S S REGELTECHNIK RLQ-CO2-W Multifunctional Room Sensor Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

S S REGELTECHNIK RLQ-CO2-W Multifunctional Room Sensor

Operating Instructions, Mounting & Installation

Multifunctional room sensors and measuring transducers, for humidity, temperature, air quality (VOC) and CO2 content, calibratable, with active ⁄ switching output

Stainless steel housing
(optionally available upon request)

G AERASGARD® RCO2 – W ⁄ RLQ – CO2 – W ⁄ RFTM – LQ – CO2 – W ⁄ RTM – CO2 – SD

Maintenance-free room sensor AERASGARD® RTM – CO2 – SD with an active output, and automatic calibration, in an elegant plastic housing with a snap- on lid, for determining the CO2 content of the air (0…2000 ppm) and the temperature (0…+50°C). The measuring transducer converts the measured values into a standard signal of 0 -10 V.
Maintenance-free room sensor AERASGARD® RFTM – LQ – CO2 – W with active/switching output, automatic calibration, in an elegant plastic housing with a snap-on lid, optionally with/without display, for determining the CO2 content of the air ( 0…2000 ppm/0…5000 ppm ), the quality in three VOC sensitivity ( 0…100 % VOC ), the temperature (0…+50°C ) as well as the relative air humidity (0…100 % r.H). The measuring transducer converts the measured values into a standard signal of 0 -10 V or 4…20 mA (switchable).
The sensor is used in offices, hotels, convention centers, apartments, shops, etc. for the purpose of evaluating the indoor climate. This enables energy- saving room ventilation on an as-needed basis, thereby reducing operating costs and improving well-being. We recommend one sensor for every 30 m² of space.
A long-term stable, digital humidity, and temperature sensor guarantee exact measurement results. The CO2 measurement is performed using an optical NDIR sensor (non-dispersive infra-red technology). The detection range is calibrated for standard applications such as monitoring residential rooms and conference rooms. The air quality is detected by a VOC sensor (mixed gas sensor for volatile organic substances). This sensor determines the loading of the room air due to contaminated gases such as cigarette smoke, body perspiration, exhaled breathing air, solvent vapours, emissions, etc. As an alternative, use IAQ categories (from excellent to unhealthy) following the guidelines of the German Federal Environmental Agency to assess the room air.



AER ASGARD ® **RTM CO2 SD ** Room temperature and CO2 sensor, Standard

AER ASGARD ® **RCO2 W ** Room CO2 sensor, Premium

AER ASGARD ® **RLQ CO2 W ** Room air quality (VOC) and CO2 sensor, Premium

AER ASGARD ® **RFTM CO2 W ** Multifunctional room sensor

for humidity, temperature and CO2 content, Deluxe

AER ASGARD ® **RFTM LQ CO2 W ** Multifunctional room sensor

for humidity, temperature, CO2 content and air quality (VOC), Deluxe

Type WG02| Measuring Range

Humidity             Temperature





| Equipment


| Item No.

(Baldur 2)

RTM – CO2 – SD|  | (fixed)|  |  |
RT M-CO 2 – SD- U| –                            0…+50 °C| 0…2000 ppm| –| –| 1501-61B2-1001-200
RCO2 W|  | (switchable)|  |  |
RCO 2 -W| –                            –| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| –| W| 1501-61A0-7301-200
RCO 2 – W LCD| –                            –| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| –| W ■| 1501-61B0-7321-200
RLQ CO2 W|  | (switchable)|  |  |
RLQ-CO 2 – W| –                            –| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| 0…100 %| W| 1501-61B1-7301-500
RLQ-CO 2 – W LCD| –                            –| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| 0…100 %| W ■| 1501-61B1-7321-500
RFTM CO2 W|  | (switchable)|  |  |
RF T M- CO 2 -W| 0…100 % r.H.        0…+50 °C| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| –| W| 1501-61B6-7301-200
RF T M- CO 2 – W LCD| 0…100 % r.H.        0…+50 °C| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| –| W ■| 1501-61B6-7321-200
RFTM LQ CO2 W|  | (switchable)|  |  |
RF T M- LQ-CO 2 – W| 0…100 % r.H.        0…+50 °C| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| 0…100 %| W| 1501-61B8-7301-500
RF T M- LQ-CO 2 – W LCD| 0…100 % r.H.        0…+50 °C| 0…2000 ⁄ 5000 ppm| 0…100 %| W ■| 1501-61B8-7321-500
Outputs:                                       0 -10 V or 4…20 mA (selectable via DIP switches, selected variant applies for all outputs) –

Standard room sensor RTM – CO2 – SD with fixed output 0 -10 V!

