SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS Security User Guide

June 15, 2024

SonicOS 7.1
DNS Security
Administration Guide

About SonicOS

This guide is a part of the SonicOS collection of administrative guides that describes how to administer and monitor the SonicWall family of firewalls. SonicOS provides network administrators the management interface, API (Application Program Interface), and the Command Line Interface (CLI) for firewall configuration by setting objects to secure and protect the network services, to manage traffic, and to provide the desired level of network service. This guide focuses on how to configure the DNS settings, Dynamic DNS, and DNS Proxy settings on the SonicWall security appliances
Working with SonicOS
SonicOS provides a web management interface for configuring, managing, and monitoring the features, policies, security services, connected devices, and threats to your network. SonicOS runs on top of SonicCore, SonicWall’s secure underlying operating system.
The SonicOS management interface facilitates:

  • Setting up and configuring your firewall
  • Configuring external devices like access points or switches
  • Configuring networks and external system options that connect to your firewall
  • Defining objects and policies for protection
  • Monitoring the health and status of the security appliance, network, users, and connections
  • Monitoring traffic, users, and threats
  • Investigating events

SonicWall offers two different modes of operation in SonicOS; the modes differ mainly in the areas of policy, object configuration and diagnostics.

  • Policy Mode provides a unified policy configuration work flow. It combines Layer 3 to Layer 7 policy enforcement for security policies and optimizes the work flow for other policy types. This unified policy work flow gathers many security settings into one place, which were previously configured on different pages of the management interface.
  • Classic Mode is more consistent with earlier releases of SonicOS; you need to develop individual policies and actions for specific security services. The Classic Mode has a redesigned interface.

This table identifies which modes can be used on the different SonicWall firewalls:

Firewall Type Classic Mode Policy Mode Comments
TZ Series yes no The entry level TZ Series, also known as desktop

firewalls, deliver revamped features such as 5G readiness, better connectivity options, improved threat, SSL and decryption performance that address HTPPS bandwidth issues; built-in SDWAN, and lawful TLS 1.3 decryption support.
NSa Series| yes| no| NSa firewalls provide your mid sized network with enhanced security . They are designed specifically for businesses with 250 and up. it can provide cloud-based and on-box capabilities like TLS/SSL decryption and inspection, application intelligence and control, SD-WAN, real-time visualization, and WLAN management.
NSsp 10700, NSsp 11700,
NSsp 13700| yes| no| The NSsp platforms high-end firewalls that deliver the advanced threat protection and fast speeds that large enterprises, data centers, and service providers need.
NSsp 15700| no| yes| The NSsp 15700 is designed for large distributed enterprises, data centers, government agencies and services providers. It provides advanced threat protection like Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection, multi-instance firewall configuration, and unified policy creation and modification, with scalability and availability.
NSv Series| yes| yes| The NSv series firewalls offers all the security advantages of a physical firewall with the operational and economic benefits of virtualization. The NSv firewalls can operate in either Policy Mode or Classic Mode. You can switch between modes, but some configuration information from extra interfaces is removed.

In addition to the management interface, SonicOS also has a full-featured API and a CLI to manage the firewalls.
For more information, refer to:

