Labkotec D15530_E-7 OMS-1 Oil Separator Alarm Device Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

Labkotec D15530_E-7 OMS-1 Oil Separator Alarm Device


Product Information

  • Product Name: OMS-1 Oil Separator Alarm Device
  • Manufacturer: Labkotec Oy
  • Address: Myllyhaantie 6, FI-33960 PIRKKALA, FINLAND
  • Contact Information: Tel: +358 29 006 260, Fax: +358 29 006 1260, Internet:

Product Usage Instructions


The OMS-1 is an alarm device designed to monitor the thickness of the oil layer in an oil separator. The system consists of the OMS-1 control unit, OMS sensor, and a cable joint. The OMS sensor is installed in the light liquid storage chamber and provides an alarm when the oil layer reaches a pre- determined level. The sensor is typically submerged in water.

The oil separator is considered a potentially explosive (Ex) area. While the OMS-1 sensor can be installed in a zone 0, 1, or 2 potentially explosive area, the control unit must be mounted in a safe area. The OMS-1 control unit features LED indicators, a push button, and various interfaces, as described in Figure 2 of the manual.


OMS-1 Control Unit

The OMS-1 control unit can be wall-mounted. The mounting holes are located in the base plate of the enclosure, beneath the mounting holes of the front cover. The connectors of the external conductors are isolated by a separating plate, which should not be removed. Ensure that the cover of the enclosure is tightened so that the edges touch the base frame. This will ensure proper functioning of the push button and a tight enclosure. Before installation, please read the safety instructions in Chapter 6 of the manual.

OMS Sensor

The OMS sensor should be installed according to the instructions provided in Figure 3 of the manual. An alarm is triggered when the upper electrode of the sensor comes in contact with oil. Make sure to also refer to the instructions of the specific oil separator for correct installation depth.

Cable Joint

Refer to Figure 4 of the manual for the cable joint. The connections of the sensor cable inside the cable joint are explained in Figure 3. If shielded cable is used, ensure that the cable shields and anyexcess wires are connected to the same point in galvanic contact. The cable joint has an IP68 rating, so make sure it is properly closed.

Notice: There is a risk of electrostatic charging during cabling.

If the sensor cable needs to be extended and equipotential grounding is necessary, use the junction box LJB2. The cabling between the OMS-1 control unit and the junction box should be done with a shielded twisted pair instrument cable. The maximum cable length is 100 m.


  • Warning / Attention
  • Pay special attention to installations at explosive atmospheres
  • Device is protected by double or reinforced insulation


OMS-1 is an alarm device for monitoring the thickness of the oil layer accumulating in an oil separator. The system consists of OMS-1 control unit, OMS sensor and a cable joint.


  • OMS sensor is installed into the light liquid storage chamber and gives an alarm when the chamber oil layer reaches a pre-determined level. The sensor is normally immersed in water.
  • The function is based on the measurement of the electrical conductivity of the surrounding liquid – water conducts electricity much better than oil.
  • Oil separator is regarded as potentially explosive (Ex) area. OMS-1 sensor can be installed in a zone 0, 1 or 2 potentially explosive area but the control unit must be mounted in a safe area.Labkotec-D15530-E-7-OMS-1-Oil-Separator-Alarm-Device-fig-3
  • The LED indicators, push button and interfaces of the OMS-1 control unit are described in figure 2.


OMS-1 control unit

fig-4 Labkotec-D15530-E-7-OMS-1-Oil-Separator-Alarm-Device-

  • OMS-1 control unit can be wall-mounted. The mounting holes are located in the base plate of the enclosure, beneath the mounting holes of the front cover.
  • The connectors of the external conductors are isolated by separating plate. The plate must not be removed.
  • The cover of the enclosure must be tightened so, that the edges touch the base frame. Only then does the push button function properly and the enclosure is tight.
  • Before installation, please read the safety instructions in chapter 6!

OMS sensor

  • OMS sensor should be installed as described in figure 3.
  • The sensor gives an alarm when the upper electrode is in oil.
  • Please check the correct installation depth also from the instructions of the oil separator.

