Roland SP-404MK2 App User Guide

June 13, 2024

SP-404MK2 App

SP-404MKII App User’s Guide

About the SP-404MK2 App

With the SP-404MK2 App, you can use your computer to edit the parameters of the SP-404MK2 and to manage your projects.
In addition to SP-404MK2 data, you can use SMF data that was created on the SP-404SX/A or on your DAW.

System requirements
The SP-404MK2 App can be used on a computer that fulfills the following conditions.

OS Windows 10 or later macOS 10.15 or later
Recommended Resolution 720 × 860 (pixels) or more

Launching the SP-404MK2 App

Follow the steps below to connect the SP-404MK2.

  1. Use a USB cable to connect the SP-404MK2 to your computer, and then turn on the SP-404MK2.
  2. Launch the SP-404MK2 App.
  3. Click “Connect.”
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Launching 1

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”
The Samples screen is shown once the connection is made.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Launching 2

Basic Configuration of the SP-404MK2 App

Using the SP-404MK2 App involves switching between the Samples, Patterns and Settings screens.
Click the tabs at lower left to switch between the screens.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Basic Configuration 1

Samples screen
Use this screen to edit sample waveforms, pitches and playback speeds, as well as to organize the pad samples.
This offers convenient features only available with the SP-404MK2 App, like viewing all samples from banks A–J at once, or importing samples from the SP- 404SX/A.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Basic Configuration 2

Patterns screen
Use this screen to organize the patterns stored in the pads.
The SP-404MK2 App makes it possible to use the SP-404SX/A pattern data and SMF data (.mid) created on your DAW, as well as pattern data from the SP-404MK2 App.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Basic Configuration 3

Settings screen
Use this screen to set the common project tempo and the tempo/volume for each bank.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Basic Configuration 4

Editing a Sample (“Samples” Screen)

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 1

  1. Waveform viewer
    Displays the waveform of the selected sample. The “S” icon ( ) indicates the playback start position, and the “E” icon ( ) indicates the playback end position.
    The “L” icon ( ) is shown when the loop is on. The loop range is from the “L” icon to the “E” icon.

  2. Sample editor
    Use this to edit the parameters of the selected sample.
    You can edit different parameters for each tab.
    Setting the Playback and Loop Ranges (“Info” Tab)(P.9)
    Setting the Effect to Apply to a Pad (“Prms” Tab)(P.11)
    Setting the Playback Speed and Pitch of a Sample (“TS/PS” Tab)(P.12)
    Making Fade-in/Fade-out Settings (“AHR” Tab)(P.13)

  3. [Preview] button
    Press this to play back the selected sample on the SP-404MK2.
    You can also use the space bar key on your computer to trigger playback instead of the [Preview] button.

  4. [Truncate] button
    Trims (deletes) the sample’s audio regions before the start point and after the end point.

  5. [Normalize] button
    Increases the overall volume.

  6. [Emphasis] button
    Emphasizes the high-frequency sound.

  7. Project selection menu
    Switches between projects you wish to edit.

  8. Pad area
    This shows the pads for all banks. The white pads ( ) already contain an assigned sample, and the black pads ( ) are empty.

  9. Screen switcher
    Switches between screens to edit.
    → “Basic Configuration of the SP-404MK2 App(P.5)”

Setting the Playback and Loop Ranges (“Info” Tab)
Use this screen to edit settings such as sample and loop playback ranges, gate and loop on/off and so forth.
Click the [E] button for each parameter you want to set.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 2

Parameter Value Explanation
Channel STEREO, MONO Indicates whether the sample is stereo or mono.
Length(smpl) 0–1000000000 Displays the sample length.
Start 0–1000000000 Sets the playback start position.

