HITACHI PMEN0601 Advanced Color Wired Remote Controller Instruction Manual

June 8, 2024

PMEN0601 Advanced Color Wired Remote Controller




PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022

Specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice in order that Hitachi may bring the latest innovations to their customers. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all specifications are correct, printing errors are beyond Hitachi’s control; Hitachi cannot be held responsible for these errors.
Las especificaciones de este manual están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso a fin de que Hitachi pueda ofrecer las últimas innovaciones a sus clientes. A pesar de que se hacen todos los esfuerzos posibles para asegurarse de que las especificaciones sean correctas, los errores de impresión están fuera del control de Hitachi, a quien no se hará responsable de ellos.
Bei den technischen Angaben in diesem Handbuch sind Änderungen vorbehalten, damit Hitachi seinen Kunden die jeweils neuesten Innovationen präsentieren kann. Sämtliche Anstrengungen wurden unternommen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle technischen Informationen ohne Fehler veröffentlicht worden sind. Für Druckfehler kann Hitachi jedoch keine Verantwortung übernehmen, da sie außerhalb ihrer Kontrolle liegen.
Les caractéristiques publiées dans ce manuel peuvent être modifiées sans préavis, Hitachi souhaitant pouvoir toujours offrir à ses clients les dernières innovations. Bien que tous les efforts sont faits pour assurer l’exactitude des caractéristiques, les erreurs d’impression sont hors du contrôle de Hitachi qui ne pourrait en être tenu responsable.
Le specifiche di questo manuale sono soggette a modifica senza preavviso affinché Hitachi possa offrire ai propri clienti le ultime novità. Sebbene sia stata posta la massima cura nel garantire la correttezza dei dati, Hitachi non è responsabile per eventuali errori di stampa che esulano dal proprio controllo.
As especificações apresentadas neste manual estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio, de modo a que a Hitachi possa oferecer aos seus clientes, da forma mais expedita possível, as inovações mais recentes. Apesar de serem feitos todos os esforços para assegurar que todas as especificações apresentadas são correctas, quaisquer erros de impressão estão fora do controlo da Hitachi, que não pode ser responsabilizada por estes erros eventuais.
Specifikationerne i denne vejledning kan ændres uden varsel, for at Hitachi kan bringe de nyeste innovationer ud til kunderne. På trods af alle anstrengelser for at sikre at alle specifikationerne er korrekte, har Hitachi ikke kontrol over trykfejl, og Hitachi kan ikke holdes ansvarlig herfor.
De specificaties in deze handleiding kunnen worden gewijzigd zonder verdere kennisgeving zodat Hitachi zijn klanten kan voorzien van de nieuwste innovaties. Iedere poging wordt ondernomen om te zorgen dat alle specificaties juist zijn. Voorkomende drukfouten kunnen echter niet door Hitachi worden gecontroleerd, waardoor Hitachi niet aansprakelijk kan worden gesteld voor deze fouten.
Specifikationerna i den här handboken kan ändras utan föregående meddelande för att Hitachi ska kunna leverera de senaste innovationerna till kunderna. Vi på Hitachi gör allt vi kan för att se till att alla specifikationer stämmer, men vi har ingen kontroll över tryckfel och kan därför inte hållas ansvariga för den typen av fel.
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, Hitachi . , , , Hitachi Hitachi .
Cestina Aby spolecnost Hitachi mohla svým zákazníkm poskytovat nejnovjsí inovace, specifikace uvedené v této pírucce podléhají zmnám bez pedchozího upozornní. Pestoze vynakládáme maximální úsilí, aby vsechny specifikace byly správné, tiskové chyby nespadají pod kontrolu spolecnosti Hitachi, která za takové chyby nenese odpovdnost.
Az alábbi kézikönyvben foglalt elírások elzetes értesítés nélkül változhatnak, annak érdekében, hogy a Hitachi a legfrissebb újításokkal szolgálhasson ügyfelei számára. Bár minden erfeszítést megteszünk annak érdekében, hogy minden elírás helyes legyen, a nyomtatási hibák nem állnak a Hitachi ellenrzése alatt; ezekért a hibákért a Hitachi nem tehet felelssé.
Zamieszczone w niniejszej instrukcji obslugi dane techniczne mog ulec zmianie bez uprzedniego powiadomienia ze wzgldu na innowacyjne rozwizania, jakie firma Hitachi nieustannie wprowadza z myl o swoich klientach. Mimo podejmowanych stara, aby zapewni poprawno wszystkich podanych tutaj informacji, nie mona wykluczy zaistnienia bldów drukarskich, za które firma Hitachi nie ponosi adnej odpowiedzialnoci.
Român Specificaiile din acest manual pot fi modificate fr notificare prealabil, pentru ca Hitachi s poat pune la dispoziia clienilor notri ultimele inovaii. Dei depunem toate eforturile pentru a ne asigura c toate specificaiile sunt corecte, erorile de tiprire depesc controlul Hitachi; Hitachi nu poate fi tras la rspundere pentru aceste erori.
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Tässä käyttöoppaassa ilmoitetut määritykset voivat muuttua ilman ennakkoilmoitusta HitachiN soveltaessa uusimpia innovaatioitaan tuotteisiinsa. Vaikka olemme pyrkineet varmistamaan, että kaikki määritykset ovat oikein, Hitachi ei pysty valvomaan mahdollisia painovirheitä, eikä niin ollen ole niistä vastuussa.
Specifikacije u ovom prirucniku podlozne su izmjenama bez najave da bi tvrtka Hitachi mogla svojim klijentima pruziti najnovije inovacije. Iako se ulaze sav trud da bi se osigurala tocnost svih specifikacija, greske u tisku nisu pod kontrolom tvrtke Hitachi; tvrtka Hitachi ne moze biti odgovorna za takve greske.
Slovenscina Specifikacije v tem prirocniku se lahko spremenijo brez predhodnega obvestila, tako da lahko Hitachi nudi svojim strankam najnovejse inovacije. Hitachi se bo trudil zagotoviti, da bodo vse specifikacije pravilne, medtem ko so tiskarske napake izven njihovega nadzora; Hitachi ni odgovoren za te napake.
Specifikácie uvedené v tejto prírucke sa môzu zmeni bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia, pretoze spolocnos Hitachi chce svojim zákazníkom prinása najnovsie inovácie. Zatia co sa vynakladá maximálne úsilie na zabezpecenie toho, aby boli vsetky specifikácie správne, chyby tlace sú mimo kontroly spolocnosti Hitachi. Spolocnos Hitachi nemôze nies zodpovednos za tieto chyby.
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This product shall not be mixed with general house waste at the end of its life and it shall be retired according to the appropriated local or national regulations in a environmentally correct way. Due to the refrigerant, oil and other components contained in Air Conditioner, its dismantling must be done by a professional installer according to the applicable regulations. Contact to the corresponding authorities for more information.
Éste producto no se debe eliminar con la basura doméstica al final de su vida útil y se debe desechar de manera respetuosa con el medio ambiente de acuerdo con los reglamentos locales o nacionales aplicables. Debido al refrigerante, el aceite y otros componentes contenidos en el sistema de aire acondicionado, su desmontaje debe realizarlo un instalador profesional de acuerdo con la normativa aplicable. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con las autoridades competentes.
Dass Ihr Produkt am Ende seiner Betriebsdauer nicht in den allgemeinen Hausmüll geworfen werden darf, sondern entsprechend den geltenden örtlichen und nationalen Bestimmungen auf umweltfreundliche Weise entsorgt werden muss. Aufgrund des Kältemittels, des Öls und anderer in der Klimaanlage enthaltener Komponenten muss die Demontage von einem Fachmann entsprechend den geltenden Vorschriften durchgeführt werden. Für weitere Informationen setzen Sie sich bitte mit den entsprechenden Behörden in Verbindung.
Ne doit pas être mélangé aux ordures ménagères ordinaires à la fin de sa vie utile et qu’il doit être éliminé conformément à la réglementation locale ou nationale, dans le plus strict respect de l’environnement. En raison du frigorigène, de l’huile et des autres composants que le climatiseur contient, son démontage doit être réalisé par un installateur professionnel conformément aux réglementations en vigueur.
Indicazioni per il corretto smaltimento del prodotto ai sensi della Direttiva Europea 2011/54/EU e DLgs 4 marzo 2014 n.27. Il simbolo del cassonetto barrato riportato sull’ apparecchiatura indica che il prodotto alla fine della propria vita utile deve essere raccolto separatamente dagli altri rifiuti. L’utente dovrà, pertanto, conferire l’apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita agli idonei centri di raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti elettronici ed elettrotecnici, oppure riconsegnarla al rivenditore al momento dell’ acquisto di una nuova apparecchiatura di tipo equivalente. L’adeguata raccolta differenziata delle apparecchiature dismesse, per il loro avvio al riciclaggio, al trattamento ed allo smaltimento ambientalmente compatibile, contribuisce ad evitare possibili effetti negativi sull’ ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il riciclo dei materiali di cui è composta l’ apparecchiatura. Non tentate di smontare il sistema o l’unità da soli poichè ciò potrebbe causare effetti dannosi sulla vostra salute o sull’ ambiente. Vogliate contattare l’ installatore, il rivenditore, o le autorità locali per ulteriori informazioni. Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte dell’utente può comportare l’applicazione delle sanzioni amministrative di cui all’articolo 50 e seguenti del D.Lgs. n. 22/1997.
O seu produto não deve ser misturado com os desperdícios domésticos de carácter geral no final da sua duração e que deve ser eliminado de acordo com os regulamentos locais ou nacionais adequados de uma forma correcta para o meio ambiente. Devido ao refrigerante, ao óleo e a outros componentes contidos no Ar condicionado, a desmontagem deve ser realizada por um instalador profissional de acordo com os regulamentos aplicáveis. Contacte as autoridades correspondentes para obter mais informações.
At produktet ikke må smides ud sammen med almindeligt husholdningsaffald, men skal bortskaffes i overensstemmelse med de gældende lokale eller nationale regler på en miljømæssig korrekt måde. Da klimaanlægget indeholder kølemiddel, olie samt andre komponenter, skal afmontering foretages af en fagmand i overensstemmelse med de gældende bestemmelser. Kontakt de pågældende myndigheder for at få yderligere oplysninger.
Dit houdt in dat uw product niet wordt gemengd met gewoon huisvuil wanneer u het weg doet en dat het wordt gescheiden op een milieuvriendelijke manier volgens de geldige plaatselijke en landelijke reguleringen. Vanwege het koelmiddel, de olie en andere onderdelen in de airconditioner moet het apparaat volgens de geldige regulering door een professionele installateur uit elkaar gehaald worden. Neem contact op met de betreffende overheidsdienst voor meer informatie.
Det innebär att produkten inte ska slängas tillsammans med vanligt hushållsavfall utan kasseras på ett miljövänligt sätt i enlighet med gällande lokal eller nationell lagstiftning. Luftkonditioneringsaggregatet innehåller kylmedium, olja och andra komponenter, vilket gör att det måste demonteras av en fackman i enlighet med tillämpliga regelverk. Ta kontakt med ansvarig myndighet om du vill ha mer information.
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Tento výrobek nesmí být na konci své zivotnosti likvidován v rámci bzného komunálního odpadu, nýbrz ekologickým zpsobem v souladu s píslusnými místními nebo vnitrostátními pedpisy. Vzhledem k chladivu, oleji a dalsím komponentm obsazeným v klimatizacním zaízení musí jeho demontáz provádt odborný instalatér v souladu s platnými pedpisy. Více informací lze získat od píslusných orgán.
Élettartama végén a termék az általános háztartási hulladékkal nem keverend; ártalmatlanítását a vonatkozó helyi vagy nemzeti elírásoknak megfelelen, környezetvédelmi szempontból helyesen kell végezni. A légkondicionálóban található htfolyadék, olaj vés egyéb anyagok miatt ennek szétszerelését a vonatkozó elírásoknak megfelelen, szakembernek kell végeznie. További információért forduljon az illetékes hatósághoz.
Po zakoczeniu okresu uytkowania produktu, nie naley go wyrzuca z odpadami komunalnymi, lecz dokona jego usunicia w sposób ekologiczny zgodnie z obowizujcymi w tym zakresie przepisami prawa lokalnego lub krajowego. Poniewa klimatyzatory zawieraj czynniki chlodnicze i oleje oraz innego rodzaju elementy skladowe, ich demonta naley powierzy wskazanemu w obowizujcych przepisach specjalistycznemu podmiotowi. Szczególowe informacje na ten temat mona uzyska, kontaktujc si z wlaciwymi organami wladzy samorzdowej.
Acest produs nu trebuie aruncat la gunoiul menajer la sfâritul duratei sale de via, ci trebuie scos din uz în conformitate cu reglementrile locale sau naionale adecvate i într-un mod corect din punct de vedere al proteciei mediului. Datorit agentului frigorific, a uleiului i a altor componente ale aparatului de aer condiionat, demontarea acestuia trebuie fcut de un instalator profesionist în conformitate cu reglementrile aplicabile. Contactai autoritile competente pentru mai multe informaii.
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Tätä tuotetta ei saa poistaa yleisen talousjätteen mukana sen käyttöajan päättyessä. Se tulee poistaa käytöstä asianmukaisten paikallisten tai kansallisten säännösten mukaisesti ympäristöystävällisellä tavalla. Johtuen ilmastointilaitteen sisältämästä jäähdytysaineesta, öljystä ja muista komponenteista, sen purkamiseen tarvitaan ammattiasentajaa. Purkamisen tulee tapahtua soveltuvien säännösten mukaisesti. Ota yhteyttä vastaaviin viranomaisiin ja pyydä lisätietoja.
Ovaj proizvod ne smije se mijesati s obicnim kuanskim otpadom na kraju vijeka trajanja i mora se odloziti u otpad sukladno odgovarajuim lokalnim ili drzavnim propisima na ekoloski prihvatljiv nacin. Zbog rashladnog sredstva, ulja i drugih komponenata sadrzanih u klima-ureaju, rastavljanje ureaja mora obaviti profesionalni instalater sukladno vazeim propisima. Obratite se odgovarajuim nadleznim tijelima u vezi daljnjih informacija.
Ta izdelek se na koncu svoje zivljenjske dobe ne sme pomesati z obicajnimi gospodinjskimi odpadki in se mora odstraniti na pravilen nacin za okolje v skladu z ustreznimi lokalnimi ali nacionalnimi predpisi. Zaradi hladilnega sredstva, olja in drugih sestavin, ki jih vsebuje klimatska naprava, mora biti njeno unicenje opravljeno s strani strokovnega monterja v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. Za vec informacij se obrnite na ustrezne organe.
Tento výrobok nesmie by po skoncení jeho zivotnosti zmiesaný s bezným domovým odpadom a musí by vyradený poda príslusných miestnych alebo národných predpisov ekologicky správnym spôsobom. V dôsledku chladiaceho média, oleja a iných komponentov obsiahnutých v klimatizacnom zariadení musí by jeho demontáz vykonaná odborným instalatérom poda platných predpisov. alsie informácie získate od príslusných orgánov.
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DANGER ­ Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injuries or death. PELIGRO ­ Riesgos o prácticas poco seguras que PODRÍAN producir lesiones personales e incluso la muerte. GEFAHR ­ Gefährliche oder unsichere Anwendung, die zu schweren Körperverletzungen oder zum Tod führen kann. DANGER ­ Utilisation dangereuse ou sans garantie de sécurité qui PEUT provoquer de sévères blessures personnelles ou la mort. PERICOLO ­ Pericoli o azioni pericolose che POTREBBERO avere come esito lesioni fisiche gravi o il decesso. PERIGO ­ Riesgos o prácticas poco seguras que PUEDEN producir lesiones personales e incluso la muerte FARE ­ Farer eller farlig brug, som KAN resultere i alvorlig personskade eller dødsfald. GEVAAR ­ Gevaren of onveilige praktijken die ernstig persoonlijk letsel of de dood tot gevolg KUNNEN hebben. FARA ­ Risker eller osäkra tillvägagångssätt som KAN leda till svåra personskador eller dödsfall. ­ , µ µ . ­ , , . NEBEZPECÍ ­ Rizika nebo nebezpecné postupy, které MOHOU vést k vázným zranním nebo smrti. VESZÉLY ­ Veszélyes vagy nem biztonságos gyakorlatok, amelyek súlyos személyi sérüléseket vagy halált OKOZHATNAK. NIEBEZPIECZESTWO ­ Sygnalizuje czynnoci wice si z zagroeniem lub ryzykiem, które MOG prowadzi do powanych obrae ciala lub mierci. PERICOL ­ pericole sau practici nesigure care ar putea duce la vtmri corporale grave sau deces. ­ , . VAARA ­ Vaaralliset tai riskialttiit toimenpiteet, jotka SAATTAVAT aiheuttaa vakavia henkilövammoja tai hengenvaaran. OPASNOST ­ Rizicni ili nesigurni postupci koji MOGU uzrokovati teske tjelesne ozljede ili smrt. NEVARNOST ­ Nevarnosti in nevarna ravnanja LAHKO povzrocijo hude telesne poskodbe ali smrt. NEBEZPECENSTVO – Nebezpecenstvo alebo nebezpecné postupy, ktoré by mohli vies k váznym zraneniam alebo smrti. – , .
CAUTION ­ Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in minor personal injury or product or property damage. PRECAUCIÓN ­ Riesgos o prácticas poco seguras que PODRÍAN provocar lesiones personales de menor importancia o daños en el producto u otros bienes. VORSICHT ­ Gefährliche oder unsichere Anwendung, die geringfügigen Personen-, Produkt- oder Sachschaden verursachen kann. PRECAUTION ­ Utilisation dangereuse ou sans garantie de sécurité qui PEUT provoquer des blessures mineures ou des dommages au produit ou aux biens. ATTENZIONE ­ Pericoli o azioni pericolose che POTREBBERO avere come esito lesioni fisiche minori o danni al prodotto o ad altri beni. CUIDADO ­ Perigos e procedimentos perigosos que PODERÃO PROVOCAR danos pessoais ligeiros ou danos em produtos e bens. FORSIGTIG ­ Farer eller farlig brug, som KAN resultere i mindre skade på personer, produkt eller ejendom. LET OP ­ Gevaren of onveilige praktijken die licht persoonlijk letsel of beschadiging van het product of eigendommen tot gevolg KUNNEN hebben. VARSAMHET ­ Risker eller farliga tillvägagångssätt som KAN leda till mindre personskador eller skador på produkten eller på egendom. ­ , µ µ . ­ , , . POZOR ­ Rizika nebo nebezpecné postupy, které MOHOU vést k lehkým zranním osob, poskození výrobku nebo hmotné skod. FIGYELMEZTETÉS ­ Veszélyes vagy nem biztonságos gyakorlatok, amelyek kisebb személyi sérüléseket vagy halált OKOZHATNAK. OSTRONIE ­ Wskazuje czynnoci, stanowice zagroenie lub ryzyko, które MOG prowadzi do uszczerbku na zdrowiu lub strat materialnych. PRECAUIE ­ pericole sau practici nesigure care AR PUTEA duce la vtmri corporale minore sau deces.

