CR500 Works Weight Loss Program Protocol Instructions
- June 13, 2024
- CR500 Works
Table of Contents
CR500 Works
Weight Loss Program
and Protocol
CR500 Works, LLC
MARCH 2022
“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
Congratulations on your decision to become healthier!
The information contained within our CR500 Works Weight Loss Program Guide is
just that: information. Obtaining the results you are looking for will depend
on YOU and how committed YOU are to following this program to the letter.
Our unique program of CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops coupled with our weight
loss strategy has helped tens of thousands of individuals like yourself lose
up to 30+ lbs in as little as a month.
So first, what are CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops?
CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops are natural, pure, gluten free, certified
kosher, and vegan. They contain no alcohol or hormones. We use a special
manufacturing technique to combine activated herbs and energetic water into a
mixture that helps your body flush out toxins and burn fat for energy.
Our CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops are ordered from a U.S. Koshercertified
It’s a federally-registered pharmaceutical laboratory in full compliance with
FDA regulations.
CR500 Works is committed to providing a superior product, weight loss
coaching, and support to our customers. For more details on how CR500 Works
Drops uses proprietary energetic water to help your body lose weight, see page
Facts about CR500 Works Drops:
Average weight loss in 30 days is . . .
- For females: 18–25+ lbs
- For males: 25–30+ lbs
- Results vary based upon how much weight you have to lose, how long you are on the program, and how well you follow the program.
CR500 Works Drops are safe and effective.
CR500 Works Drops are used sublingually, under the tongue.
When coupled with the entire CR500 Works Weight Loss Program, you will obtain and maintain the best results.
Each 2 oz. bottle of drops will last 26–30 days, depending on the consistency of usage, and whether the number of drops need to be increased or decreased (see page 10 for more information).
A note from Dr. Olson, creator of CR500 Works Drops
“I spent 30 years researching and developing CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops,
and I’ve personally experienced how a new life opened up for me. Losing more
than 60 lbs on the CR500 Works Weight Loss Program—and then being able to
maintain my weight—has helped my self esteem, and has completely empowered me.
I feel like I can do anything. One thing I can attest to is that life is a lot
easier when you’re slimmer! I know this journey is a difficult one, but it can
be just as empowering for you, particularly if you’ve been burned by fad diets
CR500 Works is here to help you achieve your goal! Please don’t hesitate to
email us at We want
to hear about your successes, challenges, and questions.
CR500 Works Weight Loss Phases
PHASE 1 (2 days)| “Fat Loading” WITH CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops – stuff
yourself with high fat (200+ Grams) and high calorie foods (4000+ Calories).
Begin taking B12 & Adrenal Drops at this time if you purchased them.
PHASE 2(14 – 40 days)| “Fat Burn” WITH CR500 Works Drops and restricted
calories – consume 600 – 1200 calories per day from the prescribed food list.
PHASE 3 (3 days)| “Stopping Drops” while maintaining restricted calories –
continue to consume 600-1200 calories per day, but without CR500 Works Weight
Loss Drops. Continue Taking all other supplements.
PHASE 4 (21 days)| “Maintenance” while watching what you eat – increase
calories (1500 – 2300) while limiting sugars,
avoiding starchy and fatty foods to maintain plus or minus 2 lbs.
PHASE 5 (ongoing)| “CR500 Works Fit” where you can eat any food in moderation
– All foods are back on the menu, as long as weight loss is maintained (plus
or minus 2 lbs). Continue or start an exercise routine.
So what supplies do I need?
Primary food lists:
See page 14 for recommended high calorie foods for Phase 1: Fat Loading.
See page 19 for all approved foods during Phase 2: Fat Burn and Phase 3:
Stopping Drops.
See page 34 for all the approved foods during Phase 4: Maintenance.
Note about coffee/alcohol/smoking: Taper down as much as you can. Start with a
50% decrease in what you’re used to, and continue to decrease throughout the
program. Quitting cold turkey can shock your body too much, making it
difficult to start or maintain
ketosis (the state in which your body burns stored fat for fuel).
Nutritional Supplements
Please visit to find the * items for purchase.
B-12*: 5000ug (micrograms) of methylcobalamin. B-12 aids in cellular permeability, boosts energy, and stimulates the hypothalamus.
Adrenal Support*: This supplement amplifies adrenal function, which constitutes hormone production. More than 90% of the population suffers from adrenal fatigue. Chances are, you do too.
High quality multi-vitamin: Avoid fat-soluble vitamins, such as fish oil, vitamin D, etc. while on phases 1-3.
Potassium: Potassium is a broad mineral that helps functionality in the body. It aids in muscle support, heart beat, and works in conjunction with muscle function. Alleviates muscle fatigue and cramping.
