DELTA DVP01PU-S Position Control Module Instructions

June 12, 2024

Instruction Sheet
Position Control Module
Smarter.Greener .Together


DVP01PU-S is an OPEN-TYPE device. It should be installed in a control cabinet free of airborne dust, humidity, electric shock and vibration. To prevent non- maintenance staff from operating DVP01PU-S, or to prevent an accident from damaging DVP01PU-S, the control cabinet in which DVP01PU-S is installed should be equipped with a safeguard. For example, the control cabinet in which DVP01PU-S is installed can be unlocked with a special tool or key.
DO NOT connect AC power to any of I/O terminals, otherwise serious damage may occur. Please check all wiring again before DVP01PU-S is powered up. After DVP01PU-S is disconnected, Do NOT touch any terminals in a minute. Make sure that the ground terminal on DVP01PU-S is correctly grounded in order to prevent electromagnetic interference.


  • Model Explanation & Peripherals
    DVP01PU-S (positioning unit) is mainly applied to the speed/position control of step/servo driven system. The maximum output pulse can be up to 200 kPPS, and built-in various route control modes. The DVP-PLC SX/SX2/SX3/SV2/SV3 series can read/write DVP01PU-S via FROM/TO instrucitons. There are 49 CRs (Control Register) with 16-bit for each register in DVP01PU-S. The 32-bits data is composed of 2 continuous CR number.

  • Product Profile & Outline (LED Indicator and Terminal Block)DELTA DVP01PU-S Position Control Module - Outline

Upper RowS/S Lower Row
PG0+ FP+
PG0- FP-
A+ RP+

1. Status Indicator (Power, LV and ERROR)
4. Terminal
7. Nameplate
9. Extension unit/module clip
11. RS-485 communication port
13. Power input
15. Upper row terminals| 2. Model name
3. DIN rail clip
5. Terminal indicator
6. Mounting hole
8. Extension port to connect extension module
10. DIN rail track (35mm)
12. Clip for combining extension modules
14. Extension port to connect extension module
16. Lower row terminals

 LED Display

POWER Power indicator, +5V internal  power START : Start input
LV Low voltage  indicator STOP : Stop input
lit when external input power is lower than 19.5V DOG : DOG (near point

signal) input
ERROR| Error indicator (ON/OFF blinking).| FP| : CW pulse output
|   It will blink when CR#39 is not 0.| RP| : CCW pulse output
LSP| : Right limit input indicator| cDA| : A-phase input of manual  pulse generator
LSN| Left limit input indicator| cl)B| :  B-phase input of manual pulse generator
PGO| : Zero signal input indicator| CLR| : Output clear signal

 Input/Output Terminal

Description Terminal name Content Response
Power supply +24V, 0V Power input/24V DC (-15 ~ +20%)

Current consumption 70±10mA; Startup peak current 1.3 A

| –
Description| Terminal name| Content| Response
 | START| Start input terminal| 4ms/12ms
 | STOP| Stop input terminal| 4ms
 | LSP/LSN| Limit Stroke of right/left limit| 1ms
 | ΦA+, ΦA-| A-phase terminal (+, -) of manual pulse generator input (line driver input)| 200kHz
Input| ΦB+, ΦB-| B-phase terminal (+, -) of manual pulse generator input (line driver input)| 200kHz
PG0+, PG0-| Zero signal input terminal +, – (line driver input)| 4ms
 | ****


| Offers two different functions depending on operation mode.

(1)  It is near-point signal in zero return mode.

(2)  It is start signal on interrupt 1st or interrupt 2nd speed mode.

| ****


 | S/S| Signal common terminal of these Inputs (START, STOP, DOG, LSP, LSN)| –
 | CLR+, CLR-| Clear signal (clear signal of internal error counter for Servo drive)| 4ms


| FP+, FP-| FP/RP mode: CW pulse output          I/O mode: Output pulse AB- phase mode: A-phase output| 200kHz
 | RP+, RP-| FP/RP mode: CCW pulse output        I/O mode: direction output AB-phase mode: B-phase output| 200kHz

Input/Output CircuitDELTA DVP01PU-S Position Control Module -  Input
Output Circuit

  1. Please use 22-16AWG (1.5mm) wiring (either single or multiple core) for I/O wiring terminals. PLC terminal screws should be tightened  to 1.90kg-cm (1.65lb-in). Use copper conductors only, 60/75oC.
  2. DO NOT arrange the wiring of I/O signal wires or power supply in the same wiring duct.
  3. Make sure the terminals of power module and DVP01PU-S are properly grounded or connected to the cover of power distribution cabinet.
  4. DO NOT wire to null terminal .
  5. Use only 60/75°C copper conductors.



