Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024
Gre Pool

Instruction Manual
Take the reference number of your pool into account when you do the assembly

7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool

4,36 x 3,36 H 1,17mGre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool

5,35 x 3,35 H 1,17mGre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool

6,20 x 3,95 H 1,36mGre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool




It is mandatory to keep it in order to use the warrantyGre Pool 7900862
GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - sefty

Serial number (wood pallet)Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool -

Check the serial number in the label of the box.

Liner hung 773×371/142 rectangulaire 4 pans Bleu
REF: 785943
Couleur: BLEU
Nº de lot: 2019/04
Qté: 1
Poids: 44.45 KGS
Gencod: 3605217859433
The diagonal dimensions of the pool SHOULD BE verified. This is necessary to avoid problems later. Revise them several times until obtaining the dimensions indicated on the drawings.
In the case of breakages and/or deformations of the wood, make a complete inventory of the state of the pieces before requesting them from after-sales.
This way, the pieces will all arrive in the same delivery
During the winter, metal finishes of the beaches can oxidise. You are responsible for the maintenance of these parts. If you use a winter cover, make sure it has correct ventilation.
Do not completely empty the pool for long periods because the structure may suffer deformation.
Locate the maintenance section in the manual of your stainless-steel ladder (in the case this is included with the pool)
Before screwing on the edges of the pool, the wood should be presented for its correct localization. If your pool has a double edge, both the internal one and the external one should be presented and you should start screwing the internal  perimeter.
Sitting on or walking on the beaches is strictly prohibited. Any breakage is not covered by the guarantee.Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool -

To install the blocks (pieces of wood that support the edges), pay attention to the pool drawing. It is important that these are screwed in the exact position indicated on the drawing. Do not over-tighten the screws to avoid splintering the  wood. It is recommended to sand the areas with splinters to eliminate the risk of cutting.
After a few months since assembling the pool we recommend using a water-based dye to hydrate the wood. Remember wood is a live being. This reduce the appearance of fissures. This dye is advisable on copping because being most exposed to sunlight and chemical products. If you decide to paint your pool, make sure the product you use is adequate for wood treated with Autoclave 4.Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - sefty 2

The concrete slab must have the dimensions indicated according to the pool model and never smaller. The pool must be centered on this base.
This concrete slab must be done by a professional according to the following characteristics:
Concrete slab: Dosing 350 kg/m3 (standardized type C125 430)
Once you open the pallet of the wood, the pool must be assembled within a maximum period of two days. In addition, we suggest doing this on days without any rain to avoid that the wood is humidified, complicating the final assembly.


Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - COMPONENTS


This pallet should be stored on a level floor, preferably concrete.
If the pool is going to be immediately assembled:

  • Revise the content.

  • Assemble it as soon as possible to avoid deformation of the parts after having released the pallet straps.
    If the pool is not going to be immediately assembled:

  • Do not remove the straps form the wooden pallet.

  • In the case of having to undo the pallet and the pool is not going to be immediately assembled, the pallet should be rebuilt assuring good fixing to avoid deformation of the parts (using ropes, straps, etc).
    In both cases, put weight on top to assure the parts remain flat. Store the pallet in an adequately ventilated place.

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - STORAGE

Carefully read this information and keep it for later consultations
Congratulations on your choice. The model you have chosen has been especially designed for simple and rapid installation, but some precaution is necessary for the good use of your pool. Before starting with the installation and assembly  of your pool, consider the current local regulation about on ground and in ground pools.
The use of the pool kit includes respecting the safety instructions described in the maintenance manual and instructions for use. If the safety regulations are not respected serious damage for your health and specially for that of children  may occur. Carefully read this manual and pay attention to the illustrations before starting to assemble the pool. In the case that the assembly does not follow this manual the guarantee may be rejected in the case of failure.
The information appearing in this installation manual shows exactly how it should be done. Nevertheless, the illustrations in the same are to explain the assembly process. Contractual elements will not be considered regarding the shape,  the colours and the aspects shown in the illustrations. Manufacturas Gré in its commitment to ongoing improvement of their products, reserves the right to modify at any time and without previous warning the features, the technical  details, the standardized equipment and the options of its products.


| | |
Compulsory| Attention| Observation| Suggestions


Keep your manual with the serial number and the purchase justification (payment receipt) for any type of reclamation.
Any reclamation against guarantee should be made by an online declaration, via the, together with receipt of purchase.
You may be asked for photographs to justify the claim.
No returns of material will be accepted without previous agreement. The client will support all costs of all returns of goods, (packaging and transport).

