Labkotec D04222BE-5 Communication Unit Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

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Labkotec D04222BE-5 Communication Unit Instruction Manual


The Labcom 220 communication unit is designed for the monitoring of industrial, domestic, and environmental engineering measurements remotely. Typical applications include oil separator alarms, tank sur- face level measurements, as well as pumping station and property monitoring

Labcom 220 sends alarm and measurement data in text messages ei- ther directly to the users’ mobile phones or to the LabkoNet® server via GPRS connection to be stored and shared with other parties
You can modify the unit settings with your mobile phone whenever necessary.
You can also specify when measurement results are to be sent and to which mobile numbers. You can also query the results using a text message.
Alarms are triggered if the specified alarm thresholds (upper or lower) are reached, or if the state of a digital input changes.
This installation and user guide contains instructions for the installa- tion, commissioning, and use of the communication unit.

Labcom 220 and mobile phones

The figure below illustrates the message exchange between users and the Labcom 220 communication unit. All messages are sent as text messages. These are detailed later on in this document.
You can store two types of mobile numbers in the unit:

  1. End user numbers to which measurement and alarm messages are sent. These mobile numbers can also be used to query meas- urement
  2. Administrator numbers can be used to change the unit No measurement or alarm messages are sent to these mobile numbers, but they can be used for sending measurement queries.

NOTE! If you want to use the same mobile phone for receiving meas- urement and alarm messages and for specifying unit settings, you must specify the applicable mobile number both as an end user and an administrator number.

Labcom 220 and LabkoNet®

Labcom 220 can be connected to an online LabkoNet® monitoring system. Using the LabkoNet® system alongside mobile phones brings various advantages, including constant connection monitoring as well as measurement and alarm data storing and visual presentation.
Alarm and measurement data from measurement points is transferred to the LabkoNet® server through the communication unit over the GSM network. The server stores the data into a database from which it can later be accessed for reporting purposes, for example.
The server also checks the data of each measurement channel that is sent by the unit, converts it into the applicable format, and checks for possible alarm threshold violations. If it detects any violations, it sends the alarm data to the predefined email addresses as email messages and mobile numbers as text messages.
End users can also view measurement data in numerical or graphical format on a standard Internet browser online at with their user credentials.\


**** Installing the enclosure

The Labcom 220 unit enclosure is wall-mounted.
Open the cover of the enclosure

Drive the upper screw into the wall, hang the enclosure on it, and then drive the lower screw into the wall.

  1. Make the required connections according to the instructions in Chapter 2.2.
  2. Install the SIM card into the unit according to the instructions in Chapter 2.2.
  3. Close the cover of the enclosure.

Installation and Operating Instructions

Electrical connections

The figure below shows the electrical connections and other key com- ponents of the Labcom 220 unit.


  1. Cable connection for the user interface
  2. 2G/3G modem
  3. 2G/3G modem signal light
  4. SIM card holder
  5. Transformer
  6. Reset button
  7. Analogue input 2, 4…20 mA
  8. Analogue input 1, 4…20 mA
  9. Digital input 2
  10. Digital input 1
  11. Mains input, 230 VAC
  12. Fuse 125 mAT

Connecting the unit to the mains supply

The operating voltage of the unit is 230 V, 50/60 Hz. The maximum connected load is 4 VA.
Connect the voltage to the terminals marked L and N (see the figure above). Use a dedicated feed from the distribution board, if possible. The unit is equipped with a 125 mAT distribution fuse (5×20 mm, glass tube).
NOTE! An isolating switch (250 VAC/1 A), which isolates both termi- nals (L1, N), must be installed to the supply voltage line near the unit to make use and maintenance easier. The switch must be labelled as the unit’s isolating switch. A standard plug can be used as the isola- tion switch.
Connecting the sensors

The Labcom 220 unit is equipped with two 4…20 mA analogue inputs.
The unit provides a supply voltage of about 24 VDC (+Us) for a pas- sive 2-wire transmitter (pass. 2W) or 3-wire transmitter (3W). Alternatively, you can connect an active 2-wire transmitter that obtains its power supply from some other system to the analogue input.

Connecting the digital inputs

The Labcom 220 unit has two digital current sinking inputs (switch in- puts). These are powered by a 20…28 VDC supply voltage, provided by the unit. The current is limited to about 200 mA. All digital and ana- logue inputs share the same voltage source and current limit


To ensure sufficient protection against interference, you should use screened instrumentation cables and, for analogue inputs, double- sheathed cables.
Install the unit as far as possible from units with relay controls and other cabling. Input cables should not be routed closer than 20 cm to other cabling. Keep the input and relay cabling separate from the measurement and communications cabling.
Use single point earthing, if possible.

Installing the SIM card

Labcom 220 can be used with a SIM card of all the common 2G/3G operators.

  1. Install the SIM card acquired for the Labcom 220 communication unit to your own mobile phone and check that you can use it to send and receive text messages.
  2. Disable the PIN code query from the SIM card using your mobile
  3. Open the Labcom 220 SIM card holder by sliding the cover of the holder to right and then lifting the cover up. Install the SIM card with its metal contacts facing down and lock the card in place by sliding the cover of the holder to


All Labcom 220 commissioning procedures are carried out using text messages. You can use the following order, for example:

  1. Specify the end user mobile numbers (TEL).
    Alarms and scheduled measurement messages are sent to these numbers. They can also be used to query the unit status (‘M’ que- ry).

