Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System User Manual

June 15, 2024

V500 GNSS RTK System
User Manual

V500 GNSS RTK System

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System

Manual Revision

Revision Date Revision Level Description
June. 2023 1 V500 GNSS RTK System

User Manual


Welcome to the Hi-Target V500 GNSS receiver. This introduction describes how to use this product.
Experience requirement
To help you use the Hi-Target series products better, Hi-Target suggests that you read the instructions carefully. If you are unfamiliar with the products, please refer to www.hi-target.com.cn

Tips for safe use

Notice: The contents here are special operations and need your special attention. Please read them carefully.
Warning: The contents here are generally very important as the wrong operation may damage the machine. This can lead to the loss of data, or even break the system and endanger your safety.

Before using the product, please read these operating instructions carefully, as they will help you to use it better. Hi-Target Surveying Instrument Co. Ltd assumes no responsibility if you fail to operate the product according to the instructions, or operate it wrongly because you have misunderstood them.
Hi-Target is committed to constantly perfecting the product’s functions and performance, improving its service quality, and reserves the right to change these operating instructions without notice.
We have checked the contents of the instructions and the software & hardware without eliminating the possibility of deviation. The pictures in the operating instructions are for reference only. In the case of non-conformity with products, the products shall prevail.

Technology and service
If you have any technical issues, please call the Hi-Target technology department for help, and we will answer your question.
Relevant information
You can obtain this introduction by:
Purchasing Hi-Target products: this manual is found in the instrument container and will help you to operate the instrument.
Logging on to the Hi-Target official website and downloading the electronic version of this introduction from Partner Center: http://members.hi- target.com.cn/

If you have any suggestions for this product, please email them to: sales@hi- target.com.cn. Your feedback information will help us to improve the product and service.

Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Foreword
V500 GNSS receiver brings superior performance and high efficiency that will support your fieldwork with reliable solutions. Equipped with an upgraded high-definition starlight camera, V500 brings out an excellent visual stakeout experience in low-light conditions. The compact and lightweight design makes V500 a feasible and portable choice for engineering personnel in collecting data and improving positional accuracy.

1.2 Features

  1. With an ultra-light EPP material instrument case it is more durable and portable.
  2. A lower camera is used for AR stakeout with an accuracy of better than 1 cm.
  3. The inclusion of a high-performance patch antenna both enhances the low elevation angle tracking capabilities and maintains a high gain for higher elevation satellites.
  4. It can bring accurate and reliable results and boost efficient fieldwork with a self-developed built-in IMU and core algorithm.
  5. Hi-Fix technology enables both continuous connectivity and quality results as a certain level of accuracy continues to be guaranteed even in the absence of differentials.

1.3 Use and precautions
The V500 GNSS receiver is designed to have chemical and impact resistance, but precision instruments require careful use and maintenance.

Notice: The receiver must be within the specified temperature range when it is used and stored. For detailed requirements, please refer to Chapter 3: Technical specification.

In order to ensure the continuous tracking observation of the satellite and quality of the satellite signal, the space above the station should be as wide as possible, with no obstacles above the 15° elevation angle. To reduce the interference of various  electromagnetic waves on the GNSS satellite signal, there should be no strong electromagnetic interference within a range of about 200m around the station, such as TV towers, microwave stations, and high- voltage transmission lines. To avoid or reduce the occurrence of multipath effects, the station should be away from terrain and features with strong reflectors, such as high-rise buildings, water, etc.

Chapter 2 Product introduction

2.1 Overall appearance
The product’s appearance is divided into three parts, the upper cover, bottom cover and control panel.

2.1.1 Upper cover

2.1.2 Bottom cover
The bottom cover includes the SMA antenna interface, Type-C USB interface.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 3

  1. Power button
  2. Speaker
  3. Connection screw
  4. Camera
  5. Type-C USB interface
  6. SMA antenna interface

◇ SMA antenna interface: Connect the radio antenna while using the Internal UHF mode.
◇ Type-C USB interface: To upgrade the firmware and download static data.
◇ Protective plug: Used for dustproof and waterproof sockets.


  1. If you don’t use the SMA antenna interface and USB interface, please cover the rubber plug to protect them from dust and water.
  2. When the speaker is flooded, the sound may be silent or hoarse, but it will return to normal after it has dried.

