steinel L 170 S Outdoor Lamp With Sensor Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

steinel L 170 S Outdoor Lamp With Sensor


Product Information

The STEINEL SensorLight is a high-quality product that has been manufactured, tested, and packed with the greatest care. It is designed to provide reliable and trouble-free operation.

The system components of the SensorLight include:

  • Wall mount (a)
  • Sensor lens (b) – can be removed and turned for selecting the maximum basic reach settings of 5 m or 12 m
  • Twilight setting (c)
  • Time setting (d)
  • Night light (e) – with dimming function
  • Mains connection (f)
  • Decorative panel (g)
  • Cover (h)
  • Locking screw (i)

The SensorLight operates based on a principle that allows it to detect motion and activate the light accordingly. It has the following technical specifications:

  • Output: [Output]
  • Voltage: [Voltage]
  • Angle of coverage: [Angle of coverage]
  • Sensor reach: [Sensor reach]
  • Time setting: [Time setting]
  • Twilight setting: [Twilight setting]
  • Night light: [Night light]
  • Manual override function: [Manual override function]
  • Enclosure: [Enclosure]
  • Temperature ranging from: [Temperature range]

Product Usage Instructions

Installation / Wall Mounting

  1. Choose a suitable installation location for the SensorLight, ensuring it is at least 50 cm away from other lights to avoid heat activation.
  2. Install the sensor lens (b) by selecting the desired reach of 5 m or 12 m max. Refer to the Basic reach setting section for instructions.
  3. Fit shrouds (n) as necessary to adjust the coverage area.

For 170 Series

  1. Loosen screws on the side of the decorative panel (g) and remove cover (h). Hook cover (h) into the lugs on the wall mount and fix it from below using the locking screw (i).
  2. Fit the bulb.
  3. Fit the decorative panel (g) on cover (h) and fix it in place using the two screws at the side.
  4. Select the desired time setting (d), twilight setting (c), and brightness (e) according to the Functions section.

For 190 Series:

  1. Hook cover (h) into the lugs on the wall mount and fix it from below using two screws.
  2. Fit the bulb.
  3. Select the desired time setting (d), twilight setting (c), and brightness (e) according to the Functions section.
  4. Fit the decorative panel (g) on cover (h) and fix it from below using the locking screw (i).

Note: Please refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on other functions, such as reset, soft-light start, range adjustment, and individual fine-tuning with additional covers (n).

Dear Customer,

  • Congratulations on purchasing your new STEINEL SensorLight and thank you for the confidence you have shown in us. You have chosen a high-quality product that has been manufactured, tested and packed with the greatest care.
  • Please familiarise yourself with these instructions before attempting to install the SensorLight because prolonged reliable and trouble-free operation will only be ensured if it is fitted properly.
  • We hope your new STEINEL SensorLight will bring you lasting pleasure.

System components


  1. Wall mount
  2. Sensor lens (can be removed and turned for selecting the max. basic reach settings of 5 m or 12 m)
  3. Twilight setting
  4. Time setting
  5. Night light (dimming)
  6. Mains connection
  7. Decorative panel
  8. Cover
  9. Locking screw

Safety warnings

  • Disconnect the power supply before attempting any work on the unit.
  • The electrical connection lead must be dead during installation. Therefore, switch off the power first and check that the circuit is dead using a voltage tester.
  • Installing the SensorLight involves work on the mains voltage supply. This work must therefore be carried out professionally in accordance with applicable national wiring regulations and electrical operating conditions. (DE-VDE 0100, AT-ÖVE-EN 1, CH-SEV 1000)
  • Only set functions c, d, e with the lens fitted.



The integrated infrared sensor is equipped with two 120° pyro sensors which detect the invisible heat emitted by moving objects (people, animals etc.). The heat detected is converted electronically into a signal that switches the light on automatically. Heat is not detected through obstacles, such as walls or panes of glass. Heat radiation of this type will, therefore, not trigger the sensor. The two pyro sensors have an angle of coverage of 180° with an angle of aperture of 90°. The sensor lens can be removed and turned. Consequently, two basic reach settings of max. 5 or 12 metres can be preselected.

Important: The most reliable way of detecting motion is to install the SensorLight in such a way that the sensor is aimed across the direction in which a person would walk and by ensuring that no obstacles (such as trees and walls, for example) obstruct the line of sensor vision.

Technical specifications

Output:                                            100 watts max. (filament bulb, no energy-saving lamp)

Voltage:                                           230 / 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz
Angle of coverage:                            180° with 90° angle of aperture
Sensor reach:                                   basic setting 1: 5 m max.

basic setting 2: 12 m max. (factory setting)

+ precision adjustment from 1 to 12 m using clip-on shrouds

Time setting:                                    5 sec. – 15 min.
Twilight setting:                                 2 – 200 lux
Night light:                                        0 – 50%
Manual override function:                     selectable (4 hours) provided switch is connected in mains supply lead
Enclosure:                                       L 170 S:  IP 43

L 190 S:  IP 44

Temperature ranging from:                   -20°C to +50°C

Installation wall mounting

Installation / wall mounting

The site of installation should be at least 50 cm away from another light because heat radiated from it may activate the system. To obtain the specified reach of 5 / 12 m, the sensor should be installed at a height of approx. 2 m.

