DAB Pumps FX Range Waste Water Pump Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

FX Range Waste Water Pump

Product Information: FX Range


  • Conforms to the following directives:
    • EN IEC 60079-0:2018 (IEC 60079-0:2017 for IECEx)
    • EN 60079-1:2014 (IEC 60079-1:2014 for IECEx)
    • EN ISO 80079-36:2016
    • EN ISO 80079-37:2016
  • Certification Numbers:
    • ATEX: EPT 20 ATEX 3715 X
    • IEC EX: IECEx EUT 20.0005X

Product Usage Instructions

1. Safety Instructions

The following symbols have been used in the discussion:

  • Situation of general danger

Failure to respect the instructions that follow may cause harm
to persons and property.

5. Installation

Before starting the installation process, please ensure that you
have read and understood the safety instructions provided

Step 1: Prepare the installation area

  • Ensure the installation area is clean and free from any

  • Check that the required electrical connections are

Step 2: Mount the product

  • Refer to the product manual for specific mounting

  • Ensure the product is securely mounted according to the
    provided guidelines.

Step 3: Connect electrical wiring

  • Follow the wiring diagram provided in the product manual.
  • Ensure proper insulation and connection of wires.

Step 4: Test the installation

  • Once the installation is complete, perform a thorough test of
    the product to ensure proper functionality.

  • If any issues are encountered, refer to the troubleshooting
    section of the product manual or contact customer support.


Q: What directives does the product conform to?

The product conforms to the following directives:

  • EN IEC 60079-0:2018 (IEC 60079-0:2017 for IECEx)
  • EN 60079-1:2014 (IEC 60079-1:2014 for IECEx)
  • EN ISO 80079-36:2016
  • EN ISO 80079-37:2016

Q: What are the certification numbers for the product?

The certification numbers are:

  • ATEX: EPT 20 ATEX 3715 X
  • IEC EX: IECEx EUT 20.0005X



FX Range

– Noi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che i prodotti ai quali questa

dichiarazione si riferisce sono conformi alle seguenti direttive:

– We, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, declare under our responsibility that the products to which this declaration refers

are in conformity with the following directives:

– Nous, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, déclarons sous notre responsabilité exclusive que les produits auxquels cette

déclaration se réfère sont conformes aux directives suivantes:

– Wir, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, erklären unter unserer ausschließlichen Verantwortlichkeit, dass die Produkte

auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht, den folgenden Richtlinien:

– Wij, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, verklaren uitsluitend voor eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de producten vwaarop

deze verklaring betrekking heeft, conform de volgende richtlijnen zijn:

– Nostros, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que los productos a

los que se refiere esta declaración son conformes con las directivas Siguientes:

– , DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY,

, :

– Mi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, kizárólagos felelsségünk mellett kijelentjük, hogy azon termékek, melyekre

ezen nyilatkozat vonatkozik megfelelnek a következ Direktíváknak:

– , DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, ,

, :

– Nós, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, declaramos sob nossa exclusiva responsabilidade que os produtos aos quais

esta declaração diz respeito, estão em conformidade com as seguintes directivas:

– Vi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, försäkrar under eget ansvar att produkterna som denna försäkran avser är i

överensstämmelse med följande direktiv:

– Me, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, vakuutamme ottaen täyden vastuun, että tuotteet joita tämä vakuutus koskee,

ovat seuraavien direktiivien:

­ 2006/42/EC (Machinery)

­ 2014/35/EU (Low Voltage)

­ 2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive)

­ 2011/65/EU (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)

­ (UE) n. 305/2011 (Construction Productions Regulation)

­ 2014/34/UE only for products classified as explosion-proof and marked EX II 2G

ed alle seguenti norme/and with the following standards / ainsi qu’aux normes suivantes / sowie den folgenden Normen entsprechen/en conform de

volgende normen / y con las normas siguientes / / valamint megfelel a következ szabványoknak /

/ e com as seguintes normas / och följande standarder / ja seuraavien standardien mukaisia:

­ EN 60335-1:2012/A13:2017

only for products classified as explosion-proof and marked EX II 2G:

­ EN 60335-2-41:2003/A2:2010

– EN IEC 60079-0:2018 (IEC 60079-0:2017 for IECEx)

­ EN 60204-1:2006/A1:2009

– EN 60079-1:2014 (IEC 60079-1:2014 for IECEx)

