ARKTEK YBC-5 Solar Power Kit Instruction Manual
- June 14, 2024
Table of Contents
- ARKTEK YBC-5 Solar Power Kit
- Pole Mount Instructions
- Grounding the solar array
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ARKTEK YBC-5 Solar Power Kit
Caution: Read this entire manual carefully before using the product. Store this manual in a safe and accessible place for later reference as necessary.
The Aucma Solar Power Kit is complete and usually will have the necessary
parts to complete an installation. However, each site is unique and may
require a slightly different solution. Therefore, it is strongly recommended
that before the installation has a qualified person visit theinstallation site
to make sure the site is ready and all necessary parts, supplies and tools
will be available on the site. Then the installation can be completed safely,
correctly and in just one installation trip. The Manual includes detailed
Annexes where topics like Working Safely at Heights are described and helpful
forms like the Site Assessment Worksheet and Installation Tool Checklist can
be copied and used.
Solar panel
| Model Type| XS-200
| Nominal Maximum Power (Pmax)| 200W
| Power Tolerance| ±5W
| Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)| 22.7V
| Short Circuit Current (Isc)| 11.6A
| Optimum Operating Voltage (Vmp)| 18.51V
| Optimum Operating Current (Imp)| 10.82A
| Maximum System Voltage| DC 1000V
| Maximum Series Fuse Rating| 15A
| Dimensions| 164067035mm
| Weight| 10kg
| Connectors| MC4 or MC4 compatible
Accessory kit
| Solar array cable| PV Wire, UV resistant, 10 AWG (2.5
mm), 65 feet (20 meters)
| Electrical connectors| MC4 “plug and play”, IP67
| Ground wire| 6 AWG (4 mm) bare copper, 65 feet
(20 meters)
| Ground rod| 5/8” x 8 feet (16 mm x 2.4 meters),
copper clad steel
| Array structure| Universal Mount Structure (pole)
Even low-voltage solar power installations have hazards. Always make safety your priority. This symbol is used in this Manual to alert you to safety and performance concerns. Solar vaccine refrigerators use low voltage direct current (DC) electricity but there are hazards anytime you work with electricity. A solar array will require a secure mounting structure and this often is attached to a roof or tall pole that requires installers to work at heights. Some roof structures are not strong enough to support the weight of the equipment or the weight of the installer.
- Hazards associated with this work;
- How to use equipment and tools safely;
- Where the first aid kit is located;
- How to safely work at heights; and
- How to safely work with low voltage electricity. You will need to know:
Safety and First Aid
- Know where the first aid kit is located in your vehicle and at the installation site.
- Always keep the first aid kit fully stocked.
- Always carry a first aid kit when travelling to installation site.
- Wear hard hats on work sites.
- Know where your co-workers are.
- Use the correct eye protection when hammering, drilling and power sawing.
- When working in direct sunlight protect yourself with hats, sunglasses and sunscreens, take breaks and drink plenty of water.
- All refrigerators are a suffocation hazard for children. Prevent child accidents by keeping children away from the installation site and removing the cap when decommissioning.
Solar Array
- Solar modules produce electricity when exposed to sunlight and there is a risk of electrical shock. Do not work on live electrical wiring or parts. Disconnect the solar power input at the “on/off” switch or cover the solar array with opaque material like a blanket, tarp, or cardboard. Then confirm electricity is off with a multimeter.
- Even low voltage will create an arc of electricity that can cause accidents, ignite fires, damage tools and damage the MC4 connectors. Do not disconnect the “plug and play” MC4 connectors when the solar array is generating electricity. To stop electricity production cover the solar array with an opaque object.
Handle with care as most solar modules are made with metal frames with sharp corners and glass covering.
Working at Heights
See ANNEX A: Working Safely at Heights, which was provided courtesy of FGL/IM-PAHO and Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF). Ladders must be safe and in good repair. Position ladders firmly to avoid movement. Use rope and harness systems. Use crawling boards when walking on roofs. If you fall from the roof or ladder do not move until professional help arrives. For the health worker/user there must be a safe and convenient way to access the solar array for routine cleaning.
Read the user manual carefully. Remove all packaging material, including the
foam base and tape. Note: Discard plastic wrappers and bags safely, to avoid
suffocation of children. Check that all parts are not damaged. If you observe
any damage, please inform your supervisor.
