EXHAUSTO VEX308 EXact2 HMI2-350-TOUCH Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024




Product Information

The VEX308 EXact2 HMI2-350-TOUCH is a ventilation unit manufactured by EXHAUSTO A/S. It is designed to provide efficient and controlled ventilation in buildings. The unit can be operated using various methods, including CO2 (CO2B) and motion sensors (PIRB), humidity (RHB) and motion sensors (PIRB), or without associated PIRB, CO2, or RH sensors. It also supports operation with a web server for remote control and monitoring.

Operating Methods
The VEX308 can be operated in the following ways:

  • Operation with CO2 (CO2B) and motion sensors (PIRB)
  • Operation with humidity (RHB) and motion sensors (PIRB)
  • Operation without associated PIRB, CO2, or RH sensors
  • Operation with web server

HMI Control Panel
The VEX308 is equipped with an HMI control panel called EXact. The control panel allows users to perform various operations such as resetting alarms, modifying the week plan and operation, adjusting comfort levels (temperature and ventilation level), and changing the start and maximum values for the sensors. For detailed instructions on using the EXact control system, refer to the EXact Basic Instructions for VEX308.

Web Server
The VEX308 is equipped with a web server that enables remote control of the unit and monitoring of alarms. It can be connected to building management systems (BMS) through the web server. Please refer to the accompanying web server instructions for more information.

Product Usage Instructions

Operation with Associated PIRB, CO2B or RHB Sensors

Factory Settings PIRB
When the VEX308 is supplied from the factory with CO2B/RHB and PIRB, the following operating settings are installed:

  • Weekly plan activated: OFF
  • PIRB timer – time interval: 30 min. (interval from activation of motion sensor until the unit shuts down)
  • Comfort level: satisfactory

Changing PIRB Timer Interval
To change the PIRB timer interval, follow these steps:

  1. Open VEX308
  2. Dismount PIRB
  3. Set the interval on the rear:
    • 0 = 10 min.
    • 1 = 30 min. (factory setting)
    • 2 = 60 min.
    • 3 = 120 min.

Indoor Climate Levels
The VEX308 has two indoor climate levels:

  • Comfort: Optimum energy-efficient comfort levels
  • Economy: Operation with greater energy savings. Only applicable when the room is empty of persons, as it permits wider temperature limits.

Operation with CO2B and PIRB
If the CO2 level in the room is:

  • Under 800 ppm: PIRB is activated (persons in room) and VEX is operated according to the indoor climate level (comfort or economy)
  • Over 800 ppm: PIRB is activated, and the CO2 sensor starts up CO2 compensation. The PIRB timer function stops, and the operation continues until the CO2 level falls below 800 ppm.
  • Above 800 ppm: PIRB is activated, and the CO2 sensor controls the operation.

CO2 Compensation Example
The airflow of the VEX308 is adjusted based on the CO2 concentration in the air:

  • If the CO2 concentration is less than the start value, the airflow is the same as the set value.
  • If the CO2 concentration is between the start and maximum values, the airflow gradually increases to a high level depending on the current CO2 level.
  • If the CO2 concentration is greater than the maximum value, the airflow is increased to maximum air replacement.

Note: The start and maximum values can be adjusted on the control panel. The factory setting for start may be 800 ppm, and maximum may be 1200 ppm.


Operating methods There are several ways of operating VEX308:

  • Operation with CO2(CO2B) and motion sensors (PIRB)
  • Operation with humidity (RHB) and motion sensors (PIRB)
  • Operation without associated PIRB, CO2 or RH sensors
  • Operation with web server

HMI control panel,
Connect the control panel to the unit in order to e.g.


  • Reset the alarm
  • Alter the week plan and operation
  • Alter the comfort level (temperature and ventilation level)
  • Alter the start and max. values for the sensors

For a more detailed explanation of the functions of the EXact control system, please see the EXact Basic Instructions for VEX308.

Web server
The web server allows control of the unit and monitoring of alarms. The VEX can be connected to building management systems, BMS, via the web server. See the accompanying web server instructions.

Operation with associated PIRB, CO2B or RHB sensors

Factory settings
The following operating settings are installed when the VEX is supplied from the factory with CO2B/RHB and PIRB:

  • ● Weekly plan activated OFF
    ● PIRB timer – time interval = 30 min. (interval from activation of motion sensor until the unit shuts down)

Comfort level:

  • ● t=20°C
    ● ventilation airflow = 30% (minimum airflow when CO2 and humidity level are satisfactory)

PIRB has an integral timer which can be set to time intervals of 10, 30, 60 and 120 min. The time interval can be changed as follows:


  • Open VEX308
  • Dismount PIRB
  • Set the interval on the rear

0 = 10 min.
1 = 30 min. (factory setting) 2 = 60 min.
3 = 120 min.

