagnosis data of appropriately configured VEGA LoRaWAN sensors. The gateway combines the received data and transmits them via mobile network to the VEGA Inventory System.
The measured values and messages are transmitted via the GSM/ GPRS/UMTS/LTE network.

VEGA Inventory System

VEGA Inventory System is a web-based software for simple recording, presentation and further processing of measured values. The measured values can be transmitted via network, internet or mobile network to the central server.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


4 Mounting
Ambient conditions Process conditions
Measurement function and transport

4 Mounting
4.1 General instructions
The instrument is suitable for standard and extended ambient conditions acc. to DIN/EN/IEC/ANSI/ISA/UL/CSA 61010-1. It can be used indoors as well as outdoors.
Note: For safety reasons, the instrument must only be operated within the permissible process conditions. You can find detailed information on the process conditions in chapter ” Technical data” of the operating instructions or on the type label.
Hence make sure before mounting that all parts of the instrument exposed to the process are suitable for the existing process conditions.
An activated device (see chapter ” Activate device”) also carries out measurements in horizontal alignment. This also applies if it is mounted on a mobile container and the container is transported in a tilted state.
Note: When mounting the device in a mobile container, ensure that it is protected against damage throughout transport.


4.2 Mounting instructions
Radar sensors for level measurement emit electromagnetic waves. The polarization is the direction of the electrical component of these waves.
The position of the polarisation is in the middle of the type label on the instrument.




Fig. 5: Position of the polarisation 1 Middle of the type label
Note: When the device is rotated, the direction of polarization changes and hence the influence of the false echo on the measured value. Please keep this in mind when mounting or making changes later.
The device may only be installed vertically downwards. Please refer to the document ” Regulations for radar level measuring instruments with radio approvals”, which is referred to in chapter ” Radio approvals” of this operating instructions.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

Installation position

4 Mounting
When mounting the device, keep a distance of at least 200 mm (7.874 in) from the vessel wall. If the device is installed in the center of dished or round vessel tops, multiple echoes can arise. However, these can be suppressed by an appropriate adjustment (see chapter ” Setup”).
If you cannot maintain this distance, you should carry out a false signal suppression during setup. This applies particularly if buildup on the vessel wall is expected. In such cases, we recommend repeating the false signal suppression at a later date with existing buildup.

200 mm (7.87″)
Fig. 6: Mounting of the radar sensor on round vessel tops
In vessels with conical bottom it can be advantageous to mount the device in the centre of the vessel, as measurement is then possible down to the bottom.


Reference plane

Fig. 7: Mounting of the radar sensor on vessels with conical bottom
The sealing surface at the bottom of the flange is the beginning of the measuring range and at the same time the reference plane for the min./max. adjustment, see the following graphic:

Fig. 8: Reference plane 1 Reference plane

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


h 5 mm (0.20″)

4 Mounting Nozzle

For nozzle mounting, the nozzle should be as short as possible and its end rounded. This reduces false reflections from the nozzle.
The antenna edge should protrude at least 5 mm (0.2 in) out of the nozzle.

Fig. 9: Recommended socket mounting of VEGAPULS Air 42
If the reflective properties of the medium are good, you can mount VEGAPULS Air 42 on sockets longer than the antenna. The socket end should be smooth and burr-free, if possible also rounded.
Note: When mounting on longer nozzles, we recommend carrying out a false signal suppression (see chapter ” Parameter adjustment”).
You will find recommended values for socket heights in the following illustration or the table. The values come from typical applications. Deviating from the proposed dimensions, also longer sockets are possible, however the local conditions must be taken into account.

Alignment – Liquids

d Fig. 10: Socket mounting with deviating socket dimensions

Socket diameter d

80 mm


100 mm


150 mm


Socket length h

300 mm

11.8 in

400 mm

15.8 in

600 mm

23.6 in

In liquids, direct the device as perpendicular as possible to the medium surface to achieve optimum measurement results.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


4 Mounting

Fig. 11: Alignment in liquids

Orientation – Bulk solids

In order to measure as much of the vessel volume as possible, the device should be aligned so that the radar signal reaches the lowest level in the vessel. In a cylindrical silo with conical outlet, the sensor is mounted anywhere from one third to one half of the vessel radius from the outside wall (see following drawing).
r 1/3r…1/2 r

Fig. 12: Mounting position and orientation
Due to optimum socket design, the device can be easily aligned to the vessel centre. The necessary angle of inclination depends on the vessel dimensions. It can be easily checked with a suitable bubble tube or mechanic’s level on the sensor.

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology



4 Mounting



Fig. 13: Proposal for installation after orientation VEGAPULS Air 42

The following table shows the necessary angle of inclination. It depends on the measuring distance and the distance “a” between vessel centre and installation position.

Distance d 2°

























































Example: In a vessel 20 m high, the installation position of the sensor is 1.4 m from the vessel centre.
The necessary angle of inclination of 4° can be read out from this table.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


5 Access protection

5 Access protection

5.1 Bluetooth radio interface
Devices with a Bluetooth radio interface are protected against unwanted access from outside. This means that only authorized persons can receive measured and status values and change device settings via this interface.

Bluetooth access code

A Bluetooth access code is required to establish Bluetooth communication via the adjustment tool (smartphone/tablet/notebook). This code must be entered once when Bluetooth communication is established for the first time in the adjustment tool. It is then stored in the adjustment tool and does not have to be entered again.
The Bluetooth access code is individual for each device. It is printed on the device housing and is also supplied with the device in the information sheet ” PINs and Codes”. It can be changed by the user after the first connection has been established. If the Bluetooth access code has not been entered correctly, a new entry can only be made after a waiting period has elapsed. The waiting time increases with each additional incorrect entry.

Emergency Bluetooth unlock code

The emergency Bluetooth access code enables Bluetooth communication to be established in the event that the Bluetooth access code is no longer known. It can’t be changed. The emergency Bluetooth access code can be found in information sheet ” Access protection”. If this document is lost, the emergency Bluetooth access code can be retrieved from your personal contact person after legitimation. The storage and transmission of Bluetooth access codes is always encrypted (SHA 256 algorithm).

5.2 Protection of the parameterization
The settings (parameters) of the device can be protected against unwanted changes. The parameter protection is deactivated on delivery, all settings can be made.

