ARKTEK CFD-50 Meta Fridge TM User Manual
- June 14, 2024
Table of Contents
- ARKTEK CFD-50 Meta Fridge TM
- Product Description
- Product Description
- CFD-50 Components
- Transport and Handling Instructions
- Installation
- Use of the CFD-50
- Maintenance
- Safety Precautions
- Troubleshooting
- CFD-50 Specification
- Warranty
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
ARKTEK CFD-50 Meta Fridge TM
Product Description
The CFD-50 MetaFridgeTM is a refrigeration unit designed for vaccine storage. It features a vaccine chamber, temperature display, water tank, condenser guards, and an integrated plastic base. The unit also includes lifting handles, front and back ventilation covers, external condensers, and a thermal safety shut-off.
- Product Name: CFD-50 MetaFridgeTM
- Model: CFD-50
- Rev: 201812
CFD-50 Components
The components of the CFD-50 are as follows:
Vaccine chamber
Vaccine chamber door
Vaccine chamber door gaskets
30-DTR display
Water tank lid
Water tank lid latch
Condenser guards
Electronics enclosure
USB port
Vaccine chamber door latch
Lifting handles
Integrated plastic base
Front and back ventilation covers
Condensation drain channel
External condensers
Compressor compartment (contains compressor, fan, power
enclosure, power board, transformer, drain pan) -
Thermal safety shut-off (mechanical thermostat)
Transport and Handling Instructions
To ensure safe transport and handling of the CFD-50, please follow these
- Use lifting aids and proper lifting techniques when moving the CFD-50 to avoid injury.
- Keep the door and top lid closed and latched when moving the CFD-50.
- If the CFD-50 needs to be moved after initial installation, remove the water from the water tank using a siphon hose before moving.
- When using the handles for lifting, keep one hand towards the top of the unit to prevent tipping.
- Avoid applying excessive force to prevent damage to the CFD-50.
Before installing the CFD-50, make sure to:
- Place the CFD-50 on a flat and solid ground to ensure stability.
- Position the CFD-50 near an accessible electrical outlet. The power cord length is 2 meters.
- Avoid direct sunlight and any source of heat when positioning the CFD-50 (e.g. gas stove, fireplace, etc.).
- Avoid placing the CFD-50 in or around flammable or corrosive gases that could cause an explosion or electric shock.
- Avoid high humidity environments or locations where the unit could be splashed with water or rain to prevent rust or electrical leakage.
- Ensure proper ventilation by leaving at least 10 cm of empty space around the sides and back of the unit. The door latch must have a minimum of 60 cm clearance above for accessing the water tank lid.
Filling Instructions
To properly fill the CFD-50 with clean drinking water, follow these steps:
- Unlatch the water tank latch and fully open the water tank lid. Turn the fill plug counterclockwise to loosen and remove the cap. Keep the plug on top of the water tank while filling so it does not get lost.
- Install the funnel securely in the fill hole. Fill a bucket with clean drinking water. If there is no local source of clean drinking water, use bottled water.
Q: How do I order spare parts for the CFD-50?
A: Refer to the maintenance manual for more information on how to order spare parts for the CFD-50. -
Q: Where can I find filling instructions for the CFD-50?
A: Filling instructions can also be found on the inside of the water tank lid.
Product Description
The CFD-50 MetaFridge is a WHO PQS certified vaccine refrigerator that
maintains a temperature between 2 -8 °C with multi-day holdover during
extended power outages. It includes integrated power protection, a display
showing 30 days of temperature and alarm history, onboard logging of
temperature and diagnostic data, and it supports remote monitoring of
performance data.
CFD-50 standard features:
- 50-liter vaccine storage chamber volume
- Front-opening for easy user access to vaccines
- Integrated power protection system defending against voltage spikes and brown-outs
- Integrated voltage stabilization to utilize a wide range of input voltages (110 – 230 VAC)
- Normal operation in a minimal mains grid access environment (maintains temperatures with as little as 3 hours of power a day on average)
- ColdSafeTM technology providing 120 hours of holdover at constant ambient temperature of 43 °C (192 hours at constant ambient temperature of 25 °C)
- Integrated 30-day temperature record (DTR) display and downloadable temperature history
- Integrated plastic base prevents corrosion from damp floor
- Remote temperature monitoring feature is available upon request
CFD-50 Components
Components of the CFD-50 are labeled below. Refer to the maintenance manual
for more information and how to order spare parts.
