Cardinal Systems W301430G 14′ x 30′ Grecian Ultimate Pool Sub-Assy Installation Guide
- June 4, 2024
- Cardinal Systems
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- 2 and #3 Phillips Screw Driver
Congratulations on your decision to purchase the truly unique and superior
Ultimate Grecian Pool! The 14- gauge powder-coated steel wall system is the
strongest hybrid pool on the market today.
IMPORTANT! – This pool must be buried at least 18” below grade and have a
concrete collar poured around it.
As you read through this manual, you will notice that we stress the importance
of proper installation to ensure a long-lasting and safe investment for your
family. This pool is designed to be installed by the ‘do-it-yourself’
homeowner or a professional pool installer.
Rebar stakes (provided) MUST be installed in every hole at the base of the
pool wall or the manufacturer’s warranty is void.
The Ultimate Grecian Pool carries a lifetime warranty on the steel panel
system as well as a pro-rated warranty on the liner. To protect your
investment, please fill out and send back your warranty cards when this pool
is constructed.
The Ultimate Pool can be installed completely inground. The Concrete Collar
should be poured 12” thick by 12” wide around the entire perimeter of the
pool. (2500 PSI Concrete is recommended).
Once the concrete collar is dry, it is time to backfill. You have two choices
when backfilling. First, and most common, is to backfill with a ¾” stone. The
second option is to place Sona Tubes every 4’ around the perimeter and
backfill with the dirt from the excavation. Either of these methods will
ensure that the concrete deck is supported properly. With the pool backfilled,
you can now begin forming your deck with a 3/8” record placed in a 2’ x 2’
grid or mesh. Both are acceptable methods of reinforcing concrete.
Following these steps to install your Ultimate Pool inground will ensure a
long-lasting swimming structure.
A pool is a wonderful investment for years of fun and relaxation for you and
your family.
Proper safety measures should always be followed to ensure a safe and fun
environment in your backyard.
Every Ultimate Grecian Pool kit is supplied with a safety packet including
information about the swimming pool safety and a no-diving/no-jumping sign to
be placed on the top rail of the pool near the ladder entry/exit.
The Ultimate Grecian pool is not safe for diving or jumping of any kind. For
your safety and the safety of your family and friends, please read the safety
information thoroughly.
Also supplied in the pool kit is a locking/removable ladder that should always
be locked or removed when the pool is not in use.
The Ultimate Pool is NOT designed for diving. Misuse could lead to serious
injury or death. Children should be supervised at all times.
- Transit or Similar Leveling Device
- Earth Moving Tools; Shovel, Rake, Wheelbarrow…
- String Line
- Hammer
- Spray Paint or Similar Ground Marking Product
- (2) Tape Measures
- (2) 9/16” Wrenches/Ratchet Sockets
- 2’ or 4’ Level
- Drill with 5/16 Nut Driver Head and #2 Phillips Bit
2 and #3 Phillips Screw Driver
- Duct Tape
- Drift Pins
- Hammer
- Sharp Razor Knife
- Shop Vacuum
- Rounded (bottom) Trowel
- Sand Bottom Mix (see chart below)
- (1) 36” Flat Board 1×3 (to level bottom mix)
- 7.5 cubic yards
- 7 cubic yards (walls underground)
The site located in the yard is a very important part of building a swimming
pool. It is vital to locate the pool within the current building code
requirements for your local municipality. A building permit may be required
for the installation of your swimming pool and it is important to follow all
guidelines associated with the local municipality.
The location selected should be virgin or compacted ground free of overhead
power lines and other dangerous obstructions. If the pool is placed at the
bottom of a large slope, a surface water management system may need to be
added when landscaping around the pool.
Unlike other hybrid pools, the Ultimate Grecian Pool can be buried completely
in the ground, set into a hill or slope, and the ground can be backfilled
against the pool wall if needed.
Once the location of your pool is determined begin the layout process by
locating the center point of your pool. Refer to the pool drawing in the back
of this manual that coincides with your pool.
