MICROCHIP ADM00675 BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board User Guide

June 13, 2024

MICROCHIP ADM00675 BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board

Product Information

  • Product Name: MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board
  • Product Model: ADM00675
  • Manufacturer: Microchip Technology Inc.
  • Year of Publication: 2016
  • Trademark Information: The product is protected by various trademarks registered by Microchip Technology Incorporated, including Microchip, AnyRate, dsPIC, FlashFlex, flexPWR, Heldo, JukeBlox, KeeLoq, Kleer, LANCheck, LINK MD, MediaLB, MOST, MPLAB, OptoLyzer, PIC, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, RightTouch, SpyNIC, SST, SuperFlash, UNI/O, ClockWorks, ETHERSYNCH, Hyper Speed Control, HyperLight Load, IntelliMOS, mTouch, Precision Edge, QUIET-WIRE, SQTP, Silicon Storage Technology, and GestIC.
  • ISBN: 978-1-5224-0639-6

Product Usage Instructions

Chapter 1: Product Overview
The product is a 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board. It provides control and monitoring capabilities for a brushless DC (BLDC) fan. The chapter provides an introduction to the product and its features.

Chapter 2: Installation and Operation
This chapter provides instructions on how to get started with the product. It covers the initial setup and configuration steps required to install and operate the MTD6501C daughterboard.

Appendix A: Schematics and Layouts
This appendix contains detailed schematics and layouts of the MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board. It provides technical information for advanced users or developers who require a deeper understanding of the product’s design.

Appendix B: Bill of Materials (BOM)
This appendix lists the components and materials required for the MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board. It serves as a reference for users who need to replace or source-specific parts.

The notes section provides additional information or important considerations related to the use of the MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board. It is recommended to review these notes before using the product.

The object of the Declaration
This section states that the MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board is the subject of a declaration, possibly related to compliance with regulatory standards or certifications.

Worldwide Sales and Service
This section provides information about Microchip Technology Inc.’s global sales and service network. It may include contact details or references to regional offices or distributors.


Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:

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  • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.
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Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.

Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights unless otherwise stated.

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ISO/TS 16949


All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our website (www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available.

Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is “DXA”, where “X” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the document.

For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB® IDE online help. Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.


This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board (ADM00675). Items discussed in this chapter include:

  • Document Layout
  • Conventions Used in this Guide
  • Recommended Reading
  • The Microchip Website
  • Customer Support
  • Document Revision History


This document describes how to use the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board as an evaluation tool to debug on a target motor system. The manual layout is as follows:

  • Chapter 1. “Product Overview” – Important information about the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board.
  • Chapter 2. “Installation and Operation ” – Includes instructions on how to get started with the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board.
  • Appendix A. “Schematics and Layouts” – Shows the schematic and layout diagrams for the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board.
  • Appendix B. “Bill of Materials (BOM) ” – Lists the parts used to build the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board.

This manual uses the following documentation conventions:


Description Represents Examples

Arial font:
Italic characters| Referenced books| MPLAB ® IDE User’s Guide
Emphasized text| …is the only compiler…
Initial caps| A window| the Output window
A dialog| the Settings dialog
A menu selection| select Enable Programmer
Quotes| A field name in a window or dialog| “Save project before build”
Underlined, italic text with right angle bracket| A menu path| _ _File

Bold characters| A dialog button| Click OK
A tab| Click the Power tab
N‘Rnnnn| A number in verilog format, where N is the total number of digits, R is the radix and n is a digit.| 4‘b0010, 2‘hF1
Text in angle brackets < >| A key on the keyboard| Press ,
Courier New font:
Plain Courier New| Sample source code| #define START
Filenames| autoexec.bat
File paths| c:\mcc18\h
Keywords| _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options| -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values| 0, 1
Constants| 0xFF, ‘A’
Italic Courier New| A variable argument| file. o, where file can be any valid filename
Square brackets [ ]| Optional arguments| mcc18 [options] file [options]
Curly brackets and pipe character: { | }| Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection| error level {0|1}
Ellipses…| Replaces repeated text| var_name [, var_name…]
Represents code supplied by user| void main (void)

{ …



This user’s guide describes how to use the MTD6501C 12V3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board. Other useful documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources.

  • MTD6501C/D/G Data Sheet– “3-Phase Brushless DC Sinusoidal Sensorless Fan Motor Driver” (DS22263)
  • MCP8063 Data Sheet – “3-Phase Brushless Sinusoidal Sensorless Motor Driver” (DS20005257)
  • MCP8063 User Guide – “12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Demonstration Board” (DS50002248)


Microchip provides online support via our website at www.microchip.com. This website is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the website contains the following information:

  • Product Support – Datasheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases, and archived software
  • General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing
  • Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, a listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors, and factory representatives


Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:

  • Distributor or Representative
  • Local Sales Office
  • Field Application Engineer (FAE)
  • Technical Support

Customers should contact their distributor, representative, or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.

