BRIGHTSTAR BR100B Clean Remote Control Instructions

June 12, 2024

BRIGHTSTAR BR100B Clean Remote Control

BRIGHTSTAR BR100B Clean Remote Control

This remote is preprogrammed to operate the following brands without


Most LG, Samsung, RCA, Philips, Vizio, Hisense, Panasonic, and Zenith TVs. If you have one of these brands of TV, simply insert batteries and you’re done.

Note: Reprogramming the remote will make it operate only the brand you reprogrammed it for.

Reprogramming your Remote:

  1. Manually turn on the TV.
  2. Press and hold the SET-UP key until the LED blinks and stays on, now release the button.
  3. Enter the 3-digit code from the code table. After entering the code, the indicator light will turn off, indicating completion.

Note: If the LED blinks rapidly after entering the code, you may have entered an invalid code. Double- check the code list and try again. If volume and channel functions don’t work, try another code.

Important: If your TV code is not listed or the TV doesn’t respond, try using code search:

  1. Turn on the TV.
  2. Press and hold the SET-UP key until the LED blinks and stays on, then release the button.
  3. Press the channel up button slowly and repeatedly (can take 60 or more times) until the channel changes.
  4. Press ENTER to lock in the code.

Note: If you pass the code, press the CH- key to go backward through the library until the TV changes channels again, then press ENTER to lock in the code. You can identify the code for future use with the following step.

Code Identification:

  1. Turn on the TV.
  2. Press and hold the SET-UP key until the LED blinks and stays on.
  3. Press the SET-UP key again and release.
  4. Slowly press each number key from 0 to 9. When the LED blinks, that is the first digit of your code. Repeat step 4 to find the next digit and repeat once more for the third digit.

Sleep mode: This remote has an internal timer, so it can work even if your TV doesn’t have a sleep feature.

  1. Turn on the TV.

  2. Press Sleep. If the Sleep Timer message appears on the TV screen, select the desired time by repeatedly pressing the Sleep key. You’re done.
    Note: If no display is observed on the TV after pressing Sleep, follow steps 3-5.

  3. Press and hold the Sleep key until the LED blinks and stays on, then release the key.

  4. Choose a time between 0 and 99 minutes (two-digit number). The LED will blink and remain off. The timer is now set.
    Important: The remote must be pointed towards the TV so it can send the signal to shut off the TV when the time elapses. Ensure that there are no obstructions blocking the signal, or it won’t work.

  5. To deactivate sleep mode, either press the power key or press and hold the sleep key.

To return to Factory Setting:

  1. Press and hold SETUP until the LED stays on.
  2. Press CC.
**TV Brand** Codes
 Advent  911, 932, 933, 614, 303, 201, 301, 909, 919, 920, 934, 082, 109
 Aiko  900
 Akai  601, 903, 922, 027, 038, 039, 041, 117
 AOC  079, 601, 617, 103, 076, 077, 078, 080, 156
 AOMNI  161
 Apex  000, 618, 604, 140, 155
 Ascoli  237
 Aspect  606
 Audiovox  100, 901, 900, 101, 015, 016, 133
 Belcor  617
 Bell Howell  620, 611
 Blue Diamond  407
 Bradford  901
 Brockwood  617
 Broksonic  902, 614
 Candle  601, 619
 Celebrity  605
 Celera  092, 094
 Changhong  618
 Citizen  903, 601, 619, 900, 614
 Clairtone  103
 Coby  135, 136, 151
 Concerto  619
 Contex  901, 103, 234
 Craig  901
 Crosley  303, 301
 Crown  901
Curtis/Curtis Mathes 400, 301, 620, 100, 500, 232, 231, 903, 044, 621, 606,

