Antelope SUIT Origin Sportswear Muscle Activating Smartsuit Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

Antelope SUIT Origin Sportswear Muscle Activating Smartsuit

SUIT Origin Sportswear Muscle Activating Smartsuit



Check the set for external integrity of the cardboard packaging and for completeness of the contents. Before use, ensure that there is no visible damage to the unit and accessories and that all packaging material has been removed. If in doubt, do not use it and contact your dealer or the customer service address provided.

    • ANTELOPE.SHORTS Origin (not included in the ANTELOPE.SHIRT set)

The ANTELOPE.APP is available as a download for iOS and Android.




System requirement
iOS ≥ 6s, AndroidTM ≥ 5.0
Bluetooth® ≥ 4.0
List of compatible devices:|

SUIT Origin Sportswear Muscle Activating Smartsuit Package


ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS are over-the-counter products designed to stimulate healthy muscles to improve or support muscle performance.

ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS should only be used by adults. The ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS are not intended to be used as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of medical conditions. None of the ANTELOPE. PRODUCTS stimulation programmes are designed for injured muscles or muscles affected by disease. Use on such muscles is contraindicative. The stimulation of muscles by the ANTELOPE. PRODUCTS programmes is not suitable for rehabilitation and physiotherapy.

Electrical muscle stimulation can be considered a muscle training technique and should only be used for this purpose. A video to get started with the ANTELOPE.SUIT can be found here:


The following symbols are used on the appliance, in these instructions for use, on the packaging and on the type plate:

Warning of risk of injury or damage to your health
Safety note on possible dam- age to the unit/accessories
Reference to important infor- mation
| This product complies with the requirements of the applicable European and national directives
| Manufacturer
| Serial number
| Follow the instructions for use
| Do not use this unit with a pacemaker.
| Disposal in accordance with EC Directive WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
| Hand wash programme 30°C
| Do not iron
| Do not tumble dry
| Do not dry clean
| Do not bleach
| Marking to identify the packa- ging material.
A = Material code, B = Material number:
1-7 = Plastics, 20-22 = Paper and cardboard
| Separate the packaging elements and dispose of them in accordance with local regulations.
| Separate the product and packaging elements and dispose of them in accor- dance with local regulati- ons.
| Permissible storage and transport temperature and humidity
| Permissible operating tem- perature and humidity
| Medical Device
| Batch designation
| Usable until
| Protect from light
| Nonsterile
| Temperature limits to which the medical device can be exposed


Intended use EMS

The device is intended for the use of EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) to strengthen the muscles.

Target group EMS

This device is suitable for personal use by adults who wish to strengthen their muscles. Its use should also be discussed with with a doctor.

Indication EMS

In the sports and fitness sector, electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is used, among other things, as a supplement to conventional muscle training to increase the performance of muscle groups and to adjust body proportions to the desired aesthetic results.


The ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS are designed to stimulate healthy muscles in order to improve or support muscle performance.
They must only be used by adults. Depending on the parameters of the electrical impulses (pulse rate, contraction time, rest time, duration of use), the muscles will be stressed differently. Only use the ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS when your body is fully regenerated.
Follow our training instructions and train regularly even without the ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS.


When not to train
To prevent damage to health, in the following cases EMS training with ANTELOPE is excluded or can only take place after written medical release or an independent declaration.


In case of absolute contraindications, EMS whole body training must not be performed

  • In the case of implanted electrical devices (such as pacemakers).
  • In the presence of metal implants.
  • For insulin pump users.
  • In case of fever.
  • In case of known or acute cardiac arrhythmias and other excitation and conduction disorders of the heart.
  • In case of neuronal diseases, seizure disorders (e.g. epilepsy) and severe sensitivity disorders.
  • In case of an existing pregnancy.
  • In case of existing cancer or tumor diseases.
  • After recent operations, especially if increased muscle contractions could interfere with the healing process.
  • In the event of simultaneous connection to a high-frequency surgical unit.
  • In case of a simultaneous connection and/or simultaneous use of other electrical devices that may have an influence on the current supply or the musculature.
  • In case of acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In case of acute muscle pain, muscle soreness or muscle cramps.
  • In acute diseases, bacterial infections and inflammatory processes.
  • In diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • In arteriosclerosis and arterial circulatory disorders.
  • On acutely or chronically diseased (injured or inflamed) skin (e.g. painful and painless inflammations, redness, rashes (e.g. allergies), burns, bruises, swellings, open wounds as well as healing wounds, surgical scars in the process of healing).
  • In case of stents and bypasses active for less than 6 months.
  • In case of untreated hypertension, bleeding disorder or bleeding tendency (hemophilia).
  • In abdominal wall and inguinal hernias.
  • In case of acute influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicants.
  • In persons under 18 years of age.


