DEVELCO SPLZB-131 Smart Mini Plug Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

DEVELCO - logo Smart Plug Mini – SPLZB-131
Technical manual
Revised 21.03.2016

SPLZB-131 Smart Mini Plug

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Develop Products assumes no responsibility for any errors, which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, Develop Products reserves the right to alter the hardware, software, and/or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and Develop Products does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein.
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Cautionary notes

Develco Products A/S reserves the right to make changes to any product to improve reliability without further notice. Develco Products A/S does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit  described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent rights or the rights of third parties.


2.1 Smart Plug Mini – SPLZB-131
The wireless Smart Plug Mini with power metering feature is an intelligent, sharp and sophisticated, remotely controlled adapter.
This extremely efficient Smart Plug Mini can be applied wherever you want to control electrical devices, while monitoring the power consumption in a convenient and maintenance-free way.
The Smart Plug Mini requires no installation tools or electrician, meaning no hassle for you. You just take the Smart Plug Mini out of the box, put it into an electrical outlet, and plug in any electrical device of your choice.
The Smart Plug Mini allows you to instantly turn on and off any device from across the world – or from your living room. The undemanding interface ensures an easy and intuitive way of adding the Smart Plug Mini to your Smart Home system. The Smart Plug Mini is based on ZigBee and can easily be integrated with other ZigBee products or smart control solutions.
2.2 Key features
The ZigBee based relay for Smart Plug Mini mounting is router in the ZigBee 2007 network.
Key features are:

  • Remote on/off control
  • Power Failure alarm
  • Accurate power consumption
  • Certified ZigBee Home Automation 1.2
  • ZigBee OTA cluster for firmware upgrades
  • ETSI compliant.
  • RoHS compliant according to the EU Directive 2002/95/EC.


The device has 3 endpoints:

3.1 ZigBee Device Object (ZDO)

  • Application profile Id 0x0000
  • Application device Id 0x0000
  • Supports all mandatory clusters

3.2 Smart Plug Mini – End Point 0x02

  • Application profile Id 0x0104 (Home Automation)
  • Application device Id 0x0051 (Smart Plug Mini)
  • Clusters
    o Clusters supported as server
    • Basic
    • Identify
    • Groups
    • Scenes
    • On Off
    • Metering
    • Alarms (support alarms in relation to the Metering cluster)
    • Device Temperature Configuration
    • Electrical Measurement
    o Clusters supported as client
    • Occupancy Sensing
    • OTA Upgrade
    • Time

3.3 Develco Utility

  • Application profile Id 0xC0C9 (Develco Products private profile)
  • Application device Id 0x0001
  • Develco ZigBee Manufacturer code 0x1015
  • Private profile for internal Develco Products use only.

Reference documents
They can all be downloaded from:
3.4 Basic – Cluster id 0x0000
The Basic cluster has 2 attribute sets defined. In the following sections the attributes of these sets is listed. Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the basic cluster.
Only the first set has mandatory attributes, also the optional attributes that can be relevant to a device are all in set 0x000
3.4.1 0x000 Basic Device Information attribute set

Id# Name Type Range Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x0 ZCL Version Uint8 Type range M
0x4 Manufacturer Name String 0-32 byte O
0x5 Model Identifier String 0-32 byte O
0x7 Power Source 8 biennium Type range M
0x12 Device Enable Bool Type range O Always TRUE Manufacturer name
“Develco Products A/S” Model identifier
|“SPLZB-131” Power source
Mains powered single phase Manufacture Specific Attribute

Id# Name Type Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x8000 Primary SW Version Octet String M Read only
0x8010 Primary Bootloader SW Version Octet String M Read only
0x8020 Primary HW version Octet String M Read only

ZCL header setting – Manufactory code for Develco Products is 0x1015
3.5 Identify – Cluster id 0x0003
The identify cluster serves as a way to make a device identify itself either visually or by sound.
Normally this is done by toggling an LED at some interval.
Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the identify cluster.
The Identify cluster only defines one attribute.
3.5.1 Attribute

Id# Name Type Range Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x0000 Identify Time Uint16 Type range M Commands
The identify cluster has 2 commands as server.

Id# Name Payload Man/Opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Identify Uint16 – Identify Time (seconds) M
0x01 Identify Query None M

The identify cluster has 1 command as client.