The first thing you need to do is to create a center line for the pool. Run a
string line through the length of the pool location you have chosen. Drive a
stake into the ground several feet beyond each end of the pool dimension and
tie your string line to them. Locate the center of your pool and drive a stake
into the ground. This center pin will be used to pinpoint all the layout
points for the pool and wall assembly. DO NOT REMOVE THIS CENTER STRING UNTIL
Mark the ground to represent the over-dig area of the pool. This over-dig is
located 24” outside the perimeter of the pool. If a walk-in stair is
installed, the over-dig for the stair is 4’6”.
With the ground marked for the outline of the over-dig, begin removing the
dirt to a minimum depth of 18”. It is important that the pool is built on
undisturbed earth not fill dirt. Fill dirt will settle over time causing your
pool to sink and become unleveled.
Remove the dirt until the ground is level, and free of rocks and/or sharp
objects. A transit or laser level is the best tool for this job. These items
can be rented at any tool rental store or mass merchant rental department.
Now that the dirt is removed and the ground is level it is time to begin
laying out the pool and wall panel placement. From the center pin, you can
establish the four points that identify the end of the straight walls. Place a
stake at each of these points. Check diagonal measurements to assure these
pins are square with each other. Place a stake along the center string line to
establish your points using the measurements noted on your drawing.
Place a stake at each panel seam location as noted. For ease of installation,
countersink a patio block behind each panel seam stake and confirm proper
elevation by using the transit and story pole. The next step is to establish
where the skimmer panel will be placed. It is important that the skimmer panel
be placed next to the straight wall. This position will play a crucial part
when installing the liner. This panel also should be positioned so the
prevailing wind will help push the surface water into the opening. Another
suggestion is that the skimmer panel be placed out of sight toward the back of
the pool because this is where the filtration system will be set.
There are several steps that need to be followed before placing the panels
into position.
Each panel must be marked on the inside face with a line 1 ½” up from the
bottom. This line will mark the finished level for the pool bottom under the
There is an option to install an 8-foot 5-tread walk-in stair in the Ultimate
Grecian Pool. This stair must be installed at the narrow end of the pool. Be
sure to order the stair that matches your coping selection.
First, locate the stair placement at the site. When using the “synthetic wood”
top seat, the coping must be flush with the top of the cantilever stair as
shown in photo A (see next page).
When using the “bendable aluminum coping”, you should bring the elevation up
to or near the top of the bullnose stair as shown in photo B (see next page).
There will be a void below the stair shell that must be framed out to hold
back the concrete bond beam that will be poured behind and under the stair
shell. After the finished elevation is established, drill through the stair
flange at each bolt hole location using a ½” drill bit and bolt together.
Two stair buttresses and two flange washers are included with each Ultimate
The stair buttress should be attached to the outside of the stair flange and
the washer should be on the inside of the stair flange. This will create a
“sandwich” of steel and flange, strengthening the plastic flange and reducing
the chance that the bolts will be pulled through.
Begin moving your wall panels into place. Make sure you place the skimmer panel in the proper location. Remember when installing the pool on-ground, the filtration equipment will be placed behind this wall section. That said, it will be visible and electric service will be required to operate the pump.
After all of the wall panels are placed around the site, it is time to begin the wall erection. Starting with the corner skimmer panel, align the front edge of the panel with the layout stakes in the location of your choice.
Secure the panels by using the 9/16” galvanized nuts and bolts that were
supplied with this package. Begin bolting the panels together using only the
top two and the bottom bolt on each seam, until you have closed the perimeter.
NOTE: Keep the panel connection on the outside of the layout stakes. We
suggest that you hand tighten the panel bolts until the entire pool wall is
The use of a drift pin (photo C), will help to align the bolt holes and keep
the panels in position until the bolts are in place. An “A” frame buttress is
also installed at every panel joint.
Do not use the two round holes at the base of the buttress support for
plumbing runs. These holes are designed to allow the concrete bond beam to
flow through for added support (photo D).
As you tighten the bolts make sure the panels are flush on the inside to
ensure a smooth liner installation at the joints.
Use a level to make sure that the pool walls are both plumb and level.
Do not remove the inside perimeter pins. They will be needed to attach string
lines for the pool bottom. If any sections of the pool wall are going to be
buried completely into the ground, we highly recommend a concrete bond beam be
placed behind all of these panels.
After the wall is assembled, double-check the position of the wall matching
the wall seam to the perimeter layout stakes.
