NXP AN13948 Integrating LVGL GUI Application into Smart HMI Platform User Manual

June 13, 2024

**NXP AN13948 Integrating LVGL GUI Application into Smart HMI Platform User Manual



NXP has launched a solution development kit named SLN-TLHMI-IOT. It focuses on smart HMI applications containing two apps – coffee machine and elevator (smart panel app is coming soon).
To provide information to the user, some basic documents are included, for example, the developer guide.
The guide introduces the basic software design and architecture of the applications covering all solution components.
These components include bootloader, framework, and HAL design to help the developers more easily and efficiently implement their applications using the SLN-TLHMI-IOT.

For more details about the documents and the solution, visit: NXP EdgeReady Smart HMI Solution based on i.MX RT117H with ML Vision, Voice and Graphical UI.

However, the introduction focuses on the ideas and basic usage. Because of the compliance of the software based on the framework, it is still not easy for the developers to know how to implement their applications.
To speed up the development, additional guides are required to introduce how to implement the major components (for example, LVGL GUI, vision, and voice recognition) step by step.
For example, customers should have their own LVGL GUI application different from the present apps in the solution.
After implementing their LVGL GUI with the GUI Guider provided by NXP, they must integrate it into the smart HMI software platform based on the framework.

This application note describes how to integrate the LVGL GUI application developed by the user into the smart HMI software platform based on the framework.
The reference codes are also presented along with this application note.

Note: This application note does not explain how to develop the GUI based on LVGL with the GUI Guider software tool.

The overview of the LVGL and GUI Guider is described in Section 1.1 and Section 1.2.

Light and Versatile Graphics Library
Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) is a free and open-source graphics library.
It provides everything that you require to create an embedded GUI with easy- to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects, and a low memory footprint.

GUI Guider
GUI Guider is a user-friendly graphical user interface development tool from NXP that enables the rapid development of high-quality displays with the open- source LVGL graphics library.
The drag-and-drop editor of GUI Guider makes it easy to utilize the many features of LVGL. These features include widgets, animations, and styles to create a GUI with minimal or no coding.
With the click of a button, you can run your application in a simulated environment or export it to a target project.
Generated code from GUI Guider can easily be added to your project, accelerating the development process and allowing you to add an embedded user interface to your application seamlessly.
GUI Guider is free to use with NXP general purpose and crossover MCUs and includes built-in project templates for several supported platforms.
To learn more about LVGL and GUI development on GUI Guider, visit https://lvgl.io/ and GUI Guider.

Development environment

Prepare and set up the development environment for developing and integrating a GUI app to the smart HMI platform.

Hardware environment

The following hardware is required for the demonstration after development:

  • The smart HMI development kit based on NXP i.MX RT117H
  • SEGGER J-Link with a 9-pin Cortex-M adapter

Software environment
The software tools and their versions used in this application note are introduced, as below:

  • GUI Guider V1.5.0-GA

  • MCUXpresso IDE V11.7.0
    Note: A bug in versions before 11.7.0 does not allow proper build-in multicore projects.
    Therefore, version 11.7.0 or greater is required.

  • RT1170 SDK V2.12.1

  • SLN-TLHMI-IOT software platform – smart HMI source codes released in our official GitHub repository

To learn more about how to set up and install the hardware and software environment, see Getting Started with the SLN-TLHMI-IOT (document MCU-SMHMI- GSG).

Integrate LVGL GUI application into smart HMI platform

The smart HMI software platform is built on framework architecture. Developers find it difficult to add their LVGL GUI application to the smart HMI software platform even if they read the developer guide and know about the framework.
The next sections explain how to implement it step by step.

Develop LVGL GUI application on GUI Guider
As mentioned above, how to develop the LVGL GUI on GUI Guider is not the emphasis in this application note.
But a GUI example is necessary.
Therefore, one simple GUI template named Slider Progress provided in GUI Guider is selected as the GUI example for a quick setup.
The Slider Progress GUI template is used because it contains an image that is required to demonstrate building image resources in the application.
The GUI example is very easy to generate: To create a project with the updated LVGL library V8.3.2 and the board template as MIMXRT1176xxxxx, refer to GUI Guider User’s Guide (document GUIGUIDERUG).
Figure 1 shows the project settings.

Note: The panel type must be selected, as shown in the red box in Figure 1, as it is used on the current development board.

After creating the project, run the simulator to generate the related LVGL GUI codes and build the project as well.
You may check the effect of the GUI example on the simulator.

Figure 1. GUI project setup on GUI Guider
Project Setting

Create your project on smart HMI
Note: First, create your project on MCUXpresso IDE.

After the LVGL GUI example has been built, it can go to the main target to integrate it into the smart HMI software platform on the MCUXpresso project for implementing your GUI application.
The simple and quick method is to clone the current application project presented on the smart HMI platform.
The elevator app is the better choice as the cloned source since it has a simple implementation.

To create your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy and paste the “elevator” folder in the cloned smart HMI source code from GitHub. Rename it to yours.
    For this example, we have chosen “slider_progress”, following the name of the GUI example.

