Ameda Dual HygieniKit Milk Collection System Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

Ameda Dual HygieniKit Milk Collection System


  • If your Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System is marked “STERILE”, contents are sterile unless package is opened or damaged. Do not use if package is damaged.

Before Every Use

  • Always wash hands well with soap and water before handling the Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System or other Ameda products. Do not use solvents or abrasives.
  • If parts need replacing due to defects, please call:
  • In USA: 1.866.99.AMEDA(26332)
  • In Canada: 1.800.263.7400
  • In other countries: Call your local distributor or the location where you purchased your pump. For a list of distributors in your country, visit

For Your Health and Safety
The Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System is a personal care item. For hygienic reasons, this product should never be shared between mothers or resold from one mother to another.

Instructions for the Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System

Intended Use

  • The HygieniKit Milk Collection System is intended to facilitate the expression and collection of breast milk from a lactating woman for the purpose of feeding the collected milk to a child.

  • The Ameda HygieniKit has a patented silicone diaphragm that creates a barrier protecting the pump and tubing from penetration of bacteria1,2 and viruses (Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV2,3 from contaminated liquids inside the collection bottle system.

  • The diaphragm in this product creates a barrier protecting liquids collected in the collection bottle system from penetration of bacteria,1,2 and viruses (Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV)2,3 from the pump and tubing in the event of contamination of these components during a prior use or by a prior user.

  • Note that the Ameda HygieniKit neither removes bacteria and viruses (Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV) from the breast milk being collected into the collection bottle nor does the Ameda HygieniKit make it safe for infected mothers to feed their infants with milk collected using this device.
    1,3Testing performed in situ using actual HygieniKits and SMB Piston Breast Pump with suspension of Phi-XI74 bacteriophage and Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Procedure was adapted from ASTM 1671-97b

  • Standard Test method Resistance of materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Blood-borne Pathogens Using Phi-Xl74 Bacteriophage as a test System
    2The use of this product neither guarantees or warrantees against the transmission of Hepatitis B and C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV.

Set Up and Assembly



  • Unless told otherwise by a healthcare provider, follow these cleaning instructions: Always wash hands well with soap and water before handling the Ameda HygieniKit and other Ameda products. Do not use solvents or abrasives.

Before First Use

  • If your Ameda HygieniKit is marked “STERILE,”open and use.
  • If your Ameda HygieniKit is NOT marked “STERILE,” before first use:
  • Boil all parts—except tubing, adapter cap, and tubing adapter—for 20 minutes.
  • Remove all parts from water right after boiling.
  • Allow to air dry on a clean, dry surface before assembly and use.

After Every Use


  • Take apart the Ameda HygieniKit to clean.
  • Rinse any milk residue from pump parts with cool water.
  • Wash all parts—except tubing, adapter cap, and tubing adapter—in warm, soapy water.
  • Rinse well with warm, clean water.
  • Allow parts to air dry on clean towel or drying rack before assembly and next use.
  • Cover parts with clean towel if not planning to use again right away.

Breast flanges and bottles can be washed on the upper rack of a standard household dishwasher away from heating elements. Wash diaphragms and valves gently by hand. Do not insert anything into valve while cleaning.

Using the Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System

  • Attaching to Any Ameda Electric Breast Pump.


The HygieniKit may be used to single or dual pump with any Ameda electric breast pump. Simply insert the tubing adapter into the tubing adapter port.
Single and Dual Pumping


To single pump
Remove one tube and close tubing adapter.

To dual pump
Both tubes should be attached to tubing adapter.

Putting Ameda HygieniKit to the Breast
To begin pumping:

  • Center the nipple in the breast flange.
  • Fill the breast flange with the breast to create an air seal.
  • Angle breast flange down a bit so milk flows into bottle.

Checking Flange Fit
Some Ameda HygieniKits include one size breast flange, with an opening of 25mm. Other Ameda kits include three flanges sizes (25, 28.5, and 30.5mm). Many mothers do well with the 25mm standard size breast flange, but you may need a larger flange (30.5mm) or insert (28.5mm) if pumping is uncomfortable or unproductive, even on low suction. If the standard flange is too tight, a larger flange or insert may feel better and pump more milk. Flange fit can change as the breast changes after birth and with pumping. Use the size that feels best and gives the best results. If the 30.5mm size is not large enough, contact your Ameda retailer for the Ameda Custom Breast Flanges 32.5/36mm.

