Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump User Manual

June 13, 2024

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Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump

MiniMed™ 770G Pump to MiniMed™ 780G Pump

Transfer Settings: MiniMed 770G pump to MiniMed 780G pump

STEP 1 – Copy your current settings onto the insulin pump settings form. If for any reason you cannot copy the settings, please contact your healthcare professional.
STEP 2 – Insert a AA battery into your new pump. You can use either a lithium, alkaline, or rechargeable battery.
STEP 3 – Follow the instructions found in this guide to enter the settings that you have recorded on the insulin pump settings form into your new pump. For additional information on your pump, please consult the MiniMed pump system user guide.
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.

Settings from the MiniMed 770G insulin pump

We recommend that you record all settings on this form and use this form as reference when you enter your settings into the new pump Delivery Settings, Utilities, SmartGuard
Menu > Bolus > Delivery Settings > Bolus Estimate Setup
Bolus Wizard: On Off
Carb Ratio:
12:00 A ____ ____ g/U
____ ____ ____ g/U
____ ____ ____ g/U
Insulin Sensitivity Factor:
12:00 A ____ ____ mg/dL/U
____ ____ ____ mg/dL/U
____ ____ ____ mg/dL/U
BG Target:
12:00 A ____ ____-____ mg/dL
____ ____ ____-____ mg/dL
____ ____ ____-____ mg/dL
Active Insulin Time: ____ hr
Menu > Basal > Delivery Settings > Basal Pattern Setup
Basal 1:
12:00 A ____ ____ U/hr
____ ____ ____ U/hr
____ ____ ____ U/hr
Basal Pattern Name: ____
12:00 A ____ ____ U/hr
____ ____ ____ U/hr
____ ____ ____ U/hr
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Preset Temp Setup
Preset Temp Name: ____
Type: Rate __ U/hr Percent __ %
Duration ____ hr
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Dual/Square Wave
Dual: On Off
Square: On Off
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Preset Bolus Setup
Preset Bolus Name: ____
Bolus: __ U Type: __
__ Now __ Square
Duration ____ hr
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Bolus Increment
0.025 U 0.05 U 0.1 U
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Max Basal/Bolus
Max Basal: __ U/hr Max Bolus: __ U
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Easy Bolus
On Off Step Size ____ U
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Auto Suspend
Alarm: On Off
Time: ____ hr
Menu > Options > Delivery Settings > Bolus Speed
Standard Quick
Menu > Options > Utilities > Sensor Settings
Sensor: On Off
Menu > Options > Utilities
Brightness ____ Auto
Backlight ____ sec / min
Menu > Options > SmartGuard
Auto Mode: On Off
Auto Mode BG alert: On   Off

Sensor Settings

HIGH SETTINGS Menu > Options > SmartGuard > High Setup

High Limit| Alert before high| Time before high| Alert on high| Rise Alert| Rise Limita
12:00A – mg/dL| ❑On| min| ❑On| ❑On| Custom mg/dUmin
| |
– mg/dL| ❑On| min| ❑On| ❑On| Custom mg/dUmin
| |
– mg/dL| ❑On| min| ❑On| ❑On| Custom mg/dUmin
| |
SNOOZE Menu> Options > SmartGuard > Snooze > High Snooze:| hr|

a Option only available when the Rise Alert feature is set to on

LOW SETTINGS Menu > Options> SmartGuard> Low Setup

Low Limit| Alert before low| Alert on low| Suspend before low| Suspend on low| Resume basal alerts
12:00A ——- mg/dL| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On
————–mg/dL| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On
——————mg/dL| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On| ❑On
SNOOZE Menu> Options> SmartGuard> Snooze > Low Snooze:.—— hr

a Option only available when the Suspend on low feature or the Suspend before low feature is set to on

Programming the MiniMed 780G insulin pump

Startup Wizard
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Once you’ve inserted the battery, the pump powers up and the Startup Wizard begins; it will guide you through setting language, time format, and current time and date.

  1. Select English.
  2. When the Select Time Format screen appears, select a 12 Hour a 24 Hour time format.
  3. When the Enter Time screen appears, the hour will be flashing. Press to the correct hour and press .
  4. The minutes will be flashing. Press to the correct minutes and press .
  5. The AM / PM will be flashing. Press if needed and press . Select Next.
  6. When the Enter Date screen appears, select Year. Press to the correct year and press . Repeat this step to set up Month and Day. Select Next.
  7. The Rewinding screen will briefly appear, followed by a confirmation message. Select OK.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - setting

Setting Max Basal
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > > Delivery Settings

  1. Select Max Basal/Bolus and press .
  2. Select Max Basal. A confirmation message appears. Select Continue.
  3. Select Max Basal to enter the U/hr amount. Use to set the Max Basal amount. Press .
  4.  Select Save.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - message

Setting Max Bolus
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > > Delivery Settings

  1. Select Max Basal/Bolus and press .
  2. Select Max Bolus. A confirmation message appears. Select Continue.
  3.  Select Max Bolus to enter the units (U) amount. Use to set the Max Bolus amount. Press .
  4. Select Save.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - illustration

Setting a Basal Pattern
WARNING: The pump is intended to be used with a basal pattern. The basal pattern must be manually entered and saved into the pump. The pump will operate with a basal rate of 0.0 U/hr until a basal pattern is entered and saved. There is no reminder message to program basal rates. Consult a healthcare professional to determine what basal pattern is needed. For more information about basal patterns, consult the MiniMed 780G System User Guide.
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > > Delivery Settings > Basal Pattern Setup

  1. Select Basal 1.

  2. Select Options, then select Edit.

  3. Press  to enter End time. Press to leave the end time at 12:00A. If you are setting multiple rates use to change the end time and press  .