­ EN 809:1998+A1:2009

– EN ISO 80079-36:2016

­ EN 12050-1:2015

– EN ISO 80079-37:2016

(IT) DAB Pumps S.p.A. nella sede di Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy è detentore del fascicolo tecnico. (GB) DAB Pumps S.p.A. in the head office in Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy is the holder of the technical file. (FR) DAB Pumps S.p.A. conserve le dossier technique au siège de Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italie. (DE) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Firmensitz in Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italien ist im Besitz der technischen Unterlagen. (NL) DAB Pumps S.p.A. bij de vestiging van Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italië is houder van het technisch dossier. (ES) DAB Pumps S.p.A. con sede en la calle Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy es propietaria del manual técnico. (GR) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy . (HU) A termék technikai leírása a DAB Pumps S.p.A. cég birtokában van, a Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Olaszország címen. (RU) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) (PT) A DAB Pumps S.p.A. na sede de Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Itália detém o dossier técnico. (SE) DAB Pumps S.p.A. med säte på Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD), Italien, är innehavare av den tekniska dokumentationen. (FI) DAB Pumps S.p.A., toimipaikka Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD), Italia, säilyttää teknistä eritelmää.
Organismo Notificato dell’esame UE del tipo (IT) / Notified Body for the EU type-examination (GB) /Organisme notifié pour l’examen UE du type (FR) / Benannte Stelle für die EU-Baumusterprüfverfahren (DE) / Aangemelde instantie van het EU-typeonderzoek (NL) / Organismo notificado para el examen UE de tipo (ES) /

EE (GR) / EU típusvizsgálat bejegyzett vizsgáló szervezete (HU) / , EC (RU) / Organismo Notificado para o exame UE de tipo (PT) / Anmält organ för EU- typkontroll (SE) / EU-tyyppitarkastuksen suorittanut ilmoitettu laitos (FI):
­ Eurofins Product Testing Italy S.r.l. , organismo notificato/ notified Body n. 0477
Organismo Notificato per il controllo della produzione (IT) / Notified Body for production control (GB) / Organisme notifié pour le contrôle de la production (FR) / Benannte Stelle für die Produktionskontrolle (DE) / Aangemelde instantie voor controle van de productie (NL) / Organismo notificado para el control de la producción (ES) / (GR) / A gyártás ellenrzésére bejegyzett szervezet (HU) / , (RU) / Organismo Notificado para o controlo da produção (PT) / Anmält organ för produktionskontroll (SE) / Tuotannonvalvonnan suorittanut ilmoitettu laitos (FI):
­ Eurofins Product Testing Italy S.r.l., organismo notificato / Notified Body N. 0477
Certificato Numero / Certificate Number: – ATEX: EPT 20 ATEX 3715 X – IEC EX: IECEx EUT 20.0005X

Mestrino (PD), 28/04/2020

Francesco Sinico Group R&D Director

(IR) EU (AR) EU (UA)
FX Range

– Vi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, erklærer på eget ansvar, at produkterne der er omfattet af denne erklæring

opfylder kravene i følgende direktiver:

– Meie, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, kinnitame omal vastutusel, et tooted millega see deklaratsioon seondub,

vastavad järgmistele direktiividele:

– My, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, vyhlasujeme na nasu výhradnú zodpovednos, ze výrobky na ktoré sa toto

vyhlásenie vzahuje, vyhovujú nasledujúcim smerniciam:

– My, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, prohlasujema na nasi výhradní zodpovdnost, ze výrobky na která se toto

prohlásení vztahuje, vyhovují následujícím smrnicím:

– Mi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, izjavljamo na nasu potpunu odgovornost, da proizvodi na koje se ova izjava

odnosi, sukladni su sljedecim uputama:

– Mi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, izjavljujemo na naso popolno odgovornost, da proizvodi na katere se ta izjava

nanasa, so v skladu s sledecimi navodili:

– My, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, deklarujemy na nasz wylczn odpowiedzialno, e produkty bdce

przedmiotem niniejszej deklaracji s zgodne z poniszymi dyrektywami:

– Noi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, declarm sub exclusiva noastr responsabilitate c produsele la care se refer

aceast declaraie sunt conforme cu urmtoarele directive:

– , DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, ,

, :

– Biz, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, Münhasir sorumluluumuz altinda olarak aaida belirtilen ve ibu

beyannamenin ilikin olduu ürünlerin aaidaki direktiflere:

– Mi, DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 ­ Mestrino (PD) ­ Italy, izjavljamo na nasu potpunu odgovornost, da proizvodi na koje se ova izjava

poziva, podudaraju se sa sledecim pravilima:




– , DAB Pumps S.p.A. – Via M.Polo, 14 Mestrino (PD) ­ ITALY, , ,

, :

­ 2006/42/EC (Machinery)

­ 2014/35/EU (Low Voltage)

­ 2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive)

­ 2011/65/EU (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)

­ (UE) n. 305/2011 (Construction Productions Regulation)

­ 2014/34/UE only for products classified as explosion-proof and marked EX II 2G

og i følgende standarder / ja järgmistele standarditele / a nasledujúcim normám / a následujícím normám / kao sto i sljedecim propisima / kakor tudi

s sledecimi pravili / i z poniej wymienionymi normami / i cu urmtoarele norme / / ve aaidaki standartlara uygun olduklarini

beyan ederiz / kao sto i sa sledecim propisima /



­ EN 60335-1:2012/A13:2017

only for products classified as explosion-proof and marked EX II 2G:

­ EN 60335-2-41:2003/A2:2010

– EN IEC 60079-0:2018 (IEC 60079-0:2017 for IECEx)

­ EN 60204-1:2006/A1:2009

– EN 60079-1:2014 (IEC 60079-1:2014 for IECEx)