To check your flange fit, watch your nipple during pumping

Good Fit
During pumping, your nipple moves freely in the breast flange tunnel. You see space around the nipple. Not much areola is drawn into the tunnel with the nipple.

Too Small
During pumping, some or all of your nipple rubs against the sides of the breast flange tunnel.

Too Large
During pumping, more areola is drawn into the breast flange with your nipple. Your areola may rub against the side of the breast flange tunnel.

If your kit includes larger flanges, to use them:

  • Replace standard flange with larger flange
  • Move valve to larger flange
  • See instructions to assemble other parts
  • Try the larger flange with and without the insert on each breast until you find the size that feels better and/or pumps more milk.

If your kit does not include larger flanges, contact your Ameda retailer for Custom Breast Flanges 28.5/30.5mm (Ameda Stock No. 17148PM) or Custom Breast Flanges 32.5/36mm (Ameda Stock No. 17358M).
Visit for more information.

Pumping Made Simple
Does a pump need to be set at the strongest suction to get more milk? No. Set your pump at the highest suction that feels good…and no higher.
Milk Release or ‘Let-Down
Pumping milk is not like sucking liquid through a straw. With a straw, the stronger you suck, the more liquid you get. When pumping, the milk comes only when a milk release (otherwise known as a “let-down”) happens. Without a milk release, most milk stays in the breast.

What is a milk release?

  • Hormones cause muscles in the breast to squeeze and milk ducts to widen, pushing the milk out.
  • Some mothers feel tingling. Others feel nothing.
  • A milk release can happen with a touch at the breast, hearing a baby cry, or even by thinking about your baby. Feeling your baby’s soft, warm skin against yours can cause a milk release.
  • Feelings of stress, anger, or upset can block milk release.

Using Your Senses
While breastfeeding, most mothers have three or four milk releases without knowing it. To get more milk with your pump, you need more milk releases. But, you may need some help at first until your body learns to respond to your pump like a baby.
To trigger more milk releases, use your senses. One or two senses may work better than the others, so try them all to find out which work best for you.

  • Mind/Feelings: Close your eyes, relax, and imagine your baby breastfeeding. Think about how much you love your baby.
  • Sight: Look at your baby or your baby’s photo.
  • Hearing: Listen to a tape of your baby cooing or crying. If you’re away, call and check on your baby. Or, call someone you love to relax and distract you.
  • Smell: Smell your baby’s blanket or clothing.
  • Touch: Apply a warm cloth or gently massage your breasts.
  • Taste: Sip your favorite warm, non-alcoholic drink to relax you.

Using Pump Controls
Check to see if your pump has both SUCTION/VACUUM and CYCLE controls. If so, use your senses as you adjust the controls during pumping to get more milk faster. Watch your milk flow as you pump. Use it as your guide.

  1. Set SUCTION/VACUUM to the highest setting that feels good.
  2. Set CYCLE on the fastest setting.
  3. When milk flows, turn CYCLE down close to the slowest setting.
  4. When the milk flow slows to a trickle, return to fast CYCLE and use your senses.
  5. Repeat, using fast CYCLE to trigger milk releases and slow cycles to drain.

Pumping Length
Talk to your healthcare provider about how long you should pump. In most cases, 10 to 15 minutes per breast is long enough.

  • If single pumping, 20 to 30 minutes total.
  • If dual pumping, 10 to 15 minutes total.

Removing the Ameda HygieniKit from Breast After pumping

  • Turn off pump.
  • Insert a finger into breast flange(s) to break suction.
  • Remove Ameda kit from breast(s).


If milk drips too slowly into bottle:

If pump has a CYCLE control, set pump to faster CYCLE setting.

  • Replace silicone diaphragm(s) and valve(s).

