eMoMo E602H4F2-1 Control Box Instructions

June 12, 2024

eMoMo E602H4F2-1 Control Box

Product Information

This product consists of a set of hand controllers and a control box. It also includes four heating pads and two fans. The control side of the product needs to be selected when it is in operation. There are three options for control side selection: left side, right side, and dual side. Each side has one fan and two heating pads that can be controlled. In dual side mode, two fans and four heating pads can be controlled simultaneously.

Product Usage Instructions

To use the product, follow these instructions:

  1. Power Button: Press briefly to power on the hand controller. The indicator light will turn on. After pressing the power button, you can control other functions. Press the button again to turn off the hand controller. All functions will be automatically closed.
  2. Alarm Clock Function: Press briefly to enterthe alarm setting interface. You can set up to three timepoints. The operation of the alarm clock setting interface is the same as  that of the main interface. After setting, click save to save the alarm and return to the main interface. Please note that the alarm function is only available in the app and not on the remote control.
  3. Alarm Clock Function Description:
    • When the alarm clock is activated (i.e., when it’s set to go off), the home screen alarm clock icon will turn green. At all other times, it will be grey.
    • If multiple timers have been set and Timer 1 hasn’t ended by the time Timer 2’s designated time arrives, then Timer 2 will automatically activate and override Timer 1.
    • A timer that is not activated can be edited by selecting it on the home screen. Any new edits saved will overwrite the previous settings for that timer.
    • If the power is turned off using the app or remote control, any timers currently running will also turn off. However, when the next timer cycle arrives, the timer will automatically reactivate.
    • If the control box is suddenly interrupted or loses power, any timers currently running will also stop. When the control box is powered up again, the timer will automatically activate at the next designated time.
    • If a current function is running on the device, but the timer has reached the designated time, a pop-up will appear on the app interface asking if you want to activate the timer.
  4. Memory Mode: Short press the Function button to enter the memory mode. The indicator light will turn on. Pressing it again will close the memory mode and turn off the indicator light. This cycle can be repeated. When closing the memory mode, all functions will stop working. The M button’s light and the relevant operating function’s indicator lights will turn on.
  5. Side Switch Button: L controls the left side, which corresponds to the left-hand side when lying in bed. R controls the right side, which corresponds to the right-hand side when lying in bed. LR controls both sides. The cycle of positions is L → R → LR, and the default position upon power-up is L.
  6. L/R and LR Mutual Exclusion Logic: When any function on the L or R side is active and the Side button switches to the LR side, there will be no response from the TIME/BODY/FOOT/FAN controllers, and the corresponding buttons will be grayed out on the app. However, the M key and power button can still be used, and alarms set through the app will still work.

Product Introduction

This product includes a set of hand controllers and a control box, four heating pads, and two fans. When the product is in operation, the control side needs to be selected. There are three options for control side selection: left side, right side, and dual side. Each side has one fan and two heating pads that can be controlled. The dual side controls two fans and four heating pads simultaneously.

Pairing Instructions

  • A. Control Box Remote Pairing:
    The control box should not be powered on initially. Press and hold the power button until the LED light flashes, then connect the control box to power. The controller will automatically pair with the control box. Once the pairing is successful, the light will turn off. After the first successful pairing, the default state for the hand controller is “on.”
    Note : By default, the control box and remote are already paired when shipped to customers. Therefore, customers do not need to pair them again after receiving the product.

  • B. APP Network Configuration:

    • Network configuration method 1: Power on the control box. When the hand controller enters the startup status, press and hold the SIDE button for 5 seconds until the L/R/LR three indicator lights above the SIDE button flash at the same time and you hear a “beep” sound. Then open the Sleep Innov app and follow the network configuration steps to configure the network. If the network configuration fails, please repeat the network configuration steps to reconfigure the network.
    • Network configuration method 2: Power on the control box. Press and hold the network configuration button on the control box for 2-3 seconds until you hear a “beep” sound. Then open the app and follow the network configuration steps to configure the network. If the network configuration fails, please repeat the network configuration steps to reconfigure the network.
      Note : Choose one of the two network configuration methods to configure the network.

