CISCO IOS XE 3.10S Unified Communications Gateway Services User Guide
- June 15, 2024
- Cisco
Table of Contents
- Feature Information for Cisco Unified Communications Gateway
- Restrictions for Extended Media Forking
- Information About Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services
- How to Configure UC Gateway Services
- Configuration Examples for UC Gateway Services
- References
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CISCO IOS XE 3.10S Unified Communications Gateway Services User Guide
The Cisco Unified Communications (UC) Services API provides a unified web
service interface for the different services in IOS gateway thereby
facilitating rapid service development at application servers and managed
application service providers.
This chapter explains the Extended Media Forking (XMF) provider that allows
applications to monitor calls and trigger media forking on Real-time Transport
Protocol (RTP) and Secure RTP calls.
Feature Information for Cisco Unified Communications Gateway
Services–Extended Media Forking
The following table provides release information about the feature or features
described in this module. This table lists only the software release that
introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train.
Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train
also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and
Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on
is not required.
Restrictions for Extended Media Forking
The Extended Media Forking does not support the following:
- Media renegotiation.
- Media mixing on forked media streams.
- recordTone insertion with SRTP calls.
- media Forking Reason tag is only to Notify midcall stream events; notification for events such as codec change.
- Supplementary services such as hold/resume, call forward, Call Transfer, and so on.
- High Availability.
- Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) or Multi-VRF.
- Hair-pinning calls from CUBE to Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (CVP) and back to the same CUBE for Extended Media Forking (XMF) Gateway recording.
- Forking of calls on a TDM leg.
- Supports only voice media stream.
Information About Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services
Extended Media Forking (XMF) Provider and XMF Connection
The XMF provider allows applications to monitor calls and trigger media
forking on the calls and has the capability to service up to 32 applications.
The XMF provider can invoke a call-based or a connection-based media forking
using the Unified Communications (UC) API. After the media forking is invoked,
it can preserve the media forking initiated by the web application if the WAN
connection to the application is lost. The XMF provider also provides the
recording tone to the parties involved in the call.
The XMF connection describes the relationship between an XMF call and the endpoint (or trunk) involved in the call. A connection abstraction maintained in the gateway has the following connection states:
- IDLE: This state is the initial state for all new connections. Such connections are not actively part of a telephone call, yet their references to the Call and Address objects are valid. Connections typically do not stay in the IDLE state for long and quickly transition to other states. The application may choose to be notified at this state using the event filters and if done, call/connection at the gateway provider will use the NotifyXmfConnectionData(CREATED) message to notify the application listener that a new connection is created.
- ADDRESS_COLLECT: In this state the initial information package is collected from the originating party and is examined according to the “dialing plan” to determine the end of collection of addressing information. In this state, the call in the gateway collects digits from the endpoint. No notification is provided.
- CALL_DELIVERY: On the originating side, this state involves selecting of the route as well as sending an indication of the desire to set up a call to the specified called party. On the terminating side, this state involves checking the busy/idle status of the terminating access and also informing the terminating message of an incoming call. The application may choose to be notified at this state using the event filters and if done, the call or connection at the gateway provider will use the Notify Xmf Connection Data (CALL_DELIVERY) message to notify the application listener.
- ALERTING: This state implies that the Address is being notified of an incoming call. The application may choose to be notified at this state using the event filters and if done, the call or connection at the gateway provider will use the Notify Xmf Connection Data (ALERTING) message to notify the application listener.
- CONNECTED: This state implies that a connection and its Address is actively part of a telephone call. In common terms, two parties talking to one another are represented by two connections in the CONNECTED state. The application may choose to be notified at this state using the event filters and if done, the call or connection at the gateway provider will use the NotifyXmfConnectionData (CONNECTED) message to notify the application listener.
- DISCONNECTED: This state implies it is no longer part of the telephone call. A Connection in this state is interpreted as once previously belonging to this telephone call. The application may choose to be notified at this state using the event filters and if done, the call or connection at the gateway provider will use the NotifyXmfConnectionData (DISCONNECTED) message to notify the application listener.
