komfovent BACnet Connection C6 Controller Installation Guide

June 4, 2024

komfovent BACnet Connection C6 Controller Installation Guide


BACnetis a standard communication protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks that can be used to monitor and control Komfovent air handling units with C6 controller. The supported Data Link Layer is BACnet / IP. BACnet protocol works via Ethernet interface, connection is provided to RJ-45 socket (Pic.1) on the C6 controller (CAT5 cable is recommended):

Picture 1. C6 controller board

Below is default network settings of the C6 controller. These can be changed according to the building network software requirements.
To do so, it is needed to connect a laptop to the integrated webserver of C6 controller:

Picture 2. Connectivity settings

C6 controller IP can also be viewed and changed on the control panel – from Main menu go to Advanced settings- >Connectivity:

Picture 3. Connectivity settings on C6.1 control panel display

BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported

Data sharing

| DS-RP-B| Read Property
DS-RPM-B| Read Property Multiple
DS-WP-B| Write Property

Device management

| DM-DCC-B| Device Communication Control
DM-DDB-B| Dynamic Device Binding
DM-DOB-B| Dynamic Object Binding
DM-TS-B| Time Synchronization

Standard Object Types Supported:
Object type Properties
Device Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, System_Status,

Vendor_Name, Vendor_Identifier, Model_Name, Firmware_Revision, Application_Software_Version, Protocol_Version, Protocol_Revision, Protocol_Services_Supported, Protocol_Object_Types_Supported, Object_List, Max_APDULength Accepted, Segmentation_Supported, APDU_Timeout, Number_Of_APDU_Retries, DeviceAddress Binding, Database_Revision, Property_List; Description, Local_Date, Local_Time
Analog value| Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, OutOf Service, Units, Property_List; Reliability
Binary value| Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, OutOf Service, Property_List; Incative_Text, Active_Text
Date value| Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value, Status_Flags, Property_List
Multi-state value| Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value, Status_Flags, Event_State, OutOf Service, Number_Of_States, Property_List; State_Text
Positive integer value| Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value, Status_Flags, Units, Property_List; Reliability
Time value| Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value, Status_Flags, Property_List


Analog value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
AWAY: setpoint| 0| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
NORMAL: setpoint| 1| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
INTENSIVE: setpoint| 2| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
BOOST: setpoint| 3| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
KITCHEN: setpoint| 4| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
Analog value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
FIREPLACE: setpoint| 5| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
OVERRIDE: setpoint| 6| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
HOLIDAYS: setpoint| 7| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
ECO: minimum supply air temperature| 8| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
ECO: maximum supply air temperature| 9| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
AIR QUALITY: temperature setpoint| 10| 5.0 – 40.0 [°C]| W
INFO: supply temperature| 11| [°C]| R
INFO: extract temperature| 12| [°C]| R
INFO: outdoor temperature| 13| [°C]| R
INFO: water temperature| 14| [°C]| R
INFO: panel 1 temperature| 15| [°C]| R
INFO: panel 2 temperature| 16| [°C]| R
INFO: current supply fan intensivity| 17| [°C]| R
INFO: current extract fan intensivity| 18| [°C]| R
INFO: heat exchanger| 19| [°C]| R
INFO: electric heater| 20| [°C]| R
INFO: water heater| 21| [°C]| R
INFO: water cooler| 22| [°C]| R
INFO: DX unit| 23| [°C]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: SPI (day)| 25| [W/(m3/h)]| R
Binary value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
CONTROL: ON/OFF status| 0| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
CONTROL: ECO mode| 1| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
CONTROL: AUTO mode| 2| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
AWAY: heating| 3| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
NORMAL: heating| 4| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
INTENSIVE: heating| 5| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
BOOST: heating| 6| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
KITCHEN: heating| 7| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
FIREPLACE: heating| 8| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
OVERRIDE: heating| 9| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
HOLIDAYS: heating| 10| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
ECO: free heating/cooling| 11| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
ECO: heating enable denied| 12| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
ECO: cooling enable denied| 13| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
AIR QUALITY: enabled| 14| 0 – disabled| 1 – enabled| W
AIR QUALITY: heating| 15| 0 – off| 1 – on| W
ALARMS: low supply air flow| 16| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: low extract air flow| 17| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: return water temperature low| 18| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: low supply air temperature| 19| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: high supply air temperature| 20| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
Binary value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
ALARMS: electric heater overheat| 21| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: heat exchanger failure| 22| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: heat exchanger icing| 23| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: internal fire alarm| 24| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: external fire alarm| 25| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: temperature sensor failure| 26| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: controller failure| 27| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: service mode| 28| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: clogged air filters| 29| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: heat exchanger low efficiency| 30| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
ALARMS: air flow sensor failure| 31| 0 – no| 1 – yes| R
INFO: alarm| 32| 0 – off| 1 – on| R
INFO: heating| 33| 0 – off| 1 – on| R
INFO: cooling| 34| 0 – off| 1 – on| R
CLEAN FILTERS CALIBRATION| 35| 0 – no| 1 – yes| W
Date value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
HOLIDAYS: from| 0| 2017-01-01 – 2035-12-31| W
HOLIDAYS: till| 1| 2017-01-01 – 2035-12-31| W
Multi-state value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
CONTROL: auto mode control| 0| 1 – scheduling| 2 – air quality| R

CONTROL: current mode

| ****


| 1 – standby

2 – away

3 – normal

4 – intensive

5 – boost

6 – kitchen

| 7 – fireplace

8 – override

9 – holiday

10  – auto

11  – off

| ****

W [2-5]