Item Content
Power supply 24V DC (-15% ~ +20%); Current consumption 70±10mA; Startup peak

current 1.3 A
Max. number of connected axes| 8 units; (PLC MPU can connect up to 8 extension modules without occupying any I/O)
Distance instruction| Distance value is set by CR
1. Setting range: -2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647; 2. Selectable unit: um, mdeg, 10-4 inch, Pulse;
3. Selectable rate: 100, 101, 102, 103;     4. Selectable position: absolute and relative position instruction
Speed instruction| Speed value is set by CR
1. Setting range: -2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647 (conversion value of 10 ~ 200 kPPS pulse)
2. Selectable unit: pulse/s, cm/min, 10deg/min, inch/min

External output

| Photo coupler is for insulation and there are LED indications for all output/input signals Outputs: FP and RP (line driver output 5V)
Output: CLR is the type of NPN open collector transistor output (5 ~ 24V DC, less than 20mA)
Item| Content
**** External input| Photo coupler is for insulation and there are LED indications for all output/input signals. Input point: START, STOP, LSP,
LSN, DOG(contact or open collector transistor, 24V DC±10%, 5±1mA) Inputs: ΦA, ΦB (line driver or open collector transistor, 5 ~ 24V DC, 6 ~15mA) Input: PG0 (line driver or open collector transistor, 5 ~ 24V DC, 6 ~ 15mA)
Pulse output format| Three selectable modes: Pulse/Dir, FP (CW)/RP (CCW), A/B (all modes are line driver output).
Position program & data  ransmission| CR data can be read/write via FROM/TO intruction of PLC MPU. The 32-bit data is composed of 2 continuous CR number. The range of 16-bit CR is CR#0 ~ CR#48.
Connect to DVP-PLC


| Modules are numbered from 0 ~ 7 with 0 closet and 7 farthest to the MPU. Up to 8 modules can be connected without occupying any digital I/O.

 Others

Environmental specifications



| 1. Operation: 0°C~ 55°C (Temperature), 5 ~ 95% (Humidity), pollution degree 2
2. Storage: -25°C~ 70°C (Temperature), 5 ~ 95%(Humidity)
Vibration /Shock immunity| Standard: IEC 61131-2, IEC 68-2-6 (TEST Fc)/IEC 61131-2 & IEC 68-2-27 (TEST Ea)

CR (Control Register)

CR No.|

Content                                                       Setting Range







| Latched| Attribute
 | #0| H’4190| ○| R| Model No.| System setting, Read-only (The model number of DVP01PU-S is H’0110.)

2| #1| H’4191| ○| R/W| Pulse rate (A)| Range: 1 ~ +2,147,483,647 PPS/REV,

factory setting: 2,000
Pulse/Revolution (PLS/REV)

4| #3| H’4193| ○| R/W| Feed rate (B)| Range: 1 ~ +2,147,483,647 unit/REV,

factory setting: 1,000 (unit*1/REV)
 | #5| H’4195| ○| R/W|  |   b15| b14| b13| b12| b11| b10| b9| b8| b7| b6| b5 b4| b3 b2| b1 b0

Parameter setting
Factory setting: H’0000

| STOP input polarity| START input polarity| START response time| Acceleration curve options| DOG polarity| DOG trigger time| Pulse direction| Zero return direction| LSN input polarity| LSP input polarity|