- A. Vaccine chamber
- B. Vaccine chamber door
- C. Vaccine chamber door gaskets
- D. 30-DTR display
- E. Temperature display
- F. Water tank lid latch
- G. Water tank lid
- H. Electronics enclosure
- I. USB port
- J. Condenser guards
- K. Vaccine chamber door latch
- L. Lifting handles
- M. Integrated plastic base
- N. Front ventilation cover
- O. Condensation drain channel
- P. External condensers
- Q. Thermal safety shut-off (mechanical thermostat)
- R. Water tank lid hinge
- S. Compressor compartment (contains compressor, fan, power enclosure and power board, transformer, drain pan)
- T. Back ventilation cover
Transport and Handling Instructions
Heavy object warning. To avoid injury, use lifting aids and proper lifting techniques when moving the CFD-50
- a. Leave the CFD-50 in its protective packaging as long as possible to protect from damage
- Cutouts in the cardboard allow access to the manufacturer’s label for inspection and to the handles for lifting without removing the packaging.
- b. Transport the CFD-50 vertically when possible:
- If transport on the side is necessary, pay attention to “This side up” markings on the packaging and make sure package is in the correct orientation to prevent damage.
- c. Keep door and top lid closed and latched when moving the CFD-50
- d. If the CFD-50 needs to be moved after initial installation, remove the water from the water tank using a siphon hose before moving.
- e. When using the handles for lifting, keep one hand towards the top of the unit to prevent tipping .
- f. Avoid any excessive force to prevent damage to the CFD-50.
- Avoid any excessive force especially towards the door and lid to prevent damage.
- Do not lift the CFD-50 from the doors, grates, or condenser guards.
- a. Read the instruction manual carefully.
- b. Remove all packaging materials, including foam base and tape.
- Discard plastic wrappers and bags safely, to avoid suffocation of children.
- c. Inventory accessories and installation tools to make sure there are no missing parts. Each CFD-50 should include the following parts shipped inside the vaccine chamber:
- 3 shelves
- 2 plastic vaccine trays (additional trays can be ordered)
- 1 funnel for filling the water tank to commission the CFD-50
- User manual and maintenance manual
- 2 sets of lock and key, for the water tank and vaccine chamber
Positioning the CFD-50
- a. Place the CFD-50 on a flat and solid ground and ensure the unit is level.
- b. No pallet is required: CFD-50 has an integrated plastic base.
- c. Position the CFD-50 near an accessible electrical outlet; the power cord length is 2 meters.
- d. Position the CFD-50 away from direct sunlight and any source of heat (e.g. gas stove, fireplace, etc.).
- e. CFD-50 must not be placed in or around flammable or corrosive gases that could cause an explosion or electric shock.
- f. In order to prevent rust or electrical leakage, the CFD-50 should not be high humidity environment or in a location where it could be splashed or rain.
- g. Position the CFD-50 in a well ventilated area and make sure there is a 10 cm of empty space around the sides and back of the unit. The door be accessible and the door must be able to open freely to at least 90°.
- h. Allow a minimum of 60 cm clearance above the CFD-50 for accessing the water tank lid.
Filling Instructions
CFD-50 must be properly filled with clean drinking water before operation
and use. During the filling process, use care and common sense and follow all
local safety precautions.
Filling instructions can also be found on the inside of the water tank lid.
Step 1: Unlatch the water tank latch and fully open the water tank lid. Turn the fill plug counterclockwise to loosen and remove the cap. Keep the plug on top of the water tank while filling so it does not get lost.
Step 2: A funnel is shipped inside of each CFD-50. Install the funnel securely in the fill hole. Fill a bucket with clean drinking water. If there is no local source of clean drinking water, use bottled water.