­ EN 809:1998+A1:2009

– EN ISO 80079-36:2016

­ EN 12050-1:2015

– EN ISO 80079-37:2016

(DK) Det tekniske dossier opbevares hos DAB Pumps S.p.A. med sæde i Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD), Italien.
(EE) Tehniliste dokumentide omanik on DAB Pumps S.p.A., asukoht Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD), Itaalia.
(SK) Spolocnos DAB Pumps S.p.A. so sídlom na Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy je drziteom technickej dokumentácie. (CZ) Spolecnos DAB Pumps S.p.A. se sídlem na Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy je drzitelem technické dokumentace. (HR) DAB Pumps S.p.A. sjediste Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy drzi tehnicku dokumentaciju. (SI) DAB Pumps S.p.A. s sedezem Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy je lastnik tehnicne dokumentacije. (PL) DAB Pumps S.p.A. z siedzib przy ul. Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Wlochy jest posiadaczem dokumentacji technicznej. (RO) DAB Pumps S.p.A. în sediul din Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italia este titularul dosarului tehnic.

(BG) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) . (TR) Merkezi Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) talya adresinde bulunan DAB Pumps S.p.A. teknik dokümantasyonun sahibidir. (RS) DAB Pumps S.p.A. sediste Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy drzi tehnicki dosje. (IR) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy . (AR) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD) Italy. (UA) DAB Pumps S.p.A. Via Marco Polo 14, Mestrino (PD)
Organ med bemyndigelse til EU-typeafprøvning (DK) / ELi tüübihindamise teavitatud asutus (EL) / Notifikacný orgán pre typovú skúsku EU (SK) / Notifikovaný orgán, který vydal EU certifikát o schválení typu (CZ) / Prijavljeno tijelo za EU ispitivanje tipa (HR) / Priglaseni organ za EU- pregled tipa (SI) / Jednostka Notyfikowana odpowiedzialna za badania UE (PL) / Organism Notificat de examinare UE de tip (RO) / (BG) / AB tip incelemesi belgesi
onaylanmi kurulu tarafindan düzenlenmitir (TR) / Prijavljeno telo za EU ispitivanje tipa (RS) / EU
EU (AR) / (UA)
­ Eurofins Product Testing Italy S.r.l. , organismo notificato/ notified Body n. 0477
Organ med bemyndigelse til kontrol af produktion (DK) / Tootmisohje teavitatud asutus (EE) / Notifikacný orgán pre kontrolu výroby (SK) Notifikovaný orgán pro kontrolu výroby (CZ) / Prijavljeno tijelo za provjeru proizvodnje (HR) / Priglaseni organ za kontrolo proizvodnje (SI) / Jednostka Notyfikowana do kontroli produkcji (PL) Organism Notificat pentru controlul produciei (RO) / (BG) / Üretim kontrolü için Onaylanmi
Kurulu/Notifikovaný orgán pro kontrolu výroby (TR) / Prijavljeno telo za kontrolu proizvodnje (RS) /
(AR): / (UA)
­ Eurofins Product Testing Italy S.r.l., organismo notificato / Notified Body N. 0477
Certificato Numero / Certificate Number: – ATEX: EPT 20 ATEX 3715 X – IEC EX: IECEx EUT 20.0005X

Mestrino (PD), 28/04/2020

Francesco Sinico Group R&D Director

1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 KEY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11 2.1 PRODUCT DRAWING …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11 2.2 OPERATING CONDITIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12
3. DELIVERY AND HANDLING …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12 3.1 TRANSPORTATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 3.2 STORAGE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
4. INFORMATION ON PRODUCTS WITH THE EX MARKING………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 5. INSTALLATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
5.1 LEVEL SWITCHES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13 5.2 INSTALLATION WITH ACCESSORIES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13 6. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13 6.1 WIRING DIAGRAMS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14 6.2 THERMAL SWITCH ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14 7. START- UP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14 7.1 GENERAL START-UP PROCEDURE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15 7.2 DIRECTION OF ROTATION (FOR THREE-PHASE PUMPS) …………………………………………………………………………………..15 8. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 8.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16 8.2 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 8.3 CONTAMINATED PUMPS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 9. TROUBLESHOOTING………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17
1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS KEY The following symbols have been used in the discussion: Situation of general danger Failure to respect the instructions that follow may cause harm to persons and property.
Situation of electric shock hazard. Failure to respect the instructions that follow may cause a situation of grave risk for personal safety.


These instructions must be observed for explosion-proof pumps.


This manual contains the instructions for the installation, operation and maintenance of submersible pumps of the FX RANGE series. The

pumps are equipped with electric motors with power between 0.75 and 11 kW. The pumps in the FX RANGE series are designed and

suitable for pumping domestic and industrial sewage and waste waters compatible with the materials of which the pumps are made. The

pumps can be installed on an auto-coupling system or stand freely on the bottom of a tank. The booklet also includes specific instructions

for the explosionproof pumps.