Device code

To protect the parameterization, the device can be locked by the user with the aid of a freely selectable device code. The settings (parameters) can then only be read out, but not changed. The device code is also stored in the adjustment tool. However, unlike the Bluetooth access code, it must be re- entered for each unlock. When using the adjustment app or DTM, the stored device code is then suggested to the user for unlocking.

Emergency device code

The emergency device code allows unlocking the device in case the device code is no longer known. It can’t be changed. The emergency device code can also be found on the supplied information sheet ” Access protection”. If this document is lost, the emergency device code can be retrieved from your personal contact person after legitimation. The storage and transmission of the device codes is always encrypted (SHA 256 algorithm).


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


5 Access protection

5.3 Storing the codes in myVEGA
If the user has a ” myVEGA” account, then the Bluetooth access code as well as the device code are additionally stored in his account under ” PINs and Codes”. This greatly simplifies the use of additional adjustment tools, as all Bluetooth access and device codes are automatically synchronized when connected to the ” myVEGA” account



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


6 Setup – the most important steps
6 Setup – the most important steps

Account in the VEGA Inventory System

Available from your VEGA contact person

User role supervisor

Is assigned by your VEGA Inventory System administrator

VEGA Tools app, VEGA Inventory System app

Download via Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Baidu Store

Activate the sensor

Via magnet
Move the supplied magnet along the line towards the housing lid

Via smartphone (VEGA Tools app or VEGA Inventory System app)
Call up NFC communication, hold the smartphone close to the side of the device with the lettering ” VEGA”

Set up measuring point in

the VEGA Inventory Sys-


Web portal

VEGA Inventory System app

Menu item ” Device networks – Add” – Menu item ” Add device” – Scan QR Enter serial number and device name code on device or enter serial num-
ber manually


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


6 Setup – the most important steps

Configure sensor

Web portal

VEGA Inventory System app

Menu item ” Adjustment/linearization” – Open assistant (measuring range and transmission interval via VEGA Tools app)

Complete wizard with Linearisation/ adjustment



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


7 Operating modes, activate, device functions
7 Operating modes, activate, device functions
7.1 Operating modes
The VEGAPULS Air 42 has the following operating modes that can be set via operating tools:
· Deactivated · Activated
Note: On delivery, the device is in the deactivated state and must be activated for operation using a smartphone or magnet.
Deactivated In the deactivated state, the device is not woken up by the integrated clock despite a set measuring interval. The fact that the sensor does not wake up and does not carry out measurement cycles or communication means that the lithium cell is not unnecessarily discharged. In this state, longer storage is possible until the device is used.
Activated In the activated state, the device is not woken up by the integrated clock within the set measuring interval. The activation is described in the following.
7.2 Activate
The following options are available for activating the device from the deactivated delivery status:
· By smartphone with VEGA Tools app via NFC · Via magnet
By smartphone Proceed as follows for activation by NFC: 1. Start VEGA Tools app on smartphone 2. Activate NFC communication 3. Hold the adjustment tool tightly on the instrument side with the
lettering ” VEGA”


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


7 Operating modes, activate, device functions

Fig. 14: Activate the sensor 1 Adjustment tool, e.g. smartphone 2 Contact surface for NFC communication
The app confirms successful activation and the device is ready for a radio connection for 60 seconds.
Via magnet Proceed as follows for activation by magnet: 1. Hold the magnet next to the lettering ” VEGA” close to the side of
the device 2. Move the magnet as shown below along the line towards the
housing lid


2 1

Fig. 15: Activate sensor by magnet 1 Contact point for activation 2 Magnet
The device is ready for a radio connection for 60 s.
Note: If no Bluetooth connection is established within these 60 seconds, the device automatically returns to sleep mode. If an established Bluetooth connection is interrupted, a new connection is possible for a further 10 seconds, etc.

Network Join (LoRa)

7.3 Network Join, measurement function
After activation, the VEGAPULS Air 42 – if set to LoRa and an existing LoRaWAN network – carries out an automatic, single join to the network server. The device is added to the network as an end device by means of Device EUI and Application EUI.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


7 Operating modes, activate, device functions

Measured value transmis- After activation, a single measurement is carried out and the cyclic


measurement interval is started. The measured value is sent once

via LoRaWAN or mobile radio. The sensor delivers the distance value

from the sealing surface of the thread or flange lower side to the

product surface. The conversion into level is carried out, for example,

in the VEGA Inventory System on the application server or in a cloud


Cyclic measuring operation

In the activated state, the device is woken up via the integrated clock and carries out a measurement cycle (measurement and transmission). The measurement and transmission interval runs on the basis of the factory preconfiguration or a configuration set by the user. Afterwards, the device automatically enters the energy-saving sleep state.
Note: In sleep mode, it is not possible to connect to the device via Bluetooth.

Function Triggering

7.4 Single measurement
The device offers the possibility to test the communication in the respective network. The current measured value is determined and transmitted once outside the cyclic transmission. In addition, a LoRa Join and a single location determination is carried out.
The procedure is done by new activation via NFC or magnet as described above. The sensor is simultaneously activated for the cyclical transmission of measured values. The transmission cycle of an already activated sensor is not changed by this.
7.5 Localization
The LTE-M/NB-IoT version of the device has the function ” Location determination “. This is carried out via an integrated GNSS/GPS receiver via navigation satellites. The function ” Location determination” can be switched on or off via the VEGA Tools app or PACTware/ DTM. 1)
Tilting or raising the device triggers a single location determination. A position of 20° to the vertical must be passed through. Furthermore, entering a new mobile radio cell triggers a single location determination. In both cases, location determination is not started until the next cyclic measured value determination. If no satellite signal is found within 180 s and therefore no position is determined, the process is aborted.
Note: In LoRa mode or with the LoRa version of the device, there is generally no location determination.


  1. GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System, GPS: Global Positioning System

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


7 Operating modes, activate, device functions
7.6 Deactivate
The instrument can be deactivated via the VEGA Tools app or the DTM, e.g. for temporary shutdown. The device is reactivated as described above.