Pulse output format


Position rate setting


Unit setting

7| #6| H’4196| ○| R/W| Maximum speed Vmax| Range: 0 ~ +2,147,483,647 unit*1

(10 ~ 200 kPPS) 2 Factory setting: 200,000 unit1

9| #8| H’4198| ○| R/W| Bias speed Vbias| Range: 0 ~ +2,147,483,647 unit*1 (0

~ 200 kPPS pulse transfer value) *2

Factory setting: 0 unit*1

11| #10| H’419A| ○| R/W| JOG speed VJOG| Range: 0 ~ +2,147,483,647 unit*1 (10

~ 200 kPPS pulse transfer value) 2 Factory setting: 5,000 unit1

13| #12| H’419C| ○| R/W| Zero return speed VRT| Range: 0 ~ +2,147,483,647

unit1 (10 ~ 200 kPPS pulse transfer value) 2
Factory setting: 50,000 unit*1









| Zero return deceleration speed VCR| Range: 0 ~ +2,147,483,647 unit1 (10 ~ 200 kPPS pulse transfer value) 2 Factory setting: 1,000 unit*1







| The number of PG0 in zero return mode N| Range: 0 ~ +32,767 PLS
Factory setting: 0 PLS







| The number of pulse in zero return mode P| Range: -32,768 ~ +32,767 PLS
Factory setting: 0 PLS
 | #18| H’41A2| ○| R/W| Zero return

mode H Mode

| b0: zero return mode,

b1: detect DOG falling-edge in zero return mode

20| #19| H’41A3| ○| R/W| Zero point setting (HP)| Range: 0 ~ ±999,999 unit*1

Factory setting: 0 unit*1
CR No.|  |  |  |






| Latched| Attribute| Content|  |  | Setting Range







| Electronic gearing number of MPG input| Please refer to the following explanation Factory setting: H’1







| Electronic gearing denominator of

MPG input


Please refer to the following explanation Factory setting: H’1









| Input frequency of manual pulse generator| The input frequency of manual pulse generator Factory setting: 0









| Accumulated pulse input no. of manual pulse generator| The count value of CW manual pulse input is “ +” symbol, on the contrary, the CCW manual pulse input is “-“symbol. And the count value is nothing to do with the ratio setting of manual electronic gearing (CR#40, #41). Factory setting: 0.








Response speed of manual pulse generator

| Value| Response speed| When response speed setting is faster, the instructions of pulse output and manual pulse generator input will be more synchronous. When response speed setting is slower, the instruction of pulse output is slower than the instruction of manual pulse generator input. Factory setting: 5
≧5| 4ms (factory setting)
4| 32ms
3| 108ms
2| 256ms
1 or 0| 500ms








Terminal status

| bit #| Status| Description
b0| START input| When START input is On, b0 is On.
b1| STOP input| When STOP input is On, b1 is On.
b2| DOG input| When DOG input is On, b2 is On.
b3| PG0 input| When PG0 input is On, b3 is On.
b4| LSP input| When LSP input is On, b4 is On.
b5| LSN input| When LSN input is On, b5 is On.
b6| A phase input| When A phase input is On, b6 is On.
b7| B phase input| When B phase input is On, b7 is On.
b8| CLR output| When CLR output is On, b8 is On.
 | #48| H’41C0| ○| R| System version| System version is in hexadecimal. e.g. software V1.00 is for H’0100.

1: Unit setting varies based on b0 and b1 setting of CR#5.
2: Use max. Pulse output if upper limit is exceeded. Use min. pulse output if lower limit is exceeded.
※ CR#0 ~ CR48: user can use the corresponding addresses H’4190 ~ 41C0 to read/write data via RS-485

  1. Baud rate supportive: 4,800, 9,600, 38,400, 57,600, and 115,200 bps.
  2. Modbus ASCII/RTU: ASCII mode is 7 bits, even bit and 1 stop bit (7, E, 1). RTU mode is 8 bits, even bit and 1 stop bit (8, E, 1).
  3. Function code: 03’H for read data from CR; 06’H for write one word in CR; 10’H for write many words in CR. It indicates DVP01PU-S hardware malfunction or error parameter setting when error LED flashes.
    ERR code is recorded in CR#39.
    Error Code & Troubleshooting
Error code Description Error code Description
H’0000 No error H’0014 JOG speed (VJOG) setting error
H’0001 Target position (I) setting error H’0020 CW pulse is forbidden
H’0002 Target address (II) setting error H’0021 CCW pulse is forbidden
H’0010 Running speed (I) setting error H’0030 Low voltage
H’0011 Running speed (II) setting error H’0080 Hardware error in internal

H’0012| Zero return deceleration (VCR) setting error| H’0081| Data write in error in internal memory
H’0013| Zero return (VRT) setting error|  |


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