Cable joint


  • Connections of the sensor cable inside the cable joint are explained in figure 3. If shielded cable is used cable shields and possible excess wires need to be connected to the same point in galvanic contact.
  • Please make sure, that the sensor and cable between OMS-1 control unit and the sensor do not exceed the maximum allowed electrical parameters – see chapter 7 Technical data.
  • IP rating of the cable joint is IP68. Make sure, that the cable joint is closed properly.

Notice in cabling: Risk of electrostatic charging!

  • If the sensor cable must be extended and there is a need for equipotential grounding, it should be done with the junction box LJB2.
  • The cabling between the OMS-1 control unit and the junction box should be done with a shielded twisted pair instrument cable. Maximum cable length is 100 m.


The operation of the alarm device should be checked always after the installation. Also check the operation always when emptying the separator or at least once every six months.

Functionality test

  1. Immerse the sensor into water. The device should be in normal mode.
  2. Lift the sensor up in air or oil. An Oil alarm should be generated (see chapter 3.1 for more detailed description).
  3. Clean up the sensor.
  4. Immerse the sensor back into water. The alarm should go off after a delay of 10 sec.

A more detailed description of the operation is provided in chapter 3.1. If the operation is not as described here, check connections and cabling. If necessary contact a representative of the manufacturer.

Modes of operation

Normal mode – no alarms

  • Sensor is totally immersed in water.
  • Mains LED indicator is on.
  • Other LED indicators are off.
  • Relay is energized.

Oil alarm

  • Sensor is immersed in oil. (the sensor gives an alarm when the upper electrode is in oil).
  • Mains LED indicator is on.
  • Oil Alarm LED indicator is on.
  • Buzzer on after 10 sec delay.
  • Relay de-energize after 10 sec delay.
    • ( Note:  The same alarm takes place when OMS sensor is in the air.)

After removal of an alarm, the Oil Alarm LED indicator and buzzer will be off, and relay will be energized after 10 sec delay.

Fault alarm

  • Sensor cable break, short circuit or a broken sensor.
  • Mains LED indicator is on.
  • Sensor circuit Fault LED indicator is on after 10 sec delay.
  • Buzzer is on after 10 sec delay.
  • The relay de-energizes after 10 sec delay.

Reset of an alarm

  • When pressing the Reset/Test push button.
  • Buzzer will go off.
  • If the buzzer is not reset, it goes off automatically after three days.


  • Test function provides an artificial alarm, which can be used to test the function of the OMS-1 alarm device and the function of other equipment, which are connected to OMS-1 via its relay.

Attention:  Before pressing the Reset/Test button, make sure that the change of relay status does not cause hazards elsewhere!

Normal situation: When pressing the Reset/Test push button:

  • Oil Alarm and Fault LED indicators are immediately on.
  • Buzzer is immediately on.
  • Relay de-energize after 2 sec of continuous pressing.
  • When the Reset/Test push button is released:
    • LED indicators and buzzer go immediately off.
    • Relay energize immediately.

Alarm on

  • When pressing the Reset/Test push button for the first time:
  • Buzzer will go off.
  • When pressing the Reset/Test push button after that:
    • Fault LED indicator is immediately on.
    • Oil Alarm LED indicator remains on.
    • Buzzer remains on. If it has been reset earlier, it will return to be on.
  • When the Reset/Test push button is released:
    • The device returns right away to the preceding status.

Fault alarm on

When pressing the Reset/Test push button:

  • The device does not react to the test at all.



  • MAINS LED indicator is off

Possible reason

  • Device doesn’t get supply voltage.

To do

  1. Check that power separation switch is not switched off.
  2. Measure the voltage between poles N and L1. It should be 230 VAC ± 10 %.


  • No alarm when sensor in oil or air, or the alarm will not go off

Possible reason

  • Sensor is dirty.

To do

  1. Clean-up the sensor and check the operation again.


  • FAULT LED indicator is on

Possible reason

  • Resistance in sensor circuit too high (cable break or out of connector) or too low (cable in short circuit). The sensor might also be broken.