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

8 Transfer measured values and data to the cloud
8 Transfer measured values and data to the cloud
8.1 Communication basics
To transmit the measured values and data to the cloud, the device requires access to mobile network or a LoRaWAN network at the installation site, depending on the version. If no corresponding network is available, a LoRaWAN gateway must be installed.
Note: Ensure free access to the radio network. The device must not be covered by metal or even enclosed. This especially for the medium height of the housing.
Note: Simultaneous operation of LTE-M or LTE-IoT and LoRaWAN is not supported.
The following measured values or data are transmitted:
· Distance from the medium surface (m) · Electronic temperature (°C) · Geographical position determined by GNSS (geographical coor-
· Mounting position (angle °) · Remaining life of Lithium cells (%) · Device status
The transmission options are described below.
8.2 NB-IoT/LTE-M – VEGA Inventory System
With NB-IoT (Narrow band Internet of Things) and LTE-M (Long Term Evolution for Machines), the focus is on low data rates and high transmission ranges. Another focus is on penetrating propagation obstacles, such as buildings, for which the long-wave signal is well suited.
VEGA Inventory System

64579-EN-210526 API

Customer Database
Fig. 16: Wireless measured value transmission via NB-IoT and LTE-M to the VEGA Inventory System
Data is sent via an eSIM card integrated in the sensor. This card sends the data via mobile network directly to the VEGA Inventory System. If no mobile network is available, a fallback to LoRa takes place automatically (see below).

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


8 Transfer measured values and data to the cloud
After data transmission via the mobile network, the sensors are automatically made known in the VEGA Inventory System via their serial number. As soon as the sensors are integrated there, the data are available for visualisation.
8.3 LoRa-WAN (Fall back) – VEGA Inventory System
LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is the data transmission mode that is available when the mobile network fails. However, this requires a corresponding gateway. This gateway picks up the data via LoRa from the sensors and transmits them via mobile radio to VEGA’s own LoRa server.

VEGA LoRa Gateway

VEGA Inventory System
LoRa Sever


Customer Database

LoRa 10 ­ 15 km

Cellular or LAN

Fig. 17: Wireless measured value transmission via LoRa-WAN, LoRA server to the VEGA Inventory System

Both the end devices and the gateways are stored there with their data. The sensors and gateways have so-called Device EUIs via which they can be clearly identified. The LoRa server then transmits the data to the VEGA Inventory System.

8.4 NB-IoT/LTE-M – VEGA Cloud
Data is sent via an eSIM card integrated in the sensor. This card sends the data via the mobile network directly to the VEGA cloud.



LoRa Sever
Customer Database
Fig. 18: Wireless measured value transmission via NB-IoT and LTE-M to the VEGA cloud


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

8 Transfer measured values and data to the cloud
8.5 LoRaWAN – private networks
Another possibility is to send the data via the user’s private LoRa WAN network. In this case, the sensor must be made known in this network.
Customer Database
Fig. 19: Wireless measured value transmission To do this, the user creates the sensor in his interface with its identification values (DevEUI, AppKey and JoinEUI). After a “Join” has been triggered, the sensor appears in the user interface. The payload – i.e. the transmitted bytes – are described in chapter ” Radio network LoRaWAN – data transmission” and are decoded accordingly in the application system.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


9 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)

9 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)

System requirements

9.1 Preparations
Make sure that your smartphone/tablet meets the following system requirements:
· Operating system: iOS 8 or newer · Operating system: Android 5.1 or newer · Bluetooth 4.0 LE or newer
Download the VEGA Tools app from the ” Apple App Store”, ” Google Play Store” or ” Baidu Store” to your smartphone or tablet.

Device activated

Make sure that the VEGAPULS Air 42 is activated, see chapter ” Operating modus, activate device”.


9.2 Connecting
Select the requested device for the online parameter adjustment in the project tree.


When establishing the connection for the first time, the operating tool and the device must authenticate each other. After the first correct authentication, each subsequent connection is made without a new authentication query.

Enter Bluetooth access For authentication, enter in the next menu window the 6-digit


Bluetooth access code:


Fig. 20: Enter Bluetooth access code
You can find the code on the outside of the device housing and on the information sheet ” PINs and Codes” in the device packaging.
Note: If an incorrect code is entered, the code can only be entered again after a delay time. This time gets longer after each incorrect entry.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

Connected Change device code
Enter parameters

9 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)
The message ” Waiting for authentication” is displayed on the PC/ notebook.
After connection, the device DTM appears. If the connection is interrupted, e.g. due to a too large distance between device and adjustment tool, this is displayed on the adjustment tool. The message disappears when the connection is restored.
Parameter adjustment of the device is only possible if the parameter protection is deactivated. When delivered, parameter protection is deactivated by default and can be activated at any time. It is recommended to enter a personal 6-digit device code. To do this, go to menu ” Extended functions”, ” Access protection”, menu item ” Protection of the parameter adjustment”.
9.3 Parameter adjustment
The sensor adjustment menu is divided into two areas, which are arranged next to each other or one below the other, depending on the adjustment tool.
· Navigation section · Menu item display


Fig. 21: Example of an app view – Device information, measured values The selected menu item can be recognized by the colour change.

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


9 Setup with smartphone/tablet (Bluetooth)
Fig. 22: Example of an app view – Menu item vessel height, measuring range Enter the requested parameters and confirm via the keyboard or the editing field. The settings are then active in the sensor. Close the app to terminate connection.



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

10 Setup with PC/notebook (Bluetooth)

10 Setup with PC/notebook (Bluetooth)

System requirements

10.1 Preparations
Make sure that your PC/notebook meets the following system requirements:
· Operating system Windows 10 · DTM Collection 10/2020 or newer · Bluetooth 4.0 LE or newer

Activate Bluetooth connection

Activate the Bluetooth connection via the project assistant.
Note: Older systems do not always have an integrated Bluetooth LE. In these cases, a Bluetooth USB adapter is required. Activate the Bluetooth USB adapter using the Project Wizard.
After activating the integrated Bluetooth or the Bluetooth USB adapter, devices with Bluetooth are found and created in the project tree.

Device activated

Make sure that the VEGAPULS Air 42 is activated, see chapter ” Operating modus, activate device”.


10.2 Connecting
Select the requested device for the online parameter adjustment in the project tree.


When establishing the connection for the first time, the operating tool and the device must authenticate each other. After the first correct authentication, each subsequent connection is made without a new authentication query.