During Phase 2: Fat Burn, it is important that you add additional potassium to your daily food intake. Take a potassium supplement daily. Choose a quality product from any reputable supplement manufacturer. A typical daily dose would be 1 capsule of the
maximum over-the-counter dosage, which is 99 milligrams. -
Magnesium: Aids blood pressure, making protein, bone marrow, and DNA, and assists in normalizing blood sugar levels. Helps muscle function, alleviates muscle fatigue and cramping. Allows you to burn calories while you sleep.
Another option would be to take a combination potassium and magnesium supplement. This can be a good choice because restricted calorie consumption does not provide much bulk, so there tends to be a reduction in the frequency and size of bowel movements. The addition of a magnesium supplement will serve to stimulate regular bowel movements.
Non-food supplies
- Digital food/postal scale
- Digital weight scale, (smart app scales available also)
- Eucerin Body/Hand Lotion (any non-oily)
- Body measuring tape
- Shampoo (Head & Shoulders Classic Clean/non-oily products)
- Aluminum-free deodorants (Crystal, Tom’s of Maine, Arm and Hammer Deodorant, Native, and others)
- Insulated lunch box
Important: Weigh yourself daily! Every morning as soon as you wake up, use the
restroom, then weigh yourself before eating or drinking anything. For the most
accurate weight, use a body fat monitoring digital scale and weigh yourself
either naked or with the same or similar clothing each time.
Record your results in your Daily Journal and Weekly Measurement Chart PDF
available on our website.
We advise you to take your body measurements on the first day of Phase 1: Fat
Loading and daily thereafter.
CR500 Works Best Practices
Taking CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops: Adults, regardless of weight, should
take 10 drops, 3 times a day, without eating or drinking anything 20 minutes
before or after. For children 4–12 years of age, the dosage is 5 drops, 3
times a day, without eating or drinking anything 20 minutes before or after.
Hold the drops under your tongue for at least 30 seconds before swallowing.
The veins under the tongue absorb the drops directly into the bloodstream,
allowing them to go to work immediately.
Storing CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops: Ideally, drops should be kept in a
cool, dark place. It is not necessary to refrigerate them. An opened bottle
has a shelf life of approximately 3 months. An unopened bottle has a shelf
life of approximately 2 years.
Drink LOTS of purified water! You should drink at least 100 – 128 oz. per day.
Your body will react to CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops one of two ways:
- Type 1 (more than 80% of the population): Take 10 drops 3 times per day.
- Type 2 (less than 20% of the population): Take 5 drops 6 times per day, every 2 hours starting when you first get up.
You will know which type you are by day 4 or 5 of Phase 2: Fat Burn. If you
aren’t losing pounds or inches within those first few days, you are a Type 2,
and you will need to take 5 drops 6 times per day.
This should only be done if you are not losing weight.
CR500 WORKS FACT| For accuracy, it is important to take daily measurements in
the same attire, at the same location on the body, and with similar tension on
the tape.
Women and menstrual cycles: It is best to start the program immediately
following the end of your period or at least two weeks prior to the start or
your period. Do not take CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops while on your period,
as this can take you out of ketosis. However, continue taking your other
supplements and following the rest of the program as outlined. Once your
period ends, immediately resume taking the drops.
It is common to retain water and not show a steady weight loss mid-cycle,
around the 14 day mark. This is typically due to ovulation and hormonal
fluctuations. Be patient: You are still burning fat, and your weight loss will
catch up.
Many of the supplies you need are available for purchase on our website. Scan
the QR code below to visit now!
Phase 1: Fat Loading WITH CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops (2 days The goal is to
gain 3–5 lbs
If Phase 1 were to have a motto, it would be “eat, drink, and be merry.”
During the first 2 days of the CR500 Works Weight Loss Program, while taking
the CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops, you need to eat as many high-calorie, high-
fat foods as you can tolerate without making yourself vomit.
Remember not to eat or drink anything for 20 minutes before or after you take
any CR500 Works Drops. Spread your eating throughout the entire day. See page
14 for a list of foods containing high fat and/or calories.
Your goal is literally to load fat into your system! In order to load fat
correctly, we recommend consuming at least 4000+ calories and 200+ grams of
fat per day.
We realize this is probably the first time you’ve heard a program that
recommends all-you-can-eat gorging. But, despite how contrary to common sense
this may seem, it is absolutely necessary if you are to maximize your weight
loss on this program.
Why is it so important?
Because it jump-starts your metabolism. In a sense, it puts your fatburning
metabolism into high gear.
It is best to have at least 2 days away from work and free of distractions for
loading to be effective. We find it easiest to load over the weekend.
We understand you may be worried you’ll put on extra weight, but it has been
our experience that any weight gained in Phase 1 is lost within 2–3 days of
Phase 2.
