CR500 Works 1CR500 Weight Loss Program User Guide

June 13, 2024
CR500 Works

Quick Start Guide

CR500 Works Weight Loss Program

CR500 Works
Weight Loss

1CR500 Weight Loss Program

Welcome to the first day of your new, healthier lifestyle: Get ready to feel great and look great!
To dig right in, this Quick Start Guide has a simple outline of our 5 phase CR500 Works Weight Loss Program, showing you what to do and when to do it.
In this Quick Start Guide, whenever you see a reference to a page number, that’s the page in the CR500 Works Full Program and Protocol Guide, found on our website: www., where you’ll find more information on the topic.

Your kit contains the following:

  • CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops
  • Other nutritional supplements, if you ordered them (B12 and Adrenal Drops)
  • CR500 Works Coach Support
  • Private Facebook group with Coach Support
  • Online access to (
    • Daily Journal
    • Weekly Measurement Chart
    • Fat Burn Recipes
    • CR500 Works Weight Loss Program and Protocol Guide
  1. Take a picture of yourself with your CR500 Works products.
  2. Share this picture with friends and others on social media.
  3. Follow us on Facebook.CR500 Works Weight Loss Program - Qr Code
  4. Make sure you have:
    • Body measuring tape
    • Digital food scale

    • Digital body weight scale* (preferably one that ties into a phone app)
    • Insulated lunch box
  • Can be purchased from our website

By following our 5 phase CR500 Works Weight Loss Program, you can expect to lose up to 1 (or more!) pounds per day as follows:

CR500 Works Weight Loss Phases

2 days| “Fat Loading” WITH CR500 Works Drops – stuff yourself with high fat (200+ Grams) and high calorie foods (4000+ Calories). Begin taking B12 & Adrenal Drops at this time if you purchased them
14–40 days| “Fat Burn” WITH CR500 Works Drops and restricted calories – consume 600 – 1200 calories per day from the prescribed food list.
Phase 3
3 days| “Stopping Drops” while maintaining restricted calories – continue to consume  600 – 1200 calories per day, but without CR500 Works Weight Loss Drops. Continue taking all other supplements
21 days| “Maintenance” while watching what you eat – increase calories (1500 – 2300) while AVOIDING
ALL Sugars, Starches, and Gluten to maintain plus or minus 2 lbs.
ongoing| “CR500 Works Fit” where you can eat any food in moderation – All foods are back on the menu, as long as weight loss is maintained  (plus or minus 2 lbs.). Continue or start an exercise routine.

Before you start:

  • Take beginning photos in fitted clothes from the front, both sides, and back.
  • Take body measurements and record them on the Weekly Measurement Chart found on our website.

On the first morning:

  • Weigh yourself on a digital scale first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom.
  • Record your starting weight: ____ lbs.
  • Start taking ALL CR500 Works Drops ordered.
    ► 20 min before or after food or liquid.
    ► For the Weight Loss Drops: place 10 drops under your tongue and hold for 30 seconds.
    Do this 3 times per day: morning, lunch, and dinner (page 10).

20-40 DAYS
During Phase 1: Fat Loading:

  • For 2 days, eat a minimum of 4000 calories and 200+ grams of fat per day.
  • Record your daily calories, grams fat, food you ate and water consumption in your Daily Journal (on website).

Tip for women
Don’t take CR500 Works Drops during your period: Start at least 14 days before your next period or immediately after your monthly period ends (page 11).

During Phase 2, your body enters ketosis.

  • Keep taking CR500 Works Drops.
  • Drink 100+ oz. of fluid per day, 80% water and 20% other sugarless beverages.
  • Continue to record your weight and take body measurements daily.
  • Eat 600 – 1200 calories per day from the food lists below.
    ► Always rotate proteins, vegetables, and fruits between meals.
    ► Fat Burn recipes are on our website.

Phase 2: Fat Burn Food List

Eat 100 – 200 grams (3.5 – 7 oz.) of lean protein for lunch and dinner. Weigh meat raw on a digital food scale, and eat organic when possible.

• Chicken breast
• Beef (93%+ lean)
• Buffalo
• Venison| • Veal
• Fresh white fish
• Tilapia
• Halibut
• Cod| • Flounder
• Monkfish
• Whiting
• Crab
• Lobster

Eat 100 – 200 grams (3.5 – 7 oz.) of fresh vegetables for lunch and dinner.

• Spinach
• Chard
• Chicory
• Beet greens
• Lettuce
• Tomatoes
• Celery| • Fennel
• Onions
• Red radishes
• Cucumbers
• Asparagus
• Cabbage
• Broccoli| • Cauliflower
• Zucchini
• Bell peppers
• Arugula
• Kale

Eat 1 serving of fresh fruit twice daily, the first as breakfast or a mid- morning snack. Both servings should be eaten at least 6 hours apart. A fruit serving is:

  • 1 apple (any size)
  • 6 large strawberries
  • 1 small grapefruit or 1/2 large grapefruit
  • 1 orange
  • 1/8 of a cantaloupe, if citrus does not agree with you

If you don’t lose weight for 3 days in a row, an Apple Day (page 27) will help reset your body.

  • Eat 6 apples throughout the day, 1 every 2 hours. If you dislike apples, use tomatoes instead.
  • Drink water to satiate your thirst only.

Note: This only works if you’ve stuck to the program.
If you’ve deviated from the prescribed diet, please see the FAQs on our website, ask your questions in our Facebook group, or send us an email:

After a minimum of 14 days or a maximum of 40 days in Phase 2, begin Phase 3.

On the first morning:

  • Weigh yourself. This is your Reference Weight for Phase 4 and Phase 5.
  • Record your Reference Weight: ____ lbs.
  • Take pictures and final measurements, and share them with family, friends, and social media.

During Phase 3: Stopping Drops:

  • Stop taking CR500 Works Drops.
  • Continue to eat 600 – 1200 calories per day from the Phase 2: Fat Burn food list.

During Phase 4 and Phase 5, your body resets how it metabolizes what you eat. The goal is to maintain your Reference Weight, plus or minus 2 lbs.

During Phase 4: Maintenance:

  • Increase your calories.
    ► Add other proteins, fresh vegetables, and fruits to your diet.
    ► Avoid all sugars, grains, starches, and fatty foods.

  • Drink 100+ oz. of water or tea per day.

  • Continue to record your weight each morning.

If your morning weight is more than 2 lbs. over your reference weight, do a Steak and Apple Day (page 41).

  • Skip breakfast and lunch.
  • Drink 100+ oz. of fluid throughout the day to help curb your hunger.
  • At dinner, consume a steak (any size), along with 1 apple or 1 tomato.


During Phase 5: CR500 Works Fit:

  • Eat any food you wish in moderation, as long as you maintain your Reference Weight.
  • Do a Steak and Apple day if you gain over 2 lbs.
  • Pay close attention to how your body reacts to certain foods.

Finally… Congratulations on reaching your new lifestyle! Taking charge of your health and weight will boost your energy and your confidence— enjoy it!

“First say to yourself what
you would be; and then do
what you have to do.”


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