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HUOMIO ­ Vaaralliset tai riskialttiit toimenpiteet, jotka SAATTAVAT aiheuttaa vähäisiä henkilövammoja tai tuotteen tai omaisuuden vahingoittumisen.
OPREZ ­ Rizicni ili nesigurni postupci koji MOGU uzrokovati lakse tjelesne ozljede ili osteenje proizvoda ili vlasnistva.
POZOR – Nevarnosti in nevarna ravnanja LAHKO povzrocijo manjse telesne poskodbe ali poskodbe izdelka ali materialno skodo.
UPOZORNENIE – Nebezpecenstvá alebo nebezpecné postupy, ktoré by mohli vies k mensiemu zraneniu osôb alebo poskodeniu produktu alebo majetku.
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NOTE ­ The text following this symbol contains information or instructions that may be of use or that require a more thorough explanation.
NOTA ­ El texto que sigue a este símbolo contiene información o instrucciones que pueden ser de utilidad o requeridas para ampliar una explicación.
HINWEIS ­ Der diesem Symbol folgende Text enthält konkrete Informationen und Anleitungen, die nützlich sein können oder eine tiefergehende Erklärung benötigen.
REMARQUE ­ Les textes précédés de ce symbole contiennent des informations ou des indications qui peuvent être utiles, ou qui méritent une explication plus étendue.
NOTA ­ I testi preceduti da questo simbolo contengono informazioni o indicazioni che possono risultare utili o che meritano una spiegazione più estesa.
NOTA ­ Os textos precedidos deste símbolo contêm informações ou indicações que podem ser úteis, ou que merecem uma explicação mais detalhada.
BEMÆRK ­ Den tekst, der følger efter dette symbol, indeholder oplysninger eller anvisninger, der kan være til nytte, eller som kræver en mere grundig forklaring.
OPMERKING ­ De teksten waar dit symbool voorstaat bevatten nuttige informatie en aanwijzingen, of informatie en aanwijzingen meer uitleg behoeven.
OBS ­ Texten efter denna symbol innehåller information och anvisningar som kan vara användbara eller som kräver en noggrannare förklaring.
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POZNÁMKA ­ Text uvozený tímto symbolem obsahuje informace nebo pokyny, které mohou být uzitecné nebo které vyzadují podrobnjsí vysvtlení.
MEGJEGYZÉS ­ A szimbólum után következ szöveg olyan információkat vagy utasításokat tartalmaz, amelyek hasznosak lehetnek vagy részletesebb magyarázatot követelhetnek.
UWAGA ­ Treci oznakowane tym symbolem oznaczaj informacje lub instrukcje, które mog okaza si przydatne lub wymagaj bardziej szczególowego wyjanienia.
NOT ­ Textul care urmeaz dup acest simbol conine informaii sau instruciuni care pot fi utile sau care necesit o explicaie mai detaliat.
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HUOMAUTUS ­ Tätä symbolia seuraava teksti sisältää tietoja tai ohjeita, jotka voivat olla hyödyllisiä tai jotka vaativat perusteellisempaa selitystä.
NAPOMENA ­ Tekst nakon ovog simbola sadrzi informacije ili upute koje mogu biti korisne ili koje zahtijevaju temeljitije objasnjenje.
OPOMBA – Besedilo, ki sledi temu simbolu, vsebuje informacije ali navodila, ki so lahko koristni ali ki zahtevajo temeljitejso razlago.
POZNÁMKA – Text, ktorý nasleduje po tomto symbole, obsahuje informácie alebo instrukcie, ktoré môzu by uzitocné a obsahujú podobnejsie vysvetlenie.
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NL Nederlands





Original Version Versión traducida Übersetzte Version Version traduite Versione tradotta Versão traduzidal Oversat version Vertaalde versie Översatt version
















SL Slovenscina




Original Version Pelozená verze Lefordított változat Tlumaczenie wersji oryginalnej Versiune tradus Käännetty versio Prevedena verzija Prevedena razlicica Prelozená verzia