Parts list
Solar array cable kit
200W Solar module| 1
1 20 meter x 10 AWG PV wire with MC4
connectors each end, positive
| 1
1 20 meter x 10 AWG PV wire with MC4
connectors each end, negative
| 1
Ground wire kit
20 meter x 6 AWG bare copper wire| 1
Ground rod φ16mm x 1.5m long| 1
Wire clip fastener set| 1
Universal Mount Structure
Main bracket| 1
Left bracket| 1
Right bracket| 1
Faster set| 1
The solar array must be permanently positioned where the modules will receive
the maximum amount of sunshine. However, they are very fragile and should not
be located where they may be damaged. A suitable position must be found away
from trees and tall objects, to avoid shading the array, as this will impair
the performance of the modules.
Note: Please ensure that the support structure is:
The following figure demonstrates common tilt angles. The front of the solar
modules must be cleaned every week or when necessary in dusty areas.
Shading analysis and solar array placement
Solar site analysis is crucial to properly position the solar array. The
position of the array is extremely important. Even partial shading of a solar
module can nearly stop power output. More power is produced the longer the sun
directly shines on the array. A good solar site has no shading and receives
direct sunlight from 7 AM to 5 PM all year long. It is best to conduct the
solar site analysis using a specialized solar siting device like the Solar
Pathfinder shown in the following figures.
Parts of the Solar Pathfinder where reflections seen on the dome can be traced onto a “sun path” diagram to assess shading impact. Photo courtesy of FGL/IM- PAHO and SELF.
Parts of the Solar Pathfinder where reflections seen on the dome can be traced onto a “sun path” diagram to assess shading impact. Photo courtesy of FGL/IM- PAHO and SELF.
Checking for impact of tree shading at one possible solar array location. A white pencil is used to trace the shading on the black paper “Sun Path” diagram that shows the times of shading by month, time of day and the percentage lost to shading. Photo courtesy of FGL/IMPAHO and SELF.
Tracing shows too much tree shading for an SDD. The solar array location can be moved to avoid shading. Photo courtesy of FGL/IM-PAHO and SELF.
When selecting a location for the SOLAR array, consider the following questions:
- Does the array receive direct sunlight from at least 9 AM to 3 PM all year long?
- Is there shading from trees, buildings, pipes or fencing?
- Are there any future changes that may cause array shading (e.g. tree/plant growth)?
- Are there local weather conditions like morning fog or afternoon cloudiness that would limit solar radiation at times of the year?
- Is the array location safe from damage due to wind, animals, people, vehicles or accidents?
- Is theft a concern?
- Can the roof support the weight of the array and the installation crew?
- Will installation damage the building in any way?
- How can solar array cable and ground wire be kept short and neat?
- How will a solar array look at the proposed site?
Refer to Annex B: Site Assessment Worksheet and take a blank copy to each site to be visited. Complete all questions before leaving the site. Answer each question thoroughly enough for someone else to be able to adequately prepare for the installation.
Preliminary site check
The solar array location selected in the site visit should be reviewed. Before
installing, confirm that:
- The solar array location is correct.
- The solar array will attach to a secure foundation or roof.
- The solar array will face the equator.
- Solar array tilt angle will be equal to site latitude (and at least 10 degrees from horizontal). 5.) Solar array will be unshadowed between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM.
- Solar array cable and ground wire of 20 meters (maximum) will be sufficient.
- Health workers will have safe access for washing the solar array.
- Unauthorized persons will not have ready access.
- Theft will be prevented or at least minimized.
- Also, check that all parts required are on site.
Testing solar modules
Open the box carefully. You can use the packaging for protecting the module
while handling it and for covering the solar array when measuring short
circuit current (Isc). Remember to clean up all packaging when completing the
See the label on back of the solar module for the specific ratings of the PV modules provided in the kit. The three most important ratings you will use are:
- Watts;
- Open circuit voltage (Voc); and
- Short circuit current (Imp).
Next measure the open circuit voltage (Voc) of the panels. Prepare your multimeter to measure DC volts. See Figure below. Connect the red lead of the meter to the positive cable of the panel and the black lead to the negative cable of the panel. For more information see ANNEX C: Using multi-meters with solar refrigerator systems, provided courtesy of FGL/IM-PAHO and SELF.
Measuring Voc –set multi-meter to measure Volts DC and connect multi- meter to the solar module positive (+) output and negative (-) output. Graphic on left courtesy of FGL/IM-PAHO and SELF. Next, measure the module short circuit current (amps). The solar module amp specification is based on laboratory tests with full sunlight (for laboratory testing this is 1000 Watts/m ²). If it is cloudy the amps will be lower than the specification. Figure 4.2 shows the multi-meter settings and measurement points. The table below shows general difference in amps with different sunlight conditions.