Indoor climate levels
There are two indoor climate levels – comfort and economy.

Optimum energy-efficient comfort levels.

Operation with greater energy savings. Only applicable when the room is empty of persons, as it permits wider temperature limits.

Operation with CO2B and PIRB

If the CO 2 level in the room is …| and| VEX is operated according to indoor climate level| Remarks:
Comfort| Economy
under 800 ppm*)| PIRB is activated (persons in room)| | | PIRB timer function controls the operation
over 800ppm| PIRB is activated, the CO2 sensor starts up CO2 com- pensation, see graph|
| | CO2 sensor controls the operation
over 800ppm| PIRB timer function stops, operation will continue until the CO2 level falls below 800 ppm| | | CO2 sensor controls the operation
above 800 ppm| this has occurred while the unit was shut down (OFF), the VEX will start up| |
| CO2 sensor controls the operation

*) The 800 ppm is a factory setting. It is possible to select a different CO2 level on the control panel.

CO2 compensation -example


| CO 2 concentration in the air is …| Airflow
A| less than Start| is the same as the set value
B| between Start and Maximum *)| increases gradually to a high lev- el, depending on the current CO2 level
C| greater than Maximum| is increased to maximum air re- placement

*) Start may be e.g. 800 ppm and maximum may be 1200 ppm.

Operation with RHB and PIRB

If the humidity level in the room is …| and| VEX is operated according to indoor climate level| Remarks:
Comfort| Economy
under 60%*)| PIRB is activated (persons in room)| | | PIRB timer function controls the operation
over 60%| PIRB is activated, the RH sen- sor starts up RH compensa- tion, see graph|
| | The RH sensor con- trols the operation
over 60%| PIRB timer function stops, op- eration will continue until the humidity level falls below 60%| | | The RH sensor con- trols the operation
above 60%| this has occurred while the unit was shut down (OFF), the VEX will start up| |
| The RH sensor controls the operation

*) The 60% is a factory setting. It is possible to select a different humidity level on the control panel.

Humidity compensation – exampleEXHAUSTO-

| Air humidity level is…| Airflow…
A| less than Start| is the same as set value
B| between Start and Maximum| increases gradually to a high value, depending on the current air humidity (RH level)
C| greater than Maximum| is increased to maximum air replacement

*) Start may be e.g. 60% and maximum may be 80%.

Operation via timer operation, manual or external timer

Factory setting
The following operating settings are installed at the factory when the VEX is sup-plied without PIRB, CO2 and humidity sensors-

  • Manual operation (a switch to week plan is possible, see Exact basic instructions)
  • Ventilation airflow 70%

External start/stop
If external start/stop is desired, the VEX switch can be mounted in the room. Operation will depend on whether Manual or Week Plan is selected:

If the following is selected and the switch is activated,.
manual operation the unit will start up and continue until the switch is

activated again, after which the unit will stop.
week plan| the unit will follow the operating settings in the week plan. When the switch is activated, the unit will stop.

If the unit is shut down via an external start/stop, the unit will remain stopped, whether or not CO2B or PIRB is mounted or an attempt is made to start up the unit via a web server/BMS.


  • Install TIMERBUTTON2 and change to week plan + OFF via the control panel.
  • Set the desired airflow e.g. 70% – at the comfort indoor climate level
  • Set the desired room temperature, e.g. 22°C
  • Set the dipswitch settings behind TIMERBUTTON2

Dipswitch settings

Time DIP1 DIP2
30 min. OFF OFF
60 min ON OFF
120 min. OFF ON
240 min. ON ON

Pressing TIMERBUTTON2 overrides the VEX and switches it to Comfort indoor climate level. Comfort operation continues until the set time expires or until TIME-RBUTTON2 is pressed repeatedly.

Alarms and troubleshooting

Troubleshooting chart

Error states| Check| Remedy
The unit is not in operation|

  • – power supply and fuses.

| Lack of power supply or fuse.

  • Lack of power supply.
  • Blown fuse.
  • HPFI relay tripped.

The unit is not in operation|

  • PIR sensor.


  •  Attempt to activate PIR sensor.

The sensor on the unit lights up red…| |
Connect the control panel or see the web server.

Without HMI/Web server: When the alarm (in the PIR sensor) shines red, the most usual alarms will be filter change or condensate level alarm, see below in the ta- ble.


  • reason for alarm via HMI control panel or web server.