To do

  1. Make sure, that the sensor cable has been connected correctly to the OMS-1 control unit.
  2. Disconnect sensor’s [+] wire and measure resistance between [+] and [-] wires. The measured resistance should be 45-51 kΩ.
  3. If it is possible measure also resistance between [+] wire and sensor’s upper electrode. The measured resistance should be 1,1 – 1,3 kΩ.
  4. If the resistance values in items 2 and 3 are correct, then OMS-1 control unit is defective, otherwise problem is in cabling or in sensor.

If the problem can not be solved with the above instructions, please contact Labkotec Oy’s service.

Attention:  If the sensor is located in an explosive atmosphere, the multimeter must be Exi-approved!


  • The sensor should be cleaned and the operation should also be tested when emptying the oil storage chamber or at least once every six months. The easiest way to check the operation is to lift the sensor up in the air and to put it back to the separator. The operation is described in chapter 3.
  • For cleaning, a mild detergent (e.g. washing-up liquid) and a scrubbing brush can be used.
  • In case of queries, please contact Labkotec Oy’s service.


  • OMS-1 control unit must not be installed in potentially explosive atmosphere. Sensors connected to it may be installed in zone 0, 1 or 2 potentially explosive atmospheres. In case of installations in explosive atmospheres the national requirements and relevant standards as EN IEC 60079-25 and/or EN IEC 60079-14 must be taken into account.
  • Warning:  If the cabling is voltage-tested, the sensor must be disconnected.
  • If electrostatic discharges can cause hazards in the operating environment, the device must be connected into equipotential ground according to requirements with regards to explosive atmospheres. Equipotential grounding is made by connecting all conductive parts into same potential e.g. at the cable junction box. Equipotential ground must be earthed.
  • The device does not include a mains switch. A two pole mains switch (250 VAC 1 A), which isolates both lines (L1, N) must be installed in the main power supply lines in the vicinity of the unit. This switch facilitates maintenance and service operations and it has to be marked to identify the unit. Fuse maximum 10 A.
  • When executing service, inspection and repair in explosive atmosphere, the rules in standards EN IEC 60079-17 and EN IEC 60079-19 about instructions of Ex-devices must be obeyed.


OMS-1 control unit

Dimensions| 125 mm x 75 mm x 35 mm (L x H x D)
Enclosure| IP 65, material polycarbonate
Cable bushings| 3 pcs M16 for cable diameter 5-10 mm
Operating environment| Temperature: -30 ºC…+50 ºC

Max. elevation above sea level 2,000 m Relative humidity RH 100%

Suitable for indoor and outdoor use (protected from direct rain)

Supply voltage| 230 VAC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz

The device is not equipped with a mains switch.

Fuse maximum 10 A.

Power consumption| 1 VA
Sensors| OMS sensor
Relay output| Potential-free relay output 250 V, 5 A, 100 VA

Operational delay 10 sec. Relay de-energize at trigger point.

Electrical safety

Insulation level Sensor / Mains supply voltage| 375V (EN IEC 60079-11)

Emission Immunity

| ****

EN IEC 61000-6-3

EN IEC 61000-6-1


Special conditions (X)


|  II (1) G [Ex ia Ga] IIB

(Ta = -30 C…+50 C) EESF 21 ATEX 023X IECEx EESF 21.0016X CML 21UKEX21350X

Electrical parameters

Characteristic curve of the output voltage is linear.

See table 1.

| Uo = 6,6 V         Io = 20,2 mA Po = 33,3 mW
Manufacturing year:

Please see the serial number on the type plate

| xxx x xxxxx xx YY x

where YY = manufacturing year (e.g. 22 = 2022)

OMS sensor

Principle| of| operation| Measurement of conductivity
Material| PVC, AISI 316
IP-classification| IP68
Temperature| Operation: 0 ºC…+60 ºC Safety:  -30 ºC …+60 ºC
Cable| Oil-proof cable 2 x 0.75 mm2 , Ø5,3 mm. Standard length 5 m, other lengths optional. The max. length of the fixed cable is 15 m. Can be extended up to 100 m..
EMC| ****

Emission Immunity

| ****

EN IEC 61000-6-3

EN IEC 61000-6-1

Ex-classification|  II 1 G Ex ia IIA T6 Ga

According to EN IEC 60079-11 simple apparatus.

