EXHAUSTO CX3010-20 Ceiling Ventilation Units Installation Guide

August 20, 2024

EXHAUSTO Logo Electrical installation guide
CX3010-20, CX3030-40 & CX3050-60
with EXcon control system

EXHAUSTO CX3010 20 Ceiling Ventilation Units Original instructions

Product information

1.1 Symbols, terms and warnings
1.1.1 Symbols
Prohibition symbol ** Failure to observe instructions marked with a prohibition symbol may result in serious or fatal injury.
Danger symbol Failure to observe instructions marked with a danger symbol may result in personal injury and/or damage to the material.
1.1.2 Use and designations of the manual
These instructions apply to the electrical system of an EXHAUSTO CX air handling unit, hereinafter referred to as the unit. For accompanying accessories and additional equipment, please see the product guidelines for the specific item.
The instruction manual must be fully observed to ensure personal safety and the safety of others, and to protect equipment and ensure correct operation. EXHAUSTO A/S accepts no liability for accidents caused by a failure to use the product in accordance with the manual’s instructions and specifications.
1.1.3 Terms
** These instructions use the following names for airflows as specified in DS447-2013:

  • Supply air
  • Extract air
  • Outdoor air
  • Exhaust air

1.1.4 Warnings
Electrical installation
** The work must be performed by an authorised electrician, in accordance with locally applicable regulations and legislation.
Opening the air handling unit
Do not open the service doors before the supply voltage has been disconnected at the isolation switch.
The isolation switch is located in the connection box on the side of the air handling unit.

EXHAUSTO CX3010 20 Ceiling Ventilation Units -

Lock the VEX unit during operation

** The unit must be locked during operation.
1.2 Model plate, location and serial/production number
Information plate**
The CX3000 unit’s data plate displays:

  • Type and version (1)
  • Serial number/production order number (2)

EXHAUSTO CX3010 20 Ceiling Ventilation Units - plate

Location of identification plate
The type plate is located on the side of the air handling unit.

Serial/production order number
Always have the serial number ready when contacting EXHAUSTO A/S about the product.
Latest version of the guidelines
Important! Always check whether the latest version of the manual is available.
Search EXHAUSTO’s website under Downloads via the instruction number on the top left-hand side of the instructions.

Connections in the control system panel

2.1 The 3 sizes of wiring diagrams
Explanation of wiring diagrams
The CX3000 series consists of six models 3010-3020-3030-3040-3050-3060, which in the framework of a wiring diagram are split into three sizes:

  • CX3010-20, See attached wiring diagram 0400101.
  • CX3030-40, See attached wiring diagram 0400102.
  • CX3050-60, See attached wiring diagram 0400103.
    The three electrical diagrams show the connection of the supply voltage and various accessory configurations that can be connected to the control system panel.

2.1.1 CX3010-CX3020, Wiring diagram 0400101

EXHAUSTO CX3010 20 Ceiling Ventilation Units - plate 2http://www.exhausto.com/addresses
Odensevej 76
DK 5550 Langeskov,
Tel.: +45 65 66 12 34
Fax: +45 65 66 11 10

Type| Voltage| De-icing principle| Airflow| Wiring diagram
CX3010| 1x230V+N+PE ~50/60Hz| Temperature de- icing| 500 m³/h| 0400101
CX3020| 1x230V+N+PE ~50/60Hz| Temperature de- icing| 900 m³/h| 0400101

2.1.2 CX3030-CX3040, wiring diagram 0400102

EXHAUSTO CX3010 20 Ceiling Ventilation Units - plate 3http://www.exhausto.com/addresses
Odensevej 76
DK 5550 Langeskov,
Tel.: +45 65 66 12 34
Fax: +45 65 66 11 10

Type| Voltage| De-icing principle| Airflow| Wiring diagram
CX3020| 1x230V+N+PE ~50/60Hz| Temperature de- icing| 1400 m³/h| 0400102
CX3040| 1x230V+N+PE ~50/60Hz| Temperature de- icing| 2000 m³/h| 0400102

