ARTIS BH 100 Open Fireplace User Guide

June 15, 2024

ARTIS BH 100 Open Fireplace User Guide


Thank you for choosing an Artis barbeque for your outdoor living space.
Your barbeque is the result of careful design and manufacture from Spain. If it is properly installed, used and maintained , you will be sure to have an outstanding backyard feature for years to come.
It is recommended It is recommended that this barbeque be installed by a qualified and licensed trades professional. You will find in this guide the answers to most of your questions, should you require further assistance please contact your retailer.
Please read carefully through this manual to ensure you are familiar with correct installation, use and maintenance.

To keep up to date with tips & tricks, recipes and products , follow us on social media:
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We hope you enjoy your new outdoor entertaining showpiece and are sure to become a grill master From all of us, Artis



Before lighti ng the f irst fi r e, ensure to remove a l l add i ationa l componen t s ( ie. f i reproof g love and paint can) . Also ensure a ll p la st ic wrapping has been removed from a l l compo nents (ie. g r il l , t rays e t c).
Begin firs t f i re in the s low c ombustion fir ebox section (see page 4 for refere nce) , on the ash gra t e . I t is essenti al that t he f irs t f ire is ca rri ed out slowly . Ensure all a i r s l ides are open, c r eate sma ll fire w i th k ind l ing / st icks and p aper. Sl owly bu ild f ire up with la rger s ticks and sma ll firewood.
Once t he f i reb ox has begun t o burn th rough th e in it ial l oad. add t he f i rst change of f ue l , by in c orporating larger chunks and logs.
When t he fi re has gained i n tens i t y , reg ulate the a irflow by adju st ing the pr i ma ry and seconda ry a ir slides.
To ach ieve nominal o u tput, i t i s recommended to use around 3 kg of fue l , in int e r vals of 1 hour.
During the first few f ires. the uni t may emit some fumes/ gas es. t h is is normal and due to t he evaporat ion of t he compo nents of t he paints and oils in the manufacturing process.
Except for the sh ort time r eq u i r ed to bu i l d a f ire, t he f ire p l ace d oo r s hou ld be fu lly c l osed. If doors a re lef t pa r tly ope n. flue gas may be d rawn out o f the ope ning creat ing ris ks from both fire and smok e.
Use on l y d ry and well -seaso ned hard wood with a maximum moi sture conten t of 15% to ass i st in red ucing creoso t e build up.
Do no use wet wood . green leaves. plastic materials, magazines or household waste; this will contaminate the envi ronment and may cause f ire hazard s due t o o b st ruc tions/ cre o sote build up in t he fl ue .


Stop f uelling t he f i r e, close all airflows compl etely, and le t i t burn out.
The fire should burn out without any constraints.
Pay attention t o the opera t ions of the f irep la ce during trans ition periods and/or when c himney dra ught is i nsu ffi c i ent or w hen weather condit ions are unfa vourable, especially during severe cold weather. Such conditions ma y cause flue ga s to flow i n t o t he room. To p re ve nt such a situation, you should reduce the intensi ty of fire by curb ing the influx of air into the combust ion cha mber until smoke d isappears. Afterwards you may in crease air flow monitoring for any appea r a nce of smoke in the room.
Conti n uous and i n t ens ive s low burn operation or over-f i r ing may cause early deterioration of the appliance and its components, as well as a chimney fire i f the flue has not been regular l y cleaned.
Do no operate the f i rebox past it s capacity, with a maximum of 1/3 fu ll.


Ignit ing with and s t oring any flammable mater i a l s (pa per, li nen, furni ture, so l vents, flammable liquids, spray conta iners, gas bottle, etc.) close to the fireplace is strictly forbidden.
All these produc ts shou l d never be stored eve n for a sh o rt w hi l e in wood st orages o r recesses l a id out unde r or near t he app l iance.
The window, the fro nt panel of the appliance, as well as al l external faces in c l ud ing the facade, wil l at tain high temperatures (above 100°). Uninit iated persons, young c hildren and infants should be monitored at all ti mes whi le in the vicin ity of the appliance.