Enter Bluetooth access For authentication, enter in the next menu window the 6-digit


Bluetooth access code:


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


10 Setup with PC/notebook (Bluetooth)

Connected Change device code

Fig. 23: Enter Bluetooth access code
You can find the code on the outside of the device housing and on the information sheet ” PINs and Codes” in the device packaging.
Note: If an incorrect code is entered, the code can only be entered again after a delay time. This time gets longer after each incorrect entry.
The message ” Waiting for authentication” is displayed on the PC/ notebook.
After connection, the device DTM appears. If the connection is interrupted, e.g. due to a too large distance between device and adjustment tool, this is displayed on the adjustment tool. The message disappears when the connection is restored.
Parameter adjustment of the device is only possible if the parameter protection is deactivated. When delivered, parameter protection is deactivated by default and can be activated at any time. It is recommended to enter a personal 6-digit device code. To do this, go to menu ” Extended functions”, ” Access protection”, menu item ” Protection of the parameter adjustment”.
10.3 Parameter adjustment
For parameter adjustment of the instrument via a Windows PC, the configuration software PACTware and a suitable instrument driver (DTM) according to FDT standard are required. The latest PACTware version as well as all available DTMs are compiled in a DTM Collection. The DTMs can also be integrated into other frame applications according to FDT standard.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


10 Setup with PC/notebook (Bluetooth)
Fig. 24: Example of a DTM view – Menu item vessel height, measuring range
Fig. 25: Example of a DTM view – Menu item measurement and transmission interval


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


11 Operate via VEGA Inventory System (mobile radio)


11 Operate via VEGA Inventory System (mobile radio)
The VEGA Inventory System offers the possibility to change parameters in VEGAPULS Air 42 by remote access via mobile radio (backward channel).

VEGA Inventory System

Prerequisites Adjustment volume

Fig. 26: Remote access from VEGA Inventory System via NB-IoT or LTE-M to the sensor
Note: This remote access is not supported when connecting via LoRaWAN.
Prerequisites for the use of this feedback channel are:
· Device software from 1.1.0 2) · Current version of the VEGA Inventory Systems · Available mobile connection via NB-IoT/LTE-M
The following parameters can be changed:
· Vessel height/Operating range · Measuring and transmission interval
In addition, the following actions can be triggered:
· Localization
The changes are first stored in the VEGA Inventory System. They are transferred to the sensor with the next cyclical measured value transmission and are then effective.
Note: If parameterization protection is activated in the sensor, this remote access is not available.


  1. Devices with this software version or higher have a suitable mobile radio chip. A software update to this version is not possible.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

12 Menu overview

12 Menu overview

Basic functions

Menu item


Operating mode

Measurement loop name



Vessel height/Operat- Vessel height/Operating range ing range


Basic settings

Activated, deactivated Deactivated


Liquid, bulk solid 0 … 30,000 m

Bulk solid 30,000 m

Radio transmission

Menu item



Basic settings

Transmission mode

Mobile radio + LoRa Mobile radio + LoRa LoRa

Country of use

Country list


Transmit current measured value Execute

LoRa settings


EU868, US915, AS923


Device EUI

Join EUI




Adaptive Data Rate (ADR)

Activated, deactivated Activated

Mobile radio settings LTE Mode

Automatically, NB-IoT, Automatically LTE Cat-M1

COAP settings

Host Name





Measuring and transmission interval

Trigger for dispatch

Time, time interval

Transmission takes place at/every 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h

Time 6 h

All day

On the weekdays

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


12 Menu overview

Extended functions

Menu item Date/Time

Parameter Date Format Time Weekday

Accept PC system time

Access protection

Bluetooth access code

Protection of the parameterization

Network access code

False signal suppression

False signal suppression
Sounded distance to the medium from the sealing surface




Distance unit of the device

Temperature unit of the instrument





Special parameters –

Selection According to calendar 12 h, 24 h Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Activated, deactivated

Basic settings From integrated clock 24 h From integrated clock

Create new, expand, delete all –
0 … m (vessel height/operating range)

On, Off


mm, m, in, ft


°C, °F, K


Restore basic settings

Mode 1: EU, Albania, Andorra, Mode 1 Azerbaijan, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Liechtenstein, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Northern Macedonia, Norway, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA
Mode 2: South Korea, Taiwan,Thailand
Mode of operation 3: India, Malaysia, South Africa
Mode of operation 4: Russia, Kazakhstan



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

12 Menu overview


Menu item



Basic settings


Device status

Device status, detail status

Change counter

Measured value status

Distance, measurement reliability –

Status additional measured Electronics temperature


Status Lithium cells


Latitude, Longitude, Date/Time Last detected position


Location in degrees

Mobile radio information

Signal strength, SIM card (ICCID), IP address, cellular band, mobile radio information

Echo curve

Indication of echo curve

Peak value indicator Peak values, distance

Min. distance, date/time min. dis- tance, max. distance, date/time distance, date/time max. distance

Peak values, measurement reliability

Min. measurement reliability, date/ time min. measurement reliability, max. measurement reliability, date/time max. measurement reliability

Peak values, electronic tem- Min. electronics temperature,


date/time min. electronics tem-

perature, max. electronics

temperature, date/time max. elec-

tronics temperature

Reset pointer function

Measured values

Measured values Additional measured values

Distance, measurement reliability
Position, electronics temperature, measuring rate

Actual values

Event memory

List of the parameter chang- Date, time, status, event type,

es and events in the device event description, value/extend-

ed status

Sensor information Device name, serial number, –

hardware/software version,

factory calibration

Sensor characteristics Special features of the in- –



Measured value


Simulation value

Start/finish simulation

Measured value mem- Display distance from meas- –

ory (DTM)

ured value memory


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


13 Diagnostics and servicing

13 Diagnostics and servicing

Maintenance Precaution measures against buildup

13.1 Maintenance
If the device is used properly, no special maintenance is required in normal operation.
In some applications, buildup on the antenna system can influence the measuring result. Depending on the sensor and application, take measures to avoid heavy soiling of the antenna system. If necessary, clean the antenna system in certain intervals.
The cleaning helps that the type label and markings on the instrument are visible. Take note of the following:
· Use only cleaning agents which do not corrode the housings, type
label and seals
· Use only cleaning methods corresponding to the housing protec-
tion rating

Reaction when malfunction occurs

13.2 Rectify faults
The operator of the system is responsible for taking suitable measures to rectify faults.

Causes of malfunction

The device offers maximum reliability. Nevertheless, faults can occur during operation. These may be caused by the following, e.g.:
· Sensor · Process · Charge state of the lithium cell · Availability/quality of radio transmission · Signal processing

Fault rectification

The first measures are:
· Evaluation of fault messages · Checking the output signal · Checking the radio quality or availability of the radio standard · Treatment of measurement errors
A smartphone/tablet with the adjustment app or a PC/notebook with the software PACTware and the suitable DTM offer you further comprehensive diagnostic possibilities. In many cases, the causes can be determined in this way and the faults eliminated.