SonicOS Workflow
When working with SonicWall products, you can use the following workflow as a guide for setting up your security solution.SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS
Security - partsYou begin your planning as you start making your purchasing decisions. Your sales partners can help you assess your network and make recommendations based on the kinds of security services you need. You can learn more about SonicWall products by reviewing product information and solutions. After selecting the solution, you can schedule your implementation.
After planning and scheduling your solution, you begin setting up the firewalls. The Getting Started Guides for 0your products can help you begin setting up the pieces to your solution. The getting started guides are designed to help you install the firewall to a minimal level of operation. Before performing any detailed configuration tasks described in the SonicOS Administration Guides, you should have your firewall set up and basic operation validated.
The configuration block of the workflow refers to the many tasks that combine to define how your firewall is integrated into your security solution and how it behaves when protecting your environment. Depending on the features of your security solution, this task can be quite complex. The System Administration Guides are broken into the key command sets and features. Some documents may be used for all solutions, but others may be used use only if you integrated that feature into your solution. For example, High Availability or Wireless Access Points are not necessarily used by all customers. More information about a feature’s workflow is presented in the feature administration guide. Refer to the specific Administration Guide for a SonicOS feature for more information.
Configuration tends to be a one-time activity, although you might make minor adjustments after monitoring performance or after diagnosing an issue. The configuration activity can be broken down into the more detailed flow as the following figure shows. This also mirrors the key functions that are listed across the top of the management interface.SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS
Security - parts1There is some flexibility in the order in which you do things, but this is the general work-flow you would follow when configuring your firewall. Start by defining the settings on the firewall. Next you set up the system and other devices that your firewall is connected to, and you can choose to implement High Availability when done. After your device, network, and system is configured, you should define the objects that you want to monitor. Then you use those objects to define the policies that protect your network. The final step to preparing your setup is to validate the user authentication.
How to Use the SonicOS Administration Guides
The SonicOS Administration Guide is a collection of guides that detail the features represented by each of the main menu items in the management interface. Within each guide, you can find topics covering commands in that menu group, along with procedures and in-depth information. The exceptions are the SonicOS 7.1 Monitor Guide and the SonicOS 7.1 Objects Guide which combine the topics for each of those functions into a single book. To help you understand how the books align with the features and commands, the following figure shows the books organized like the SonicWall management interface. The SonicOS Administration Guides, along with related documentation, such as the getting started guides, are available on the
Guide Conventions
These text conventions are used in this guide:
NOTE: A NOTE icon indicates supporting information.
IMPORTANT: An IMPORTANT icon indicates supporting information.
TIP: A TIP icon indicates helpful information.
CAUTION: A CAUTION icon indicates potential damage to hardware or loss of data if instructions are not followed.
WARNING: A WARNING icon indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

Convention Description
Bold text Used in procedures to identify elements in the management interface

like dialog boxes, windows, screen names, messages, and buttons. Also used for file names and text or values you are being instructed to select or type into the interface.
Function | Menu group > Menu item| Indicates a multiple step menu choice on the user interface. For example, NETWORK | System > Interfaces means to select the  ETWORK functions at the top of the window, then click on System in the left navigation menu to open the menu group (if needed) and select Interfaces to display the page.
Code| Indicates sample computer programming code. If bold, it represents text to be typed in the command line interface.

| Represents a variable name. The variable name and angle brackets need to be replaced with an actual value. For example in the segment serialnumber=, replace the variable and brackets with the serial number from your device, such as serialnumber=2CB8ED000004. Italics| Indicates the name of a technical manual. Also indicates emphasis on certain words in a sentence, such as the first instance of a significant term or concept.

About Policy

SonicOS comes equipped with several features to configure policy. The other policy configuration tools are group under the POLICY option as follows.SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS Security - parts3

  • Rules and Policies – To configure the setting rules and policies.
  • DPI-SSL – DPI-SSL is a separate, licensed feature that provides inspection of encrypted HTTPS traffic and other SSL-based IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
  • DPI-SSH – To configure the decryption DPI-SSH.
  • Security Services – Security Services settings allow a choice of operating for maximum security, or accepting less than the highest security level but with higher network performance levels.
  • Anti-Spam – Anti-Spam is a separate, licensed feature that provides a quick, efficient, and effective way to add anti-spam, anti-phishing, and anti-virus capabilities to your existing firewall.
  • Capture ATP – Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) helps a firewall identify whether a file is malicious by transmitting the file to the cloud where the SonicWall Capture ATP service analyzes the file to determine if it contains a virus or other malicious elements.
  • DNS Security – The Domain Name System (DNS) Security is a domain categorization service by integrating with public DNS Server Neustar.
  • Endpoint Security – Manage logs for your product subscriptions and licensed security products in one location. Security products include Capture Client, Content Filtering, Intrusion Prevention, App Control, Botnet/GeoIP Filtering, and Gateway Anti-Virus/Anti Spyware/Capture ATP.