2.1.3 CX3050-CX3060, wiring diagram 0400103

EXHAUSTO CX3010 20 Ceiling Ventilation Units - plate 4http://www.exhausto.com/addresses
Odensevej 76
DK 5550 Langeskov,
Tel.: +45 65 66 12 34
Fax: +45 65 66 11 10

Type| Voltage| De-icing principle| Airflow| Wiring diagram
CX3050| 3x400V+N+PE ~50/60Hz| Pressure de-icing| 2500 m³/h| 0400103
CX3060| 3x400V+N+PE ~50/60Hz| Pressure de-icing| 3300 m³/h| 0400103

2.2 Terms used and explanation of wiring diagrams
2.2.1 Terms, explanation and standard & customer-selected accessories in wiring diagrams
Accessories are a direct customer choice, and the options may be generated from several factors.

Code Explanation Standard Accessories Options
+A1 Control system panel X
+A2 CX unit X
+A3 Coil box X
+A4 Customer accessory X
+A5 Customer’s distribution board X
-BG1 PIR sensor X
-BQ1 CO₂ sensor X
-BQ2 Air quality sensor X
-E1 Electric heating coil heating X
-E2 Electric heating coil pre-heater X
-E3 Combination surface X
-F1 Fuse for control system panel X
-F2 Fuse for EXcon Master X
– F3 Fuse for external connection X
-F4 Fuse for exhaust fan X
-F5 Supply air fan fuse X
-K1 EXcon Master X
-K27 Extension module (1) X
-K30 Extension module (2) X
-M1 Exhaust air fan X
-M2 Supply air fan X
-M3 Bypass motor X
-M4 Circulation pump water heating coil X
-M5 Circulation pump water cooling coil X
-M6 Circulation pump Combination coil X
-P1 PTH: Measures pressure across the heat ex- changer X
-P2 Dual PTH: Measures pressure, airflow and temperature X
-P3 Dual PTH: Measures pressure, airflow and temperature X
-P4 PTH 4000: Constant pressure regulation Sup- ply air X
-P5 PTH 4000: Constant pressure regulation Ex- tract air X
-PH1 Standard HMI X
-PH2 HMI with room temperature sensor X
S1: Isolation switch in control system panel X
-T1 Transformer230VAC/2x24VAC X
Code Explanation Standard Acces-sories Options
--- --- --- --- ---
-TE1.1 Extract air temperature X
-TE1.2 Exhaust air temperature X
-TE2.1 Outdoor air temperature X
-TE2.1- PRE Outdoor air temperature (pre-heater) X
-TE2.2 Supply air temperature* X
-TE-OT Outside temperature X
-TE-RPT Water cooling coil supply temperature X
-TE-RPT- CC Combination coil return temperature X
-TE-RT Room temperature X
-TE-SPT Water heating coil return temperature X
-X1 Main supply terminal block X
-X2 Terminal block for fans X
-X3 Terminal block for 24V fuses X
-X4 Terminal block for circulation pumps 230V X
-X5 External connection terminal block X
-X_BP Connector for bypass motor X
-X_FAN EX Extract air fan connector X
-X_FAN SU Connector for supply air fan X
-X_RJ12.1 Modbus T-split 1 X
-X_RJ12.2 Modbus T-split 2 X
-X_RJ12.3 Modbus T-split 3 X
-Y1 Valve, water heating coil X
-Y2 Water cooling coil valve X
-Y3 Valve Combination coil X

2.3 Terms and explanation of wiring colours in wiring diagrams
2.3.1 Abbreviations of wire colours
The corresponding wiring diagrams use the following abbreviations for wire colours.