Reaction after fault recti- Depending on the reason for the fault and the measures taken, the


steps described in chapter ” Setup” must be carried out again or must

be checked for plausibility and completeness.

24 hour service hotline

Should these measures not be successful, please call in urgent cases the VEGA service hotline under the phone no. +49 1805 858550.
The hotline is also available outside normal working hours, seven days a week around the clock.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


Status messages

13 Diagnostics and servicing
Since we offer this service worldwide, the support is provided in English. The service itself is free of charge, the only costs involved are the normal call charges.
13.3 Status messages according to NE 107
The instrument features self-monitoring and diagnostics according to NE 107 and VDI/VDE 2650. In addition to the status messages in the following tables there are more detailed error messages available under the menu item ” Diagnostics” via the respective adjustment module.
The status messages are divided into the following categories:
· Failure · Function check · Out of specification · Maintenance required
and explained by pictographs:





Fig. 27: Pictographs of the status messages
1 Failure – red 2 Out of specification – yellow 3 Function check – orange 4 Maintenance required – blue

Failure: Due to a malfunction in the instrument, a fault message is output.
This status message is always active. It cannot be deactivated by the user.
Function check: The instrument is being worked on, the measured value is temporarily invalid (for example during simulation).
This status message is inactive by default.
Out of specification: The measured value is unreliable because an instrument specification was exceeded (e.g. electronics temperature).
This status message is inactive by default.
Maintenance required: Due to external influences, the instrument function is limited. The measurement is affected, but the measured value is still valid. Plan in maintenance for the instrument because a failure is expected in the near future (e.g. due to buildup).
This status message is inactive by default.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


13 Diagnostics and servicing


Code Text message
F013 no measured value available
F017 Adjustment span too small
F025 Error in the linearization table
F036 No operable software
F040 Error in the electronics
F080 General software error
F105 Determine measured value
F260 Error in the calibration
F261 Error in the instrument settings
F265 Measurement function disturbed



No measured value in the switch-on phase or during operation Sensor tilted
Adjustment not within specification

Check or correct installation and/or parameter settings
Clean the antenna system
Change adjustment according to the limit values (difference between min. and max. 10 mm)

Index markers are not continuously rising, Check linearization table

for example illogical value pairs

Delete table/Create new

Checksum error if software update failed Repeat software update

or aborted

Send instrument for repair

Limit value exceeded in signal processing Restart instrument

Hardware error

Send instrument for repair

General software error

Restart instrument

The instrument is still in the switch-on phase, the measured value could not yet be determined

Wait for the end of the switch-on phase
Duration up to 3 minutes depending on the measurement environment and parameter settings

Checksum error in the calibration values Send instrument for repair Error in the EEPROM

Error during setup False signal suppression faulty Error when carrying out a reset

Repeat setup Carry out a reset

Program sequence of the measuring func- Device restarts automatically tion disturbed

Function check

Code Text message C700 Simulation active

Cause A simulation is active

Finish simulation Wait for the automatic end after 60 mins.

Out of specification

Code Text message



Impermissible electronics temperature

Temperature of the electronics in the non- Check ambient temperature

specified range

Insulate electronics



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

13 Diagnostics and servicing

Code Text message


S601 Overfilling

Danger of vessel overfilling


Lithium cell voltage too low

Impermissible operating voltage

Make sure that there is no further filling Check level in the vessel Check the voltage of the lithium cell


Code Text message



Error in the delivery status

The data could not be restored during the Repeat reset

reset to delivery status

Load XML file with sensor data into the


Error in the delivery status

Hardware error EEPROM

Send instrument for repair

Error in the instrument settings

Error during setup Error when carrying out a reset False signal suppression faulty

Carry out reset and repeat setup


Checksum error in Bluetooth software

No executable Bluetooth software

Carry out software update


Software update running

Software update running

Wait until software update is finished

13.4 Treatment of measurement errors
The tables below give typical examples of application-related measurement errors.
The images in column ” Error description” show the actual level as a dashed line and the output level as a solid line.

1 2



1 Real level 2 Level displayed by the sensor


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


13 Diagnostics and servicing

Liquids: Measurement error at constant level

Fault description


Measured value shows a too Min./max. adjustment not correct

low or too high level

Incorrect linearization curve

Rectification Adapt min./max. adjustment Adapt linearization curve




Measured value jumps towards 100 %




Due to the process, the amplitude of the Carry out a false signal suppression level echo sinks
A false signal suppression was not carried out

Amplitude or position of a false signal has changed (e.g. condensation, buildup); false signal suppression no longer matches actual conditions

Determine the reason for the changed false signals, carry out false signal suppression, e.g. with condensation.

Liquids: Measurement error during filling

Fault description



Measured value remains unchanged during filling




False signals in the close range too big or level echo too small
Strong foam or vortex generation
Max. adjustment not correct

Eliminate false signals in the close range
Check measuring point: Antenna should protrude out of the threaded mounting socket, possible false echoes through flange socket?
Remove contamination on the antenna
In case of interferences due to installations in the close range, change polarisation direction
Create a new false signal suppression
Adapt max. adjustment


Measured value jumps towards 0 % during filling

The level echo cannot be distinguished In case of interferences due to instal-

from the false signal at a false signal po- lations in the close range: Change

sition (jumps to multiple echo)

polarisation direction

Chose a more suitable installation position




Measured value jumps towards 100 % during filling

Due to strong turbulence and foam gen- Carry out a false signal suppression eration during filling, the amplitude of the level echo sinks. Measured value jumps to false signal





VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

13 Diagnostics and servicing

Fault description
Measured value jumps sporadically to 100 % during filling



Varying condensation or contamination on the antenna

Carry out a false signal suppression or increase false signal suppression with condensation/contamination in the close range by editing




Measured value jumps to 100 % or 0 m distance




Level echo is no longer detected in the close range due to foam generation or false signals in the close range. The sensor goes into overfill protection mode. The max. level (0 m distance) as well as the status message ” Overfill protection” are output.