DNS Security Introduction
The Domain Name System (DNS) Security is a domain categorization service by integrating with public DNS Server Neustar. The following are the features of DNS Security:

  • Provide central DNS management by leveraging SonicOS DNS proxy
  • Support DNS Filtering enforcement in both UPE and Global mode
  • Support EDNS packet process and DNS category processing report
  • Inspect and deny domains associated with malicious activity over 19 pre-defined categories
  • Early Malware detection with out decryption

The DNS tools are group under the POLICY | DNS Security options allows you to configure DNS Security.

DNS Filtering Dashboard
The Dashboard is the default view when you log in to SonicOS for the first time. The navigation path is HOME > Dashboard > System. It provides several sections and tabs for viewing the status of your SonicOS firewall and shows a graphical representation of key firewall features and performance. The Dashboard can be your starting place for monitoring performance. Symbols and colors are used to indicate whether things are operational, need attention, or if a problem needs to be resolved.
Click the DNS Filtering tab in HOME > Dashboard > System to view the DNS Filtering status.

Configuring DNS Security Settings

The POLICY | DNS Security page allows you to manually configure your DNS security settings at the unit and group levels.
About DNS Filtering
Before SonicOS 7.x, SonicOS doesn’t have the domain categorization service
SonicOS 7.1 onwards, SonicOS has central DNS management by leveraging DNS proxy, and DNS security features like DNS Filtering, DNS Sinkhole service ,and DNS Tunnel Detection.
The following are the configuration change reference.

Before 7.x After 7.x
Global Enable DNS Proxy No longer needed
Enable DNS Proxy per interface In each DNS Policy, configure the source

DNS Proxy Mode| Configured in each DNS Policy
Enforce DNS Proxy For All DNS Requests| As origin
Enable DNS Proxy Cache| As origin

Neustar is a public DNS Server which has intelligence of domain name categorization. By integrating Neustar DNS service with SonicWall firewall, we obtain domain categorization service along with DNS for SonicWall customers.SonicWall support profiles to take different actions on different categories, then the DNS Packet will process according to the action. Neustar support 19 pre-defined categories and SonicWall support 4 actions.SONICWALL
SonicOS 7.1 DNS Security - parts5 Configuring DNS Filtering
To use DNS Filtering, user has to do the following configurations:

  • Ensure DNS Filtering is licensed under Gateway Services in the license page
  • Add/Edit/Delete DNS policy manually in the Policy > Rules and Polices > DNS Rules. For more information on adding DNS policy, refer to the SonicOS Rules and Policies guide
  • Add/Edit/Delete DNS Profile in the Object > Profile Objects> DNS Filtering. For more information on adding DNS policy, refer to the SonicOS Objects guide
  • Set the DHCP DNS Server Lease Scopes interface as the interface IP of firewall in the Dynamic Range Configuration. For more information on adding Dynamic, refer to the SonicOS system guide
  • Enable Enforce DNS Proxy For All DNS Requests at DNS Proxy settings in the Network > DNS > DNS Proxy

To configure Global settings:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.

  2. Hover over to the DNS Filtering tab.SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS Security - parts6

  3. Click the Global Settings tab. Enable the option Enable White List.
    NOTE: White List can be used for both DNS Sinkhole Service and DNS Filtering.

  4. Configure both Forged IPv4 Address and Forged IPv6 Address.

  5. Click Accept.

To configure Custom Domain:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Hover over to the DNS Filtering tab.
  3. Click the Custom Domain tab.
  4. Under Category Information, you can find the different type of categories and the categories explanation.
  5. For each domain name you want to add as a custom domain name under the Config Custom Domain section:
    a. Click +Add. The Add DNS filter Custom Domain dialog displays.
    b. Enter the custom domain name in the Domain Name field.
    c. Select the category type from the drop-down in the Category field.
    d. Click Save.SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS Security -

Configuring DNS Sinkhole Service
A DNS sinkhole also known as a sinkhole server, Internet sinkhole, or Blackhole DNS — is a DNS server that gives out false information to prevent the use of the domain names it represents. DNS sinkholes are effective at detecting and blocking malicious traffic, and used to combat bots and other unwanted traffic.
SonicOS provides the ability to configure a sinkhole with black and white lists.
To configure DNS Sinkhole settings:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.