Step 3: Pour 32 L of water into the water tank through tthhee ffuunnnneell.. IIff nneeeeddeedd,, uussee aa ssttooooll ttoo pprrooppeerrllyy rreeaacchh tthhee funnel and be able to look down into the fill tube to check the water level.
Step 4: While filling, stop periodically to check the water level by looking down into the tube with a light. The water should just reach the bottom of the fill tube.
Do not insert sharp objects into the tube or you may damage the refrigerator evaporator. -
Step 5: If you accidentally overfill the water tank, remove excess water using a piece of tubing as a siphon. Adjust the water level by adding/removing water until the water level is at the bottom of the fill tube.
Too little water will reduce holdover time; too much water may damage the unit. -
Step 6: When water is at the correct level, replace the fill plug and tighten until the plug is entirely within the lid and will not interfere when the top lid is closed.
Do not overfill the CFD-50 (Figure G). Remove excess water if overfilling occurs (Figure H).
Startup and Cooldown
Ensure that the water tank has been filled to the correct level before
plugging in the CFD-50
- Use a #2 Philips screwdriver to open the front electronics enclosure.
- Connect the main battery. Once powered on, the temperature display will show the temperature of the vaccine chamber.
- Plug the CFD-50’s power cord into a dedicated outlet. If mains power is available, the compressor will start after a delay of 5 minutes.
- If telemetry module is installed, also connect battery on the telemetry module.
- Open the vaccine cabinet door to check if interior light is on and close the door. To enable or disable interior light, refer to the maintenance manual.
- If mains power is available, wait until compressor has started (indicated by green LED next to the temperature display) and verify that sides of the CFD-50 become warm to the touch after a few minutes of running, before replacing the electronics enclosure lid.
- a. If mains power is not available, close the electronics enclosure and follow up the next day in person or by phone to verify the installation.
- If compressor run LED does not come on or sides of the unit do not become warm after compressor has run for several minutes, consult troubleshooting section of the maintenance manual.
- Do not use the CFD-50 until the display indicates that the vaccine chamber temperature is below 8 °C and the 30 DTR indicates at least 2 days of remaining holdover, which typically takes <6 hours with continuous power availability.
In the case of intermittent power (≤4 hours of power each day) and high
ambient temperature environment, the CFD-50 may require 2 days after initial
installation to reach full holdover capability.
During the initial cooldown, do not use the CFD-50 until the display indicates
that the vaccine chamber temperature is below 8 °C and the 30 DTR display
indicates at least 2 days of remaining holdover.
Use of the CFD-50
- Check the temperature display daily and make sure the chamber temperature is between 2 -8 °C before using.
- Do not overfill the vaccine chamber. Leave gaps between vials and boxes to enable cold air circulation within the chamber. Use trays to organize vac cines and keep boxes from touching the walls or sitting directly on the floor of the vaccine chamber.
- Keep vaccine chamber door tightly closed and latched when not in use to maintain the storage temperature inside
- There is no user-adjustable thermostat or sensors in the CFD-50.
- Designate a person to inspect and record the daily operation to ensure the safe use of the CFD-50.
- Only approved vaccines or medical supplies should be stored in the refrigerator. Do not store any foods, beverages, or flammable, explosive, volatile items (such as alcohol or gasoline) or other dangerous items in CFD-50.
Vaccine Chamber
All parts of the vaccine chamber are controlled between 2-8 °C and are
suitable for vaccine storage. Loose vials should be stored in the provided
trays on shelves inside the vaccine chamber. Secondary packaging may be placed
directly on shelves or in trays. Do not place secondary packaging directly on
the bottom of the vaccine chamber to avoid contact with any excess
condensation. Also avoid leaving secondary packaging in direct contact with
the chamber walls. When mains power is available, a LED light will illuminate
the vaccine chamber when the door is open. If desired, the light can be
disabled so it does not turn on when the door is opened – refer to maintenance
manual for details. In humid environments condensation may collect on the
sides and back of the vaccine chamber, and run down the walls into the drip
channel surrounding the bottom of the chamber. Any accumulated condensation
will flow to the back of the chamber and out through the drain hole.