In case of relative contraindications, EMS full-body training may only be performed after written medical clearance or self-declaration.

  • In case of acute back pain without diagnoses.
  • In case of acute neuralgia and herniated discs.
  • In case of implants older than 6 months.
  • In diseases of internal organs, especially in kidney diseases.
  • In cardiovascular diseases.
  • In case of tendency to thromboembolic diseases.
  • In chronic pain conditions that have not been clarified regardless of the body region.
  • In all sensitivity disorders with reduced pain sensation (such as metabolic disorders).
  • In case of medical complaints occuring with the stimulation treatment.
  • In case of persistent skin irritation due to long-term stimulation at the same electrode site.
  • In case of a tendency to bleed due to injury.
  • In case of motion kinetosis.
  • In case of major fluid accumulation in the body and edema.
  • When taking certain medications.
  • In case of open skin injuries, wounds, eczema or burns.


What I have to take into account during training

  • Train a maximum of two to three times per week.
  • Respect the breaks, only train after at least 48 hours of rest.
  • Train no longer than 20 to 30 minutes per session, depending on intensity of the programme you have chosen.
  • Listen to your body and know your limits.
  • Drink enough water.
  • If you feel unwell or experience any discomfort during training, stop training immediately and contact your doctor or the emergency services. If dizziness, heart problems or severe pain occur after the training, a doctor should be consulted.


Training despite the presence of a contraindication and/or non-compliance with the training conditions can cause significant health problems, which in rare cases can lead to death. This can result, among other things, from severe overtraining and non-compliance with the necessary rest periods. Possible side effects include partial loss of strength, delayed onset muscle soreness, and a significant increase of muscle protein such as creatine kinase in blood levels. In some cases, creatine kinase in overdoses can damage the kidneys or other organs and lead to their failure.

There is an increased risk of muscle damage, especially after too intensive training sessions with ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS. However, if you follow our training instructions strictly none of the mentioned cases should occur.

Some users may experience skin irritation or hypersensitivity due to the electrical stimulation or the electrodes.. The following may indicate severe damage to muscle tissue (rhabdomyolysis). If any of these symptoms occur, please contact a physician:

  • Brown urine
  • Myalgia (severe muscle pain)
  • Extreme swelling of the muscle


Use the ANTELOPE.SUIT exclusively:

  • For the purpose for which it was designed and in the manner specified in these instructions for use. Any improper use may be dangerous.
  • For external use.
  • With the original accessories that are supplied and can be reordered, otherwise the warranty will be voided.


  • Do not use in environments with high humidity (such as bathrooms, while bathing or showering), heavy rain or snow.

  • Keep the device away from heat sources and do not use it near (~1 m) shortwave or microwave ovens, as this may cause unpleasant current spikes.

  • Do not expose the device to direct sunlight or high temperatures.

  • Protect the device from dust, dirt and prolonged moisture. In particular, protect the BOOSTER from moisture. Never immerse the BOOSTER in water or other liquids.

  • Do not use the product during any activity where an unforeseen reaction (e.g. increased muscle contraction despite low intensity) may be dangerous.

  • Make sure that no metallic objects such as belt buckles or necklaces can come into contact with the electrodes during stimulation.
    If you wear jewelry or piercings (e.g. belly button piercing) in the area of application, you must remove them before using the device, otherwise it may cause skin burns.

  • Do not use if you have a tattoo that contains metallic particles and is near or under one of the electrodes.