The English version is the original one; other languages are translated from English. Should any discrepancy occur between the English and the translated versions, the English version shall prevail.
La versión en inglés es la original, y las versiones en otros idiomas son traducciones de la inglesa. En caso de discrepancias entre la versión inglesa y las versiones traducidas, prevalecerá la versión inglesa.
Die englische Fassung ist das Original, und die Fassungen in anderen Sprachen werden aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Sollten die englische und die übersetzten Fassungen voneinander abweichen, so hat die englische Fassung Vorrang.
La version anglaise est la version originale; les autres langues sont traduites de l’anglais. En cas de divergence entre les versions anglaise et traduite, la version anglaise prévaudra.
La versione inglese è l’originale e le versioni in altre lingue sono traduzioni dall’inglese. In caso di divergenze tra la versione inglese e quelle tradotte, fa fede la versione inglese.
A versão inglesa é a original; as versões em outras línguas são traduzidas do inglês. Em caso de divergência entre a versão em língua inglesa e as versões traduzidas, faz fé a versão em língua inglesa.
Den engelske udgave er originalen, og udgaverne på andre sprog er oversat fra engelsk. Hvis der forekommer uoverensstemmelser mellem den engelske og den oversatte sprogudgave, vil den engelske udgave være gældende.
De Engelse versie is de originele; andere talen zijn vertaald uit het Engels. In geval van verschillen tussen de Engelse versie en de vertaalde versies, heeft de Engelse versie voorrang.
Den engelska versionen är originalet, och versionerna på andra språk är från engelska översättningar. I händelse av bristande överensstämmelse mellan den engelska och den översatta versionerna, skall den engelska versionen vara giltig.
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Originální verze tohoto dokumentu je v anglictin; ostatní jazykové varianty jsou z anglictiny pelozené. Pokud mezi anglickou a jakoukoli jinou jazykovou verzí dojde k rozporu, bude pevazovat anglická verze.
Az eredeti változat az angol; az egyéb nyelv változatok angolról lettek fordítva. Amennyiben az angol és a fordított verziók között bármilyen eltérés mutatkozik, az angol nyelv változat a mérvadó.
Wersja angielska jest wersj oryginaln – wszystkie pozostale stanowi jej tlumaczenie na odpowiednie jzyki. W przypadku stwierdzenia jakichkolwiek rozbienoci midzy oryginalem a jego tlumaczeniem, rozstrzygajca jest wersja w jzyku angielskim.
Versiunea original este cea în limba englez; versiunile în alte limbi sunt traduse din limba englez. Dac exist vreo discrepan între versiunile în limba englez i versiunea tradus, prevaleaz versiunea în limba englez.
; . , .
Englanninkielinen versio on alkuperäinen; muut kielet on käännetty englannista. Mikäli englannin ja käännettyjen versioiden välillä ilmenee eroavaisuuksia, englanninkielinen versio on voimassa.
Verzija na engleskom jeziku je prvobitna verzija, a verzije na ostalim jezicima su prevedene s engleskog. U slucaju neslaganja izmeu verzije na engleskom jeziku i prevedenih verzija, verzija na engleskom jeziku ima prednost.
Izvirna razlicica je v angleskem jeziku; drugi jeziki so prevedeni iz anglescine. V primeru razhajanj med anglesko in prevedeno razlicico, prevlada angleska razlicica.
Anglická verzia je pôvodná, alsie jazyky sú prelozené z anglictiny. V prípade akýchkovek nezrovnalostí medzi anglickou a prelozenou verziou, bude rozhodujúca anglická verzia.
; . , .

General index
1 Safety summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
2 Switch Names and Functions……………………………………………………………………………………… 2
3 Operation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
3.1 Operation Start/stop …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 3.2 Basic Operation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 3.3 Operation Mode…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 3.4 Temperature Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 3.5 Fan Speed………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 3.6 LOUVER swing Direction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
4 Icon Description…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
5 Function Menu …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
5.1 Simple Timer Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 5.2 Operation Schedule Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
5.2.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 5.2.2 Schedule Turn ON/OFF Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 5.2.3 Schedule Holiday Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 5.2.4 Reset the setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 5.3 Power Savings Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 5.3.1 Power Savings Mode Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 5.3.2 Power Savings ON/OFF Setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 5.3.3 Power Savings Level Setting……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 5.4 Night Quiet Operation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15 5.5 Power Saving/Night Quiet Schedule Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 5.5.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 5.5.2 Schedule Turn ON/OFF Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 5.6 Power Consumption Display ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 5.7 Autoboost (QUICK MODE) Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20 5.8 Comfort Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21 5.8.1 GentleCool ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21 5.8.2 Louver direction in cooling/heating mode……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 5.8.3 Radiant sensor control for heating ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22 5.8.4 FeetWarm heat air flow ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
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5.8.5 FloorSense cool air flow …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22 5.9 Motion sensor setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
5.9.1 Motion sensor selection……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 5.9.2 Absent setting selection……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 5.9.3 Check interval time setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24 5.10 Setback Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25 5.10.1 Setback schedule setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25 5.10.2 Setback manual setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26 5.11 Elevating Grille ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26
5.12 Filter Reminder Reset Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27
5.13 FrostWash ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28 5.13.1 About FrostWash …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28 5.13.2 Start FrostWash……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 5.13.3 FrostWash setting on outdoor unit……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 5.13.4 Auto-FrostWash Flow ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29 5.13.5 FrostWash Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30 5.13.6 Display during FrostWash ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33
5.14 Individual Louver Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
5.15 Cancel Individual Louver Setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
5.16 Louver Open/Close ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35
5.17 Ventilation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
5.18 Total Heat Exchanger Setting…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36 5.18.1 Night Purge ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
6 Service & installation menu………………………………………………………………………………………. 38
6.1 Installation menu ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 6.1.1 Test Run ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39 6.1.2 Function selection …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39 6.1.3 Thermistor Selection …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 58 6.1.4 Input / Output Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59 6.1.5 Thermistor Calibration in Controller……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61 6.1.6 Fan Speed at Cooling Thermo-OFF…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61 6.1.7 Fan Speed at Heating Thermo- OFF…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 62 6.1.8 Indoor Unit Address Change ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 62 6.1.9 Address Check Operation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 63 6.1.10 Address Initialization………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 6.1.11 Setting Initialization………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65 6.1.12 Main Remote Setting……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 66 6.1.13 Priority Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67
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6.1.14 Cancel Preheating Control ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67 6.1.15 Elevating grille Setting……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 68 6.1.16 Power Up Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 69 6.1.17 Setback Trigger Unit………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69 6.1.18 Refrigerant Leak Sensor Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 70 6.2 Service menu ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 73 6.2.1 Operation Lock/Unlock Setting……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 73 6.2.2 Password Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73 6.2.3 Hotel Mode Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 74 6.2.4 Power Saving Details Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 74 6.2.5 Temperature Range Restriction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78 6.2.6 Dual setpoint setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 78 6.2.7 Main/Sub Display Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78 6.2.8 Room Name Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 79 6.2.9 Contact Information Registration…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 79 6.2.10 Simple Maintenance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 80 6.3 Check Menu ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 81 6.3.1 Check 1 / Check 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 81 6.3.2 Alarm History Display ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 87 6.3.3 Model display function……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 87 6.3.4 Check PCB of the Units……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 88 6.3.5 Self check………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 89
7 Screen Display Setting menu ……………………………………………………………………………………. 92
7.1 Adjusting date / time…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 92 7.1.1 Time Format …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 93 7.1.2 Daylight Savings Time……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 93 7.1.3 Run Indicator Brightness ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 94 7.1.4 Display Adjustment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 94 7.1.5 Temperature …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 96 7.1.6 Language Setting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 97 7.1.7 Keypad Touch Sound ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 97
8 Contact Information menu ………………………………………………………………………………………… 97
9 Hotel Mode Setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 98
9.1 Language …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100 9.2 Off Timer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100 9.3 Reset Controller Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100
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10 In Alarm Condition………………………………………………………………………………………………… 101
10.1 Power Failure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 101 10.2 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 101
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Hitachi cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
· DO NOT pour water into the remote controller. This product is equipped with electrical parts. If poured, it will cause a serious electrical shock.
· DO NOT perform installation work and electrical wiring connection by yourself. Contact your Hitachi distributor or dealer and ask them for installation work and electrical wiring by service person.
· DO NOT install the indoor unit, outdoor unit, controller and cable at such places as;
– Where there is oil vapour and the oil is dispersed.
– Where the hot springs are near (in a sulfuric environment). – Where generation, flowing, staying or leaking of flammable gas
is detected. – Where the sea is near (in the salty environment). – An acid or alkaline environment. · DO NOT install the indoor unit, outdoor unit, controller and cable within approximately 3 meters from strong electromagnetic wave radiators such as medical equipment. In case that the controller is installed in a place where there is electromagnetic wave radiation, shield the controller and cables by covering with the steel box and running the cable through the metal conduit tube. · In case that there is electric noise at the power source for the indoor unit, provide a noise filter. · Use specified cables to connect between indoor unit and remote control switch. Selecting incorrect cables may lead to fire or electrical shock.

· The installer and system specialist shall comply with local regulations or standards for the safety. The following standards may be applicable, if local regulations are not available. International Organization for Standardization, ISO5149 or European Standard, EN378 or Japan Standard, KHKS0010.
· Perform electrical work according to the Installation Manual. As for the electrical wiring work and check, turn OFF the main power supply before opening/closing the service cover of indoor unit. If service cover is opened with main power supply left on, it may result in an electrical shock.
· It is assumed that this control remote will be operated and serviced by English speaking people. If this is not the case, the customer should add safety such as operating signs in the native language for non English speakers.
· This manual should be considered as a permanent part of the air conditioning equipment and should remain with the air conditioning equipment.
· This appliance must be used only by adult and capable people, having received the technical information or instructions to handle this appliance properly and safely.
· Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
· Important: read and understand this manual before using this remote controller.
If you have any questions, contact your Hitachi distributor or dealer.

1 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022

The figure below shows all the indications for reference. The actual display during operation is different.

Temperature Set Indicator
Mode Indicator
Fan Speed Indicator


Conference Room
26. 0
Cool Fan Speed Louver Menu

Room Name Indicator
Louver Swing Indicator Menu Indicator

Run Indicator On/Off Button

OK Button Back Button

Directional Key
· The complete information about the purchased products is supplied in a CD- ROM, which can be found bundled with the outdoor unit. In case that the CD-ROM is missing or it is not readable, please contact your Hitachi dealer or distributor.
· The backlight turns off 15 seconds after the last operation. If you press any switch, the backlight is turned on. (The switch pressed to turn on the backlight is not functional).
· Make sure to press the buttons lightly with your fingertips. · Do NOT press the buttons or anything with sharp points, such as a ball point pen. This may damage the controller.

2 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


Press ” ” (run/stop). The run indicator will be turned on/off and the operation will be started or stopped accordingly.

1 Wired controller Power ON.
Wait a few seconds to get the controller connected to the indoor units or to other controller that may be connected to the same indoor unit.

· Once the temperature and air volume settings are entered on the wired controller, they are applied to the units. The last settings remain displayed on the controller, being not necessary to set them again.
· When heating operation stops, indoor unit(s) may keep running in Fan mode for about 2 minutes.
– Temperature

– Mode
2 Air Conditioner OFF When air conditioner is off, press ” ” or ” ” to switch below items: “Temperature” “Mode” “Fan Speed” “Menu”.
3 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


– Mode

– Menu

– Fan Speed

3 Air Conditioner ON
When air conditioner is on, press ” ” or ” ” to switch below items:
“Temperature” “Mode” “Fan Speed” “Louver” “Menu”. – Temperature

– Louver

– Menu

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Heating mode is only available when the indoor unit supports cooling and heating. Cooling only machine cannot support heating. Operation mode setting 1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Mode”.

2 Set the operation mode with ” ” or ” “. The operation mode is switched in the following order: “Cool” “Heat” “Dry” “Auto” “Fan”
If dual setpoint is selected in auto mode, both cooling setpoint and heating setpoint can be selected. With Auto Cool/Heat mode, temperature setting is by default managed as follows when operation mode changes:
· Operation mode switches from cooling mode to heating mode: Temperature setting = Heating temperature setting -1°C
· Operation mode switches from heating mode to cooling mode: Temperature setting = Cooling set temperature +1°C

The function selection setting is required for “Auto” operation. Contact your distributor for detailed information.

1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Temp”.
2 By pressing ” “, the temperature is increased by 0.5°C to a maximum of 30°C. By pressing ” “, the temperature is decreased by 0.5°C.
3 Cooling, Dry, Fan operation: a minimum of 19°C. 4 Heating operation: a minimum of 17°C.

· Depending on the type and setting of the indoor unit, it may not be possible to set the temperature by 1°F (0.5°C).
· The max./ min. temperature may differ depending on the type of indoor unit.
· Minimum and maximum temperature set-point limits can be configured by selecting a cooling lower limit and heating upper limit in the “Function Selection” mode.
· When the “Automatic Reset of Setting Temperature” function is selected, the temperature is automatically returned to the preset temperature after the temperature set-point change.
· Contact your distributor for detailed information about “Automatic Reset of Setting Temperature” and “Cooling Lower Limit Value and Heating Upper Limit Value for Setting Temperature” functions.