SCHEDULER: operation program| 2| 1 – stay at home 2 – working week| 3 – office

4 – custom

| W

SCHEDULER: next mode

| ****


| 1 – standby

2 – away

3 – normal

| 4 – intensive

5 – boost

| ****


SCHEDULER: next mode weekday

| ****


| 1 – today

2 – mo

3 – tu

4 – we

| 5 – th

6 – fr

7 – sa

8 – su

| ****


CONTROL: temperature control| 5| 1 – supply

2 – extract

| 3 – room

4 – balance

| W
CONTROL: flow control| 6| 1 – CAV

2 – VAV

| 3 – DCV| W
CONTROL SEQEUENCE: stage 1| 7| ****

1 – none

2 – external coil

| ****

3 – electric heater

4 – external DX unit

| W
SETTINGS: coil type| 10| 1 – hot water| 2 – cold water| W
Multi-state value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access

SETTINGS: language

| ****


| 1 – en

2 – lt

3 – ru

4 – pl

5 – sk

6 – de

7 – fr

8 – hu

9 – it

| ****

10  – ee

11  – nl

12  – lv

13  – pt

14  – se

15  – fi

16  – hr

| ****


SETTINGS: flow units| 12| 1 – m3/h| 2 – l/s| W
OVERRIDE: mode| 13| 1 – all time 2 – if on| 3 – if off| W
HOLIDAYS: microventilation| 14| 1 – 1 t. per day

2 – 2 t. per day

| 3 – 3 t. per day

4 – 4 t. per day

| W
AIR QUALITY: sensor type B8| 15| 1 – none

2 – CO2

| 3 – VOC

4 – RH

| W
AIR QUALITY: sensor type B9| 16| W


| ****


| 1 – none

2 – “away”

3 – “normal”

4 – “intensive”

5 – “boost”

6 – “holidays”

| 7 – “override”

8 – “kitchen”

9 – “fireplace” 10 – air quality 11 – eco

12 – advanced

| ****


ECO: heat recovery control| 18| 1 – Auto

2 – Constant

| 3 – Non stop| W
Positive integer value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
CONTROL: maximum supply flow| 0| [m3/h, l/s]| R
CONTROL: maximum extract flow| 1| [m3/h, l/s]| R
CONTROL: maximum supply pressure| 2| 0 – 1000 [Pa]| W
CONTROL: maximum extract pressure| 3| 0 – 1000 [Pa]| W
CONNECTIVITY: IP address| 4| 0 – 4294967295| W
CONNECTIVITY: mask| 5| 0 – 4294967295| W
AWAY: supply flow| 6| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
AWAY: extract flow| 7| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
NORMAL: supply flow| 8| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
NORMAL: extract flow| 9| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
INTENSIVE: supply flow| 10| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
INTENSIVE: extract flow| 11| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
BOOST: supply flow| 12| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
BOOST: extract flow| 13| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s, Pa]| W
KITCHEN: supply flow| 14| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s]| W
KITCHEN: extract flow| 15| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s]| W
FIREPLACE: supply flow| 16| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s]| W
FIREPLACE: extract flow| 17| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s]| W
OVERRIDE: supply flow| 18| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s]| W
OVERRIDE: extract flow| 19| 0.2 max – max [m3/h, l/s]| W
KITCHEN: timer| 20| 0 – 300 [min]| W
FIREPLACE: timer| 21| 0 – 300 [min]| W
OVERRIDE: timer| 22| 0 – 300 [min]| W
Positive integer value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
AIR QUALITY: air quality setpoint| 23| 0 – 2000 [ppm]

0 – 100 [%]

| W
AIR QUALITY: humidity setpoint| 24| 0 – 100 [%]| W
AIR QUALITY: minimum intensivity| 25| 0, 20 – 100 [%]| W
AIR QUALITY: maximum intensivity| 26| 0, 20 – 100 [%]| W
AIR QUALITY: check period| 27| 1 – 24 [h]| W

ALARMS: active alarms count

| ****


| ****

0 – 10

| W [39366

resets alarms]

ALARMS: alarm history count| 29| 0 – 50| R
INFO: current supply flow| 30| [m3/h, l/s]| R
INFO: current extract flow| 31| [m3/h, l/s]| R
INFO: filters impurity| 32| [%]| R
INFO: air dampers| 33| [%]| R
INFO: supply pressure| 34| [Pa]| R
INFO: extract pressure| 35| [Pa]| R
INFO: air quality/humidity sensor 1| 36| [ppm, %]| R
INFO: air quality/humidity sensor 2| 37| [ppm, %]| R
INFO: panel 1 humidity| 38| [%]| R
INFO: panel 2 humidity| 39| [%]| R
INFO: panel 1 air quality| 40| [ppm]| R
INFO: panel 2 air quality| 41| [ppm]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: power consumption| 42| [W]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: heater power| 43| [W]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: heat exchanger recovery| 44| [W]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: heat exchanger efficiency| 45| [%]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: energy saving| 46| [%]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: recovered energy (day)| 47| [Wh]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: recovered energy (month)| 48| [Wh]| R
EFFICIENCY/STATUS: recovered energy (total)| 49| [Wh]| R
CONSUMPTION: AHU (day)| 50| [Wh]| R
CONSUMPTION: AHU (month)| 51| [Wh]| R
CONSUMPTION: AHU (total)| 52| [Wh]| R
CONSUMPTION: add. air heater (day)| 53| [Wh]| R
CONSUMPTION: add. air heater (month)| 54| [Wh]| R
CONSUMPTION: add. air heater (total)| 55| [Wh]| R
Time value

Object name

| Object instance| Present value
Range/values/units| Access
SCHEDULER: next mode start time| 0| 00:00 – 24:00| R


Phone: +370 5 200 8000
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