Check measuring point: Antenna should protrude out of the threaded mounting socket, possible false echoes through flange socket?
Remove contamination on the antenna

Liquids: Measurement error during emptying

Fault description



Measured value remains un- False signal larger than the level echo changed in the close range Level echo too small during emptying




Check measuring point: Antenna should protrude out of the threaded mounting socket, possible false echoes through flange socket?
Remove contamination on the antenna
In case of interferences due to installations in the close range: Change polarisation direction
After eliminating the false signals, the false signal suppression must be deleted. Carry out a new false signal suppression


Measured value jumps sporadically towards 100 % during emptying

Varying condensation or contamination on the antenna

Carry out false signal suppression or increase false signal suppression in the close range by editing
With bulk solids, use radar sensor with purging air connection



Bulk solids: Measurement error at constant level

Fault description


Measured value shows a too Min./max. adjustment not correct

low or too high level

Incorrect linearization curve

Rectification Adapt min./max. adjustment Adapt linearization curve





VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


13 Diagnostics and servicing

Fault description
Measured value jumps towards 100 %






Due to the process, the amplitude of the Carry out a false signal suppression product echo decreases
A false signal suppression was not carried out

Amplitude or position of a false signal has changed (e.g. condensation, buildup); false signal suppression no longer matches actual conditions

Determine the reason for the changed false signals, carry out false signal suppression, e.g. with condensation.

Bulk solids: Measurement error during filling

Fault description
Measured value jumps towards 0 % during filling




Measured value fluctuates around 10 … 20 %




Measured value jumps sporadically to 100 % during filling



The level echo cannot be distinguished Remove/reduce false signal: minimize

from the false signal at a false signal po- interfering installations by changing the

sition (jumps to multiple echo)

polarization direction

Chose a more suitable installation position

Transverse reflection from an extraction Direct sensor to the opposite fun-

funnel, amplitude of the transverse re- nel wall, avoid crossing with the filling

flection larger than the level echo


Various echoes from an uneven medium surface, e.g. a material cone

Check parameter “Material Type” and adapt, if necessary
Optimize installation position and sensor orientation

Reflections from the medium surface via the vessel wall (deflection)

Select a more suitable installation position, optimize sensor orientation, e.g. with a swivelling holder

Changing condensation or contamination on the antenna

Carry out a false signal suppression or increase false signal suppression with condensation/contamination in the close range by editing




Bulk solids: Measurement error during emptying

Fault description


Measured value remains un- False signal greater than level echo or changed in the close range level echo too small during emptying




Eliminate false signals in the close range. Check: Antenna must protrude out of the nozzle
Remove contamination on the antenna
Minimize interfering installations in the close range by changing the polarization direction
After eliminating the false signals, the false signal suppression must be deleted. Carry out a new false signal suppression



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

13 Diagnostics and servicing

Fault description
Measured value jumps sporadically towards 100 % during emptying

Changing condensation or contamination on the antenna

Carry out false signal suppression or increase false signal suppression in the close range by editing





Measured value fluctuates around 10 … 20 %

Various echoes from an uneven medium surface, e.g. an extraction funnel
Reflections from the medium surface via the vessel wall (deflection)

Check parameter “Material Type” and adapt, if necessary
Optimize installation position and sensor orientation



Preparation Cell exchange

13.5 Replacing lithium cells
The lithium cells in the device should be replaced in the following cases:
· Low reported remaining life of the cells used · Longer deactivation or storage of the device · Device can no longer be activated
Only use the specified cell type and replace all cells (for type and number see chapter ” Technical data”). 3)
Proceed as follows when carrying out the exchange: 1. Unscrew the housing lid 2. Push the cell retaining clip in the direction of the arrow and re-
move 3. Remove old cells 4. Leave the device without power, i. e. without cells, for at least 4
minutes 5. Insert new cells, observe ±-polarity at the bottom of the cell holder 6. Press the cell retaining clip in the middle, arrow direction to the
plus pole, must click into place audibly 7. Screw on housing cover 8. Reset internal clock with the operating tool This completes the cell replacement, the capacity is reset automatically to 100 % for operating app and DTM.
Note: All user settings in the operator menu are retained, i.e. an activated sensor remains activated.


  1. The cells are all connected in parallel. If the polarity is incorrect, the affected cell is disconnected by electrical measures.

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


13 Diagnostics and servicing
13.6 Software update
The following components are required for an update of the instrument software:
· Instrument · PC with PACTware/DTM and Bluetooth USB adapter · Current instrument software as file
You can find the current instrument software as well as detailed information on the procedure in the download area of our homepage:
Caution: Instruments with approvals can be bound to certain software versions. Therefore make sure that the approval is still effective after a software update is carried out. You can find detailed information in the download area at
13.7 How to proceed if a repair is necessary
You can find an instrument return form as well as detailed information about the procedure in the download area of our homepage. By doing this you help us carry out the repair quickly and without having to call back for needed information. In case of repair, proceed as follows:
· Print and fill out one form per instrument · Clean the instrument and pack it damage-proof · Attach the completed form and, if need be, also a safety data
sheet outside on the packaging
· Ask the agency serving you to get the address for the return ship-
ment. You can find the agency on our homepage.