You may need to increase the number of Phase 1: Fat Loading days from 2
days to 4 days if you have had surgery that limits the amount of food you can
consume at one time, like gastric bypass or a lap band surgery.
Occasionally, people on Phase 1: Fat Loading actually lose weight. If this
happens to you, it is generally due to continual dieting and/or limiting your
fat calories for an extended period of time. Your body is happy to finally eat
some fat!
To ensure your CR500 Works journey gets off to the best start possible, simply
stay on Phase 1: Fat Loading for at least 2 days.
Note: If you know your body doesn’t handle consuming fat well due to a
specific medical condition (such as a gallbladder problem), please consult
with your physician to discuss the best possible solution prior to beginning.
High fat and high calorie food suggestions
• Pastries | • Fried hash browns | • Pizza with extra cheese and meat |
• Doughnuts | • Pancakes with butter, heavy whipping cream, bacon and sausage |
• Cookies
• Biscuits and gravy| • Milkshakes| • Ice Cream
• Cheese and meat| • Cheeseburger and fries| • Nachos
• omelets| | • Peanut Butter
• Fruit with heavy whipping cream| | • Nuts
Phase 2: “Fat Burn” WITH CR500 Works Drops (14–40 days This is where you apply
the brakes to Phase 1: Fat Loading. The Mardi Gras, anything-goes foodfest
ends now! For the next 20 to 40 days, it is critical you strictly follow the
Phase 2: Fat Burn restricted calories protocol.
This is where you apply the brakes to Phase 1: Fat Loading. The Mardi Gras,
anything-goes, foodfest ends now! For the next 14 to 40 days, it is critical
you strictly follow the Phase 2: Fat Burn restricted calories protocol.
While still taking your CR500 Works Drops, you are now cutting down to 600 –
1200 calories per day, with very specific food choices. See the list of
approved foods for Phase 2: Fat Burn on page 19.
Your body will experience some adjustments during the first few days, going
from the high fat menu to low calories menu. As your body is adjusting, you
may experience the following:
- Hunger
- Light-Headedness
- Headaches (take whatever you feel necessary for pain)
- Crankiness
- Intestinal changes
Don’t worry, these adjustments should correct themselves within a few days.
Note: The CR500 Works Weight Loss Program is very specific. Any variation to
this protocol has the potential to negatively affect your overall potential
weight loss.
Therefore, we suggest you mentally prepare yourself to adhere to the proposed
program as closely as possible, especially when doing it for the first time.
Remember, you can do anything for 14 days.
A huge part of the success of this program is preparedness. Your meals in the
coming weeks need to be organized so it does not require a lot of thought or
effort each day.
We strongly suggest creating a meal plan before you start Phase 2: Fat Burn.
Please visit our website to download delicious Fat Burn recipes, then purchase
all the meats, fruits, vegetables, and melba toast/grissini breadsticks you
will need for 1 week.
Divide the meat into 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram) portions and store in individual Ziploc bags or glassware in the fridge and freezer.
Continue this weekly planning throughout Phase 2. -
Try to cook 2 days’ worth of meat at a time, so you don’t have to cook each day. Use spices generously on your food, and be sure to cook a variety of meat so you keep it as interesting as possible.
It is important to pick an eating schedule that works for you, then stick to it. Make every effort to eat at the same time each day, and keep to your routine until you have completed this phase of the program.
Please see Helpful Hints for Restricted Calorie Program Success on page 23.
The number of days you stay on restricted calories is determined by the total
amount of weight loss desired, and how your weight loss journey is proceeding.
See page 24 to help determine how long you should stay in Phase 2: Fat Burn.
If it looks like you will be on the program for the 40 day schedule—in other
words, if you plan to do Phase 2 for more than 30 days—skip the CR500 Works
Weight Loss Drops 1 day per week, so you are only taking the drops 6 days a
The body can build up immunity to CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops.
Skipping a day helps prevent the body from growing immune and aids in quicker
fat reduction.
Seeing dramatic results as you follow the program will only strengthen your
resolve to keep pressing forward.
We strongly advise purchasing organic whenever possible while detoxifying and
cleansing your gut.
Food Options
For best results you MUST rotate your foods each meal. Avoid having the same
things back to back. Have a minimum of 3 options from each category (protein,
vegetables and fruits).
Breakfast: water or herbal tea (drink 100 – 128 oz. of liquids spread
throughout the day. Try to drink at least every 2 hrs to keep your metabolism
Lunch : 1 serving of protein (3.5 oz. – 7 oz. raw weight) from the list.
1 serving of fresh vegetables (3.5 oz. – 7 oz. ) from the list.
1 serving of fresh fruit from the list.
Dinner : 1 serving of protein (3.5 oz. – 7 oz. raw weight) from the list.
1 serving of fresh vegetables (3.5 oz. – 7 oz.) from the list.