Finish the wall positioning by driving the 18” rebar stakes into the ground
through all of the holes at the base of each panel. These rebar stakes must be
installed in every hole at the base of the pool wall or the manufacturer’s
warranty is void. Make sure the rebar is installed to the correct depth. No
more than 3” should be exposed when finished.
There are two top seat/coping options for the Ultimate Grecian Pool. There is
the (E) brown “synthetic wood” with the aluminum side mount bead receiver, and
the (F) white bendable aluminum coping. Each option will be covered in the
following pages.
This top seat is a brown “synthetic wood” with mounting brackets on the
underside. Center the top seat on top of each pool wall panel. The 90º angled
bracket hooks under the outside of the panel top as shown in photo G.
In your pool kit, you will find sections of “dual track” white aluminum coping. To install the coping, you will need your power drill and a 5/16 hex head socket bit. Each section of coping should be positioned tight against the underside of the top seat and attached to the pool wall using the self- drilling self-tapping hex head screws. These screws should pass through both the coping and the top seat bracket.
It is very important to make sure the top seat is pressed against the top of the panel and both the coping and top seat are centered on the panel before mounting. These self-tapping screws should be installed a maximum of 6” apart to insure the coping is secure to the panel and the liner will not “pull down” the coping. Make sure not to overtighten screws or heads that could break off causing the track to come loose. Use two layers of duct tape to cover the screw heads.
Locate the top cap joint covers and
position them over each miter joint. Each cap hooks in the front first and is
secured to the top seat with color-coated nails as shown in photo H.
The bendable aluminum coping is primarily used when pouring a concrete deck.
This coping comes in 10ft sections and provide Grecian corners that are pre-
drilled for mounting to the top of the pool panel.
After the coping is mounted, place a support bracket on the back side in the
middle of each panel and behind each coping joint. Lock the bracket into the
back of the coping and fasten it to the top of the panel using one of the
self-drilling screws.
Finish the installation by snapping a coping cap over each butt joint.
Every Ultimate Pool is supplied with a pre-punched wall panel to mount the skimmer and return plumbing fittings. To mount the skimmer, simply insert the face of the skimmer through the rectangle opening in the wall and secure it using the two set screws supplied with the skimmer. If you have any questions, please refer to the manufacturer’s installation instructions in the skimmer package.
To install the return fitting, you need to un-thread the retaining nut from
the fitting. Insert the threads through the pre-punched hole from the inside
of the pool and tighten the retaining nut to the back of the fitting. Be
careful not over tighten this nut.
Finishing up walls – Make sure to run duct tape down every panel seam to help
with liner fitment.
It is necessary to pour a concrete bonding ring at the base of the straight walls. This mix should be on the dry side so it can be piled on a mound. When placing the concrete behind the wall, it needs to be piled high enough to cover the last two bolts at the base of the panels and continue beyond the support angles.
The concrete bond beam needs to be a minimum of 2500 PSI truck mix.
The first thing you need to do is to remove any loose rocks from inside the
pool and level the ground as flat as possible. Make sure the pool walls are
clean then run a piece of duct tape down the face of each panel joint to cover
the entire seam.
Remember the pencil line we drew on the bottom of the panels? Now you need to
tie a string line to the perimeter pins inside the pool at the level of the
pencil mark or 1½” up
from the bottom of the panel. Then run a series of string lines across the
pool to another pin. Continue doing this so you have several pie sections of
string lines. The lines need to be taught so they will hold the level height
of the finished bottom. The goal is to have at least 1½” of space between the
string line and the virgin ground. Begin to transfer the bottom material into
the pool.
The bottom mix should be damp but not wet. There are several materials that
can be used to make up the pool bottom. Mason sand is the easiest, but you can
also mix 7-to-1 sand with Portland cement mixture to create a harder bottom
that will not shift with foot traffic during the swim season. If you choose to
go with a hard-bottom mixture and the sand is damp, DO NOT ADD WATER; just mix
them together for a “sand castle” consistency. See your pool dealer for
additional pool base options.
Spread the bottom material around the floor of the pool and COMPACT it to
cover the string lines as you go. Use the edge of a flat board (about 36”
long) to scrape the excess
bottom material to expose the string lines. Run a trowel across the surface to
smooth it out. A rounded bottom trowel works best. Remember to pull your pins
and fill in their divots as you progress.