To edit, drag the “S” icon ( ) in the waveform viewer.
End| 0–1000000000| Sets the playback end position.
To edit, drag the “E” icon ( ) in the waveform viewer.
Loop Start| 0–1000000000| Sets the loop range start position.
To edit, drag the “L” icon ( ) in the waveform viewer.
Gate| OFF, ON| Configures the gate.
Select the checkbox ( ) to turn this on.
Loop| OFF, ON| Configures the loop.
Select the checkbox ( ) to turn this on.
Velocity| OFF, ON| When this is ON, the velocity of each sample is set to always play
back at 127 (the maximum).
One Shot| OFF, ON| Configures the One Shot Playback.
Select the checkbox ( ) to turn this on.
Play Mode| Forward, Reverse, Fwd Ping-Pong, Rev
Ping-Pong| Switches the sample’s playback direction (“Forward” or “Reverse”).
Level| 0–127| Adjusts the sample volume.
Balance| MONO(L), L50–C–R50, MONO(R)| Sets the stereo position of the sample.

Setting the Effect to Apply to a Pad (“Prms” Tab)
Use this screen to set which other pad plays at the same time that you play a certain pad, as well as the effects to apply to the pad.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 3

Parameter Value Explanation
Mute Group Off, A–J Selects the mute group.
PAD Link Off, A–J Selects the pad link group.
BUS FX Assign DRY, BUS 1, BUS 2 Selects the bus to which the sample playback

sound is sent.
Roll| Off, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64| Sets the roll interval (how quickly the roll repeats).
Chromatic Mode| Mono, Legato, Poly| Selects how the samples play (how they sound) in chromatic mode.

Setting the Playback Speed and Pitch of a Sample (“TS/PS” Tab)
Use this screen to adjust the sample playback speed and pitch (key).

Parameter Value Explanation
BPM 40.0–200.0 Sets the sample’s BPM.
Analyze BPM Analyzes and automatically sets the sample’s BPM.
Set BPM by St/End Automatically sets the BPM to match the playback range.
BPM Sync ON, OFF Turns BPM Sync on/off.

When you select the checkbox ( ) to turn this on, the unit operates in sync with external clock input.
Stretch| 50.0–150.0| Speeds up the sample by making it shorter, or slows it down by making it longer.
Pitch Coarse| -12–12| Sets the sample playback pitch.
Pitch Fine| -100–100| Fine-tunes the sample playback pitch.
Vinyl| ON, OFF| Turns vinyl mode on/off.
When this is on, the playback speed and pitch can be changed at the same time, like an
analog record.

Making Fade-in/Fade-out Settings (“AHR” Tab)
You can adjust how the fade-in and fade-out work.

Parameter Value Explanation
Attack 0–127 Sets the fade-in time.
Hold 1–100 (%) The time from fade-in to fade-out is determined by its ratio

to the overall sample time.
Release| 0–127| Sets the fade-out time.

Importing a Sample
You can import audio data from your computer into the SP-404MK2 as a sample.

Audio file formats that can be imported into the SP-404MK2 are as follows.

  • When importing from SD card: 16-bit linear; WAV, AIFF, MP3

  • When importing with the SP-404MK2 App: WAV, AIFF, MP3, FLAC, M4A (ALAC, AAC)

  • Use the macOS version of the SP-404MK2 App to import ALAC or AAC data.

  • In some cases, it may not be possible to import files of an extremely short duration (shorter than 100 ms).

  • Filenames that contain double-byte characters may not display correctly.

    1. Drag and drop the sample files from your computer to an empty pad on the SP-404MK2 App.
      The popup message “Working…” is shown. If you decide to cancel the import, click “Cancel.”

You can also select multiple samples, and drag and drop them to empty pads.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 6

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”
When you drag and drop a sample to a pad that already contains an assigned sample, that pad’s sample is overwritten. Use caution, as this deletes the previous sample.
When the import is finished, the pad of the imported sample turns white.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 7

Exporting Samples
Here’s how to export a sample that’s assigned to a pad to your computer.

  1. Drag and drop the pad whose sample you want to export to the arrow icon.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 8A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

  2. Click “OK.”
    The selected sample is exported.
    Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Organizing the Samples
Moving the Sample of a Pad(P.16)
Copying/Exchanging Samples Between Pads(P.16)
Deleting a Sample from a Pad(P.17)

Moving the Sample of a Pad
Here’s how to move the sample that’s assigned to a pad to a different pad.

