TRANE CXAU-MODBUS Cxau Centralized Controller Communication Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

TRANE CXAU-MODBUS Cxau Centralized Controller Communication

Product Information


  • Product: CXAU Centralized Controller MODBUS Communication
  • Manual Version: May 2023
  • Model Number: CXAU-MODBUS-EN

Installation Guide


  1. All wiring needs to comply with local laws and regulations.
  2. Power cable size recommendation: 0.75mm2
  3. Communication line requirements:
    • RS485 wiring must use twisted pair shielded wire RVSP.
    • Wire diameter: AWG #16 ~ 18 (American wire standard) or 0.75mm2 (Chinese wire standard).
    • Twisted pair with the shield.
    • The twisting distance should not exceed 5cm.
  4. When the power cable is routed parallel to the communication line, enough distance must be maintained.
  5. RS485 communication line must use twisted pair shielded wire RVSP, and other types of cables shall not be used instead.
  6. RS485 bus must adopt a hand-in-hand structure and must not use a star connection.
  7. RS485 communication line should be as far away as possible from high-voltage wire, and cannot be routed with the power line, letalone bundled together.
  8. Ethernet communication line requirements: Ethernet communication lines must use shielded CAT 5 network cables.


Centralized Controller Address Settings
Set in User >> Other Settings

  • For RS485 use, the default address for the slave unit is 1,changeable.
  • Ethernet interface:
    • IP Address:
    • Subnet Mask:
    • Default Gateway:
    • Port ID: 502 (not changeable)

Communication Port

  • Physical interface: COM4
  • RS485 Communication protocol: ModbusRTU
  • Baud rate setting: 9600,N,8,1

Ethernet Communication Interface

  • Physical interface: RJ45
  • Communication protocol: Modbus TCPRTU

Communication Protocol

Modbus Directive Definitions

  1. The communication mode uses Modbus RTU mode. The data format is defined as follows:

    • Slave address
    • Module address
    • Data is binary data.
    • Request code
    • Function code
    • Data
    • CRC16 Check code
  2. RTU mode is formatted as per byte (10 bits):

    • 1 Start bit
    • 8 Data bits (LSB first)
    • 1 Stop bit
  3. Broadcast frames:

    • Address 0 is used by the host to send broadcast frames.

    • The Modbus module can receive broadcast frames and execute the
      corresponding requests but does not return reply frames to the host.

    • Broadcast requests are typically used to write commands.

  4. There can be two ways to talk about master-slave dialogue:

  5. The host sends a request to a slave and waits for a response from the slave.

  6. The host sends a broadcast to all slaves and does not wait for a response from the slaves.

  7. Instructions to read the coil registers (0x01) sent by the host unit:

    • Slave unit address
    • Function code
    • The first address of the register
    • The number of coils read
    • CRC16-Lo
    • CRC16-Hi
  8. Response from the module:

    • Slave unit address
    • Function code
    • The length of the data read
    • 1st byte to nth byte
    • CRC16-Lo
    • CRC16-Hi

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: What is the recommended power cable size for installation?
  • A: The recommended power cable size is 0.75mm2.
  • Q: What type of cable should be used for RS485 communication line?
  • A: RS485 communication line must use twisted pair shielded wireRVSP.
  • Q: Can I use other types of cables instead of twisted pairshielded wire RVSP for RS485 communication line?
  • A: No, other types of cables should not be used for RS485 communication line.
  • Q: Can I route the power cable parallel to the communication line?
  • A: If routing the power cable parallel to the communicationline, ensure enough distance is maintained.
  • Q: Can I use a star connection for the RS485 bus?
  • A: No, the RS485 bus must adopt a hand-in-hand structure and must not use a star connection.
  • Q: What type of cable should be used for Ethernet communication lines?
  • A: Ethernet communication lines must use shielded CAT 5 network cables.

Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual
CXAU Centralized Controller MODBUS Communication


  • The device is used for centralized control of Trane air conditioning modular CXAU products, and up to 16 CXAU units can be connected to one device;
  • Mounting: 4 x 7mm mounting holes.
  • Overall dimensions (W x H x D): 250 x 220 x 90 (mm).
  • Working power supply: 220/230VAC.
  • Working environment: temperature -10~60°C, humidity < 90% RH.
  • Storage environment: temperature -20~70°C, humidity < 90% RH.