Button Description

  1. Power Button: Press briefly to power on. The indicator light will turn on. After pressing the power button, you can control other functions. Press the button again to turn off the hand controller. All functions will be automatically closed.

  2. Alarm Clock Function: Press briefly to enter the alarm setting interface. You can set three timepoints. Except for the “M” memory function key, the operation of the alarm clock setting interface is the same as that of the main interface. After setting, click “save” to save the alarm and return to the main interface. (The alarmfunction is only available in the app, and the remote control does not have this function).
    Alarm Clock Function Description

    • When the alarm clock is activated (i.e., when it’s set to go off), the home screen alarm clock icon will turn green, while it will be grey at all other times.
    • To access the alarm clock settings page, there are three timers available for setting: Timer 1, Timer 2, and Timer 3. When one of these timers is selected, its font will enlarge while remaining grey, and it can then be edited. Once the timer has been set up, click the “Save” button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. A popup window will appear asking “Are you sure you want to save?” – Clicking “Yes” will confirm saving the timer, while clicking “No” will cancel the save operation. If saved successfully, the font of the word “Timer” on this timer will turn green. The toggle switch on the right-hand side of the timer will not turn green and will remain grey, with a green circle on the left-hand side. When the alarm goes off at the designated time, the toggle switch on this timer will change from a white circle on the left-hand side to a white circle on the right-hand side, and turn green. While a timer is activated, it cannot be edited, but it can be manually turned off as described below.
    • Once the alarm clock has been set up with a timer, as long as the control box is powered on, the timer will automatically activate at the designated time. The home screen alarm clock icon, the timer, and the toggle switch on this timer will all turn green with the white circle moving from the left to the right side. If the timer ends or is turned off, the toggle switch on this timer will change back to having a white circle on the left-hand side, and the color of the font on the home screen alarm clock icon will change back to grey.
    • If multiple timers have been set, and Timer 1 hasn’t ended by the time Timer 2’s designated time arrives, then Timer 2 will automatically activate and override Timer 1.
    • To manually turn off a timer while it is running, click on the home screen alarm clock icon to select the timer. The font of the selected timer will enlarge, and clicking the toggle switch on the right-hand side of this timer will change the white circle from the right to the left side while also changing the color of the toggle switch back to grey. However, the font color of this timer will remain green. When the designated Timer time is reached the following day, the timer will still activate automatically.
    • When a timer is not activated, it can be edited by selecting it on the home screen. Any new edits saved will overwrite the previous settings for that timer.
    • If the power is turned off using the app or remote control, any timers currently running will also turn off. However, when the next timer cycle arrives, the timer will automatically reactivate.
    • If the control box is suddenly interrupted or loses power, any timers currently running will also stop. When the control box is powered up again, the timer will automatically activate at the next designated time.
    • If a current function is running on the device, but the timer has reached the designated time, a pop-up will appear on the app interface asking “The Timer time is up. Do you want to activate it?” (There will be a ringtone accompanying the pop-up window, which will stop if an action is taken. If no action is taken, the ringtone will continue for 30 seconds before stopping automatically.) If the user selects “Yes,” then the timer will activate and override all other functions. If the user selects “No,” then the current function will continue to run. If neither “Yes” nor “No” is selected, the current function will continue to run until the timer expires, and then the pop-up window will disappear. If the user doesn’t click on the pop-up window and the current function stops running when the time expires, then the pop-up will also disappear. In the upper-left corner of the pop-up window, there will be an “X” close button; clicking this button will make the pop-up window disappear and allow the current function to continue to run.
  3. Function M is to enter the memory mode by short pressing, and at this time the indicator light will turn on. Pressing it again will close the memory mode and turn off the indicator light, and this cycle will continue. When closing the memory mode, all functions will stop working.