  • Read off the alarm number and see the alarm list in the EXact basic instructions to remedy the fault.
  • Reset alarm in menu 4 “Reset alarms”

Condensate level monitor|

  • water level in condensate tray.

| For units without condensate pump:

I f the alarm activates regularly, you should con- sider mounting a condensate pump on the unit. For units with condensate pump:

If the level is high and a condensate pump has been installed, check if the condensate pump and drain are working properly.

Operating hours counter on filters – the set number of operating hours has been exceeded.|

  • if the filters look dirty.


  • Replace dirty filters.
  •  Reset alarm in menu 4 “Reset alarms”
  • Reset operating days in menu 3.1.4 or 8.1 “Filter” (select yes next to filter change in menu)

See “Maintenance” for further information about filter replacement.

Ice in heat exchanger|

  • whether there is visible ice on the heat exchangers.

| See section in EXact basic instructions for de- icing principles. Consider changing the de-icing method.

Deicing principle
The bypass valve allows a greater or lesser amount of outdoor air to circumvent the heat exchanger and pass directly to the heating coil. A “snowflake” symbol ap-pears in the HMI display or on the web server when the VEX is performing de-icing.

Maintenance and servicing

The VEX door must be opened to allow servicing and cleaning.

Disconnect the power by removing the plug from the socket before opening the door.
The fan motors will run on for up to 5 minutes.
NB Do not use aggressive cleaners or abrasive/sharp objects for cleaning.

VDI 6022
To ensure a permanently hygienic and safe operation of the ventilation system, the service intervals and measures stated in hygiene guideline VDI 6022 must always be observed.

Maintenance intervals
The following chart details the recommended maintenance intervals, The intervals are a guide and based on normal operation. EXHAUSTO recommends maintenance is adjusted to suit the actual operating requirements.

Component Procedure twice a year once a year
Filters Both filters should be changed at the same time. Filters should
be replaced at least every six months. X
The system should be cleaned when the filter is changed. X
Filter monitor Check that all the seals in the filter guide are tight.
Seals and sealing strips Check that all the seals are tight. X
Fans and any heating coil Check that the fans run easily. X

Check the fans and any heating coil for dirt. Vacuum the parts when carrying out cleaning. See section 2.3.| X|
Counterflow heat exchanger| Check the heat exchanger for dirt and dust.| | X
Clean the heat exchanger, see section on removal and cleaning of heat exchangers.| | X
Condensation tray| Check the condensation tray and clean with a damp cloth.| | X
| Clean the condensation tray at least once a year. Follow steps 2 and 3 in “Dismounting and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers” for how to remove the condensation tray for cleaning.| | X
If a condensation pump is fitted| Check the function of the condensation pump and its correct position in the condensation tray.| X|
If a condensation outlet has been installed| Check that the drain outlet hose is not blocked.| | X
| Remount the condensation tray and check that the condensation pump works and that the system is watertight by pouring approximately 0.5 liters of water into the condensation tray.| |
Grilles for supply and ex- tract air| Remove the housing panels in front of the grilles annually. Remove dust, e.g. by vacuuming with a brush attachment.| | X
Other interior surfaces| Dust and dirt inside the unit is removed with a vacuum cleaner, swept out with a soft broom or wiped off with a soft cloth. Do not use sharp or pointed objects.| | X
Exterior surfaces| To clean the HMI, PIR sensor and the external surfaces of the unit, use a soft, well-wrung lint-free cloth. N.B: use only clean water with ordinary dishwashing liquid.| | X

Replacement of filters
Menu 3.1.4 + Menu 8.1 – Filter (monitoring with hour counter)

In general
Filter changes are monitored by an operating hours counter and indicated in whole days.EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-08

  • Operating days since change
    This shows the number of operating days since the last filter change

  • Warning
    This is where the number of operating days is set which must elapse before an alarm on incipient filter soiling in the outdoor air and extract air filters is signalled. The factory setting is 100 days.

  • Alarm
    This is where the number of operating days is set which must elapse before an alarm for changing the outdoor air and extract air filters is signalled. The factory setting is 100 days.

  • NB :
    When the warning is set to the same number of days as the Alarm, the system will not signal a warning.

  • Filter change
    In the case of filter change, select “Yes”, and the date for filter change will be saved and the operating hours counter will be zeroised

  • Menu 8.1
    The same settings that can be configured in Menu 3.1.4 can be configured here.

Removing and cleaning the counterflow heat exchangers and heating coils
Warnings Disconnect power before opening door.