Installation Guide



  • The equipment should be installed indoors, far away from heat sources, such as vapors or flammable gases, and far away from converter substations.
  • Do not install the device in a location exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Do not install the device in a location with strong wind or heavy dust.
  • Do not install the device in a location prone to rain or high moisture.
  • Do not install the device in a location where acids, alkaline substances, or corrosive gases (such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) are present.
  • Do not install the device in a location where combustible gases or volatile combustibles may leak into.
  • Do not install the device in a location where small animal nests are likely to occur.
  • Do not install the device in a location easily accessible to movable people.

Wiring Instructions

  1. All wiring needs to comply with local laws and regulations.
  2. Power cable size recommendation≥ 0.75mm2
  3. Communication line requirements: RS485 wiring must use twisted pair shielded wire RVSP. Wire diameter AWG #16 ~ 18 (American wire standard), or ≥ 0.75mm2 (Chinese wire standard). Twisted pair with the shield. The twisting distance is not more than 5cm.
  4. When the power cable is routed parallel to the communication line, enough distance must be maintained.
  5. RS485 communication line must use twisted pair shielded wire RVSP, and other types of cables shall not be used instead.
  6. RS485 bus must adopt a hand-in-hand structure and must not use a star connection.
  7. RS485 communication line should be as far away as possible from high-voltage wire, and can not be routed with the power line, let alone bundled together.
  8. Ethernet communication line requirements: Ethernet communication lines must use shielded CAT 5 network cables.

Centralized Controller Diagram:


Centralized Controller Address Settings
Set in User>>Other Settings
For RS485 use, default address for slave unit is 1, changeable. Ethernet interface:

  • IP Address: changeable
  • Subnet Mask: 255.255.255. 0 changeable
  • Default Gateway: changeable
  • Port ID: 502 not changeable

Communication Port

  • Physical interface: COM4 RS485
  • Communication protocol: Modbus/RTU
  • Baud rate setting: 9600,N,8,1
  • Ethernet communication interface
  • Physical interface: RJ45
  • Communication protocol:Modbus TCP/RTU

Communication protocol

Modbus Directive definitions

  1. The communication mode uses Modbus RTU mode. The data format is defined as follows:
Slave address Request code Data CRC16
Module address Function code data Check code

Data is binary data.

  • CRC16: Cyclic redundancy check.

RTU mode is formatted as per byte (10 bits):

  • Start bit、8 Data bits, The lowest significant bit is sent first(LSB first)、Stop bit Broadcast frames:
    Address 0 is used by the host to send broadcast frames,The Modbus module can receive broadcast frames and execute the corresponding requests, but does not return reply frames to the host. Broadcast requests are typically used to write commands.
    There can be two ways to talk about master-slave dialogue:

  • The host sends a request to a slave and waits for a response from the slave.

  • The host sends a broadcast to all slaves and does not wait for a response from the slaves.

Instructions to read the coil registers (0x01)

  • Sent by the host unit:
    Slave unit address| 1 byte| 0x01~0x10
    Function code| 1 byte| 0x01
    The first address of the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    The number of coils read| 2 bytes| 1 to 2000
    CRC16-Lo| 1 byte|
    CRC16-Hi| 1 byte|
  • Respond from the module:
Slave unit address 1 byte 0x01~0x10
Function code 1 byte 0x01
The length of the data read 2 bytes 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
1st byte 1 byte
……… ……… ………
The nth byte 1 byte
CRC16-Lo 1 byte
CRC16-Hi 1 byte

Example: Read the air conditioning system power on and off instructions。

Send Response
name (Hex)
Device address 01
Function code 01
Start address Hi 00
Start address Lo 0A
The number of output states Hi 00
The number of output states Lo 01
CRC16 Hi C8

Instructions to read discrete registers(0x02)

  • Sent by the host unit:
    Slave unit address| 1 byte| 0x01~0x10
    Function code| 1 byte| 0x02
    The first address on the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    The number of coils read| 2 bytes| 1 to 2000
    CRC16-Lo| 1 byte|
    CRC16-Hi| 1 byte|
  • Respond from the module:
Slave unit address 1 byte 0x01~0x10
Function code 1 byte 0x02
The length of the data read 2 bytes 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
1st byte 1 byte
……… ……… ………
The nth byte 1 byte
CRC16-Lo 1 byte
CRC16-Hi 1 byte

Example:Read the power on and off status of the air conditioning system.