  • Do not attempt to open and/or repair the device on your own.
    Have repairs performed by costumer service or authorized dealers only. Failure to do so will void the warranty.

  • The manufacturer is not liable for any damage caused by improper or incorrect use.

  • Keep ANTELOPE EMS devices and their packaging materials away from children to prevent possible hazards.

  • Do not use this device at the same time with other devices that send electrical impulses to your body.

  • Do not use ANTELOPLE EMS products while sleeping, driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery.

  • Do not use near highly flammable substances, gases or explosives.

  • Start the application in a sitting or lying position so as not to expose yourself unnecessarily to a risk of injury in very rare cases of vagal reactions. In the event of a feeling of weakness, immediately turn off the device and put your legs up (approx. 5-10 min.).

  • If the device does not work properly, if you feel discomfort or pain, stop the application immediately.

  • Do not touch the electrodes with your fingers while operating your mobile device.

  • Make sure that the BOOSTER is always switched off when putting on or taking off the ANTELOPE.SUIT.


  • Do not use the device if it is damaged and contact your dealer or the specified customer service address.
  • To ensure effective operation of the device, do not drop or disassemble it.
  • Check the device for signs of wear or damage. If you find such signs or if the device has been used improperly, you must take it to the manufacturer or dealer before using it again.
  • If the device is defective or malfunctions, turn it off immediately.


  • If liquid from a battery cell comes into contact with skin or eyes, wash the affected area with water and seek medical attention.
  • Danger of swallowing! Small children could swallow batteries and suffocate. Therefore, keep batteries out of reach of small children.
  • If a battery has leaked, put on protective gloves and clean the battery compartment with a dry cloth.
  • Protect batteries from excessive heat.
  • Danger of explosion! Do not throw batteries into a fire.
  • Do not disassemble, open or crush batteries.
  • Only use chargers listed in the instructions for use.
  • Batteries must be charged correctly before use. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions or the information in these operating instructions for correct charging.
  • To achieve the longest possible battery life, fully charge the battery at least twice a year.



The ANTELOPE.SHIRT is made of 54% polyamide, 36% polypropylene and 10% spandex and has ten integrated silicone electrodes.
A baseplate with magnetic buttons on the side of the SHIRT allows the textile to be connected to the ANTELOPE.8CH BOOSTER. The ANTELOPE.SHIRT is only intended for training the neck, upper arms, chest, abdomen and back. In combination with the ANTELOPE.SHORTS, the ANTELOPE.SHIRT forms the ANTELOPE.SUIT.


The ANTELOPE.SHIRT is made of 54% polyamide, 36% polypropylene and 10% spandex and has ten integrated silicone electrodes.
On the SHORTS there is a connection cable with magnetic buttons through which the textile can be connected to the BOOSTER. The ANTELOPE.SHORTS are only intended for training the thigh muscles and the buttocks. In combination with the ANTELOPE.SHIRT, the ANTELOPE.SHORTS form the ANTELOPE.SUIT.

The ANTELOPE.SHORTS cannot be used directly without the SHIRT. If you only want to use the functions of the SHORTS, please put on the complete ANTELOPE.SUIT and then select the corresponding muscle parts in the ANTELOPE.APP.


The BOOSTER is the energy source of the ANTELOPE.SUIT. The BOOSTER is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The stimulation intensity can be adjusted by pressing the [+/-] buttons on the BOOSTER.

  • Pressing [+] increases the intensity of all channels by one unit.
  • Pressing [-] decreases the intensity of all channels by one unit.

Before you operate the ANTELOPE.SUIT for the first time, you must charge the BOOSTER for at least 4 hours. To do this, proceed as follows.

Connect the supplied USB charging cable to a USB mains adapter (output: max. 5 V/ 2 A, not included in the scope of delivery) and the BOOSTER. Alternatively, you can also charge the BOOSTER via your computer/laptop. To do so, connect the USB charging cable to the BOOSTER and the USB port of your computer/laptop.
The BOOSTER is exclusively intended to ensure and regulate the electrical stimulation of the ANTELOPE.SUIT.