    • Method for setting the memory button: Adjust FOOT/BODY/FAN/TIME to the desired mode, press and hold the M button for 1.5 seconds until the indicator light of the M button turns on. The memory mode is set successfully and runs in the memory mode. At this time, short press the M button to close the memory mode, and press it again to open the memory mode, and so on.
    • When the M button is on, the buttons M/SIDE/power on/off can be operated normally. The alarm clock button can be operated on the APP, but the TIME/FOOT/BODY/FAN buttons on the APP are grayed out and cannot be operated. The TIME/FOOT/BODY/FAN buttons on the remote control have no response and maintain the previous operation.
    • The L and R sides can be set as memory locations separately. If both L and R are set as memory locations, when the M button is pressed to activate the memory function, the memory functions of both L and R sides will be activated. There are the following situations:
    • (3.1) L is set as a memory location, and R has not been set as a memory location. When the M button is pressed, the memory position of L is turned on. The SIDE button automatically switches to the L side. When the SIDE button stays on the L side, the indicator light below L, the M button, and the relevant opening functions’ indicator lights below L will turn on. If the SIDE button stays on the R side, L’s memory function will remain in operation, but the indicator light of the M button will be off because R has not set a memory location. If SIDE stays on the LR side, the indicator light of the M button will also be off. However, L’s memory function will remain in operation. When the SIDE button is switched back to the L side again, the indicator light of the M button and the relevant operating function’s indicator lights will turn on.
    • (3.2) L has not been set as a memory location, and R has been set as a memory location. When the M button is pressed, the memory position of R is turned on. The SIDE button automatically switches to the R side. When the SIDE button stays on the R side, the indicator light below R, the M button, and the relevant opening functions’ indicator lights below R will turn on. If the SIDE button stays on the L side, R’s memory function will remain in operation, but the indicator light of the M button will be off because L has not set a memory location. If SIDE stays on the LR side, the indicator light of the M button will also be off. However, R’s memory function will remain in operation. When the SIDE button is switched back to the R side again, the indicator  light of the M button and the relevant operating function’s indicator lights will turn on.
    • (3.3) L has been set as a memory location, and R has also been set as a memory location. When the M button is pressed, the memory positions of both L and R are turned on simultaneously. The SIDE button automatically switches to the L side. When the SIDE button stays on the L side, the indicator light below L, the M button, and the relevant opening functions’ indicator lights below L will turn on. If the SIDE button stays on the R side, the indicator light below R, the M button, and the relevant opening functions’ indicator lights below R will turn on. If the SIDE button stays on the LR side, the indicator light of LR will turn on, and L and R’s memory functions will each remain in operation. However, the indicator light of the M button will be off because LR has not set a memory function. When the SIDE button is switched back to the L or R side again, the indicator light of the M button and the relevant operating function’s indicator lights will turn on.
    • (3.4) L and R have no memory positions set, while LR has a memory position set. Pressing the M key automatically opens up the memory position for LR. Pressing the SIDE button automatically switches to the LR side, and the indicator light below LR lights up along with the indicators for any activated functions related to LR. If the SIDE button is left on L or R, the memory function for L or R stays active, and the indicator lights for L or R turn off along with the M key’s indicator light. When the SIDE button is switched back to LR, the M key’s indicator light turns on, along with the indicators for any relevant functions that are running.
    • (3.5) The M key’s memory function remembers the last memory position that was set. For example, if the memory position for L is set, the next time the M key is briefly pressed, it will automatically enter the previously set memory position for L. If the M key is long-pressed again and sets a memory position for R, then the next time the M key is briefly pressed, it will only enter the memory position for R. If the M key is then long-pressed again to set memory positions for both L and R, the next time the M key is briefly pressed, it will enter the memory positions for both L and R. If the M key is long-pressed again to set a memory position for LR, then the next time the M key is briefly pressed, it will only enter the memory position for LR. The process repeats in this manner.
  4. Side switch button: L controls the left side, which corresponds to the left-hand side
    when lying in bed; R controls the right side, which corresponds to the right- hand side when lying in bed; LR controls both sides. The cycle of positions is L → R → LR, and the default position upon power-up is L.