  2. Specify the administrator mobile numbers (OPTEL).
    Once you have specified the administrator mobile numbers, you can only modify unit settings from one of these numbers. If no administrator mobile numbers have been specified, you can modi- fy the unit settings from any number.

  3. Specify a name for the unit (NAME).
    The name is displayed at the start of every message sent by the unit.

  4. Specify the parameters for the measurements and digital inputs (AI and DI messages).

  5. Specify common (ALTXT) and measurement-specific alarm mes- sages (AIALTXT).
    You may also find the following settings useful:

  6. Specify the transmission time for scheduled measurement mes- sages (TXD).

  7. Specify the time (CLOCK).

The following chapter contains more details on the above-mentioned settings. It also covers all other unit settings.
Labkotec is taking care GPRS communication settings when Labcom 220 is connecting to Labkonet system.


Labcom 220 sends alarm and measurement data in text messages ei- ther directly to the users’ mobile phones or to the LabkoNet® server via GPRS connection to be stored and shared with other parties
You can modify the unit settings with your mobile phone whenever necessary.
You can also specify when measurement results are to be sent and to which mobile numbers. You can also query the results using a text message.
Alarms are triggered if the specified alarm thresholds (upper or lower) are reached, or if the state of a digital input changes.

Control panel

Signal light/button State Description
Green (a) On The unit is fully operational.
Red (c) On Measurement out-of-range alarm or digital input alarm
Blinks Sensor connection fault or meas- urement value out of normal meas-

urement range
LED or button (b)| –| Not in use.


  • Mobile numbers

Adding mobile numbers for end users and administrators

The ‘End user and administrator mobile numbers’ setup message con- tains the following fields, separated by a white space:

Field Description
TEL or OPTEL TEL = ‘End user mobile numbers’ message identifier

OPTEL = ‘Administrator mobile numbers’ message identifier

| The mobile number in international format

You can send all numbers accepted by the unit in one message (provid- ed that the standard message length of 160 characters is not exceeded).

You can specify up to ten (10) end user mobile numbers. You can specify up to five (5) administrator mobile numbers.

The unit saves the numbers in the first available memory slots in the order it receives them. If the message contains more than ten numbers or if no memory slots are free, the unit does not save the excess phone numbers.

The following sample message

TEL. +35840111111 +35840222222 +35840333333
adds three end user mobile numbers to the unit. The unit sends the following reply (with one previously saved end user mobile number in the memory):

TEL. 1:+3584099999 2:+35840111111 3:+35840222222 4:+35840333333 The unit’s reply message format is as follows: TEL : The message lists memory slot/number pairs for all end user mobile numbers stored in the memory. To query the end user mobile numbers stored in the unit, send the fol- lowing message: TEL. To query the administrator mobile numbers stored in the unit, send the following message: OPTEL

Deleting end user and administrator mobile numbers

Use the ‘Delete end user and administrator mobile numbers’ message to remove mobile numbers from the unit. The message contains the following fields, separated by a white space.

Field Description
DELTEL or DELOPTEL DELTEL = ‘End user mobile numbers’ message identifier

DELOPTEL = ‘Administrator mobile numbers’ message identifier

| The memory slot of the stored mobile number. You can use the TEL and OPTEL queries to find out the memory slot numbers. If you want to enter more than one memory slot number, separate the numbers with a white space.

The following sample message


deletes the end user mobile numbers from memory slots 1 and 2. The third end user mobile number in the memory remains in its current slot.
The unit replies with a message listing the remaining numbers.

TEL. 3:+3584099999

Basic settings during commissioning

Specifying the unit/target name

Use the ‘Unit name’ message to specify a name for the unit. Once set, all messages that the unit sends start with the specified name. The message contains the following fields, separated by a white space.

Field Description
NAME ‘Unit name’ message identifier
The name of the unit or target. Maximum length: 20 characters.

The following sample message
NAME AlarmUnitis acknowledged by the unit with the following message:
AlarmUnit NAME AlarmUnit
The unit’s reply message format is as follows:

NAME Note! The ‘Unit name’ message can also contain white spaces. For example:Labcom 220 To find out the name of the unit, send the following message:NAME

Specifying the measurement message schedule

Use the ‘Measurement message schedule’ message to specify the transmission interval and time for the measurement messages sent by the unit. The message contains the following fields, separated by a white space.

Field Description
TXD ‘Measurement message schedule’ message identifier
Measurement message transmission interval in days
Measurement message transmission time format (hh:mm), where hh = hours

mm = minutes

You can specify a maximum of six (6) daily transmission times. These must be separated with a white space in the ‘Measurement message schedule’ message.

4.2.3       Setting the time

The following sample message

TXD 1 8:15 16:15

sets the unit to send measurement messages daily at 8:15 am and 4:15 pm.

The unit sends the following reply:

AlarmUnit TXD 1 8:15 16:15

The unit’s reply message format is as follows:


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