DMX4ALL DMX Servo Control 2 RDM Interface Pixel LED Controller User Manual
- June 13, 2024
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DMX4ALL DMX Servo Control 2 RDM Interface Pixel LED Controller User Manual
For your own safety, please read
this user manual and warnings carefully before installation.
The DMX-Servo-Control 2 is designed for controlling of two servos via DMX.
Two Servos
The DMX Servo Control 2 has two servo ports. Each can be controlled via one
DMX channel.
Servos with 5V up to 12V DC can be used
The supply voltage of the DMX-Servo-Control 2 is between 5V and 12V. Servos
with a supply voltage within this range can be connected directly.
Adjustable Servo control signal
The controlling occurs via an adjustable pulse width.
Compact Design
The design and the compact construction allows an installation of this small
assembly in areas that do not offer much space.
The integrated LED is a multifunctional display for showing the current device
DMX Addressing
The DMX addressing is settable via a 10-position DIP switch.
RDM Support
The DMX Servo Control 2 allows configuration via RDM over DMX
Data sheet
Power supply: 5-12V DC 50mA without connected servo
Protocol: DMX512 RDM
Servo-Voltage: 5-12V DC (corresponds to the supply voltage)
Servo-Power: max. 3A in sum for both servos
DMX-Channels: 2 Channels
Connection: 1x screw terminal / 2pin 1x screw terminal / 3pin 2x pin
header RM2,54 / 3pin
Dimension: 30mm x 67mm
- 1x DMX-Servo-Control 2
- 1x Quick manual german and english
This DMX-Servo-Control 2 is NOT ADMITTED for applications whom has safety-
relevant requirements or in which dangerous situations can occur !
The integrated LED is a multifunction display.
During to the normal operation mode the LED lights permanently. In this case the device is working.
Furthermore, the LED shows the current status. In this case the LED lights up in short pitches and then is missing for longer time.
The number of the flashing lights is equal to the event number:
Status- Number | Error | Description |
1 | No DMX | There is no DMX-Address |
2 | Addressing error | Please check, if a valid DMX-Start Address is adjusted |
via the DIP-Switches
4| Configurationstored| The adjusted configuration is stored
The Start Address is adjustable via DIP-Switches.
Switch 1 has the valency 20 (=1), switch 2 the valency 21 (=2) and so on up to switch9 with the valency 28 (=256).
The sum of the switches showing ON is equal to the start address.
The DMX start address can be also adjusted via the RDM parameter DMX_START
ADDRESS. For RDM operation all switches must be set to OFF !
**Address Switch
Address Switch
Servo control signal
The signal which is send to the
Servo consists of a High-Impulse and a Low one. The pulse duration is
important for the Servo.
Normally this impulse is between 1ms and 2ms, which is also the standard
setting for the DMX-Servo-Control 2. These are the end positions of the Servos
where it is not limited mechanically. A pulse length of 1.5ms would be the
Servo middle position.
Adjust Servo control signal
In according to the used Servo it can be advantageous to adapt the impulse- times. The minimum time for the left position can be set within the range 0,1-2,5ms. The maximum time for the right position must be bigger than the minimum time and can be maximum 2,54ms.
Please proceed as following for the settings:
- Turn on the DMX-Servo-Control
- Set DIP-Switch 9 and 10 on OFF
- Set DIP-Switch 10 on ON
- Set via the DIP-Switched 1-8 the Minimum time
- Set DIP-Switch 9 on ON
- Set via the DIP-Switched 1-8 the Maximum time
- Set DIP-Switch 10 on OFF
- The LED lights up 4x as confirmation that the settings are stored
- Set via DIP-Switches 1-9 the DMX-Starting address
The time-setting takes place with the DMX-Addressing via the DIP-Switches in
10µs steps. Thereby the set value with 0,01ms is multiplied, so for example a
value of 100 results in a value of 1ms.
The RDM parameters LEFT_ADJUST
and RIGHT_ADJUST can also be used to set the pulse time.
(from Hardware V2.1)
RDM is the short form for R emote D evice M anagement.
As soon as the device is within the system, device-dependent settings occur remotely via RDM command due to the uniquely assigned UID. A direct access to the device is not necessary.