If pumping causes discomfort

  • Set pump to lower SUCTION/VACUUM setting.
  • Check pump fit. Larger flanges may be needed.

If suction is low

  • Check that valve(s) is/are pushed onto breast flange(s).
  • Check valve(s) for tears or stretches. Replace if needed.
  • If single pumping, check tubing adapter to be sure side not in use is closed.
  • Check tubing adapter for cracks. If seen, replace.
  • Set pump to higher SUCTION/VACUUM setting.

The valves are vital for proper suction. To work well, they must be intact and look closed when pump is not in use.

To prolong valve life

  • When removing from breast flange, pull gently from thick sides, not thin edge.
  • Do not stick anything into valves during cleaning. Just swish them around in warm, soapy water, rinse well in warm water, and air dry.

Converting to an Ameda One-Hand Manual Breast Pump
Use this section if your One-Hand handle assembly is part of an Ameda HygieniKit or has been purchased separately.

  1. Unsnap and remove adapter cap.
  2. Remove diaphragm from upper chamber of breast flange.


Remove plastic covering on handle assembly.

  • Push piston into upper chamber of flange.
  • Pull handle down and snap handle collar around bottom of flange. (See shaded area in diagram above.)
  • Screw flange onto bottle. Handle is on correctly if top of handle is a straight line.


Using the One-Hand Manual Breast Pump

Pumping Made Simple
Use both fast and slow squeezes. Watch your milk flow as you pump. Use it as your guide.

  1. Use a few minutes of fast, light squeezes to trigger milk flow.
  2. When milk flows, use slower, stronger squeezes. (Never so hard that it hurts.)
  3. For easier pumping, while milk is flowing “squeeze and hold.”
  4. When milk flow slows, use faster squeezes again.
  5. When milk flows again, use slower, stronger squeezes.
  6. Repeat fast then slow squeezes to pump more milk faster.
  7. Change breasts every 5-7 minutes for a total of 20 to 30 minutes.

Pumping with fast and slow squeezes is like a baby at the breast. Baby starts fast, then slow, and repeats. This two-speed action may help you pump more milk faster. Removing Ameda One-Hand Breast Pump from Breast
After pumping

  • Insert a finger into breast flange to break suction.
  • Remove One-Hand Breast Pump from breast.

If milk drips into bottle too slowly:

  • And you’re using “squeeze and hold,” release the handle.
  • If not using “squeeze and hold”, release handle more often.

If pumping causes discomfort

  • Use gentler handle squeezes.
  • Check flange fit. A larger flange may be needed.

If suction is low

  • Check that valve is on fully.
  • Check valve for tears or stretches. Replace if needed.
  • Remove piston seal, stretch out on flat surface, and replace on piston.

The valves are vital for proper suction. To work well, they must be intact and look closed when pump is not in use.

To prolong valve life

  • When removing from breast flange, pull gently from thick sides, not thin edge.
  • Do not stick anything into valves during cleaning. Just swish them around in warm, soapy water, rinse well in warm water, and air dry.

Milk Storage and Handling

ALWAYS DATE CONTAINERS – Human milk should be stored in a dated, clean, sealed container. Glass or hard plastic containers can be used.

Guidelines for Storing and Thawing Human Milk

Storage Time for Human Milk*| Deep Freeze


| Refrigerator Freezer (variable 0°F/-18°C)| Refrigerator

(39°F /4°C)

| Cooler with Frozen

Ice Packs (59°F/15°C)

| Room Temperature
(66°F – 72°F)

(19°C – 22°C)

| (72°F – 79°F)

(22°C – 26°C)

Fresh| 12 Months| 3 – 4 Months| 8 Days| 24 Hours| 6–10 Hours| 4 Hours
Frozen, Thawed in Fridge| Do Not Refreeze| Do Not Refreeze| 24 Hours| Do Not Store| 4 Hours| 4 Hours
Thawed, Warmed, Not Fed| Do Not Refreeze| Do Not Refreeze| 4 Hours| Do Not Store| Until Feeding Ends| Until Feeding Ends
Warmed, Fed| Discard| Discard| Discard| Discard| Until Feeding Ends| Until Feeding Ends

Storage times may vary for premature or sick babies. Sources: Jones, F. and M.R.. Tully, Best Practice for Expressing, Storing and Handling Human Milk in Hospitals, Homes and Child Care Settings. Raleigh, NC: Human Milk Banking Association of North America, 2006; Mohrbacher, N. Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple. Amarillo, TX: Hale Publishing, 2010.