1 serving of fresh fruit from the list.
Snack : The 2 fruits from the approved list may be eaten with meals or as
a snack, not both. If eaten as a snack ensure 6hrs between fruits (example: 10
a.m. and 4 p.m.).
Optional: 1 piece of melba toast or 1 grissini breadstick as a snack twice
daily with or without meals.
Phase 2: Fat Burn
List of allowed foods
Protein foods
You should eat one 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram) portion of meat twice daily,
at lunch and dinner. Organic and free-range is best, if available.
Meat portions are to be weighed raw. All skin, visible fat, and bones must be
removed prior to weighing and cooking. For faster weight loss results, start
with 3.5 oz. and only increase (up to 7 oz.) after the first week if you feel
hungry or burn more calories due to work or exercise.
Absolutely no microwaving your food, as this denatures nutrients in food.
Select only very lean meats.
Approved meats include:
- Red Meat: low-fat veal or steak, no marbling
- Chicken (Breast meat only)
- Veal
- Venison
- Buffalo
- Beef (93%+ Lean)
- Fresh white fish: tilapia, halibut, cod, flounder, monkfish, perch, pike, pollock, snapper, sole, whiting, crab, lobster, shrimp, or scallops
No salmon, eel, tuna fish, herring, sardines, dried, pickled, or smoked fish
are allowed during Phase 2: Fat Burn.
Protein must be cooked without additional fats or oils. Baking, poaching,
grilling, and steaming are all acceptable. A BBQ grill is great for cooking
because it requires no oil. We find air fryers to be very convenient, as there
is no need to grease anything and fat can drain off while cooking.
Optional Proteins (Vegetarians): Non-vegetarians should not use this food list
or switch back and forth between this and meats.
Vegetarians can expect to lose about ½ the weight of meat-eaters on the
- Egg white or Whey protein powder with NO fat or sugar added (100 calories)
- Tofu
- 4 oz. – 7 oz. cottage cheese (made with skimmed milk)
- 8 oz. skim milk
- 1 XL egg & 3 XL egg white only
Fresh Vegetables
You should eat one 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram) portion of any approved
vegetable twice daily, at lunch and dinner. It is recommended that you not
combine or mix vegetables, however some recipes do make exceptions. For
example, adding onion or using lettuce as a wrap. Start with 3.5 oz. and see
how you feel. It’s best to increase your vegetable portion up to 7 oz. before
increasing your meat portion. The most important thing is that you are
consuming a minimum of 600 calories per day (all meals and snacks included).
Pay attention to what you feel your body needs. This program isn’t just about
just losing weight, it’s about lifestyle changes as well.
You should never eat canned products while on the program.
Approved vegetables include:
• Chard | • Fennel | • Broccoli |
• Chicory | • Onions | • Cauliflower |
• Beet Greens | • Red radishes | • Zucchini |
• Lettuce | • Cucumbers | • Red or green peppers |
• Tomatoes | • Asparagus | • Arugula |
Fresh Fruit
You should eat 2 servings per day, ideally consumed at least 6 hours apart. A
fruit serving consists of:
Any fruits not listed are not approved and can be very disruptive to the
weight loss process.
Remember, you can choose to eat your fruit as a snack, rather than with your
lunch or dinner. Just ensure to have them 6 hours apart.
If your digestive system allows it, eating your vegetables raw is preferred and will deliver superior nutritional value. However, if the consumption of raw vegetables causes you to experience indigestion in any form, including gas buildup or bloating, you should lightly steam your vegetables.
Melba toast/grissini breadsticks (optional)
You are allowed 1 piece of melba toast or 1 grissini breadstick per meal if
desired, or as a snack between meals. Two smaller melba rounds can also be
used. You can find melba toast and grissini sticks at most grocery stores.
Traditional breads, pastries, and crackers are strictly prohibited during the
restricted calorie portion of the program.
Fluids : It is absolutely essential you drink a minimum of 100+ oz. of fluid daily for the duration of the program. Ideally 128 oz.
- Purified water (spring, bottled, or filtered)
- Eleotin or herbal tea, green tea, and yerba mate (in moderation)
If it’s not on the approved food list, don’t eat it!
Miscellaneous foods
Seasonings: Salt alternatives, pepper, raw Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider
Vinegar, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley,
thyme, smoked paprika, and other spices such as Mrs. Dash are all approved.
Juice of 1 lemon daily, add to food or drinks, if desired.
Natural sweeteners (in moderation): Stevia (preferred), Xylitol, Monk Fruit,
or Erythritol.
Walden Farms Salad Dressings/Syrups (in moderation).
Nutritional Supplements: Although the CR500 Works program provides the bulk of
vitamins and minerals you need to sustain ideal health, we still recommend you
take a good multivitamin or mineral supplement daily to ensure no deficiency
occurs. Make sure that the vitamins or minerals do not contain oil, such as
fish oil or vitamin D (as an oil).
