pyroscience OXROB FireSting PRO Optical Multi Analyte Meter User Manual
- June 15, 2024
- PyroScience
Table of Contents
Optical Multi-Analyte Meter
Optical Multi-Analyte Meter
Document Version 1.12
The compact USB-powered fiber-optic meter FireSting®-PRO with 1, 2, or 4 channels for multiple analytes and sensor heads features:
- freely configurable channels for O2, pH and temperature
- broad optical sensor portfolio (multiple fiber-based and contactless sensor heads for several ranges)
- with (ultra-)high speed sampling
- zero-noise and zero-latency temperature compensation
- improved ambient light suppression and
- smart measuring modes for prolonged sensor lifetime
- pH, oxygen and temperature determination simultaneously in one sample
This single-device solution for multi-analyte measurements has integrated
atmospheric pressure and humidity sensors for precise and easy oxygen sensor
calibration, but also for automatic pressure compensation of the oxygen
measurements. Furthermore, the FireSting®-PRO offers 4 analog outputs and a
The new innovative and user-friendly Pyro Workbench allows operation of
several FireSting®-PRO meters in parallel as a scalable multi-channel system.
The FireSting®-PRO comes with 1, 2, or 4 channels (optical sensor ST- connectors 1 to 4) for up to 4 fiber-optic sensors and one connector (T) for an external Pt100 temperature probe. The optical channel connectors are color coded, indicating the analyte (oxygen, (pre-calibrated) pH or temperature), which is currently measured and can be changed for each channel. The air inlet equilibrates the internal temperature, pressure and humidity sensors with the surrounding. Avoid covering these holes to ensure free air circulation towards the internal sensors.
The micro-USB
connector on the left side panel provides energy supply and data exchange with
the PC. Right-hand side of it, a connector X1 for power and digital interface
(7-pins) and a connector X2 for analog output (5 pins) is located.
Step 1: Download the correct software and manual from the downloads tab of
your purchased device on
Step 2: Connect the FireSting®-PRO meter with the micro-USB cable to the
Windows PC/laptop (Windows 7, 8, 10).
Step 3: Connect appropriate PyroScience sensor(s) to the optical sensor
connectors 1 to 4 at the device (see 4).
Step 4: Connect an external temperature sensor (item no. TDIP15 or TSUB21) to
the Pt100 connector or, alternatively, an optical temperature sensor (see 5)
to one of the optical sensor connectors 1 to 4 for automatic temperature
Step 5: Prepare appropriate calibration standards, as described in the
respective sensor manuals (see 8).
Step 6: Start the logger software by clicking on the short-cut “Pyro
Workbench” on your desktop.
Step 7: Open the Settings Wizard by clicking on the FireSting®-PRO picture.
Select the respective analyte and enter all sensor settings for each sensor,
including an appropriate mode of temperature compensation.
Step 8: Open the Calibration Wizard and follow the calibration instructions
for each sensor. Measurements with the respective sensors will start
automatically after all required sensor calibrations have been performed.
Step 9: Configure the Graphs according to your preferences.
Step 10: Activate Data Logging.
The fiber-optic oxygen, pH and temperature sensors, as well as optical fibers needed for read-out of contactless sensors are connected to the ST-connectors of the FireSting®PRO (1 to 4) with a male fiber plug.
- Remove the black caps from the plug of the sensor / fiber.
- Remove the red caps from the sensor ports at the FireSting®-PRO (the red caps should be put on again if it is not in use anymore to protect the optics).
- Insert the male fiber plug of the sensor cable into the ST-port (female fiber connector) of the FireSting®-PRO and turn the bayonet coupling gently clockwise until the plug is locked firmly.
The FireSting®-PRO is compatible with a broad range of optical oxygen, pH and temperature sensors from PyroScience. For an overview of available optical sensor types, please see the PyroScience website. FireSting®-PRO devices labeled with “ready for precal pH” and all devices with SN>23360000 can be used for calibration free measurements with precalibrated pH sensors.
5.1 Fiber-optic Sensors
Sensor | Item | Analyte | Application |
Miniprobes | OXROB… | O2 | stirred water, gas |
-PI-IROB … | pH | water & media | |
Retractable Tip Minisensors | OXR | water, gas & semi-solid samples | |
TPR… | Temp. | ||
Fixed Tip Minisensors | *OXF… | Oo | water, gas & semi-solid samples (esp. |
TPF…| Temp.
