ibidi µ-Slide 8 Well Chambered Coverslip Installation Guide
- June 12, 2024
- ibidi
Table of Contents
ibidi Application Guide Microscopy With ibidi
The ibidi Imaging Chambers:
The Coverslip Bottom
The outstanding characteristic of the ibidi µ-Slides, µ-Dishes, and µ-Plates
is their thin coverslip bottom, which has excellent features for high-end
microscopy applications . In comparison, the bottom of standard cell culture
plastics is about 1 mm thick—which is more than 5 times the thickness of the
coverslip and therefore not ideal for imaging .
ibidi offers labware with the ibidi Polymer Coverslip Bottom or the ibidi
Glass Coverslip Bottom . For most applications, the ibidi Polymer Coverslip is
the material of choice, as it offers optimal cell adherence combined with
excellent optical properties . If your cells require a special coating, or if
you are using a particular microscopy technique such as TIRF or super-
resolution microscopy (STED, STORM), we recommend using the ibidi Glass
Coverslip Bottom .
Imaging chambers with the coverslip bottom are optimized mainly for use with
inverted microscopy .
You can find information about the compatibility of the surface materials with
different microscopy techniques in the chapter “ibidi Material Specifications”
| #1 .5 ibidi Polymer Coverslip| #1 .5H ibidi Glass Coverslip| #1 .5 glass
coverslip| Standard glass slide*
Bottom thickness| 180 µm (+10/ – 5 µm)| 170 µm (+/–5 µm)| 170 µm (+20/–10
µm)| 1 mm
Bottom material| Polymer| D 263 M Schott high
precision glass| D 263 M Schott high precision glass| Glass
Gas permeability| Yes| No| No| No
- The ibidi 3 Well | 8 Well | 12 Well Chamber Slides, removable are self-adhesive, removable silicone chambers that are mounted on a standard glass slide. They are suitable for upright and inverted microscopy and enable long-term storage of samples after immunofluorescence staining.
ibidi Polymer Coverslip
The ibidi Polymer Coverslip, which is our most recommended surface, is a thin plastic coverslip that forms the bottom of most µ-Slides, µ-Dishes, and µ-Plates . With a standard No . 1 .5 coverslip thickness of 180 µm (+10/ –5 µm) and immersion oil compatibility, it meets all optical requirements for microscopes and is suitable for various imaging techniques . Due to the gas- permeable material of the ibidi Polymer Coverslip, carbon dioxide or oxygen exchange during cell culture is maintained .
The ibidi Polymer Coverslip provides optimal growth conditions for various cell-based assays and cell types and is available with different treatments or coatings . You can find more information about them in the next chapter .
ibidi Glass Coverslip
ibidi offers specialized glass bottom labware with a borosilicate coverglass bottom .
If your cells require a special coating, or if you are using a particular microscopy technique such as TIRF, super-resolution microscopy (STED, STORM), or single molecule microscopy, we recommend using the ibidi Glass Coverslip Bottom .
The glass coverslip bottom is suitable for all standard ECM coatings (e .g ., collagen, fibronectin, and laminin) .
The surface also allows for the application of all common glass chemistry modifications, such as silanization, plasma treatments, and chemical activation .
To provide the highest quality necessary for modern, high-performance microscope objectives, only D 263 M Schott glass coverslips with a thickness range of 170 µm (+/–5 µm) are used . This thickness is also known as #1 .5H (high performance) . Starting with the µ-Dish 35 mm, high Glass Bottom in 2009, ibidi was the first company who used the #1 .5H glass as a bottom for slides and dishes .
The ibidi Glass Bottom Dish 35 mm is produced by using a standard #1 .5 glass coverslip with a thickness of 170 µm (+20 µm/–10 µm) . This glass bottom material fulfills the needs of all standard applications where a cost- effective coverslip is required .Fluorescence microscopy of human endothelial cells (HUVEC) on the ibidi Polymer Coverslip Bottom. Red: alpha- tubulin, green: F-actin, blue: nuclei (DAPI). 60x objective lens, oil immersion.
Surface-near F-actin network of a Dictyostelium discoideum DdLimE-GFP cell. TIRF live cell imaging on the #1.5H ibidi Glass Coverslip Bottom.
Please note: For most applications, the ibidi Polymer Coverslip is the material of choice, as it offers optimal cell adherence combined with excellent optical properties.Immersion Oil Compatibility of ibidi Labware
Oil immersion is used to increase the resolution of the objective, up to its physical limit . Placing immersion oil instead of air between the objective lens and the coverslip allows for a significantly higher amount of light to be collected by the lens . This, in turn, increases the resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio in microscopic images .
For high-resolution microscopy, cell culture chambers need to be compatible with immersion oil . The ibidi labware is compatible with a variety of common immersion oils . For a detailed compatibility list, please visit our website .
The ibidi Imaging Chambers:
Surfaces and Coatings
Growth, development, and signaling of cultured cells strongly depend on the
used surface . ibidi’s µ-Slides, µ-Dishes, and µ-Plates have a thin coverslip
bottom (ibidi Polymer Coverslip or Glass Coverslip, both with excellent
optical quality) .
They are available with several surfaces . The ibidi µ-Slides, µ-Dishes, and
µ-Plates that have an ibidi Polymer Coverslip bottom can be coated in a
similar process to standard plastic labware, while fully retaining image
quality . ibidi offers Collagen I, IV and Poly-L-Lysine coatings .
Surfaces and Coatings for theibidi Polymer Coverslip
ibiTreat (Tissue Culture-Treated)
Excellent adhesion of adherent cells, hydrophilic surface with no need for any
additional coating; optimal for everyday cell culture Hydrophobic, Uncoated
Weak adhesion of adherent cells, suitable for the application of specific
coatings Bioinert Surface
No adhesion of adherent cells or any bio- molecule, stable long-term
passivation; ideal for spheroid and organoid culture µ-Patterned Surface
Spatially defined adhesion of adherent cells on spots, different spot
geometries available Elastically Supported Surface (ESS)
Culture of adherent cells on an elastic surface Coated Surface
Culture of adherent cells on a Collagen I, Collagen IV, or Poly-L-Lysine
surface; available for selected µ-Slides
Surfaces for the ibidi Glass Coverslip
Glass Surface
Adhesion of adherent cells (coatingmight be required), ideal for special
microscopy applications
ibiTreat, Uncoated, and Bioinert—A Surface Comparison ibiTreat
Excellent cell adhesion
- Culture of adherent cells
- ECM coatings possible
The hydrophilic ibiTreat surface provides excellent cell adhesion, even
without a defined protein coating . However, ECM protein coatings can be done
on ibiTreat without any restrictions . The ibiTreat surface is ideal for
culture of adherent cells that do not need any specific coating . Uncoated
Weak cell adhesion
- Culture of adherent cells
- ECM coatings possible
The hydrophobic Uncoated surface provides weak cell adhesion, if not
previously coated with an ECM protein .