See the nutritional supplement list in the supplies section (page 7) for a
detailed explanation of the supplements you should take throughout this
Other considerations
Milk: Only 1 TBSP. of milk is allowed daily, if desired.
Absolutely NO SUGAR
NO artificial sweeteners: Stevia or Xylitol are great natural options.
Oils: Don’t use margarine, butter, cooking oils, or salad dressings.
NO high-fructose corn syrup.
Avoid carbonated beverages.
NO foods containing fat-soluble vitamins such as fish oil or vitamin D.
Helpful Hints for Restricted Calorie Program Success’
The Phase 2: Fat Burn restricted calorie protocol can get very monotonous, so
we have provided some delicious recipes that can be found and printed from our
website as well.
We also suggest you make an extra-large salad that can be used for a couple of
days. Refrigerating in a glass bowl with a lid works well when vegetables are
If you have to leave your house for work, another tremendously helpful trick
is to pack all your food for the day and your CR500 Works Drops in an
insulated lunch box with a freezer pack. Carry this with you throughout the
day. That way, no matter where you are, you will have your food with you and
can eat on schedule.
If you don’t carry your food with you, it will be difficult to find a
restaurant that can provide a 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram) piece of protein
cooked without oils or fats.
It’s also helpful to carry an extra meal with you, just in case you get hungry
and need something extra. It’s better to eat more approved foods than
recommended, instead of having to eat unapproved foods.
If possible, we highly recommend you do the program with someone else. The
support and encouragement you give each other proves invaluable.
Face Lotions, Cleansers, Cosmetics and Deodorant: Oil-free lotions, cleansers,
cosmetics, and deodorants are recommended during the restricted calorie part
of the program. We advise you to use organic when possible. You are trying to
minimize your body’s exposure to toxicity as much as possible.
Just as oils are not approved for cooking your food because they interfere
with the weight loss process, oils contained in products can absorb through
your skin, which can reduce the program’s effectiveness. See page 10 for
suggested products. Look at all of your cosmetics, lotions, soaps, etc. labels
and make sure none of them list in their ingredients oils, anything that ends
in –ose, a fruit, or a starch. If they do, you should not use them during the
600 – 1200 calorie part of the program.
Natural deodorants are an exception: Even if they contain an essential oil, it
is not enough to throw off your weight loss.
We strongly suggest you do not use a liquid foundation. Try something like
Bare Minerals powder foundation, or other natural makeup lines. Just remember,
this is only for about a month.
Deciding How Long to Stay in Phase 2: Fat Burn
The minimum duration to stay on a round of Phase 2: Fat Burn is 14 days.
You can choose to go up to 40 days, or stop at any length in between.
40 days can be much more challenging. It’s not impossible, but can be
emotionally and physically draining. We don’t want to discourage you, many
have done it – just be aware that burnout and monotony can get the best of
If after your first round you want to lose more weight, we recommend you do a
second 30-day round, after a 4–6 week break. But ultimately, it is your
choice. Whatever you choose to do, we will be cheering you on every step of
the way.
If you achieve your target weight before the 14th day of Phase 2: Fat Burn,
you should continue taking the CR500 Works Drops through the 14th day.
However, you should increase your calories to halt the weight loss.
You could accomplish this by adding 2 whole eggs in the morning for breakfast,
and eating double portions of your proteins and vegetables for lunch and
dinner. Continue to monitor yourself by weighing yourself daily, and make
adjustments as needed.
A sample restricted calorie day:
Note: We found the best results come from eating or snacking every couple
7:00 A.M.
Start your day by using the bathroom. Do not eat or drink anything.
Weigh yourself without clothing or wearing similar clothes for the rest of the
program. Record your weight, and take daily body measurements.
Complete your morning routine.
7:30 A.M.
Take CR500 Works Drops. Place 10 drops under your tongue for 30 seconds before
swallowing. Remember: Don’t eat or drink anything for 20 minutes before or
after taking the CR500 Works Drops. (You can take the B12 or Adrenal support
drops one right
after the other without waiting 20 min. Just don’t take them at the same
Exercise if desired. For maximum weight loss, 30 minutes of light to moderate
aerobic exercise is ideal. Water, lemon water, herbal teas, etc… 8:00 A.M.
By now, a minimum of 20 minutes should have passed since taking the CR500
Works Drops, so you are free to drink noncaloric beverages for breakfast.
10:00 A.M. (OPTIONAL)
Eat either 1 fruit serving or 1 piece of melba toast/grissini breadstick as a
snack (optional). Continue to drink plenty of fluids as the morning
11:30 A.M.
Take your second 10-drop dose of CR500 Works Drops under the tongue. Hold for
30 seconds before swallowing.