Submersible pumps with Submersible pump with Submersible pump with Submersible pump with

back-flowing impeller impeller and with anti-loc ring impeller and grinder ring impeller and with

with complete free disc.

device at the front.

wear disc in abrasion-


resistant rubber







Free impeller passage 50mm (FEKA FXV 20) 65mm (FEKA FXV 25)


10 mm


EN 12050-1




EN 12050-2


Type of liquid

Clear water











Clear water containing sand




Waste water:

Without large solids or




long fibres

Waste water with small

solids and without long





Untreated sewage (with solids and long fibres)



TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Consult the Instructions Booklet and the data plate to check the following technical data: – Electric Power Supply. – Construction Characteristics. – Hydraulic Performance. – Working Conditions. – Pumped liquids.

Description Pos.
1 Pump Designation 2 Serial number 3 Model Code 4 Weight (with 10m cable) 5 Maximum liquid temperature 6 Range of flow 7 Range of head 8 Maximum head 9 Min. head 10 Rated power at the shaft 11 Rated input power 12 Enclosure class to IEC 13 Insulation class 14 Rated voltage 15 Rated current 16 Frequency 17 Capacitor capacity (not applicable) 18 Number of phases 19 Rated speed 20 Level of duty

Fig. 1 Nameplate
21 Country of production 22 Maximum installation depth 23 Marking Ex/Quality marks 24 CE mark

2.1 Product drawing

Fig. 2 Pompa FX RANGE

Pos. Description 1 Lifting bracket 2 Nameplate 3 Oil screws 4 Discharge flange 5 Cable plug 6 Pump housing 7 Support feet 8 Support disc

Material GJL200 Steel AISI 304 OT58 NICKEL GJL200 H07RN8-F GJL200 GJL200 PP


2.2 Operating conditions FX RANGE pumps are suitable for continuous operation always immersed in the pumped liquid. The FX RANGE pumps allow operation with the motor NOT IMMERSED for short periods (10min). pH value: 6.5-12 (Warning: indicative range, the pH value alone is not exhaustive in defining the aggressiveness of the pumped liquid) Temperature of the operating liquid: 0 °C to +50 °C (non-Ex versions only). For short periods a temperature of up to +60 °C is permissible (non-Ex versions only).
Explosion-proof pumps must never pump liquids of a temperature higher than +40 °C.
Ambient temperature For non-explosion proof pumps, the ambient temperature may exceed +40 °C for a short period.
For explosion-proof pumps, the ambient temperature on the installation site must be in the range from 0°C + 40 °C.
Density and viscosity of the pumped liquid: viscosity and density comparable to those of water. Flow velocity It is advisable to keep a minimum flow velocity to avoid sedimentations in the piping system. Recommended flow velocities: · in vertical pipes: 1.0 m/s · in horizontal pipes: 0.7 m/s Operating mode Maximum 20 starts per hour. FOR FURTHER LIMITATIONS OF THE OPERATING RANGE, REFER TO THE IDENTIFICATION PLATE.
3. DELIVERY AND HANDLING 3.1 Transportation Before lifting the pump, check that the tools and equipment used for handling, lifting and lowering it into the sinkhole are suitable for the weight to be lifted, efficient and complying with the applicable safety laws. The weight of the pump is declared on the pump identification plate and on the label on the packaging.
Always lift the pump by its lifting bracket or by means of a fork-lift truck if the pump is fixed on a pallet. Never lift the pump by means of the motor cable or the hose/pipe.

3.2 Storage During long periods of storage, the pump must be protected against moisture and heat. Storage temperature: -30 °C to +60 °C. If the pump has been in use, the oil should be changed before storage. After a long period of storage, the pump should be inspected before it is put into operation. Make sure that the impeller can rotate freely.

The impeller may have sharp edges ­ wear protective gloves.

If stored outside the limits indicated, pay particular attention to the conditions of the mechanical seal, the O-rings, the oil and the cable gland.



CE 0477 II2G

Ex db IIB T4 Gb

Ex h IIB T4 Gb

EPT 20 ATEX 3715 X


code identifying the body that checks the production site;

explosion-proof appliance designed for use in a potentially explosive atmosphere;

II: group. 2: category.
G: gas. EX: db: h: IIB: T4: X

identifies an electrical appliance for use in an environment other than mines with possible presence of firedamp; pump designed for use in places where it is probable that there will be explosive atmospheres caused by mixtures of air and gas, vapours or mists, or mixtures of air and dust; the pump is protected in environments with gas, vapours or inflammable mists; explosion-proof appliance designed for use in a potentially explosive atmosphere; electrical constructions for potentially explosive atmospheres ­ Explosion-proof housings “d”; non electrical constructions for potentially explosive atmospheres ­ Protection with immersion in liquid “h”; characteristic of the gas for which the appliance is intended; corresponds to 135, and is the maximum surface temperature that can be safely reached by the pump; The letter “X” on the certificate indicates that the appliance is subject to special conditions for safe use. The conditions are mentioned in the certificate and in the installation and operating instructions. Level of protection of the appliances, appliances for explosive gas atmospheres having a “HIGH” protection level.



Marking for explosion-proof versions according to the IECEx scheme


Ex db IIB T4 Gb

Ex h IIB T4 Gb

IECEx EUT 20.0005X


Area classification according to AS 2430.1.