  2. Hover over to the DNS Sinkhole Service tab.

  3. Select Enable DNS Sinkhole Service under the Settings tab. This option is not selected by default.

  4. Click the Global Settings tab. Enable the option Enable White List.

  5. From the Action drop-down menu, select what the service should do:
    • Dropping with Logs
    • Dropping with Negative DNS reply to Source
    • Dropping with DNS reply of Forged IP

  6. Ensure the IPv4 address and IPv6 address, Current Detection, and Malicious Domain in the fields.

  7. Click Accept.

To configure Custom Malicious Domain Name List:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Hover over to the DNS Sinkhole Service tab.
  3. Click the Custom Malicious Domain Name tab.
  4. For each domain name you want to add as a malicious domain name:
    a. Click +Add. The Add One Domain Name dialog displays.
    b. Enter the malicious domain name in the Domain Name field.
    c. Click Save.

Deleting Entries in the Custom Malicious Domain Name List
To delete the entries in a list:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Hover over to the DNS Sinkhole Service tab.
  3. Click the Custom Malicious Domain Name tab.
  4. Select an entry to delete or select the top checkbox next to the Domain Name column to select all of the items in the list.
  5. Click Delete.

Configuring DNS Tunnel Detection
DNS tunneling is a method of bypassing security controls and exfiltrating data from a targeted organization. A DNS tunnel can be used as a full remote- control channel for a compromised internal host. Capabilities include Operating System (OS) commands, file transfers, or even a full IP tunnel.
SonicOS provides the ability to detect DNS tunneling attacks, displays suspicious clients, and allows you to create white lists for DNS tunnel detection.
When DNS tunneling detection is enabled, SonicOS logs whenever suspicious DNS packets are dropped.
NOTE: DNS Tunneling settings can be made at the group or unit level.
Configuring DNS Tunnel Detection
To configure DNS tunnel detection:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Click the DNS Tunnel Detection tab.
  3. Under Settings, select Enable DNS Tunnel Detection to enable DNS tunnel detection.
  4. To block all the DNS traffic from the detected clients, select Block All The Clients DNS Traffic.
  5. Click Accept.

Detected Suspicious Client Information
SonicOS displays information about all hosts that have established a DNS tunnel in the Detected Suspicious Clients Info table.
To view detected suspicious client Information:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Hover over to the DNS Tunnel Detection tab.
  3. Click on the Detected Suspicious Clients Info tab.

This table is populated only if DNS tunnel detection is enabled. Hosts are dropped only if blocking clients DNS traffic is enabled. For more information, refer to Configuring DNS Tunnel Detection.

IP Address IP address of the suspicious client
MAC Address MAC address of the suspicious client
Detection Method DNS type used to detect suspicious clients:

• Normal DNS Type: A, AAAA, CNAME
• Corner DNS Type: such as TXT, NULL, SRV, PRIVATE, and MX
Interface| Interface on which the host establishing the DNS tunnel was detected
Block| Indicates whether the host was blocked

Creating White list for DNS Tunnel Detection
You can create white lists for IP address you consider safe. If a detected DNS tunnel IP address matches an address in the white list, DNS tunnel detection is bypassed.
To create a DNS white list:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Hover over to the DNS Tunnel Detection tab.
  3. Click on the White List for DNS Tunnel Detection tab.
  4. For each IP address you want to add to the white list:
    a. Click +Add. The Add One White Entry dialog displays.
    b. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the domain to be added to the whitelist.
    c. Click Save.

Deleting White List Entries for DNS Tunnel Detection
To delete all white list entries for DNS tunnel detection:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Hover over to the DNS Tunnel Detection tab.
  3. Click on the White List for DNS Tunnel Detection tab.
  4. Select an entry to delete or select the top checkbox next to the IP Address column to select all of the items.
  5. Click Delete.

White List
You can create white lists for IP address you consider safe.
NOTE: The default URLs on White List is deleted by design. Now its displays No data as default.
To create a white list:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Click the White List tab.
  3. For each domain name you want to add to the white list:
    a. Click +Add. The Domain Name dialog displays.
    b. In the Domain Name field, enter the white list domain name.
    c. Click Save.