The ANTELOPE.APP serves as an external control system for the stimulation regulation of the ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS. Without connecting the ANTELOPE.APP to the BOOSTER, it is not possible to start the electrical stimulation. The following stimulation programms are available via the ANTELOPE.APP:

  Endurance Strength Massage
Frequency 40 Hz 85 Hz 60 Hz
Pulse width 400 µs 350 µs 220 µs
Pulse type Constant 4 seconds intervall 1.25 seconds increase and

1.25 seconds decrease in intensity


ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY is a conductive liquid which, can improve the conductivity between the electrodes and the skin.

Application: Spray the electrodes with the spray. 1 – 2 sprays are sufficient.
Hold the bottle vertically and spray the electrodes with approx. 15 cm distance between the spray head and the electrode.


We recommend using the ANTELOPE.SUIT at least once to max. twice a week for 20 minutes each time. Between the training units, make sure you have enough time to regenerate. Before, during and after training you should drink enough water.

****Start your training at a low intensity and slowly increase the stimulation. Follow the instructions in this manual carefully.

Putting on the ANTELOPE.SUIT
  1. Open the three zippers of the ANTELOPE.SHIRT (one on each side and one in the middle).
  2. Put the shirt on and make sure that the electrodes lie flat on the skin without folds or creases. If necessary, the electrodes can be moistened in advance with the ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY supplied.
  3. Close zippers.

****The electrodes must be placed directly on the skin. Heavy body hair or very dry skin may interfere with stimulation.
Make sure that the electrodes are placed directly on the muscle to be stimulated.



  1. There is a button grid on the back of the BOOSTER. On the ANTELOPE.SHORTS there is a plug-in strip with buttons. Place the SHORTS connector on the lower part of the BOOSTER to connect the two.
  2. On the side of your ANTELOPE.SHIRT there is another button grid, the baseplate. To connect the SHIRT to the BOOSTER, place the BOOSTER on the baseplate.
Switching the ANTELOPE.8CH BOOSTER on and off
  • On: Press and hold the [+] button for three seconds.
  • Off: Press and hold the [-] button for three seconds.
Connecting the ANTELOPE.8CH BOOSTER with the ANTELOPE.APP via Bluetooth

****The ANTELOPE.APP must first be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play Store. Android users and iOS users must activate the location function of their device to use the app.

  1. Press and hold the [+] button on the BOOSTER until the LED lights up green.
  2. Activate Bluetooth on your device.
  3. Open the ANTELOPE.APP on your device and select the tab “Connect”. The BOOSTER is displayed at this point. Tap on the BOOSTER to connect it to the app and fill in the displayed fields to continue.

****If the app is connected via Bluetooth, the BOOSTER’s LED changes to a constant blue light.

If the connection to a Bluetooth device is interrupted for several minutes, the BOOSTER will NOT switch off automatically. If a connection between the Bluetooth device and the BOOSTER is disturbed, immediately disconnect the connection between the BOOSTER and the baseplate.

Starting the stimulation

****The stimulation can only be started via the ANTELOPE.APP.
The APP and BOOSTER must be connected beforehand.

  1. Tap on the EMS tab of the ANTELOPE.APP and select a program.
    ****The duration of each program can be adjusted.

  2. Tap on “Start“ at the bottom of the screen to start the stimulation.

Regulating the stimulation
  • After the start, the stimulation can be regulated via the ANTELOPE.APP and/or directly via the BOOSTER.

  • By pressing [+] on the EMS tab of the APP or the BOOSTER, the intensity is increased by one unit on all channels.

  • Pressing [-] on the EMS tab of the APP or the BOOSTER will decrease the intensity by one unit on all channels.
    If the stimulation is not noticeable at a displayed intensity of 25%, switch off the BOOSTER and apply the ANTELOPE. ELECTRODE CONTACT RAY directly to the electrodes in the textile. Then restart the ANTELOPE.APP and make sure that all intensity levels are set to 0. Once this process is complete, start using your ANTELOPE.SUIT again according to these instructions for use.
    ****Tapping the muscle groups on the EMS tab of the ANTELOPE.APP allows you to regulate specific muscle groups individually. The intensity sensation depends on your daily form and nmay vary.