The v i tro-c eramic glass can w ithstand tem pe ratures of up to 700°C. If t he g l ass breaks follow ing a hand li ng e r ro r , i t is not recommended to rep lace i t usin g a materi a l othert han that supplied by t he man uf actur er.
The origina l g l ass quality must be used to mainta in any warranty of the unit.
The win dow of the u n it (both firebox and oven) r equ ires regu l ar cleaning with s pec i fic pr oduc t s i n tended fo r this use. The use of moist hard wood with a moisture c on ten t above 15% c auses excessive creos ote bu ild up on the glass. Bl ock ing all air slides whist the unit is opera t iona l , a l so causes blac k e ning of t he g lass.
We r ec ommend wai ti ng fo r the glass to cool b e fo re c leanin g i t. The use of p ro ducts t hat a re too aggre ssi ve (eg. a brasive c leaners) may lead t o t he dete r ioration of some of the un i t components. An effective and ecol ogical met hod of c l eaning the glass i s to use a piece of damp newspape r d ipp ed in ash and th en r i nsi ng w ith clean wa t er. You ca n also use a com me r c i al ly ava i l ab le glass clean ing product.
The ash pan should be empt ied regu l ar l y in orde r to avoid any overflow and clogging of the fire grate. Use the cold handle supp lied and pu l l the ash pan from t he appl iance. You will f i nd some ashes catc hing in the cavities be t ween the r ibs of the f i r e pl a t e. Th is bed of as hes caught between the f i rep late is essential as it wi ll crea t e a more effective sta r t up oper at ion o f th e fi r e.


Flues should be profess iona l ly cleaned and checked twice a yea r, i nclud ing at least once during the peak period of use. and more if required .
A profess iona l sho uld a lso check sea l s, door ropes, g lass pos i tio n ing, door al ignmen t , flue damper contro ls, baffle plates and al l consumabl e parts of the fi rebox and flue to ensure the uni t is in safe work ing order.
If any non-consu mabl e component of the firebox is broken i t may render the ins t allation/ operation unsa fe. Do not use the appliance i f t his is t he case and con t act you r dealer .
This appliance is not de signed for burning the follow ing fuel s :

  • Sol id minera l fuels (all coals or similar)

  • L iquid mineral fue l s (Gaso l ine, f uel oil, solvents, dra in age oils o r si milar)

  • Methy l ated spir it

  • Creosote-treated woods and too moist or green woods

  • Paper or cardboard

  • Wood workshop residues (S ha v in gs, saw dusts or s i mila r )

  • Other forbidden fuels that may harm the appli ance or the env ironment
    Prior to us ing and i nstalling in to an existing ch i mney, i t’s necessary to perfo rm a c him ney sweep and e nsure it’s c l ear of any bui ld up (creso t e . b ird’s nest, etc). Chimney sweeps should be performed tw ice a year, inc l ud ing a t le as t once during the peri od of use.
    Ch im ney fires can be caused due to incorrect use of the ap pli ance and lack of periodic cleaning.
    Visible s igns of a chim ney fi re inc l ude:

  • Abunda n t fumes

  • Strong sme ll of soot

  • Roaring in the flue

  • Significant increase in the temperatue of the flue

  • Ci nders flying out o f t he t op of the f lue


Suggested course of action i n case of chi mney fi res:

  1. Put out the fi re by carefu lly remov ing t he g l owing logs and fu lly close the fireplace door.
  2. Use a ch imney s ieve screen (me t al mesh 2 x 10mm, preferably brass . on a 60x60cm f r ame) .
  3. Place the screen on the c h im ney t op and inspect t he lower pa rtsf or cracks through which f i re fla mes may escape. A hot screen reduces the draught in the ch imney and, conseq u e n tly , s lows down the soot burn ing process.
  4. When requ i red. ca l l the F ire Departmen t.
    In t he event of a ny emer gency, pu t out the f ire im me d ia t ely by c u tt ing off airf low into t he insert a nd, where necessary, cover g lowing wood w i t h sand or a f ire b l anket. Try to remove fuel f rom the hearth.
    Do NOT use water t o put ou t t he fire as i t may cause p ermane n t d amage to the unit and its components.