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

14 Dismount
14 Dismount
14.1 Dismounting steps
Warning: Before dismounting, be aware of dangerous process conditions such as e.g. pressure in the vessel or pipeline, high temperatures, corrosive or toxic media etc.
Take note of chapters ” Mounting” and ” Connecting to voltage supply” and carry out the listed steps in reverse order.
14.2 Disposal
The device is made of recyclable materials. For this reason, it should be disposed of by a specialist recycling company. Observe the applicable national regulations.
Battery/accumulator recycling Note: The disposal is subject to the EU directive on batteries and accumulators. Batteries and accumulators contain some environmentally harmful but also some valuable raw materials that can be recycled. For that reason batteries and accumulators must not be disposed of in household waste. All users are legally obligated to bring spent batteries to a suitable collection point, e.g. public collection points. You can also return the batteries and accumulators to us for correct disposal. Due to the very strict transport regulations for lithium-based batteries/accumulators, this is normally not a good idea because shipment is very expensive.
If you have no way to dispose of the old instrument properly, please contact us concerning return and disposal.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


15 Certificates and approvals
15 Certificates and approvals
15.1 Radio licenses
Radar The device has been tested and approved in accordance with the current edition of the applicable country-specific norms or standards. Regulations for use can be found in the document ” Regulations for radar level measuring instruments with radio licenses” on our homepage.
Bluetooth The Bluetooth radio module in the device has been tested and approved according to the current edition of the applicable countryspecific norms or standards. The confirmations as well as regulations for use can be found in the document ” Radio licenses” supplied or on our homepage.
15.2 EU conformity
The device fulfils the legal requirements of the applicable EU directives. By affixing the CE marking, we confirm the conformity of the instrument with these directives. The EU conformity declaration can be found on our homepage.
15.3 Environment management system
Protection of the environment is one of our most important duties. That is why we have introduced an environment management system with the goal of continuously improving company environmental protection. The environment management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001. Please help us fulfil this obligation by observing the environmental instructions in chapters ” Packaging, transport and storage”, ” Disposal” of these operating instructions.



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

16 Supplement

16 Supplement

16.1 Technical data
Note for approved instruments
The technical data in the respective safety instructions which are included in delivery are valid for approved instruments (e.g. with Ex approval). These data can differ from the data listed herein, for example regarding the process conditions or the voltage supply.
All approval documents can be downloaded from our homepage.

Materials and weights Materials, wetted parts Adapter flange Seal, adapter flange Antenna lens Materials, non-wetted parts Compression flange Housing Instrument weight, depending on process fitting

PP-GF30 black FKM (COG VI500), EPDM (COG AP310) PVDF
PP-GF30 black PVDF 0.7 … 3.4 kg (1.543 … 7.496 lbs)


Max. torques

Flange screws, compression flange 5 Nm (3.689 lbf ft) DN 80

Terminal screws, adapter flange antenna

2.5 Nm (1.844 lbf ft)

Flange screws, adapter flange DN 100 7 Nm (5.163 lbf ft)

Input variable Measured variable

The measured quantity is the distance between the end of the sensor antenna and the medium surface. The reference plane for the min./max. adjustment is the sealing face at the lower side of the flange, see following diagram:




Fig. 28: Data of the input variable
1 Reference plane 2 Measured variable, max. measuring range

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


16 Supplement

Max. measuring range Recommended measuring range 4) blocking distance 5) Modes 1, 2, 4 Mode 3

30 m (98.42 ft) up to 20 m (65.62 ft)
0 mm (0 in) 250 mm (9.843 in)

Deviation (according to DIN EN 60770-1)

Process reference conditions according to DIN EN 61298-1


+18 … +30 °C (+64 … +86 °F)

Relative humidity

45 … 75 %

Air pressure

860 … 1060 mbar/86 … 106 kPa (12.5 … 15.4 psig)

Installation reference conditions

Distance to installations

200 mm (7.874 in)


Flat plate reflector

False reflections

Biggest false signal, 20 dB smaller than the useful signal


See following graphic:

10 mm (0.3937 in)

2 mm (0.0787 in) 0
– 2 mm (- 0.0787 in)

– 10 mm (- 0.3937 in)

0,25 m (0.8202 ft)



Fig. 29: Deviation under reference conditions
1 Reference plane 2 Antenna edge 3 Recommended measuring range

Characteristics and performance data

Measuring frequency

W-band (80 GHz technology)

Measuring cycle time

5 s

Measuring and transmission interval

every 15 min … every 24 h (adjustable)

Beam angle 6)

Emitted HF power (depending on the parameter setting) 7)

Average spectral transmission power -86.2 dBm/MHz EIRP density

  1. With bulk solids 5) Depending on the operating conditions 6) Outside the specified beam angle, the energy level of the radar signal is 50% (-3 dB) less. 7) EIRP: Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


16 Supplement

Max. spectral transmission power density
Max. power density at a distance of 1 m
Alignment for measurement

< 34 dBm/50 MHz EIRP < 0.3 µW/cm² vertical 90°, ± 10°

Switch-on phase
Start-up time to the first valid measured value

< 10 s

Wireless data transmission – mobile radio

Frequency bands 8)

NB-IoT (LTE-Cat-NB1)

B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8, B12, B13, B17, B19, B20, B25, B26, B28, B66


B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8, B12, B13, B14, B17, B18, B19, B20, B25, B26, B28, B66

Wireless data transmission ­ LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN region

EU863-870, AS923, US902-928

LoRaWAN Specification Version


LoRaWAN Regional Parameters Version 1.0.2rB

Class of Operation


Optional ADR Feature Supported


Bluetooth interface Bluetooth standard
Frequency Max. emitted power Max. number of participants Effective range typ. 9)

Bluetooth 5.0 (downward compatible to Bluetooth 4.0 LE) 2.402 … 2.480 GHz +2.2 dBm 1 25 m (82 ft)

Ambient conditions Ambient temperature Storage and transport temperature

-20 … +60 °C (-4 … +140 °F) -20 … +60 °C (-4 … +140 °F)

Mechanical environmental conditions

Vibrations (oscillations)

Class 4M8 acc. to IEC 60271-3-4 (5 g, 4 … 200 Hz)

Impacts (mechanical shock)

Class 6M4 acc. to IEC 60271-3-6 (50 g, 2.3 ms)

Impact resistance

IK08 acc. to IEC 62262


  1. Delivery country-specific according to order configuration 9) Depending on the local conditions

VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


16 Supplement

Process conditions

For the process conditions, please also note the specifications on the type label. The lowest value (amount) always applies.

