Plastica SSW COV 10 Band Saw Eyelet Machine Instruction Manual
- June 13, 2024
- Plastica
Table of Contents
**Plastica SSW COV 10 Band Saw Eyelet Machine Instruction Manual
Name: ……………………………. Training Date: …..………………..
| Understood
? or X
1| Familiarise yourself with the eyelet machine, understand its operation and
ensure nothing apart from the cover/material goes anywhere near any of the
moving parts.|
2| Emergency stop – The emergency stop must be pressed in before and after
use. It can be pulled out once the battery and air line are connected and
ready for use. WARNING Upon pulling out the emergency stop the lever arm will
automatically lift|
3| Connecting battery – The battery should be connected first and only done so
when the eyelet machine is going to be used. The battery must not be left
connected when not in use.|
4| Air connection – The air line should be connected after the battery and the
mechanism must be stood clear of during this process. WARNING The lever
arm will automatically lift as soon as the airline is connected. The airline
should only be connected when the emergency button is in use. When
disconnected, manually press the lever arm to the down position.|
5| Select the required mode of use – Mode 1 control from the deck. Mode
2 control from the handlebars. Mode 0 all controls off. Only one set of
controls will work at a time.|
6| Moving the eyelet machine along the floor is done using the LIFT button.
This will allow the machine to hover and can be manoeuvred into position. Once
in position, release the button and it will settle to the floor.|
7| The punch/eyeleting process is done by pressing both control buttons to
prevent accidents. When in use, the safety guard must be in the down position.
Turn to off position (0) when inserting material and eyelets|
8| Emergency stop use in an emergency – By pressing the emergency stop when in
use (in case of an emergency), no matter what control is being used, all air
will be diverted to the up position of the rams.|
9| Tool changes should only be carried out by fully trained staff.
For safety, the lever arm must be manually pulled into the up position and chocked with the brace provided. The machine must be switched off and airline disconnected.
When changing the tooling, it is important to align the tools before operation.
The 1” tooling will require three spacers above the top tool. The ½” tooling will require two spacers above the top tool.
Once aligned and secured carefully operate the lever manually to make sure tools engage smoothly.
I have received the above training and fully understand every point that was
explained to me. I confirm that I will wear the required PPE equipment when
using the above machinery and take all steps to ensure my own safety. I will
ask for further training if I need to and will immediately inform the
Supervisor or Manager if there are any issues with the machinery.
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed: ……………………………………………………………….. Date:…………………………………
I confirm that I have trained the aforementioned person and that they fully
understand how to use the above machinery, have received the required PPE
equipment and know to inform me immediately of any issues with the machinery
or if they require further training. I authorise this person to use the
machinery detailed above.
Name: …………………………………………………………………….……………(Authorised Trainer)
Signed …………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………
SSW COV 10 – (V2) 31/03/23
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