5 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022

1 Press ” ” or ” to select “Fan Speed”.

2 By pressing ” ” or ” “, the fan speed changes as follows.

· During dry operation, the fan speed is automatically changed to “LOW” and cannot be changed to another fan speed. (“LOW” is NOT displayed on the liquid crystal display (LCD) at this time. The present setting status is displayed on the LCD).
· Some of the fan speed settings as “High2” or “Auto” may not be available depending on the indoor unit type

1 Press ” ” (On/Off). Make sure that the power is ON. Press ” ” or ” ” and select “Louver”.
2 By pressing ” ” or ” “, the louver direction changes as below diagram , and the direction of different types of louver is displayed differently.
LCD indication COOL, DRY HEAT, FAN

· For the indoor unit without the auto louver mechanism, the indication of “Louver” is NOT displayed on the LCD.
· The air flow angle is different for each indoor unit type. Check for detailed information in each Operation Manual for indoor unit.
· The louver position on the LCD and the actual louver position may not match during the Auto-Swing. To set the louver positions, set the angle after checking the position on the LCD.
· The louver may NOT stop immediately after the switch is pressed.


Auto-swing range for HEAT and FAN Range for HEAT and FAN
Auto-swing range for COOL and DRY Range for COOL and DRY

: Auto swing operation will be started. At this time, the louver icon on the LCD will keep swinging repeatedly.
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The status of the remote controller is displayed on the operation screen.
· It may not be displayed depending on the type of outdoor unit or indoor unit you are using. · If there are multiple status, the high priority icon is displayed first.





A schedule timer is set.


Set the current time. Schedule timer operation is not possible.


The off timer is set.


The operation lock is set.


Displayed when using the central controller. Remote control operation is restricted.


It is time to freeze-clean the heat exchanger.


It is time to clean the air filter.

8 A/C
Ventilation Total heat ventilation 9 Automatic ventilation Normal ventilation
10 ** ºC
11 SAG

Air-conditioning operation is performed. Ventilation, automatic ventilation, total heat ventilation, and normal ventilation are operating. Displays the room temperature. (*1) Elevating grille is not stored correctly.

12 Emergency operation

Emergency operation is in progress.

13 Setback

When setback operation is enabled and the card key is removed (when no one is present). (*2)

14 Purging

In night purge progress.

15 Setback aborted

Setback is aborted.

16 Motion sensor ON 17 Radiant sensor 18 Cold draft restrained

Indicates capacity savings by motion sensor control during operation or stop.
In order to efficiently heat the room when the radiant temperature is low, the air flow direction and speed are automatically controlled.
To prevent a too low air outlet temperature from indoor unit.

19 Noise reduction

The operation noise reduction control of the outdoor unit is set.

20 FrostWash is complete

Indicates the FrostWash is performed.


Indoor unit temperature over range, FrostWash stopped


Outdoor unit temperature over range, FrostWash stopped

If the indoor temperature is out of the range of 15°C to 30°C, no FrostWash is performed and the cancellation is displayed.
If the outdoor temperature is out of the range of 1°C to 43°C, no FrostWash is performed and the cancellation is displayed.

7 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022




Power savings Power savings: Low 23 Power Savings: Med Power savings: High

24 External saving

25 Main

26 Sub

! 27


28 Quick


Other remote are in Cool/Heat setting

Emergency Heating 30
Alarm Code: **

Automatic cleaning unit


Mechanic error

Check the unit


Cleaning filter

33 Check

Either the outdoor capacity control, indoor rotation control, or intermittent operation control is set.
Outdoor capacity control is set on the central controller or outdoor unit. It does not light when the indoor rotation control or intermittent operation control of the remote controller is set. This is the main remote controller setting. Use the main remote controller to set the main power savings setting. In the case of a single unit, this information is not displayed. Sub remote controller is set. Except for some power savings functions, the sub remote controller cannot be set to save power. There is no main remote controller. Controls related to power savings and operation noise reduction may not operate normally. The operation is in quick mode. When the operation mode set from the remote controller and the operation mode of the outdoor unit is different, the indicator blinks. Indicator blinks when “cooling” is set from the remote controller and when the operation mode of the outdoor unit is “heating”. Emergency Heating Control is in progress. ** indicates the alarm code.
Indicates an error related to the automatic filter cleaning unit.
The filter is being automatically cleaned.
Indicates an abnormality in the heat storage unit.

34 Preheating

The compressor cannot be operated because it is preheating.

35 Hot start 36 Defrost 37 Heat storage 38 Dust collection - 39 Central control

Preparing for heating operation.
During the defrosting operation, the defrosting light turns on and the indoor fan stops. When the operation is stopped during the defrosting operation, the operation light or the run indicator goes out, but the operation continues and stops after the defrosting is completed.
It cannot be operated due to the heat storage operation time. It is time to collect dust in the dust box of the automatic filter cleaning unit. - indicates the unit to be collected. Displayed when using the central controller. Remote controller operation is restricted.

40 Time to OFF (hour) 41 Priority 42 Restriction

The remaining time of the off timer when the hotel mode is displayed.
Displayed on the main remote controller only in the operation mode or when there is a setting priority for the operation mode and the set temperature.
At this time, the operation limit lights up on the sub remote controller, and the operation mode and temperature setting change on the sub remote controller are restricted.
Displayed on the sub remote controller only when the operation mode or the operation mode and set temperature setting priority is given.

· (1): It depends on the settings of the remote controller. · (2): The default setting is cooling: set temperature +2.5°C, heating: set temperature -2.5°C. · If you want to change the correction value for this setback operation, please contact the distributor for more detailed information.
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· Some functions cannot be set depending on the type, configuration, and usage status of the indoor unit.
· If a function with ” ” is displayed, it means the function is not supported and the setting is disabled.
· For the “Filter Cleaning” function menu display, please refer to the Operation Manual of the indoor unit.

Display the function menu

1 Select the “Function Menu” and press “OK”. The “Function Menu” screen is displayed.
2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the item to set and press “OK”. Press ” ” to return to the “Menu” screen.

If the “Menu screen” remains unchanged for approximately 10 minutes, the screen returns to the home screen.

Various settings are retained even when the power is turned off.


This function is used to start or stop the unit operation at the set time.

The timer operation contents can be set from “Not Used”, “Once” or “Everyday”.
· If “Once” on the timer operation setting is selected, the setting content changes automatically to “Not Used” after one timer operation.
· Do not set the same time for both ON/OFF timers. · Scheduled operation (stop) is not possible while the remote control
is prohibited.

· When

is displayed, scheduled operation (stop) is not available.

· Refer to “7.1 Adjusting date / time” to set the date and time.

Set the simple timer
1 Select “Simple Timer” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”. When the current time has not been set yet, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the setting item: “Execute” “ON Time” “OFF Time” ” “.

9 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


3 Press ” ” or ” ” to set each setting data for the selected items. After setting, press ” ” to confirm the settings and the screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen.

· When “ON Time” or “OFF Time” is selected, the setting time can be adjusted in 30-minute increments by pressing ” ” or ” “. If you press and hold ” ” or ” “, the number will increase or decrease continuously.

· When “Execute” is selected, press ” ” or ” ” to switch the

· When ” ” is selected, if you select “OK”, the confirmation

setting items as follows: “Not Used” “Once” “Everyday”.

screen is displayed. Select “Yes” and press “OK” to reset the

“Simple Timer” setting and the screen returns to Step2.

If you select “Cancel”, the screen still returns to Step2.

This function is used to start or stop the unit operation at the set time.
The temperature can be set during operation.
The operation schedule can be set up to 5 times a day on each day of the week.

Schedule day and time setting “5.2.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting”
The desired time and temperature can be set.
Up to 5 schedules per day can be set. Schedule turn ON / OFF setting “5.2.2 Schedule Turn ON/
OFF Setting”
This function temporarily prevents the schedule from running.
Schedule operation is not performed while the schedule is disabled.
This setting is normally applied during long vacation. Schedule holiday setting “5.2.3 Schedule Holiday Setting”
Holidays can be set one week in advance.
On the days set as holidays, scheduled operation is not performed for only one day.
It is used when there are irregular off days such as holidays. Reset setting “5.2.4 Reset the setting”
The schedule day / time setting and holiday setting are deleted.

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5.2.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting
· Scheduled operation (stop) is not possible when the remote control is prohibited.

· When

is displayed, scheduled operation (stop) is not available.

· Refer to “7.1 Adjusting date / time” to set the date and time.

Set schedule day and time

1 Select “Operation Schedule” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.
· If no schedule or holiday has been set, Step3 is displayed.

4 Press” ” or ” ” to select schedule timer No.1 to No.5, and press ” ” or ” ” to select “ON Time” “OFF Time” “Set Temp.” ” “. By pressing ” ” or ” “, “ON / OFF Time” and “Set Temp.” can be set.
· Press and hold ” ” or ” ” to increase or decrease easily.
· 5 different schedule timers (maximum) can be set for each day of the week.
· Press “OK” to display the schedule time setting screen for the next day of the week.
· Select ” ” and press “OK” to delete the settings of “ON / OFF Time” and “Set Temp”.
· Press ” ” to return to Step 3.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Verify Operation Schedule”, and then press “OK”.

3 Select the day of the week (from Mon. to Sun.) to be set with ” ” or ” “, and press “OK”.
· (run) and (stop) is displayed on the LCD.
· To copy the setting contents of the previous day, press ” ” and “OK” simultaneously.

The icon displayed indicates that the schedule control is set and activated.

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5.2.2 Schedule Turn ON/OFF Setting
1 Select “Operation Schedule” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.
· If no schedule or holiday has been set, Step3 is displayed.

5.2.3 Schedule Holiday Setting
For holiday setting, the schedule setting indicator turns off.
1 Select “Operation Schedule” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.
· If no schedule or holiday has been set, Step3 is displayed.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Turn ON/OFF Schedule”, and then press “OK”.
· When the schedule is ON, “Turn OFF Schedule” confirmation screen is displayed. When schedule is OFF, “Turn ON Schedule” confirmation screen is displayed.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Verify Holiday Settings”, and then press “OK”.

3 Select “Yes” by pressing ” ” or ” ” and then press “OK”. – Confirm the schedule enable/disable setting and return to Step 2.
– The display turns on when the schedule is ON. – The display turns off when the schedule is OFF.

3 Select the day of the week (from Mon. to Sun.) to set as a holiday by pressing ” ” ” ” ” ” or ” “. Press “OK” to select “Holiday setting” or “Cancel”. “” indicates the current day of the week. “” indicates the holiday to be selected. “” indicates the holiday already set.
Press ” ” to confirm the setting and return to Step 2.

Current day of the week

Holiday to be Holiday already



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5.2.4 Reset the setting
1 Select “Operation Schedule” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.
· This menu to reset the schedules is available only if some settings have been done.

3 Select “Yes” by pressing ” ” or ” “and then press “OK”.
All schedule and holiday settings are reset and the screen returns to the Step 3 of “5.2.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting”.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Reset All” and then press “OK”.





Limits the heating and cooling capacity of the outdoor unit in order to reduce the running current of the system to match with Capacity Control the capacity control setting.
Set control mode and power savings level with its corresponding value.

Rotation Control

Intermittent Control

Interlock with indoor units of the same outdoor unit system and switch to FAN operation in sequence.
Set control mode and fan mode time.
Cooling/heating mode and fan mode are repeated at regular intervals.
Set power savings level.

No Setting

Power savings operation is not performed.

· For detailed capacity control settings information refer to “6.2.4 Power Saving Details Setting” in this manual.
· The power savings mode that can be switched differs depending on the type of the outdoor unit or indoor unit.
· The power savings modes that can be switched according to the “Main / Sub” display are as follows.
– Main — the power savings mode can be switched from to . – Sub — the power savings mode cannot be switched. The power
savings mode of the sub synchronizes with that of the main remote controller of the same outdoor unit system. · When the power savings mode is “Indoor rotation control”, the power savings level cannot be changed.
· When the power savings mode is “No Setting”, the power savings ON / OFF and power savings level cannot be changed.
· When the power savings mode is “Outdoor capacity control” and sub, the power savings ON / OFF and power savings level cannot be changed.
· When the power savings mode is switched, power savings ON / OFF is set to OFF.
· When using the power savings function, the cooling and heating capacity may decrease.
· Detailed settings can be changed from the power saving details setting.

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5.3.1 Power Savings Mode Setting
1 Select “Power Savings Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

5.3.2 Power Savings ON/OFF Setting
1 Select “Power Savings Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the “Mode Selection” and press “OK”.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the “ON/OFF”and press “OK”.