Remove the liner from the box and if possible, unroll it (end to end) in a
clean, safe area near the pool. This will allow the vinyl to relax and the sun
to soften the material as well. DO NOT UNFOLD the liner at this time. A warm
flexible liner will be easier to install than a cold stiff one. Also, be sure
to save the safety/warranty packet for later.
Before installing the liner, double-check the pool walls and the pool bottom
for any dirt or sharp objects that could damage the vinyl material. Lastly,
make sure the skimmer and return gaskets are in place.
Find the seam in the side wall of the liner and position the liner so it will align over the skimmer opening inside the pool. We do this in case the pattern at the seam does not match well. This tile section will be cut out when installing the skimmer faceplate. With several people in place, pick up the unrolled liner and rest it on the top seat of the pool. The liner is folded so that it can be pulled across the pool area as it unfolds. Try not to drag the liner across the pool bottom any more than you have to.
The top of the liner has a vinyl bead welded to it. Install the liner by
inserting the liner bead into the bottom track of the white aluminum coping.
The weight of the vinyl pulling down will keep the bead in the coping. Make
sure that the points around the perimeter of the liner floor match up with the
panel joints of the pool wall. All wrinkles must be removed before filling
with water.
If you have a soft “push broom” you can tap the bristle end against the base
of the liner wall to help move the bottom material and remove any wrinkles.
Another trick is to insert a shop-vac hose through the top of the skimmer and
down the pool wall through the rectangle opening behind the liner.
Keep the vacuum hose at least 15” up from the floor. Turn on the vacuum and
suck the liner back against the wall. If your suction is poor, you may need to
tape the skimmer lid closed where the vacuum hose was inserted.
If you are satisfied with the fit of the liner, start filling it with water.
After you have between 6” and 8” of water in the pool, you can remove the
vacuum hose and prepare to cut in the skimmer and return fittings.
Now that the water level in the pool is at least 6” deep, the side wall vinyl
should be stretched tight enough to install the skimmer and return face
plates. You will need a #3 Phillips head screwdriver and a good razor edge to
install these plates.
Note: Do not use a power screwdriver to install these screws. Over-
tightening can cause the holes to strip or the face plate to crack. If you
have any questions, please refer to the installation instructions supplied
with each fitting.
Find the twelve flat head skimmer screws that came with the skimmer along with
the rectangle face plate and gasket.
To start the mounting of the skimmer face plate, you must first find the four
corner holes.
Push your finger against the liner to find the round depression of the screw
sockets for each corner screw. Push the tip of the #3 Phillips screwdriver
against the depression and turn the screwdriver to mark the vinyl. Insert one
of the top corner screws through the face plate and gasket and drive it
through the vinyl liner into the skimmer. Make sure the gasket is attached to
the face plate before mounting. Continue installing the other corner screws
and fill in the blanks to complete.
After the plate is mounted insert the razor edge through the vinyl at the
inside edge of the face plate. Slowly run the blade around the inside
perimeter and remove the section of material. You may want to keep this
section of the liner for future patch material.
The return fitting face plate is installed in a similar manner as the skimmer.
First, find the round face plate and the pack of four faceplate screws
supplied with the fitting.
Note: There is no gasket installed between the liner and the return face
plate. Press your finger against the liner to locate and mark the (4) holes.
Screw down the faceplate with the #3 Phillips screwdriver and cut out the
center section of the vinyl with the razor edge.
To finish, snap on the face plate escutcheon to hide the screw heads. The return fitting has a directional eye that threads into the fitting. The directional eye should be positioned in an upward position away from the skimmer. The purpose of this fitting is to move the surface water around the pool and back to the skimmer. This fitting should not be tightened completely, only positioned for easy adjustment.
There are many types of equipment designed to filter the swimming pool water.
Please check with your local pool dealer for the proper sizing and filter
media to meet your needs. When installing the plumbing lines, make sure that
the skimmer is connected to the front (suction) of the pump and that the
return, fitting is connected to the discharge side of the filter. Shut-off
valves are recommended for service and maintenance on this equipment.
250 Route 61 South
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972
Made in the USA © 2021 Cardinal Systems, Inc.
REVISED 11/2020
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