Id# Name Payload Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Identify Query Response Uint16 – Identify Time (seconds) M

3.6 On/Off – Cluster id 0x0006
The On/Off cluster has 1 attribute set defined. In the following section the set is listed. Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the On/Off Cluster. The cluster is implemented as a server cluster.
3.6.1 On/Off Cluster – Attributes
On the On/Off cluster the following attributes are defined:

Id# Name Type Range Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x0000 On Off Boolean 0x00 – 0x01 M Section

ZCL configure reporting is supported

3.6.2 On/Off Cluster Commands
The server generates no commands
The On/Off cluster can receive the following commands from a client

Id# Name Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Off M ZCL specification section
0x01 On M ZCL specification section
0x02 Toggle M ZCL specification section

3.6.3 On/Off Cluster – MFG Commands
The On/Off cluster can receive the following manufacture specific commands from a client

Id# Name Man/Opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Sidemode Off O 0x00
0x01 Sidemode On O 0x01

ZCL header setting – Manufactory code for Develco Products is 0x1015 Overview
The safe mode functionality is default disabled. To enable the safe mode functionality the Safe mode On or Off command has to be send from the client with payload 1 – 255. To disable the safe mode the client has to send a payload with  value 0. Develco Products A/S Olof Palmes Ale 40 DK – 8200 Aarhus N +45 87 400 370 [email protected]
The safe mode functionality is implemented to assure that the relay enters a predefined state after x minutes.
If “Sidemode On” command is sent to a relay with value 10 minutes, the relay will enter the safe mode after 10 minutes and force the relay to turn ON. If a standard OFF command from the On/Off cluster is sent within the first 10  minutes. The timer is restarted and the relay will not turn ON before the new 10 minute time has timed out. Sending the standard OFF command regularly within the 10 minute time interval will prevent the relay to enter safe mode ON state.
The “Safe mode off” functionality is the same as “Safe mode on” the only different is relay entering off state instead of on state.
After a power failure the remaining time before entering “Safe mode” is set to zero and the device will be forced to enter safe mode immediately. Sidemode Off payload

Octets 1
Data type Uint8
Field name Safe Mode Time in minute Sidemode On payload

Octets 1
Data type Uint8
Field name Safe Mode Time in minute

3.7 Metering – Cluster id 0x0702
In the following sections the ZigBee SE metering cluster, is listed. Refer to [S1] for ZigBee specification of the Metering cluster.
3.7.1 0x00 Reading Information attribute set

Id# Name Type Range SE Req. Relevance and ref.
0x00 Current Summation Delivered Uint48 Type range M Recent  summed

value of Energy delivered.
0x01| Current Summation Received| Uint48| Type range| O| Recent summed value of Energy generated.
0x02| Current Max Demand Delivered| Uint48| Type range| O| The value is reset at midnight UTC time
0x03| Current Max Demand Received| Uint48| Type range| O| The value is reset at midnight UTC time
0x05| Daily Freeze Time| Uint16| Type range| O| Read only
0x08| Current Max Demand Delivered Time| UTC Time| Type range| O| Represents the time when Current Max Demand Delivered reading was captured
0x09| Current Max Demand Received Time| UTC Time| Type range| O| Represents the time when Current Max Demand Received reading was captured
0x0F| Profile Interval Period| 8-bit Enuma| 0x00-0xFF| O| Log is stored in a 5 min interval

Above attribute description is to be found in section D. “Reading Information Set” document “ZigBee Smart Energy Profile Specification” provided by the ZigBee alliance.
3.7.2 0x01 TOU Information attribute set
No attributes are support in this set.
3.7.3 0x02 Meter Status attribute set

Id# Name Type Range Man/opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Status 8 bit bitmap Type range M 0x0032 – Meter Status

Above attribute description is to be found in section D. “Meter Status Attribute” document “ZigBee Smart Energy Profile Specification” provided by the ZigBee alliance. Meter Status
The following table describe the meter status bits per metering type:

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Reserved Service Disconnect Open Leak Detect Power Quality Power Failure
Tamper Detect Low Battery Check Meter

3.7.4 0x03 Formatting attribute set
The following set of attributes provides the ratios and formatting hints required to transform the received summations, consumptions or demands/rates into displayable values. If the Multiplier and Divisor attribute values are non-zero,  they are used in conjunction with the Summation Formatting, Consumption Formatting, and Demand Formatting attributes. Equations required to accomplish this task are defined below:
Summation = Summation received Multiplier /  Divisor
(formatted using Summation Formatting)
Consumption = Summation received
Multiplier / Divisor
(formatted using Consumption Formatting)
Demand = Demand received * Multiplier / Divisor
(formatted using Demand Formatting)

If the Multiplier and Divisor attribute values are zero, just the formatting hints defined in Summation Formatting, Consumption Formatting, and Demand Formatting attributes are used.
The following set of attributes provides the ratios and formatting hints required to transform the received summations, consumptions or demands/rates into displayable values. If the Multiplier and Divisor attribute values are non-zero, they are used in conjunction with the Summation Formatting, Consumption Formatting, and Demand Formatting attributes.

