BARSKA BE11922 Sharp Edition Metal Detector User Manual

June 14, 2024

Sharp Edition
Metal Detector
User Manual

BE11922 Sharp Edition Metal Detector

LCD Color Display Screen
Probable type of metal, probable depth or the signal strength of metal target, operation models, and low battery indication
Three Tone Audio
Distinctive tones for different types of metal
Two operation modes
All metal and rejects most junk metals
8.5 Inch Waterproof Search Coil
Allowing you to search in shallow water
Headphone Jack
For private listening
Requires 8-AA size 1.5v alkaline batteries (not supplied)


A few basic rules you should follow while using your detector

– Always get permission before searching any site
– Respect the rights and property of others
– Observe all national, state and local laws when treasure hunting

– Never destroy historical or archaeological treasures. If you are not sure about an object you have found, contact a museum or historical society in your area.

– Leave the land and vegetation as is, and fill in any holes you dig.

– Use the detector only in safe areas

– Dispose of any junk you may find, only in approved areas. Do not leave it for the next treasure hunter find.



Assembling the Detector
Assembling your detector is easy and requires no special tools, just follow these steps

  1. Unscrew the knob on the search coil and remove the knob connector.
    Insert the stem and align the holes on the search coil bracket and the stem. Push the connector through the holes and tighten the knob.

  2. Press the spring clips on the upper end of the lower stem and slid the lower stem into the upper stem. Adjust the stem to a length that can let you maintain a comfortable upright posture, with your arm relaxed at your side and the search coil level to the ground 1/2 inches above.

  3. Wind the coil cable around the stem, leave enough slack in the cable. Insert the coil plug into the matching connector on the control housing. Be sure the holes and pins line up correctly.

– Do not force the plug or you could damage it.
– To disconnect the cable, put out the plug. Do not pull on the cable.
The battery compartment is located on the underside of the control box.

  1. Carefully remove two battery compartment covers by pressing the release clips.
  2. Insert 8-AA size batteries into two compartments as indicated by the polarity symbols and marked inside the compartment.
  3. Replace the two battery compartment covers until battery covers snaps into place.

– If LCD displays “LOW BATT” at the right lower corner, replace the batteries.
– Only use fresh batteries of the required size and type. Do not mix the old and fresh batteries different types of batteries.
– If you do not plan to use the detector for a long time, remove the batteries.
– Dispose of old batteries promptly and properly. Never bury or burn them.
Using the Headphones

  1. If necessary set the volume to a low setting before using the headphones
  2. Insert the headphones 3.5mm plug into the PHONE jack. At this time the internal speaker disconnects.
  3. Adjust the VOL to a comfortable level

By using headphones you can extend the life of the batteries
Listening Safely
To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when using headphones.
– DO NOT wear headphones while operating your detector near high- trafficareas.Payattentiontotrafficsafety.
– After you begin listening, adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
– Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high volume listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.
– Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.


A Quick Look at the Detector Displays
The LCD displays are located at the top of the control housing. They can indicate coins of different type, gold, silver. When the detector detects an object, an arrow will appear below at the target icon of the probable type of metal being detected.
The five ellipses in the middle of LCD will effect when pressing the SET touch pad, by which time two SENS symbols (one on the left side of LCD and the other on the right side) will light as well. The ellipses function as the indication of the sensitivity level at this time: if the search coil detects a coin-sized target, the SENS symbol at right side will extinguish when the DEPTH symbol will light, the ellipses indicate the probable depth or the signal strength at this time.
The contents (surface, 2, 4, 6, 8) inside the five ellipses are just visual levels for reference.
– If the detecting pauses for about 5 seconds, the arrow will disappear.
– If an arrow points to a coin denomination, the detector might be detecting either a coin or another type of metal (such as jewelry, tokens, medals, or even junk metal) of similar size and type to the coin.
– Since the indications are approximations, the detector is only a visual reference to help you decide if an item is worth investigating.

GOLD Range| Iron Foil| Target is probably iron or foil. Some oxidized iron might register somewhere within the SILVER range.
5¢ or Nickel| Target is probably 50 or a nickel. Some small gold rings might register within this range.
Pull Tab| Target is probably a pull tab of an aluminium can. Some small gold rings might register within this range might register within PULL TAB category.
S-Caps| Target is probably a type of metal like bottle cap with whorl. Some medium sized gold rings might register within this category.
1¢ or Penny| Target might be a zinc penny or a copper coin. Some large rough gold items might register within 1¢ category.
SILVER Range| 1¢ Penny or
25¢ Quarter| Target is probably silver coin, 25¢ or 1¢. Some large aluminium coin might register within 1¢ 25¢ category.


If the detector is set to the ALL METAL target mode, it sounds a single tone when it detects any type of metal. If you set the detector to the DISC or NOTCH modes, the built in audio identification system sounds a unique audio tone for each of three categories of metal. This makes it easier to identify the metal being detected.

Tone Detects
Low Tone Foil, nails, bottle caps and/or nickels
Medium Tone Pull tabs, zinc and/or copper items
High Tone Brass and/or silver items

– When you set the detector to DISC or NOTCH mode, the detector sounds a medium or high tone when it detects highly oxidized iron. An arrow appears in medium or high tone area.
– Depending on the quality, about 15% percent of gold rings cause the detector to sound a medium tone.