12:00 Noon
Lunch consists of 1 protein serving 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram), and 1
vegetable serving 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram). Take a multivitamin and
mineral supplement with your meal, if desired.
Remember to avoid having fruit with this meal, unless you did not have fruit
as a snack. Continue drinking fluids throughout the day, 300 – 600 calories
2:00 P.M. (OPTIONAL)
Eat 1 piece of melba toast or 1 grissini breadstick as a snack (if you choose
not to eat it with dinner, optional).
Eat 1 fruit serving, so long as you allow at least 6 hours between fruit
servings, and if you choose not to eat your fruit with dinner.
5:30 P.M.
Take your third dose of CR500 Works Drops.
6:00 P.M.
Your dinner consists of 1 protein serving 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram) and 1
vegetable serving 3.5 – 7 oz. (100 – 200 gram).
Choose a different protein and vegetable than lunch. Remember to avoid having
fruit with this meal, unless you didn’t eat it as a snack earlier, 300 – 600
calories total.
Try not to consume anything after 7:00 P.M.
Continue to drink fluids throughout the evening.
At least 1-2 hours before going to bed, we recommend taking a
potassium/magnesium combination supplement.
Calorie content of the CR500 Works Weight Loss Program foods
There are many websites that tell you the calorie amounts of the foods you
eat, such as The Calorie Counter (
If you can’t find the calories for your food on the web, check the package for
calculations whenever possible.
Always remember to record what you eat in your food journal (printout
available on our website). If your calorie count for snack, lunch, or dinner
does not meet the 300 – 600 calorie amount, you can add an additional food
from the CR500 Works approved food list.
For example, as you refer to The Calorie Counter website, you will see that
fish often has lower calorie counts than other protein choices. So if you eat
fish, accommodations may need to be made to meet the 300 – 600 calorie
requirement for that meal.
What If I Stop Losing Weight?
Do an APPLE DAY: If you don’t lose weight for 3 days in a row, do an Apple Day to reset your body.
Eat a maximum of 6 apples, spread throughout the day.
Start at any time before 8:00 A.M., and eat 1 apple every 2 hours. -
If you don’t like apples you can use tomatoes instead, just not both.
Drink just enough water to satiate your thirst.
Note: This only works if you’ve stuck to the program. If you have deviated from the prescribed diet, please see the FAQs on our website.
- Ensure you are rotating foods.
- Be sure to check your cosmetics and toiletries to ensure they are oilfree.
- Things such as breath mints and cough drops can be overlooked, yet they are often loaded with sugar and calories.
What if I have LOW weight loss and am hungry?
Normal weight loss on this program is 0.5 – 1 pound per day. If your stomach
is growling shortly after meals and you are losing less than normal weight
increase your drops by 2 each time (12 drops 3 times per day) and consume an
extra protein IMMEDIATELY. You can increase by 2 drops up to 20 drops, 3 times
per day, until hunger goes away. However, increasing your drops will mean they
will run out more quickly. You will need to purchase another bottle right away
to last you throughout the entire 30 days.
What if I have LOW weight loss and NO hunger?
Then you may be taking too many drops. Decrease your drops by 2 (8 drops 3
times per day) and see how your body responds over the next couple days. If
hunger returns increase your drops to 10. Your results will be slower, but
they will come.
What If I’m traveling, what can I eat?
We understand that it may feel challenging to stick with this routine when
traveling. Here are some helpful suggestions to make it easier for you.
- Commit yourself to the program before stepping foot inside a restaurant.
- Choose a restaurant that makes food fresh from scratch to avoid any added sugars, starches and fats
Ideal menu options:
- Caesar Salad with grilled chicken (NO croutons, dressing or cheese). Use lemon wedges, vinegar or fresh salsa as a dressing.
- Fresh Salsa can be used as a fruit or a vegetable
- Hamburger (Protein Style). No bun. Veggies on the side or burger can be wrapped in lettuce, tomato, onions (fresh/raw) and light mustard may be used.
- Meats: order meats cooked dry. No oils, sugar or added salts. Mention you have an allergy if necessary.
- Chick-Fil-A has a wonderful salad. Add grilled chicken to it. Hold any nuts and use ½ the dressing if nothing else is available.
Phase 3: “Stopping Drops” while maintaining restricted calories (3 days)
You may conclude Phase 2 when you have finished the number of restricted
calorie days you have chosen; a minimum of 14 days to a maximum of 40 days. On
the day after you conclude Phase 2: Fat Burn, you must weigh yourself first
thing in the morning. Generally, this will be the lowest weight you have
achieved during the program.
You must record your weight on this day in your Daily Journal and on the Daily
Weight Log Chart (found on our website). This becomes your Reference Weight
for Phases 4 and 5, the maintenance phases of the CR500 Works program.