To delete all white list:

  1. Navigate to POLICY | DNS Security > Settings.
  2. Click the White List tab.
  3. Select an entry to delete or select the top checkbox next to the IP Address column to select all of the items.
  4. Click Delete.


Navigation to HOME > Dashboard > view the overview of DNS Filtering data and reports. The POLICY | DNS Security > Reports page allows you to view the different types of reports and to export data.
Navigate to Policy > DNS Security > Reports and click Statistic tab, this page allows you to view these categories of statistic reports.SONICWALL SonicOS
7.1 DNS Security - parts10

  • Security – You can view the total number of reports under the following categories.
    • Malware
    • Phishing
    • Anonymous Proxies
    • Spyware
    • Parked Domains
    • Hacking/Warez/P2P
    • Ransomware
    • Bots/C2

  • Mature – You can view the total number of reports under the following categories
    • Adult
    • Gambling
    • Pornography
    • Violence
    • Dating
    • Drugs
    • Alcohol
    • Discrimination/Hate

  • Enterprise – You can view the total number of reports under the following categories
    • Gaming
    • Social
    • Sports

Navigate to Policy > DNS Security > Reports and click Domain tab, this page allows you to view the list of domains, number of count, percentage, and categories.SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 DNS Security -

  • You can select All Domains or the Blocked Domains only from the drop-down menu.

  • You can select All Categories or a specific category from the drop-down menu.

  • You can view the list of domains based on the time frame hovering your mouse pointer over one of the following options on the time frame button.
    • 30 Minutes
    • 60 Minutes
    • 12 Hours
    • 24 Hours
    • 7 Days
    • 15 Days
    • 30 Days
    • All

  • You can limit the number of domains entries by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down menu.
    • 10 Entries
    • 50 Entries
    • 100 Entries
    • 500 Entries
    • 1000 Entries
    • Unlimited Entries

  • You can view the license status of DNS Filtering and availability of External Storage status.

Navigate to Policy > DNS Security > Reports and click Host tab, this page allows you to view the list of Hosts, number of count, percentage, and categories.

  • You can select All Hosts or the Blocked Hosts only from the drop-down menu.

  • You can view the list of hosts based on the time frame hovering your mouse pointer over one of the following options from the time frame button.
    • 30 Minutes
    • 60 Minutes
    • 12 Hours
    • 24 Hours
    • 7 Days
    • 15 Days
    • 30 Days
    • All

  • You can limit the number of hosts entries by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down menu.
    • 10 Entries
    • 50 Entries
    • 100 Entries
    • 500 Entries
    • 1000 Entries
    • Unlimited Entries

  • You can view the license status of DNS Filtering and availability of External Storage Status.

Navigate to Policy > DNS Security > Reports and click Database tab, this page allows you to view the status of database storage and to export the database:

  • You can view the following status under the Status of Database Storage section.
    • Memory Storage Size
    • External Storage Status
    • Percentage of External Storage Usage

  • Click Export Database under Action section to export the database.
    A pop-up appears for the export confirmation.
    Click OK.

  • Click Refresh to view the up to date status of database storage.

SonicWall Support

Technical support is available to customers who have purchased SonicWall products with a valid maintenance contract.
The Support Portal provides self-help tools you can use to solve problems quickly and independently, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To access the Support Portal, go to
The Support Portal enables you to:

To contact SonicWall Support, visit /contact-support.
About This Document
SonicOS DNS Security Administration Guide
Updated – December 2023
Software Version – 7.1
232-005884-00 Rev A
Copyright © 2023 SonicWall Inc. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is provided in connection with SonicWall and/or its affiliates’ products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of products.
For more information, visit
End User Product Agreement
To view the SonicWall End User Product Agreement, go to:
Open Source Code
SonicWall Inc. is able to provide a machine-readable copy of open source code with restrictive licenses such as GPL, LGPL, AGPL when applicable per license requirements. To obtain a complete machine-readable copy, send your written requests, along with certified check or money order in the amount of USD 25.00 payable to “SonicWall Inc.”, to:

General Public License Source Code Request
Attn: Jennifer Anderson
1033 McCarthy Blvd
Milpitas, CA 95035


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