  1. Drag and drop the pad whose sample you want to move to the destination pad.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 10

Once the sample is moved, the destination pad turns white, and the source pad turns black (indicating that the pad is empty).
Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

When you drag and drop a sample to a pad that already contains an assigned sample, a confirmation message appears.

When you click the [Exchange] button, the sample in the destination is exchanged with the sample in the source.
When you click the [Overwrite] button, the sample is overwritten and the previous sample is deleted.
If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

Copying/Exchanging Samples Between Pads
Here’s how to copy the sample that’s assigned to a pad to a different pad, or exchange samples between pads.

  1. While holding down the [Ctrl] button (PC) or the [Command] button (Mac), drag and drop the pad whose sample you want to copy or exchange to the destination pad.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 12Once the data is copied, the copy destination pad lights up white.

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

When you drag and drop a sample to a pad that already contains an assigned sample, a confirmation message appears.

When you click the [Exchange] button, the sample in the destination is exchanged with the sample in the source.
When you click the [Overwrite] button, the sample is overwritten and the previous sample is deleted.
If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

Deleting a Sample from a Pad
This is how to delete the sample assigned to a pad.

  1. Drag and drop the pad whose sample you want to delete to the recycle bin (trash) icon.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Sample 14A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

  2. Click “OK.”
    When the deletion is finished, the original pad turns black (indicating that the pad is empty).

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Editing a Pattern (“Patterns” Screen)

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 1

  1. MIDI information
    Shows MIDI-related information and data. Use this when you’re operating the pads via MIDI.

  2. Project selection menu
    Switches between projects you wish to edit.

  3. Pad area
    This shows the pads for all banks. The blue pads ( ) already contain an assigned pattern, and the indigo pads ( ) are empty.

  4. Screen switcher
    Switches between screens to edit. → “ Basic Configuration of the SP-404MK2 App(P.5)”

Importing Patterns
You can import pattern data from the SP-404SX/A or SMF data (.mid) from your computer into the SP-404MK2 as pattern data (import).

The following file types are supported for import.

  • SP-404MK2 pattern data (.bin)

  • SP-404SX/A pattern data (.bin) that meets the following conditions
    – Length: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

  • SMF data created using a DAW or similar application/tool that meets the following conditions
    – Format: 0
    – TPQN: 480 or less
    – Length: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
    – Max recordable note: 24,000

  1. Drag and drop the pattern data from your computer to an empty pad on the SP-404MK2 App.
    The popup message “Working…” is shown. If you decide to cancel the import, click “Cancel.”

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 2

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”
When you drag and drop pattern data to a pad that already contains an assigned pattern, the data is overwritten. Use caution, as this deletes the previous pattern.
When the import is finished, the pad of the imported pattern turns blue.

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 3

Exporting Patterns
This exports the pattern assigned to a pad to a computer as SMF data (.mid).

  1. Drag and drop the pad whose pattern you want to export to the arrow icon.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 4A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

  2. Click “OK.”

The selected pattern is exported as SMF data (.mid).
● The exported pattern data only includes the note messages from within the same bank.
For instance, when you export the pattern data for bank A, only the note messages recorded with bank A (MIDI ch. 1) are exported.
You can’t export the note messages recorded with bank B (MIDI ch. 2) with the bank A pattern data.
● Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Organizing the Patterns
Moving the Pattern of a Pad(P.22)
Copying/Exchanging Patterns Between Pads(P.22)
Deleting the Pattern from a Pad(P.23)

Moving the Pattern of a Pad
Here’s how to move the pattern that’s assigned to a pad to a different pad.

  1. Drag and drop the pad whose pattern you want to move to the destination pad.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 6

Once the pattern is moved, the destination pad turns blue, and the source pad turns indigo (indicating that the pad is empty).

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

When you drag and drop a pattern to a pad that already contains an assigned pattern, a confirmation message appears.
When you click the [Exchange] button, the pattern in the destination is exchanged with the pattern in the source.
When you click the [Overwrite] button, the pattern is overwritten and the previous pattern is deleted.
If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

Copying/Exchanging Patterns Between Pads
Here’s how to copy the pattern that’s assigned to a pad to a different pad, or exchange patterns between pads.