3 Press ” ” or ” “, the item changes as follows: “No Setting” “Capacity Control” “Rotation Control” “Intermittent Control”. Select the power savings mode and press “OK” to confirm the setting.
Press ” “, the screen returns to the “Power Savings Setting” screen.

3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the “ON”and press “OK”. Press ” “, the screen returns to the “Power Savings Setting” screen.

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When power savings is ON, power savings level is displayed to indicate the power savings setting.



5.3.3 Power Savings Level Setting
1 Select “Power Savings Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

3 Press ” ” or ” “, the power savings level changes as follows: “LOW” “MED” “HIGH”. Select the level and press “OK”. Press ” “, the screen returns to the “Power Savings Setting” screen. You may not be able to select from the settings in the power saving details setting.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the “Level”and press “OK”.


This function restricts the operation noise of the outdoor unit.
· This cannot be set if the sub remote controller or outdoor unit does not support power savings.
· It is possible to change the operation noise reduction function setting of the outdoor unit by making the following operation noise reduction settings.

1 Select “Night Quiet Operation” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

Remote Controller Setting Not Set Low Med High

Outdoor Unit Setting Name No Setting Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3

– For the amount of reduction, please contact related local distributor.
· When using the operation noise reduction setting, the cooling / heating capacity can be decreased.

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2 Press ” ” or ” “, the level changes as follows: “Not Set” “LOW” “MED” “HIGH”. Select the level and press “OK”. Press ” “, the screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen.


This function starts and stops power savings control and operation noise reduction control at the desired time.
Power saving/night quiet schedule settings can be set up to five times a day on each day of the week.
The power savings schedule controls the schedule set in the power savings mode setting.

Example of power saving operation and schedule setting

Example of power saving and night quiet schedule operation
Example 1

Schedule day and time setting “5.5.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting”

To set the desired time and level.

To set up five times a day on each day.
Schedule turn ON / OFF setting “5.5.2 Schedule Turn ON/ OFF Setting”
Schedule operation is not performed while the schedule is disabled. This is a function that temporarily prevents the schedule from running. It is used when there is a long vacation.
· When managing multiple patterns of schedules on the same day as in following examples, don’t set overlapped times zone.
· If the schedule times zones overlap as in example 2, the schedule will be cancelled at the first off time (14:00 in the case of the example 2).

Example 2

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5.5.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting
indicates that schedule control is not possible. Refer to “7.1 Adjusting date / time” to set the date and time.
Set the schedule day and time
1 Select “Power Saving/Night Quiet Schedule” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the sub remote controller or indoor unit does not support power savings, the power saving schedule setting screen for intermittent control (Step3) is displayed.

4 Select the day of the week (from Mon. to Sun.) to be set with ” ” or ” “, and press “OK”.


(run) and (stop) is displayed on the LCD.

· To copy the setting contents of the previous day, press ” ” and “OK” simultaneously.

5 Press” ” or ” ” to select schedule timer No. 1 to No.5, and press ” ” or ” ” to select “ON Time” “OFF Time” “Noise Reduction” ” “. By pressing ” ” or ” “, “ON / OFF Time” and “Noise Reduction” can be set.
2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the setting items, and then press “OK”. The items are changed as follows: “Capacity Control” “Intermittent” “Night Quiet Operation”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.
· If no schedule or holiday has been set, Step4 is displayed.

3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the schedule day and time settings, and then press “OK”.

· Press and hold ” ” or ” ” to increase or decrease continuously.
· Five different schedule timers (maximum) can be set for each day of the week.
· Press “OK” to display the schedule time setting screen for the next day of the week.
· Select ” ” and press “OK” to delete the setting of “ON / OFF Time” and “Noise Reduction”.
· Press ” ” to return to Step4.

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Indicates that schedule control is in operation.


5.5.2 Schedule Turn ON/OFF Setting

1 Select “Power Saving/Night Quiet Schedule” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the sub remote controller or indoor unit does not support power savings, the power saving schedule setting screen for intermittent operation control (Step3) is displayed.

3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Turn ON/OFF Schedule, and then press “OK”.
· When the schedule is ON, “Turn OFF Schedule” confirmation screen is displayed. When schedule is OFF, “Turn ON Schedule” confirmation screen is displayed.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the setting items, and then press “OK”, the items are changed as follows: “Capacity Control” “Intermittent Control” “Night Quiet Operation”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.
· If no schedule or holiday has been set, Step4 of “5.5.1 Schedule Day and Time Setting” is displayed.

4 Press” ” or ” ” to select “Yes” and then Press “OK”. Confirm the schedule ON/OFF, and the screen returns to Step3.

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This function displays the power consumption of the outdoor unit compressor.
The value of each displayed in Graph/List format is 1 day (24h (- every 2 hrs.)), 1 week (7 days), and 1 year (12 months).
· The numerical value is a reference. Do not use this unit for the following: calculation of power rates, examination of the power contract, or calculation of greenhouse gas emissions.
· This cannot be set if the power savings function is not supported. · In following instances, the calculated value may be a deficit or may
be changed. – Power Failure (outdoor unit, indoor unit, wired controller) – Communication Failure (outdoor unit indoor unit wired controller) – Modification of time

3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the display period, and then press “OK”. It switches in the order of 1 day (24 hours) 1 week (7 days) 1 year (12 months).


indicates that schedule control is not possible. Refer to

“7.1 Adjusting date / time” to set the date and time.

Set power consumption display

1 Select “Power Consumption Display” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.

2 Press “OK”. 19 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022

· Comparison
Press ” ” or ” ” to switch the comparison target for the display period.
2 days before / 1 day before 1 day before / Today 2 week ago / 1 week ago 1 week ago / This week 2 years ago / 1 year ago 1 year ago / This year · Display scale
Press ” ” or ” ” to switch the display scale. · Graph List display
Press “OK” to switch between the graph and list display of the power consumption display. · Press ” ” to return to the display period selection screen.



AUTOBOOST is the commercial name of the “Quick mode” function.
This function increases the cooling or the heating capacity for 30 minutes since the beginning of operation, in order to reach the setting temperature in the room as quickly as possible. It is only available when the operation mode is cooling or heating. This function makes operation begin with “Autoboost” option every time ON operation is set, until this function is deactivated (Autoboost setting = “Not Set”).
· Autoboost cannot be set when the outdoor unit does not support this function.
· Autoboost cannot be used if Power Savings is not supported. · When quick function is activated while mode is “Cool”, fan speed
changes and is locked as “Auto” for 30 minutes at the longest regardless of the current setting. While in this operation (fan speed “Auto”), fan level may drop as low as “Low” when the room temperature gets close to the setting temperature. The operation starts regardless of the fan speed.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” the selected items changes as follows: “Not Set” “COOL” “HEAT” “Cool + Heat”. Select the Autoboost mode and press “OK” to confirm the settings.
Press ” ” to return to the “Function Menu” screen.

Set the autoboost

1 Select “Autoboost” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

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1 In order to access the Comfort settings menu, select “Comfort Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
5.8.1 GentleCool This function, is used to control discharge air temperature when system is operating in the cooling mode. 1 Once in the Comfort setting menu, press ” ” or ” ” to select
“GentleCool Comfort”, and then press “OK”.

· This function cannot be set when the indoor unit does not support this function.
· According to the selected setting between LOW/MED/HIGH, the system will apply a determined air outlet target temperature value in order to prevent air flow from being too cold. LOW: 12°C / MED: 14°C / HIGH: 16°C
· The effect may not be sufficient if two or more units are operating in the room, which the air may be “cold”.
· When this function is set, it may take time for the entire room to cool down.
5.8.2 Louver direction in cooling/heating mode
Louver direction setting (in cooling mode or in heating mode), that is available only for the latest RCI-FSR using the motion sensor installed in the panel P-AP160NAE2, is used to control the air flow of the room. Setting procedure is the same for both modes.
This function is available only for the RCI-FSR indoor units (4 way cassette units), equipped with the motion and radiation sensor installed in the panel P-AP160NAE2. According to the setting chosen by the user (indirect or direct air), the indoor unit will adapt the operation of the air louvers to avoid blowing air directly on the users or it will target directly the users for a fresh air effect.
1 Once in the Comfort setting menu, press ” ” or ” ” to select “Louver Direction in Cooling Mode”, and then press “OK”.

2 Press ” ” or ” “, the selected comfort level changes as follows: “Not Set” “LOW” “MED” “HIGH”. Select the GentleCool Comfort Level during cooling and press “OK”.
Press one ” ” to return to the “Comfort Setting” screen.

2 Press ” ” or ” “, the louver direction setting changes as follows: “Normal” “Indirect air” “Direct air” Select the desired setting and press “OK”.
Press once ” ” to return to the “Comfort Setting” screen.

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5.8.3 Radiant sensor control for heating The radiant sensor detects the radiation temperature of humans or objects by measuring the level of infrared light they emit. 1 Once in the Comfort setting menu, press ” ” or ” ” to select
“Radiant Sensor Control for Heating”, and then press “OK”.

2 To activate the sensor, press ” ” and then press “OK” in order to select “ON”.
Press once ” ” to return to the “Comfort Setting” screen.

Depending on the wired controller setting, the operation is performed at the following duration: · “Valid Short” (this control operates for maximum of 40 minutes):
– At Start-up operation: 15-30 minutes – At temperature unevenness suppression operation: 10 minutes · “Valid Long” (this control operates for maximum of 80 minutes): – At Start-up operation: 15-60 minutes. – At temperature unevenness suppression operation: 20 minutes
5.8.5 FloorSense cool air flow
Thanks to this function and to the motion & radiation sensor, the indoor units can detect a possible over cooling situation at the floor level, which may generate discomfort. The indoor unit can then adjust its behaviour, to reduce this over cooling effect and restore a more comfortable situation.
1 Once in the Comfort setting menu, press ” ” or ” ” to select “FloorSense Cool Air Flow”, and then press “OK”.

5.8.4 FeetWarm heat air flow
By activating the “FeetWarm Heat Air Flow” function, the ambient temperature near the feet of the users is increased and the room temperature unevenness is reduced.
1 Once in the Comfort setting menu, press ” ” or ” ” to select “FeetWarm Heat Air Flow”, and then press “OK”.

2 To activate the function, press ” ” and then press “OK” in order to select “ON”.
Press once ” ” to return to the “Comfort Setting” screen.

2 Press ” ” or ” “, the selected settings changes as follows: “OFF” “Valid Short” “Valid Long”. Select the desired setting and press “OK”. Press once ” ” to return to the “Comfort Setting” screen.
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This function and its settings are available only for indoor units equipped with a motion sensor. The motion sensor can be integrated into the front panel of the unit or a separate accessory.

5.9.1 Motion sensor selection
1 Select “Motion Sensor Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

The motion sensor monitors human activity using infrared signals.

When the motion sensor is activated, Auto-Save and Crowd sense functions are enabled (for compatible units), allowing the system to run energy saving procedures, maintaining the
comfort of the users.

Auto-Save function: the cooling or heating capacity of the system is reduced when a room is getting less occupied. When human activity is detected in the room, normal operation of the system can be resumed.

Crowd-Sense function (for compatible units only): the cooling or heating capacity of the system can be adjusted automatically according to the level of occupancy of the room, to avoid a room temperature increase when the area is crowded

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Sensor”, and then press “OK”.

This function saves the air conditioning capacity (adjusting the
set temperature, the air flow volume and the air flow direction) automatically depending on a situation.
· Do not use the motion sensor function when a baby or a handicapped person stays by oneself. The motion sensor may detect as absence and the operation may be stopped in the case of staying for long time with a bit motion.
· The motion sensor detects the human activity. However, if the level of activity in the room is too low (for example if someone is in a room with bit activity), the motion sensor may detect as absence.
· The motion sensor may detect as human activity any moving object generating a temperature difference with the room ambient temperature. Example: auto- swing operation of any heating system installed near the indoor unit equipped with the motion sensor.
· In the case that the indoor units are operated by 2 remote control switches, the motion sensor setting is available only from the main remote control switch.
· The indoor unit operation can be stopped by the motion sensor control.
· While the air conditioning capacity is saved or the operation is stopped by the motion sensor control, “Motion sensor is activated” is displayed on LCD.
· In case Auto-Save and Crowd-Sense functions are applied to indoor units that are managed by a Central Controller (CSNET Manager or Central Stations), the following limitations must be considered to avoid unexpected behaviour of the system: – Do not select “Stop · Detect” setting for the “If absent” mode when indoor units remote controller settings are locked by the Central Controller (partial lock or full remote controller lock). – More generally, it is recommended to use “ON” or “Standby” settings for the “If absent” mode when a Central Controller is used on the related VRF system. – These settings are recommended to avoid unexpected control of the indoor units, such as: – Indoor unit operation not stopped by the motion sensor control when the “If absent” sequence is engaged. – Indoor unit operation not resumed by the motion sensor control when human activity is detected.