ECM protein coatings can be done on the Uncoated surface without any
restrictions . The Uncoated surface is ideal for the culture of adherent cells
that require a specific coating . Bioinert
No cell adhesion
- Culture of suspension cells, cell aggregates, spheroids, embryoid bodies (EBs), organoids
- ECM coatings not possible
The hydrophilic Bioinert surface hinders any protein attachment, thus
inhibiting subsequent cell attachment . Unlike with the ibiTreat and Uncoated
surfaces, a coating is not possible . The Bioinert surface is ideal for the
culture of suspension cells and cell aggregates .
ibidi Surfaces Show no Autofluorescence
Both the flat, thin bottom material and the excellent optical quality of the
ibidi Polymer Coverslip enable high-resolution microscopy without any
disruptive autofluorescence . ibiTreat (Tissue Culture-Treated) Surface: Excellent
Cell Adhesion
ibiTreat is our most recommended surface modification, because most adherent
cells grow well on it without the need for any additional coating . ibiTreat
is the hydrophilic, tissue culture-treated version of the ibidi Polymer
Coverslip . This physical surface modification, which is comparable to the
tissue culture treatment of standard cell culture vessels, makes the surface
hydrophilic and adhesive to virtually all cell types . The ibiTreat surface
appears in more than 20,000 peer-reviewed publications . The adhesion of cells
to ibiTreat µ-Slides is even strong enough to perform flow experiments that
simulate the physiological shear stress of the blood flow .
Hydrophobic, Uncoated Surface: Weak Cell Adhesion
The Uncoated surface is a hydrophobic version of the
ibidi Polymer Coverslip with identical optical properties .It does not permit
direct cell growth without anadditional coating . Therefore, it is not
suitable forthe standard cultivation of adherent cells . Due to
itshydrophobicity, it can be used for specific coatings orfor non-adherent
suspension cells . However, for cells insuspension we recommend using the
Bioinert surface,which completely inhibits cell-surface interactions,even in
long-term experiments .
Glass Coverslip Bottom
ibidi offers specialized glass bottom labware with a borosilicate coverglass
bottom . ibidi developed these glass surfaces specifically for TIRF, super-
resolution microscopy, and single molecule microscopy . The glass bottoms are
completely gas-proof and do not allow for any gas exchange . To provide the
highest quality necessary for modern, high-performance microscope objectives,
only D 263 M Schott glass coverslips with a thickness range of 170 µm (+/–5
µm) are used . This thickness is also known as #1 .5H (high performance) .
Please note: In principle, glass bottoms are suitable for direct cell culture.
However, to promote cell attachment, a surface coating might be required prior
to cell seeding.Phase contrast microscopy of human primary
keratinocytes on the ibiTreat ibidi Polymer Coverslip.
Phase contrast microscopy of MCF7 cells on the Hydrophobic,
Uncoated surface without prior ECM protein coating.
Fluorescence staining of adherent fibroblast cells on the ibidi
Glass Coverslip Bottom. Green: F-actin cytoskeleton (Phalloidin); blue: nuclei
Bioinert Surface: No Cell Adhesion
Culture of suspension cells and spheroids
No Cell Attachment: The Bioinert surface is a thin polyol hydrogel layer
that is covalently bound to the ibidi Polymer Coverslip . In contrast to
standard ultra-low attachment (ULA) coatings, Bioinert is completely non-
adherent and allows no binding of any biomolecule, even in long-term assays .
Therefore, the Bioinert technology provides a stable passivation for days or
even weeks .
No Cell-Substrate Interactions: Bioinert creates an environment in which
cell-cell interactions dominate over cell-substrate interactions . In fact,
the latter are completely blocked . The stability of the Bioinert surface
allows for long-term assays on the very same dish—for several days and even
weeks—without the adhesion of any proteins . Even when using medium with a
high fetal calf serum concentration, Bioinert prevents any cell or protein
from adhering to the surface .
No Prior Preparation: Bioinert is ready-to-use . No pre-hydration step is
necessary . The surface will swell by itself once wetted with buffer or medium
No Autofluorescence: Both the flat, thin bottom material and the excellent
optical quality of the ibidi Polymer Coverslip enable high-resolution
microscopy without any disruptive autofluorescence .
Micropatterned Surface:, Defined Cell Adhesion
The ibidi µ-Patterning technology enables spatially defined cell adhesion for
various 2D and 3D cell culture applications .
Miniaturized adhesive patterns (e .g ., lines, squares, or dots) are
irreversibly printed on the non-adhesive Bioinert surface of the ibidi Polymer
Coverslip, allowing for precisely controlled cell adhesion . The µ-Patterns
are dry-stable, sterile, and ready to use .
The µ-Pattern, the Bioinert surface, and the ibidi Polymer Coverslip are all
optimized for high resolution imaging and microscopy .Spheroid formation of NIH-3T3 cells, imaged 14 days after
seeding single cells in the µ-Slide VI 0.4 With Multi-Cell µ-Pattern. Phase
contrast microscopy, 4x objective lens.
Coatings: Collagen I, Collagen IV, and Poly-L-Lysine
Culture of adherent cells that require a specific extracellular matrix (ECM)
on the surface For selected µ-Slides, ibidi offers collagen I, IV, and
poly-L-lysine precoated surfaces on the ibidiPolymer Cov erslip .
Collagen I
Collagen type I is the most common type of collagen in the human body .
Building collagen fibers, it is present in many parts of the body, such as
skin and bone . To promote better cell adherence, culture vessel surfaces,
such as the ibidi Polymer Coverslip, can be coated with collagen I . In
addition, collagen I 3D gels are frequently used for cell cultivation to
stimulate an in vivo-like 3D environment . ibidi provides ready-to-use
µ-Slides that are coated with collagen I . For researchers who want to do
their own coating, ibidi offers a high-quality Collagen Type I, Rat Tail that
is made from rat tail tendon .
Collagen IV
Collagen type IV is one of the major constituents of the basement membrane,
which is a thin layer of the extracellular matrix (ECM) . In cell culture,
collagen IV is used as a substrate to promote the adherence and proliferation
of cells . Collagen IV coatings have been tested for a variety of standard
cell lines, such as epithelial, endothelial, neural, and muscle cells .
ibidi uses mouse collagen IV (Corning, No . 356233) for the coating .
Elastically Supported Surface (ESS)
Culture of adherent cells on an elastic surface
In living tissue, cell growing conditions are different from those in in vitro
cultures . The surface stiffness/ elasticity affects cell proliferation,
differentiation, and overall cellular function . The elasticity (Young’s
modulus) of most cell culture plastics is ~1 gigapascal (GPa) . Young’s
Modulus of glass is ~70 GPa . In contrast, the Young’s Modulus of mammalian
cells is <100 kPa . Therefore, the natural cell environment is at least
100,000 times more elastic than the standardly applied cell culture surfaces .