Id# Name Type Range Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Unit of Measure 8 bit enemy 0x00 to 0xFF M Fixed to 0x00 (kW/kWh in

pure binary format)
0x01| Multiplier| Uint24| 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF| O| Fixed to 1
0x02| Divisor| Uint24| 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF| O| Fixed to 1000
0x03| Summation Formatting| 8 bit| 0x00 to| M| Fixed to 0xFB (3 digits to
0x04| Demand Formatting| 8 bit bitmap| 0x00 to 0xFF| O| Fixed to 0xFB (3 digits to the right of the decimal point)
0x06| Metering Device Type| 8 bit bitmap| 0x00 to 0xFF| M| Fixed to 0x00 (Electric Meter)
0x08| Meter Serial Number| Octet String| 0-24 Octets| O|

Above attribute description is to be found in section D. “Formatting” ZigBee Smart Energy Profile Specification provided by the ZigBee alliance.
3.7.5 0x04 Historical attribute set

Id# Name Type Range Man /opt Relevance and ref.
**** 0x00 **** Instantaneous Demand **** Int24 -8,388,607 to 8,388,607
**** O

Above attribute description is to be found in section D. “Historical Consumption” document “ZigBee Smart Energy Profile Specification” provided by the ZigBee alliance.

3.8 Alarms – Cluster id 0x0009
The Alarms cluster has 1 attribute set defined. In the following section the set is listed. Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the Alarm Cluster. The cluster is implemented as a server cluster
3.8.1 Metering Cluster – Alarm Attribute Set 0x000
On the metering cluster another attribute set related to alarms is defined:
3.8.2 Alarms Cluster Commands
The Alarm Server cluster can receive the following commands

Id# Name Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Reset Alarm M ZCL specification section 3.11
0x01 Reset all alarm M ZCL specification section 3.11

The Alarm Server cluster can generate the following commands

Id# Name Man /Opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Alarm M ZCL specification section 3.11

The metering device is able to generate ZCL alarms for various meter events. A binding between the receiving end point of the alarms and the meter end points alarm cluster must have been created before the alarms can be reported. Only mandatory commands are supported.
The following alarms are supported. Alarm code table

ZCL Alarm Code decimal ZCL Alarm Condition
0x 03 Power Failure

3.9 Time – Cluster id 0x000A
The Time cluster is a general cluster for time it is based on a UTC time in seconds since 0 hrs. 0 mins 0 sec on 1st January 2000. Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the time cluster.
The metering device will use this clusters as a client – provided that a suitable Time Server is available on the network (most likely on the Gateway/concentrator)

3.9.1 Attribute

Id# Name Type Range Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x000 0 Time UTC Time (Uint32) Type range M The module will periodically

update its clock by synchronizing through this cluster
0x0001| Time Status| 8 bit bitmap| 00000xxx| M|

3.10 Groups – Cluster 0x0004
The Group cluster has 1 attribute set defined. In the following section the set is listed. Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the Groups Cluster. The cluster is implemented as a server cluster.
3.10.1 Groups Cluster – Attributes
On the groups cluster the following attributes are defined:

Id# Name Type Range Man /Opt Relevance and ref.
0x0000 Name Support 8bitmap Type range M Section

3.10.2 Groups Cluster Commands
The groups cluster can receive the following commands from the client.

Id# Name Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Add group response M ZCL specification section
0x01 View group response M ZCL specification section
0x02 Get group membership response M ZCL specification section
0x03 Remove group response M ZCL specification section

The groups cluster can generate the following command and send them to the client.