Send Response
名称 (Hex)
Device address 01
Function code 02
Start address Hi 00
Start addressLo 0B
The number of output states Hi 00
The number of output states Lo 01
CRC16 Lo C8
CRC16 Hi 08

Read save register instructions(0x03)

  • Sent by the host unit:
    Slave unit address| 1 byte| 0x01~0x10
    Function code| 1 byte| 0x03
    The first address of the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    Number of register read| 2 bytes| 1 to 125
    CRC16-Lo| 1 byte|
    CRC16-Hi| 1 byte|
  • Respond from the module:
Slave unit address 1 byte 0x01~0x10
Function code 1 byte 0x03
The byte length of the read data 2 bytes
The first register value 2bytes
……… ……… ………
The nth register value 2 bytes
CRC16-Lo 1 byte
CRC16-Hi 1 byte

Example:Read the refrigeration entering temperature setpoint. Its register address is 10000,hexadecimal 0x2710,Its register value is 120(denote 12°C),Hexadecimal is 0x78.

Send Response
name (Hex)
Device address 01
Function code 03
Start address Hi 27
Start address Lo 10
Number of registers Hi 00
Number of registers Lo 01
CRC16 Lo 8F
CRC16 Hi 7B

Read input register instructions(0x04)

  • Sent by the host unit:
    Slave unit address| 1 byte| 0x01~0x10
    Function code| 1 byte| 0x04
    First address of the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    Register number read| 2 bytes| 1 to 125
    CRC16-Lo| 1 byte|
    CRC16-Hi| 1 byte|
  • Feedback from model:
Slave unit address 1 byte 0x01~0x10
Function code 1 byte 0x04
The byte length of the read data 2 bytes
The first register value 2bytes
……… ……… ………
The nth register value 2 bytes
CRC16-Lo 1 byte
CRC16-Hi 1 byte

Example:Read the ambient temperature, entering water temperature and leaving water temperature of Unit 2。Its starting register address is 80+20*2=120,The correspondinghexadecimal is 0x78,The register values are 152(denote 15.2°C)、304(denote30.4°C)、 335(denote33.5°C)respectively。

Send Response
name (Hex)
Device address 01
Function code 04
Start address Hi 00
Start address Lo 78
Number of registers Hi 00
Number of registers Lo 03
CRC16 Lo 30
CRC16 Hi 12

Write a single coil register instruction(0x05)

  • Sent by the host unit:
    Slave unit address| 1 byte| 0x01~0x10
    Function code| 1 byte| 0x05
    The address of the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    The value of the register| 2 bytes| close[0x0000] or open[ 0xFF00]
    CRC16-Lo| 1 byte|
    CRC16-Hi| 1 byte|
  • Respond from the module:
Slave unit address 1 byte 0x01~0x10
Function code 1 byte 0x05
The address of the register 2 bytes 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
The value of the register 2 bytes close[0x0000] or open[ 0xFF00]
CRC16-Lo 1 byte
CRC16-Hi 1 byte

Example:Write the air conditioning system power on and off instructions, the register address is10.

Send Response
name (Hex)
Device address 01
Function code 05
The address of the register Hi 00
The address of the register Lo 0A
The value of the register Hi FF
The value of the register Lo 00
CRC16 Hi 38

Write a single hold-register instruction(0x06)

  • Sent by the host unit:
    Slave unit address| 1 byte| 0x01~0x10
    Function code| 1 byte| 0x06
    The address of the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    The value of the register| 2 bytes| 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
    CRC16-Lo| 1 byte|
    CRC16-Hi| 1 byte|
  • Respond from the module:
Slave unit address 1 byte 0x01~0x10
Function code 1 byte 0x06
The address of the register 2 bytes 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
The value of the register 2 bytes 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
CRC16-Lo 1 byte
CRC16-Hi 1 byte

Example:Write the entering water temperature setpoint. Its register address is 10000,hexadecimal 0x2710,Its register value is 100(denote10°C),hexadecimal is 0x78。

Send Response
name (Hex)
Device address 01
Function code 06
The address of the register Hi 27
The address of the register Lo 10
The value of the register Hi 00
The value of the register Lo 64
CRC16 Lo 4F
CRC16 Hi 50

Error response
When the slave cannot execute the host’s request, this frame is responded to the host.

Module address Response code Error code CRC16
0x01~0x0F 83 or 86 1~6 Lo
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes

Response Code = Function Code+0x80

Error code:

  • 01 = Illegal features
  • 02 = Illegal data address
  • 03 = Illegal data values
  • 06 = The slave is busy


  1. Hi represents the data high byte,Lo represents a data low byte。
  2. The module address changes according to the address set by dialing code SW3.