Flame protection in compliance with IEC 60079-1:2014.


Suitable for use in explosive atmospheres (not in mines).

Gas classification, see IEC 60079-0:2004, Attachment A. Gas group B includes gas group A.


The max. surface temperature is 135°C according to IEC 60079-0.


The letter “X” on the certificate indicates that the appliance is subject to special conditions for safe use. The conditions are

mentioned in the certificate and in the installation and operating instructions.

Gb Appliance protection level.


The construction of tanks, reservoirs or sinkholes where the electropump is to be housed, as well as its positioning with respect

to the level of the sewage network, are subject to standards and legal regulations that must be respected.

Installation types The FX RANGE pumps are designed for two installation types: · free-standing submerged installation on ring stand. (Fig.3) · submerged installation on automatic coupling. The automatic coupling system facilitates maintenance and service as the pump can be easily removed from the tank. (Fig.4)

Before installation, check that the bottom of the tank is flat and uniform.

Check that pit, pool or tank are well dimensioned and that water level assures a correct running of electric pump with limited number of starts per hour.
For mobile installations we recommend the use of a support disc kit (Fig 1) to prevent the pump from sinking into the ground during operation due to suction. In any case, create a support surface that is as solid as possible.
5.1 Level switches FX RANGE Automatic Pumps, version MA (Fig.5) The pumps in the FX RANGE range in the MA single-phase automatic version are supplied complete with adjustable float switch. This allows the pump to be switched on and off autonomously according to the level of the liquid inside the tank.
Make sure that the float switch can move freely in the tank without obstacles. Adjust the float switch so that it switches off before the minimum pumping level. The pump can work with the motor uncovered only for short periods (10min).
FX RANGE Non Automatic Pumps. version MNA and TNA (Fig.6) The non-automatic version of the FX RANGE range of pumps (MNA and TNA) requires a control panel connected to float switches or to another level monitoring system. Stop Level: The stop level or float switch must be positioned so that the pump or pumps, for multiple installations, stop before the minimum pumping level is reached. Start level: In tanks with one pump, set the start level so that the pump is started once the requested level is reached, the pump must always be started before the liquid level reaches the bottom inlet pipe to the tank. 2-pump start level: In tanks with two pumps, the start level switch for pump 2 must start the pump before the liquid level reaches the bottom inlet pipe to the tank, and the start level switch for pump 1 must start this pump correspondingly earlier. If installed, always install the high-level alarm switch about 10 cm above the start level switch; however, the alarm must always be given before the liquid level reaches the bottom inlet pipe to the tank.
For further information on electric panels and the respective use of level switches, contact DAB Pumps.

Switches or sensors in potentially explosive environments must be certified for this application.
5.2 Installation with accessories See figure 3a, 4, 4a
6. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION The control panel and respective electrical equipment, when contemplated, must be of a type approved by the safety regulations in force. Instruments and components of the panel must be of an adequate capacity and quality to maintain reliable operation over time.


In potentially explosive environments, the electrical connection and the control panel must be provided with explosion-proof protection.
Before making the electrical connection, turn off the power and ensure that it cannot be reconnected accidently. Connect the earth lead before connecting the line leads; if the electropump has to be removed or dismantled, the earth lead must be removed last. The installer is responsible for ensuring that the earthing system is efficient and made in compliance with the regulations in force.
For explosion-proof pumps the electrical and equipotential connection must be made according to standard EN 60079-14.
Before installation and the first start-up of the pump, check the condition of the cable visually to avoid short circuits.
If the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer’s service centre or by another qualified person.
On explosion-proof pumps, make sure that an external earth conductor is connected to the external earth terminal on the pump. The section of the earth lead must be at least 4mm², yellow/green. Make sure that the earth connection is protected from corrosion. Make sure that all protective equipment has been connected correctly. Float switches used in potentially explosive environments must be approved for this application.
Set the motor-protective circuit breaker to the rated current of the pump. The rated current is stated on the pump nameplate.
The supply voltage and frequency are marked on the pump nameplate. The voltage tolerance must be within – 10 %/+ 10 % of the rated voltage. Make sure that the motor is suitable for the power supply available at the installation site. All the pumps are supplied with a 10 m cable and a free cable end. For greater lengths contact the DAB Pumps technical assistance service.
The connections of the pump protection system, such as thermal protections and oil-in-water sensor, are to be provided by the user, who must use a control panel with suitable characteristics. 6.1 Wiring diagrams See Fig.15a and 15b
6.2 Thermal switch All FX RANGE pumps have thermal protection incorporated in the stator windings (see wiring diagrams, contacts k1, k2) See parag. 6.1. In some motors the thermal switches are fitted inside and in series with the motor winding and intervene by opening and interrupting the circuit when an excessive temperature is reached in the windings (about 150°C). In some motors, the thermal switches are fitted inside the motor windings and it is recommended to connect the 2 output wires (white K1K2) to a device with a coil located inside a control panel. They intervene by opening and interrupting the circuit when an excessive temperature is reached in the windings (about 150°C).
Non explosion-proof pumps For correct operation the thermal switch must be connected to a device for interrupting the power supply circuit of the electropump. When the electropump has cooled, once the circuit of the thermal switch has been reset, the device can automatically restart the pump. Explosion-proof pumps The device for interrupting the power supply circuit of explosion-proof pumps must not restart the pump automatically. This ensures protection against over temperature in potentially explosive environments.
7. START-UP Before starting work on the pump, check that the main switch is off. It must be ensured that the power supply cannot be accidentally switched on. Make sure that all protective equipment has been connected correctly. The pump must not run dry.
The pump must not be started if the atmosphere in the tank is potentially explosive.
Before starting the pump, check that it is suitably connected to the pumping system to avoid uncontrolled leakage of liquid.
Do not put your hands or any tool into the pump suction or discharge port after the pump has been connected to the power supply.