MODE| Allows the operator to switch in 3 operating modes of following settings (DISC-ALL METAL-NOTCH-DISC-) for personal preferences
SET| Press and hold the SET touch pad to select the SENS display symbol or DISC/NOTCH display symbol in LCD.
ACC/REJ| Function in NOTCH mode only, permits acceptance or rejection of specific targets to establish discrimination notches.
–  / +| Used to increase or decrease the sensitivity and the range of discrimination.
GND TRAC| Used to track the buried metal target and to be applied in ALL-METAL mode only. It must be pressed once ALL-METAL mode is selected.
VOL Control and ON /OFF switch| Functions as Power ON /OFF switch and can be used to adjust the sound level.
GND BAL Control:| Used to offset the effect of mineralization in ALLMETAL mode. Detection should begin with the GND BAL knob set to P region.


Turning on the Detector
Rotate VOL away from OFF POWER to the desired position. The unit displays all symbols and Metal Icons on the LCD screen. The detector sounds low, medium, high tones respectively. About 2 seconds late, the detector enters stand-by state, the LCD screen will display DISC, SENS (2 symbols). The level of SENS is on 6 .
Setting the Operation Mode
Press MODE touch-pad to switch in 3 operation modes with sequence as (DISC—ALL METAL—NOTCH—DISC), and select one mode.
Disc Mode
Used for target discrimination. Press MODE, enter DISC mode (DISC symbol lights). Press SET to convert from SENS to DISC/NOTCH, then press and hold “+” to increase the metal icons on LCD (also named the range of discrimination), press and hold “-” to decrease the range of discrimination. The metal icons are displayed on top of the LCD from left to right; Nails and Foil, .05¢ coin, Pull Tab, S-caps, .01¢ coin and 0.25¢ coin.
All Metal Mode
Used for detecting any type of metal. Press MODE to get ALL METAL mode. LCD displays ALL METAL at the left lower part of the screen. The discrimination adjustment is not available in this mode.
Begin with the GND BAL knob set in position of P Region, press the GND TRAC and release to stabilize the unit. It’s recommended the GND TRAC to be pressed 2-3 times every time you enter the ALL METAL mode. The unit is operating in non-motion detecting in ALL METAL mode.
Anytime the GND BAL adjusted, the GND TRAC must be pressed afterwards.
The detector will sound and the ellipse icons will display in the middle of LCD screen when detecting a metal object. The ellipse icons here are just reference levels indicating the estimated depth of the metal object or the signal strength.
Notch Mode
To ignore the metal type you do not want. Press MODE to enter NOTCH mode (NOTCH symbol lights). Press SET to light the DISC/NOTCH symbol. Press “+”, the target indication arrow will start to blink at this time. Press ACC/REJ to accept or reject the certain metal type, the metal icon will light or extinguish to indicate if this type of metal is selected or rejected. Go on pressing “+”, the blinking arrow will move to right side (the next metal icon). By pressing “-” , the blinking arrow will move to the left side (a new metal icon). Repeat above steps to select or notch the items until you reach the desired setting.
Sens Adjustment in Disc & Notch Mode
Press SET until SENS symbol at the left upper part of the screen lights. Press “+” or “-” to increase or decrease the sensitivity. Be careful to not set SENS too high or it will lead to the wrong readings or false signals. To reach the max detection depth, always set SENS as high as possible.
Ground Balance
It is used to offset the effects of any minerals present in the soil or to balance the effects of saltwater in ALL METAL mode.

  1. Begin with the GND BAL adjusted to P Region and lift the search-coil about waist high in the air. Press GND TRAC several times to let the unit stabilize before starting an effective detection.
  2. Lower the search-coil to about one inch above the ground and lift the search- coil again about waist high in the air. If a tone is not emitted, it means the preset position is the proper ground balance for that area. If a tone is being emitted, readjust the GND BAL.
  3. Lift the search coil in the air, turn the GND BAL counterclockwise slightly. Press GND TRAC several times. Then repeat step 2. If the unit still emits tone, repeat the procedure until the unit does not emit tone.


  1. Always be careful that there’s no metal on top of or under the ground where you conduct ground balancing.
  2. When adjusting GND BAL counterclockwise, be careful to turn it in small increments to ensure that you can achieve the optimum state for operation. If you over-rotate the knob counterclockwise, you can rotate it back clockwise in the same ground balancing procedure until a tone is emitted and then cut it back counterclockwise slightly until the tone is no longer emitted.
  3. Anytime the GND BAL control is adjusted, the GND TRAC touch pad must be pressed afterwards.


To learn how the detector reacts to different metals, you should test it before you use it the first time. You can test the detector indoors and outdoors.
Indoor Testing and Use

  1. Slide POWER to ON
  2. Set the operating mode.
  3. Place the detector on a wooden or plastic table, then remove any watches, rings, or metal jewelry you are wearing.
  4. Adjust the search coil so the flat part points towards the ceiling.
  5. Slowly sweep a sample of the material you want the detector to find (such as a gold ring or a coin) 2-3 inches or more above the face of the search coil. When the detector detects any metal, it sounds a tone and an arrow appears below the target icon. Also LCD displays the depth of the target.