Modbus Data register address table

The air conditioning system on/off status(Function code:0x01[read],0x05[write])

Register address| Data type| ****

Data name

| ****


| ****

Default value

| Read R Write W | ****


10| binary| On/off status| (0,1)| 0| RW| 0:off;1:on

Air conditioning system power on and off status (function code: 0x02 [read])

Register address| Data type| ****

Data name

| ****


| ****

Default value

| Read R Write W | ****


11| binary| On/off status| (0,1)| 0| R| 0:off;1:on

Air conditioning system setting table (function code: 0x03 [read], 0x06 [write])

Register address| Data type| ****

Data name

| ****


| Default value| Read R Write W | ****




| ****


| entering water temperature setpoint in

cooling mode,℃

| ****


| ****


| ****


| Variable value*0.1°C

is the temperature value


| ****


| leaving water temperature setpoint in

cooling mode,℃

| ****


| ****


| ****


| Variable value*0.1°C is the temperature value


| ****


| entering water temperature setpoint in

heating mode,℃

| ****


| ****


| ****


| Variable value*0.1°C is the temperature value


| ****


| leaving water temperature setpoint in

heating mode,℃

| ****


| ****


| ****


| Variable value*0.1°C

is the temperature value


| ****


| Hot water temperature setpoint,℃| ****


| ****


| ****


| Variable value*0.1°C

is the temperature value


| ****


| Current operation mode (cooling/heating)| Current operation mode (cooling/heating)| ****


| ****


| cooling and heating mode

Air conditioning system datasheet (function code:0x04[read])

Register address| Data type| ****

Data name

| ****


| Default value| Read R Write W | ****




| ****


| ****

Current operation mode(cooling/heating)

| ****

0:Cooling; 1:Heating;

|  | ****


13| word| Number of units| Number of units|  | R|
No. N machine data sheet (11 in total) (function code: 0x04 [read])

Register address| Data type| ****

Data name

| ****


| ****


| Read R Write W | ****



| ****


| ****

Ambient temperature


| ****


|  | ****


| Variable value*0.1°C is

the temperature value


| ****


| ****

entering water temperature(TH2)

| ****


|  | ****


| Variable value*0.1°C is

the temperature value


| ****


| ****

Leaving water temperature(TH3)

| ****


|  | ****


| Variable value*0.1°C is the temperature



| ****


| Total leaving temperature(reserved)


| ****


|  | ****


| Variable value*0.1°C is the temperature



| ****


| ****

Unit operating status

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting;

4:run; 5:Stopping

|  | ****




| ****


| ****

System 1 operating status

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting;

4:run; 5:Stopping

|  | ****




| ****


| ****

System 2 operating status

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting; 4:run;


|  | ****




| ****


| ****

Compressor 1A operating state

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting;

4:run; 5:Stopping

|  | ****




| ****


| ****

Compressor 1B operating state

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting;

4:run; 5:Stopping

|  | ****




| ****


| ****

Compressor 2A operating state

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting; 4:run;

5: Stopping

|  | ****





| ****


| ****

Compressor 2B operating state

| 0:Undefined; 1:Not activated; 2:Stopped; 3:Starting; 4:run;

5: Stopping

|  | ****


Air conditioning system alarm table 10051—10084 Total 34 (Function code 0x02[read])

Register address| ****

Data type

| ****

Data name

| ****


| ****


| Read R Write W | ****


50| binary| Fault flag| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
51| binary| Unit 1 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
52| binary| Unit 2 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
53| binary| Unit 3 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
54| binary| Unit 4 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
55| binary| Unit 5 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
56| binary| Unit 6 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
57| binary| Unit 7 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
58| binary| Unit 8 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
59| binary| Unit 9 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
60| binary| Unit 10 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
61| binary| Unit 11 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
62| binary| Unit 12 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
63| binary| Unit 13 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
64| binary| Unit 14 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
65| binary| Unit 15 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
66| binary| Unit 16 communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
67| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
68| binary| The water pump on the air conditioning side is overloaded| (0,1)| –| R| 0:Not overload; 1:overload
69| binary| Hot water side pump overload


| (0,1)| –| R| 0:Not overload; 1:overload
70| binary| Electric heater in the air conditioning side is overloaded| (0,1)| –| R| 0:Not overload; 1:overload
71| binary| The entering water temperature sensor alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
72| binary| The leaving water temperature sensor alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
73| binary| The total leaving temperature sensor alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
74| binary| Centralized controller communication alarm| (0,1)| –| R| 0:No alarm;1: Alarm
75| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
76| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
77| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
78| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
79| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
80| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
81| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
82| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|
83| binary| Reserved| (0,1)| –| R|