The elasticity of the ibidi elastically supported surface (ESS) is comparable
to that in cells and tissue . The µ-Dish 35 mm, high ESS is available in three
different elasticities, which cover the whole range of elasticities found in
living tissue .
As the uncoated ESS surface is hydrophobic and does not allow for any direct
cell growth, we recommend extracellular matrix coatings . Poly-L-Lysine
Poly-L-lysine (PLL) is a polymer of the essential amino acid L-lysine . This
polymer is one of the most commonly used adhesion substrates for cell culture
It is suitable for a large variety of cell types, especially for neuronal
cultures . Adhesion is mediated by an integrin-independent mechanism when PLL
is used .
ibidi uses a commercially available PLL solution (Sigma-Aldrich, No . P4832)
for the coating .
The ibidi Imaging Chambers:
Chamber Geometry
Open-Well Format
- Common formats
- Easy handling
- Large or low volume
Channel Format
- Excellent imaging
- Homogeneous cell distribution
- Low volume
Specialized Geometry
- Designed for specific uses (e .g ., gradients or gel matrices)
Your cell-based assays are as versatile as our chambers: We provide imaging
chambers with various geometries that are specifically tailored to your assay
. In order to guarantee the highest imaging quality at optimized experimental
conditions, we have eveloped our imaging chambers using a combination of
geometrical patterns and physical features . The all-in-one chambers reduce
the time and number of experimental steps needed in cell-based assays . In
addition, ibidi provides labware with specialized geometrical esigns for
functional cellbased assays, such as angiogenesis, chemotaxis, wound healing,
or cell migration assays.
All-In-One Chambers: All Steps in One Single Slide
All-in-one chambers have been developed to optimize the daily lab routine by
providing an all-in-one solution for cell cultivation, treatment, and live
cell imaging .
The design of the ibidi µ-Slides, µ-Dishes, and µ-Plates allows for all of the
experimental steps— from cell cultivation to microscopic imaging—to be
conducted in one single chamber .
The open-well format of the µ-Slide 2 Well | µ-Slide 4 Well | µ-Slide 8 Well
high , and the µ-Dish 35 mm, high allows for the use of standard
immunofluorescence protocols—with all procedures done in one single slide .
After fixation and staining, the sample can be observed through the coverslip
bottom using high-resolution microscopy . There is no need for an additional
glass coverslip .
Channel formats like the µ-Slide VI 0 .4 are ideal for an exact exchange of
small amounts of reagents .
These µ-Slides reduce the number of experimental steps needed for
immunofluorescence assays . Due to the low volume, the channel slides help
saving a lot of money for antibodies .
Chamber Slides, Removable: Long-Term Storage of Immunostained Samples
With the 3 Well | 8 Well | 12 Well Chamber Slides, removable, ibidi
provides self-adhesive, removable sili- cone chambers that are mounted on a
standard glass slide (1 mm thickness) . They are suitable for upright and
inverted microscopy and enable long-term storage of samples after
immunofluorescence staining.
All steps in the immunofluorescence assay can be done in one single slide,
which simplifies the overall procedure and requires only a small number of
cells and a low amount of antibody and medium .
Please note: In principle, glass bottoms are suitable for direct cell culture.
However, to promote cell attachment, a surface coating might be required prior
to cell seeding. Immunofluorescence using the 12
Well Chamber, removable
The ibidi Chamber Slides, removable, allow for cell
cultivation (top) and upright microscopy of cells (bottom) after
immunofluorescence staining.
Triple immunofluorescence of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells.
Red: mitochondria, stained with MitoTracker™ Red CMXRos; Green: F-actin,
stained with Alexa Fluor™ 488 Phalloidin; Blue: nuclei, stained with DAPI.
Channel Slides: Homogenous Cell Growth and Optimized Phase Contrast
When using the ibidi channel µ-Slides, the cells are cultured within a channel
that has one Luer port at each side . Channel slides provide several
advantages over open well slides, such as homogeneous cell distribution, no
meniscus formation, and no condensation . Homogeneous Cell Distribution
The ibidi channel slides provide the ideal geometry for homogeneous cell
distribution .
Cell densities in open wells are very de pendent on handling during cell
seeding . Further, cell distribution often varies depending on the well region
. Due to the closed channel geometry, cell distribution in the ibidi channel
slides does not vary depending on their positions inside the slide, or with
their handling and treatment during and after cell seeding .
No Lid—No Condensation
Condensation, which occurs on the lid of the culture vessel after being
removed from the incubator, disrupts phase contrast microscopy . When using
the ibidi channel slides, condensation inside the optical pathway is
intrinsically impossible .
Optimized Phase Contrast Microscopy
The meniscus formation in open well chambers at the air-water-interphase is a
natural and unavoidable effect that can disturb phase contrast microscopy . In
channel slides (e .g ., the ibidi µ-Slide VI 0 .4 ), meniscus formation is
geometrically impossible. Therefore, phase contrast in channel slides is
superior to small open wells .
Find more detailed information about the principle of phase contrast
microscopy and ibidi labware solutions in the chapter “Phase Contrast” . The
cell distribution can vary when using an open well (left).
Using a channel µ-Slide, the cells are distributed homogeneously across the
whole channel (right).Condensation can reduce the quality
of phase contrast microscopy in an open well (left). Excellent phase contrast
images are achieved using a channel µ-Slide (right), where condensation is
intrinsically impossible.
When using an open well (left), the meniscus causes poor
contrast in microscopy. Only the small center part exhibits satisfying phase
contrast. When using a channel µ-Slide (right), no meniscus forms, resulting
in excellent phase contrast images across the whole channel.
Ph+ Slides: Excellent MeniscusFree Phase Contrast Microscopy
The µ-Slides and µ-Dishes with Ph+ feature (Phase Contrast +) are designed for
excellent phase contrast microscopy without meniscus, which naturally disturbs
the phase contrast effect in standard open wells . The Ph+ version provides a
special intermediate plate in the center of the well . This plate flattens the
meniscus and creates a parallel beam throughout the plate, thereby increasing
the area of well-contrasted cells . Openings near the corners provide access
to the wells for the easy filling and aspiration of liquids . This innovative
technique supports meniscus-free phase contrast microscopy in a very
convenient manner .