Manufacturing year: Please see the serial number on the type plate| xxx x xxxxx xx YY x

where YY = manufacturing year (e.g. 22 = 2022)


In the cable parameters of OMS-1 sensor connection must be taken into account the interaction of capacitance and inductance. The table below indicates the connecting values in explosion group IIB. In explosion group IIA the values of the group IIB can be applied.

Table 1. OMS-1 electrical parameters

Max. permissible value Combined Co and Lo
Co Lo Co
40 µF
20 µF
II B 500 μF 300 mH
10 µF
8,5 µF

APPENDIX 1 OMS System drawing


  • Zone 0 IIA T6 (-30°C < Ta < +60°C )


  • -30°C < Ta < +50°C


System classification: ia IIA

NOTE: The installation must comply with IC/EN 60079-14.

WARNING:  If the cabling is voltage-tested, the sensors must be disconnected from the system.

Schedule Drawing

  • No modifications permitted without reference to the Notified Body


  • Cable y has capacitive limitation 20 F and a maximum length 100 m.
  • The Cable screen is optional.
  • A type is specified IC/EN 60079-25 in clause 9.
  • C cable = C wire/wire + C wire/screen

The cable may be separate cables or a twin pair contained in a type ‘A’ or a type ‘B’ multicore cable (as defined in clause 9 of IC/EN60079-25).



We hereby declare that the product named below has been designed to comply with the relevant requirements of the referenced directives and standards.


  • Measuring and control unit and sensor
  • OMS-1 Control Unit
  • OMS Sensor


  • Labkotec Oy
  • Myllyhaantie 6
  • FI-33960 Pirkkala Finland

Directives: The product is in accordance with the following EU Directives:

  • 2014/30/EU: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)
  • 2014/35/EU:  Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
  • 2014/34/EU: Equipment for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive (ATEX)
  • 2011/65/EU: Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)

Standards: The following standards were applied:

  • EMC: EN IC 61000-6-1:2019
    • EN IC 61000-6-3:2021
    • EN IC 61000-3-2:2019
    • EN 61000-3-3:2013/A1:2019
  • LVD: EN 61010-1:2010/A1:2019/AC:2019-04
  • ATEX: EN IEC 60079-0:2018
    • EN 60079-11:2012
    • EN 60079-25:2010/AC:2013
    • EC-type examination certificate: EESF 21 ATEX 023X.
    • Notified Body: Eurofins Expert Services Ltd, Notified Body number 0537.
    • The revised harmonise standards have been compared to the previous standard versions used in the original type certification and no changes in the “state of the art” apply to the equipment.
  • ROHS: EN IC 63000:2018

The product is CE-marked since 2012.


This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. Signed for and on behalf of Labkotec Oy.


We hereby declare that the product named below has been designed to comply with the relevant requirements of the referenced directives and standards.

Products: LCJ1-SK4 cable connector for one sensor


  • Labkotec Oy
  • Myllyhaantie 6
  • FI-33960 Pirkkala Finland

Directives: The product is in accordance with the following EU Directives:

  • 2014/34/EU Equipment for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive (ATEX)
  • 2011/65/EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)

Standards: The product is in accordance with the following

  • 2014/34/EU Equipment for Potentially Explosion Atmospheres Directive (ATEX)
  • 2011/65/EU Restriction of Hazardous Substance Directive (RoHS)

The following standards were applied:

  • ATEX: EN IEC 60079-0:2018
    • EN 60079-11:2012

The product is a simple apparatus


This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. Signed for and on behalf of Labkotec Oy.






Labkotec Oy

  • Myllyhaantie 6, FI-33960 Pirkkala, Finland
  • Tel: +358 29 006 260



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