Handle with care
The counterflow heat exchanger fins can be easily damaged -avoid contact with the fins.
NB: Do not use aggressive cleaners or abrasive/sharp objects for cleaning.

Handling tip

EXHAUSTO recommends: Handling of the heat exchangers is much easier with the vacuum lifter shown here.


EXHAUSTO recommends: Handling of the heat exchangers is much easier with the vacuum lifter shown here.

Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
1.| To open the door:

  • Always open the door by first undoing the lock fittings (1)  closest to the wall (next to the rear lock fittings are hinge fittings, which hold the door in place).
  • Then undo the front lock fit- tings (2) and support the door until it hangs vertically down in the fittings.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-11

Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
2.| If the VEX is fitted with a condensation pump :

  • Dismount the level monitoring socket. The socket is located to the left of the VEX next to the condensation tray.
  • Press the fixing bracket for the pump down and remove it.
  • Lift the condensation pump out of the condensation tray.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-12
Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
3.| To dismount the condensation tray:

  • NB : Check whether there is any condensate in the tray before dismounting it – if so, have a bucket ready below the tray.
  • Undo the four screws that hold the condensation tray, lift off the tray and empty it of any water.
  • If there is still water in the condensation tray, wipe it with a soft cloth.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-14


Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
4.| To dismount the heat exchanger:

  • Undo the two finger screws which hold the plate in front of the bypass valve.
  • Undo the finger screws on the bracket holding the counterflow heat exchanger.
  • Important! Make sure you have a good grip on the heat exchanger before sliding the bracket aside (possibly with the use of a vacuum lifter) – the heat exchanger can now be taken down.
  • The actual bypass valve re- mains in place while the counterflow heat exchangers are dismounted.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-16

Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
5.| Cleaning the counterflow heat exchanger:

  • Clean the exchanger by flushing with warm water (a high-pressure cleaner can be used). Max. water temperature: 90°C.
  • Note that the fins in the heat exchanger are fragile, so never direct the water jet against the fins at an angle.
  • Check seal and replace if it is worn or deformed.

6.| Cleaning of heating coils and internal parts:

  • Dust and dirt inside the unit is removed with a vacuum cleaner or swept out with a soft broom.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-18
Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
7.| Assembly – insertion of heat exchanger:

  • First sit the heat exchanger on the rail opposite the slider bracket and push into place. The slider rail can now be pushed into place and tightened. The finger screws on the bracket holding the counterflow heat ex- changer can also be tightened.

Assembly – T ice sensor:

  • It is important to check that the Tice sensor is correctly positioned between the heat exchanger fins, as the sensor will not measure correctly otherwise. It is possible to feel behind the heat ex- changer next to the air in- take fan to check the position of the Tice sensor.

| ****


8.| Mounting the condensate pump in the condensation tray:

  • Place the pump in the condensation tray and press the fixing bracket into place. See Step 2 if needed.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-20
Dismounting, cleaning and mounting of counterflow heat exchangers and heating coil

Step| Action| Photo
9.| Mounting the condensation tray:

  • Lift up the condensation tray and mount with 4 screws.
  • Plug in the level monitoring socket.
  • Make sure that the drain outlet hose from the pump is not pinched.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-21

10.| Assembly – when closing the door:

  • Pull the door forwards to keep it away from the wall and tighten the front lock fit- tings (1) before tightening the rear ones (2).

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-22

Ste p Action Photo
1. To open the door:
  • Always open the door by undoing the lock fittings (1) closest to the wall (next to the rear lock fittings are hinge fittings, which hold the door in place).
  • Then undo the front lock fittings (2) and support the door until it hangs vertically down in the fittings.
  • The lock fittings require a special key.

| ****


  • Dismount the housing panels in both end frames.
  • Lift the housing panel free of the bot- tom support and rotate it out at an angle of approx. 35 degrees before lifting it free of the fitting.
  • Place the housing panels on a sur- face that does not scratch.

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  • Open the snap lock on both end frames.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-25

Ste p Action Photo
  • First, open up the inspection hatch.
  • Then tilt the two inspection hatch holders out and down into the locking grille, one on each side.

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-26
5.| Cleaning and assembly:

  • Carry out the necessary inspection.
  • Remove dust, e.g. by vacuuming with a brush attachment.
  • Close the inspection hatch and lock the two snap locks.
  • Mount the housing panels.

6.| Assembly – when closing the door:

  • Pull the door forwards to keep it away from the wall and tighten the front lock fittings (1) before tightening the rear ones (2).

| EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-27

EXHAUSTO-VEX308-EXact2-HMI2-350-TOUCH-28 Scan code and go to addresses at: www.exhausto.com


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