  2. In the “slider_progress” folder, enter the “lvgl_vglite_lib” folder containing the LVGL GUI project.

  3. Open the project-related files .cproject and .project and replace all the string “elevator” with your project name string “slider_progress”.

  4. Do the similar replacement for both project files in the “cm4” and “cm7” folders.
    Set up your project by cloning the elevator project files.
    As shown in Figure 2 your projects can now be opened in MCUXpresso IDE in the same manner as the elevator project.

Figure 2. Projects setup on MCUXpresso

Build the resources for smart HMI
Generally, images are used in GUI (sounds used in voice prompts as well).
The images and sounds are called resources, stored in a flash in sequence. Before programming them on flash, the resources should be built into a binary file.
The main job is to replace the names of the reference app (elevator) with yours.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Delete the cloned “images” folder under slider_progress/resource.

  2. Copy the “images” folder under \generated in your GUI Guider project.

  3. Paste it under the slider_progress/resource (That is, use your own images rather than those from the elevator app.).

  4. Delete the *.mk file used for GUI Guider in the “images” folder.

  5. Rename the files elevator_resource.txt, elevator_resource_build.bat, and elevator_resource_build.sh in the “resource” folder to your project name slider_progress_resource.txt, slider_progress_resource_build.bat, and slider_progress_resource_build.sh.

    • elevator_resource.txt: containing the paths and names of all the resources (images and sounds) used in the app.
    • elevator_resource_build.bat/elevator_resource_build.sh: used for building the resources in Windows and Linux accordingly.
  6. After opening the slider_progress_resource.txt file, replace all strings “elevator” with “slider_progress”.

  7. Remove all old images and add new ones with your image file names (here is “_scan_example_597x460.c”), such as image ../../slider_progress/resource/images/_scan_example_597x460.c.

  8. Open the slider_progress_resource.bat file for Windows and replace all strings “elevator” with “slider_progress”. Do the same to the file slider_progress_resource.sh for Linux.

  9. Double-click the batch file slider_progress_resource_build.bat for Windows.

  10. The command window appears and automatically runs to generate the image resource binary file containing the image data and resource access information containing C codes to set all image locations in flash and the total byte size of the images.
    After showing the message “Resource Generation Complete!”, the image resource binary file named slider_progress_resource.bin and the resource access information file named resource_information_table.txt are generated in the folder “resource”.
    The image resource binary file is programed on flash, and the resource access information is used to access the resources on smart HMI (see Section 3.4.1).

Integrate LVGL GUI application into smart HMI
The LVGL GUI application codes (here is the SliderProgress GUI example) and the built image resources, including access information, can be added to the smart HMI.
Additionally, to implement your LVGL GUI application on smart HMI, it is required to add the HAL devices related to LVGL GUI and the related configurations.
The LVGL GUI application is running on the M4 core, and the related implementation is almost in the M4 project “sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4”.
The detailed steps are described in further sub sections.

Add LVGL GUI codes and resources
The LVGL GUI application codes used for smart HMI are in the folders “custom” and “generated” in the GUI Guider project.

To add the codes to smart HMI, follow the steps below:

  1. Replace custom.c and custom.h under slider_progress/cm4/custom/ with the ones in the folder “custom” in the GUI Guider project.

  2. Remove the “generated” folders from slider_progress/cm4/.
    Then copy the “generated” folder from the GUI Guider project and paste it to slider_progress/cm4/.

  3. Delete the folders “image” and “mPythonImages” and all the files .mk and .py in the “generated” folder.
    As mentioned above, the images in the “image” folder are built into a resource binary file, so the “image” folder is not required.
    The folder “mPythonImages” and all the files .mk and .py are unwanted for the smart HMI.

  4. To add mutex control based on the smart HMI platform and set the image locations on flash, modify the file custom.c on MCUXpresso IDE.
    These are all defined by RT_PLATFORM.

  5. Open elevator project on MCUXpresso IDE. Search the macro definition RT_PLATFORM in the custom.c under sln_smart_tlhmi_elevator_cm4 > custom and copy all the code lines from #if defined(RT_PLATFORM) to #endif, and paste them in the file custom.c under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > custom.

  6. Delete the code lines under #else containing #else since they are used for elevator GUI.
    The added code lines cover the following:

    • The include files are as follows:
      Code And Resources

    • The variable declaration is as follows:
      Code And Resources

    • The C codes in the function custom_init() are as follows:
      Code And Resources
      Code And Resources

    • The C codes for the functions _takeLVGLMutex(), _giveLVGLMutex(), and setup_imgs() where the locations of all the images are set.

  7. Replace codes in the function setup_imgs() with the location setup codes for images in the resource_information_table.txt file (see Section 3.3).
    In this application note, there is only one image resource which is set up as: _scan_example_597x460.data = (base + 0); After doing it, the function setup_imgs() is shown as below:
    Code And Resources

  8. To add the macro definition and function declaration related to custom.c, modify the custom.h file under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > custom, as shown below:
    Code And Resources

  9. To define the images in your LVGL GUI application, modify the lvgl_images_internal.h file under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > custom.