Equipment:                                   W = changeover contactStandard room sensor RTM CO2 SD without changeover contact !
Note: ** This unit must not** be used as safety-relevant device!

AERASGARD® RCO2 – W ⁄ RLQ – CO2 – W ⁄ RFTM – LQ – CO2 – W ⁄ RTM – CO2 – SDS-S-REGELTECHNIK-RLQ-CO2-W-Multifunctional-Room-Sensor-

DIP switches (Baldur 2) RFTM – LQ – CO2 – W

VOC sensitivity| DIP 1| DIP 2
MEDIUM (default)| O N| OFF
IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)| O N| O N
CO2 content| DIP 4
0…2000 ppm (default)| OFF
0…5000 ppm| O N
CO2 automatic zero point| DIP 6
deactivated| OFF
activated (default)| O N
Relay assignment| DIP 7| DIP 8
CO2 (default):  600…1900 ppm / 900…4700 ppm| OFF| OFF
VOC:                   10…95 %| O N| OFF
Temperature:  +5…+48 °C| OFF| O N
Humidity:             10…95% r.H.| O N| O N
Output| DIP 9
Voltage 0 -10 V (default)| OFF
Current 4…20 mA| O N
Note: DIP 3 and DIP 5 are not assigned!
Level| IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)| VOC
1| excellent

no action required

| 019 %
2| good

prompt airing recommended

| 2039 %
3| moderate| 4059 %
 | airing recommended|
4| poor

increased airing required

| 6079 %
5| unhealthy

intense airing necessary

| 80100 %

AERASGARD® RCO2 – W ⁄ RLQ – CO2 – W ⁄ RFTM – LQ – CO2 – W ⁄ RTM – CO2 – SD

Installation and Commissioning

The minimum CO2 concentration of outdoor air amounts to approx. 350 ppm (output voltage = 1.75 V at MR = 0…2000 ppm or 0.7 V at MR = 0…5000 ppm) in leafy, hardly industrialised areas. Gas inter-exchange in the sensor element happens by diffusion. Depending on the changes to the concentration and the flow velocity of the air surrounding the sensor, the reaction of the device to the change of concentration may take place with a delay. It is essential to choose an installation location for the device in which the air stream flows around the sensor. Otherwise the gas exchange may be considerably delayed or prevented.

Automatic calibration of the carbon dioxide measurement (default)
The automatic background logic is a self-calibrating mechanism that is suitable for use in applications in which the CO2 concentration drops to fresh air level (350 – 400 ppm) at least three times in 7 days. This should typically occur during times in which rooms are unoccupied. The sensor reaches its normal accuracy after 24 hours of continuous operation in an environment that has been subjected to a fresh air supply of 400 ppm CO2. The deviation errors remain minimal if the sensor is exposed to fresh air at least 4 times within 21 days. The device needs a permanent operating mode without interruptions to the power supply to be able to work correctly.

Manual calibration of carbon dioxide measurement
Manual calibration can be carried out independently of the DIP switch position. Sufficient fresh air (CO2 content = 500 ppm) must be provided before and after the calibration procedure! The calibration procedure is started by pressing the “ZERO  CO2” (for approx. five seconds). This is signalled by the flashing LED or the countdown timer on the display (AUTO 0). Then calibration takes place. During this phase, the LED is constantly active and a 600-second countdown runs on the display CAL 0). The LED is deactivated after successful calibration.

Automatic air quality calibration (permanently active)
We recommend to rinse the sensor every 7 days for 20 minutes or longer with fresh air as a basis for automatic calibration. Within a period of approx. 3 weeks, the minimum output value for air quality is saved. During this period, the output signal is standardised to the zero point. The maximum correction per interval is limited here. Long-term drifts and the operation-related ageing of the sensor e lement are thus completely eliminated. Every time the device is switched on, the automatic calibration cycle restarts and calculates a correction value across the operating period. In case of power disruptions of less than 7 days, the calculation algorithm may be supported with a manual calibration to adjust the correction value more quickly.

Manual calibration of air quality
Sufficient fresh air must be provided before and after the calibration procedure! We recommend a fresh air supply of at least two hours before starting manual calibration. The calibration procedure is started by pressing the “ZERO  VOC” button (for approx. five seconds). This is signalled by the flashing LED or the countdown timer on the display (AUTO 0). Then calibration takes place. During this phase, the LED is constantly active and a 60-second countdown runs on the display CAL 0). The LED is deactivated after successful calibration.