Measuring Imp – set meter to measure DC Amps (use 10 or 20 Amp DC range for single panels). Connect the multimeter to the solar module’s positive (+) and negative (-) output. Graphic on left courtesy of FGL/IM-PAHO and SELF.
Pole Mount Instructions
Note that the Aucma Universal Mount Structure used for pole mount will require that you obtain a pole and foundation materials for a free-standing pole or customized wall attachments for building attached poles. Conduit is recommended for protecting the solar array cable and usually must be buried underground with a free-standing pole. Conduit is not included with the Aucma Solar Power Kit.
Step 1: Thread on the cap at the top of the pole to keep the pole from filling with rainwater. Attach top Main bracket to the pole with two U-bolts and four nuts. Position the top Main bracket in an east-west direction so that the U-bolts hold the strut level and near the pole top.
Step 2: Attach Left bracket and Right bracket to Main bracket using bolts and nuts. Confirm correct orientation with a compass and confirm the correct tilt angle with an inclinometer (protractor).
Step 3: Attach solar module to the brackets using bolts and nuts.
Grounding the solar array
Each solar module is required to be grounded to an earth rod or steel foundation reinforcement rod. Most DC electrical systems are attached with bare copper ground wire to an copper-clad steel rod driven into the earth. The ground wire should take the shortest distance to earth and avoid bends as much as possible. The wire must be secured to the building or pole. Consider conduit protection where it is likely that health workers, patients, children or animals will come intact with the ground wire. Attach copper wire with solar panel.
Using Wire clip fastener set to connect copper wire and ground rod.
To be sure the solar array ground has continuity set your multi-meter to Ohms and measure from the farthest solar module frame to the ground rod. The resistance should be 0.5 Ohms or less. Record the resistance in the Commissioning Report. See ANNEX C: Using Multi-Meters with Solar Refrigerator Systems.
Falls are the leading cause of injury and death in the construction industry. Solar installers that ignore safety have fallen through roof surfaces and have fallen off of roofs. Do not ignore safety! All workers on the job site should receive training. from a competent person, about the nature of fall hazards in the workplace. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death in the construction industry. Each worker should be trained in the proper precautions and procedures for working at heights. This includes set-up and use of ladders, scaffolds, and fall protection.
Ladder Safety
Before use: Ladders must be kept in safe working order and used only for their
designed purpose. Be aware of the safe load for which they were designed.
and do not exceed their rated capacity. A ladder should be able to support 4 times the maximum load. A competent person should always inspect a ladder before use to ensure that the rungs or steps are spaced evenly and safely attached ta the sides of the ladder. Steps should be spaced 25 cm to 36 cm (10 to 14) inches apart. The ladder should be equipped with slip-resistant feet. Defective ladders should be marked as such and removed from service. When placing a ladder for use, one should take the following precautions: The bottom of the ladder should be placed on a stable, level ground or surface. Avoid slippery surfaces. The area around the top and bottom should be clear of obstructions and debris. The bottom of the ladder should be placed at a horizontal distance equal to 1/4 of its vertical height to the top support. The top of the ladder should extend at least one meter (39″inches) above the upper surface. The top of the ladder should be secured to prevent movement due to wind or job site activities. See Figure A.1. When using the ladder, going up or down, take the following precautions:
Always face the ladder and grasp the ladder with at least one hand. Do not
carry any load that will cause one to lose balance or not have a secure grip.
Do not overreach and keep your body centres between the rails. Use a rope or
multiple ladders to raise heavy or bulky equipment such as PV modules. See
Figure A.2. Do not overreach and keep your body centres between the rails.
Additional precautions should be taken when using free-standing step ladders:
Always be sure that the folding spreaders are properly set. Steps are
typically found on only one side of the ladder. The braces found on the back
side are usually not designed to support a person and should.