Temperature Display and Status LED
The top display shows the actual temperature in the CFD-50 vaccine chamber.
The temperature sensor and thermostat are factory calibrated and set. The user
does not need to adjust any temperature settings. The red LED blinks when an
alarm is occurring.
1. Status LED
| The LED to the left of the display will be:
· green while the compressor is running, or
· blinking red during alarms
2. Current vaccine chamber temperature| Temperature display showing the
coldest point in the vaccine chamber
The temperature display has an independent power source and will continue to display the temperature for 3 days without mains power or a system battery. If power is not restored in that time, the display will go blank until mains ppoowweerr iiss rreessttoorreedd oorr aa cchhaarrggeedd ssyysstteemm bbaatttteerryy iiss iinnssttaalllleedd..
30 DTR (Daily Temperature Record) Display
The larger bottom display shows the temperature and alarm history over the
past 30 days, as well as information about currently remaining holdover,
current power availability, and ongoing alarms.
Navigation buttons
Current Screen: This is the default screen that shows status of the unit
during regular operation.
To view temperature and alarm history, from the CURRENT screen press the MENU button to go to the HISTORY screen
History Screen: Shows temperature and alarm statistics from each of the
past 30 days.
To view details for each temperature excursion, use the backwards and forwards
buttons to navigate to the day when the excursion occurred. An extra screen
will appear for each excursion that occurred on that day. An excursion that
spans multiple days will trigger an alarm for each day.
Alarm History Screen: Shows information about each alarm that occurred over the past 30 days.
15. Check/Alarm icon| The alarm/X icon indicates that an alarm is being
16. ALARM screen / alarm number| ALARM screens show detail on each
temperature alarm. Numbers indicate how many excursions occurred on the day
being viewed, and which alarm is currently being viewed. “Alarm 1/2” indicates
that two alarms occurred on this day and details for the first alarm are
currently shown. Press the back and forward buttons to move between alarms.
17. Date| The date currently being viewed. An arrow towards the bottom of
the screen indicates which of the past 30 days is being viewed.
18. Start time| The time (in 24-hour format, default time zone is UTC)
indicates when the temperature excursion began. Note that the alarm time
begins after the temperature excursion time threshold is exceeded – if the
high temperature excursion threshold is 10 hours above 8 °C, the alarm will
begin 10 hours after the temperature first exceeds 8 °C. Separate alarms
occur when an alarm spans multiple days – an alarm that begins at 00:00 is
likely a continuation of the same excursion as the previous day.
19. Temperature history| For each alarm, the type of excursion, duration of
the excursion (excluding time elapsed while triggering the alarm), and average
temperature during the excursion.
After 1 minute of inactivity the display will dim and prepare to go to sleep.
Pressing any button during this time will wake up the display without changing
the visible screen. After an additional minute of inactivity, the display will
turn off, and any button press will bring up the CURRENT screen, or if there
is an ongoing alarm, the ACTIVE ALARM screen.
Note: The backlight will only operate when mains power is available and
battery is fully charged. During extended ppoowweerr oouuttaaggeess tthhee
ddiissppllaayy wwiillll ssttiillll ffuunnccttiioonn wwiitthhoouutt
CFD-50 has five kinds of alarms:
- High temperature excursion (defined by WHO PQS): 10 hours above 8 °C
- Low temperature excursion (defined by WHO PQS): 1 hour below -0.5 °C
- Close door: Door open for more than 20 minutes
- Low holdover: 2 days of holdover remaining unless power is restored
- No holdover remaining: All ice lining has melted and vaccine chamber is beginning to rise
After an alarm condition is triggered the Active Alarm screen will show, the red LED will blink (on for 1 s, off for 4 s) and the audible buzzer will sound (on for 1 s, off for 4 s). Pressing any button will silence the audible alarm and allow the ACTIVE ALARM screen to go to sleep, but the red LED will continue flashing until the alarm condition has ended. The Active Alarm screen shows the alarm type and associated information.
Active Alarm Screen: Shows information about a currently ongoing alarm.