  1. While holding down the [Ctrl] button (PC) or the [Command] button (Mac), drag and drop the pad whose pattern you want to copy or exchange to the destination pad.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 8Once the data is copied, the copy destination pad lights up blue.

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

When you drag and drop a pattern to a pad that already contains an assigned pattern, a confirmation message appears.
When you click the [Exchange] button, the pattern in the destination is exchanged with the pattern in the source.
When you click the [Overwrite] button, the pattern is overwritten and the previous pattern is deleted.
If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

Deleting the Pattern from a Pad
Here’s how to delete the pattern assigned to a pad.

  1. Drag and drop the pad whose pattern you want to delete to the recycle bin (trash) icon.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing a Pattern 10A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

  2. Click “OK.”
    When the deletion is finished, the original pad turns indigo (indicating that the pad is empty).

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Setting the Tempo and Volume (“Settings” Screen)

Roland SP 404MK2 App - Setting the Tempo and Volume 1

  1. Tempo select
    Selects whether to use the project tempo settings or the bank tempo settings.

  2. Project tempo
    Sets the project tempo.

  3. Bank tempo
    Sets the bank tempo.

  4. Bank volume
    Sets the bank volume.

  5. Screen switcher
    Switches between screens to edit. → “ Basic Configuration of the SP-404MK2 App(P.5)”

Importing/Exporting a Project

Importing a project(P.28)
Exporting a project(P.28)
Importing a Project from the SP-404SX/A(P.30)
Deleting a Project(P.32)

Importing a project
This shows how to import projects into the SP-404MK2 that are saved on your computer.

  1. Have the project data that’s stored on your computer ready that you want to import.

  2. Select the import destination (the project where you want to import the data) from the project selection menu, and click the [Import to MKII] button.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Exporting a Project 1A dialog box for selecting the project to import appears.

  3. Click the […] button, select the project to import and click “Open.”
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Exporting a Project 3

  4. Click “Import to MKII.”
    If you decide to import a different project instead, click “Cancel.”
    A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”
    This erases any data that’s already in the import destination project. Use caution.

  5. Click “OK.”
    The selected project is imported.
    Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Exporting a Project
Here’s how to save a project from the SP-404MK2 to your computer (export).

  1. Open the Samples screen or Patterns screen.

  2. Select the project you wish to export from the project selection menu, and click the [Export to PC] button.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Exporting a Project 6A dialog box appears for selecting the save destination.

  3. Click the […] button, select the location of the save destination and click “Choose.”
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Exporting a Project 8

  4. Click “Save.”
    To edit the save destination, click “Cancel.”
    A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”
    If there is already data in the save destination, that data is overwritten. Use caution.

  5. Click “OK.”
    The selected project is exported.
    Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

A subfolder named “ROLAND” is created in the save destination folder you specified.
Exported projects are saved with the filename “PROJECT_**” (the asterisks are replaced with the lowest unused number) in the “SP-404MKII” folder, located within the “ROLAND” folder.

Importing a Project from the SP-404SX/A
You can import and use data from the SP-404SX/A with the SP-404MK2 App.

  1. Insert the SD card on which the data from the SP-404SX/A is stored into your computer’s SD card slot.

  2. Select the import destination project from the project selection menu, and click the [Import to MKII] button.
    A dialog box for selecting the file to import appears.

  3. Click the […] button, select the SP-404SX/A file to import and click “Open.”
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Exporting a Project 13 The SP-404SX/A data is saved in the SP-404SX/ROLAND/SP-404SX subfolder on the SD card.

  4. Click “Import to MKII.”
    If you decide to import a different project instead, click “Cancel.”
    A confirmation message appears.
    If you decide to cancel, click “Cancel.”

This erases any data that’s already in the import destination project. Use caution.

  1. Click “OK.”
    The selected project is imported.
    Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Deleting a Project

Here’s how to delete the data from a selected project.