Abbreviation Wire colour
BK Black
BN Brown
RD Red
AND Orange
YE Yellow
GN Green
BU Blue
VT Violet
GY Grey
WH White
PK Light pink
GD Gold
TQ Turquoise
SR Silver
GNYE Green/Yellow

2.3.2 Identification of wires by colour

400/230VAC Main current:

Phase| Black
Neutral| Blue
Earth| Green/Yellow
230/24VAC control current:

Phase| Red
Neutral| Blue
Earth| Green/Yellow
24VDC control current:

Positive (+)| Red
Negative (-)| White

Temperature| White
Potential-free| White
Analogue| White
Digital| White
Unknown potential|
All| Orange

Wiring diagrams – Surface configurations

3.1 Accessory configurations for the control system panel
3.1.1 Description of coils

Coil Description
HW Water heating coil
PRE-HE Electric pre-heating coil
HE1 Electric heating coil size 1
HE2 Electric heating coil size 2
CW Cooling coil
CO Combi-coil
NO No coils

3.1.2 Surface configurations
The associated wiring diagrams show the accessory configurations that can be connected to the control system panel
Page 21- Configuration 1: NO (NO heating/cooling coils)
Page 22 – Configuration 2: HW Water heating coil
Page 23 – Configuration 3: HE1/HE2 (Electric heating coil size 1 or 2)
Page 24 – Configuration 4: CW (Water cooling coil)
Page 25 – Configuration 5: PRE-HE (Electrical preheating coil)
Page 26 – Configuration 6: HW + CW (Water heating coil + water cooling coil)
Page 27 – Configuration 7: HE1/HE2 + CW (Electric heating coil size 1 or 2 + water cooling coil)
Page 28 – Configuration 8: PRE-HE + HW (Electrical preheating coil + water heating coil)
Page 29 – Configuration 9: PRE-HE + CW (Electrical preheating coil + water cooling coil)
Page 30 – Configuration 10: PRE-HE + HE1/HE2 (Electrical preheating coil + Electric heating coil size 1 or 2)
Page 31 – Configuration 11: PRE-HE + HW + CW (Electrical preheating coil + water heating coil + water cooling coil)
Page 33 – Configuration 12: PRE-HE + HE1/HE2 + CW (Electrical preheating coil

  • Electric heating coil size 1 or 2 + Water cooling coil)
    Page 35 – Configuration 13: CO (Combi-coil)
    Page 36 – Configuration 14: PRE-HE + CO (Electrical preheating coil + Combi coil)
    Page 37 – Options accessories
    Page 38 – Options accessories Modbus
    3.1.3 Heating coil configurations
    The associated electrical diagrams show the heating coil configurations that can be connected to the control system panel.
    Page 43 – PRE-HE (Electrical preheating coil with 1 step )
    Page 44 – HE1/HE2 (Electric heating coil with 1 step)
    Page 45 – PRE-HE (Electrical preheating coil with 2 steps)
    Page 46 – HE1/HE2 (Electric heating coil step 2 step)

Electrical components

4.1 Control system panel
For location of electrical components in the control system panel, see the panel overview on page 10 in the electrical diagram.
4.2 Component list
4.2.1 Component list CX3000

| CX3010 and CX3020| CX3030 and CX3040| CX3050 and CX3060
Code| Component
-F1| Control fuse C10A 2P| Control fuse C10A 2P| Control fuse C10A 4P
-F2| Fuse 2.5 A| Fuse 2.5 A| Fuse 2.5 A
– F3| Fuse 2.5 A| Fuse 2.5 A| Fuse 2.5 A
-F4| Fuse (See table)| Fuse (See table)| Fuse (See table)
-F5| Fuse (See table)
| Fuse (See table)| Fuse (See table)
-K1| EXcon Master| EXcon Master| EXcon Master
-K27| EXcon EXT| EXcon EXT| EXcon EXT
-P1| Dual PTH| PTH| PTH
-P2| N/A| Dual PTH| Dual PTH
-P3| N/A| Dual PTH| Dual PTH
S1:| Isolation switch| Isolation switch| Isolation switch
-T1| Power supply 24 VAC| Power supply 24 VAC| Power supply 24 VAC
-X1| Terminal block for supply| Terminal block for supply| Terminal block for supply
-X4| Terminal block for circula- tion pump| Terminal block for circula- tion pump| Terminal block for circula- tion pump
-X5| Terminal block for accesso- ries| Terminal block for accessories| Terminal block for accessories