never be used for standing or climbing. Never step on the top two steps. See Figure A.3.Scaffold Safety Pole mounts are difficult to install with ladders. Scaffolding provides a safe platform for working around the pole and the solar array structure. See Figures A.4 and A.5. A competent person should always inspect scaffolding before being used by workers. Footings need to support the scaffolding in a level position capable of supporting the load. Adjustable footings are used to support the scaffold on uneven surfaces. Scaffold platforms and planks must provide a stable surface with little deflection under load (not greater than 1/60 of the span) under load and be securely fastened to avoid shifting. The platform must be adequate to support 4 times the maximum intended load. Platforms should be a minimum of 45 cm (18″) inches wide and free of clutter and debris. Spaces between planks and vertical supports should not be greater than 40 mm (1 )inch. Scaffolds over 3 m (10′”)feet in height must be provided with fall protection; either by guard rails on all open sides and ends or personal fall protection for each worker Scaffolding must be prevented from tipping if the ratio of height to base is 4:1 or greater. Braces or ties used to prevent the scaffold from tipping must be secured at the closest horizontal member to the
More details regarding scaffold safety may be found at the following website:
Fall Protection
Workers should receive fall protection training to recognize hazards and make
proper use of fall protection precautions. Fall protection is required on
roofs, ramps, and around openings or edges at elevations 1.8 meters (6 feet))
or greater. Fall protection may be handled in various ways. Choose the most
appropriate method for your unique site conditions, Personal Fall Arrest
Systems entail a strong lifeline with stable and secure anchorage. The
lifeline is
Figure A.4: The scaffold provides a safe, secure and level work surface.
However, this scaffold has an unsafe work platform. attached to a harness worn
by the worker. The fall protection system must prevent a worker from falling
more than 1.8 meters (6). Workers should inspect the lifeline for abrasions,
cuts, frayed sections or any other damage. Various anchor devices may be used
to attach to a roof structure. A well-positioned tree may also offer an
opportunity for safe anchorage. See Figure A.6. A stretchable lanyard is
typically used with the lifelineto to cushion a fall. A “rope grab” is another
device used by the worker to move the harness attachment up the lifeline to
ascend the roof. The worker can release it by hand to descend. See Figure A.7.
Harnesses may be approved by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and
/or OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). More information
regarding Personal Fall Protection may be found at the following website:
breaking/ppe/generalppe/fall arrest system. html
Other means of fall protection may consist of guardrails at the edges of roofs and openings. Openings may also be covered with a structurally secure covering to prevent workers from falling through. Roof surfaces are often not strong enough to carry a worker and safe covering often must be added.
Figure A.5: Solar modules would be difficult and more risky to position with a ladder.
Figure A.6: The tree provides a safe and secure anchorage for attaching the lifeline
Introducing Solar-powered Vaccine Refrigerator and Freezer Systems: Guidance for managers in national immunization programmes. ISBN 978 92 4 150986 2 copyright WHO 2015 found at
A multimeter is one of your most important tools. Multimeters are used to
measure voltage and amperage as well as to test for polarity and continuity.
Some multi-meters also measure temperature. Installers must be thoroughly
familiar with the use of the meter. Since each meter is manufactured slightly
differently, read the instructions that are included with your meter. Remember
that most multi-meters are battery-operated and have internal fuses so be
prepared with spare fuses and a replacement battery. This section of the
handbook details specific measurements for PV R/F. The measurements shown here
are often taken with the PV R/F parts before travelling to the installation.
The examples given below are for digital meters.
The meter can be used to determine the polarity of battery terminals, PV
module terminals and wiring. To measure polarity connect the red meter lead to
“V” and connect the black meter lead to “COM”. Set the meter to read DC
voltage at a scale that is higher than the voltage you expect to read. Measure
the part being tested and read the voltage noting whether a negative sign (-)
was displayed ahead of the voltage. A negative reading indicates that the
polarity of the placement of meter leads is reversed from the polarity of the
circuit being measured. (See Figure C.1). Switch the position of the meter
leads and reread the voltage until the correct polarity is found. (See Figure
The meter can be used to test if a fuse is good, if switches are working and
if wiring circuits are continuous. To measure resistance connect the red meter
lead to “O” and connect the black meter lead to “COM”. Set the meter to read
resistance “O*. A closed circuit has continuity and is shown on the meter as
having little or no resistance to electricity flow. An open circuit will show
a very high resistance. For example, a blown (no longer useful) fuse will
measure as an open circuit as shown in Figure C.3). A working switch will show
little resistance when the switch is closed and will show very high resistance
when it is opened
Figure C.3: Meter measuring the resistance of a burnt fuse (an open circuit).