◻Check fireplace flue is not bloc ked and the re is no vis i ble creosote bu ild up. Sweep as r equired
◻Check flue/ cowl has no damages and assess fo r wear
◻Clean out ash from al l areas of unit, ensure a irways are all clear and that ai r s l ides move in a normal capaci ty
◻Check log hol der and ash grates for wear and tear Inspect f irebricks, replace i f necessary
◻Check fl ue damper and ai r-wash contro ls operation Remove glass and clean.
◻Check gaskets/ropes/seals (replace if necessary) and r ea ttach glass.
◻Check door alignment and adjust i f necessary
◻Check hea rth and wal l cavi t y ( i f inbu i lt) and assess any wear Apply any touch-up pa i n t as required


Smoke coming from the fireplace
  1. Air supply ven1ilo1ion is choked
  2. Size of chimney shaft or Its length Is not sufficient
  3. Fault location of chimney relevant to roof ridge
  4. No chimney cop installed
  5. Improper connection of insert with smoke she.ft
  6. Chimney not clear


  1. Provide a clear ventilation shaft
  2. Extend five
  3. Mount chimney cop
  4. Apply reducer between fireplace Insert
  5. ond smoke shaft
  6. Consult authorised specialist

Ash coming from the fireplace| Too much ash in ash box| Too much ash in ash box
Gloss becomes dirty| Most likely improper firewood us<>d (too much resin, too wet or wood from coniferous t rees) or inadequate drought In chimney| Use special cleaning agent or clean ash from fireplace. If inadequate drought, see other troubleshooting suggestions.
Starting o fire is a problem or fire is weok|

  1. Rue is blocked
  2. Air supply Is inadequate, ensure lns1ollotlon is correct
  3. Logs ore too thick
  4. Wood Is loo wet
  5. Ash box Is full
  6. Chimney is too cold


  1.  Arrange professional flue sweep
  2. Consult Installer /dealer
  3. Use recommended fuel
  4. Use sea soned f irewood
  5. Remove ash from ash box, clear grate
  6. Heot up chimney by burning more paper

Fira is too strong|

  1. Fireplace door rs open
  2. Rue drought is too strong


  1. Closedoor
  2. lnstall drought regulator

Consumable port Is damaged (grate, baffle board, rear panel, side panels, gloss plate, seals)| Ports subjected to normal wear ond tear need to be replaced (not covered by warranty – see warranty terms and condit ions)| Buy new ports from local dealer


BBQ Firebox S yeor Repoir or Replocement only on Firebox
Fireploce Firebox S year Repair or Replacement only on Firebox
Ash Pon, Door Handles, Fire Grates I Year Replocemenl
Poe Ila Support, Grills I Month Replacement

•Effective from date o f purc hase


  • Proof Of Pu rchase

  • Serial Number

  • Pho t os Of Faul t

  • Compl ia nce Ce rt ificate

  • Insta l l a tion Deta i ls (Date & I nsta l ler)

  • Consumabl e Components (Glass , Fi reb ri cks, T hermomete r , Ropes, Gaskets, Door Seal, Moveabl e Par ts, Ash Pan etc.)

  • Cost o f Removal/ Installa t ion of d efective a ppl iance

  • Incor rect use ( i e- Overtiring, Improper Mater i a l s)

  • Incorrect Installat ion (ie- Non-Comp li a nt applicat ion, non – p r ofessiona l) – as per instr uct ions, industry s t andard Austr a lian & New Zea l and St andards AS/N ZS 2918:2018, AS/ NZS 4 012/40 13(2014) and a ll app l icable local installation regulat ions

  • Rust / Corrosi on damage ca used by envi ronmental factors

  • Faults due to i mp roper/ i rregu l ar maintenance

  • Modi fications made to any part of appliance wh ich is not provided by manufacturer (Fm Ca lefacc ion) or supp l ier (A r tis Firep l aces Pt y Ltd)

  • Ind irec t damages ( i e- ha ndl i ng accide nt)

  • Reso ld units



This manual is at times updated, to v iew the latest version please refer to the Support section of the Artis Fireplaces website (
A ll instruct ions provided are recommendations on l y, regu lar operat ion and maintenance of a ll Ar t is Fireplaces products should be adhered to .
All images and diagrams in th is manual are for i nst a llation reference purposes only and are not to scale or precise. Check all d imensions prior to installat ion.
In l ine with ou r pol icy of cont inuous improvement, we reserve the r ight to alter th is manual and anything described w i th in it without notice. The d i stributor and manufact ure r bears no accuracy of t hese images and accepts no l ia bi li t y. The purpose of these images and diagrams is to act as a guide in conjunction with the written components and are NOT to instruct independently.
Whilst every effort is taken to avoid errors, Art is Firep l aces Pty Ltd and the manufacturer ca nnot accept responsibi lity for th e accuracy of any statement, extrac t or information contained within this manual nor can any of its contributors who have subm itted materi a l for in clus i on . E&OE

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