  • Always keep your muscles tensed or in motion when training with the ANTELOPE.SUIT.

End of stimulation

The stimulation can be ended by:

  • Pressing the [-] button on the BOOSTER for 3 seconds.
  • Pressing “Pause“ in the ANTELOPE.APP.
    Removing the BOOSTER directly from the baseplate.

Please fully charge your BOOSTER before using it for the first time.

Battery status
  • During the charging process, the LED of the BOOSTER flashes green.
  • If the BOOSTER is disconnected from the charger, the LED of the BOOSTER will go out.
  • If the remaining charge falls below 20%, the LED of the BOOSTER lights up red.

The BOOSTER needs approx. one hour to be fully charged. The running time of the BOOSTER is then approx. six training sessions.
To avoid damage to the product, please check the following requirements before charging the BOOSTER:

  • The charging plug is compatible with the socket in your country.
  • The rated voltage in your mains corresponds to the requirements of the charger you are using.
    Please observe the safety instructions. Failure to do so may result in injury or damage to the unit.



Store the BOOSTER in a cool, dry place. Charge the BOOSTER at least every six months. Never put the BOOSTER or charging cable in the washing machine. The textile – including electrodes and baseplate – are suitable for hand washing (including machine hand washing).

Washing and care instructions for the ANTELOPE.SUIT

Cleaning the textile: The textile is suitable for hand washing (incl.machine hand washing) WITHOUT the BOOSTER. Please follow the instructions below to ensure maximum durability of the ANTELOPE.SUIT.

  • Spread the ANTELOPE.SUIT out after each training session so that the textile can dry thoroughly.
  • The textile is suitable for hand or machine washing (max. 30°C).
  • Do not use a spin cycle for machine washing.
  • To protect the baseplate, place a towel in the washing machine.

****The fabric may discolour during washing. Do not use fabric softener or fragrance enhancers when washing

Do not tumble dry, dry clean or bleach the fabric. Do not wring out the fabric. Hang the ANTELOPE.SUIT on a clothesline or hanger to dry indoors or outdoors. Do not iron the fabric.


Clean the unit after use with a soft, slightly damp cloth. If the unit is very dirty, you can also dampen the cloth with a light soap solution. Do not use chemical cleaners or scouring agents for cleaning. Make sure that no water enters the unit.


You can order the following spare parts directly from the customer service at or via telephone at +49 69 25786744:

  • ANTELOPE.SHIRT Origin men – sizes S – XXL
  • ANTELOPE.SHIRT Origin women – sizes XS – XL
  • ANTELOPE.SHORTS Origin men – sizes S – XXL
  • ANTELOPE.SHORTS Origin women – sizes XS – XL


Problem Possible cause Solution
Unpleasant feeling during stimulation Dry skin
  • Spray ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY directly onto the electrodes.
  • Drink enough water before, during and after training.
  • If necessary, start your training with a light warm-up without stimulation.

If the stimulation is not noticeable at an intensity of 25%, switch off the BOOSTER and apply the ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY directly to the electrodes in the textile. Then start the ANTELOPE.APP and make sure that all intensity levels are set to 0. Once this process is complete, start using your ANTELOPE.SUIT again according to these instructions for use.

Intensity of stimulation is too high|

  • Reduce the intensity of the stimulation.
  • Stop the stimulation.

Defective elec- trode| Please contact our Customer Care Team.
Stimulation is too weak/ no stimulation noticeable| Dry skin| Spray the ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY directly onto the electrodes.
If the stimulation is not noticeable at an intensity of 25%, switch off the BOOSTER and apply the ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY directly to the electrodes in the textile. Then restart the ANTELOPE.APP and make sure that all intensity levels are set to 0. Once this process is complete, start using your ANTELOPE.SUIT again according to these instructions for use.
Stimulation intensity is too low| Gradually increase the stimulation.
If the stimulation is not noticeable at an intensity of 25%, switch off the BOOSTER and apply the ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY directly to the electrodes in the textile. Then restart the ANTELOPE.APP and make sure that all intensity levels are set to 0. Once this process is complete, start using your ANTELOPE.SUIT again according to these instructions for use.
Defective elec- trode| Please contact our Customer Care Team.
BOOSTER and ANTELOPE. APP cannot be connected| Android location factors are not activated| Activate the location factors of your Android device.
Bluetooth connec- tion was not made via the ANTELOPE. APP| Always make the Bluetooth connection in the ANTELOPE.APP, not via the Bluetooth search in your device.
Bluetooth compatibility failure|