*Table of fan fuses

CX version Composite fan – Metal fan –
fuse -F4/-F5 fuse -F4/-F5
CX3010 Fuse 2 A Fuse 2 A
CX3020 Fuse 2 A Fuse 2 A
CX3030 Fuse 2.5 A Fuse 3.15 A
CX3040 Fuse 4 A Fuse 4 A
CX3050 Control fuse C2A 3P Control fuse C3A 3P
CX3060 Control fuse C2A 3P Control fuse C3A 3P

4.2.2 Component list COIL-BOX; EXT(2 )

| CX3010 & CX3020| CX3030 & CX3040| CX3050 & CX3060
Code| Component
-K30| EXcon EXT| EXcon EXT| EXcon EXT
-X1| Terminal block| Terminal block| Terminal block

4.2.3 Component list for electric heating coil

| Preheating coil Step 1| Heating coil Step 1| Preheating coil Step 1 & 2| Heating coil Step 1 & 2
Code| Component
-E1| Electric heating coil step 1| Electric heating coil step 1| Electric heating coil step 1| Electric heating coil step 1
-E2| N/A| N/A| Electric heating coil step 2| Electric heating coil step 2
-F1| Control fuse 3P| Control fuse 3P| Control fuse 3P| Control fuse 3P
-K1| Contactor heating coil step 1| Contactor heating coil step 1| Contactor heating coil step 1| Contactor heating coil step 1
-K2| N/A| N/A| Contactor heating coil step 2| Contactor heating coil step 2
S1:| Isolation switch| Isolation switch| Isolation switch| Isolation switch
-T1| Fire thermostat 110°C| Fire thermostat 110°C| Fire thermostat 110°C| Fire thermostat 110°C
-T2| Overheating thermostat 70°C| Overheating ther- mostat 70°C| Overheating ther- mostat 70°C| Overheating ther- mostat 70°C
-T3| Air flow switch| Air flow switch| Air flow switch| Air flow switch
-TC1| N/A| Triac control of heating coil| N/A| Triac control of heating coil
-X1| Terminal block for sup- ply| Terminal block for supply| Terminal block for supply| Terminal block for supply
-X3| Terminal block for con- trol signal| Terminal block for control signal| Terminal block for control signal| Terminal block for control signal
-X4| Terminal block for air flow OK| Terminal block for air flow OK| Terminal block for air flow OK| Terminal block for air flow OK

4.2.4 Terminals on EXcon Master

| CX3010 & CX3020| CX3030, CX3040, CX3050 & CX3060
Terminal| Name| Connection of following components
1-2| 24VAC| 24 VAC power supply| 24 VAC power supply
3| Din1| Alarm electric heating coil| Alarm electric heating coil
5| Din2| Alarm preheater| Alarm preheater
6| Din3| Flow electric heaters OK| Fire thermostat 2
8| Din4| Fire alarm| Fire alarm
9| Din5| External high speed| External high speed
11| Din6| Not used| Fire thermostat 1
12| Ain1| CO2 sensor 0–10V| CO2 sensor 0–10V
13| Ain2| Not used| Not used
| CX3010 & CX3020| CX3030, CX3040, CX3050 & CX3060
15| Aou +24 V| Not used| Not used
16| Tin1| Temperature input 1| Temperature input 1
18| Tin2| Temperature input 2| Temperature input 2
21| Aou1| Bypass damper| Bypass damper
22| Aou2| Heating 0–10V| Heating 0–10V
23| Aou3| Cooling 0–10V| Cooling 0–10V
26-27| Dou2| A-alarm output| A-alarm output
28-29| Dou3| Heating-3| Heating-3
30-31| Dou4| Heating-4| Heating-4
32-33| Dou5| Damper| Damper
34-35| Dou6| Combi-coil Heating| Combi-coil Heating
36-37| Dou7| Combi-coil Cooling| Combi-coil Cooling
–| TCP/IP| Network connector RJ45
–| Hand terminal|
–| MODBUS| External modbus communication connector RJ12
–| RS485|
–| RS485 A|
–| RS485 B| Internal Modbus connection
–| RS485 C| Modbus accessories: VOC sensor, HTH sensors and PTH transmit- ters