If the DMX start address is set
via RDM, all address switches at the DMXServo-Control 2 must be set to OFF ! A
DMX start address set by the addressswitches is always prior !
This device supports the following RDM commands:
Parameter ID| Discovery
Command| SET
Command| GET
Command| ANSI/
DISC_MUTE| | | | E1.20
DISC_UN_MUTE| | | | E1.20
DEVICE_INFO| | | | E1.20
DEVICE_LABEL| | | | E1.20
DISPLAY_LEVEL| | | | E1.20
DMX_FAIL_MODE| | | | E1.37
DMX-Servo-Control 2
Parameter ID| Discovery Command| SET
Command| GET
Command| ANSI/ PID
SERIAL_NUMBER1)| | | | PID: 0xD400
LEFT_ADJUST1)| | | | PID: 0xD450
RIGHT_ADJUST1)| | | | PID: 0xD451
- Manufacturer depending RDM control commands (MSC – Manufacturer Specific Type)
Manufacturer depending RDM control commands:
PID: 0xD400
Outputs a text description (ASCII-Text) of the device serial number.
GET Send: PDL=0
Receive: PDL=21 (21 Byte ASCII-Text)
PID: 0xD450
Sets the high time length for left servo position.
GET Send: PDL=0
Receive: PDL=2 (1 Word LEFT_ADJUST_TIME)
Receive: PDL=0
200 – 5999
WERT: x 0,5µs = Impulszeit LINKS
Default: 2000 (1ms)
PID: 0xD451
Sets the high time length for right servo position.
GET Send: PDL=0
Receive: PDL=2 (1 Word RIGHT_ADJUST_TIME)
Receive: PDL=0
201 – 6000
WERT: x 0,5µs = Impulszeit RECHTS
Default: 4000 (2ms)
Factory Reset
Before performing the factory reset, read all the steps carefully
To reset the DMX-Servo-Control 2 to the delivery state proceed as follows:
Turn off the device (Disconnect power supply !)
Set address switch 1 to 10 on ON
Turn on the device (Connect power supply !)
Now, the LED flashes 20x within ca. 3 seconds
While the LED is flashing, set switch 10 to OFF -
The factory reset is now performed
Now, the LED flashes with event number 4 -
Turn off the device (Disconnect power and USB supply !)
The device can now be used.
If another factory reset is
necessary, this procedure can be repeated.
This assembly (board) is controlled by a microprocessor and uses high
frequency. In order to maintain the properties of the module with regard to CE
conformity, installation into a closed metal housing in accordance with the
EMC directive 2014/30/EU is necessary.
Electronical and electronic products must not be disposed in domestic
waste. Dispose the product at the end of its service life in accordance with
applicable legal regulations. Information on this can be obtained from your
local waste disposal company
This device is no toy. Keep out
of the reach of children. Parents are liable for consequential damages caused
by nonobservance for their children.
You purchased a technical
product. Conformable to the best available technology the following risks
should not excluded:
Failure risk:
The device can drop out partially or completely at any time without warning.
To reduce the probability of a failure a redundant system structure is
Initiation risk:
For the installation of the board, the board must be connected and adjusted
to foreign components according to the device paperwork. This work can only be
done by qualified personnel, which read the full device paperwork and
understand it.
Operating risk:
The Change or the operation under special conditions of the installed
systems/components could as well as hidden defects cause to breakdown within
the running time.
Misusage risk:
Any nonstandard use could cause incalculable risks and is not allowed.
Warning : It is not allowed to use the device in an operation, where the safety of persons depend on this device.
Reiterweg 2A
D-44869 Bochum
Last changes: 20.10.2021
© Copyright DMX4ALL GmbH
All rights reserve. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form
(photocopy, pressure, microfilm or in another procedure) without written
permission or processed, multiplied or spread using electronic systems
All information contained in this manual was arranged with largest care and
after best knowledge. Nevertheless errors are to be excluded not completely.
For this reason I see myself compelled to point out that I can take over
neither a warranty nor the legal responsibility or any adhesion for
consequences, which decrease/go back to incorrect data. This document does not
contain assured characteristics. The guidance and the characteristics can be
changed at any time and without previous announcement
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