– Never test the detector on a floor inside a building. Most buildings have metal of some kind in the floor, which might interfere with the objects you’re testing or mask the signal completely.
– If you are using a coin, the detector will detect it more easily if you hold it so a flat side is parallel with the flat side of the search coil. Asweep with the side of coin over search coil might cause false indication and unstable display of arrow.
Outdoor Testing and Use

  1. Slide POWER to ON. Set the operating mode.
  2. Find an area on the ground outside where there is no metal.
  3. Place a sample of the material you want the detector to find (such as a gold ring or a coin) on the ground.
  4. Hold the search coil level to the ground about 1~2 inches above the surface, slowly move the search coil over the area where you placed the sample, sweeping the search coil in a side-to-side motion.

If you are using valuable metal such as gold to test the detector, mark the area where you place the item, to help you find it later.
(Do not place it in tall grass or weeds).


– Never sweep the search coil as if it were a pendulum. Raising the search coil while sweeping or at the end of a sweep will cause false readings.
– Sweep slowly hurrying will cause you to miss targets.
– As you increase the shaft length, you also increase the strain on your wrist and arm
– Ifs better you sweep the search coil from side to side in an arc line of 3 feet motion and keep the search coil parallel with the ground. – If the detector detects the item, it sounds a tone, an arrow and the depth appear on the display below the target icon. If the detector does not detect the item, make sure that the target mode is set correctly for the type of metal you are searching for. Also make sure that you’re moving the search coil correctly.
– The detector responds with a signal when it detects most valuable metal objects. If a signal does not repeat after you sweep the search coil over the target a few times, the target is probably junk metal.
– False signals can be caused by trashy ground, electrical interference, or large irregular piece of junk metal.
– False signals are usually broken or non-repeatable.


Pinpointing the Target
Accurately pinpointing a target makes digging it up easier. But it takes practice. We suggest you practice finding sample on your own property before you search other locations.
Follow these steps to pinpoint a target.

  1. When the detector detects a buried target, continue sweeping the search coil over the target in a narrowing side-to-side motion.
  2. Make a visual note of exact spot on the ground where the detector beeps.
  3. Stop the search coil directly over this point on the ground. Then move the search coil straight forward away from you and straight back towards you a couple of times.
  4. Repeat steps 1~3 at a right angle to the original search line, Make a mark of “X”. The target will be directly below the “X” at the point of the beep response.


It’s difficult to have an accurate detecting result. Sometimes the detecting may be restricted by some factors.
– The angle of the target buried in the soil
– The size of the target
– The depth of the target
– Electro-magnetic and electrical interference surrounding the target
– The level of oxidization of the target
If you detect patiently and correctly and practice more times, you’ll get satisfactory result.


Your metal detector is an example of superior design and craftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you care for your metal detector so you can enjoy it for years.
– Handle the detector gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage circuit boards and cases and can cause the detector to work improperly.
– Use the detector only in normal temperature environments. Temperature extremes can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage the cases of the detector.
– Keep the detector away from dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear of parts.
– Wipe the detector with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the detector.
Metal Detector
WINBEST® by BARSKA® , as manufacturer, warrants this new product to be free of original defects in materials and/or workmanship for the length of time specified by this warranty. This warranty does not include damage caused by abuse, improper handling, installation, maintenance, normal wear-and-tear, unauthorized repairs or modifications and tampering in anyway.
This warranty is limited to the original purchaser and is not transferable. This warranty applies only to products purchased in the United States of America and Canada.
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the WINBEST® by BARSKA® dealer (the place of purchase) at his/her own expense.
Beyond 30 days, WINBEST® by BARSKA® products should be sent to the following address for warranty repairs. Products must be packed carefully and sturdily to prevent damage in transit, and returned freight prepaid to:
855 Towne Center Drive
Pomona, CA 91767
For additional and updated information please visit
Please email or call 1.888.666.6769 for Return Merchandise Number (RMA#) before any returns.
NOTE: All merchandise received without a valid RMA# will be returned to shipper at his/her own expense.
Please include all of the following when returning WINBEST® by BARSKA® products for service and/or replacement:

  1. Please write your complete details (Name, Address, Telephone #, E-mail address, RMA#, etc.)
  2. Purchase receipt or Proof of Purchase. (Original/Copy)
  3. A brief explanation of the defect
  4. A Check/Money Order of $25.00 to cover inspection, shipping and handling *Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery

This product will either be replaced or repaired at the discretion of the warrantor. If it’s a discontinued item, we will replace the product with an equivalent product. Should the repair not be covered by this warranty, an estimate will be sent for your approval. Non-warranty repairs or refurbishing are always provided at a reasonable cost.
WINBEST® by BARSKA® shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent damages whatsoever. We will not pay shipping, insurance or transportation charges from you to us, or any import fees, duties and or taxes.This warranty supersedes all previous Winbest® by BARSKA warranties.

© 2013 BARSKA®


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