XMF Call-Based Media Forking
In call-based media forking of the gateway, the stream from the calling party
is termed as a near-end stream and the stream from the called party is termed
as a far-end stream.
The XMF provider actively handles single media forking request per session.
Any new media forking request from the external application overrides or stops
the current forking instance and initiates a new forking instance (to the
appropriate target IP address or ports).
After accepting the media forking request, the XMF provider returns a response
message and starts to fork media streams of a connection to the target forked
streams. The application receives a NotifyXmfCallData message notification for
the updated media forking status, that is, FORK-FAILED, FORK_STARTED, or
XMF Connection-Based Media Forking
In connection-based media forking of the gateway, the incoming stream to the
connection is termed as near-end stream and the outgoing stream of the
connection is termed as far-end stream.
The XMF provider actively handles single media forking request per session.
Any new media forking request from the external application will override or
stop the current forking instance and would start a new forking instance (to
the appropriate target IP address or ports).
After the media forking request is accepted, the XMF provider returns a
response message and starts to fork media streams of a connection to the
target forked streams.
A NotifyXmfConnectionData message will be notified to the application for the updated media forking status:
- FORK_FAILED–Media forking is setup failure. No forked RTP connections can be established to target RTP addresses.
- FORK_STARTED–Media forking is set up successfully. Both Tx (transmit) and Rx (receive) forked RTP connections are established and connected to target (farEnd and nearEnd) RTP addresses.
- FORK_DONE–Media forking is completed. Both Tx and Rx forked RTP connections are released.
Extended Media Forking API with Survivability TCL
Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE) supports Survivability TCL Script to co-
exist with Cisco Unified Communication (UC) Services API. Cisco UC Services
API XMF interface supports media forking for all the calls controlled by
survivability TCL script including the survivability re-attempted calls. Thus,
all the calls controlled by survivability TCL script can be recorded when
requested by Cisco UC Services XMF API.
Cisco Unified Communications Gateway Services–Extended Media Forking 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager controlled Gateway recording utilizes XMF to trigger media forking on CUBE or SIP based PSTN gateways in the supported call flows.
Note Media forking is allowed only for survivability TCL script supported by
Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (CVP). CVP survivability TCL script is not
supported in High Availability mode.
The following call scenarios are supported:
- Basic comprehensive call
- Calls with Refer Consume
- Calls with Mid-call failure
- Calls with alternative route with initial call failure
There are no configuration changes required for enabling CVP survivability TCL support with Cisco UC Gateway Services API.
Media Forking for SRTP Calls
- SRTP forking is supported in XMF application service providers and the supported APIs are RequestCallMediaForking, RequestCallMediaSetAttributes, and RequestConnectionMediaForking.
- SRTP forking is supported for SRTP-to-SRTP, SRTP-to-RTP, and RTP-to-SRTP calls.
- For SRTP-to-SRTP calls, media forking on either leg would result in SRTP streams being forked.
- For SRTP fallback calls, after the initial offer, CUBE will fall back to RTP. Media forking either call legs would result in RTP streams being forked.
- RTP-to-SRTP call flow does not involve transcoding.
- SRTP Crypto keys are notified over the API.
- Supports automatic stopping of media forking when stream changes from SRTP or to SRTP.
- The optional mediaForkingReason tag in XMF Notify messages indicates that the forking has been stopped internally.
- mediaForkingReason tag is only present when the connection changes state, such as mid-call re-INVITE. SRTP stream can change to RTP or SRTP stream can change keys mid-call.
- mediaForkingReason tag is always accompanied by FORK_DONE.
Crypto Tag
For SRTP forking, the optional Crypto tag in NotifyXmfConnectionData or NotifyXmfCallData message indicates the context of an actively forked SRTP connection.
Note The Crypto tag is only present in the notification message where FORK_STARTED tag is present.