  • Close the app in Task Manager or reinstall it.
  • Log in.
  • Start the search for your BOOSTER.
  • Now switch on the BOOSTER.
  • Tap once on the displayed BOOSTER.
  • If a connection is still not possible, delete the Bluetooth cache and start the search again.

Stimulation is very strong in some places, but very weak in other places| The stimulation of all muscle groups was increased simulta- neously| Deactivate the strongly stimulated muscle groups in the ANTELOPE.APP and adjust the stimulation again.
The texture of the skin varies| Switch off the BOOSTER and apply the ANTELOPE.ELECTRODE CONTACT SPRAY directly to the electrodes in the textile. Then restart the ANTELOPE.APP, making sure that all intensity levels are set to 0. Once this process is complete, start using your ANTELOPE.SUIT again according to these instructions for use.
Defective electrode| Please contact our Customer Care Team.


Parameter Description
Storage conditions Temperature (0 – 35°C) Humidity (20 – 85%)
Operating conditions Temperature (0 – 40°C) Humidity (20 – 65%)
Dimensions 14,2cm x 8,5cm x 2,6cm
Weight 220g
Intensity adjustable from 0 to 100
Output waveform biphasic square pulses
Current intensity max. 80mA (500 Ohm)
Frequency 40-85Hz
Pulse width 220-400μs
Max. Transmitting power < 10 dBm
Frequency band 2402 MHz – 2480 MHz
Battery capacity 1950 mAh
Battery nominal voltage 3,7 V
Battery type designation Lithium Polymer
Textile components 54% Polyamide, 36% Polypropylene and 10% Elastane

The serial number of the BOOSTER is located on the unit.

We hereby confirm that this product complies with the European RED Directive 2014/53/EU. The CE declaration of conformity for this product can be found at landingpage/de/cedeclarationifconformity.php.


You must dispose of used, fully discharged batteries in specially marked collection containers, at special waste collection points or at your local electrical goods dealer.
You are legally obliged to dispose of the batteries.

Note: You will find these symbols on batteries containing harmful substances: Pb = battery contains lead,
Cd = battery contains cadmium, Hg = battery contains mercury.

In the interest of environmental protection, the device must not be disposed of with household waste at the end of its service life. It can be disposed of at appropriate collection points in your country. Dispose of the device in accordance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive. If you have any questions, please contact the local authority responsible for disposal.


All ANTELOPE.PRODUCTS are subject to a warranty period of 24 months in accordance with the statutory provisions; for entrepreneurs this period is 12 months. The electrodes represent materials of use which are subject to natural wear and tear. In addition to the general service life of approx. one year, the durability depends heavily on handling and proper care. For these reasons, no guarantee of durability can be given.

If your electrodes have exceeded the warranty period of one year, we will gladly exchange them for an appropriate material and handling fee. In addition, there is a service fee of 19.90 €, as well as shipping costs for the return delivery of 9.50 € and outside Germany at 19.50 €.* These apply from the 12th month after purchase. You will be invoiced for these after the return has been completed.

You do not receive any guarantees in the legal sense from us, unless this is expressly stated in the order confirmation for the respective item. Damage that is not covered by the warranty can be repaired at a charge. The respective costs will be determined and communicated. If you have any questions regarding claims for defects, warranty and service prices, please contact our Customer Care Team.

*All prices listed are gross prices and are valid as of June 2020.


Beurer GmbH
Söflinger Straße 218 89077 Ulm Germany

Phone: +49 69 25786744



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