20. ACTIVE ALARM screen| ACTIVE ALARM indicates that an alarm is currently
ongoing. This screen will continue showing until the alarm condition has
ended. Touching any button during an active alarm will silence the audible
alarm and allow the display to go to sleep.
21. Alarm type| Text indicates which type of alarm is occurring.
22. Alarm information| For temperature excursions, the duration of the
excursion is shown. See troubleshooting guide in Chapter 8 for potential
causes of temperature excursions and suggested remedies.
For door excursions, the duration of the excursion is shown. If additional time is needed for loading or unloading vaccines, the door timer can be reset by briefly closing the door, or the alarm can be silenced by touching any button of the 30 DTR display.
For holdover alarms, “RESTORE POWER” is displayed.
A low holdover alarm indicates that the estimated remaining holdover is less than 2 days and the user may need to take action to restore power or find backup cold storage for the vaccine payload.
A no holdover alarm indicates that all of the CFD-50’s ice lining has melted and the vaccine chamber is warming up. Power should be immediately restored or vaccines should be removed to backup cold storage.
Pressing the Menu button from the ACTIVE ALARM will show the CURRENT and HISTORY screens and allow normal navigation. After the display turns off due to inactivity, the first button touch will again bring up the active alarm screen.
Alarm Acknowledgement
The 30 DTR report shows the time that each temperature excursion begins, ends,
and when the alarm was acknowledged. A button press that silences an alarm
counts as an acknowledgement. If a high or low temperature excursion alarm
occurs, and ends before a buttons is pressed to silence and acknowledge the
alarm, the ALARM ENDED screen will show the user which alarms occurred in
their absence. The user will be asked to touch any button to acknowledge. Door
excursions and holdover alarms do not require acknowledgement after the alarm
condition returns to normal. Even if multiple alarms have occurred without
being acknowledged, only one ALARM ENDED screen will be shown. Full alarm
history can still be viewed through the ALARM HISTORY screens.
Alarm Ended Screen: Displays information about the most recent un- acknowledged temperature alarm.
USB Download and 30 DTR reports
The CFD-50 appears as a USB mass storage device when connected to a computer
through the USB port on the left side of the CFD-50 using a micro USB cable
(provided in the technician kit). In the top level directory of the storage
drive are the latest 30 DTR reports in .csv and .pdf formats. Other folders
hold documentation (such as this manual) and 30 DTR reports covering the
entire time since the refrigerator was installed.
CFD-50 Mass storage device: contains .pdf and .csv versions of the most
recent 30 DTR reports. User manuals and older 30 DTR reports are available in
The 30 DTR reports are labeled with the last 7 digits of the unit’s
manufacturers seri al number (also on a label on the back of the unit) and the
date range covered in the report.
System Battery
The 30 DTR and display are powered by a Li-ion battery installed in the
electronics enclosure. A new battery will allow the system to continue to
monitor and display temperatures for 1 week without mains power. During longer
outages, the battery may drain completely and the 30 DTR display will no
longer function until mains power is restored or the battery is replaced. Over
time, the battery will degrade and lose capacity and will need to be replaced.
Replacement batteries are available from Aucma or service providers; refer to
maintenance manual for battery replacement instructions.
Remote Temperature Monitoring System (optional)
CFD-50 is compatible with approved third-party remote temperature monitoring
systems that can be connected to the main electronics board at the factory or
by a trained technician. If your CFD -50 comes with the remote monitoring
option, refer to the third-party documentation. For more information, contact
the manufacturer or service provider.
Daily maintenance tasks
- Confirm that the vaccine chamber is within acceptable temperature range (2°C to 8°C) and remaining holdover is at least 2 days. If temperatures are out of range or holdover is low, follow troubleshooting steps iinn CChhaapptteerr 88..
- Ensure that door is fully closed and latched. Avoid unnecessary door openings.
Monthly maintenance tasks
- Wipe down any condensation inside the vaccine chamber
- Remove any surrounding objects around the CFD-50 that might obstruct airflow.
- Clean external condensers at the back of the CFD-50.
- Clean both front and back compressor ventilation covers.