7.1 General start-up procedure This procedure applies to new installations as well as after service inspections if start-up takes place some time after the pump was placed in the tank.
– After long periods of storage, check the conditions of the oil in the oil chamber. See also section 8.1 Routine maintenance. – Check that the system, bolts, gaskets, pipework and valves etc. are in correct condition. – Mount the pump in the system. – Switch on the power supply. – Check whether the monitoring units, if used, are operating satisfactorily. – Check the setting of the float switches or of the level sensors. – Check that the impeller can turn freely by briefly starting the motor. – Check the direction of rotation. See section 7.2 Direction of rotation. – Open the isolating valves, if fitted. – Check that the liquid level is above the pump motor. – Start the pump and let the pump run briefly, and check if the liquid level is falling. – Observe if the discharge pressure and input current are normal. If not there might be air trapped inside the pump (See section 5
In case of abnormal noise or vibrations from the pump, other pump failure or power supply failure or water supply failure, stop the pump immediately. Do not attempt to restart the pump until the cause of the fault has been found and the fault corrected. After one week of operation or after replacement of the shaft seal, check the condition of the oil in the chamber. For pumps without sensor, this is done by taking a sample of the oil. See section 8. Maintenance and service for procedure. Every time the pump has been removed from the tank, go through the above procedure when starting up again.
7.2 Direction of rotation (for three-phase pumps)
The pump may be started for a very short period without being submerged to check the direction of rotation.
Check the direction of rotation before starting up the pump. An arrow on the motor housing indicates the correct direction of rotation. Correct direction of rotation is clockwise when viewed from above.
Checking the direction of rotation The direction of rotation should be checked in the following way every time the pump is connected to a new installation. Procedure
1. Let the pump hang from a lifting device, e.g. the hoist used for lowering the pump into the tank. 2. Start and stop the pump while observing the movement (jerk) of the pump. If connected correctly, the pump will rotate clockwise,
i.e. it will jerk counter-clockwise. See fig.7 If the direction of rotation is wrong, interchange any two of the phases in the power supply cable. 8. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE
Routine maintenance work, limited to checking, cleaning or replacing limited parts, may be carried out only by expert and qualified personnel, provided with suitable equipment, who know the safety regulations for the working environment and have read and carefully checked the content of this manual and of any other documentation attached to the product.
Special maintenance or repairs must be entrusted to authorised Dab Pumps service centres.
Before starting any work on the system or troubleshooting, ensure that the main switch is off and that the power supply cannot be switched on again accidentally. Check that all the protection systems are correctly connected and that all the rotating parts are stopped. Maintenance work on explosion- proof pumps must be carried out by DAB Pumps or a service workshop authorized by DAB Pumps. However, this does not refer to hydraulic components such as the pump body, the impeller and the mechanical seal.
The replacement of the cable must be carried out exclusively by the manufacturer’s service centre or by another qualified person.
The pump may have been used for pumping liquid that is harmful to health, contaminated or toxic. Take all the precautions concerning health and safety before carrying out maintenance or repairs.
Use genuine spare parts only for repairs. Select the spare parts to be ordered, consulting the exploded drawings available on the DAB Pumps site or the DNA selection software. The manufacturer declines any responsibility for eventual damages to persons, animals or things for maintenance and repair interventions carried out by unauthorized personnel or with no genuine spare parts.
Specify the following information when ordering spare parts: 1. The type of electric pump. 2. Serial number and manufacturing year.

3. Denomination and reference number of the spare parts. 4. Required number of parts.
8.1 Routine maintenance Pumps running normal operation should be inspected every 3000 operating hours or at least once a year. If the pumped liquid is very muddy or sandy, inspect the pump at shorter intervals. Check the following points: · Power consumption See pump nameplate. · Oil level and oil condition When the pump is new or after replacement of the shaft seal, check the oil level and water content after one week of operation. If there is more than 20 % extra liquid (water) in the oil chamber, the shaft seal is defective. The oil should be changed after 3000 operating hours or once a year. · Cable entry Make sure that the cable entry is watertight (visual inspection) and that the cable is not sharply bent and/or pinched. · Pump parts Check impeller, pump housing, etc. for possible wear. Replace defective parts. · Ball bearings Check the shaft for noisy or heavy operation (turn the shaft by hand). Replace defective ball bearings. A general overhaul of the pump is usually required in case of defective ball bearings or poor motor function. This work must be done by an assistance workshop authorised by DAB Pumps. The ball bearings used are sealed and lubricated, using a special lubricant for high temperatures (-40°C + 150°C).
Defective bearings may reduce the Ex safety. The bearings must be replaced every 10.000 hours.
· O-rings and similar parts During service/replacement, it must be ensured that the grooves for the O-rings as well as the seal faces have been cleaned before the new parts are fitted.