4.2.5 Terminals on EXcon Extension module EXT (1)

| CX3010 & CX3020| CX3030, CX3040, CX3050 & CX3060
Terminal| Name| Connection of following components
1| GND| Exhaust fan GND| Exhaust fan GND
2| Aou2| Extract fan 0–10V| Extract fan 0–10V
3| GND| Supply air fan GND| Supply air fan GND
4| Aou1| Supply air fan 0–10V| Supply air fan 0–10V
5| +24 V out| Not used| Not used
6| GND| Not used| Not used
7| Ain2| Exhaust fan Tacho| Not used
8| +24 V out| Not used| Not used
9| GND| Not used| Not used
10| Ain1| Supply air fan Tacho| Not used
12| Tin1| Supply temperature| Supply temperature
13-14| Dou1| Cool/warm-1| Cool/warm-1
15-16| Dou2| Cool/warm-2| Cool/warm-2
17| Din1| Fire thermostat HCE| Supply air fan
18| GND| Not used| GND
19| Din2| Not used| Extraction fan
20| GND| Not used| GND
21| Tin2| Extract air temperature| Not used
22| GND| GND| Not used
–| RJ12| Internal Modbus connection
–| RJ12| Modbus accessories: PTH

4.2.6 Terminals on EXcon Extension module EXT(2)

| CX3010 & CX3020| CX3030, CX3040, CX3050 & CX3060
Terminal| Name| Connection of following components
1| GND| Not used| Not used
2| Aou2| External Cooling 0–10V| External Cooling 0–10V
3| GND| Not used| Not used
4| Aou1| External Heating 0–10V| External Heating 0–10V
5| +24 V out| Not used| Not used
6| GND| Not used| Not used
7| Ain2| Not used| Not used
8| +24 V out| Not used| Not used
9| GND| Not used| Not used
10| Ain1| Not used| Not used
11| GND| Not used| Not used
12| Tin1| Temperature RPT Water heating coil| Temperature RPT Water heat- ing coil
13-14| Dou1| Circulation pump Water heating coil| Circulation pump Water heating coil
15-16| Dou2| Circulation pump Water cooling coil| Circulation pump Water cooling coil
17| Din1| Not used| Not used
19| Din2| Not used| Not used
20| GND| Not used| Not used
21| Tin2| Temperature SPT Water cooling coil| Temperature SPT Water cool- ing coil
22| GND| Not used| Not used
–| RJ12| Internal Modbus connection
–| RJ12| Modbus accessories: PTH

4.3 Terminal block overview
4.3.1 Terminal block for circulation pump, -X4

Terminal no.| CX3010 and CX3020| CX3030 and CX3040| CX3050 and CX3060
PE| Protective Earth| Protective Earth| Protective Earth
PE| Protective Earth| Protective Earth| Protective Earth
N| Neutral| Neutral| Neutral
N| Neutral| Neutral| Neutral
L| 230V AC| 230V AC| 230V AC