Installation procedure

  1. Pre-fit locking screw 9 to wall mount 1 (170 series only).
  2. Hold wall mount 1 against the wall and mark drill holes.
  3. Drill the holes, insert wall plugs (6 mm dia.).
  4. Pass power supply leads through. For surface wiring, break open the pre-punched cable entry, insert sealing plug, pierce and feed power supply lead through.
  5. Screw-fasten wall mount 1 to the wall.
  6. Connection of the mains lead (see diagram)
    •   1.  **The main supply lead is a 2- or 3-core cable:**
    • L = phase conductor (usually black or brown)
    • N = neutral conductor (usually blue)
    • PE = protective earth conductor (green/yellow)
    • If you are in any doubt, identify the conductors using a voltage tester; then disconnect the power supply again.
    • Connect the phase conductor (L) and neutral conductor (N) to the clamp-type terminal. The protective earth conductor may be sealed off with insulation tape.
    • Note: A mains switch for switching the unit ON and OFF may of course be installed in the power supply lead. This must be done for permanent light (see “Permanent light” section) 12.
  7. Fit sensor lens 2 (select reach: 5 m or 12 m max.) see “Basic reach setting” section. Fit shrouds 14 as necessary.
    • The following applies to 170 series:
  8. Loosen screws on side on decorative panel 7 and remove cover 8. Hook cover 8 into the lugs on the wall mount and fix from below using the locking screw 9.
  9. Fit bulb.
  10. Fit decorative panel 7 on cover 8 and fix in place by means of the two screws at the side.
  11. Select time setting 4 and twilight setting 3 as well as brightness 5 (see “Functions” section).
    • The following applies to 190 series:
  12. Hook cover 8 into the lugs on the wall mount and fix from below using two screws.
  13. Fit bulb.
  14. Select time setting 4 and twilight setting 3 as well as brightness 5 (see “Functions” section).
  15. Fit decorative panel 7 on cover 8 and fix from below with locking screw 9.


Once you have installed the wall mount, connected the SensorLight to the power supply and fitted the sensor lens, you are ready to put the SensorLight into operation. Programming buttons can be used for selecting any of three settings. Pressing any of the programming buttons will set the lamp to programming mode. This means:

  • The lamp will always switch OFF.
  • The sensor function will be deactivated.
  • Manual override function (if activated) will be interrupted.

The settings may be altered as often as you wish.
The last setting will remain stored in the memory in the event of power failure.

Twilight setting (response threshold) 3

( factory setting: daylight operation 200 lux)

The chosen light threshold can be adjusted continuously from approximately 2 lux to 200 lux.

  • a) Selecting twilight setting of your choice:
    • At the light level at which you want the light to respond to movement, press the button until the red LED (in the lens) flashes. This light level will now be stored.
  • b) Setting night-time operation (2 lux) during the day
    • Hold button down for approx. 5 seconds until red LED in the lens stops flashing.

Switch-off delay (time setting) 4

( factory setting: approx. 10 sec.)

The ON time can be varied continuously between approx. 5 sec. and a maximum of 15 min.

Setting individual ON time:

  • Hold button down until red LED (in the lens) flashes.
  • Release button and wait until chosen ON time is shown (LED flashes).
  • Now press button a second time until LED goes out. The chosen time is now stored to the exact second.
  • This process is terminated automatically after the maximum time setting (15 minutes).

Night light 5

( factory setting: dimmer off: 0%)

Lamp brightness can be varied up to a maximum of 50% in the permanent light ON mode. This means: the light will only switch from, say, 20 watts in permanent light ON mode to maximum output (100 watts) when movement occurs in the detection zone.

Selecting individual dimmer setting:

  • Hold button down until LED (in the lens) flashes.
  • Keep button pressed, the system will slowly run through dimmer range from 0–50%.
  • Release button when chosen setting is reached.

The LED will now continue flashing for about 5 seconds.
This period may be used for optimising the dimmer setting.

Permanent light

If a mains switch is installed in the mains supply lead, the light is capable of the following functions in addition to the simple ON/OFF function:

Sensor operation

  1. Switch light on:
    • Switch 1 x OFF and ON.
    • Light stays on for the period selected.
  2. Switch light off:
    • Switch 1 x OFF and ON.
    • The light goes out or switches to sensor mode.

Permanent light operation

  1. Switch permanent light on:
    • Switch 2 x OFF and ON. The light is set to stay on for 4 hours (red LED lights up behind lens). Then it returns automatically to sensor mode (red LED off).
  2. Switch permanent light off:
    • Switch 1 x OFF and ON. The light goes out or switches to sensor mode.