  • The products that effectively show defects will be repaired or will be replaced free of transport costs.
    The guarantee is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective part. It does not include, under any circumstance, the payment of compensation for harm and damages.


  • Use of materials that do not comply to our instructions.
  • Damages caused by mishandling or an installation not complying with the instructions.

Manufacturas Gré interchanges components in exchange for others to be verified.
If, after the verification no anomaly or dysfunction is detected, Manufacturas Gré reserves the right to invoice the client for the cost for transport and other diverse expenses.

  • Sylvester pinewood treated with class IV autoclave has a guarantee of 10 years against rot and the attack of insects.

  • Liner: 2 years for the seams and water tightness in normal conditions of use. The guarantee does not include: Ripping, tears, breakages, stains (caused by pouring treatment products directly into the water), stains linked to the  growth of algae, stains related to the decomposition of foreign bodies in contact with the liner, stains and decolouring resulting from the action of oxidising products, colour maintenance and wear due to friction of the material over  diverse surfaces. Deformation of the liner that has been left without water for 24 hours (never completely empty the pool). The PVC Liner, in the case of disassembly and re-assembly of the pool.
    You should keep the label with the serial number of the liner that is on the product and on its packaging. This number and a sample of the liner will be required for any eventual reclamation against the guarantee.

  • Stainless steel stepladder: 2 years. In the case of a filtration due to salt electrolysis, the guarantee will not cover the stepladder.

  • Filter group: The pump has 2 years guarantee (electrical problem), in normal conditions of use. The guarantee does not cover breakage of parts (pump base/sand deposit, pre-filter cover, multi-directional trap…), wear due to a poor  connection, use of the pump without water, wear due to abrasion or corrosion (the filter group should be located in a cool and dry position, kept protected from water splashing).

  • Other components: 2 years.

Any machining done later and that negatively affects the quality of the treatment, like for example, without any limitations, any cutting, planing, sanding, or drilling. Exception: the holes needed for fixing the reinforcements and wood  blocks, which have been made using drill of at least 1 mm less diameter of the assembly screws.

  • Cuts in the liner
  • The assembly and filter connection
  • The assembly
  • The filling with water
  • Installation of the edges
  • The wintering
  • Maintenance

(After justification and receipt of purchase)

  • DELIVERY costs will be supported by the client.
  • RETURN transport costs will be paid by Manufacturas Gré (for those parts covered by the guarantee plan).
  • Changing of wood after visual verification.
  • Parts or components from Manufacturas Gré.
  • Period for change: 8 business days In the context of replacing a defective component, the disassembly and assembly is not the responsibility of Manufacturas Gré.


  • Delivery/return costs will be supported by the client.
  • The parts will be invoiced according to the current price list.

While the pool is disassembled, it is sensitive to variations of temperature and humidity. Therefore, certain precautions should be taken for storage.
When you receive the packets, store the pieces of wood in horizontal position on a flat surface, shielding them from humidity and sunlight to avoid any risk of deformation.


  • Do not store the wood in sunlight, to avoid excessive sags or cracks in the wood.
  • Do not store the pool outside protected by a watertight cover, because the condensation emanating from the wood will make it even more humid and will subject to changes of shape.


  • Assemble the structure only once.
  • Store the wood of your pool on a flat surface, shielding it from humidity and sunlight.
  • Remove the protective film so the wood can «breathe».

The installation of this pool needs the intervention of at least two persons and takes two days (besides the preparation of the land and the filling).

  • You have the assistance of a qualified person for the electrical connections.
  • There is sufficient water supply to fill the pool.
  • That you have carefully read the manual, step by step, to fully understand the installation of your pool.

Manufacturas Gre, S.A. will not be responsible for any fault due to poor quality in concrete.
The concrete slab must be made by a professional in accordance with the instructions given in this instruction manual. If there was any complaint, the invoice for the slab may be requested in order to examine the pool’s warranty.