Figure C.4: Solar module label with electrical specifications based on standard test conditions at +25°C
The meter can be used to measure the system operating voltage and the open
circuit voltage of both batteries and PV modules. To measure voltage connect
the red meter lead to “V” and connect the black meter lead to “COM”. Set the
meter to read DC voltage at a scale that is higher than the voltage you expect
to read. An open circuit voltage measurement can be compared with a
manufacturer’s specification to find out if the solar module meets the
specification. Do this before travel to insure the module is acceptable or if
a battery needs to be recharged. To test for open circuit voltage (Voc) of a
PV module, first locate the module specification. All solar modules have a
specification sheet and mast modules also have a specification sticker on the
back of the module. See Figure C.4. The module should be placed in the sun and
Figure C.5: Measuring solar module open circuit voltage. If the solar module has a standard test rating of 21.8 Voc (at +25°C) its Voc will fall about 1 Volt if the solar module is about 10 °C hotter. immediately since the voltage will drop as the module becomes warmer. Set the meter and position the test leads as shown in Figure C.5. The open circuit voltage of a battery can be misleading if the battery is not first cycled under a load to remove the surface charge which will give a higher voltage reading. To measure voltage, disconnect the battery from any charger and all loads. See Figure C.6. Set the meter to the DC voltage scale that includes the voltage you expect to read. Connect the positive lead to the positive terminal connect the negative lead to the negative terminal and record the voltage. Compare the measured voltage with the battery manufacturer’s specification. A 12 Vdc battery that is fully charged will measure at least 12.6 Vac (open circuit). Batteries that have been shipped may require an initial charge to bring voltage up to specification. Batteries connected to a complete PV RF system in operation will measure within the full range of the system control specifications (e.g. 11.6 to 13.8 Vdc for sealed batteries or 11.5 to 14.4 Vdc for flooded batteries).
Amps can be measured when a solar module is in sunlight but is not connected
to the PVRF. This is called short circuit current (Isc) and measurement of Is
does not damage the solar module. Amps can also be measured when the PV RF is
fully connected and operating. To measure solar power system current connect
the red meter lead to “10A’° or “20A” and connect the black meter lead to
“COM”. Set the meter to read DC amps at a scale that is higher than the amps
you expect to read. If your meter is rated to measure at least 10 amps DC you
can use it to measure the short circuit current of the PV module. To test for
short circuit (Is) of a PV module, first locate the module specification, All
solar modules have a specification sheet and most modules also have a
specification sticker on the back of the module. See Figure C.4 which shows a
90-watt module sticker with a standard test conditions rating of 5.11 amps
(Isc). The standard test condition is 1000 Watts/m? which is strong sunlight
on a clear day at noon. The amount of amperage produced by a PV module is
directly related to how strong the sun is at the time of measurement. A solar
module with an Is rating of 5 amps at 1000 watts/m? would only measure about
2.5 amps (Isc) if the sunlight was 500 Watts/ m? Measure the short circuit
current and compare it to the manufacturer’s specification (see Figures C.4
and C.7).
To accurately compare you need to know the solar radiation at the same instant that you measure the solar module short circuit current. Handheld solar meters are not essential but are recommended for technicians who will be responsible for many installations. See Figure C.8 showing how to use a handheld solar meter. A solar array is usually made up of more than one solar module. The current of a solar array with more than one solar module connected in parallel may be more than 10 amps. Not all multimeters can measure the solar array current if over 10 amps. Some multi-meters are capable of measuring 20 amps DC. Another method of measuring higher DC amps is with a clamp-on ammeter (see Figures C.9 and C.10). These meters can measure high DC amperage. Use a clamp- on ammeter to measure higher DC amps and/or when you need to measure operating amperage without interrupting the circuit. Figure C.9 shows two clamp-on ammeters with one meter measuring the solar array charging amps (20 amps) and the other meter measuring the operating compressor amps (4 amps).
Figure C.8: Hand-held solar meter measuring strong sunlight (982 Watts/m”).
The simultaneous solar module current was measured as 5.08 amps (Isc). This is
acceptable because 5.08 amps (Isc) is nearly equal to the 5.11 amps (Isc)
reported on the solar module specification (measured at standard test
condition solar radiation of 1000 Watts/m’),
The meter can also be used a measure the resistance of various components including the compressor connection pins, resistors, diodes and electronic thermostats. Measure the resistance of an electronic thermostat sensor and then compare the measured resistance to the manufacturer’s specification for a specific temperature set point. Resistors are sometimes added to compressor controls to set compressor speed and the meter can confirm the resistance is correct for the desired speed. To measure resistance connect the red meter lead to “O° and connect the black meter lead to “COM Set the meter to read resistance “0. Solar modules have bypass diodes and their resistance can be measured to determine if they are good. Check the manufacturer’s specification for resistance values. Solar array-to-earth ground resistance is also measured to confirm acceptable grounding has been installed. See Figure C.11.
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