Process temperature

-20 … +60 °C (-4 … +140 °F)

Process pressure

-1 … 2 bar (-100 … 200 kPa/-14.5 … 29.01 psig)

Integrated clock Date format Time format Time zone, factory setting Max. rate deviation

Day.Month.Year 12 h/24 h CET 10.5 min/year

Integrated primary cell Cell type Number of single cells Cell voltage, each Cell capacitiance, each Energy content, each Lithium content, each Weight, per typ. Self-discharge Running time 10)
Interval 15 min 30 min 1 h 4 h 6 h 11) 12 h 24 h

LS 17500, Lithium metal (Li/SOCL2), not rechargeable 5 3.6 V 3.6 Ah 12.96 Wh approx. 0.9 g 23 g < 1 % after 1 year at 20 °C

LoRaWAN > 2 years > 3 years > 7 years > 9 years

10 years

NB-IoT/LTE-M > 4 months > 1 year > 2 years > 6 years > 8 years

10 years


Additional output parameter – Electronics temperature


-20 … +60 °C (-4 … +140 °F)


< 0.1 K


±3 K

Electrical protective measures Protection rating

IP66/IP68 (0.2 bar) according to IEC 60529, type 6x according to NEMA

  1. Specifications apply to this cell type at approx. +25 °C (+77 °F) ambient temperature and strong reception signal (mobile radio/LoRa). Actual running time may vary greatly depending on the network provider, temperature or humidity. Small measuring intervals generally shorten the running time.
  2. Factory default setting


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

Altitude above sea level Protection class Overvoltage category Pollution degree

2000 m (6562 ft) None (autarcic operation) None (autarcic operation) 4

16 Supplement

16.2 Radio networks LTE-M and NB-IoT

LTE-M and NB-IoT
LTE-M (Long Term Evolution for Machines) and NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things) are extensions of the LTE mobile radio standard to IoT applications. Both enable the wireless connection of mobile, physical objects to the Internet via the mobile network.
You can find more information about the respective mobile phone provider.

16.3 Radio networks LoRaWAN – Data transmission

LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a network protocol for wireless signal transmission to a corresponding gateway. LoRaWan enables a range of several kilometres outdoors and good building penetration with low power consumption of the transmission module.
In the following, the necessary device-specific details are shown.You can find further information of LoRaWAN on

Data stream, byte order, packet structure
The data are transferred as a byte stream in packets. Each packet is given an identifier at the beginning which defines the meaning of the following bytes.
The byte order corresponds to the Cayenne Low Power Payload (LPP) Guideline as BigEndian.
Packet 2 is transferred as standard. Alternative packets are required if additional characteristic values (error status, position) occur in the sensor. The maximum packet size is 52 bytes in Europe and 11 bytes in the USA with maximum spread factor.
A LoRa standard function additionally transmits a packet counter and the serial number of the LoRa module with every packet.

Packet structure















6 (USA) 7 (USA) 254

Number of bytes





















Note Packet identifier Namur status of the device Measured value as floating point number Unit, measured value Remaining capacity of Lithium cells in % Temperature in °C, resolution ±0,1 K


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


16 Supplement






6 (USA) 7 (USA) 254

Number of bytes


















Note Location (GNSS) VEGA Device status Angle of inclination to the perpendicular Total

Packet assignment sensor status


Sensor status









Sensor function error-free


Sensor function error-free plus GPS infor-



Sensor function error-free plus GPS informa- X


tion (USA)



Error case plus GPS


Fault (USA)



Error case plus GPS (USA)




Sensor in horizontal position


Sensor in horizontal position plus GPS


Sensor in horizontal position (USA)



Sensor in horizontal position plus GPS (USA) X



Dummy required


Example data transmission

Packet 2, data record 02003FA31F152D2400FA09

Byte 1 0x02 Packet identifier 2

Byte 2

Byte 3-6



Namur status Measured value

0 = OK


Byte 7 0x2D Unit

Byte 8 0x24 Lithium cells

0x2D = 45 = m 36 %

Byte 9-10 0x00FA Temperature
25 °C

Byte 11 0x09 Angle of inclination 9°



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology

16 Supplement

Packet 5, data record 05047FFFFFFF2D24010442412A784105329B0000565409

Byte 1
Packet identifier 5

Byte 2

Byte 3-6

Byte 7



Namur sta- Measured Unit



4 = fault

7FFFFFFF = 0x2D = Not a Number 45 = m

Byte 8
Lithium cells
36 %

Byte 9- Byte 11-18 10
0x0104 0x42412A 784105329B
Temper- Position ature

26 °C

48.2915 8.32485

Byte 19-22 Byte 23

0x00005654 0x09

VEGA Device Angle of






VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


108 mm (4.25″)
123 mm (4.84″)

16 Supplement
16.4 Dimensions

ø 102 mm (4.02″)
ø 91 mm (3.58″)

18,5 mm (0.73″)


ø 76 mm (2.99″)

ø 115 mm (4.53″)

ø 156 mm (6.14″)

ø 200 mm (7.87″)

126 mm (4.96″) 36,5 mm 20 mm (1.44″) (0.79″)

17,5 mm (0.67″)

Fig. 30: Dimensions VEGAPULS Air 42 1 Compression flange 2 Adapter flange

ø 76 mm (2.99″) ø 98 mm (3.86″)


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


16 Supplement
16.5 Industrial property rights
VEGA product lines are global protected by industrial property rights. Further information see VEGA Produktfamilien sind weltweit geschützt durch gewerbliche Schutzrechte. Nähere Informationen unter Les lignes de produits VEGA sont globalement protégées par des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Pour plus d’informations, on pourra se référer au site VEGA lineas de productos están protegidas por los derechos en el campo de la propiedad industrial. Para mayor información revise la pagina web . VEGA <
16.6 Licensing information for open source software
Open source software components are also used in this device. A documentation of these components with the respective license type, the associated license texts, copyright notes and disclaimers can be found on our homepage.
16.7 Trademark
All the brands as well as trade and company names used are property of their lawful proprietor/ originator.


VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology





VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology



VEGAPULS Air 42 · Autarkic device with measured value transmission via radio technology


Printing date:


All statements concerning scope of delivery, application, practical use and operating conditions of the sensors and processing systems correspond to the information available at the time of printing. Subject to change without prior notice
© VEGA Grieshaber KG, Schiltach/Germany 2021

VEGA Grieshaber KG Am Hohenstein 113 77761 Schiltach Germany

Phone +49 7836 50-0


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