Once a project is deleted, all the data in that project is lost and can’t be recovered.
If you want to save the project before deleting it, be sure to follow the steps in “Exporting a Project(P.28).”

  1. Click the [Init] button.
    A dialog box appears, which confirms the deletion.

  2. Select the menu and click the [Init] button.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Exporting a Project 16

Item Explanation
All All project data is deleted.
All Samples All samples in the project are deleted.
Samples Bank All samples in the bank are deleted. The bank selection menu

appears when this is selected.
All Patterns| Deletes all patterns in the project.
Patterns Bank| Deletes all patterns in the bank. The bank selection menu appears when this is selected.

Never turn off the power or disconnect the SP-404MK2 while the screen indicates “Working…”

Editing the App Settings

You can change the background color of the app, or use the image data file you like as the background image.

  1. Click the [App Settings] button at the lower right of the screen.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing the App Settings 1
    You can also access the [App Settings] button by right-clicking the startup screen.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing the App Settings 2 A popup screen appears.
    Roland SP 404MK2 App - Editing the App Settings 3

  2. Configure the background settings.
    Parameter| Value| Explanation
    Color mode| Dark (Default), Light,
    Redzone, Fuji-san,
    Orange| Sets the background color.
    Use Custom| On/off| Switches the custom settings on/off. To turn this on, click to select the
    Use the […] button to select the image from the imported images that you want to use as the background.
    “…”| Imports the image you want to use for the background into the app. The standard size for image files you can use is 700 × 800 px. Images that exceed this size are cropped to fit without being compressed.
    “-”| Deletes the image file you imported.
    Top, Mid, Bottom,
    Stretch| Sets the position of the image file when used as the background. When set to “Stretch,” small images are stretched to standard size when used.
    SlideShow OFF, 5 sec,
    10 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec| Displays the images you imported as a slide show. Set this to “OFF” if you wish to disable the feature.
    Gradient Top| –| Sets the gradation in the top part of the background. Settings further to the right make the gradation darker, with less variation between light and dark color.
    Bottom| –| Sets the gradation in the bottom part of the background. Settings further to the right make the gradation darker, with less variation between light and dark color.
    Mask Opacity| –| Sets the transparency of the background image you set in “Use Custom.”
    Settings further to the right make the color darker with less transparency.
    Scale Factor| 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0| Changes the display size of the app.

  3. To save the settings, click the [OK] button.

Error messages

Error messages Explanation Action

Connection is
Lost, please
Disconnect!| The computer is no
longer connected to the
SP-404MK2.| 1. Check whether the SP-404MK2 and your computer are properly connected with a USB cable, and try connecting again.
2. If this does not resolve the issue, restart both the SP-404MK2 App and the SP-404MK2.
Media Error.| The sample data could
not be loaded.| ● Only single-byte alphanumeric characters can be used for the file and folder names of the sample data. Check whether any characters that are not single-byte letters or numbers are being used.
● You cannot use sample data that’s longer than 16 minutes. Check whether the sample data you are trying to load is too long or too short.
Error.| An error occurred when
trying to open the file or
folder.| Do not unplug or plug in a USB cable connecting the SP-404MK2 to your computer while you’re using the app.
1. Check whether the SP-404MK2 and your computer are properly connected with a USB cable, and try connecting again.
2. If this does not resolve the issue, restart both the SP-404MK2 App and the SP-404MK2.
If the above methods do not resolve the issue, the file or folder you’re trying to load or save might be corrupted, or the file or folder name might contain characters other than single-byte letters or numbers. Check whether the data has been correctly saved.
Not Found.
Open Error.
Read Error.| An error occurred when
reading the file.
Write Error.| An error occurred when
writing the file.
Media Full Error.| The SP-404MK2 has run
out of free space.| Delete any data you don’t need on the SP-404MK2 to increase the amount of free storage capacity.
BPM Detect Error.| The BPM could not be
analyzed.| Try inputting the BPM manually.
Protected!| The function can’t be
executed because bank
protect is enabled.| Use a bank for which bank protect is disabled, or disable bank protect on the currently selected bank.
→”SP-404MKII Reference Manual” (Web)

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