- Clean vaccine chamber door inner and outer gaskets with a soft wet cloth to maintain flexibility and elasticity. Rub the door gasket with talcum powder to prolong its use. Check gaskets for any cracks or gaps that allow airflow through the door. Order spare parts and replace if necessary.
Annual maintenance tasks
- Inspect water level to ensure that water reaches the bottom of the fill tube; top off with clean drinking water if needed. It is normal for ice to be present in the bottom of the fill tube.
Cautions during maintenance:
- Wipe both inner and outer surfaces using a soft cloth. Do not use any brushes, acidic or alkali detergents.
- In order to avoid water leakage to electric component and damage to the exterior, d o not pressure-wash or use any hard scrub to clean the CFD-50.
- Before decommissioning or storing the CFD-50, unplug the unit, drain all water, clean the inside thoroughly, use a dry cloth to wipe the interior and leave the door and top lid open for 2 to 3 days until the inside is completely dry.
Safety Precautions
- a. Plug the CFD-50 into a standard electrical socket; appliance is rated for use with either 110-120 V or 220-240 V, 50 or 60 Hz.
- b. Use reliable grounding that is tied to the earth; not connected to any grid, heating pipe, gas pipe, etc..
- c. Hold the plug firmly and pull to disconnect power. Do NOT pull on the cord to disconnect power .
- d. For safety reasons, conduct any repair work by unplugging the unit before starting the work.
- e. Do not use wet cloth to wipe any electrical parts.
- f. Do not place or operate the CFD-50 near any inflammable, explosive, corrosive materials, any volatile gases, liquids, and any inflammable gases.
- g. Do not touch any electrical components (such as plugs, switches, etc.) with wet hands in order to avoid electric shock.
- h. Do not damage or break the power cord and power plug or use a plug with a loose cord, in order to prevent fire and electric shock. Replace any damaged power-supply cords or plugs immediately by qualified maintenance personnel.
- i. Do not place any water containers or heavy objects on the top of the CFD-50 to avoid any damage to the top, any injury due to falling objects, or any electric leakage or electric shock due to splashing water on any eelleeccttrriicc ccoommppoonneennttss..
- j. Do not climb onto or lean on the CFD-50, which may cause injury due to tilting or falling of unit.
- k. Do not touch the compressor when the CFD-50 is plugged in to avoid being burned or injured.
- l. Do not allow children to play in inside of the CFD-50, which may cause damage or injury.
- m. Remove the door when the CFD-50 is no longer in use so children cannot be trapped inside.
If CFD-50 does not work properly, please proceed as described in the troubleshooting guide below. If the problem cannot be resolved, please contact the manufacturer or the service provider.
Symptom | Possible Cause | Remedy |
Vaccine chamber temperature above 8 °C | Prolonged door opening or door | |
ajar | Avoid prolonged door openings and make sure door is fully closed and |
latched after use.
Vaccine chamber may take some time to cool down again after extended door openings.
Warm objects placed in the vaccine chamber| Do not place food, beverages, or
other non-medical items inside the refrigerator.
Door gasket not sealing properly| Check gasket condition; adjust door or
replace gasket if necessary.
Improper air flow around condensing unit| Re-arrange to allow proper air
circulation; relocate the refrigerator away from heat-generating equipment,
direct sunlight, or direct path of air conditioning or heating ducts.
Power cord unplugged| Plug in power cord.
Insufficient mains power unavailable| Check facility wiring or contact
electricity supplier.
Improper voltage supplied to refrigerator| Correct supply voltage and ensure
the power outlet voltage matches the CFD-50’s voltage input requirements.
Vaccine chamber temperature is below 2°C| Ambient temperature is below
10 °C| Move the CFD-50 to a warmer location. Note that the CFD-50 is rated
from 10 °C to 43 °C.
Malfunctioning control board or mechanical thermostat| If vaccine chamber
temperature is below 2 °C while ambient temperature is above 10 °C, call for
| |
Symptom| Possible Cause| Remedy
Low holdover or no holdover alarm| Power cord unplugged| Plug in power
Insufficient mains power unavailable| Check facility wiring or contact
electricity supplier.
Improper voltage supplied to refrigerator| Correct supply voltage and ensure
the power outlet voltage matches the CFD-50’s voltage input requirements.