Id# Name Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x00 Add group M ZCL specification section
0x01 View group M ZCL specification section
0x02 Get group membership M ZCL specification section
0x03 Remove group M ZCL specification section
0x04 Remove all groups M ZCL specification section
0x05 Add group if identifying M ZCL specification section

3.11 Scenes – Cluster id 0x0005
The Scenes cluster has the following attribute sets defined. In the following sections the attributes of these sets is listed. Refer to [Z2] for ZigBee specification of the Scenes cluster.
3.11.1 0x000 Scenes attribute set

Id# Name Type Range Man /opt Note
0x0 Scenes Count Uint8 Type range M
0x1 Current Scene Uint8 Type range M
0x2 Current Group Uint16 Type range M
0x3 Scene Valid Bool Type range M
0x12 Name Support Scene Bitmap8 Type range M

3.12 Electrical Measurement – Cluster id 0x0B04
The physical meter located on end point 0x02 support the electrical measurement cluster. This cluster provides a mechanism for querying data about the electrical properties as measured by the device.

Id# Name Type Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x0000 Measurement Type BitMap32 O Section 4.6.1
0x0300 A Frequency Uint16 O Non phase specific Measurement Reading in

0x030D| MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent| Sint16| O| Phase1
0x0400| AC Frequency Multiplier| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1
0x0401| AC Frequency Divisor| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1000
0x0405| Phase Harmonic Current Multiplier| Sint8| O| Fixed to -2
0x0505| RMS Voltage| Uint16| O| L1 – Volts (V)
0x0508| RMS Current| Uint16| O| L1 – Amps (A)
0x050B| Active Power| Sint16| O| L1 – Watts (W).
0x050E| Reactive Power| Sint16| O| L1 – Watts (W).
0x0600| AC Voltage Multiplier| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1
0x0601| AC Voltage Divisor| Uint16| O| Fixed to 100
0x0602| AC Current Multiplier| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1
0x0603| AC Current Divisor| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1000
0x0604| AC Power Multiplier| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1
0x0605| AC Power Divisor| Uint16| O| Fixed to 1000

3.12.1 Measurement type
Indicates a device’s measurement capabilities

Bit Flag name
0 Active measurement (AC)
1 Reactive measurement (AC)
2 Apparent measurement (AC)
3 Phase A measurement
4 Phase B measurement
5 Phase C measurement
6 DC measurement
7 Harmonics measurement
8 Power quality measurement

3.12.2 Measured Phase1st Harmonic Current
The Measured Phase1st Harmonic Current attributes represent the most recent phase of the 1st harmonic current reading in an AC frequency. The unit for this measurement is 10 ^
Phase1sthHarmonicCurrentMultiplier degree
3.13 Device Temperature – Cluster id 0x0002
The device will use this clusters as a server – provided a temperature from the sensor in the Smart Plug Mini.
3.13.1 Attribute

Id# Name Type Range Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x0000 Current temperature Analog (Uint16) Temperature  in Celsius M

Resolution 1 ºC

3.14 OTA Upgrade – Cluster id 0x0019
The cluster provides a ZigBee standard way to upgrade devices in the network via OTA messages.
3.14.1 OTA Cluster Attributes

Id# Name Type Range Man /opt Relevance and ref.
0x0000 Upgrade ServerID IEEE Address M
0x0001 File Offset Uint32 Type range O
0x0002 Current File Version Uint32 Type range O
0x0003 Current Zig Bee Stack Version Uint16 Type range O
0x0004 Downloaded File Version Uint32 Type range O
0x0005 Downloaded Zig Bee Stack Version Uint16 Type range M
0x0006 Image Upgrade Status 8 biennium 0x00 to 0xFF O
0x0007 Manufacturer ID Uint16 Type range O
0x0008 Image Type ID Uint16 Type range O
0x0009 Minimum Block Request Delay Uint16 Type range O

Above attribute description is to be found in section 6.7 “OTA Cluster Attributes” in ZigBee document – “zigbeeota-upgrade-cluster-specification” provided by the ZigBee alliance.
3.14.2 OTA Cluster Commands
The OTA Client cluster can send the following commands

Id# Name Man /Opt Relevance and ref.
0x01 Query Next Image request M 6.10.1 OTA Cluster Command Identifiers
0x03 Image Block Request M 6.10.1 OTA Cluster Command Identifiers
0x06 Upgrade End Request M 6.10.1 OTA Cluster Command Identifiers