619, 611, 603, 102, 153, 127, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 930
 CXC|  901
 Daewoo|  100, 617, 900, 101
 Daytron|  617
 Dumont|  700, 617
 Durabrand|  902, 901, 201, 614, 615, 914, 918
 Dynex|  614, 085, 086, 109, 110, 112, 620, 903, 619, 910
 Electric Mirror|  225
 Electro band|  605, 103
 Electrohome|  614
 Element|  112, 160, 113, 114, 115, 116, 152
 Emerson| 620, 902, 022, 614, 901, 200, 201, 607, 617, 615, 602, 103, 101, 930, 903, 112
 Envision|  079, 601, 076, 077, 078, 080
 ESA|  901, 201, 601, 903
 Fisher|  620, 801
 Fujitsu|  615, 300
 Funai|  901, 615, 022, 201
 Futuretec|  901
 GE|  400, 202, 100, 200, 607, 608, 802, 042
 GFM|  201, 022, 133
 Gibraltar|  700, 601, 617
 Global Vue|  125, 126
 GoldStar|  601, 607, 617, 619
 Grundy|  901, 615
 Haier| 914, 918, 043, 045, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 130, 131, 127, 122, 626
 Hallmark|  607
 Hannspree|  080, 627
 Harvard|  901
 HCI|  020 (bed 1), 021 (bed 2)
 Hisense|  112, 614, 902, 138
 Hitachi|  606, 619, 611, 005, 238, 916, 060, 150
 HP|  075
ILO| 921, 925, 609, 201, 059
 Infinity|  301
Infocus| 400
Inteq| 700
Insignia| 084, 614, 112, 303, 201, 301, 909, 919, 920, 934, 081, 082, 083, 085, 086, 108, 109, 110, 111, 117, 620, 903, 619, 910, 930
Iris| 250
 JBL|  301, 000, 604, 618
JCB| 605
JC Penny| 400, 609, 202, 903, 601, 607, 608, 617, 800
JVC| 701, 159, 157, 226
KEC| 901
Kenwood| 601, 617
KLH| 618
KTV| 901, 601, 103
Kolin| 023, 024, 025, 026
Konka| 904, 001, 304, 002, 003, 041, 083, 117
LG| 619, 227, 910, 700
Logik| 611
Luxman| 619
LXI| 400, 301, 620, 609, 607
Magnavox| 301, 302, 303, 601, 615, 617, 803, 078, 905, 906, 907, 908, 199, 034, 909, 011, 035, 036, 037, 040, 046, 047, 048
Majestic| 611
 Marantz|  301, 601
Matsushita| 004
Megatron| 607, 606
MEI| 103
Memorex| 118, 620, 004, 614, 104, 095, 607, 615, 611, 700, 303, 201, 301, 909, 919, 920, 934, 012
MGA| 104, 601, 607, 617, 500
 Midland|  400, 700, 202
Minutz| 608
Misakai| 201
Mitsubishi| 500, 104, 607, 617, 601
Motorola| 500, 802
MTC| 903, 601, 617, 619, 103
Multitech| 901
NAD| 609, 607, 603
NEC| 601, 617, 619
Nikko| 601, 607, 900
Norcent| 078, 079
Noshi| 800
NTC| 900
923, 023, 024, 025, 026, 228| 923, 023, 024, 025, 026, 228
ONN| 400
Onwa| 901
Optimus| 620, 004, 603
Optonica| 500, 610
Orion| 902, 614, 615, 109
Panasonic| 004, 202, 802, 610, 301, 302, 303, 055, 056
PDI| 007, 008, 009, 010
Philco| 301, 614, 601, 606, 617
Philips| 301, 302, 303, 305, 601, 615, 617, 803, 078, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 011, 034, 035, 036, 037, 040, 046, 047, 048, 080
Pilot| 601, 617
 Pioneer|  603, 600
Polaroid| 400, 910, 913, 915, 229, 917, 920, 012, 013, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, 041, 083, 084, 109, 113, 117, 128
Portland| 617, 900
 Prima|  085
Prism| 202
Proscan| 400, 074, 085, 112, 127, 234, 233, 235, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 232, 231, 230, 930
 Proton|  607, 102
 Proview|  112, 113, 114, 115, 116
 Pulsar|  700, 617
 Quasar|  004, 202, 610, 802
 RadioShack|  400, 620, 610, 901, 621, 607, 617, 619
 Realistic|  620, 610, 901, 601, 607, 617, 619
RCA| 400, 112, 237, 074, 158, 230, 617, 800, 280, 296, 232, 231, 234, 612, 299, 281, 297, 501, 298, 619, 127, 600, 402, 403, 401, 404, 405, 623, 042, 406, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 930, 609
 Rhapsody|  103
 Roomconx|  614, 615, 902, 924
 Roku|  084 (Roku TV only – not for Roku stick or player)
 Runco|  700, 601
 Sampo|  601
 Samsung|  930, 903, 601, 607, 617, 619
 Sansui|  614, 902, 615, 109, 234, 235, 233
 Sanyo|  620, 801, 931
 Sceptre|  605
 Scotch|  607
 Scott|  902, 901, 607, 617, 615
 Sears|  400, 301, 620, 609, 607, 615, 622, 801, 201, 402
 Seiki|  112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 160, 152
 Sharp|  500, 610, 501, 929
 Sharp (LCD)|  912, 929, 156
 Shogun|  617
 Signature|  611
 Simpson|  803
 Sony|  605
 Soundesign|  901, 607, 615
 Soyo|  061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, 073
 Squareview|  201
 SSS|  901, 617
 Starlite|  901
 Superscan|  201, 500, 912, 929
 Supersonic|  234
 Supreme|  605
 Sylvania|  301, 601, 022, 201, 901
 Symphonic|  901, 201, 022
 Syntax|  023, 024, 025, 026
 Tandy|  500
 Tatung|  802
 TCL (non-Roku)|  400
 Technics|  004, 202
 Techwood|  202, 619
 Teknika|  301, 901, 104, 605, 617, 615, 619, 611, 900
 TMK|  607, 619, 602
 Toshiba|  609, 903, 613, 910, 619, 058, 620
 Trutech|  101, 201, 617, 900, 015, 016, 017
 Upstar|  176, 177
 Venturer|  015, 016, 133
 Vertex|  236
 Victor|  701
 Vidtech|  607, 617
 Viewsonic|  087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 098, 099, 105, 106, 107, 019, 132
 Viore|  903, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 626, 154, 127
 Vivitek|  058
 Vizio|  927, 011, 013, 014, 626
 Wansa|  237
 Wards|  301, 610, 601, 607, 608, 617, 615, 619, 611
 Westinghouse|  926, 928, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 624, 625, 626, 127, 129, 152
 White Westinghouse|  614, 101, 605
 Yamaha|  601, 617
 X2-GEN|  057
 Zenith|  700, 614, 611, 900, 619, 910, 215, 216


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