Not enough water in the water tank| Check water level and if needed, add water
until level reaches bottom of the fill tube.
Compressor does not start (green light will turn on when compressor is
running) when the display shows plug icon indicating power is available|
Refrigerator is in its normal operating cycle| Compressor only runs
occasionally to keep the ice lining fully frozen; every 6 hours to every 24
hours, depending on ambient temperature.
If power is available for multiple days and holdover continues to decrease, refer to maintenance manual or call for service.
Compressor does not start when green compressor run light is on|
Refrigeration system or control malfunction| Refer to maintenance manual or
call for service.
Door won’t close tightly| Latch is blocking the door| Make sure latch is
not caught in the door, adjust tension of latch to hold door tightly closed.
Refrigerator is not level| Level refrigerator by shimming underneath CFD-50.
Gaskets are not installed properly| Make sure gaskets are pressed firmly into
door and lie flat
Damaged or leaking door gasket(s)| Replace damaged gasket(s).
Symptom| Possible Cause| Remedy
Vaccine chamber light does/does not illuminate when door is opened|
Mains power unavailable| Chamber LED light will only illuminate when mains
power is available
Door has been open for more than 20 minutes| After a door excursion has
occurred the door light will turn off. If more time is needed to load or
unload vaccines, close and reopen the door to reset the alarm and light.
Light is enabled/disabled| Light can be enabled or disabled by adjusting a
jumper on the main electronics board. Refer to maintenance manual.
Condensation on the body of the refrigerator| High ambient humidity|
Wipe down the condensation with a clean dry cloth.
Excess condensation water in the vaccine chamber| Clogged drain hole|
Clean drain hole at the back of the vaccine chamber and tubing down to the
drain pan, and empty drain pan.
Prolonged door opening or door ajar| Avoid long door openings and ensure door
is closed after use.
Refrigerator is not positioned on a leveled and stable floor| Position the
refrigerator on a stable floor and level it so that condensate flows to the
drain in the back of the chamber
Heat on both sides for CFD-50 while compressor is running| CFD-50 has
built-in condensers in its sides in addition to the external condenser.|
Normal phenomenon, no action required.
Buzzing or dripping sound of liquid| Refrigerant flows within the CFD-50
or condensate flowing to drain pan.| Normal phenomenon, no action required.
Popping sound| Thermal contraction and expansion of the refrigeration
system may cause occasional popping sound.| Normal phenomenon, no action
Clicking sounds| Occasional clicking sounds may be generated by relay or
other electrical parts during compressor’s starts and stops.| Normal
phenomenon, no action required.
CFD-50 Specification
Model | CFD-50 |
Ambient Operating Temperature and Humidity Range | 10 ℃ – 43 ℃; Relative |
Humidity ≤ 95%
Vaccine Chamber Temperature Range| 2 ℃ – 8 ℃
Holdover Time @ +43 °C| 120-hrs (5 days)
Vaccine Storage Capacity| 50 L
Input Voltage Range| 110 – 230 V
Input Frequency| 50 – 60 Hz
Input Power| 290 W (Peak)
Refrigerant| R134a/315g
External Dimensions| 545 W 655 D 1588 H mm
Net Weight| 102 kg
CFD-50 Disposal and Recycling Guidelines
- Remove the door and top lid when the CFD-50 is no longer in use.
- Disposal of the CFD-50 must be made according to local appliance disposal and recycling regulation.
Contact your local CFD-50 distributor and service provider for any questions not covered in this manual.
Warranty Information
Thank you for using the CFD-50 MetaFridge. Per the warranty card and
invoiced date of sale (refer to the invoice), we will provide the following
coverage to you.
Two-year warranty on the device, beginning on the date of shipment from Aucma, included at no extra cost.
Under warranty coverage, the manufacturer will repair or replace device components that have failed in the use of the device for its designed intent.
Free warranty coverage does not include the following cases: -
Damage caused by improper use or improper maintenance.
Damage caused by attempted repairs done by a non-designated repair department.
Damage caused by force majeure.
Damage occurring after the warranty period has expired.
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