Unit N alarm table total 59 (Function code 0x02[read])
Register address| ****

Data type

| ****

Data name

| ****


| ****


| Read R Write W | ****


100n| binary| Low Water Flow| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+1| binary| Flow Switch Error| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+2| binary| Large Diff For EWT and LWT in Heating| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+3| binary| EWT and LWT Abnormal| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+4| binary| Anti-Freezing 1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+5| binary| Anti-Freezing 2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+6| binary| Outdoor Air Temp Out Of Range| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+7| binary| Entering Water Temp Sensor| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+8| binary| Leaving Water Temp Sensor| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+9| binary| Outdoor Air Temp Sensor| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+10| binary| Configuration Error| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+11| binary| EEPROM Error| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+12| binary| High Inlet Water Temp Limit| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+13| binary| High Outlet Water Temp Limit| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+14| binary| Sub Board Comm Loss| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+15| binary| reserved 1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+16| binary| Compressor Overload Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+17| binary| Fan Overload Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+18| binary| Current Abnormal Comp1A| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+19| binary| Current Abnormal Comp1B| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+20| binary| High Pressure Protection Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+21| binary| Low Pressure Protection Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+22| binary| Discharge Temp Protection Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+23| binary| Low Superheat Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+24| binary| Discharge Pressure Sensor Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+25| binary| Suction Pressure Sensor Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+26| binary| Refrigerant Leakage Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+27| binary| Discharge Temp Sensor Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+28| binary| Coil Temp Sensor Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+29| binary| Suction Temp Sensor Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+30| binary| High Suction Temp Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+31| binary| Reserved 2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+32| binary| Compressor Overload Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+33| binary| Fan Overload Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+34| binary| Current Abnormal Comp2A| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+35| binary| Current Abnormal Comp2B| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+36| binary| High Pressure Protection Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+37| binary| Low Pressure Protection Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+38| binary| Discharge Temp Protection Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+39| binary| Low Superheat Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+40| binary| Discharge Pressure Sensor Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+41| binary| Suction Pressure Sensor Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+42| binary| Refrigerant Leakage Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+43| binary| Discharge Temp Sensor Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+44| binary| Coil Temp Sensor Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+45| binary| Suction Temp Sensor Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+46| binary| High Suction Temp Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+47| binary| Reserved 3| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+48| binary| High Bus Voltage Ckt1-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+49| binary| Low Bus Voltage Ckt1-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+50| binary| High IPM Temp Ckt1-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+51| binary| High Output Power Ckt1-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+52| binary| Other Protection Ckt1-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+53| binary| High Bus Voltage Ckt1-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+54| binary| Low Bus Voltage Ckt1-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+55| binary| High IPM Temp Ckt1-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+56| binary| High Output Power Ckt1-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+57| binary| Other Protection Ckt1-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+58| binary| Comm Loss| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+59| binary| Eco Inlet Rfgt Temp Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+60| binary| Eco Outlet Rfgt Temp Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+61| binary| Eco Inlet Rfgt Temp Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+62| binary| Eco Outlet Rfgt Temp Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+63| binary| High Bus Voltage Ckt2-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+64| binary| Low Bus Voltage Ckt2-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+65| binary| High IPM Temp Ckt2-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+66| binary| High Output Power Ckt2-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+67| binary| Other Protection Ckt2-Fan1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+68| binary| High Bus Voltage Ckt2-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+69| binary| Low Bus Voltage Ckt2-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+70| binary| High IPM Temp Ckt2-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+71| binary| High Output Power Ckt2-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+72| binary| Other Protection Ckt2-Fan2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+73| binary| AFD Over Current Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+74| binary| AFD Over Voltage Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+75| binary| AFD Under Voltage Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+76| binary| AFD Overload Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+77| binary| AFD Overheat Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+78| binary| AFD Other Protection Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+79| binary| AFD Over Current Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+80| binary| AFD Over Voltage Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+81| binary| AFD Under Voltage Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+82| binary| AFD Overload Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+83| binary| AFD Overheat Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100n+84| binary| AFD Other Protection Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
n+85| binary| AFD Comm Loss Ckt1| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm
100*n+86| binary| AFD Comm Loss Ckt2| (0,1)| –| R| 0:no alarm;1: alarm

Alarms and Troubleshooting

Items Alarms Description Possible causes Actions
1 There is no display when the controller is powered on ****
  1. No power supply

| 1) Check the power supply
2| The controller cannot query the connected host| ****

  1. AB reversed

| 1) Recheck the wiring
3| The controller cannot query parts of connected air conditioning system| 1) Duplicate address

  1. Part units AB is reversed

| 1) check the address of each internal unit in the system

  1. check the wiring

4| Part of units is lost during normal use| The centralized controller is disconnected, or the external unit is disconnected| ****

Check whether the external unit of the centralized controller is powered off

Trane – by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator – creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. For more information, please visit or
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices.

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