Depending on your application, you can choose between the following labware
- µ-Slide 2 Well Ph+
- µ-Slide 2 Well Ph+ Glass Bottom
- µ-Slide 4 Well Ph+
- µ-Slide 4 Well Ph+ Glass Bottom
- µ-Dish 35 mm Quad
Working with the Ph+ Slides
Diminishes the Meniscus Effect
µ-Slide 2 Well
- Poor phase contrast
- Excellent fluorescence microscopy
Illustration of the perturbing effect of a meniscus. Light is refracted on the
air-water-interface, leading to poor contrast in microscopy.
Only the small center part exhibits satisfying phase contrast.
µ-Slide 2 Well Ph+
- Excellent phase contrast
- Excellent fluorescence microscopy
Working with the Ph+ slides diminishes the meniscus and increases the area of well-contrasted cells.
Microscopy Parameters of Materials
Coverslip Thickness
The thickness of the coverslip is a crucial parameter that defines imaging
quality . Most of the objective lenses used for microscopy are corrected to
the standard coverslip thickness of 0 .17 mm (170 µm +20/–10 µm, #1 .5) .
Thinner or thicker coverslips require the use of the correction collar on the
objective lense, which then prevents the formation of blurred images by
spherical and chromatic aberrations .
The ibidi Polymer Coverslip is the standard bottom of all ibidi µ-Slides,
µ-Dishes, and µ-Plates . With a thickness of 180 µm (+10/–5 µm), the ibidi
Polymer Coverslip provides ideal prerequisites for brilliant inverse high-
resolution microscopy .
For special microscopy applications, many ibidi labware products, such as the
µ-Dishes 35 mm, high, or the µ-Slide 2 Well | 4 Well | 8 Well high are also
available with a 170 µm (+/–5 µm) coverslip glass bottom #1 .5H . Numerical Aperture
The numerical aperture (NA) is an important value for microscope objectives,
which defines their resolution and luminous intensity . It measures the
ability of the objective to gather light and resolve fine specimen detail at a
fixed object distance . The higher the NA, the greater the ability of an
objective is to resolve details of a specimen . The NA is imprinted on every
objective .
The numerical aperture is defined by: NA = n sin θ .
n = refractive index of the medium in which the lens works (e .g ., 1 .52 for
immersion oil)
θ = half-angle of the maximum cone of light that can enter into the lens
For dry objectives, the maximal NA is ~0 .95 . For immersion objectives, the
maximal NA is ~1 .4 . Find more information about microscopy para- meters of
the ibidi surfaces and their compatibilities with different microscopic
techniques in the chapter “ibidi Material Specifications”
Refractive Index
The refractive index nD measures the speed of light inside a specific
material, as compared to the absolute vacuum . It is an important value for
calculating the numerical aperture (NA) .
The refractive index is defined by: nD = c/η
c = velocity of light in free space
η = light velocity in a particular medium
The refractive index is wavelength-dependent . As a standard, nD is used to
characterize the refractive index of optical materials, which represents 589
nm .
The refractive index is often referred to as “optical density” . Most
objectives are designed for use with coverslips that have a standard
refractive index of 1 .52, including glass and the ibidi Polymer Coverslip .
Material Dispersion / Abbe Number
Material dispersion is defined as a variation in the refractive index that
depends on the wavelength .
In other words, dispersion is a measurement for chromatic aberrations .
Dispersion in an optical material is quantified using the Abbe number . It is
calculated from the refractive indices of three different wavelengths . Using
a material with a high Abbe number means that the refraction index of
different wavelengths is nearly
The transmission of bottom material describes its ability to permit the
passage of light through it at specific wavelengths . The more that light is
absorbed, the less it can contribute to fluorescence excitation and image
acquisition . To be suitable for different microscopy applications, a material
should have a high transmission ability across various wavelengths, such as
the ibidi Polymer Coverslip .
Autofluorescence describes the intrinsic fluorescence intensity of the pure
material (e .g ., the ibidi Polymer Coverslip or a glass coverslip) without
any fluorescent sample . The autofluorescence is emitted by the material and
can emerge as noise or background during the imaging process .
Autofluorescence can be disruptive, especially when trying to image faint
fluorescent signals . All materials and culture media show some degree of
autofluorescence, which varies with the excitation/emission wavelength and
strongly depends on the material type .
Material | Refractive Index nD |
Vacuum | 1 (by definition) |
Air | 1 .0003 |
Water | 1 . 33 |
Glycerol | 1 .47 |
Immersion oil | 1 .52 |
Glass coverslip | 1 .52 |
ibidi Polymer Coverslip includes ibiTreat, Uncoated and Bioinert | 1 .52 |
Immersion oil, which can be seen as an extended front lens of immersion
objectives, also has a refractive index of 1 .52 .
equal in that material, leading to reduced separation of different wavelengths
. Therefore, materials with a higher Abbe number give less color dispersion
and provide a better optical quality for microscopy .
A material with an Abbe number equal to or larger than 55 is considered to be
well-suited for highresolution microscopy.
For example, the ibidi Polymer Coverslip has an Abbe number of 56 and the D
263 M Schott borosilicate glass has an Abbe number of 55.Autofluorescence Influences the Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Microscopy Techniques:
Principles and Applications
Inverted MicroscopySchematic of an inverted microscope.
Note the thin vessel bottom, through which the cells are observed.
Inverted microscopy is a very popular technique for live cell imaging . Here,
living cells are observed through the vessel bottom . This technique has
several advantages over upright microscopy .
Most adherent cells naturally sink to the vessel bottom and adhere to the
surface, meaning that they are spread across one focal plane . When growing in
vessels that are suitable for inverted microscopy, cells have access to larger
amounts of medium than if they were squeezed between a coverslip and a slide .
In addition, medium exchange and sample access from the top are possible .
Another very important advantage is sterility: as there is no contact between
the objective and the sample, sterile working conditions are guaranteed .
In an inverted microscope, the source for transmitted light and the condenser
are placed on the top of the stage, pointing down . The objectives are located
below the stage, pointing up . The cells are observed through the bottom of
the vessel . For successful imaging, the vessel bottom must have the highest
optical features, which are given for the ibidi Polymer Coverslip and the
ibidi Glass Coverslip .
ibidi Solutions
- All ibidi µ-Slides, µ-Dishes, and µ-Plates are designed for use with different types of inverted microscopes .
- The ibidi Stage Top Incubation System is ideal for establishing in vivo-like conditions on every inverted microscope that has a multiwell plate holder or a K-frame .
Upright Microscopy
Schematic of an upright microscope. Note that the cells are squeezed between
the slide and a coverslip.
In cell biology, upright microscopes are used for phase contrast or widefield
fluorescence microscopy of living cells or fixed samples that are squeezed
between a slide and coverslip .
In principle, upright microscopes can be used for live cell imaging . However,
they have several disadvantages when compared to inverted microscopes . The
working distances in upright microscopes are longer, leading to lower
resolution and weaker fluorescence signals . In contrast to inverted
microscopes, upright microscopes do not allow for the use of objectives with
high numerical aperture directly on the coverslip bottom, on which the cells
adhere . Therefore, ibidi recommends inverted microscopes for live cell
imaging .