2.1.3 Control cover
The control panel includes a satellite light, power button and data light.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 4

  1. Satellite LED
  2. Data LED
  3. Power LED

2.2 Button & LED
2.2.1 Button function
Table 2-2-1 Button function description

Function Description
Power-on Long press the power button for 1 second.
Power-off In the power-on state, long press the power button for more than 3

seconds but less than 6 seconds.
Forced shutdown ( use when the device crashes )| Press the power button for at least 12 seconds.
Query current status| Press the power button once to voice the product’s current working status.
Reset motherboard| When the device is powered on, long press the power button for 6 seconds and release it after hearing the second “dingdong” sound.
Switch working mode| Double-click the power button to enter the mode switch. After each double-click, switch to a working mode, and click the power button to confirm it.
One-key setting station| When the device is powered off, long press the power button for 6s to turn it on.

2.2.2 LED
Table 2-2-2 LED function description

Function Status Description

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 5| Long-term lighting| When the device is powered off, it is for charging the device.
OFF| It is not charging or fully charged.
| Flash| The power ≤10%.
Long-term lighting| 1.  RTK mode: No correction data.
2.  Static mode: Sampling has not started.
| Flash| 1.  RTK mode:
Flashes at the frequency of the correction transmit and receives.
2.  Static mode:
Sampling interval >1s: Flashes at the sampling interval. Sampling interval ≤1s: Flashes once per second.
Off| 1.  RTK mode: No correction data.
2.  Static mode: Sampling has not started.
| Long-term lighting| Satellite is tracked.
Flash| Satellite is not tracked.

2.3 WEB management system
V500 has a built-in web management system that can be used to set the receiver’s working mode, data output, as well as view receiver information and satellite information. The receiver’s Wi-Fi name is its S/N. You can connect it to a controller or phone (the default password is: 12345678) and then input the IP address into the browser to log onto the web management system.
Note: The web management system can only be visited when the receiver’s Bluetooth isn’t connected.
2.3.1 Main menu
After logging into the web management system, you can click Start to enter the main menu interface. Each option of the main menu contains drop-down menus.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 9

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 10

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 11

Table 2-3-1 Menu description

Main menu Sub- menu Description
Information Device info Device model, version, registration info, etc.
Position info Coordinates, satellite tracking, solution state, etc.
Base info Coordinates and distance to the base
Sky plot Check the sky plot
Satellites list Satellite tracking information
Work mode Rover Data link and parameter settings of the rover
Base Data link and parameter settings of the base
Static Static measurement parameter settings
File manager Static data Download, delete and format static data
Firmware Upgrade Select and upgrade the firmware
Restore Restore the system
System Constellation The satellite tracking switches
Five-pin port Output settings of the five-pin
Radio Radio frequency list
Reset Reset the motherboard
Registration Device registration and information
Others Switch of the static RINEX and volume control, etc
Coordinate System Projection Modify projection model, central meridian,

scale factor, etc.
Datum| Modify source ellipsoid, target ellipsoid and transformation model
DAM File| Export/import of coordinate system parameters in dam format

2.3.2 Information

  1. Device information
    Includes the main information about the device: device model, S/N, firmware version, OEM info, battery power, work mode, configuration parameters, etc.

  2. Position information
    Includes the device’s position, satellites, solution state, latency, PDOP and time, etc.

  3. Base information
    Includes the coordinates and distance of the base in the rover mode.

  4. Sky plot
    Displays the visual satellites of the device and the switches of each constellation.

  5. Satellites list
    Shows the satellite’s tracked information.

2.3.3 Work Mode

  1. Rover
    Set up the rover’s data link and parameters. The rover station data link includes: Internal UHF.Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig

  2. Base
    Set up the data link and parameters of the base and get the point coordinates by averaging. The base station data link mode includes: Internal UHF.Hi-
Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 18

  3. Static
    Set up the file name and parameters of the static collection.
    Note: After ticking Static Mode, you can only cancel it in the base rover setting interface.