For on ground pools, we recommend protecting access to the pool by one standardized protection element.
For semi in-ground and fully in ground pools, the French law no.
2003-9 of 3rd January 2003. related to pool safety, as well as French decree no. 2003-1398 of 31st December 2003, related to pool safety, require protecting the pool by at least one element of standardized protection, like:
– Protection fence
– Pool alarm
– Pool cover
– Pool hut

The land should be prepared as indicated in the «installation» chapter of this manual.

  • Under overhead electricity cables
  • Under branches of trees
  • On non-stable land

A good location allows you to save time and avoid limitations. The pool should be in a sunny spot and easily reached.
The location of the pool should be free of tubes or electrical connections.
Take into account that the best is to assemble the pool on a sunny day and avoid high winds.

  • Some pool components are packed in plastic bags. To avoid all risk of asphyxia, never allow babies or children to play with these.
  • Thanks for respecting the European Union Laws and collaborating in protecting the environment.

When you have installed your pool and all the components are assembled, we thank you for classifying and recycling all the packaging.


The filter kit (filter + pump) should be installed at least 3.5 metres from the pool to avoid the risk of electrocution.
There should be a special differential electricity protection device for pools with electric filter pumps, according to the regulation.
Never leave children without surveillance near the pool.
After each bath, remove the external stepladder to avoid accidental falling into the pool of children or of pets (Regulation EN-P90-317).
This pool is exclusively designed for family use. Walking on the edges or diving or jumping from them is strictly forbidden.
Carefully read, understand, and follow all information in this user manual before installing and using the swimming pool.
These warnings, instructions, and safety guidelines address some common risks of water recreation, but they cannot cover all risks and dangers in all cases. Always use caution, common sense, and good judgment when enjoying any water activity. Retain this information for future use.
Non Swimmers safety
Continuous, active, and vigilant supervision of weak swimmers and non-swimmers by a competent adult is required at all times (remembering that children under five are at the highest risk of drowning).

  • Designate a competent adult to supervise the pool each time it is being used.
  • Weak swimmers or non-swimmers should wear personal protection equipment when using the pool. – When the pool is not in use, or unsupervised, remove all toys from the swimming pool and its surrounding to avoid attracting  children to the pool.

Safety devices

  • It is recommended to install a barrier (and secure all doors and windows, where applicable) to prevent unauthorized access to the swimming pool.
  • Barriers, pool covers, pool alarms, or similar safety devices are helpful aids, but they are not substitutes for continuous and competent adult supervision.

Safety equipment

  • It is recommended to keep rescue equipment (e.g. a ring buoy) by the pool.
  • Keep a working phone and a list of emergency phone numbers near the pool.

Safe use of the pool

  • Encourage all users especially children to learn how to swim
  • Learn Basic Life Support (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – CPR) and refresh this knowledge regularly.
  • This can make a life-saving difference in the event of an emergency.
  • Instruct all pool users, including children, what to do in case of an emergency
  • ever dive into any shallow body of water. This can lead to serious injury or death.
  • Do not use the swimming pool when using alcohol or medication that may impair your ability to safely use the pool.
  • When pool covers are used, remove them completely from the water surface before entering the pool.
  • Protect pool occupants from water related illnesses by keeping the pool water treated and practicing good hygiene. Consult the water treatment guidelines in the user’s manual.
  • Store chemicals (e.g. water treatment, cleaning or disinfection products) out of the reach of children.
  • Signage is to be displayed in a prominent position within 2 m of the pool.
  • Removable ladders shall be placed on a horizontal surface.

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - icon 3 WARNING:
Every electrical appliance fed in 220 V, has to be located at least at 3,50 m from the edge of the pool. The equipment should be connected to a voltage, with earth connection, protected by a residual current device (RCD) having a rated  residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA.
Read the instructions carefully and keep for future reference.

When you have installed your pool and all the components are assembled, we thank you for classifying and recycling all the packaging.