3 Press ” ” or ” “, the sensor changes as follows: “All modes” “Cooling+dry” “Heat” “Disable”. Select the sensor and press “OK”. Press ” ” to return to the “Function Menu” screen.
· All modes: The operating control function by the motion sensor is activated when HEAT, COOL or DRY mode is selected.
· Cooling+Dry: The operating control function by the motion sensor is activated when COOL or DRY mode is selected.
· Heating: The operating control function by the motion sensor is activated when HEAT mode is selected.
· Disable: The operating control function by the motion sensor is not activated.

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5.9.2 Absent setting selection

The “If absent” setting defines the operation mode of the indoor units when “Auto-Save” function enters in the “If absent” control sequence. This sequence is activated when the motion sensor detects an absence during the time set by the “Check interval” setting.
· ON The operation continues with saving the capacity after being detected as an absence. If human activity is detected over a period of time, normal operation is performed again.
· Standby Indoor units are set to forced Thermo-OFF and the fan speed to “Low” speed. If human activity is detected for a period of time, normal operation is performed again.
· OFF The operation is stopped by the wired controller and the indoor units are not restarted automatically by the sensor even if activity is detected again.
· Stop · Detect In case several indoor units using a motion sensor are connected to the same wired controller, operation of all the units will be stopped once all the related indoor units will detect the “absence” mode. If human activity is detected for a period of time once this stoppage sequence is engaged, normal operation is then resumed.
1 Select “Motion Sensor Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

3 Press ” ” or ” “, the operation changes as follows: “ON” “Standby” “OFF” “Stop – Detect”. Select the operation and press “OK”. Press ” ” to return to the “Function Menu” screen.
5.9.3 Check interval time setting When the motion sensor detects an absence at selected check interval time, the function “If absent” will be executed. The check interval can be set to 30, 60, 90, 120 or 180 minutes (the default setting is 30 minutes). 1 Select “Motion Sensor Setting” on the “Function Menu”
screen and press “OK”. 2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Check interval”, and then press

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “If absent”, and then press “OK”.

3 Press ” ” or ” “, to select the interval check time and press “OK”.
Press ” ” to return to the “Function Menu” screen.

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5.10.1 Setback schedule setting
Setback function is designed to maintain a minimum level of comfort in a room when it is not occupied.
Setback operation is made available through the setting of optional functions in the Function Selection menu, which is located in the Test Run menu of the wired controller. In case of using an external input, the setting of the external input in the Test Run menu of the wired controller is also required.
During Setback operation, fan speed is automatically set to LOW The control sensor during Setback operation is the sensor defined by C8 setting (optional function menu).
“Setback” is displayed on the LCD of the wired controller while the Setback control is in operation.
There are several modes available for the Setback function:
Setback Input In hotel rooms, Setback Temperature Control is activated when the card key is taken out from the card holder. As soon as the card key is inserted again, the normal control is restored.
Setback Schedule Setback Temperature Control works during a period determined by the users, such as during night time. The normal control is restored once the scheduled period is over.
Setback Manual Setback Temperature Control is activated manually by the user when he is leaving the room. The normal control is restored when Setback Temperature Control is turned off manually.
To select the Setback mode, set the optional parameter “qE” from the Function selection menu. The following settings are also useful for the configuration of the SetBack function: C8, qb, rE, rF, qC, qd, qF and r9.
To get more details about these settings, refer to the chapter “6.1.2 Function selection”.
This function is used to start/stop setback mode at desired time. It is available only when setback mode is set as Schedule mode. To change the setback mode, select another mode at the function selection setting. Contact your distributor for detailed information. The items cannot be set/modified if indoor unit does not support this function.
1 Select “Setback Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”. If the current time is not set, the “Adjusting Date/Time” setting screen is displayed.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the settings, and the selected item changes as follows: “ON Time” “OFF Time” ” “.
3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the setting. After setting, press ” ” to confirm the settings and then the screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen.
· When ON Time / OFF Time is selected the time changes every 30 minutes. If you press and hold ” ” or ” “, the number will increase or decrease continuously.
· Do not set the same time for ON Time and OFF Time. It’s unavailable if ON time or OFF time is not set.
· When ” ” is selected, the confirmation screen is displayed. Select “Yes” and press “OK” to delete the settings and the screen returns to Step2. If select “Cancel”, the screen returns to the “Setback Setting” screen.
In the following instances, the schedule operation is NOT available. · When the operation is prohibited by the controller and is set from the
central controller. · If the icon ” ” is displayed, the schedule control is NOT activated
because the Date/Time is not specified yet. To specify the Date/Time setting, refer to “7.1 Adjusting date / time” for details.

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5.10.2 Setback manual setting
This function is used to temporarily activate Setback operation. It is available only when Setback mode is set as Manual mode; this function is normally used to set a long vacation.
The items cannot be set/modified if indoor unit does not support this function.
1 Select “Setback Setting” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “ON”. Press “OK” and the screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen.
· The indicator turns on when schedule operation is ON. · The indicator turns off when schedule operation is OFF.

Setback operation cannot be ON/OFF while wired controller operation is prohibited.


This function is used to raise and lower grille when the air filter and grille need to be cleaned.

It is available only when the elevating grille is equipped with the air panel.
· In order to enable this function there are specific settings to be done for the input/output contacts. See “6.1.15 Elevating grille Setting” to configure the needed settings. If these settings are not set, this function cannot work.
· When the air inlet grille is set inside the air panel, ensure that the air inlet grille is horizontal and the wire is suspended tightly without loosening.


Wire should be vertical

Use the elevating grille function
1 Select “Elevating Grille” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.
· If there is only one indoor unit, the elevating grille operation screen in Step3 is displayed.

Gradually move Horizontal



· After the above is ensured, set the air inlet grille. If the air inlet grille is inclined and the wire is loosened, they may be caught in the pulley. It may lead to a failure of the pulley or pulley block. If the worst happens, it may cause personal injury if the air panel falls open.
· This function is available only for indoor unit elevating grille. · Make sure that the unit operation is stopped before using the elevating
· The elevating grille function is not available when the unit is operating. · One wired controller can control the grille of several indoor units only
if the related indoor units are connected to the A/B line of this wired controller.

2 Press ” “, ” “, ” “, or ” ” to select the indoor unit(s) for which the grille has to be raised or lowered. Press “OK”.

Refrigerant system number – indoor unit address

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3 Press ” ” to lower the grille until it’s lowered to the set distance.
· If it is necessary to further lower the grille (more than the set value), press ” ” again.
· Each press lowers the grille by 20in (50cm). · Pressing ” ” can stop the grille at any position while it is

4 After cleaning the air filter, install the air filter and press ” ” to raise the grille. Once the grille is stored inside the unit, it will stop after approximately 3 seconds.
· If the grille is tilted when stored, press ” ” again until the tilt is corrected.
· Pressing ” ” can stop the grille at any position while it is raising.
5 Press” ” to return to the indoor unit selection screen. To operate other indoor units, perform the operations of above Step2. To end the operation, press ” ” again to return to the “Function Menu” screen.
· If there is only one indoor unit, the screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen.

This function is used to turn off the filter reminder indication and to reset the time of use for the filter.
1 Select “Reset Filter Reminder Time” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

3 Press “OK” and the screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Yes”, and then press “OK”.
· The screen returns to the “Function Menu” screen depending on the type of the indoor unit.

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FrostWash is available when applicable outdoor units and indoor units are connected. To use this function in VRF system, outdoor unit function selection item “F1” need to be configured on outdoor units.
Please configure function selection F1 on the outdoor units, and then set the wired remote controller.
Please contact the distributor or service personnel for availability and configuration of this function.
5.13.1 About FrostWash
· Regarding the noise upon freezing and defrosting
– Cracking noise may be heard during the freezing or defrosting phase due to temperature change. Refrigerant flow noise may also be heard. The noise may be heard relatively louder in a quiet environment. It is recommended to set the “Auto-FrostWash Schedule” when the room is not occupied.
– Choose not to use the FrostWash function in places such as hotel rooms and hospitals, where consistent quietness is expected.
· Ice fog may come out from air outlet during the FrostWash operation.
· Ice fog could happen in a humid environment such as the room humidifier is used in a small room.
· FrostWash is available when the outside temperature is in the range of (1°C – 43°C), and the indoor temperature is in the range of (15°C – 30°C).
· Also refer to technical documents of outdoor units because outdoor temperature range may vary depending on outdoor units’ type.
· The temperature around the indoor unit may drop slightly during FrostWash operation.

5.13.2 Start FrostWash

Generate frost on the coil and then melt the frost to wash the coil.
FrostWash setting is not enabled as factory setting. This function has to be activated from the outdoor unit first (refer to “5.13.5 FrostWash Setting” for more information) and then controlled from the wired controller.


FrForsotsWtWaasshh CCoommppleletetedd


AApppprrooxx..1100mmiinn. ttoo3355 mmiinn..**2

11t:o:ctCothhhateahnnoeggueoetuadactodccooocroroudrrndiuniitnng.git 22:: caChnhadannoggueaetnadadcoccoocoruorttdrdedimoninogpgrtetotreoaimnitnudpdreoeorooarrtutteeremmppeerraattuurree

PrePpraerpaatriaotnion (Fa(nFamnomdoe)de)

FFrreeeezziinngg,, ddefrosttiinngg,,ddrryyininggheat heat exchaenxgcehranger

SStop AAuuttoommaatitcicaalllyly

· Press “OK” on the wired controller to cancel FrostWash in the middle of an operation.
· After a cancellation, frost on the heat exchanger needs to be defrosted and the heat exchanger needs to be dried. The system cannot start operation for at least 8 minutes after cancellation.
· You cannot start another FrostWash immediately after a FrostWash operation completes. Run either cooling operation, heating operation or dry operation for approx. 60 minutes. Then, start another FrostWash operation.
Do not open or remove the air inlet grille during the FrostWash operation. It may cause injury or damage of units.

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5.13.3 FrostWash setting on outdoor unit

To use this function in the VRF system, function selection F1 needs to be configured on the outdoor units. FrostWash setting is disabled on the factory default setting. Set Function Selection F1 according to the following table.

“F1” Setting Condition 0 1 2 3 4


Manual FrostWash

“Interval” Time Duration

Start-up Timing


Factory Setting (Default): Not available FrostWash

Total Comp. Operation Hour:
Total Comp. Operation Hour:
Total Comp. Operation Hour:
Total Comp. Operation Hour:

2 hours after system

Within the time zone scheduled by Main Wired Controller*1,2

Operate outdoor unit PSW

Total Indoor Unit Fan Operation Hour: Depending on Main Wired Controller Setting

Within the time zone scheduled by Main Wired Controller*1,2

Operate from Main Wired Controller*1 or operate outdoor unit PSW

This function suppresses a clog on the heat exchanger.
First, freeze the indoor unit heat exchanger when whole system is under stoppage. Then defrost it to remove the dust with drain water. Auto-FrostWash and Manual FrostWash are selectable.
· This function cannot be set when the indoor unit and the outdoor unit do not support this function.
· Depending on the outdoor unit, the settings on the outdoor unit may be required.
· Cracking noise may be heard during freezing or defrosting phase due to temperature change. Refrigerant flow noise may also be heard. The noise may be heard relatively louder in a quiet environment. It is recommended to set “Auto-FrostWash Schedule” when room is not occupied.
· Ice fog may come out from air outlet during FrostWash operation. Ice fog could happen in a humid environment such as the room humidifier is used in a small room.
· This function is not available to operate where the outside temperature is lower than 1°C or higher than 43°C.
· This function is not available to operate where the room temperature is lower than 15°C or higher than 30°C.
· The level of dust removed is depend on usage environment. · Limitations and settings are required when using this feature in a VRF

1: Only one “Main Wired Controller” exists in the same refrigerant cycle, and all the others are “Sub Wired Controller”. Refer to “6.1.12 Main Remote Setting” in this manual for the details of Main Wired Remote Controller setting.
2: You can set the schedule for the FrostWash operation from the Main Remote Controller. Otherwise, the FrostWash operation will start soon after the system is stopped.
5.13.4 Auto-FrostWash Flow

Last FrostWash

The total operating time is 100 hours 1 (Default setting)
1: Wired remote controller can set 50-400 hours.