In an upright microscope, the source of transmittedlight and the condenser are
located below the stagepointing up . The objectives are placed on top of
thestage, pointing down . The specimen is observed fromthe top through the lid
of a petri dish or a coverslip . Insome systems, the objective lens is dipped
into theculture medium without any coverslip .
ibidi Solutions
- The 3 | 8 | 12 Well Chamber, removable and the µ-Slide VI – Flat are compatible with upright or inverted microscopes .
- The ibidi µ-Dish 50 mm, low can be used with upright microscopes when a dipping lens is applied .
Phase Contrast
Phase contrast is by far the most frequently used method in biological light
microscopy . It is an established microscopy technique in cell culture and
live cell imaging . When using this inexpensive technique, living cells can be
observed in their natural state without previous fixation or labeling .
Unstained living cells absorb practically no light .
Poor light absorption results in extremely small differences in the intensity
distribution in the image .
This makes the cells barely, or not at all, visible in a brightfield
microscope . When light passes through cells, small phase shifts occur, which
are invisible to the human eye . In a phase contrast microscope, these phase
shifts are converted into changes in amplitude, which can be observed as
differences in image contrast . However, this label-free technique is strongly
dependent on the correct alignment of components in the optical pathway . This
alignment can be disturbed by the naturally occurring meniscus effect, causing
weak phase contrast .
An important issue to be considered in phase contrast microscopy is the
meniscus, which is naturally formed at the air-liquid interface . This
phenomenon can significantly reduce the image quality, especially in small
culture wells like the standard 96 well plates . The diffraction, due to the
meniscus, disarranges the correct alignment of the phase ring and phase plate
inside the optical pathway .
ibidi Solutions
ibidi has developed several solutions to overcome this problem—and guarantee
excellent phase contrast images:
- µ-Slide Angiogenesis and µ-Plate Angiogenesis
- Channel µ-Slides
- µ-Slides Ph+
For detailed information, please refer to “Phase Contrast in Channel Slides” or read our Application Note 03 (PDF) .
Beam path with meniscus
No alignment, bad phase contrast.
Beam path without meniscus
Correct alignment, good phase contrast.
F. Zernike. „Phase contrast, a new method for the microscopic observation of
transparent objects“.
Physica, 1942, part I: 10.1016/S0031-8914(42)80035-X, part II:
E. Horn, R Zantl. Phase-Contrast Light Microscopy of Living Cells Cultured in
Small Volumes. Microsc Anal, 2006, 20(3):5–7
ibidi Solutions for Phase Contrast
ibidi µ-Slide Angiogenesis and µ-Plate Angiogenesis
The µ-Slide Angiogenesis and µ-Plate Angiogenesis 96 Well are not only
designed for angiogenesis and tube formation assays, they also provide the
ideal cell culture vessel for brilliant phase contrast images . A geometrical
trick, the „well in a well“ technology, inhibits the meniscus formation and
results in good phase contrast over the entire observation area .
ibidi Channel µ-Slides
The ibidi channel µ-Slides provide ideal optical conditions for phase contrast
microscopy . When culturing cells, the channel is filled with medium from
bottom to top . This geometrically inhibits meniscus formation and allows for
excellent phase contrast across the whole channel .
ibidi µ-Slides Ph+
The ibidi µ-Slides Ph+ are specifically designed for phase contrast microscopy
. A special intermediate plate in each well avoids meniscus formation and
guarantees brilliant phase contrast—no matter which part of the well is being
imaged .
Standard well
- Meniscus on air-liquid interface: poor phase contrast in most of the observation area.
- Meniscus on the gel surface: not possible to focus on all cells simultaneously.
µ-Slide / Plate Angiogenesis
- Planar air-liquid interface: good phase contrast all over the observation area.
- Planar gel surface: all cells are in one optical plane.
96 well plate / small open well
Strong meniscus, low contrast near the edges.
Channel or parallel plates
No meniscus, good phase contrast over the entire area. Standard well
Strong meniscus effect.
Ph+ well
No meniscus effect.
Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
DIC is a more expensive, label-free microscopy technique with a high
sensitivity to thin cellular material, even when it is located within thick
tissue .
It is useful for rendering contrast in transparent samples and gives brilliant
pseudo-3D relief shading images . Although DIC images look very appealing, the
pseudo-3D effect might be misleading in some cases, making it seem that the
cells have structures that they do not have . As an example, areas inside a
living cell with a different refractive index, like vacuoles and chromatin,
appear as bumps, which is actually an optical impression .
Similar to phase contrast, DIC microscopy is a contrast-enhancing technique .
DIC uses polarized light to convert phase delays into intensity changes
(contrast) . The effect is called differential, because contrast is created
only in neighboring areas . Unlike in phase contrast, the DIC image is not
built globally over the entire image . Instead, adjacent structures with
different refractive indices are contrasted when in close contact with each
other .
DIC is less sensitive to meniscus formation than phasecontrast . However, DIC
needs low birefringence of themicroscopy chamber and the lid, making it
incompatiblewith standard polystyrene cultureware . Since manyfactors can
influence the recovery kinetics, the FRAPexperiments have to be planned well
and the resultingdata must be analyzed carefully . It is then possible
toobtain the diffusion coefficient and molecule mobilityparameters using
mathematical modelling . DIC Compatibility of Different
- DIC Lid for µ-Slides | DIC Lid for µ-Dishes
- Open µ-Slides | µ-Dishes | µ-Plates without lid
- Glass coverslips, glass slides
- ibidi Polymer Coverslip
- ibidi Glass Coverslip
- All ibidi Heating Systems
- Water, cell culture medium
- Cell culture flasks, Petri dishes
Not compatible
- Lids of all µ-Slides, µ-Dishes and µ-Plates
- Channel µ-Slides and Ph+ µ-Slides
ibidi Solutions
- Unlike other polymers on the market, the ibidi Polymer Coverslip is DIC compatible .
- Glass coverslip bottoms are 100% compatible with DIC microscopy .
- ibidi offers a special DIC Lid for µ-Dishes and a DIC Lid for µ-Slides .
Widefield Fluorescence Microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy is applied for the detection of specific structures,
molecules, or proteins within a cell . When using this technique, almost any
component of living and fixed cells or tissues can be “stained” and thereby
specifically imaged—up to the highest magnifications . Immunofluorescence
assays are widely analyzed using widefield fluorescence microscopy . It is
also possible to visualize several structures in parallel, which then appear
as different pseudocolors in the obtained image .
