WEWEL WI-24 Rainbow Clip With Storage Box Instructions
- June 14, 2024
Table of Contents
WI-24 Rainbow Clip With Storage Box
No.| Questions| Answers
1| how many colors are there in one box| there are 4 colors in single box :
orange, pink, yellow, green
2| what is the Dimentions of the clip| Clips are 5 cm long and 2 cm wide as
per Image shown in catalog
3| how max can clip open at its mouth?| it can open upto 4 cm
4| Are these clips hard to open ?| Yes, it is little hard to open for elder
5| can we use this clip in Piep| no, you can’t use it
6| can we use this clip in rope| yes, this is specially made for ropes
7| Can we use for thick ropes?| yes, you can also use for thick ropes
8| where it is manufactured ?| INDIA
9| Do they leave marks on clothes?| no, it will not leave any marks on cloth
10| Does it get brittle under direct sunlight?| No it will not brake , cracked
or melt in sunlight but its color may fade away
11| Can these hold against the heavy winds in top floor| yes, it can hold
cloths very tightly
12| Can we use these clips for refrigirator purpose?| yes, you can use but
make sure you only use this clips to pack food in other bag or something
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