    • Open one image *.c file (here is _scan_example_597x460.c) under /generated/ image/ in the GUI Guider project.
      Copy the image definition at the end of the file. Paste it to the lvgl_images_internal.h file after deleting all the original definitions about the images for the elevator app.

    • Delete .data = _scan_example_597x460_map in the array since the .data is set in the function setup_imgs().
      The array is defined finally in the lvgl_images_internal.h file, as shown below:
      Code And Resources
      Repeat the above operations for all image files one by one if there are multi-image files.

  10. Configure the total size of the image resource by defining the macro definition APP_LVGL_IMGS_SIZE in the app_config.h file under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm7 > source with the new size of the images.
    This new size is available in the built resource resource_information_table.txt file.

Add HAL devices and configurations
Based on the framework architecture, two HAL devices (display and output devices) are designed for LVGL GUI application.
The implementations of the two devices are different depending on different LVGL GUI applications though there are common architecture designs for them.
They are implemented separately in two files.
Therefore, it must clone the two files from the present elevator application and modify your LVGL GUI application.
Then, enable your devices in the configuration file.
Your LVGL GUI application is built on the smart HMI platform based on the framework.

The detailed modifications can be done in the MCUXpresso IDE, as shown below:

  • Implement display HAL device
1. Copy and paste the hal_display_lvgl_elevator.c file under the group sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > framework > hal > display on MCUXpresso project. Rename it to hal_display_lvgl_sliderprogress.c for your application.
2. Open the file hal_display_lvgl_sliderprogress.c and replace all the strings “elevator” with your application string “SliderProgress” in the file.
  • Implement output HAL device
1. Copy and paste the hal_output_ui_elevator.c file under the group sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > framework > hal > output on the MCUXpresso project. Rename it to hal_output_ui_sliderprogress.c for your application.
2. Open the file hal_output_ui_sliderprogress.c. Remove all the functions related to the elevator application except the following basic common functions of the HAL device:  

In addition, reserve the declarations of the below two functions:

3. Clean the function HAL_OutputDev_UiElevator_InferComplete() for building your application later.  

In the function, remove both function calls _InferComplete_Vision() and _InferComplete_Voice() used for handling the results from vision and voice algorithms for elevator application.

4. Clean the function HAL_OutputDev_UiElevator_InputNotify() and keep the basic architecture for further application development.  

Finally, the function looks as follows:
Code And Resources

5. Remove all the variables declarations, including the enum and array, except the ones s_UiSurface and s_AsBuffer[] used for the common implementations.
6. Replace all strings “elevator” with your application string “SliderProgress”.
  • Enable and configure both HAL devices
1. Open the board_define.h file under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > board.  

Replace all the strings “elevator” with your application string “SliderProgress” in the file.
It enables and configures the display and output HAL devices by the definitions ENABLE_DISPLAY_DEV_LVGLSliderProgress and ENABLE_OUTPUT_DEV_UiSliderProgress.

2. Open the lvgl_support.c file under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > board. Replace all the strings “elevator” with your application string “SliderProgress” in the file.  

It enables camera preview on GUI at the display driver level.

  • Register both HAL devices
    Open the M4 main sln_smart_tlhmi_cm4.cpp file under sln_smart_tlhmi_slider_progress_cm4 > source.
    Replace all the strings “elevator” with your application string “SliderProgress” in the file.
    It registers the display and output HAL device for your application instead of the elevator application.
    Therefore, the integration is completed for running the basic LVGL GUI application on smart HMI.
    Depending on more requirements for the application, more implementations can be added based on the integrated basic application.


The “slider_progress” application demo is implemented along with this application note.

After unzipping the demo software package, put the below files and folder into the smart HMI software:

  • The file hal_display_lvgl_sliderprpgress.c under [demo]\framework\hal\display\ to the path [smart HMI]\framework\hal\display\
  • The file hal_output_ui_slider_progress.c under [demo]\framework\hal\output\ to the path [smart HMI]\framework\hal\output\
  • The folder “slider_progress” to the root path of [smart HMI]\
    The projects can be opened on MCUXpresso IDE, just like the coffee machine/elevator app presented on the smart HMI platform.
    After programming the built *.axf file to the address 0x30100000 and the resource binary file to the address 0x30700000, the LVGL GUI demo can run successfully on the smart HMI development board (see Figure 3 for the screen display).
    Note: If using v1.7.0 of MCUXpresso IDE, enable the “Manage link script” in the Setting > MCU C++ Linker > Managed Linker Script before building the CM4 project.
    Figure 3. LVGL GUI demo display on smart HMI development board
    Demo Display

Revision history

Revision history summarizes the revisions to this document.

Table 1. Revision history

Revision number Date Substantive changes
1 16 June 2023 Initial release

Note about the source code in the document

Example code shown in this document has the following copyright and BSD-3-Clause license:
Copyright 2023 NXP Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials must be provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


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