2.3.4 File manager

  1. Static data
    Display the static data files, which supports the Download, Delete and Format options.
    Note: After checking the “Static Mode”, you can only uncheck the “Static Mode” in the base station mode or rover mode.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 20

2.3.5 Firmware

  1. Upgrade
    Display specific device version information. Click Select, choose the upgrade package and then click Start. The receiver will automatically detect it and upgrade the firmware.Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig

  2. Restore
    You can restore the system to its state after the last firmware upgrade.

2.3.6 System

  1. Constellation
    Switches of the satellite tracking.Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig

  2. Radio
    You can select the radio modulation protocol (HI-TARGET19200, HI-TARGET9600, TRIMTALK450S, TRIMTALK III, SATEL-3AS, SOUTH19200, SOUTH9600, CHC19200, CHC9600, TRANSEOT).Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig

  3. Registration
    Display the registration information of the receiver. You can select the registration type, and then enter the corresponding code to register online .Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 25

  4. Reset
    Reset the motherboard.Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig

  5. Others
    You can set the switches of the Store RINEX Data and Check Base Position, select the RINEX version, and adjust the voice volume of the receiver.Hi-
Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 27

2.3.7 Coordinate system

  1. Projection
    Frequently-used projections are built-in such as Gauss, Mercator and Lambert .Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 28

  2. Datum plane
    Users can define source ellipsoid, local ellipsoid and datum transfer model settings.Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 29

  3. DAM file
    Each software project corresponds to a separate ‘.dam’ file and a new file will be created when a new project is created. This will have the same name as the project.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 30

2.4 Static survey
Static survey is a kind of positioning survey, which is mainly used to establish various control networks.
2.4.1 Static settings
There are two ways to set up the device to work in the static mode:

  1. Hi-Survey software – static interface – to set up the static or temporary static mode.
  2. Web interface – work mode – to set up the static or temporary static mode.

Users can download the static data file to the computer, if necessary, and then use the static postprocessing software (HBC data processing software package) to process the data.

2.4.2 Static data collection steps

  1. Set up the receiver on a control point with a tripod, making sure the tripod is strictly centered and leveled. The benchmark must be installed.

  2. Measure the slant height of the receiver three times in three directions, ensuring that the difference of each measurement is less than 3mm, and then take the average value as the final height. The slant height of the receiver is measured from the center of the measuring point to the upper part of the top of the benchmark.
    (Note: The radius of the benchmark is 0.130m, and the benchmark’s distance from the phase center of the receiver is 0.0848m.)

  3. Record the point name, S/N, receiver height and beginning time.

  4. Press the power button to power-on and set up the static collecting mode.

  5. Turn off the receiver after the static data is collected and record the turn-off time.

  6. Download and post-process the static collection data.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 31

Notice: Don’t move the tripod or change the collecting set while the receiver is collecting data.

2.4.3 Static data download

  1. Download by USB cable
    Connect the receiver to a computer with the Type-C USB cable and copy the static data to the computer. The static data is in the GNSS folder of the static drive.Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 32Hi-
Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 33

  2. Download in the web management system
    The Wi-Fi name of the receiver is its S/N. You can connect it to a controller or phone (the default password is: 12345678) and then input the IP address into the browser to log into the WEB management system. Now, open the file manager interface and select the static file that needs to be exported. Click Download and the file can be downloaded to the controller or phone.
    The default save path of the static data to be downloaded from the website is: device internal storage > My Favorite. You can customize the save path according to your needs.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 34

2.5 Tilt survey
2.5.1 Calibration-free tilt survey
Connect the receiver in the Hi-Survey software to open the Tilt Survey in the Survey → Surveying Configure → Data interface. Click the Tilt Survey icon and follow the prompt on the Hi-Survey interface to finish the initialization.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 35

Shake the receiver back and forth (once every second) for initialization until Shake is marked with ****
When all of the initialization items are ticked, the receiver prompts “Tilt compensation started” and the tilt survey icon becomes illuminated. This means that the tilt survey initialization is now complete and you can perform the tilt survey on the receiver.


  1. Make sure the actual pole height is consistent with the set pole height before the tilt survey.
  2. When turning on the Tilt Survey switch, you will need the initialization operation before normal use.
  3. To meet most the users’ operational needs, the maximum measurement angle of the tilt survey is 70°.
  4. To ensure the measurement accuracy, do not turn the device quickly during the measurement process.
  5. The data quality is not good in the occluded environment. If the accuracy requirements are high, please try to use this function in an open environment.
  6. When you enter the tilt survey for the first time every 7 days, you need to complete the static calibration according to the prompts. Just let the device stand for about 10s to complete this.