For the next 3 days, you will stop taking the CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops
only, continue the restricted 600 – 1200 calorie protocol as usual from phase
2. You do this so the CR500 Works Drops can be cleared from your system before
re-introducing foods containing more fat into your diet.
Warning: Please resist the temptation to go back to your usual eating patterns
as soon as you stop taking the drops.
After 3 days, move onto Phase 4: Maintenance for 3 weeks.
Phase 4: “Maintenance” while watching what you eat (21 days) Your goal is to
maintain your reference weight recorded at the start of Phase 3 (+/-) 2 lbs.
The purpose of the maintenance phases (Phases 4 and 5) is to allow your body
to stabilize to your new weight while moving to a more varied eating habit. To
do this, you must gradually add a variety of healthy new foods into your daily
This phase is critical, since it is when your body will reset how it
metabolizes what you eat.
This is the phase where you will really feel a difference due to your
accomplishments over the past month. You should notice a beneficial change in
your energy levels, sleeping, focus, and eating patterns.
During this phase, you can go back to a somewhat normal eating pattern,
provided you carefully add in a variety of health-promoting foods while
avoiding ALL Starches, Grains, and Sugars. Eat until you are satisfied (did
you catch that? . . . eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed!), while
consuming nutritious foods. You should feel content, not stuffed like you did
during Phase 1: Fat Loading. If you are unsure about your daily caloric intake
use the following chart below.
Formula for recommended daily caloric intake.
Current Body Weight| X| 10
=| Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
RMR| X| 20% (0.2) =| Daily Activity Burn Amount (DABA)
RMR + DABA| X| 300 – 500 =| Daily Calories Suggested
See example formula below for a 200 pound individual exercising for 1 hour daily.
Current Body Weight X | 10= | Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) |
RMR X | 20% (0.2) = | Daily Activity Burn Amount (DABA) |
RMR + DABA X | 300 – 500 = | Daily Calories Suggested |
You may once again cook with oils and eat salad dressings containing oil.
Olive, avocado, or coconut oils are healthy options. We also recommend
incorporating health-promoting essential fats, specifically omega 3 and 6 At
this point, many people fear adding any new foods to their diet. This is
counterproductive. During Phases 2 and 3 of the CR500 Works Weight Loss
Program, your metabolism drops very low. As the restricted calories protocol
ends, you risk putting weight back on, unless you carefully bring your
metabolism back up to normal.
This is done by eating more food, but be careful what foods you put into your
body. You don’t want to start storing fat again and forfeit all your hard
work. The more healthy, approved foods you eat, the more effectively you reset
your metabolism and lock in your new weight.
Once optimal weight loss is achieved, try to stay away from carbonated
beverages, highly-processed foods and refined sugars.
To get the greatest benefit, it is crucial you maintain the following diet,
the Phase 4: Maintenance protocol, for 3 weeks before you eat normally again.
Phase 4: Maintenance List of allowed foods
You are now able to consume All Meats and most Vegetables & Fruits as well as
Dairy (eggs, milk, cheese and plain greek yogurt) you previously enjoyed.
Eat fruit 2 times a day.
In both Phase 2 and Phase 3, you were allowed 2 fruits a day. This hasn’t
changed. You are still allowed the 2 fruits a day: mid-morning and
Healthy fats/oils are back on the table as well (avocado oil, butter, olive
oil, & coconut oil.
You still need to drink at least 75+ oz. per day. If you desire, you can have
coffee once again. Just monitor how it makes you feel and that you aren’t
gaining weight reintroducing it again.
Limit the following:
- Salt: ¼ tsp daily
- Nuts: 1-2 TBSP daily
What if I start gaining weight?
Steak and Apple Day: If you do your morning measurements and find your weight
has increased by over 2 lbs, immediately do a Steak and Apple Day.
- Skip breakfast and lunch.
- Drink up to 128 oz. fluid throughout the day to help curb your hunger.
- At dinner (around 6 P.M.), consume as large a steak as you desire, along with 1 apple (or 1 tomato, but not both).
You should be back to your Reference Weight by the next morning.
Doing a Steak and Apple day is a good learning opportunity to look back on
what you ate the previous days before and determine what may have caused your
weight fluctuation. Then make modifications to your diet as necessary.
You will probably have to do several Steak and Apple Days throughout your
life. But as you become more aware of your weight-gain foods, control your
portions, and make more health-promoting choices, your need for Steak and
Apple Days will decrease. The ultimate goal is to develop a lifestyle of
healthy eating and exercise habits that meet your physical and emotional
needs, while allowing you to maintain your target weight!
Now that you are eating more calories, you are free to increase your exercise
to normal levels. We recommend doing cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times
a week for 30 minutes as the minimum to continue weight loss. However, you are
free to exercise up to 90 minutes a day. You should stay away from heavy
weights, unless you have reached your target weight.