  5. L/R and LR mutual exclusion logic

    • When any function on the L or R side is active and the SIDE button switches to the LR side, there will be no response from the TIME/BODY/FOOT/FAN controllers and the corresponding buttons will be grayed out on the APP. However, the M key and power button can still be used, and alarms set through the APP will still work.
    • When any function on the LR side is active and the SIDE button switches to the L or R side, there will be no response from the TIME/BODY/FOOT/FAN controllers and the corresponding buttons will be grayed out on the APP. However, the M key and power button can still be used, and alarms set through the APP will still work.
  6. Timer setting button: Options include 15 mins, 30 mins, and 60 mins. When
    the timer is set to 60 mins, pressing the ‘+’ button cancels the timer, and when set to 15 mins, pressing the ‘-‘ button cancels the timer. The relevant indicator light will light up when the corresponding time is set. If the timer is cancelled before it runs out, the fan/heating pad will run for a default of 4 hours before turning off

 Instructions for the TIME button

  • Select BODY/FOOT/FAN before operating the TIME button, or else there will be no response from the TIME button on the controller and the TIME button will be grayed out on the APP, accompanied by a prompt that reads “Please select BODY/FOOT or FAN before selecting TIME” on the APP.
    The relevant situation is as follows.

    • (5.1): If only FAN is active and neither BODY nor FOOT are active, pressing the timer button will only set a timer for the fan, not for BODY or FOOT. After the timer expires, there will be no response from the BODY/FOOT/FAN controller and the corresponding buttons will be grayed out on the APP, with a pop-up message that says “Invalid operation, please refer to user manual.”
    • (5.2): In any of the following three scenarios – 1. BODY activated, but FOOT not activated; 2. FOOT activated, but BODY not activated; 3. Both BODY and FOOT are activated – pressing the timer button will set a timer for the corresponding BODY and FOOT functions, but not for FAN. After the timer expires, there will be no response from the BODY/FOOT/FAN controller and the corresponding buttons will be grayed out on the APP, with a pop-up message that says “Invalid operation, please refer to user manual.”
    • (5.3): If all THREE functions (BODY/FOOT/FAN) are active and the TIME button is pressed, there will be no response from the controller, and the current operation will continue as usual. The TIME button will be grayed out on the APP, accompanied by a prompt that reads “Invalid operation, please refer to user manual.”
  • B ODY heating pad: turn on/off and switch between low (about 40°C), medium (about 50°C), and high (about 60°C) heat settings. When in the high heat setting, pressing ‘+’ will stop the heating pad, and when in the low heat setting, pressing ‘-‘ will stop it. The relevant indicator light will light up when the corresponding heat setting is selected.

  • FOOT heating pad : turn on/off and switch between low (about 40°C), medium (about 50°C), and high (about 60°C) heat settings. When in the high heat setting, pressing ‘+’ will stop the heating pad, and when in the low heat setting, pressing ‘-‘ will stop it.
    The relevant indicator light will light up when the corresponding heat setting is selected.

  • FAN: turn on/off and switch between low, medium, and high settings. When in the high setting, pressing ‘+’ will stop the fan, and when in the low setting, pressing ‘-‘ will stop it. The relevant indicator light will light up when the corresponding fan speed is selected.
    Note : When not in timer mode, any activated BODY/FOOT/FAN functions will run for a default of 4 hours before turning off.

RF exposure statement
This equipment complies with the FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This control box should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and any part of your body.

FCC Warning

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
    NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

NOTE 2 : Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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