Used rubber parts must not be reused.

· Oil change (Fig.8) After 3000 operating hours or once a year, change the oil in the oil chamber as described below. If the shaft seal has been replaced, the oil must be changed.
When loosening the screws of the oil chamber, note that pressure may have built up in the chamber. Do not remove the screws until the pressure has been fully relieved.
· Draining of oil 1. Place the pump on a plane surface with one oil screw pointing downwards. 2. Place a suitable container (approx. 1 litre), for instance made of transparent plastic material, under the oil screw.

Used oil must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.

3. Remove the lower oil screw. 4. Remove the upper oil screw. If the pump has been in operation for a long period of time, if the oil is drained off shortly after the
pump has been stopped, and if the oil is greyish white like milk, it contains water. If the oil contains more than 20 % water, it is an indication that the shaft seal is defective and must be replaced. If the shaft seal is not replaced, the motor will be damaged. If the quantity of oil is smaller than the quantity stated, the shaft seal is defective. 5. Clean the faces for the gaskets for oil screws. · Filling with oil 1. Rotate the pump so that one of the two oil holes in a vertical position facing upwards. 2. Pour the oil into the chamber. The suitable amount of oil is indicated by the second oil venting hole (positioned beside the vertical filling hole). Once the oil has reached and escapes from the hole at the side, the oil quantity is correct. 3. Fit the oil screws with new gaskets.

The table shows the quantity of oil in the oil chamber of FX RANGE pumps. Oil type: ESSO MARCOL 152.

Motor type

2poles >= 1.5kw

2poles <= 1.1kw



0.68 [l]

0.58 [l]

0.65 [l]


0.75 [l]

0.65 [l]

0.72 [l]



· Screws

Replace any damaged screws only with equivalent screws ISO 4762/DIN 912.


Property class UNI EN ISO 3506-1

Minimum tensile strength [MPa]

Stainless Steel AISI 304



Minimum yield stress [MPa] 450

· Capacitor change (Fig. 9) · Impeller cleaning (Fig. 10) · Mechanical Seal replacement (Fig.11) · Float replacement (Fig.13) · Cutter change (for GRINDER FX Fig.14)
8.2 Special maintenance Special maintenance operations must be carried out exclusively by an assistance workshop authorised by DAB Pumps.
For explosion-proof pumps, flameproof joints are not intended to be repaired.
8.3 Contaminated pumps

If a pump has been used for a liquid which is injurious to health or toxic, the pump will be classified as contaminated.

If you are asking to have a pump repaired, you must contact the service centre to give them the details about the pumped liquid, etc., before sending the pump for repair. Otherwise, the service centre may refuse to accept the pump. However, any application for service (no matter to whom it may be made) must include details about the pumped liquid if the pump has been used for liquids which are injurious to health or toxic. Before a pump is returned, it must be cleaned in the best possible way before it is returned. 9. TROUBLESHOOTING
Before attempting to diagnose any fault, make sure that the fuses have been removed or the mains switch has been switched off. It must be ensured that the power supply cannot be accidentally switched on. All rotating parts must have stopped moving.
All regulations applying to pumps installed in potentially explosive environments must be observed. It must be ensured that no work is carried out in potentially explosive atmosphere.

When performing checks or inspections refer to the safety regulations stated in this manual or the attachment.

PROBLEMS Failure in electric pump.

PROBABLE CAUSES 1. Insufficient voltage 2. No motor power 3. Thermal overload switch has tripped. a) single-phase motor b) three-phase motor 4. The thermal switch on the panel or automatic residual current device on the main electrical panel have tripped.
5. Automatic float switch jammed. 6. Level sensors or floats fail to enable start.
7. Faulty control panel.
8. Impeller jammed. 9. Electric pump not working.

REMEDIES 1. Check the motor input voltage value (see “Technical characteristics”). 2. Check the power line, the power wiring, the connections and the fuses. a) Wait until cooling has occurred b) Reset the thermal overload switch and check it is calibrated properly. 4. Check the insulation on the electric pump wires, the electric pump itself or the floats. Reset the thermal switch inside the panel or the residual current device on the main electrical control panel. 5. Clean, inspect and make sure it is working properly 6. Wait for level to be restored, inspect the sensors, floats and relative equipment and make sure they are all working properly. 7. Where possible try to bypass the control panel by connecting the pumps directly to the power supply. If necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 8. Remove obstruction, wash and clean: if necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 9. Contact the DAB Assistance Service.



Electric pump starting with thermal protection intervention
Electric pump drawing more power than value shown on ID plate.
Performance too low, the pump does not perform as required.