Wood is a natural product, the fissures visible on the edges of the wood are completely normal and do not modify the resistance characteristics of the same.
Wood is always a malleable material (from 3% to 4% of dimensional variations) with humidity and temperature oscillations. Therefore, small cracks can appear and in order to limit later deformations, the technical criteria have been respected regarding the design, the choice of sections, and of packaging and the fixing methods. Knots are natural elements of wood: their aspect and their size vary from one product to another. The secretion of resin is a natural phenomenon of resinous wood. Just as no tree is like another tree, the following photographed elements cannot be considered as defects:Gre Pool
7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - parts 2

Mould can appear on the surface of wood, although not penetrating into it and not degrading it. After being treated with UV radiation, wood turns greyish with time without this affecting its durability. Varnish can be applied to wood  treated in autoclave. In addition to protection, varnish contributes to the beauty and long-life of wood. In this case¡, wait for the wood to completely dry before applying the varnish.
The wood we use is select pine and dried to 25% before treatment in class IV autoclave. It has a 10-year guarantee against insect attack and against rot for the parts in the ground.


Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - DRAWING

620004738/AF0 BAST BSK45x190x1495 1
620004738/AG0 BAST HSK 45x190x1495 1
620004738/AE0 BAST REF 45x190x1495 1
620004738/AB0 BAST STD 45x95x1495 4
620004768/AB0 BAST STD 45x95x2500 4
620004738/AA0 BAST STD 45x190x1495 31
620004768/AA0 BAST STD 45x190x2500 10
620004415 CACHE L 22x56x1300 2
620004773/AB0 CACHE SABOT 22x145x1020 16
620001465 CORBELET 45x145x225 16
620004773/AA0 JOUE C SABOT 22x120x1030 4
620002271/A00 LIM D 28x145x1496 1
620002270/A00 LIM G 28x145x1496 1
620004488 MARCHE ECH 28x145x586 4
620004648/AK0 MAR EXT 28x145x1389 6
620004768/AC0 MAR EXT 28x145x2389 2
620004648/AJ0 MAR INT 28x145x1269 6
620004768/AD0 MAR INT 28x145x2269 2
620002011 PLAQUE JONCTION 28x145x190 8
620004762/AF0 RENFORT 45x68x1130 6
620004751/AF0 RENFORT 45x145x1130 4

Dimensions in mm

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - parts 3

Wooden blocks
Small reinforcements
Big reinforcements
Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - DRAWING 2You should respect all these dimensions to perfectly adjust the liner and the edges.
Approximate dimensions

Dimensions in mmGre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - DRAWING

620004738/AF0 BAST BSK45x190x1495 1
620004738/AG0 BAST HSK 45x190x1495 1
620004738/AE0 BAST REF 45x190x1495 1
620004738/AB0 BAST STD 45x95x1495 4
620004746/AA0 BAST STD 45x95x3500 4
620004738/AA0 BAST STD 45x190x1495 31
620004746/AB0 BAST STD 45x190x3500 10
620004415 CACHE L 22x56x1300 2
620004773/AB0 CACHE SABOT 22x145x1020 16
620001465 CORBELET 45x145x225 20
620004773/AA0 JOUE C SABOT 22x120x1030 4
620002271/A00 LIM D 28x145x1496 1
620002270/A00 LIM G 28x145x1496 1
620004488 MARCHE ECH 28x145x586 4
620004648/AK0 MAR EXT 28x145x1389 6
620004648/AM3 MAR EXT 28x145x3389 2
620004648/AJ0 MAR INT 28x145x1269 6
620004648/AL3 MAR INT 28x145x3269 2
620002011 PLAQUE JONCTION 28x145x190 8
620004762/AF0 RENFORT 45x68x1130 6
620004751/AF0 RENFORT 45x145x1130 4

Dimensions in mm

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool 2

Wooden blocks
Small reinforcements
Big reinforcementsGre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - DRAWING

You should respect all these dimensions to perfectly adjust the liner and the edges.
Approximate dimensions

Dimensions in mmGre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - DRAWING

620004745/AF0 BAST BSK45x190x1750 1
620004745/AG0 BAST HSK 45x190x1750 1
620004745/AE0 BAST REF 45x190x1750 1
620004745/AA0 BAST STD 45x95x1750 4
620004745/AB0 BAST STD 45x95x4000 4
620004745/AC0 BAST STD 45x190x1750 37
620004745/AD0 BAST STD 45x190x4000 12
620002255 CACHE L 22x56x1400 16
620004742/AA0 CACHE SABOT 22x145x1216 4
620001465 CORBELET 45x145x225 16
620004741/AA0 JOUE C SABOT 22x120x1226 8
620002271/A00 LIM D 28x145x1496 1
620002270/A00 LIM G 28x145x1496 1
620004488 MARCHE ECH 28x145x586 4
620004745/AI0 MAR EXT 28x145x1639 6
620004745/AK0 MAR EXT 28x145x3889 2
620004745/AH0 MAR INT 28x145x1519 6
620004745/AJ0 MAR INT 28x145x3769 2
620002011 PLAQUE JONCTION 28x145x190 8
620004580 RENFORT 45x68x1325 5
620004579 RENFORT 45x145x1325 10