OXF…-PT| O2| gas (puncturing septa/packaging)
PHF-PK…| pH| water & media
Bare Fiber Minisensors| OXB…| O2| water, gas & custom
TPB…| Temp.
Solvent-Resistant Probes| OXSOLV| O2| approved polar and non-polar solvents
OXSOLV-PTS| O2| approved solvent vapors
*also as Microsensor; + different pH ranges; water=water, seawater, aqueous solutions
5.2 Contactless Sensors
Sensor | Item | Analyte | Application |
Nanoprobes | OXNANO | O2 | aqueous solutions & microfluidics |
Sensor Spots | OXSP5 | O2 | water & gas |
TPSP5 | Temp. | ||
*PHSP5… | pH | water & media | |
Sensor Vials | OXVIAL… | O2 | water & gas |
TOVIAL… | Temp. & O2 | ||
+PHVIAL… | pH | water & media | |
+PHTVIAL… | Temp. & pH | ||
ePHTOVIAL… | Temp. & pH & O2 | ||
Flow-Through Cells | OXFLOW… | O2 | water & gas |
TOFTC2| Temp. & O2
“.PHFLOW…| pH| water & media
+ different pH ranges; water=water, seawater, aqueous solutions
Principle of contactless read-out of sensor spots and sensor vials
Examples of available sensor tips:
a) retractable microsensor b) fixed minisensor with protected tip and with
c) protruding sensor tip, d) robust probe
The extension port of the FireSting®-PRO consists of the two connectors X1 and
X2 (fitting connector plugs can be obtained from Phoenix Contact item no.
1778887 and 1778861).
6.1 Connector X1 (Power, Digital Interface, Analog In)
The pin configuration of the connector X1 is given in the table below. Pins
1-2 (GND and VCC) can be used for providing an external power supply (3.5…5.0
VDC), if the FireSting®-PRO should not be powered via the USB port. The
transmit and receive pins of the UART-interface are given at pins 4 (TXD) and
5 (RXD) (communication protocol on request). When using the UART-interface it
is recommended to connect pin 3 (/USB_DISABLE) to pin 1 (GND), which disables
the USB interface.
Pin 6 (/PAUSE_BROADCAST) and Pin 7 (/TRIGIN) are related to the so called
“broadcast mode” which can be configured in the PC control software (e.g.,
Pyro Workbench or Pyro Developer Tool). During broadcast mode, the device
triggers itself periodic measurements which can be read out from the analog
outputs or from a text message transmitted via the USB/UART interface. For
more details refer to the manual of the respective control software are to the
communication protocol (available on request).
Pin 7 (/TRIGIN) acts as a trigger input for the broadcast mode. Note, the
option “Enable Trigin” must be enabled in the broadcast settings in the
control software. Every time this pin is connected to pin 1 (GND) then an
additional broadcast measurement is triggered. Pin 6 (/PAUSE_BROADCAST) acts
as a master switch of the broadcast mode. As long this pin is tied to pin 1
(GND), then the broadcast mode is paused. Neither periodic broadcast
measurements, nor triggered broadcast measurements are performed.
Pin | Name | Function | Description |
1 | GND | Power | Ground |
2 | VCC | Power | Power supply, 3.5V to 5.0V DC max. 70 mA (typ. 40 mA) |
3 | /USB_DISABLE | Digital Input | Connect to GND for disabling the USB interface |
4 | TXD | Digital Output (UART TX) | UART interface with 3.3V levels (5V |
tolerant), baud rate 115200,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshake
5| RXD| Digital Input (UART RX)| UART interface with 3.3V levels (5V
tolerant), baud rate 115200,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshake
6| /PAUSE_ BROADCAST| Digital Input
(OV or 3.3V, internally pulled-up to 3.3V)| Connect to GND for pausing any
broadcast-mode operation.
7| /TRIGIN| Digital Input
(OV or 3.3V, internally pulled-up to 3.3V)| Triggers a broadcast measurement
every time, when this pin is tied to GND.