4.3.2 Terminal block for circulation pump, -X5

Terminal no.| CX3010 and CX3020| CX3030 and CX3040| CX3050 and CX3060
1| Cool/Heat-1| Cool/Heat-1| Cool/Heat-1
2| Cool/Heat-1| Cool/Heat-1| Cool/Heat-1
3| Cool/Heat-2| Cool/Heat-2| Cool/Heat-2
4| Cool/Heat-2| Cool/Heat-2| Cool/Heat-2
5| 24V AC| 24V AC| 24V AC
6| 24V AC| 24V AC| 24V AC
7| 0V AC| 0V AC| 0V AC
8| 0V AC| 0V AC| 0V AC
9| Heating 0-10V| Heating 0-10V| Heating 0-10V
11| Cooling 0-10V| Cooling 0-10V| Cooling 0-10V
13| Operation signal| Operation signal| Operation signal
14| Operation signal| Operation signal| Operation signal
15| A-alarm| A-alarm| A-alarm
16| A-alarm| A-alarm| A-alarm
17| Heat-3| Heat-3| Heat-3
19| Heat-4| Heat-4| Heat-4
21| Dampers| Dampers| Dampers
23| Combi coil heat| Combi coil heat| Combi coil heat
24| Combi coil heat| Combi coil heat| Combi coil heat
25| Combi coil cool| Combi coil cool| Combi coil cool
26| Combi coil cool| Combi coil cool| Combi coil cool
27| Alarm HCE| Alarm HCE| Alarm HCE
29| Alarm preheater| Alarm preheater| Alarm preheater
31| Flow electrical heaters OK| Spare| Spare
33| Fire alarm| Fire alarm| Fire alarm
35| External High Speed| External High Speed| External High Speed
37| Fire thermostat 1| Fire thermostat 1| Fire thermostat 1
38| Fire thermostat 2| Fire thermostat 2| Fire thermostat 2
39| CO2 sensor 0-10V| CO2 sensor 0-10V| CO2 sensor 0-10V
41| PT1000-1| PT1000-1| PT1000-1
43| PT1000-2| PT1000-2| PT1000-2
45| Supply air temperature| Supply air temperature| Supply air temperature

4.3.3 Terminal block for COIL-BOX, -X1_EXT(2)

Terminal no. COIL-BOX
PE Protective Earth – Supply from E-box
N Neutral – Supply from E-box
L 230V AC – Supply from E-box
PE Protective Earth
PE Protective Earth
1 Circulation pump HCW
2 Neutral
3 Circulation pump CCW
4 Neutral
5 External Heating 0-10V
7 External Cooling 0-10V
9 Temperature RPT HCW
10 GND
11 Temperature SPT CCW
12 GND
13 24V AC
14 GND
15 24V AC – Supply from E-box
16 0V AC – Supply from E-box

Installation of CX unit

5.1 Scope of installation
5.1.1 Connections in the control system panel
See following table for possible connection of accessories to the terminal block/EXcon Master in the control system panel.

Possible connections| See page in wiring dia- gram| Terminal block
Supply voltage| 12|
Circulation pump water heating coil| 22,26,28,32| -X4/-X5
Circulation pump water cooling coil| 24,26,27,29,32,34| -X4/-X5
Circulation pump Combination coil| 35.36| -X4/-X5
Valve, water heating coil| 22,26,28,32| -X5
Water cooling coil valve| 24,26,27,29,32,34| -X5
Valve Combination coil| 35.36| -X5
Supply air temperature sensor| 21-36| -X5
Water heating coil return temperature sensor| | -X5
Water cooling coil, supply temperature sensor| 22,26,28,29| -X5
Combination surface, return temperature sensor| 35.36| -X5
Electric heating coil heating| 23,27,30,33| -X5
Electric heating coil pre-heater| 25,28,29,30,31,33,36| -X5
Combination surface| 35.36| -X5

5.2 Dimensioning and installation
5.2.1 Dimensioning and installation

  • The supply cable must be dimensioned and installed in accordance with applicable regulations and legislation.
  • The earth terminal (PE) must always be connected.
  • The supply voltage is connected to the supply terminals (-X1) in accordance with the diagram on page 12.

5.3 Installation requirements and recommendations
5.3.1 Isolation switch and control fuse
The installer must, in accordance with local applicable laws and regulations, install:

  • One isolation switch (-Q1).
  • One fuse (-F0).

5.3.2 Fuse
The fuse must be suitable for:

  • Short-circuit protection of the CX unit.
  • Short-circuit protection of supply cable.
  • Overload protection of supply cable.