The optional Crypto tag specifies the following:
- The Crypto suite used for encryption and authentication algorithm.
- The base64 encoded primary key and salt used for encryption.
Crypto suite can be one of the two suites supported in IOS: · AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 · AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80
Example of SDP Data sent in an SRTP Call
Multiple XMF Applications and Recording Tone
Multiple XMF allows multiple (maximum 32) web applications to register with
the XMF provider as separate XMF applications and provide redundancy for the
voice calls recording. Recording tone provides recording tone capability to
the recording sessions. Recording tone is supported for IP to IP, IP to TDM,
and TDM to TDM trunks. An example topology is as shown below where 4 CUCM
applications are deployed. CUCM triggers media forking request to Cisco UBE.
Recording tone is played to the parties involved in the call based on the
recordTone parameter set in the media forking request.
Media forking can be invoked using any of the following APIs:
- RequestXmfConnectionMediaForking
- RequestXmfCallMediaForking
- RequestXmfCallMediaSetAttributes
The “recordTone” parameter can be enabled in any of the above requests and recording tone will be played for the parties involved in the call. The “recordTone” parameter in the API request can have the following values:
There is no difference in the recording tone beep when any country value is chosen. Recording tone beep is played at an interval of every 15 seconds. Digital signal processors and other resources are not utilized for playing recording tone even for transcoded calls. No specific configuration is required to enable or disable recording tone. By default, no recording tone is enabled.
If “recordTone” parameter is enabled only on the farEndAddr, then this tone is played only on the outgoing leg. Likewise, if enabled only on the nearEndAddr, then the tone is played only on the incoming leg. When enabled in both the far and near end, then recording tone is played on both the legs.
The RequestXmfConnectionMediaForking API allows insertion of recording tone on a per connection basis. There could be scenarios where one leg receives two recordTone insertion requests. When a leg receives recordTone insertion request, the nearEnd request always takes precedence over the farEnd request.
Forking Preservation
After media forking is initiated by the web application, the forking can be
preserved to continue the recording, even if the WAN connection to the
application is lost or if the application is unregistered.
The “preserve” parameter value can be set to TRUE or FALSE in any of the 3 forking requests (RequestXmfConnectionMediaForking, RequestXmfCallMediaForking, or RequestXmfCallMediaSetAttributes) from the application to Cisco UBE.
- If the “preserve” parameter received is TRUE, then forking will continue the recording, even if the WAN connection to application is lost or application is unregistered.
- If the “preserve” parameter received is FALSE, then forking will not continue the recording.
- If the “preserve” parameter is not received in the media forking request, then forking will not continue the recording.
How to Configure UC Gateway Services
Configuring Cisco Unified Communication IOS Services on the Device
- enable
- configure terminal
- ip http server
- ip http max-connections value
- ip http timeout-policy idle seconds life seconds requests value
- http client connection idle timeout seconds
- uc wsapi
- message-exchange max-failures number
- probing max-failures number
- probing interval keepalive seconds
- probing interval negative seconds
- source-address ip-address
- end
Configuring the XMF Provider
- enable
- configure terminal
- uc wsapi
- source-address ip address
- provider xmf
- no shutdown
- remote-url index url
- end
Verifying the UC Gateway Services
The show commands can be entered in any order.
- enable
- show wsapi registration all
- show wsapi registration xmf remote-url-index
- show call media-forking
Step 1
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode. Example: Device> enable
Step 2
show wsapi registration all
Displays the details of applications registered. Each registered application
is identified by a different ID.