Widefield fluorescence microscopy is a variation of light microscopy and the
easiest fluorescence imaging mode . The underlying key principle is the use of
fluorescent molecules—so-called fluorophores— for the labeling of defined
cellular structures . These molecules, such as green fluorescent protein
(GFP), absorb light at a specific wavelength (excitation) and emit it at a
specific higher wavelength (emission) . To visualize the molecule of interest,
fluorophorecoupled specific antibodies or proteins, for example, are
transferred into the cell . The specimen is then illuminated at the excitation
wavelength and viewed through a filter that allows only the emitted wavelength
to pass through . Whereas the background is dark, the structures with a bound
fluorophore emit light, indicating the presence of the structure of interest .
In contrast to confocal microscopy, the whole specimen is exposed to light in
widefield fluorescence microscopy . Fluorescence signals from all focal planes
are detected, which leads to lower contrast in thick samples like spheroids
and tissue . Therefore, widefield microscopy is best applied with thin
specimens with low background autofluorescence, like adherent cells .
Fibroblasts were cultivated on the ibidi Polymer Coverslip for 24 hours
following paraformaldehyde fixation. F-actin and nuclear DNA were stained with
Phalloidin (green) and DAPI (blue), respectively, before mounting with ibidi
Mounting Medium. Widefield fluorescence microscopy, Carl Zeiss Axiovert 100,
objective lens Plan-Neolfluar 100x/1.3 oil, scale bar 10 µm. ibidi Solutions
Widefield fluorescence is possible without restrictions when using any of the
ibidi labware that contains the ibidi Polymer Coverslip or the ibidi Glass
Coverslip Bottom .
Confocal Microscopy
Confocal microscopy is broadly used to resolve the detailed structure of
specific objects within the cell . Similar to widefield fluorescence
microscopy, various components of living and fixed cells or tissue sections
can be specifically labeled using immunofluorescence, for example, and then
visualized in high resolution .
As a distinctive feature, confocal microscopy enables the creation of sharp
images of the exact plane of focus, without any disturbing fluorescent light
from the background or other regions of the specimen .
Therefore, structures within thicker objects can be conveniently visualized
using confocal microscopy .
Furthermore, by stacking several images from different optical planes, 3D
structures can be analyzed . The sample penetration depth is limited, however,
when using confocal microscopy . Thicker objects, like large spheroids,
organoids, tissue, and small animals, should instead be optimally imaged using
two-photon microscopy or LSFM .
Similar to the widefield microscope, the confocalmicroscope uses fluorescence
optics . Instead ofilluminating the whole sample at once, laser light
isfocused onto a defined spot at a specific depth withinthe sample . This
leads to the emission of fluorescentlight at exactly this point . A pinhole
inside the opticalpathway cuts off signals that are out of focus, thusallowing
only the fluorescence signals from theilluminated spot to enter the light
detector .
By scanning the specimen in a raster pattern, images of one single optical
plane are created . 3D objects can be visualized by scanning several optical
planes and stacking them using a suitable microscopy deconvolution software
(z-stack) . It is also possible to analyze multicolor immunofluorescence
stainings using state-of-the-art confocal microscopes that include several
lasers and emission/excitation filters .Z-stack of an FDA/PI-stained MCF-7 spheroid, acquisition by
confocal microscopy. Green: FDA-stained living cells. Red: PIstained dead
cells in the necrotic center of the spheroid.
ibidi Solutions
Confocal microscopy is possible without restrictions when using any of the
ibidi labware that contains the ibidi Polymer Coverslip or the ibidi Glass
Coverslip Bottom .
Two-Photon and Multiphoton Microscopy
Two-photon microscopy (also called multiphoton microscopy) can be used for
live cell imaging of thick biological specimens, as it has several advantages
over confocal microscopy . Molecules can be visualized deeply within the
specimen with a maximal penetration depth of about 1 mm . This enables 3D
imaging of tissue slices, organoids, whole organs, embryos, or even whole
animals .
In contrast to confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy works with higher
wavelengths leading to less photobleaching or photodamage, which is especially
important when working with living samples.
Just like widefield or confocal fluorescence microscopy, two-photon microscopy
is based on fluorophore excitation, which results in the emission of light .
In classic fluorescence microscopy, a fluorophore is excited by absorbing one
single photon of a certain wavelength . When using twophoton microscopy, two
or three photons of a higher wavelength do the work of one: When they hit the
fluorophore at the very same time (typically within several femtoseconds),
they are absorbed, resulting in fluorophore excitation and emission of light.
In this process, photons combine their energy, which allows low-energy
infrared photons to excite standard fluorophores, such as GFP . The infrared
light penetrates tissue more deeply than the standard excitation light used in
fluorescence microscopy . Due to its low energy level, infrared light is less
damaging, and therefore especially useful when working with living samples .
In order to increase the likelihood that two photons hit the fluorophore
simultaneously, lasers with very high intensity are needed . Their infrared
light only leads to excitation in the focus of the objective, because only in
this area, the critical number of photons per time and space is reached .
Therefore, all emitted light comes from one focal point in the specimen,
strongly reducing background noise . The image is created just as in confocal
microscopy: The laser scans across the sample, recording the image intensity
point by point .
R.K.P. Benninger, D.W. Piston. Two-photon excitation microscopy for the study
of living cells and tissues. Curr Protoc Cell Biol, 2013,
10.1002/0471143030.cb0411s59Rotating 3D rendering of a confocal image stack
showing the dorsal germ ring of a zebrafish embryo at the onset of
gastrulation (6 hours post fertilization). GFP (white) is expressed in
internalizing prechordal plate progenitors and lyn-TagBFP (red) marks the
membrane in all cells. The embryo was injected with dextranrhodamine to label
the interstitial fluid (blue). The image was recorded at the Bioimaging
Facility of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST), using a
multiphoton LaVision BioTec TriM Scope microscope.
ibidi Solutions
Two-photon microscopy is possible without restrictions when using any of the
ibidi labware containing the ibidi Glass Coverslip Bottom .
Optically, the ibidi Polymer Coverslip is 100% compatible, but be aware that
the polymer is only temperature-stable up to a maximum of 80°C/175°F .
Depending on the microscopy setup being used (e .g ., wavelength, laser
intensity, objective lens, heat transfer), it is possible to exceed this
temperature limit, which will damage the ibidi Polymer Coverslip . We
recommend trying a free sample of your chosen product to test its
compatibility with your specific setup .