General information on air quality
The service life of the sensor depends on its functional principle and the type and concentration of pollutant gas burden. The sensitive layer of the sensor element reacts with all volatile organic compounds and is therefore modified in its electrical properties. This procedure leads to an offset of the characteristic line. When measuring the air quality, the general condition of the air quality is recorded. Whether the air quality is “good” or “bad” depends on the individual interpretation of each individual. Different pollution burdens and concentrations influence the air quality signal (0 – 10 V) in different ways. Examples are cigarette smoke, deodorant sprays, cleaning agents and various adhesive materials for floor and wall coverings, as well as dyes. Increased levels of solvents, nicotine, hydrocarbons, aerosol propellants, etc. intensify the wear/ageing of the sensor element. Especially at high pollutant gas burdens, even when the devices are idle (transport and storage) the zero point is adjusted. This must be corrected on-site depending on the specific conditions or basic burdens. Air quality measuring instruments from various manufacturers cannot be compared directly with each other because of the different functional principles, the pre-set basic burden (zero point) and the permitted burden (amplification/sensitivity). The devices are set or calibrated according to the specifications of the sensor manufacturer. Here, a zero point and end value, and therefore a maximum load, are established. In special circumstances, there is an overrun of the measuring range or an excessively high basic burden on the devices (out-gassing carpets, wall paint, etc.) In order to enable a measurement or distinction of different air qualities, the devices must be configured by the client in accordance with the on-site conditions which do not correspond to the function domain and thus the factory calibration. Here, it should be noted that the factory calibration will be lost and technical data compliance can no longer be guaranteed.

Putting in operation
After switching on the device, a self-test and tempering period follows. This procedure takes 30 – 50 minutes,depending on the ambient conditions. During this time the output analogue voltage differs from the actual measured value. Manual calibration can then be performed as an option. Make sure that no harmful substances influence the calibration process and that the sensor is operated in fresh air. Switching point setting A potential-free changeover contact is available as a switch output. A switching point between 10 % and 95 % of the measuring range can be selected using the SET potentiometer. The 10 % value is added to the fresh air limit of 400 ppm for CO2. (600…1900 ppm with MR = 0…2000 ppm or 900…4700 ppm with MR = 0…5000 ppm). With other measurands, the corresponding lower limit is used directly as a basis. (VOC: 10…95 %, Temperature: +5…+48 °C, Humidity: 10…95% r.H.) The assignment of the switch output to measurand is done via DIP switch (DIP 7 and DIP 8).

Each measuring channel has a separate offset potentiometer for subsequent adjustment of the measurement. The adjusting range is ± 10 % of the measuring range.

In the first line, the measurements with the corresponding units ( CO2 in ppm, VOC in %, temperature in °C, relative humidity in % r.H.) are displayed in a cyclical series. In the second line, the switching status of the relay is shown on the left as a circuit (full ● = relay energised; empty ○ = relay de- energised) followed by the corresponding indicator (C for CO2; V for VOC; T for temperature; H for relative humidity in % r.H.) and the switchpoint value is shown on the right.S-S-REGELTECHNIK-RLQ-CO2-W-Multifunctional-Room-

For operating voltage reverse polarity protection, a one-way rectifier or reverse polarity protection diode is integrated in this device variant. This internal one-way rectifier on AC supply voltage. The output signal is to be tapped by a measuring instrument. The output signal is measured her against zero potential (O V) of the input voltage! When this device is operated on DC supply voltage, the operating voltage input UB+ is to be used for 15…36 V DC supply and UB – or GND for ground wire!

When several devices are supplied by one 24 V AC voltage supply, it is to be ensured that all ”positive“ operating voltage input terminals (+) of the field devices are connected with each other and all ”negative“ operating voltage input terminals (–) (= reference potential) are connected together (in-phase connection of field devices). All outputs of field devices must be referenced to the same potential! In case of reversed polarity at one field device, a supply voltage short- circuit would be caused by that device. The consequential short-circuit current flowing through this field device may cause damage to it. Therefore, pay attention to correct wiring.S-S

Humidity table
MR: 0…100 % r. H.S-S-REGELTECHNIK-RLQ-CO2-W-Multifunctional-Room-Sensor-