Dimensions in mm

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool 3

Wooden blocks
Small reinforcements
Big reinforcements

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - DRAWING 6

You should respect all these dimensions to perfectly adjust the liner and the edges.
Approximate dimensions


Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - PREVISIONS

The filter group and especially the electric pump should necessarily be located at a distance of at least 3.5 meters from the bowl (electricity regulation NFC-100).
The filter group should be located below the level of the pool and ideally at floor level of the pool, otherwise there is a risk of the pump becoming deactivated. The filter pump should be protected from splashing of water, from floods, and  from humidity, in a dry, well ventilated place. Otherwise, the metallic pieces and the pump motor may become deteriorated.


Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - INSTALLATION

This is a determining stage in the construction of your pool. Certain works performed in situ, like the preparation of the land, the concrete slab, the draining… can need the intervention of professionals that will propose the most adequate  solutions.
Select the ideal location, in the sunniest spot possible, taking into account the local regulations (distance from the paths, public rights of way, networks…) and the landscaping after installing the pool. Decide the location by marking the  ground, check the «Ground layout» section.
Your pool can be installed in these three ways:
Try to not install your pool on recently filled land or unstable land. Whatever type of installation you choose, you should excavate and prepare the land for levelling.
Attention: in the case that the land is sloping, you need to excavate it for levelling. Do not add soil to level it.
The installation should be using a concrete foundation slab, at least 15 cm (7900862/7900872), 17 cm (7900892) thick. The pool is assembled after the concrete foundation slab has completely dried (3 weeks). The filter group should be  located below the level of the pool and ideally at floor level of the pool.
Take the reference number of your pool into account when you do the assembly


  • 1 screwdriver (with Torx point No. T15, T20, T25)
  • 1 drill with bits for wood Ø4, Ø6 and Ø10, for concrete Ø10 and for metal Ø5
  • 1 cutter
  • 1 spirit level
  • 1 decametre
  • 1 mallet
  • 1 hammer
  • 1 screwdriver
  • 1 No. 19 spanner
  • 1 hacksaw
  • 1 saw for wood
  • 1 ballpoint pen
  • PVC adhesive
  • Roll of Teflon
  • Two-faced adhesive tape or stapler
  • Gloves
  • Seal closer Assembly time (besides land preparation and filling) 2 days with at least 2 persons.


Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - LAYOUT


Mark the shape of your pool on the ground using the previous dimensions. The marking can be done by using a cord.
If your pool is fully or partially in-ground, proved the excavation for an area of 50 cm additional to the perimeter to facilitate your movements during assembly.
The installation of your pool requires preparing a concrete foundation slab reinforced with fibres or with welded lath. The concrete should be 350 kg/m3 (standardized C125 430). We recommend to ask a professional to prepare the foundation slab.
If the installation is fully or partially in-ground, try to remove all the fragments of wood, branches or roots that could become degraded with time. Do not install any formwork around the pool or near it with wood that is not treated for  installation in contact with the ground. Do not apply any additional treatment to the in-ground part, for example, applying tar or non- micro porous varnish is prohibited. Make sure that the wood can «breathe», check the «Preparing the  land» chapter.