Cooling or other mode

Cooling or other mode

Start FrostWash

FrostWash Completed

Approx. 3 min 2
2: Change according to the
outdoor unit.
FrostWash preparation

Approx. 10 min to 35 min. 3
3: Change according to indoor temperature and
outdoor temperature

Stop Automatically


Stop Operate


· Auto-FrostWash is disabled in default setting. To enable this function, set the Auto-FrostWash be enabled.

· If the Auto-FrostWash is stopped, the total operating time will be reset.

In the case of 2 remote controllers, FrostWash can be set only on the primary wired remote controller.

29 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


5.13.5 FrostWash Setting 1 In order to access FrostWash settings, select “FrostWash
Setting” in Function Menu, and press “OK”.
2 Press “OK”.

Manual FrostWash
· The icon disappears when performing Manual FrostWash or when enabling the Auto-FrostWash.
· Manual FrostWash may not be performed when the unit is used continuously in fan mode, despite the display of the icon. After operating the unit in cooling, heating or dry mode, manual FrostWash can be performed.
This function is to perform FrostWash at your favourite timing, such as when you have not used Cooling or another mode for a while.
1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “FrostWash Started” and press “OK”.

2 Press ” “, or ” ” to select “Yes” and press “OK”. Manual FrostWash is started.

30 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



The icon disappears when performing Manual FrostWash or when enabling Auto FrostWash.

FrostWash Intervals
1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Set FrostWash Intervals” and press “OK”.

This function automatically starts FrostWash when the indoor unit operation is stopped and the set time interval has elapsed.

1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Enable/Disable Auto-FrostWash” and press “OK”.

2 Press ” “, ” “, ” “, or ” ” to select interval time and press “OK”.
2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “ON” and press “OK”. Press ” ” to return to Step1.

31 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


Auto-FrostWash Schedule
1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Auto-FrostWash Schedule” and press “OK”.
· If the current time is not set, the time setting screen “7.1 Adjusting date / time” is automatically displayed.

FrostWash Operation History
· If the current time is not set, the date will be “- -“. · The start time is the time when FrostWash is being prepared.
1 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “FrostWash Operation History” and press “OK”.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select from schedule “1” to “5”. Press” ” or
” ” to select “Start time”, “End time”, “Weekday”. Then press ” ” or ” ” to adjust.
· Press and hold the ” ” or ” ” to increase or decrease continuously.
· Select ” ” and press “OK” to delete the schedule. Select schedule “1” to “5” and press ” ” to confirm the AutoFrostWash schedule.

2 Press the ” ” or ” ” to show the FrostWash history. · “Done” or “Paused” is displayed as the result. · Up to 15 records can be saved.

3 To delete the FrostWash history, press “OK” to display the confirmation screen.
· Select “Delete” and press “OK” to clear the FrostWash history and return to Step2.
· Select “Cancel”, the screen returns to Step2.

32 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


5.13.6 Display during FrostWash During FrostWash operation, the following screens sequences are displayed:
FrostWash in prepration

If the indoor or outdoor temperature does not meet the conditions for FrostWash, the following is displayed.
– 1 When the indoor unit is out of the temperature range

FrostWash in progess

If the room temperature is outside the range of 15°C to 30°C, FrostWash will not be performed and the pause screen is displayed. The display will disapper when one of the remote controllers is operated after the backlight is turned on.
– 2 When the outdoor unit is out of the temperature range

Complete FrostWash

If the room temperature is outside the range of 1°C to 43°C, FrostWash will not be performed and the pause screen is displayed. The display will disappear when one of the remote controllers is operated after the backlight is turned on.
If FrostWash is paused, the following is displayed.
– 1 Press “OK” (Turn off the FrostWash)

The display of compeleted FrostWash will disappear when one of the remote controllers is operated after the backlight is turned on.
· In each screen display, the backlight turns off after a certain period of time (The default setting is 15 seconds.) after operation, so it may be difficult to see the screen display.
· If the display is difficult to see, press any switch to turn on the backlight. At that time, if you press the “OK”, the screen will change to the – 1 FrostWash pause screen.
33 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022

– 2 FrostWash off screen
The above display will continue for about 8 minutes. Please note that no operation can be done at that time.



This function is to individually set the air direction of multiple air
· This function is available when the indoor unit supports individual louvers.
· It cannot be set while the air conditioner is stopped. · The fan speed changes to “LOW” while this function is being set. After
the setting is completed, the unit operation is back to normal. · As for “Start-up of Heating Operation”, “During Defrost Operation”
and “Activation of Thermo-Controller”, all the louver angles are automatically secured horizontally when this function is activated. · This function is not available if two remote controllers (including a combination of wired controller + wireless controller) are used.

3 Press” “, ” “, ” “, or ” ” to select the indoor unit to change the louver direction, and press “OK”.
The indoor unit displayed on the screen flashes if an individual louver is set.

1 Select “Individual Louver Setting” on the “Function Menu” and press “OK”.

4 Press ” ” or ” ” and select the louver from 1 to 4.
The selected louver is opened while the unselected louvers are closed.

2 Select “Individual Louver Setting” and press “OK”.
If there is one indoor unit connected with the controller, Step4 is displayed.
5 Press” ” or ” ” to select the louver angle and press “OK”. Return to Step3. The louver angle is changed as follows.










6 Ensure that individual “Indv.” is turned on at the Louver on the home screen.

34 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022




1 Select “Individual Louver Setting” on the “Function Menu” and press “OK”.

3 Press” “, ” “, ” “, or ” ” to select the indoor unit to cancel the louver direction, and press “OK”.
The indoor unit displayed on the screen flashes if an individual louver is set.

2 Select “Cancel Individual Louver Setting” and press “OK”.
If there is one indoor unit connected with the controller, Step4 is displayed.

4 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Yes” and press “OK”. Cancel the individual louver setting and return to Step3.
All the individual louver settings are cancelled.


This function can be used to fully open the air louvers of one specific indoor unit, in order to easily identify this unit on site.
· This function cannot be set when the air conditioner is ON. · This function is invalid depending on the indoor unit type. Refer to the
user manual of indoor unit for details.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Yes” and press “OK” to open/close air outlet of indoor units.

1 Select “Louver Open/Close” on the “Function Menu” and press “OK”.

35 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



Operation Mode A/C
Ventilation A/C + Ventilation

Action Operate the air conditioner individually.
Operate the total heat exchanger individually. Operate the air conditioner and the total heat
exchanger together.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the operation mode and press “OK” to confirm. The item changes as follows: “A/C” “Ventilation” “A/C + Ventilation”. Press ” ” to return to Function Menu.

This function is available only when the total heat exchanger is connected. 1 Select “Ventilation” on the “Function Menu” and press “OK”.


This function is used to change the ventilation mode (Venti. Mode) of the total heat exchanger.
· This function is available only when the total heat exchanger is connected.
· This function cannot be set when the air conditioner is ON.

1 Select “Total Heat Exchanger SET” on the “Function Menu” and press “OK”.

36 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Venti. Mode” and press “OK”.

2 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “Night Purge” and press “OK”.

3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the operation mode and press “OK” to confirm. The item changes as follows: “AUTO Ventilation” “THEX Ventilation” “Normal Ventilation”.
Press” ” to return to Step2.

3 Press ” ” or ” ” to select “ON” and press “OK”. Press ” ” to return to Step2.

5.18.1 Night Purge
This function is not yet available in current units sold in the Europe market.
When there is a temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, this function can reduce the cooling load on next morning by automatically exhausting the hot air inside the room at night.
1 Select “Total Heat Exchanger SET” on the “Function Menu” screen and press “OK”.

37 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


1 While the air conditioner is OFF, press ” ” to select “Menu” and press “OK”.

4 Input password by pressing ” “, ” “, ” “, or ” “, select ” OK “. Then press “OK”.
Password is required to prevent unintentional operations. The default user password is “0000”.

2 While the air conditioner is ON, press ” ” to select “Menu” and display the Menu screen.

Service & Installation Menu screen is displayed.
5 If Password Input Effective Time is set, the password is cancelled and inputting password is not needed during the set period. See “6.2.2 Password Setting” for password settings.

3 Select “Service & Installation” and press “OK”.

38 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


6.1.1 Test Run 1 Select “Installation Menu” and press “OK”.

5 Cancel “Test Run” Mode – When the unit is not in operation, press ” “. – When the unit is in operation, press ” ” (On/Off).
6.1.2 Function selection
Function Selection is set from Installation Menu. 1 Select “Installation Menu” and press “OK” .

2 Select “Test Run” and press “OK”.

2 Select “Function Selection” and press “OK”.

3 The total number of the indoor units connected to the wired controller or to the system is indicated on the screen.
3 Press “OK”.

(“2 units” is indicated for a twin combination, “3 units” for a triple, and “4 units” for a quad, etc.)
4 If the number of indoor units displayed on the screen is not matching with the real quantity of units connected to this controller, follow the procedure below.
Turn OFF the power supply, check the following items and perform the correct connection. (Do not repeat turning ON and OFF within 10 seconds). – The power supply to the indoor unit was not turned ON or
there is an incorrect wiring issue. – There was an incorrect connection issue regarding
interconnecting cables between indoor units or of the controller cable.
– There was an incorrect setting of the rotary switch and DIP switches (the settings were overlapped), on the printed circuit board (PCB) for the indoor unit.
39 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022


4 Press ” “, ” “, ” “, or ” ” to select the indoor unit to be set and press “OK”. This screen is not displayed when only one indoor unit is connected to the wired remote controller (the screen in Step 5 is shown).

8 Select “Yes” and press”OK” to confirm the setting and return to Step 2. Select “No” and press”OK” to discard the settings and return to Step 2. Press ” “to return to Step 5.

Indoor unit number (Refrigerant system number – Indoor unit address number)
5 Press ” ” or ” ” to select the type tab and press “OK”. It changes in the order of “b-J” “K-P” “q-S” ” “.

Type tab

List area

6 Press ” “, ” “, ” “, or ” ” to select the item to set from the list area. Press ” ” and press ” ” or ” ” to change the setting value. After selecting the setting value, press ” ” to return to the setting item selection mode. To return to Step 5, press ” ” in the setting item selection mode.
7 To confirm the setting, press ” ” in the tab selection mode.

40 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



Table A. Optional Setting Items for Function Selection


Optional function

Heating temperature compensation Models: All indoor units except RPF(I)-FSN2E b1
Heating temperature compensation Models: RPF(I)-FSN2E

Individual setting O

Settings 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02

Setting conditions


Normal (factory setting) (Setting Temperature + 4°C) No compensation (Setting Temperature)
Setting Temperature + 2°C
Setting Temperature + 3°C
Setting Temperature + 1°C
RPF(I)-FSN2E: Normal (factory setting) (Setting Temperature + 2°C)
No compensation (Setting Temperature)
Setting Temperature + 2°C

This function is used to adjust the temperature difference between the temperature read by the inlet sensor and the real room temperature.
This is useful when the inlet air thermistor is not placed inside the indoor unit or due to uneven heat load.
Note: · The “02”, “03”, “04” settings
may not be available depending on the type of indoor unit.
· This setting shall be performed separately for each indoor unit, even in case that multiple indoor units are connected to one remote controller.