Technical support is available through the website at: http://www.microchip.com/support.


Revision A (September 2016)

  • The initial release of this document.

Product Overview


  • In order to easily use the MTD6501 device, Microchip Technology provides daughter boards for each MTD6501 device version: MTD6501D, MTD6501G and MTD6501C daughter boards.This document covers the
  • MTD6501C Daughter Board.
  • MTD6501C Daughter Board is a small board with the minimal required components to operate with the MTD6501C device.
  • The MTD6501C Daughter Boards have been designed to be used with the ADM00532 motherboard, but can also be used as standalone boards using their connectors.
  • The MTD6501C Daughter Boards come with a kit of three boards.

Note: In order to operate with a 3-phase BLDC motor, ensure you have direct access to the three phases (also called U, V, W) of the motor. See Figure 1-3.
MTD6501C Daughter Board Footprints and Connections are represented in Figure 1-1.

The board overview is represented in Figure 1-2.

Controller Daughter Board.
For more information, see Appendix A. “Schematics and Layouts”.


  • The MTD6501C Daughter Board can be used as a standalone board (see
  • Section 2.1 “Getting Started”) but it is strongly recommended to use the MTD6501C Daughter Board with the help of the MCP8063 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Demonstration Board (ADM00532).
  • The MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board allows the control and monitoring of Microchip 12V fan driver devices, such as the MCP8063 or MTD6501. The MTD6501C 12V 3-
  • Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board is controlled through PC software, via a USB connection.
  • The MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Boards Soft-ware provides several features, such as:
    • Fan driver power supply control and monitoring,
    • Pulse-width modulation (PWM) control,
    • Speed and current consumption monitoring,
    • Automatic application testing.
      See more information about the MCP8063 kit on the Microchip website.

Figure 1-3 shows how the software, the board and the fan interact with one another.

Depending on the daughter board version, the MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board includes:

  • MTD6501C Daughter Board (ADM00675)
  • Important Information Sheet

Installation and Operation


  • In Standalone mode, a power supply (2V to 14V) is required to supply the board using the VCC and the GND connector, to operate with the daughter boards. Ensure that the power supply can provide enough current for the application (maximum is 800 mA).
  • A function generator with a frequency range of 0.02 kHz to 100 kHz can be used for the PWM pin. The PWM pin can be driven open-drain (internal pull) or logic 0V-3V. The PWM pin can be left open in order to operate with a PWM = 100%. The FG pin allows to read the electrical speed of the motor. The assembled R1 resistor is used as a pull-up to VDD, so the signal will switch between 0V and 3V.
    Figure 2-1 shows the connection to operate the MTD6501C Daughter Board.

Appendix A. Schematics and Layouts

This appendix contains the schematics and layouts for the following devices which are included in the MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board:

  • MTD6501C Daughter Board (ADM00675):
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Schematic
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Top Silk
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Top Copper and Silk
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Top Copper
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Bottom Copper
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Bottom Copper and Silk
    • MTD6501C Daughter Board – Bottom Silk








Appendix B. Bill of Materials (BOM)


Qty| Reference| Description| Manufacturer| Part Number
1| C1| Capacitor ceramic 1 µF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0603| Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd| EMK107B7105KA-T
1| C2| Capacitor ceramic 1 µF 10V 20% X7R SMD 0603| TDK Corporation| C1608X7R1A105M
1| J1| Connector Header-2.54 Male 1×3 Tin 6.2 MH TH. R/A| Molex| 0022288030
1| J4| Connector Header-2.54 Male 1×5 Gold 5.84 MH TH. vertical| Samtec, Inc| TSW-105-07-S-S
1| J5| Connector Header-2.54 Male 1×6 Gold 5.84 MH TH. vertical| FCI| 68001-106HLF
1| PCB1| Printed Circuit Board| —| 04-10178
1| R1| Resistor TKF 10k 1% 1/16W SMD 0603| SPC Technology| MCHP03W8F1002T5E
1| U1| Microchip Analog Motor Driver MTD6501C-HC1 SOP-8| Microchip Technology, Inc| MTD6501C- HC1

Note 1: The components listed in this Bill of Materials are representative of the PCB assembly. The released BOM used in manufacturing uses all RoHS-compliant components.


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Object of Declaration: MTD6501C 12V 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Daughter Board

EU Declaration of Conformity

Microchip Technology Inc. 2355 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, Arizona, 85224-6199 USA

This declaration of conformity is issued by the manufacturer.
The development/evaluation tool is designed to be used for research and development in a laboratory environment. This development/evaluation tool is not a Finished Appliance, nor is it intended for incorporation into Finished Appliances that are made commercially available as single functional units to end users under EU EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and as supported by the European Commission’s Guide for the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (8″ February 2010).

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ISBN: 978-1-5224-0639-6

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2016 Microchip Technology Inc.


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