2.6 Firmware upgrade
You can upgrade the firmware of the receiver, motherboard and module by using a USB cable, the web management system and remote online.
2.6.1 Upgrade by USB cable
Steps to using a USB cable in order to upgrade the firmware:

  1. Turn on the receiver and connect the receiver and the computer with the cable attached. This will show the update drive.
  2. Copy the firmware (which can be downloaded from our official website or the technical team) to the update drive. Disconnect the computer and receiver and restart the receiver, which automatically recognizes the firmware and starts upgrading the firmware.
  3. There will be different prompt voices for the success or failure of the upgrade. If it fails, please contact our technical team.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 36

2.6.2 Upgrade by using the web management system
Copy the firmware to the controller or phone and use Wi-Fi to connect it to the receiver. The name of the Wi-Fi is the device’s S/N. Now, input to log in, click Firmware upgrade – Select – File to choose the firmware, and then click start to upgrade it.


  1. When the download fails, it will resume downloading if the network recovers within two minutes; otherwise, it will exit the firmware upgrade detection.
  2. It will not forcibly power-off during the upgrade. If the power is forcibly cut off, the instrument may be damaged and become abnormal.

2.7 AR Stakeout
V500 supports AR stakeout function. The iHand55 controller and the software Hi-Survey V3.0.2 or later versions are required.
The AR stakeout scene is defined as when the stakeout point is approximately 3m from the receiver, the camera of the receiver is called, and the precise position of the stakeout point is displayed in real time through the controller.

2.7.1 AR Stakeout Instructions

  1. Device Preparation
    Preparation before AR stakeout:
    (1) Use the iHand55 controller to connect the V500 via WIFI;
    (2) The receiver has entered the tilt survey mode;
    (3) The solution state is fixed solution.

  2.  Stakeout Process
    After entering the point stakeout interface:
    (1) Input the stakeout point;
    (2) Click the AR stakeout button ;
    (3) Complete the prompts for the stakeout;
    (4) The stakeout is successful.

Click the AR stakeout button, when the distance from the stakeout point is > 3m, use the control AR stakeout (control navigation); if the distance from the stakeout point is less than or equal to 3m, switch to the AR stakeout (receiver navigation).

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 37

For detailed steps, please refer to ‘Hi-Survey Software User Manual’ – Point Stakeout (AR Stakeout).

Chapter 3 Technical specification

3.1 Technical parameters
Table 3-1-1 Technical Parameters

Configuration Detailed Indicators
GNSS Signal [1] Channel
GPS L1C/A, L1C, L2P(Y), L2C, L5
BDS B1I, B2I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b
Galileo E1, E5a, E5b, E6*
QZSS L1, L2, L5, L6*
SBAS L1, L2, L5
Positioning Performance [2] High-Precision Static