  4. Press ∧ to enter U/hr and press   .

  5. Continue adding end times and basal rates as needed. The end time for your last rate must be 12:00A.

  6. The Review option appears only when the last end time in your basal pattern is set to 12:00A. Select Review after all rates are entered to go to the next screen.
    Note: Your basal rates have not yet been saved.

  7. A screen appears that lets you review your basal pattern. Press to review all the settings. If you need to make any changes, press to return to the edit screen.
    Note: If you press to return to the edit screen without saving, your changes will not be saved. After making any changes on the edit screen, select Review to return to the review screen.

  8. Select Save. If you do not select Save, your changes are not saved.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - Pattern Setup

CAUTION: If you have not selected Save after settings are entered and the screen goes dark, the entered settings will not be saved.
Turn On and Set Up the Bolus Wizard Feature
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > **** > Delivery Settings > Bolus Wizard Setup

  1. Select Bolus Wizard to turn the feature on.
  2. Press ∨ to see the rest of the message then select Next.
  3. Review the description of carb ratio and select Next.
  4. Press to enter End time. Press again to leave the end time at 12:00A. If you are setting multiple carb ratios use to change the end time, then press .
  5. Press to enter g/U then press . Continue adding end times and carb ratios as needed.
  6. Select Next when done.
  7. Review the description of insulin sensitivity factor and select Next.
  8. Press to enter End time. Press again to leave the end time at 12:00A. If you are setting multiple insulin sensitivity factors, use to change the end time, then press .
  9. Press to enter mg/dL per U, then press . Continue adding end times and insulin sensitivity factors as needed.
  10. Select Next when done.
  11. Review the description of BG target and select Next.
  12. Press to enter End time. Press again to leave the end time at 12:00A. If you are setting multiple BG targets, use to change the end time, then press .
  13. Press to enter the low limit (Lo) and then press .
  14. Press to enter the high limit (Hi) and then press . Continue adding end times and BG targets as needed.
  15. Select Next when done.
  16.  Review the description of active insulin time and select Next.
  17. Press to enter the duration for the active insulin time.
  18. Press to enter the hours of duration then press .
  19. Select Save.
    The Bolus Wizard feature setup is now complete.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - Bolus Wizard Setup

Turn Sensor On
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > ****> Device Settings

  • Select Sensor to turn the feature on. You can now access the SmartGuard menu and enter the SmartGuard settings.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - SmartGuard

Pair the Transmitter
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu >

  1. Attach Guardian™ 4 transmitter to the charger and place the transmitter (attached to the charger) next to the pump.
  2. Select Pair New Device on the pump and immediately remove the transmitter from the charger.
  3. The Select Device screen appears with a list of available devices. Select the CGM device that matches the serial number indicated on the back of the transmitter.
    Your pump displays a message if the pump and transmitter are paired successfully. When the transmitter is communicating with the pump, the Sensor feature is turned on and appears on the Home screen.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - transmitter

Programming High SG Settings
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > > Alert Settings

  1. Select High Alert. The High Setup screen appears.
  2. Press on the time segment. Press again to leave the End time at 12:00A. If setting multiple time segments, press ∧ to enter the end time of the first segment, and press .
  3. Press to set the high limit (Hi) and press . Press to continue.
  4. Select each setting you wish to turn on. If a setting is on, select it again to turn it off.
  5. Once settings are selected, select Next. If needed, continue adding time segments and settings to complete the 24-hour period. When done, select Review.
  6. Verify that settings are correct and select Save.
  7. If snooze time needs to be changed, press to Snooze High & Low and press . Select High Snooze. Press  to set up the desired duration and press . Select Save.
    Your High Setup is now complete.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - Alert Settings

Programming Low SG Settings
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu > > Alert Settings

  1. Select Low Alert. The Low Setup screen appears.

  2. Press on the time segment. Press again to leave the End time at 12:00A.
    If setting multiple time segments, press to enter the end time of the first segment, and press .

  3. Press to set the low limit (Lo) and press . Press to continue.

  4. Select each setting you wish to turn on. If a setting is on, select it again to turn it off.

  5. Once settings are selected, select Next. If needed, continue adding time segments and settings to complete the 24-hour period. When done, select Review.

  6. Verify that settings are correct and select Save.

  7. If snooze time needs to be changed, press to Snooze High & Low and press . Select Low Snooze. Press  to set up the desired duration and press . Select Save.
    Your Low Setup is now complete.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - Low Setup

Turn SmartGuard On
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Menu >

  1. Select SmartGuard to turn the SmartGuard feature on.
  2. Review the message on the screen and select OK.
  3. Review the SmartGuard Checklist to see if any additional requirements must be met before the SmartGuard feature can be activated. Press to view the checklist.

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - Low screen

Note: The SmartGuard warm-up period begins at the first midnight after the pump starts delivering insulin. If you turn SmartGuard on before the warm up is complete, you may receive an alert at midnight to enter a BG for SmartGuard. You may want to wait until day 3 of your pump use to avoid this alert at midnight.
Programming SmartGuard Settings
Note: The settings shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only — your settings may be different.
Note: Make sure you consult with your healthcare provider on your personalized settings before programming the SmartGuard settings.
Menu > > SmartGuard Settings

  1. Review the Target.
  2. Press to change the target.
  3. Press to the desired target and then press .
  4. Check to make sure that Auto Correction is set to On. Select Save

Medtronic 770G Insulin Pump - SmartGuard Settings

Note: Please take some time to review ALL your settings and ensure they have been correctly saved.

Technical Support

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24-Hour Technical Support is here to help Call 1.800.646.4633
For medical advice, contact your healthcare team.

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Northridge, CA 91325
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+1 818 576 5555
RF: M994838A001
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