Device# show wsapi registration all
Provider XMF =====================================================
registration index: 11
id: 2E7C3034:XMF:myapp:26 appUrl: appName:
myapp provUrl: prober state: STEADY
registration index: 1 id: 2E7C304A:XMF:myapp:27 appUrl:http://pascal- appName: myapp provUrl: prober state: STEADY connEventsFilter:
registration index: 21 id: 2E7C6423:XMF:myapp:28 appUrl:http://pascal- appName: myapp provUrl: prober state: STEADY connEventsFilter:
id: 2E7C69E8:XMF:myapp:29 appUrl: appName: myapp provUrl: prober state: STEADY connEventsFilter: CREATED|REDIRECTED|ALERTING|CONNECTED|TRANSFERRED|CALL_DELIVERY|DISCONNECTED|HANDOFF_JOIN|HANDOFF_LEAVE mediaEventsFilter: DTMF|MEDIA_ACTIVITY|MODE_CHANGE|TONE_DIAL|TONE_OUT_OF_SERVICE|TONE_SECOND_DIAL Step 3 show wsapi registration xmf remote-url-index Displays the details of only a particular XMF registered application with any ID ranging from 1 to 32. Example: Device# show wsapi registration xmf 1 Provider XMF ===================================================== registration index: 1 id: 2E7C6423:XMF:myapp:28 appUrl: appName: myapp provUrl: prober state: STEADY connEventsFilter: CREATED|REDIRECTED|ALERTING|CONNECTED|TRANSFERRED|CALL_DELIVERY|DISCONNECTED|HANDOFF_JOIN|HANDOFF_LEAVE mediaEventsFilter: DTMF|MEDIA_ACTIVITY|MODE_CHANGE|TONE_DIAL|TONE_OUT_OF_SERVICE|TONE_SECOND_DIAL Step 4 show call media-forking Displays the forked stream information. Example: Device# show call media-forking Warning: Output may be truncated if sessions are added/removed concurrently! Session Call n/f Destination (port address) 187 BA near 45864 188 BA far 54922 189 B9 near 45864 190 B9 far 54922 FORK _DONE Notifications //WSAPI/INFRA/wsapi_send_outbound_message_by_provider_info: Dec 21 10:31:21.016 IST: //WSAPI/INFRA/0/9/546CF8:25:tx_contextp 15898C1C tx_id 19 context1 (0 0) context2 (9 9): out_url 21 10:31:21.020 IST: wsapi_send_outbound_message_by_provider_info: 546CF8:254CA5E4:XMF:myapp:425 ACTIVE132ALERTING FORK_DONE FORK_FAILED Notification //WSAPI/INFRA/wsapi_send_outbound_message_by_provider_info: Dec 21 10:31:21.016 IST: //WSAPI/INFRA/0/9/546CF8:25:tx_contextp 15898C1C tx_id 19 context1 (0 0) context2 (9 9): out_url 21 10:31:21.020 IST: wsapi_send_outbound_message_by_provider_info: 546CF8:254CA5E4:XMF:myapp:425 ACTIVE132ALERTING FORK_FAILED
Troubleshooting Tips
Use the following debug commands to troubleshoot the UC Gateway Services
configurations. · debug wsapi infrastructure all
- debug wsapi xmf all
- debug wsapi xmf messages
- debug wsapi infrastructure detail
- debug voip application
- debug voip application media forking
Configuration Examples for UC Gateway Services
Example: Configuring Cisco Unified Communication IOS Services
The following example shows how to configure the device for Cisco Unified
Communication IOS Services and enable the HTTP server:
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ip http server
Device(config)# ip http max-connection 100
Device(config)# ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 86400
Device(config)# http client connection idle timeout 600
Device(config)# uc wsapi
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# message-exchange max-failures 2
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing max-failures 5
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing interval keepalive 255
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# probing interval negative 10
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# source-address
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end
Example: Configuring the XMF Provider
The following example shows how to enable the XMF providers. The configuration
specifies the address and port that the application uses to communicate with
the XMF provider:
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# uc wsapi
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# provider xmf
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# no shutdown
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# remote-url 1
Device(config-uc-wsapi)# end
Example: Configuring UC Gateway Services
uc wsapi
message-exchange max-failures 5
response-timeout 10
probing interval negative 20
probing interval keepalive 250 !
provider xmf
remote-url 1
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