mm + 0.1 ppm RMS
Vertical : 3.5 mm + 0.4 ppm RMS
Static and Fast Static| Horizontal : 2.5 mm + 0.5ppm RMS
Vertical : 5 mm + 0.5ppm RMS
Post Processing Kinematic (PPK / Stop & Go)| Horizontal : 8mm + 1ppm RMS
Vertical : 15mm + 1ppm RMS
Initialization time: Typically 10 min for base and 5 min for rover Initialization reliability: Typically>99.9%
PPP| Horizontal : 10cm
Vertical : 20cm
Code Differential GNSS Positioning| Horizontal : ±0.25m+1ppm RMS Vertical : ±0.5m+1ppm RMS SBAS : 0.5m (H), 0.85m (V)
Real Time Kinematic (RTK)| Horizontal : 8mm+1ppm RMS
Vertical : 15mm+1ppm RMS
Initialization time : Typically <10s
Initialization reliability : Typically > 99.9%
Time to first Fix| Cold start :< 45s
Hot start :< 30s
Signal re-acquisition :< 2s
Hi-Fix[5]| Horizontal : RTK+10mm / minute RMS  | Vertical : RTK+20mm / minute RMS
Tilt Survey Performance[3]| Additional horizontal pole-tilt uncertainty typically less than 8mm+0.7mm/°tilt(2.5cm accuracy in the inclination of 60°)
Image stakeout accuracy| 1cm
| Dimensions (W x H)| 130mm × 68mm
Physical| Weight| ≤ 0.75kg ( 1.65lb )
Operation temperature| -40℃~+75℃(-40℉~+167℉)
Storage temperature| -55℃~+85℃(-67℉~+185℉)
Humidity| 100% non-condensing
Water/dustproof| IP68 dustproof, protected from temporary immersion to depth of 1.0m (3.28ft)
Shock and vibration| MIL-STD-810G, 514.6
Free fall| Designed to survive a 2m(6.56ft) natural fall onto concrete
Electrical| Internal Battery[4]| Internal 7.4V / 6800mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery
RTK rover(UHF/Cellular): up to 24 hours
External power| using standard smartphone chargers or external power banks (Support 5V 2.8A Type-C USB external charging)
Communication| I/O Interface| 1 × USB type C port; 1 × SMA antenna port
WiFi| Frequency 2.4GHz, Supports 802.11 a/b/g/n
Bluetooth| BT 5.2, 2.4GHz
Internal UHF Radio| Power: 0.5W/1W/2W Adjustable
Frequence: 410MHz~470MHz
Working Range:    Typically 3~5km, optimal 8~15km
Channel: 116(16 scalable)
Camera| Function| Professional starlight night vision HD camera, large viewing angle, support live view stakeout
Control Panel| Physical button| 1
LED Lights| Satellite, Signal, Power
System Configuration| Storage| 16GB ROM internal storage
Output format| ASCII: NMEA-0183
Output rate| 1Hz~20Hz
Static data format| GNS, Rinex
Real Time Kinematic (RTK)| RTCM2.X, RTCM3.X
Network Mode| VRS, FKP, MAC, Support NTRIP protocol


  1. BDS B2b, GALILEO E6, QZSS L6, IRNSS L5 can be provided by firmware upgrade.
  2. The measurement accuracy, precision, reliability and initialization time depend on various factors, including tilt angle, number of satellites, geometric distribution, observation time, atmospheric conditions and multi-path validation, etc. The data are derived under normal conditions.
  3. Irregular operations such as rapid rotation and high-intensity vibration may affect the inertial navigation accuracy.
  4. The battery operating time is related to the operating environment, operating temperature and battery life
  5. Accuracies are dependent on GNSS satellite availability. Hi-Fix Positioning ends after 5 minutes without differential data. Hi-Fix is not available in all regions, check with your local sales representative for more information.
    Descriptions and Specifications are subject to change without notice

Chapter 4 Accessories and interfaces

4.1 Data cable
Type-C cable: To connect the receiver to the PC for upgrading the firmware and downloading static data.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 38

4.2 Antenna
The UHF radio antenna is used in the Internal UHF mode.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 39

4.3 Battery

  1. Battery: The receiver has a built-in 6800mAh/7.4V battery.
    If the battery needs to be stored for a long time, it should be charged to about 70% and then placed in a dry, low temperature environment. It is recommended that you charge and discharge the battery every 3 months. If you do not have the conditions that are needed for charging and discharging, take out the battery after 3 months and charge it to about 70% before storing it once more.

  2. Charger: To charge the receiver, use the standard charger. When it is in charge, the power button light will turn red.

Hi-Target V500 GNSS RTK System - Fig 40

Notice: Please use this product’s standard charger to charge the receiver. We will not be responsible for any accidents that occur during the charging process or any damage to the instrument if you use other chargers instead.

Frequency Band(s)

This device operates with the following frequency bands and maximum frequency power.
The product is compliant with these power limits required by the European Union.
Frequency bands supported by the product vary by model.
WIFI: < 20 dBm
BT: < 10dBm
UHF: 2W Rated

Hereby, Hi-Target Surveying Instrument Co., Ltd. declares that GNSS RTK Receiver with model V500 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following Internet address: https://en.hi-target.com.cn/.

FCC Caution

§ 15.19 Labeling requirements.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
§ 15.21 Information to user.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
§ 15.105 Information to the user.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

RF warning for mobile device:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 50cm between the radiator & your body.


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