Circulation function at heating Thermo-OFF


b3 Not used



Change of filter cleaning period


Locking of operation mode

b5 (Not available for models




Locking of temperature setting


Setting operation mode as


cooling only (Not available for models



Automatic COOL/HEAT


operation (Not available for models




Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled

00 –


Standard (1200 hours)


100 hours


1200 hours (factory setting)


2500 hours


No indication


Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled


Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled


Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled


Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled

This function keeps the fan running during the Thermo-OFF sequence, at the fan speed set on the remote control switch, to prevent the stratification of air in the room.
Use at 00 conditions
This function is used to modify the period of operation after which the air filter cleaning indication is shown in the remote control.
For RPK-FSR(H)M models, the factory setting is b4=00: Standard setting 200 hours.
This function prevents the modification of the operation mode of the unit from the remote controller and from central controls, once it has been selected.
This function prevents the modification of the setting temperature of the unit from the remote controller and from central controls, once it has been selected.
This function is used to limit the operation mode to cooling only and to prevent heating mode from being enabled.
This function enables the selection of Auto cool/heat operation mode. If the function is not activated, Auto cool/heat mode cannot be selected on the remote control switch.

41 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



Optional function

Individual setting


Setting conditions

Locking of fan speed setting

b9 (Not available for models




Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled

bA Not available


Cooling setting temperature correction

bC Not used
bd Not used
bE Not used
C1 Not used C2 Not available
Not used C3 Only for DX-Interface,
KPI-E4E and KPI-X4E: Fan stoppage delay


“- -” permanent

Not available


No compensation (factory setting)



Setting temperature decreased by 1°C


Setting temperature decreased by 2°C














“- -” permanent

00 –



Function disabled (factory setting)


60 minutes

This function prevents the modification of the fan speed of the unit from the remote controller and from central controls, once it has been selected.
This function decreases the setting temperature and is used to produce longer cooling periods.
Use at 00 conditions
Use at 00 conditions
Use at 00 conditions
Use at 00 conditions
Use at 00 conditions
This function keeps the fan in operation for 60 minutes after stop of the KPI unit or DXInterface.

C4 Not used




Use at 00 conditions

Static pressure selection





Increase of fan speed during normal operation (not during heating Thermo-OFF)










Standard static pressure (factory setting)

This function is used to change


High static pressure

the static pressure of the RPI

units from the remote control.


Low static pressure


Standard (factory setting)


Hi Speed 1

This function is used to change the fan speed of indoor units installed in high ceilings.


Hi Speed 2

Fan speed setting on the remote controller


High H



















(This function C5 is not available for DX-Interface models)

Increase of fan speed at


Function disabled (factory setting)


heating Thermo-OFF (Not available for models


KPI-E4 and KPI-X4E)


Function enabled

This function is used to increase the fan speed when the thermostat reaches the set temperature in heating according to the setting of function C5.

42 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022




Optional function

Cancellation of forced compressor operation for at least 3 minutes
Only for KPI-E4E and KPI-X4E CO2 sensor enabled

Individual setting

Settings 00 01 00 01

Setting conditions


Function disabled (factory setting)
Function enabled (Compressor operation during 3 minutes is no longer forced)

This function is available depending on the setting of function b3.

Sensor non enabled (factory setting) Sensor enabled/activated

Via 7-segments display set the option Ct (00: ON/OFF Sensor (Default); 01: 4-20mA 02: 0-10V)

Control by the temperature sensor of the remote control switch.(2)
? NOTE O The remote control switch shall be installed in a proper place for the correct detection of room temperature by its temperature sensor.


Control by the air inlet sensor of indoor units (factory setting)


Control by the temperature sensor of the remote control switch

Control by the average value of the

air inlet sensor of indoor units and the


temperature sensor of the remote control


(Air inlet + Remote control switch)/2

Control sensor when a remote sensor is connected to the THM4 connector in the indoor unit PCB.(3)

C8 (1)

The remote sensor shall be installed in a proper place for the correct detection of room temperature.

Model RPF(I)-FSN2E

O Control sensor when a remote sensor is connected to the THM4 connector in the indoor unit PCB.(3)

The remote sensor shall be installed in a proper place for the correct detection of room temperature.

All indoor units except RPF(I)-FSN2E

C9 Not available


CA Not available



Selection of forced stoppage logic


00, 01, 02

When a remote temperature sensor is connected to THM4 on indoor unit main PCB, this remote temperature sensor is used as control sensor, whichever the setting for C8 (factory setting C8=00)

This function specifies the temperature sensor to be used as control sensor by the indoor unit.

00, 02

Air temperature control using the average value of the air inlet thermistor and the remote controller sensor (factory setting C8=00)
(Air inlet + Remote sensor)/2


Air temperature control using the remote sensor

“- -” permanent
“- -” permanent

Forced stoppage input: A contact, normally open contact (factory setting) Forced stoppage input: B contact, normally closed contact

This function determines the logic operation for the forced stoppage contacts.

43 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



Optional function

Individual setting


Setting conditions


Not used
CC Only for DX-Interface, KPI-E4E and KPI-X4E: High ventilation speed

00 –

Use at 00 conditions



Function disabled (factory setting)

This function sets the unit to run

in high fan speed regardless


Function enabled

the setting from remote control switch.

Stop of indoor unit fan

during cooling Thermo-OFF


? Cd



For model RPI(L/H)-FSRE and RCD-FSR, this function is NOT available.

The operation of the indoor


Fan speed during cooling Thermo-OFF: unit fan is stopped in cooling

Low (factory setting)

Thermo-OFF conditions when

using the additional remote

temperature sensor THM-R2AE

(connected to THM4) or the



Indoor unit fan is stopped during cooling temperature sensor. Thermo-OFF

C8 must be set to 01 to use the

Cd=01 setting.

Stop of indoor unit fan during heating Thermo-OFF CE conditions (with remote control switch temperature sensor)
Modification of louver swing angle Models: RCI-FSR RCIM-FSRE RCD-FSR RPC-FSR CF
Models: RPK-FSR(H)M
Management of indoor unit d1 operation after a power
supply cut off – option 1
d2 Not available
Management of indoor unit d3 operation after a power
supply cut off – option 2

The indoor unit uses the



Fan speed setting during heating ThermoOFF: Low (factory setting)

temperature sensor to monitor the room temperature when the

fan is stopped (heating Thermo-

OFF fan stop sequence).


Indoor unit fan is stopped during heating C8 must be set to 01 to use the

Thermo-OFF (4)

CE=01 setting.


(In case that automatic louver is set, the lou- Control by remote temperature

vers will keep operating in both Thermo-ON sensor connected to THM4 is

and Thermo-OFF conditions)

not permitted (use E8 function

in that case).


Standard (7 steps) (factory setting)

Cold draft prevention (5 steps)(5)


(Cannot be set to the lower two steps; lower

2 steps cut off)

High ceilings (5 steps) (5)

This function adjusts the angle of the air outlet louver.


(Cannot be set the upper two steps; upper (Changes to the setting of this

2 steps cut off)



Standard (7 steps) (5 steps for cooling / dry mode)

function are applied after turning the power supply off and on again, or after the automatic louver has

Cold draft prevention (5 steps for heating and fan only)

made a full cycle in automatic mode).


(Cannot be set to the lower two steps,

lower 2 steps cut off)


Not used


Function disabled (factory setting)



Function enabled


“- -” permanent



Function disabled (factory setting)


When power supply is restored, the indoor units controlled by the wired remote control switch are turned on regardless of their ON/OFF status at the time of the last power cut off.
When power supply is restored, the indoor units controlled by the wired remote control switch are turned on automatically ONLY if they were already ON at the time of the last power cut off.


Function enabled

If indoor units were OFF when power was turned OFF, they remain in OFF status when power is restored.

44 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022




Optional function


Fan control (Only for RPI(4/6)FSRE)

Individual setting

00 01

Setting conditions
Normal control (factory setting) Special control for plenums


Prevention of low air outlet temperature in heating mode



Function disabled (factory setting)


Function enabled

d6 Not used


Econofresh: Minimum

d7 opening angle of the outdoor


air (OA) damper

KPI: Ventilation mode


E1 “A” Offset for Thermo-OFF in


control by outlet for


Econofresh: cooling mode

00 –


6º (factory setting)
















Automatic ventilation (factory setting)


Ventilation with total heat exchanger


Ventilation with bypass (no total heat exchange)


Disabled (factory setting)






Standard process (factory setting)

01/02 All Fresh

KPI: Increase of air supply volume



Econofresh enthalpy sensor

Not used


E3 Only for KPI-E4E and KPI-X4E: ­ Selection of the fan for
function E2


Disabled function (factory setting)


Enabled function


Disabled function (factory setting)


Enabled function

00 –


Activated for supply fan


Activated for exhaust fan

This function prevents the occurrence of an excessively cold air flow in heating mode by decreasing the fan speed during heating operation, also taking into account the setting of function C5
Use at 00 conditions
This function is used to set the minimum opening angle of the damper for fresh outdoor air.
This function allows the outdoor air damper to be opened in All Fresh operation mode. This mode allows the full opening of the outdoor air damper (according to the control system).
This function allows the outdoor air damper to be opened in All Fresh operation mode. This mode allows to fully open the outdoor air damper (according to the control system).
This function is used to make the room pressure higher or lower than the surrounded room. One of the fans Increases its speed while the other runs according the remote controller. Hi/Me/Lo change to Hi/Hi/Me.
This function selects the enthalpy sensor input for Econofresh.
Use at 00 conditions
This function selects which fan will increase the speed (when E2 enables this function).

45 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022



Optional function

Individual setting

KPI: Pre-cooling / pre-heating period



Econofresh: CO2 sensor

Not used


Settings 00 01 02 00
01/02 00 01

Setting conditions Disabled (factory setting) 30 minutes 60 minutes Disabled (factory setting) CO2 sensor (required setting E1=00)

E5 Only for DX-Interface, KPI-E4E and KPI-X4E: ­ High ventilation after switch ON


Disabled (factory setting)


60 minutes

Period of indoor fan operation

E6 after cooling operation



E7 Not used



Disabled function (factory setting)


60 minutes


120 minutes

00 –

Control for stop of the indoor

unit fan during heating

Thermo-OFF conditions (with

E8 remote sensor THM-R2AE


connected to the THM4

connector in the indoor unit



Fan operation in Low speed


Fan stop in Thermo-OFF conditions.

E9 Not used EA Not used

00 ­






Indoor unit fan control

Eb during cooling Thermo-OFF







Forced Thermo-ON when stopping in cooling operation



Ed Not used

00 O



Control in “Automatic” indoor fan speed mode



46 PMML0601 rev.0 – 07/2022

Function disabled (factory setting) Low Slow Function disabled (factory setting) Enabled
Function disabled (factory setting) Enabled

This function delays unit startup with energy recovery
This function selects the CO2 gas sensor input for Econofresh.
Use at 00 conditions
This function forces that the unit will operate in high speed during 60 minutes after fan start. After this time the fan will be changed to setting value.
This function prevents the condensation in the unit by keeping the fan running after the unit operation has been turned OFF.
Use at 00 conditions
This function stops the fan to prevent cold draughts or overheating. C8 must be set to 01 to use the E8=01 setting. The connection of a THM-R2AE remote temperature sensor to the THM4 port in the indoor unit PCB is required. The remote sensor shall be installed in a proper place for the correct detection of room temperature. (In case that automatic louver is set, the louver will keep operating in both Thermo-ON and Thermo-OFF condition)
Use at 00 conditions
Use at 00 conditions
This function decreases speed of the indoor unit fan during cooling Thermo- OFF, to reduce the spread of smells and humidity.
This function is used to force Thermo-ON during 6 minutes when stopping in cooling operation.
Use at 00 conditions
This function limits the speed of the indoor fan when room temperature is close to the setting temperature.




Optional function

Individual setting


Setting conditions

Control in “Automatic” indoor fan speed mode (supporting High H)











Function disabled


Function enabled

F0 Not available


“- -” permanent



Function disabled (Factory setting)


1 hour

Automatic OFF timer setting











02 03 04-24 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F

2 hours

3 hours

(04-24) hours

30 minutes

90 minutes

40 minutes 45 minutes 50 minutes 55 minutes


Do not set these when two wired

controllers are used.


Function disabled (Factory setting)


1 hour

Automatic OFF timer setting




02 03 04-24

2 hours 3 hours (04-24) hours


30 minutes


90 minutes


Remote control primarysecondary setting



Primary (main remote control) (Factory setting)


Secondary (sub remote control)


Automatic reset of setting temperature(6)



Function disabled (Factory setting)


Function enabled

This function limits the speed of the i

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