PROBABLE CAUSES 1. Power voltage differs from that stated on ID plate. 2. Three-phase motor. Phase interruption.
3. Three-phase motor. Relay calibrated at too low a value. 4. Thermal overload relay faulty
5. Impeller jammed.
6. Incorrect direction of rotation
7. Pumped liquid too dense.
8. Electrical pump dry-running.
9. Operation point outside working range.
10. Electric pump not working. 1. Power voltage differs from that stated on ID plate. 2. Three-phase motor. Phase interruption.
3. Incorrect sense of rotation.
4. Impeller jammed.
5. Pumped liquid too dense.
6. Operation point outside working range.
7. Electric pump not working. 1. Incorrect direction of rotation
2. Operation point outside working range.
3. Liquid pumped with air or gas present.
4. Pumped liquid too dense.
5. Pump not primed, air inside pumping body 6. Electric pump not working.

REMEDIES 1. Check motor input voltage. If necessary contact electricity provider. 2. Restore motor power connections, then check for proper current absorption. 3. Adjust relay calibration, set it to a value slightly higher than that shown on the motor ID plate. 4. Replace the faulty relay, check the system is working properly. 5. Remove obstruction, wash and clean: if necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 6. Reverse direction of rotation (see 7.2: “Direction of Rotation”) 7. Dilute the liquid. Check the pumped liquid is suitable (see “Technical Characteristics”). 8. Check the level of liquid in the tank and the level control instruments. 9. Check electric pump operation point, check delivery pipe characteristics and components. If necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 10. Contact the DAB Assistance Service. 1. Check motor input voltage. If necessary contact electricity provider.
2. Restore motor power connections, then check for proper current absorption. 3. Reverse direction of rotation (see 7.2: “Direction of Rotation”)
4. Remove obstruction, wash and clean: if necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 5. Dilute the liquid. Check the pumped liquid is suitable (see “Technical Characteristics”). 6. Check electric pump operation point, check delivery pipe characteristics and components. If necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 7. Contact the DAB Assistance Service. 1. Reverse direction of rotation (see 7.2: “Direction of Rotation””) 2. Check electric pump operation point, check delivery pipe characteristics and components. If necessary contact the DAB Assistance Service. 3. Increase collection tank size. Install degassing devices. 4. Dilute the liquid. Check the pumped liquid is suitable (see “Technical Characteristics”). 5. Check pump priming (see “priming plug”) 6. Contact the DAB Assistance Service.



Fig. 3

Fig. 3a

Fig. 4






Fig.8 Fig.7






Fig.15a Wiring Diagram 249

DRAWINGS CB Booster for Grinder FX
Fig.15b Wiring Diagram 250

DAB PUMPS LTD. 6 Gilbert Court Newcomen Way Severalls Business Park Colchester Essex C04 9WN – UK [email protected] Tel. +44 0333 777 5010
DAB PUMPS BV `tHofveld 6 C1 1702 Groot Bijgaarden – Belgium [email protected] Tel. +32 2 4668353
DAB PUMPS INC. 3226 Benchmark Drive Ladson, SC 29456 – USA [email protected] Tel. 1- 843-797-5002 Fax 1-843-797-3366
OOO DAB PUMPS Novgorodskaya str. 1, block G office 308, 127247, Moscow – Russia [email protected] Tel. +7 495 122 0035 Fax +7 495 122 0036
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DAB PUMPS (QINGDAO) CO. LTD. No.40 Kaituo Road, Qingdao Economic & Technological Development Zone Qingdao City, Shandong Province – China PC: 266500 [email protected] Tel. +86 400 186 8280 Fax +86 53286812210

DAB PUMPS IBERICA S.L. Calle Verano 18-20-22 28850 – Torrejón de Ardoz – Madrid Spain [email protected] Tel. +34 91 6569545 Fax: + 34 91 6569676
DAB PUMPS B.V. Albert Einsteinweg, 4 5151 DL Drunen – Nederland [email protected] Tel. +31 416 387280 Fax +31 416 387299
DAB PUMPS SOUTH AFRICA Twenty One industrial Estate, 16 Purlin Street, Unit B, Warehouse 4 Olifantsfontein – 1666 – South Africa [email protected] Tel. +27 12 361 3997
DAB PUMPS GmbH Am Nordpark 3 41069 Mönchengladbach, Germany [email protected] Tel. +49 2161 47 388 0 Fax +49 2161 47 388 36
DAB PUMPS HUNGARY KFT. H-8800 Nagykanizsa, Buda Ern u.5 Hungary Tel. +36 93501700
DAB PUMPS DE MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Av Amsterdam 101 Local 4 Col. Hipódromo Condesa, Del. Cuauhtémoc CP 06170 Ciudad de México Tel. +52 55 6719 0493
DAB PUMPS OCEANIA PTY LTD 426 South Gippsland Hwy, Dandenong South VIC 3175 ­ Australia [email protected] Tel. +61 1300 373 677

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DAB PUMPS S.p.A. Via M. Polo, 14 – 35035 Mestrino (PD) – Italy Tel. +39 049 5125000 – Fax +39 049 5125950


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