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)
FRAP is a fluorescence microscopy method for studying the mobility of
fluorescently-labeled mole-cules in living cells . It is applied for the
analysis of molecule diffusion within the cell, fluidity of bio membranes, and
protein binding . Principle
FRAP can be conducted using a modern confocal microscope . It needs
fluorescent labeling of the molecule of interest . A typical FRAP experiment
involves three distinct phases . First, the initial fluorescence is measured
in the region of interest . Next, the fluorescent molecules are photobleached
within a selected area . This is done by focusing the laser beam onto the
respective area, leading to intense illumination and extinction of the
fluorophores . As a result, a dark area in the otherwise fluorescent sample
can be observed . Finally, fluorescent molecules from the surroundings can
diffuse through the sample and exchange the photobleached molecules with
intact ones . This fluorescence recovery is measured over time, making it
possible to obtain the diffusion coefficient and molecule mobility parameters
Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM)
LSFM is applied for live cell 3D imaging of thick biological samples as a
whole, such as embryos, spheroids, organoids, and whole animals . The strongly
reduced background signal, minimized phototoxicity, and increased scanning
speed make LSFM superior to epifluorescent microscopy for the analysis of
thick living specimens .
Researchers can choose between several LSFM/SPIM (Single/Selective Plane
Illumination Microscopy) systems that differ in certain aspects but all have
the following main features: in contrast to confocal or widefield fluorescent
microscopy only a thin section of the specimen is illuminated by a light sheet
. Another important difference is the separation of the optical pathways of
illumination and detection . To avoid the measurement of out-offocus
fluorescence, emitted light is detected on a different axis to the
illumination (e .g ., orthogonal) . By doing this, unnecessary out-of-focus
fluorescence is not excited, which prevents photobleaching and photodamage in
regions that are currently not being scanned . Finally, with LSFM, the image
is created by scanning a plane of light (optical sectioning), instead of point
by point, which markedly increases scanning speed when compared to confocal
microscopy .
These advantages—reduced cellular stress, background fluorescence, and time
consumption—are especially important when doing 3D live cell imaging of
sensitive biological samples . ibidi Solutions
FRAP and LSFM are possible without restrictions when using any of the ibidi
labware that contains the ibidi Polymer Coverslip or the ibidi Glass Coverslip
Bottom .
Please note: The suitability of the ibidi labware for LSFM depends on the
well/channel geometry, the used LSFM system and its optical setup. It has to
be checked individually before each experiment.
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
FRET determines the precise location and spatial proximity of fluorescently
labeled molecules and their interactions in living cells . Using this
technique, protein-protein interactions or conformation changes, for example,
can be analyzed using a standard widefield or confocal fluorescence microscope
Using specific calcium-sensitive biosensors, FRET can also be applied for the
visualization of changes in cellular calcium concentration .
FRET-based visualization of cytoplasmatic calcium concentration.
HEK293 cells expressing NK-I on the outer cell membrane and the calcium
biosensor Yellow Cameleon 3.6 (YC3.6) in the cytoplasm.
Addition of the fluorescently labelled NK-I ligand (SP-TAMRA) results in a red
glow of the cell membrane. Upon receptor activation, ion, calcium release
induces a change in the YC3.6 fluorescence properties: CFP excitation yields
simultaneous CFP and YFP emissions by a FRET phenomenon, appearing as a green
glow in the cytoplasm. Provided by M. Roelse, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
A donor fluorophore in its excited state can transfer its excitation energy to
an acceptor fluorophore in a non-radiative fashion . Typically, this happens
through dipole-dipole coupling in a distance of less than 10 nm . Beyond that
distance (Förster radius), the two fluorophores show normal fluorescence
behavior .FRET protein interaction assay. A
membrane receptor A and its ligand B are tagged with CFP and YFP,
respectively. When the ligand binds to the receptor, the YFP is excited by
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
FLIM is used for analyzing the distribution of specific cellular components,
such as proteins or nucleic acids .
It can be used to gain information about the molecules and to visualize the
state of the environment that surrounds the respective molecule in living
cells . FLIM helps to measure several factors, such as calcium ion amount, pH,
oxygen concentration, molecular interaction, and molecular binding . Under
optimal conditions, it is even possible to detect and identify single
molecules . The penetration depth using FLIM is higher compared to standard
fluorescence microscopy, which enables the analysis of thicker samples.
In contrast to standard fluorescence microscopy where the intensity is used to
create an image of the specimen, FLIM uses the lifetime of the signal by
analyzing the fluorophore’s exponential decay rate . The fluorescence lifetime
is specified as the average time that a fluorophore stays in the excited state
before emitting a photon and returning to the ground state . In the excited
state, each type of fluorophore has its own lifetime . By detecting
differences in lifetime, it is possible to distinguish fluorophores that have
the same excitation and emission spectrum .
The fluorescence lifetime depends on the local environment . While it is
affected by factors such as molecular interaction or ion concentration, it is
not influenced by fluorophore concentration, photobleaching, or excitation
light intensity . The resulting FLIM image contrasts the lifetime of the
individual fluorophores, which can then be used to define and interpret the
environmental factors of the molecules of interest . The lifetime also changes
when an energy acceptor molecule is in close proximity . This combination of
FLIM and FRET gives detailed insight into sub-molecular binding processes .
H.C. Ishikawa-Ankerhold, R. Ankerhold, G.P.C. Drummen. Advanced Fluorescence
Microscopy Techniques—FRAP, FLIP, FLAP, FRET and FLIM. Molecules, 2012,
ibidi Solutions
FRET and FLIM microscopy are possible without restrictions when using any of
the ibidi labware that contains the ibidi Polymer Coverslip or the ibidi Glass
Coverslip Bottom .
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)
TIRF is a fluorescence-based technique used to image the processes that occur
in and near the membrane of living cells . Although TIRF cannot be used to
visualize structures located deep within a specimen, it allows for near-
membrane imaging close to the interface with a high signal-to-noise ratio .
TIRF is very useful visualizing membrane processes, such as receptor-ligand
interactions, endocytosis, viral infection, or cell adhesion to surfaces .
For TIRF, two optical media with different refractive indices, such as water
(nD =1 .33) and glass (nD =1 . 52), are needed . If the total internal
reflection of incident light occurs at the interface of these media, an
evanescent field is created . This evanescent field is an area in which the
totally reflected light is still able to excite fluorophores . It extends
about 100–200 nm deep into the specimen, leading to the excitation of
fluorophores . Only the fluorescent events occurring at the section of the
specimen close to the glass/ sample interface are then visualized .Surface-near F-actin network of a Dictyostelium discoideum
DdLimE-GFP cell. TIRF Live cell imaging on a Glass Coverslip #1.5H.
ibidi Solutions
The ibidi Glass Coverslip Bottom provides ideal optical conditions for TIRF .
It is possible to use any of the ibidi labware, without restrictions,
containing the ibidi Glass Coverslip Bottom .
Please note: TIRF is generally possible with the ibidi Polymer Coverslip, but
we recommend using the ibidi Glass Coverslip.