Once you reach your target weight, the best form of exercise is circuit
training. Circuit training is where you do a series of exercises back to back,
with no breaks, for a total of 10 – 30 min. The best routine is 50%
cardiovascular and 50% resistance training.
Once you have finished at least 4 – 6 weeks of maintenance, you can go back
and repeat Phases 1 through 3 if needed to reach your target weight.
For optimal weight loss, you should wait to restart Phase 1 until 6 weeks
after you stopped the CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops on Phase 3. You will lose
more weight, maintain the diet better and feel better.
Phase 5: “CR500 Works Fit” where you can eat any food in moderation (ongoing)
After 3 weeks of carefully monitoring what you eat and learning from your
mistakes, you are ready to move on to Phase 5, the final maintenance phase.
The rules for this maintenance phase should last for the rest of your life.
You can eat any food you choose, so long as you maintain your weight loss.
However, you should continue to weigh yourself every morning.
What if I start gaining weight?
If you do your morning measurement and find your weight has increased by over
2 lbs, do a Steak and Apple Day as outlined in phase 4 (page 27).
Dr. Olson’s personal tips for Phase 5 success
At this phase of the program, I let myself eat all I want of lean protein,
salad, veggies, and fruits, and I eat whole grains in moderation. Since I was
able to go nearly 2 months on the CR500 Works Weight Loss Program, I made a
decision that there were certain addictions I would not put back in my life,
like soda and highly-sugared cold cereals.
I also avoid desserts, candy, all highly-sugared foods, fast food burgers and
fries: the really high-fat and starchy foods. I found that after slipping back
into eating some of my favorite sugary foods, my energy started to wane, and I
felt tired again.
The CR500 Works program has taught me how my body reacts to certain foods. I
now know, to feel my best, I have to avoid foods with high sugar content.
I have also changed the bread I eat. Highly-processed white bread has the
same effect on me as eating a candy bar. About 20–30 minutes after consuming
it, I feel like I need a nap.
Everybody is going to be different.
My body will react to certain things differently than yours.
You will be better in tune with your body after completing this program, and
you will know what works for you and what doesn’t. You then can make
adjustments to your everyday eating habits, so your diet will help instead of
hinder you.
Let me give you an example of how I put this knowledge about myself and my
body into practice.
After the CR500 Works Weight Loss Program, I knew I would need a day to
indulge some bad habits, so I picked Sunday, since my family gathers to cook a
great meal and dessert.
On Sundays, I throw all caution to the wind. I eat what I want and however
much I want. Since I don’t have to work that day, and it is usually a lazy day
around the house with family, the resulting fatigue is not such an issue. The
other days of the week, I watch what I eat and try to be sensible.
Don’t be fooled. The fact still remains that if you put in more calories than
you expend, you’re eventually going to regain your weight. So choose your
foods wisely, incorporate exercise into your daily routine, and limit the
highly-processed carbs and starches. Doing this will make your weight loss and
energy boost permanent.
eWater & CR500 Works Drops Formula: How it all works By Dr. Olson
If you could choose between drinking tap water or purified water, which would
be your first option? Knowing all the carcinogens, fecal matter, and
pollutants contained in city water, I definitely prefer the latter!
As a young doctor, I would think about how my body struggled to extract the
pure part of any water I drank, while having to deal with all the junk that
entered into the water along the way. This awareness sparked my lifelong
interest in energetic water research.
Here’re the basics: Water has memory. At the sub-atomic level, water carries
traces—fingerprints—of all the substances it’s come in contact with. Even its
molecular structure changes.
But once water comes in contact with something, its new molecular structure
gets set, and the ability to bond with other substances is reduced. In other
words, the water’s memory gets full.
The memory of tap water, distilled water, and even storebought “purified”
water is full:
It’s already come into contact with too much metal, pollutants, mercury, and
plastics to change its molecular structure any further.
Thus, CR500 Works Drops use pharmaceutical techniques to “erase” the memory of
basic water, so to speak.
This energetic water is the key to CR500 Works Drops, but it doesn’t stop
After the water has been scrubbed of the memory of all toxins and pollutants
it’s come in contact with, the water can bond with new substances at a
molecular level.
That’s where CR500 Works’ proprietary blend of herbs and minerals comes into
play: We introduce key ingredients to energetic water, so that the molecular
structures bond in a certain way that activates and enhances their properties.
It took years of research to find the right combination of ingredients, and to
decipher their complex bonds with energetic water. When the herbs bond on a
molecular level, which cancel each other out, which increase in efficacy, and
which go dormant? I’ve developed a complex herbal tapestry to increase energy,
spark weight loss, and promote good health, all layered into the energetic
You won’t find a more effective weight loss aid anywhere.
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