The recommendations about the construction for completely or partially in- ground pools are effective in the context of an installation in land which is not humid.
You should conveniently adapt the basic instructions to avoid the restrictions related to the type of land (clay for example) or to the excessive presence of water in the ground, (sources, run-off rainwater…). In order to avoid any excess  humidity in your land, you should install a draining system under the pool, and around it by building a decompression well. In all cases, an adapted draining system is necessary to avoid water stagnation with the possible consequences of  ground contamination including the deterioration of the structure (rooting of the wood, deformation of the structure…) To guarantee quality planning, you can consider any information from a specialist as very important.
UNACCEPTABLE LOCATION: Sloping, uneven ground. Sandy, rocky or soggy ground.
Once the location area is chosen (which have to be perfectly levelled), we’ll proceed at the marking. Mark the ground using wood pickets, screwdriver, funnel (or plastic bottle), flour or lime and a rope.
It is advisable to level the total surface area necessary before marking it (marking should be centered on the rectangle corresponding to the pool model) so that assembly work is more convenient and easy.
In order to avoid any excess humidity in your land, you should install a draining system under the pool, and around it by building a decompression well.
When levelling the ground, always remove material from the top of the slope rather than filling in the bottom: this will ensure greater ground stability and firmness.
Always remove all grass, roots, stones, etc. Levelling is extremely important: devoting the necessary time and effort to ensuring that your pool sits properly on the ground will avoid problems later.
How to level: thanks to a large mason rule (aluminium or wood) and a level, level out the ground forming rectangles (or squares), locating this rule in the selected and cleaned area. When all the areas are on level and when the excess of  ground is removed, you may fill in the small areas which are left to level out (with clean ground or sand) but always compacting and levelling again afterwards. It is very important the installation area is well- compressed and firm in order  the ground do not subside when the pool will be full of water. Please ask a professional: builder, gardener…
Finishing: On the cleaned and levelled ground, spread a light coat of sieved sand (max. 1cm).
Water and compact it (with a garden roller). Check that is well levelled.
Do not use the sand to level the ground. The finishing has to be perfect.
Important: in the case of being non-stable land, you should make a concrete slab. The installation of your pool requires preparing a concrete foundation slab reinforced with fibres or with welded lath.
The bag should be perfectly flat and smooth, to avoid any imperfection.

We recommend to ask a professional to prepare the foundation slab.

The concrete slab is not included.
Dosing 350 kg/m3 (standardized type C125 430)
Ref. 7900862 L: 4,46 x W: 3,95 x H: 0,15 m – 2,64 m3  of concrete.
Ref. 7900872 L: 5,46 x W: 3,95 x H: 0,15 m – 3,23 m3 of concrete.
Ref. 7900892 L: 6,32 x W: 4,57 x H: 0,17 m – 4,33 m3 of concrete.

According to the nature of the land, you should install a peripheral drainage and connect it to a decompression well. The well will be excavated before the construction of the pool to avoid that the excavations fill with water during the  works. It should be near the pool, a few centimetres lower than the deepest point of the same and reach up to the surface. The decompression well is located at the most humid point. It acts as an overflow in the case of water infiltrations  or clay soil, starting from the fact that water rises quicker through a tube than through the soil.Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2
Wooden Pool - parts 4

1- Wood frame
2- Roll of alveolar protection an drainage of HDPE
*In the case of installing any accessory in contact with the wood, the use of the alveolar roll is necessary for correct protection.


Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - BOARDS

Identification of the boards

A22 Standard board L1495 620004738/AB0 4
A23 Standard board L1495 620004738/AA0 31
A24 Standard board L2500 620004768/AB0 4
A25 Standard board L2500 620004768/AA0 10
C12 Board with cut-out for the lower part of the skimmer L1495
620004738/AF0 1
D12 Board with cut-out for the upper part of the skimmer L1495
620004738/AG0 1
E12 Board with cut-out for the refilling fitting with key L1495
620004738/AE0 1



Prepare the boards «as trial»

LAYOUT OF THE BOARDS: Prepare the boards «as trial», forming the silhouette of the pool.

  • Build the first layer placing boards (A22), (A23) and (A24) as shown by figure 1.
  • Adjust the shape of the pool using the inside dimensions indicated in the installation diagram (see page 44/46).
  • The drawing shows the inside dimensions of the pool for the different opposing diagonals. After having installed de first layer, you should check the inside dimensions of the pool.

Gre Pool 7900862 GRENADE2 Wooden Pool - BOARDS 2

After having installed the first layer, you should check the inside dimensions of the pool.
For a perfect assembly, the diagonals should be equal, and in conformity with the assembly drawing at the end of this manual. Take special care when installing this first layer of boards. The precision of this assembly decides the final quality of your pool.

Nº REG. IND.: 48-06762


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