Super-Resolution Microscopy (STED, SIM, (F)PALM, (d)STORM)
Super-resolution microscopy enables the visualization of the smallest
structures in living cells that cannot be resolved using standard widefield or
confocal fluorescence microscopy . This technique provides a spatial 3D-
resolution that is well below the diffraction limit . It creates new views on
the structural organization of cells and the dynamics of biomolecular
assemblies, that are close to a nearmolecular resolution.
Resolution is described as a function to discriminate two dots from each other
. It is dependent on the wavelength and the numerical aperture and is
physically limited by Abbe’s law .
When using widefield and confocal fluorescence microscopy, the diffraction
barrier limits the maximal resolution to about 200 nm . Superresolution
microscopy breaks the diffraction barrier, enabling “nanoscopy” with
substantially improved optical resolution of down to 5–20nm . This method uses
the physical or chemical properties of adjacent fluorophores to resolve them
from each other . For example, while one fluorophore’s state is “on”, the
neighboring fluorophore’s state is “off”, which enables their differentiation
Several super-resolution microscopy techniques were developed, each with its
own advantages and disadvantages . There are deterministic and stochastic
functional techniques . Common examples are:
- Stimulated emission depletion (STED)
- Saturated structured illumination microscopy (SSIM)
- REversible Saturable Optical Linear Fluorescence Transitions (RESOLFT)
- Photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM)
- Fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM)
- Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (d)STORM
S.W. Hell. Far-field optical nanoscopy. Science, 2007, 10.1126/
S.W. Hell. Microscopy and its focal switch. Nat Methods, 2009,
B. Huang, H. Babcock, X. Zhuang. Breaking the diffraction barrier: super-
resolution imaging of cells. Cell, 2010, 10.1016/j. cell.2010.12.002
S.J. Sahl, S.W. Hell, S. Jakobs. Fluorescence nanoscopy in cell biology. Nat
Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2017, 10.1038/nrm.2017.71
dSTORM image of plasma membrane glycans on the ibidi Polymer Coverslip.
Membrane glycans of SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells were stained through the
metabolic incorporation of azido-sugar analogues followed by copper-catalyzed
azide- alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). Inlet: comparison to widefield
microscopy. Provided by Markus Sauer, Würzburg.
ibidi Solutions
In general, we can recommend the ibidi Glass Coverslip Bottom for super-
resolution microscopy techniques . The ibidi Polymer Coverslip, however,
cannot yet be guaranteed to work with every microscopic technique due to the
large number of techniques available .
Please note: dSTORM is possible with the ibidi Polymer Coverslip. If you would
like to take advantage of the ibidi Polymer Coverslip Bottom features and test
them with your own super- resolution microscopy experiments, please check out
our free sample! Then, give us feedback on how the ibidi Polymer Coverslip
worked with your technique of choice.
ibidi Material Specifications
ibidi Bottom Material Specifications
| #1 .5 ibidi Polymer Coverslip| #1 .5H ibidi Glass Coverslip| #1 .5 glass
coverslip| Standard glass slide*| Standard polystyrene
plates & dishes
Bottom thickness| 180 µm (+10/ – 5 µm)| 170 µm
(+/–5 µm| 170 µm (+20/–10 µm)| 1000 µm (+/–50 µm)| 500–1000 µm
Bottom material| Polymer| D 263 M Schott high precision glass| D 263 M Schott
high precision glass| Soda-lime glass| Polymer
Surface modifications| ibiTreat (tissue culturetreated),
Hydrophobic, Uncoated, Bioinert, µ-Patterning, Elastically Supported Surface
(ESS), Collagen I, IV, Poly-L-Lysine coating| Uncoated glass| Uncoated glass|
Uncoated glass| Tissue culture-treated,
Compatibility With Microscopy Applications
| #1 .5 ibidi Polymer Coverslip| #1 .5H ibidi Glass Coverslip| #1 .5H
ibidi Glass Coverslip| Standard glass slide*| Standard polystyrene
plates & dishes
Brightfield Microscopy| ++| ++| ++| ++| ++
Phase Contrast| ++| ++| ++| ++| ++
Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Widefield Fluorescence| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Confocal Microscopy| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Two-Photon and Multi- photon Microscopy| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Lightsheet Fluorescence Microscopy
(LSFM, SPIM)| ++| ++| ++| ++| –
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)| +| ++| +| +| –
Super-Resolution Microscopy| +| ++| +| +| –
Optical Aspects
| #1 .5 ibidi Polymer Coverslip| #1 .5H ibidi Glass Coverslip| #1 .5 glass
coverslip| Standard glass slide*| Standard polystyrene
plates & dishes
Refractive index (nD 589 nm)| 1 .52| 1 .52| 1 .52| 1 .52| 1 .58
Abbe number| 56| 55| 55| 64| 31
Autofluorescence| Low| Low| Low| Low| Very high
Transmission| Very high (even ultraviolet)| High (ultraviolet restrictions)|
High (ultraviolet restrictions)| High (ultraviolet restrictions)| High
(ultraviolet restrictions)
Further Aspects
| #1 .5 ibidi Polymer Coverslip| #1 .5H ibidi Glass Coverslip| #1 .5 glass
coverslip| Standard glass slide*| Standard polystyrene
plates & dishes
Gas permeability| Yes| No| No| No| Yes
Material flexibility| High| Low| Low| Very low| High
Breakable| No| Yes| Yes| Yes| No
Compatibility with protein coatings| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes
Birefringence (DIC)| Low DIC-compatible)| Low (DIC-compatible)| Low (DIC-
compatible)| Low (DIC-compatible)| Very high
Immersion oil compatibility| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| No
Correct thickness for high resolution
microscopy objective lenses| Yes| Yes| Yes| No (Yes, if mounted
with a standard glass coverslip)| No
- With the 3 Well | 8 Well | 12 Well Chamber Slide, removable, ibidi provides self-adhesive, removable silicone chambers that are mounted on a standard glass slide. They are suitable for upright and inverted microscopy and enable long-term storage of samples after immunofluorescence staining.
Manufacturer / Supplier ibidi GmbH
Lochhamer Schlag 11 82166 Gräfelfing Germany
Toll free within Germany:
Phone: 0800 / 00 11 11 28
Fax: 0800 / 00 11 11 29
International calls:
Phone: +49 89 / 520 46 17 – 0
Fax: +49 89 / 520 46 17 – 59
E-Mail: info@ibidi.com
ibidi.com| North American Headquarters ibidi USA,
2920 Marketplace Drive, Suite 102 Fitchburg, WI 53719 USA
Toll free within the US:
Phone: +1 844 276 6363
International calls:
Phone: +1 608 441 8181
Fax: +1 608 441 8383
E-Mail: ibidiusa@ibidi.com
All ibidi products are for research use
only! Errors and omissions excepted.
© ibidi GmbH
FL_AG_031, V 2 .0 2021 /11
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