Thawing/Warming Milk

  • Thaw frozen milk in refrigerator. Or, thaw or warm milk by placing container in cool then warm water.
  • Do Not Microwave Human Milk –
  • Microwaving changes the milk. It also creates hot spots in the milk that can burn the baby.

Flexishield Areola Stimulator
The Flexishield Areola Stimulator:

  • Is a flexible silicone breast flange insert.
  • Gives a soft feel against the skin while pumping.
  • Compresses the breast while pumping to help trigger milk release.
  • Is optional with the Ameda One-Hand Breast Pump and the Ameda HygieniKits.
  • Can be bought separately.
  • Narrows the breast flange, so works best with mothers with small nipples.
  • Fits only the standard 25mm breast flange (see “Checking Flange Fit”).

To use the Flexishield areola stimulator

  1. Insert Flexishield stimulator into breast flange. Flexishield stimulator’s rings should touch inside walls of flange.Ameda-Dual-HygieniKit-Milk-Collection-System-FIG-16
  2. Attach Flexishield stimulator to flange by pushing edge over rim of flange. Use palm or thumb and forefinger.


Replacement Parts

Ameda-Dual-HygieniKit-Milk-Collection-System-FIG-18 Ameda-Dual-HygieniKit-Milk-Collection-System-


Limited Warranty

The Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System (“Product”) is warranted to the original user (“Customer”) only. Use of the Product by more than one person will void this express limited warranty. Ameda, Inc. (“Ameda”) warrants that it will convey to the Customer good title to the Product. For ninety (90) days from the date of original purchase of this Product, Ameda warrants the Product to the Customer against defects in material or workmanship. Ameda’s sole obligation under this express limited warranty shall be to repair or replace, at Ameda’s option, any Product that is determined to be defective by Ameda and determined to be covered by this limited warranty. Repair or replacement under this limited warranty is the sole and exclusive remedy of the Customer. Proof of purchase in the form of a receipted invoice or bill of sale evidencing that the product is within the warranty period must be presented to obtain warranty service. This express limited warranty is extended by Ameda ONLY to the Customer and is not assignable or transferable to subsequent purchasers or end users of the Product. For warranty service contact Ameda at 1.866.99.AMEDA (26332).

Icon Glossary

  • Caution Consult Documents.
  • Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
  • Fragile
  • Protect from sunlight
  • Keep Dry
  • Temperature Limitation For Transport/Storage
  • Humidity Limitation For Transport/Storage
  • Temperature Limitation For Operation
  • Humidity Limitation For Operation
  • Manufacturer
  • Lot Number
  • Catalogue Number

Manufactured for

  • Ameda, Inc.
  • 485 Half Day Road, Ste. 320
  • Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
  • USA

Distributed in USA by

  • Ameda, Inc.
  • 485 Half Day Road,
  • Ste. 320
  • Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
  • 1.866.99.AMEDA (26332)
  • Distributed in Canada by:
  • Distribué au Canada par :
  • Mothers Choice Products, Ltd.
  • 2133-11871 Horseshoe Way
  • Richmond, BC V74 5h5
  • 1.800.604.6225

Distributed in Australia by

  • MidMed Pty Ltd.
  • Unit 4, 62 Borthwick Avenue
  • Murarrie, QLD 4172
  • 61 (7) 3348 9155

Distribution in other countries: For product information or feedback, call your local distributor or location where you purchased the product. For a listing of distributors in your country, please visit

The Ameda Logo, Ameda, Ameda Mom Inspired. Hospital Trusted, CustomFit Flange System, Flexishield, HygieniKit and Store’N Pour are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Ameda, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

© 2022 Ameda, Inc. 1200086-0222


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