Important: The switch should be actuated in rapid succession (in the 0.5 –1 sec. range).

Reset function

  • The light can be returned to its original settings at any time (daylight operation 200 lux, ON time 10 sec. and dimmer off).
  • To do this, hold all three buttons down at the same time until the LED (in the lens) comes on and goes out again (approx. 5 sec.).

Soft light start

The SensorLight features a soft light start function. This means that when switched ON, the light does not switch directly to maximum output but gradually builds up brightness to 100% within the space of a second. Brightness is also gradually reduced when the light is switched OFF.

Basic reach setting

Basic reach setting 13


The sensor lens is divided into two detection zones. One half covers a max. reach of 5 m, the other half a max. reach of 12 m (when installed at a height of approx. 2 m). After fitting the lens (firmly clamp lens into the groove provided), a small arrow marks the selected max. reach of 12 m or 5 m (arrow left = 5 metres, arrow right = 12 metres). Using a screwdriver, the lens can be unclipped from the groove at the side and repositioned for the desired reach.

Precision adjustment with shrouds 14


Shrouds may be used to define the detection zone exactly as desired in order, for example, to blank out or specifically target paths or neighbouring premises. The shrouds can be divided or cut with a pair of scissors along the vertical and horizontal grooves. They can be clipped into the top channel around the centre of the lens. They are fixed in place by fitting the cover g.

(Illustrations show examples of how to reduce the angle of detection and shorten reach.)

Operation And Maintenance

The SensorLight is suitable for switching on light automatically. Weather conditions may affect the way the SensorLight works. Strong gusts of wind, snow, rain or hail may cause the light to come on when it is not wanted because the sensor is unable to distinguish sudden changes of temperature from sources of heat. The detector lens may be cleaned with a damp cloth if it gets dirty (do not use cleaning agents).


  • Electrical and electronic equipment, accessories and packaging must be recycled in an environmentally compatible manner.
  • Do not dispose of electrical and electronic equipment as domestic waste.

EU countries only

Under the current European Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and its implementation in national law, electrical and electronic equipment no longer suitable for use must be collected separately and recycled in an environmentally compatible manner.

Manufacturer’s warranty

This STEINEL product has been manufactured with great care, tested for proper operation and safety in accordance with applicable regulations and then subjected to random sample inspection. STEINEL guarantees that it is in perfect condition and proper working order. The warranty period is 36 months, starting from the date of sale to the consumer. We will remedy defects caused by material flaws or manufacturing faults. The warranty will be met by repair or replacement of defective parts at our own discretion. The warranty shall not cover damage to wear parts, damage or defects caused by improper treatment or maintenance. Further consequential damage to other objects shall be excluded.

Claims under warranty shall only be accepted if the product is sent fully assembled and well packed complete with receipt or invoice (date of purchase and dealer’s stamp) to the appropriate service centre or handed in to the dealer within the first 6 months.

Repair service

  • Please ask your nearest service centre how to proceed for repairing faults not covered by the warranty or occurring after the warranty expires.


Malfunction Cause Remedy
SensorLight without power ■ Fuse faulty, not switched ON, break in wiring

■ Short circuit

| ■ Replace fuse, switch ON mains switch, check wiring with voltage tester

■ Check connections

SensorLight will not switch ON| ■ Twilight control set to night-time mode during daytime operation

■ Bulb faulty

■ Power switch OFF

■ Fuse faulty

■ Detection zone not properly targeted

■ Internal electrical fuse has been activated (LED on all the time)

| ■ Readjust (button 3)

■ Replace light bulb

■ Switch on

■ Replace fuse, check connection if necessary

■ Readjust

■ Switch SensorLight OFF and back on again after 5 sec.

SensorLight will not switch OFF| ■ Continuous movement in the detection zone

■ Night light to 50%

| ■ Check detection zone and readjust if necessary

■ Set night light to 50% (button 9)

SensorLight switches ON when it should not| ■ Wind is moving trees and bushes in the detection zone

■ Cars in the street are being detected

■ Sunlight shining on the lens

■ Sudden temperature changes due to weather (wind, rain, snow) or air expelled from fans, open windows

■ Lens not pressed firmly enough into groove

| ■ Change detection zone

■ Change detection zone

■ Mount sensor in a protected place or change detection zone

■ Change detection zone, change site of installation

■ Press lens into groove

SensorLight reach changed| ■ Differing ambient temperatures| ■ Use shrouds to define detection zone precisely
LED on all the time although permanent light not selected| ■ Internal fuse activated| ■ Switch SensorLight off and back on again after 5 sec.


STEINEL Vertrieb GmbH

  • Dieselstraße 80-84
  • 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz
  • Tel: +49/5245/448-188

Subject to technical modification without notice.


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