3.14.3 OTA Upgrade Diagram

DEVELCO SPLZB 131 Smart Mini Plug - DiagramMMI user guide

4.1 Push button menu
Pushing the button on a device provides the user with several possibilities.
Pushing the button for longer (push, hold for a few seconds, and release) allows the user to set the device into a desired mode. A mode change happens at 5 second interval. Below, these modes are illustrated in a state chart.DEVELCO SPLZB 131 Smart Mini Plug - Push button

When cycling through the menu modes, the state is indicated by a number of 100ms blinks on the LED. The device is supporting the ZigBee standardized EZ- mode Commissioning.
4.1.1 EZ mode – Initiator
If the devices is not on the network EZ-Mode Network Steering is invoked when the user enter this menu. The led blinks once every 1 sec until the devices has joined the network. If the device was already on the network it will broadcast  the Permit Join messages. It is the trust center policy that decides if the device is allowed to join the network.
When the device has joined the network EZ-Mode Finding and Binding is invoked and the device start to blink every 3 sec until a cluster match is found. When a match is found or the cluster examine is finished the blinking stops and the device sends a messages to the target device to stop the identify time.
The following clusters are support in EZ-mode finding and binding:

  • On/Off cluster
  • Metering cluster
  • Electrical measurement cluster

The EZ-mode time is hard coded to 3 minutes. This is the Minimum and recommended Permit Join time broadcast for EZ-Mode Network Steering and minimum Identify Time set for EZ-Mode Finding and Binding. If the user enters the menu again another 3 minutes is started.
4.1.2 EZ mode – Target
If the devices is not on the network EZ-Mode Network Steering is invoked when the user enter this menu. The led blinks twice every 1 sec until the devices has joined the network. If the device was already on the network it will broadcast  the Permit Join messages. It is the trust center policy that decides if the device is allowed to join the network.
When the device has joined the network identify mode is invoke and the device start to blink twice every 3 sec until identify mode is stopped or after the EZ-mode time has expired. If the user enters the menu again another 3 minutes is started.
4.1.3 Factory reset
To allow a device to join a network, one either has to power up a device that has not previously joined a network or push the button until the Reset To Factory default mode is indicated – and subsequently release the button. This will cause the device to reset to its factory default state and scan for a suitable coordinator.

4.2 Action on Power On
As a general rule, all end devices and routers that have not previously joined a network (or have been reset to factory default) will start up and search for a network with join permit open. In this mode, the LED will flash once every second.
Once the device has joined the network, is will start scanning for an OTA server, Time server, Poll control client, Occupancy Sensor client and an IAS Zone client.
If a device has joined a network and is powered down, it will attempt to rejoin this network upon power up. For the first 30 seconds hereafter, the device will be available for communication. This time can be expanded using the poll control cluster functionality.

General network behavior

5.1 Installation
When the device is virgin and powered for the first time it will start looking for a ZigBee PAN Coordinator or router to join. The device continually scans each ZigBee channel starting from 11 to 24. The LED will flash once every second until it joins a device.
In section 5 “MMI” it is explained how to put the device into a join or leave network mode.
Network settings are stored in NV-memory are after a power cycle the device re-join the same network.
If the device has to join a new PAN coordinator the MMI menu supports a “Join / Leave” mode.
5.2 Normal – Keep alive
The device is sending a “keep alive” message to the PAN coordinator every 15 minutes to verify that the device is still connected to the network.
5.2.1 Network lost
If no “keep alive” responses are received 5 times in a row (1 hour and 15 minutes), the devices will start scanning every ZigBee channel for the PAN coordinator and try to re-join it. The LED will flash once every second until it rejoins the
According to the ZigBee specification TX is NOT allowed to be enabled all the time and a TX silent period has to be defined.


6.1 General

Dimensions Ø 41 x 45 mm
Colour White
Power consumption, 0.4W
Max. switch voltage 250VAC
Max. switch current 10A
Max. switch power 4000VA
IP-class 40
Storage temperature -20°C to +80°C
Operation temperature 0 to +40°C
Supply voltage 207 to 253 VAC
Sensitivity -101 dBm @ 1% PER
Output power +8 dBm
Frequency band 47 to 53 H

6.2. Power Meter functionality in relays

Voltage range 207 to 253VAC
Voltage accuracy typ. 0.5%
Current range 10A
Current accuracy typ. 0.3%

Contact Information

Technical support: Please contact Develco Products for support.
[email protected]
Sales: Please contact Develco Products for information on prices, availability, and lead time.
[email protected]

Olof Palmes Allen 40
DK-8200 Aarhus N
[email protected]


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