5.3.3 Power cable
When dimensioning the power cable, the conditions at the installation site, including temperature, cable layout and voltage drop must be taken into consideration.
5.3.4 Electrical connection/data
Supply voltage (nominal)

CX size CX air handling unit PRE-HE HE1 HE2
3010 1x230V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz N.A. 3x400V+N+PE ~

3020| 1x230V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| N.A.| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz
3030| 1x230V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz
3040| 1x230V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz
3050| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz
3060| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz| 3x400V+N+PE ~ 50/60Hz

Max. phase current (nominal)

CX size

| CX unit Com- posite wheel [A]| CX unit Steel wheel [A]| PRE-HE [A]| HE1 [A]|

HE2 [A]

3010| 3.4| 3.0| 4.3| N.A.| 4.3
3020| 4.2| 2.8| 7.2| N.A.| 7.2
3030| 5.0| 6.2| 11.5| 5.8| 11.5
3040| 7.0| 7.2| 15.9| 7.9| 15.9
3050| 4.0| 4.8| 20.2| 10.1| 20.2
3060| 4.0| 4.8| 26.0| 13.0| 26.0

5.3.5 Max. fuse

CX size CX unit PRE-HE HE1 HE2
3010 C-20 C-20 C-20 C-20
3020 C-20 C-20 C-20 C-20
3030 C-20 C-20 C-20 C-20
3040 C-20 C-32 C-20 C-32
3050 C-20 C-32 C-20 C-32
3060 C-20 C-63 C-20 C-63

5.3.6 Outputs for CX unit and electric heating coil PRE-HE, HE1 and HE2

CX size| CX unit Com- posite wheel [kW]| CX unit Steel wheel [kW]| PRE-HE [kW]| HE1 [kW]|

HE2 [kW]

3010| 0.5| 0.4| 3.0| N.A.| 3.0
3020| 0.6| 0.7| 5.0| N.A.| 5.0
3030| 1.1| 1.0| 8.0| 4.0| 8.0
3040| 1.6| 1.6| 11.0| 5.5| 11.0
3050| 2.3| 2.9| 14.0| 7.0| 14.0
3060| 2.3| 2.9| 18.0| 9.0| 18.0

For additional information about the electric heating coil’s technical data, see the CX3000 instructions Assembly and installation.

5.3.7 Short-circuit current

Maximum short-circuit current l K,max according to EN60947.2 is 6 kA
Minimum short-circuit current l K,min with control fuse, see table.

CX size CX unit PRE-HE HE1 HE2
3010 0.3kA 0.3kA N.A. 0.3kA
3020 0.3kA 0.3kA N.A. 0.3kA
3030 0.3kA 0.3kA 0.3kA 0.3kA
3040 0.3kA 0.3kA 0.3kA 0.3kA
3050 0.3kA 0.5kA 0.3kA 0.5kA
3060 0.3kA 0.5kA 0.3kA 0.5kA

5.3.8 RCCB

The unit must be installed in such a way that persons are protected against indirect contact with live parts.
If circuit breakers are fitted in the installation, they must be of a type that meets the following requirements:

  • PFI circuit breaker type A according to EN 61008, which interrupts when fault currents with DC content (pulsating direct current) are detected
  • The fault current switches must be marked with the following symbol:
  • Disconnection time may be max. 0.3 s.
  • Leakage current may be max. 300 mA.

Current leakage Leakage current of 10mA may occur in the unit
Recommendations EXHAUSTO recommends using an RCCB with a cut-out time of 0.3 seconds and 300mA.

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Odensevej 76
5550 Langeskov, Denmark
Tel.: +45 65 66 12 34
Fax: +45 65 66 11 10

Documents / Resources

| EXHAUSTO CX3010-20 Ceiling Ventilation Units [pdf] Installation Guide
CX3010-20, CX3010-20 Ceiling Ventilation Units, Ceiling Ventilation Units, Ventilation Units, Units

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