Temperature table
MR: 0…+50 °C

General notes

  • This device may only be used in pollutant-free non-precipitating air without above-atmospheric or below-atmospheric pressure at the sensor element.
  • On outdoor and duct sensors, the sinter filter of the senor element protects the humidity sensor against potential dust exposure.
  • In case of pollution ⁄ contamination, this filter should be cleaned on a regular basis.
  • Dust and pollution falsify measurement results and are to be avoided. Slight pollution and dust sediments can be removed by using compressed air.
  • Touching the humidity element is under any circumstances to be avoided, as that would result in considerable mismeasurements.
  • In case of pollution, we recommend cleaning and recalibration in the factory.
  • In any case, the sensor must not get in contact with chemicals or other cleaning agents.
  • Extremely high concentrations of VOCs, aggressive cleaning agents or silicone-containing vapours can destroy the sensor element or reduce its service life drastically.
  • The air quality signal “good“…“bad“ is represented by the output signal 0 -10 V or 4…20 mA.
  • The device operating range covers 10 … 95 % relative humidity respectively 0 …+50 °C.
  • Beyond that range, mismeasurements or increased deviations will occur.
    • The chemical sensor is a consumable. The lifetime of the sensor depends on nature and concentration of the pollutant gas burden.
    • When several sensors are connected to one voltage supply of 24 V AC, correct polarity must be regarded as otherwise the alternating voltage source may be short-circuited.
    • The outputs are short-circuit proof. Applying overvoltage or voltage supply to the output will destroy the device.
    • If the automatic system (automatic balancing of CO2 / VOC measurand) is activated, a cyclical fresh air supply must be provided, as otherwise incorrect measurements can occur.
    • If this device is operated beyond the specified range, all warranty claims are forfeited.

Our “General Terms and Conditions for Business“ together with the “General Conditions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry“ (ZVEI conditions) including supplementary clause “Extended Retention of Title“ apply as the exclusive terms and conditions.

In addition, the following points are to be observed:

  • These instructions must be read before installation and putting in operation and all notes provided therein are to be regarded!
  • Devices must only be connected to safety extra-low voltage and under dead-voltage condition. To avoid damages and errors at the device (e.g. by voltage induction) shielded cables are to be used, laying parallel with current-carrying lines is to be avoided, and EMC directives are to be observed.
  • This device shall only be used for its intended purpose. Respective safety regulations issued by the VDE, the states, their control authorities, the TÜV and the local energy supply company must be observed. The purchaser has to adhere to the building and safety regulations and has to prevent perils of any kind.
  • No warranties or liabilities will be assumed for defects and damages arising from improper use of this device.
  • Consequential damages caused by a fault in this device are excluded from warranty or liability.
  • These devices must be installed and commissioned by authorised specialists.
  • The technical data and connecting conditions of the mounting and operating instructions delivered together with the device are exclusively valid. Deviations from the catalogue representation are not explicitly mentioned and are possible in terms of technical progress and continuous improvement of our products.
  • In case of any modifications made by the user, all warranty claims are forfeited.
  • This device must not be installed close to heat sources (e.g. radiators) or be exposed to their heat flow.
  • Direct sun irradiation or heat i rradiation by similar sources (powerful lamps, halogen spotlights) must absolutely be avoided.
  • Operating this device close to other devices that do not comply with EMC directives may influence functionality.
  • This device must not be used for monitoring applications, which serve the purpose of protecting persons against hazards or injury, or as an EMERGENCY STOP switch for systems or machinery, or for any other similar safety-relevant purposes.
  • Dimensions of housings or housing accessories may show slight tolerances on the specifications provided in these instructions.
  • Modifications of these records are not permitted.
  • In case of a complaint, only complete devices returned in original packing will be accepted.

Notes on commissioning:
This device was calibrated, adjusted and tested under standardised conditions. When operating under deviating conditions, we recommend performing an initial manual adjustment on-site during commissioning and subsequently at regular intervals. Commissioning is mandatory and may only be performed by qualified personnel! These instructions must be read before installation and commissioning and all notes provided therein are to be regarded!


To open the housing, set a screwdriver (2.0) in the groove at centre, press down, and lift up the bottom frame slightly. Pull top cover forward and hold it.

© Copyright by S+S Regeltechnik GmbH
Subject to errors and technical changes. All statements and data herein represent our best knowledge at date of publication. They are only meant to inform about our products and their application potential, but do not imply any warranty as to certain product characteristics. Since the devices are used under a wide range of different conditions and loads beyond our control, their particular suitability must be verified by each customer and/or end user themselves. Existing property rights must be observed. We warrant the faultless quality of our products as stated in our General Terms and Conditions.

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