6.2 Connector X2 (Analog Output)
The connector X2 provides 4 analog outputs with a range of 0-2.5V DC at a
resolution of 14 bits (see table below). Refer to the Pyro Workbench manual
how to configure the analog outputs.
Pin | Name | Function | Description |
1 | GND | Ground | |
2 | AO_A | Analog Output (0 – 2.5 V DC) | |
(14-bit resolution) | Analog Output Port A (alternatively digital alarm output) | ||
3 | AO_B | Analog Output (0 – 2.5 V DC) | |
(14-bit resolution) | Analog Output Port B (alternatively digital alarm output) | ||
4 | AO_C | Analog Output (0 – 2.5 V DC) | |
(14-bit resolution) | Analog Output Port C (alternatively digital alarm |
5| AO_D| Analog Output (0 – 2.5 V DC)
(14-bit resolution)| Analog Output Port D (alternatively digital alarm output)
Feature | Specification |
Dimensions | 68 x 120 x 22 mm (housing) |
78 x 120 x 24 (total)
Weight| ca. 290 g
Interface| USB 2.0
Power supply| USB-powered (max 50mA at 5V)
Supported operating systems| ms Windows 7, 8, 10
Operating temperature| 0 to 50°C
Max. relative humidity| non-condensing conditions
Optical sensor port| 1, 2, or 4 (dependent on model)
Optical sensors| complete PyroScience sensor portfolio for O2, pH & T
Optical sensor connector| fiber-optic ST-plug
Max. sample rate| ca. 10 samples per second (depending on Settings)
External temperature port
Range, Resolution, Accuracy| 1 channel for 4-wire Pt100
-30°C to 150°C, 0.02°C, ±0.5°C
Internal temperature sensor
Range, Resolution, Accuracy| -40 to 125°C, 0.01°C, ±0.3°C
Internal pressure sensor
Range, Resolution, Accuracy| 300 to 1100 mbar, 0.1 mbar, typ. ±3 mbar
Internal humidity sensor
Range, Resolution, Accuracy| 0 to 100% rel. humidity (RH), 0.04% RH, typ.
±0.2% RH
Digital interface
at extension port X1 (7 pins)| UART with 3.3V levels (5V tolerant), 115 200
baud, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshake
Connector plug port X1| Phoenix Contact, item no. 1778887
Analog output (4 channels)
at extension port X2 (5 pins)| 0 to 2.5 VDC
14-bit resolution
Connector plug port X2| Phoenix Contact, item no. 1778861
7.1 Mounting Hole Dimensions of the FireSting® meters
Detailed instructions for using the Pyro Workbench and application of optical oxygen, pH and temperature sensors:
- manual for logger software “Pyro Workbench” (Windows)
- manuals for optical sensors from PyroScience (oxygen, pH, temperature)
Before using the FireSting®-PRO and its sensors, read carefully the
instructions and user manuals.
In case of problems or damage, disconnect the instrument and mark it to
prevent any further use! Consult PyroScience for advice! There are no
serviceable parts inside the device. Please note that opening the housing will
void the warranty!
The FireSting®-PRO is not watertight, is sensitive to corrosive conditions and
to changes in temperature causing condensation. Avoid any condition (e.g.
direct sun light) causing a heating of the device above 50°C (122°F) or below
0°C (32°F). Avoid any elevated humidity causing condensing conditions.
Handle the sensors with care especially after removal of the protective cap!
Prevent mechanical stress to the fragile sensing tip! Prevent injuries with
needle-type sensors!
Calibration and application of the sensors is on the user’s authority, as well
as data acquisition, treatment & publication!
The optical sensors and meter FireSting®-PRO are not intended for medical,
diagnostic, therapeutic, or military purposes or any other safety-critical
applications. The sensors must not be used for applications in humans and must
not be brought in direct contact with foods intended for consumption by
The FireSting®-PRO and optical sensors should be used in the laboratory by
qualified personnel only, following the user instructions and the safety
guidelines of the manual, as well as the appropriate laws and guidelines for
safety in the laboratory!
Keep the sensors and the fiber-optic meter FireSting®-PRO out of reach of
PyroScience GmbH | Tel.: +49 (0)241 5183 2210 |
Kackertstraße 11 | Fax: +49 (0)241 5183 2299 |
52072 Aachen | |
Deutschland | |
© PyroScience GmbH
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